HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0600123_Geothermal Test_20140414DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US P►RMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND HEADQUARTERS, UNITED STATES ARMY GARRISON, FT BRAGG ' 2175 REILLY ROAD, STOP A I' FORT BRAGG NORTH CAROLINA 28310 REPLY TO - ATTENTION of i April 14, 2014 I �- I j Directorate of Public Works -Attached are copies) of GW-30 Form Well -Abandonment Recora. `Iris recora -,-:- is in reference to ipermit _Nov, eothermal Test. Well ; and its abandonment. If you have any' questions,concerning•this matter, please contact Eric Torres at 432-8450. Enclosure RECEIVED/CAE R/Di q �t^R 2014` Water Qu�iity hegioraai t Oi�er�t10CiS vEC;iot� I - DENR-FR( APR 2 9 20'.4 . t t t - . form can he rued for single or I. We1i Contractor information: Harry M.Sage - VoIl Contractor'Nt me (orwell owm l; 2531-A ENT RE, CORD Far tatutul Use ONLY, 1plewells AVELL ABANIDQNMEN T DLTAR S 7o..Number of wells being abandoned: dtyabandooae$tncllanldslfterpcoputy) Far aWIT le_ inj=on or Von -baler supply »rlls ONLY with the .same I corutructfartlabanJomrrenl, y»p eansubm(t oncfomr. VC \Yail Cunt ractorCeitificatioa Number Applied resource Mariagei Company Name 2• Well Construction Permit U.- N/A' List aft opplincUL Uw1 permits (r c. Call"% state, 3. Well Use (checkwell use):. P.C. Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural i Ohf icipal/Public ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑RlesidentialWaterSupply(single) ❑industrial/Commercial- ❑R, identialIftl rSupp(y(Aared) 171rr1 tion Noawater Supply Well: ClMonitoring []Recovery Injection Well: 17AquifecRcchargc ❑Crio ❑Aquif"Storage; Recovery ❑Salinity undsaterRemediation Barrier and ❑Aqu'rferTest OStormwaterDminaga t7EYpbdmcnWTechnology 13SubsidenceControl MUcothermal (Closed Loop) ❑TrI cer ❑Geothermal (Hcatin Conlin Reluih) ©Other(ea lain under 7 ) 4, Datevvell(s) abandoned: 3114114 5a. Well location: Ft. Bragg ' FrscilitylOwnerNama Enlister! Court, Ft. Bragg, NG Firysical Address, City, and Zip Cumberland County NIA Facility 1DH (if2pplieable) 8• CCrfificatiilU: !8310 �t ts,<�— 3117/14 siaaaturoorcati cdwe11Contractororwen ommi, Due 7b.Approximatevolumeofwalerremaining in'well(s):.N1A (gaL) FORWATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- 76Typeofdisinfectantused; N/A 7d_AmountafdisinfectantUsed: NIA 7e. Staling materials used (ebeckall that apply). RECEIVEDlD��s� ®w ❑ NeatCemenrGrout 17 BentoniteChips orpellets ❑ Sand Cement Grout n Dry Clay r� APR 5 7 ❑ Concrele Grout ❑ Mall Cuttings .1 01 q El Spodalty.Grout 0 BantonitcStu" ❑ Gravel ❑ Other(explain Quality regional nftr ' Operations section W. Por each material selected abovq provide amomtt ofmaterials axed: 3 601-I3• BAGS 24 GALLON8150 LB 7g. provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: Geothermal Test well for Conductivity testing. PN71900 Ntrecl Identification No. (FIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degreeslminuteslseconds or decimal degrees: By slgturrg this form, I hereby certify dial the ivell(s) Spas (were) abandoned In" aecordance svith.l5A NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Cominiction Mandan* and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to the iveil mvaer. (ifwell Said, one latJtong is sufficient) 1 9.Site diagram or additional well details: 35 0917.8 79 0112.6 You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or welt N W abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary- CONSTRUCTIONDLTA"MWELL(S)BEINIG_ABANDONEB SS AMITTALINSTRUCTIONS Aaaek urll eonttmellon rceordfs) irnvatlable. Tar rin4riple lmJeetion or uon-votar supply wc1hONLYiddtthe same eonsfrucrtana6airJotnnen/ yoneansabmitone orni. lea. For All Wells. Submit this form within 30 days of completion of yell 6a. tiVclt IDII: NIA abandoiuncnt to the following: Division di Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 6b. To6l;wcll depths 260..(ft.) J 617 Alail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-I617 I0b For Injection Wells: Tn addition to sending the form to the address in 10a 6 I above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of ��cl1 6c. Borehole diameter. (in.) abandonment to the following. 