HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSCO_CHAT_WSWP boundary change request application_20230307CHATHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE WATERSHED POLICY PROTECTION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Chatham County PO Box 54, Pittsboro, NC, 27312 Planning Department Telephone 919-542-8204 1 Fax919-542-2698 www.chathamcount nc.gov/planning Chatham County understands that clear expectations make the application and development review processes easier for both applicants and staff. The policies outlined below will enable Planning and Watershed Protection Department staff to move the process along in a way that ensures that each application receives the attention it deserves. Staff desires to complete review of projects in an accurate and timely manner. Due to the preparation, reviews, and public hearing schedules, working with incomplete materials detracts from the timely review of applications. 1. Applications are to be reviewed for completeness by staff prior to being officially accepted for review. Applications that are dropped off or mailed in cannot be accepted without prior approval from the Watershed Administrator. 2. Checklists for each type of request are provided with each application package, if applicable. If the application does not contain all required items on the checklist, it will be considered Incomplete and shall not be accepted. 3. Application fees must be paid at the time an application is submitted for acceptance. Please provide ONE complete set of the application and all supporting materials when submitting. More copies will be requested by the Planning or Watershed Protection Departments (16 sets) once the sufficiency review period has been completed. 4. In order to allow time to process fees, applications will not be accepted after 4:00 pm each day. 5. For your convenience, applicants may schedule an appointment with staff to review te application package before the official submission. The Planning Department staff looks forward to working with you during the application process. If you have questions or need further assistance, please call 919-542-8233. lnl CH/vrHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Applicant information: Chatham County PlanningDeparttnent PO Box 54180-A East Street Pittsboro, NC 27312 Ph: (919) 542-8204 Hark: (919) 542-2698 CIIATFLt1A+i COUNTY APPLICATION FOR AIMENDMENT TO THE WATERSHED PROTECTION ORDINANCE OR MAP NAME: Manns Chanel it LLC (Sean McCaii) ADDRESS: 111 2m Avenue North #302, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 CONTACT PH: (727) 823-7219 Landowner Information (if applicable): NAME: 'See Attached Exhibit Ark ADDRESS: CONTACT PH: Physical (911) Address: *See Attached Exhibit B* PARCEL (AKPAR) No.: 2641 2642 Township: Chapel Hill Total Acreage: 5.46 AC (Do not round acreage. Use exact acreage from tax record or survey)_ Map Amendments to Ordinance: Provide a total of three maps. One map showing the existing watershed protection boundary, a separate map showing proposed changes to the boundary, and a third map showing current and proposed boundaries with existing surveyed topography to be signed and sealed by a NC licensed Surveyor or Engineer. The sealed map must also include stormwater flow/drainage/hydrology to demonstrate that water on one side of boundary flows to water supply watershed and water on other side of boundary flows away from water supply watershed. Text Amendments to Ordinance Section Page_____, Section Page. Section Page Existing Language Requested Language Change: Reasons for requested text amendment: i APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the map and/or text unendment information plensc include thefoflowing tnfor adon: 1. Mailing labels for all adjoining property owners. Please address the follorvi'ug on a separate summary attachment- 1. Any allegcd error in the Ordinance, if any, which would be remedied by the proposed amendment 2. The changed or changing conditions, if any, which make the proposed text and map amendments reasonably necessary. 3. The manner in which the proposed text and map amendments will carry out the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan or part thereof You must note specifics from the plan giving reference to page number and section. No application packets will be taken after 4pm. All fees must be paid at the time of application submittal. A mailing list (self-adhesive labels) of all adjoining property owners is required. Application Fee: $250.00 Fees are non-refundable once the public hearing notices are sent and even if the request is denied. PLEASE SIGN THE MOST ACCURATE SIGNATURE ®PTION BELOW (L2,011 3) (1) I hereby certify that I am the owner or authorized gggnt of said nro,pg and that the information provided 1 n plete and the statements given are true to the best of to knowledge. � r nature / Date �� Print Name "The owner must sign the following if someone other than the owner is making t� he application (2) I hereby certify that (please print) is an authorized agent for said property and is permitted by me to file this application. Signature Date Print Name (3) I acknowledge that I am not the landowner OR authorized agent of the property for which this application is being made, but I do live within the zoned area of the county. Signature Date Print Name In addition to the Wrap and/or te.vtarnandment hifar7nation please include thefolloninginformation, 1. Mailing labels for all adjoining property owners. Please address the following on a separate summary attachment. 1. Any alleged error in the Ordinance, if any, which would be remedied by the proposed amendment 2. The changed or changing conditions, if any, which make the proposed text and map amendments reasonably necessary. 3. The manner in which the proposed text and map amendments will carry out the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan or part thereof. You must note specifies from the plan giving reference to pace number and section. No application packets will be taken after 4pm. All fees must be paid at the time of application submittal. A mailing list (self-adhesive labels) of all adjoining property owners is required. Application Fee: $250.00 Fees are non-refundable once the public hearing notices are sent and even if the request is denied. PLEASE OPTION BELOW (11, 2. QR4 I hereby certify that I am the owner or authorized a,&_ent of sajdpropemr and that the information pro-,jo,ed is complete and tratcments given are true to the best of my knowledge. (7/2 1 LI 1 2, Signature Date 'Mer-A,'-f" L_"_ &'C'_ Print Name The owner must sign the following if someone other than the owner is making the application. (2) 1 hereby certify that (please print) is an authorized agent for said property and is permitted by me to file this application. Signature Date Print Name (3) 1 acknowledge that I am not the landowner OR authorized agent of the property for which this application is being made, but I do five within the zoned area of the county. Signature Print Name Date Application No.: PL- Payment UCheck Nu____ nCash Planning Department Revised July 2021 hg/Js Date Received: 20 F1 Credit Card n Money Order ] Landowner Information NAME: Manns Chapel 11 LLC ADDRESS: Leon H Chaplin Jr PO Box 705, Linville NC, 28646 CONTACT PHONE: (727) 823-7219 EMAIL: sean@bayeorpdcv.com NAME: The Pantry Inc & Circle K Stores Inc ADDRESS: 1130 W Warner Rd Bldg BDC 17, Tempe, AZ 85284 CONTACT PHONE: (919) 774-6700 wt Prope.V Identifica tion (Parcel 264 1 ) MYSICAL ADDRESS: 5186 Manns Chapel Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 (Parcel 2642) PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 11399 US 15 501 N, Chapel Hill, NC 27517