HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120508 Ver 1_Other Documents_20150610 (24)St. James Plantation 4006 St. James Drive SE Southport, North Carolina 28461 Reference: Soil Density Testing Lots 31 and 32 Wingfoot Drive St. James Plantation Southport, North Carolina RFTS Job No. 734-13 Dear Mr. Brambell: RFTS is pleased to provide testing services during the soils repair work on Lots 31 and 32 Wingfoot Drive located near Southport, North Carolina. As requested, our personnel visited the site during the period of February 27 through March 13, 2014 to perform compaction testing of fill soils being placed at the site. These tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D-1556 "Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in-place by the Sand-Cone Method". The percent compaction of the test during these visits ranged from 97.3 to 100 of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Additional information concerned with these test are presented in the "Sand Cone Density Test Report" included with this cover letter. A sample of the fill soil had been previously collected from the site and was delivered to our laboratory in Carolina Beach, NC. The sample(s) was tested in general accordance with ASTM D-698 "Standards for Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort." The standard Proctor test report is also included with this cover letter. Based on the result of our density testing, these lots are consider suitable for residential construction of single family homes that can be supported on shallow concrete footings designed for a maximum soil contact pressure of 2000 pounds per square foot (psf) bearing in the upper 12 to 24 inches, below the ground surface. However, we do recommend soil bearing capacity testing (such as dynamic cone penetrometer testing) of the foundation supporting soils be conducted once the layouts of the foundations have been determined. Please find attached a sketch showing the approximate test locations. If you have any questions after reviewing this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience, Sincerely, T P L C David L. W nstead Field Operations Manager DLW:SDK/dlw RFTS, PLLC Committed to Respoiisive Sei-vice Office: 910-456,1377 1305 3A Carolina Beach Awe N I flit, 11'. yftsp 11C . com Fax: 910-458-5261 Carolina Beach North Carch 8 na 2428 • Ng C4 cn cry cry (A rA rA C4 V) V) U� 71) � -0 11--1 1) 4) 4) u Q 4) 0� u Q) U u cl C�j C,4 cu as 0 1) u t) as C.) as u u Le) rn 7- '6 0 CA cn rA UO '40 . . . . . .. . ... . .... ........... to lv)� v kr) 00 00 Lr) W) 00 00 00 id 0h C\ cl+ Ol ol 01 �, cla 011 ON mrr C jr- C) 00 1 C) C) >6 C� = (= ol CD CD al C7 M M rn fn fn M M — rq C-i Ci (-j rq r r r r C-� — — — — — — — — — C� Cl 1= C) 1=1 CD CD C> 45 5 C5 5 5 C5 5 5 5 5 c) 5 rq ON oc kn oc s oc r-j v-D -r M CJ'fi C, rr; 00 5 C5 (5 C5 C) 6 5 00 CD d r,-- 'O: N co 00 all oc 140 130 120 110 W 3: .E D 2 100 0 AN Rol 4 , TL M2 3 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 % Moisture RF r TS, PLLC 1305 3A Carolina Beach Ave N Soils Engineering Caro[ina Beach, North Carolina 28428 and Testing Services Office: 910-470-7450 Email: davidwinstead@charter.net