HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0030088_Monitoring - 02-2023_20230522Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* Name of Facility:* Month: * February Report Information WQ0030088 Majestic Oaks Subdivision Type * Revised - NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Year:* 2023 Upload Document* Majestic Oaks NDAR NDMR February 2023 231.07KB Revised .pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * dwhicher@onswc.com Name of Submitter: * Dominic Whicher Signature: Date of submittal: 5/22/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0030088 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 5/22/2023 FORM: NOMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NOMR) Page 1 of 2 �4jQtl:: OAKS SUBDIVISION_• - OEM rrr�� ED rUKM: NUAK-2 1.18-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) rage;e of 2 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? C6 If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent pondIng in or runoff from the sites? `��' If a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? � � activated standby power source tested and Was the onsite automatically ac# y operational? p If the facility Is non-compllant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not In compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken, Attach additional sheets If necessary. operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Stanley Buck Certification No.: 993396 Grade, 3 phone Number: 252-503-5307 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-2? '5. E $_6 �' I �11 I Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the beat of my knowledge. PermIttee Certification Permlttee: Old North State Water Company, LLC Signing official: John McDonald Signing official's Title: P(-� }(/+{ 4 Phone Number. 'L©S S r3 Z C>b Permit Exp_ 8/31/21 Signature Date I oartify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were propared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all quallffed personnel property gathered and evaluated the Information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system. or those persons directly, responsible for gathering the Information. the Informalion submitted Is, to the bast of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significent penalties for submitting false Information, Including the possibifty of fines mid imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to; Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 � .� x' m 03 �■�■���■�■��■�������■o oar© r r r _ • t•.tt tt t tt::. ••tt � ::: : •tt :tt t :.t t stt � : tt . ttt �®®® ::��• tttt i•11• x.• x e, _ 11 Iwo. 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Provide In your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective actlon(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. ijlYe INo Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Stanley E. Buck (II Certification No.: 993396 Grade: III Phone Number: 252-503-5307 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? • Cyr \..���� Signature By this signature. I certify that this report Is aecurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Date Permittoo Certification Perm Ittee: Old !North State Water Company Signing Official: John McDonald Signing Official's Title: �r'�j II A4 Phone Number: 0� JZ(� )TZ Ud Permit Expiration: Signature 8I3112021 Date I certify, Under penalty of law, that this documont slid all attachments wore prepared under my direction or supervlslon In accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those parsons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submirod is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are signkAcanl pens des for submltUng false Information, includlng the posslbgity of fine$ and Imprisonment for knowing violations, Mail Original and Two Copiers to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617