HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030179 Ver 6_Public Comments_20071026 (5)NCDWQ401 Permit Subject: NCDWQ401 Permit From: "TJ Walker" <tjw@dnet.net> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 16:59:46 -0400 To: "John Dorney" <john.dorney@ncmail.net> Mr. Steve Tedder c/o Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401/ Wetlands Division Parkview Building 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh N. C. 27604 Mr. Tetter I would appreciate you reviewing my previous comments forwarded to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission scoping and EA process and Documents on this matter during the relicensing process of the Nantahala and Tuckasegee Hydroelectric facilities, projects and related reservoirs' in the mountainous region of Western North Carolina, within the boundaries of Jackson, Macon and Swain Counties and the Cherokee Indian Reservation Boundary. This in relation to the settlement agreements, including Jackson County's proposed Alternative Settlement Agreement , which I think you should review, evaluate and compare, and the environmentally destructive and unmerited measure to remove the Dillsboro Dam which is the centerpiece of the Duke Energy sponsored and procured contractual arrangement known as the Nantahala Settlement Agreement. With respect to a more complete and thorough historical record of this region please refer to recognized historical publications produced by local authors and local historical associations and we invite you to come take more statements and affadavits of the type I sent you yesterday for these proceeding. There are more eye witnesses to the history of events that took place in Dillsboro still active and involved in our community. We would welcome such a visit. I, Thomas J Walker and the Interveners in this matter respectfully request that your agency do not exclusively refer to the incomplete assessments and opinions used in the Dam Removal Narrative forwarded to you by Duke Energy LLC. on this matter and in their development of the related Nantahala Settlement Agreement, in review by your NCDWQ office. Many locals believe that the Nantahala Settlement Agreement represents a flawed process with preduce and incomplete science. That it derived from a suspect and compromised negociation explained here in. Please bare with me as I am not trained in law, extensive logic and communication skills to appropriatly express in short,the long, drawn out and detailed series of meetings, events and negociations that we have gone through in this matter. The Dillsboro Dam removal proposal contained in the Nantahala Settlement Agreement, evolved from the collaborated efforts of a Stakeholder process that was lead by Duke Energy LLC(Then Duke Power Corp.) and Federal and State of North Carolina Resource agencies, including your own NCDWQ, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina Division of Water Resources-DNER and the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Members from these agencies participated and sat on the executive board that set the goals, by laws and even established mitigation values in that Nantahala Stakeholder process that lead to that NS Agreement. The Dillsboro Dam removal Narrative forwarded to the State of North Carolina and your office suffers from of lack of available and pertinent historical and environmental evidence and knowledge. That the same Duke Energy Corporation was tactfully excluding this historical information about dredging activity and resulting reservior depths and impacts(sediment Quantity), from the NSA groups(which I was a part of and witnessed) and misrepresenting the 401 historic eligibility of the Dillsboro Power House from the NSA groups while at the same time, being fully aware of this 401 historical status of The Dillsboro Power House. So at the same time as the Stakeholder Group Process was ongoing, Duke Energy was corresponding to and with the appropriate North Carolina Historical Preservation Board and National Historical Preservation Offices about that historic 401 designation and preparing for those requirements for mitigation in removing the Dillsboro Power House of the Dillsboro Dam from same, and ommitting important historical industrial activity such as 40 years of dredging, to the Stakeholder groups. In the process of and the same time during, Duke Energy was deceiving the Nantahala and Tuchasegee Stakeholder Groups by working 1 of 2 10/26/2007 5:02 PM NCDWQ401 Permit toward the applied mitigation requirements in preparation to remove the Dillsboro Dam and Powerhouse from 401 elegibility requirements, to secure the Nantahala Settlement Agreement and procure the historic documentation that they eventually fulfilled with those same requirements for mitigation in the process of obtaining the 401 waiver. So the Nantahala Stakeholder groups were told at that same time Duke was communicating and procuring with State and Federal historic agencies during the stakeholder process, that History was not important in Dillsboro. That the Dillsboro Power House was not 401 eligible(when it was), and that no environmental impacts worth looking into occurred at and in the Dillsboro Reservoir relating to the comprehensive review and planning and staudy they claimed was taking place. Impact studies were promised and never delivered by Duke Power Inc. during the course of that Stakeholder Process. Duke Energy LLC. Then known as Duke Power Corporation is new to the area of Western North Carolina, having just purchased these Nantahala and Tuchasegee projects from Nantahala Power and Light Corporation only a few years before, in 2001. Duke Energy is a North Carolina Corporation that obviously is not concerned with relevant and factual history(except when to remove same), and is obviously not familiar or concerned with environmental and social history in the mountains, Dillsboro, Jackson County, or just plane chooses to ignore history. The Dillsboro Dam is the first Hydro electric facility built in the mountains and the subsequent evolution and distribution of hydro electric power in Jackson. County is significant to all matters of concern. The resulting spread of commerce in Dillsboro and Sylva due to the availability of electric power coming to this region, due to the damming of the Tuchasegee river that runs through Sylva and Dillsboro and the history of industrial activity here in Dillsboro and on the reservoir in Jackson County, from when the Dillsboro Dam was first built, in 1913, is a pertinent part of any environmental impact study. Duke Energy Corp. and the State of North Carolina and Federal Resource Agencies mentioned above, failed to review, take into account and comment on, any of these important economic, historic and industrial activities. And more importantly the resulting environmental impacts of these activities and the relationships and negative impacts that might result with Dam Removal because of them. Therefore the science applied to this concern is flawed at best and measured inaccurately. That this was done intentionally by the licensee and not taken into consideration by the resource agencies is highly inappropriate and possibly illegal. The fact is, that in the Duke Energy Project History of the Nantahala Stakeholder Agreement and the Dam Removal Narrative that you are reviewing, there are too many 'sin's of omission ' to issue a North Carolina 401 Water Quality Permit. That because of these omissions we ask you please take the comments and recommendations of our expert team of environmental scientists and consultants seriously. And because we have no historical account save for the affidavits we have forwarded to you(and we could get a lot more), we recommend further research and scientific testing along Diilsboro Reservoir. Scientific Data and Material about the impacts of dredging activity, both sand pumps and/or drag line mining taking place in the reservoir at Dillsboro, activity that we know took place for over 4 decades; and indiscriminante Dumping activity of both solid and possible toxic waste, known to have taken place is warrented. We respectfully ask does this give reason for further testing and scrutiny of the mile long impoundment and shorelines of the reservoir at Dillsboro. Allow me please to mention that the primary reason that the Dillsboro Dam and early generation Hydro Electric Power House was built in 1913 by local hero C. J. Harris, was to provide electric power to the then primitive(by modern medical standards) Sylva General Hospital that was located in this neighborhood between the 2 towns of Dillsboro and Sylva North Carolina. Please build a greater profile of the Dillsboro neighborhood, Dam, Power House and Reservoir. We look forward to working with you and please come stay at the Dillsboro Inn and we will show you around. I Thank You. Thomas Joseph Walker ' TJ ' 2 of 2 10/26/2007 5:02 PM