6d. Water Ievcl below ground sTtrfneco NIA (ft) D)vision orwaterItrsources, Underground Injection Control Program, t636 Mail Service Center, Raietgb, NC 27699-1636 II 6e. Outer rdsing Itngth (if tmocva): NIA i ({t) IUc. For Watcr Stippty & Infection Wells: In addition to striding the form to the addmmCes) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to tho county health department of the county 6Innlereosing/tubiriglength(tfknown):52DrHDPELaOPft)(where abandoned. f_ 6g. Screen length (if known): NIA V0 FormGW-30 Noek Carolina DapattmentofEavirvarlwnt arill Namral Hosourm — Division of%icr Resources Rev1$cdAugu&t2Rl3 1 r L r ABANDONMENT RE, CORD Var rwccmal Use ONLY: This form can he used iarsingle.or mulliplawel[s L WelI Contractor information: '{YELL ABANkDOTVBiEM DETAILS Harry M. Sage 7n.Number ofwelisbeing abandoned. 1 NYegConuadcrNnmc(orwellowncrw.07llyabandoomgwelton7uslherpmyaty) Far "to ;njcr�on. or non--rorer supply %sails ONLY with flit same canrtnrertan�aEarfJonnrenr, yroa eaasubmAontfomr. ' 253'i-A i • ' t4C�t'cti-ontrnuarCutiGcatianNumbar 7b. Approximate volume ofwalerreenainiuginwetl(s): N!A &L) Applied Resource Manaaement P.C. FOUNVATERSUP.PLYWELTSO LY.- Company?keno ! 2.WellConstructionPermitif: NIA Lfs! aAappticoLlexr!! permits (%e. Cnnnt}; Siala, 3. Yell use (chtekwell use): i ❑Agricultural ' gGeothermal (licalingrcoaling Supply) 13[ndustrial/Commerctal SupplylYell: ►nIacnan rrcu: OAquifcr Recharge OAquifer Storageand Recovery ❑Aquifer Test EMxpemental Technology OGcothwmal (Closed Loop) 13Gcothermat McatinrdCoolirnzRetum' �. Datt tiveli(s) a6nndoned: 311411.4 50. Well location: 7aType ofdisinfectantused; N1A 'Id-Amountofdisinfectantased: NiA fnjaalan.ara)rfAnoun RECEIVEMENOY►'R 7e.Sealing materials used(checicall that appiy�. pal/Publio 11 NeatcementGrour 0 BcntoniteChips orPellets atial WaterSupply (single) 13 Sand Cement Grout 17 Dry Clay APR j � 15 2014 atial WatorSnpply (shared) 'CI ConcreieGrout 0 Drill Cuttings ® 5pecialtyGrout J O Gravel Water Qual y Regional . 13 BcatonlicSiurry o other(cXpWDWMons Section ry 7L li:or each material selected above; provide amount of materials used: Itvater Remedialton 3 50LB BAGS 24 GALLON8I50 LB naascrLrarnago , idencoControi 7g, Providea brief description of the abandonment procedure- er Geothermal Test well for Conductivity testing. r(explain under 7 ) Ft. Bragg NiA Fnaility/OwaerName • Facility 108(ifappiimble) 8. Ccrtitication: Enlisted Court, Ft. Bragg, NG 28310 3117i14 PlWstcalAddress,City, and Zip SigaatuicorCai edwellconuaetor&xvc!iiow cr Date Cumberland PN71900 .. - By signing this jean„ I hrreby certify that lire wells) was {were) abandoned 1n' County Pxred Idcatilication No. (PIN) accordance with 35A MAC 02C.O100 or 2C.0200 ihell Canstniction Standards and that a copy ojlFi s record has been provided la theivell owner. 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees!minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwcll Bald; ono tatltong is'sufficient) I 9. Site diagram or ad&fonal well details: 35 0917.8 79 01 i You miry use the backof.this page to provide additional well site details or -Mil (q NY abandanmentdetails. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Arrach nnll construction raeord(s) ff avalla, lVeRs ONLF"1Ji dw same consfraerlamnbar 6n. Witt IDII: N/A 6b, Told well depths 260 i 6c. Borabule diameter: 6 6d, Water level below ground surfaci- NQ BAN O ED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS iple hJectlon or uon•imler supply eanavhmiloriejorm. Itla. For All Wcllr. Submit this form ~within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: 6e. Oafer casing length (if known): 6E Innercasing/tubing length (if ]mown): 520 HOPE LOOP 6g, Scrten length (if known): NIA Division olWafer Resources, information Pracming Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigb, NC 276994617 IOb. Tor Inieelion Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Wateritrsuurces,underground injection Control Program, 1636 MR Service Center, Raleigh, MC 27699-1636 illc. Isar Water tip ntn v & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this'fomt within 30 days of completion of wail abandonment to tho county health department of the county where abandoned. Form Ma NertktlCarolina l3cpukneatofEavimamentand Natuml Resou=Zbiv;Sion ofWaurResources RovisedAusust20l3