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20210754 Ver 3_Task 2 Sassafras Phase II_MY0_Credit Release Request Form_20230517
3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Corporate Headquarters 6575 West Loop South, Suite 300 Bellaire, TX 77401 Main: 713.520.5400 May 11, 2023 CREDIT RELEASE REQUEST FORM To: NCDEQ-DWR Nutrient Offset Coordinator Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed From: Heath Hidlay, hhidlay@res.us (717-543-7711) Through: Environmental Banc and Exchange, LLC (EBX) We formally request a credit release for the Sassafras Phase II Mitigation Site (DWR Project # 2021- 0754v3) for completion of Task #2: Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed per the Proposed credit release schedule, which is included in the Attachments with this request. The following documents have been submitted to DWR for Task #2: 1) Construction Completed Summary of Work (and email correspondence post Site Visit with NCDWR Credits requested for release are detailed below: Credit Type % Release Credit Amount (Include Units) Notes/Comments Generated Nitrogen Nutrient Offset 15 4,218.125 Partial based on site visit and additional tree planting needed Generated Nitrogen Nutrient Offset 5 1,406.042 Re-plant TOB of Ditch and a couple areas near easement boundary / Internal Easement signage added Signature: Heath Hidlay 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Corporate Headquarters 6575 West Loop South, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77401 Main: 713.520.5400 res.us March 14, 2023 Ms. Katie Merritt NCDEQ – Division of Water Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building 9th Floor Raleigh, NC 27620 RE: Sassafras Phase II Mitigation Project (DWR #: 2021-0754v3): Vegetation Planting and Monitoring Device Creation Completed– 20 Percent Credit Release Ms. Merritt, Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (“EBX”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Resource Environmental Solutions (“RES”) is pleased to inform you that riparian vegetation planting and associated monitoring devices installation have been completed at the Sassafras Phase II Mitigation Project. Monitoring devices include 11 vegetation plots in the nutrient offset mitigation areas. This letter is being submitted to request the release of credits associated with Task 2 as described in the RES 2022 Phase II Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument for nutrient offset credit. To support your review and approval of the release of Task 2 credits, the following are included with this letter: - Short summary of activities completed as required per the approved BPDP (including activities completed for the Sassafras DMS Full Delivery Project); - Figures representing all nutrient offset activities where applicable; - A map showing the vegetation plot locations (including those for the Sassafras DMS Full Delivery Project); - Detailed Planting Plan information; - Photos of the site, including examples of vegetation plots and easement markings (including those for Sassafras DMS Full Delivery Project) Short summary of Activities Completed: During as-built set-up, 10 planted tree species were recorded, and the plots yielded an average of 824 stems per acre (Tables 1 & 2). There were no changes to the planting plan of bare root species and the planting area and density remain the same as proposed. Vegetation plots had very minor shifts in locations from the Mitigation Plan proposed locations, however, the quantities of plots remained the same as proposed. The easement is marked with conservation easement signs that include the long-term steward, restricted activities, and contact information attached to t-posts at approximate 100-foot intervals (photos included). The planted area is 12.68 acres, that consists of one planting zone. There were no existing areas of invasive species within the easement. Invasives species will be monitored and treated throughout. Planted areas were ripped and seeded prior to planting. All these activities were also completed for the Sassafras DMS Full Delivery Project where applicable. A Baseline Monitoring Report will be submitted in the coming months. No major modifications from the approved Sassafras Phase II BPDP were made during site construction. If any deviations are discovered as a result of the as-built work, they will be included in the baseline report that will be submitted to support the release of credits associated with Task 3. Should you require further documentation, please let us know. Finally, we anticipate a site visit to be required for the release of Task 2 credits. We will be in touch to schedule this with you. Thank you, Heath Hidlay | Ecologist Vegetation Plot 15 Vegetation Plot 21 Easement Markers (Bank) Easement Markers (DMS) Vegetation Plot 1 (DMS Site) Vegetation Plot 9 (DMS Site) 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Corporate Headquarters 6575 West Loop South, Suite 300 Bellaire, TX 77401 Main: 713.520.5400 Photo Documentation of Supplemental Planting and Internal Easement Marking Supplemental planting on Ditch 1 TOB (5/5/2023) Supplemental Planting on easement boundary (5/5/2023) Supplemental Planting on easement boundary (5/5/2023) Internal easement - T-post and signage added every 25 feet (5/5/2023) Table 1. Bare Root Tree Species Planted at Sassafras DMS and Sassafras Phase II Table 2. Vegetation Plot Summary for Sassafras Phase II ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") RS3 RS 2 - B RS 1 Po n d Ditch 1 Ditch 1 RS 2 - A RS 2 - C 10 4 1 2 7 63 8 9 5 19 13 11 12 16 15 21 17 18 14 20 0 300150 Feet Planting and Monitoring Device Complete Map Sassafras Phase IIProject Wayne County, North Carolina Legend ")Bank Vegetation Plot ")DMS Vegetation Plot Conservation Easement 12.88 ac (Bank) Conservation Easement 12.58 ac (DMS) Planting Area (12.68 ac) Nutrient Offset Credits (0-100") Nutrient Offset Credits (101-200') Nutrient Offset Credits Ditch (101-200') ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Nutrient Offset Credits Ephemeral (101-200') Internal Crossing Surveyed Top of Bank ©Date: 3/14/2023 Drawn by: HKH Checked by: JRM Do c u m e n t P a t h : R : \ R e s g i s \ e n t g i s \ P r o j e c t s \ 1 0 3 2 7 5 _ S a s s a f r a s - P h a s e 2 \ M X D \ 5 _ A s B u i l t \ C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p l e t e \ P l a n t i n g a n d M o n i t o r i n g D e v i c e C o m p l e t e M a p . m x d 1 inch = 300 feet Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world From:Merritt, Katie To:Heath Hidlay Cc:Jamey Mceachran; Hartshorn, Blake; Hamilton, Ryan Subject:[EXTERNAL] FW: Sassafras Phase II As built walkthrough notes Date:Wednesday, April 19, 2023 4:47:35 PM Attachments:image001.png Sassafras phase II as built notes_MAP.docx.pdf Good Afternoon Heath, Please take a look at the attached notes in the supporting Figure based on DWR’s as-built walk visit for Task 2 of the Sassafras Phase II bank site. There were areas noted as being insufficiently planted that will need to be addressed prior to issuance of any credit release. Additionally, the internal easement was not adequately marked. Based on the information attached to this email and the degree with which items are needing to be addressed, DWR is only supportive of issuing a partial credit release (15%), with the remaining credit release issued upon receiving written confirmation that the supplemental planting has been completed and the internal crossing adequately marked. Photo documentation, supporting maps, and stem flagging will need to be provided to show that EBX has planted the areas noted as being void of stems. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Katie From: Hartshorn, Blake <blake.hartshorn@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 1:37 PM To: Merritt, Katie <katie.merritt@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Hamilton, Ryan <ryan.hamilton@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Sassafras Phase II As built walkthrough notes Hey Katie, Here are the as built walkthrough notes. Let me know if anything needs clarification or additional information! Thank you, Blake Hartshorn (he/him) Mitigation Specialist, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-3684 blake.hartshorn@ncdenr.gov ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") RS3 RS2-B RS1 Pond Ditch 1 Ditch 1 RS2-A RS2-C 19 13 11 12 16 15 21 17 18 14 20 0 300150 Feet Figure 3 - MY0 CCPV 2023 Sassafras Phase IIProject Wayne County, North Carolina Legen d Conser vation Easem ent (Bank) Conser vation Easem ent (DMS) ")Vegetation Plot > 260 Stem s/Acre Nutrient Offset Credits (0-100") Nutrient Offset Credits (101-200') Nutrient Offset Credits Ditch (101-200') !!! !!!Nutrient Offset Credits Ephemeral (101-200') Internal Crossing Sur veyed Top of Bank ©Date: 3/29/2023 Drawn by: HKH Checked by: JRM Document Path : R:\Resgis\entgis\Projects\103275_Sassafras -Phase 2\MXD\6_MonitoringM aintenance\MY0\Figure 3 - MY0 CCPV - Sassafras.mxd 1 inch = 300 feet Restoring a resilient earth for a mod ern wo rld ^_^_ ^_ ^_^_ ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") !?!? RS3 RS2-B RS1 Pond Ditch 1 Ditch 1 RS2-A RS2-C 19 13 11 12 16 15 21 17 18 14 20 0 300150 Feet Maintenance MapSassafras Phase IIProject Wayne County, North Carolina Legen d Conser vation Easem ent 12.875 ac (Bank) Conser vation Easem ent 12.577 ac (DMS) Supplemental Planting Supplemental Planting2 ")Vegetation Plot > 260 Stem s/Acre !?Rem ove bank Easement Markers ^_Bank Easem ent sign Installa tion Internal Crossing Sur veyed Top of Bank ©Date: 4/20/2023 Drawn by: HKH Checked by: JRM Document Path : R:\Resgis\entgis\Projects\103275_Sassafras -Phase 2\MXD\6_MonitoringM aintenance\MY0\Maintenance\M aintenance Request April 2023.mxd 1 inch = 300 feet 20 bare roots (Plant in row 6ft off of Easement)10 ft spacing Restoring a resilient earth for a mod ern wo rld 50 bare roots (Plant in row 6ft off of Easement)10 ft Spacing 70 bare roots (Plant on Top of Bank / close as you can to it)10 ft Spacing 10 bare roots near easement corner Install Bank Easement Markersevery 50 ft (5 signs total) Signs should be facing in towards Internal Crossing Remove Bank Easement Markersthat were mistakenly installed Legend Conservation Easement 12.875 ac (Bank) - Conservation Easement 12.577 ac (DMS) ��/ Supplemental Planting s Supplemental Planting2 � Vegetation Plot > 260 Stems/Acre ® Remove bank Easement Markers '���, � � Bank Easement sign Installation I Internal Crossing .u■ Surveyed Top of Bank 1■■■■ ■■■■■ AIIPP- �, ����� (Plant in row Eft off of Easemer ::::i � � 1■■■■ 10 ft spacing ■■■■, Q' 70 bare roots I■■■■ ■■■■■ (Plant on Top of Bank /close as you can to it) :::: :::a 10 ft Spacing u■■■ 1a ■■■■r■■■■■ 1■■■■ ■■■■��■■■■ 10 bare roots 1■■■■ ■■JIA1111116 near easement corner "'\■■■ 12 ■■rrrll■■■ ���i 1■► \ ■■■■�i■■■■ 21 Ditch 1 ■■■■ ■■■■��■■■■ SO bare roots vUh■■■■FIN■■■■ru■■■ I■■■■ ■■■■��■■■■ (Plant in row Eft off of Easement) 1■■■■■■■■■■ 15 ■■■v,■■■■■ 10 ft Spacing ^*����I�■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■ Ditch 1 Remove Bank Easement Markers '�■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■�F that were mistakenly installed ■■■ �s■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�� ",■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� Install Bank Easement Markers �u■���■■�` every SO ft (S signs total) R53 Signs should be facing in towards Internal Crossing Date: 4/20/2023 Maintenance Map Sassafras Phase II Drawn by: HKH pres Project Checked by: JRM 0 150 300 Wayne County, North Carolina 1 inch = 300 feet Feet VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SITE SR1239 B RD S/yl R p 04 CVO RO 1 WAYNE CO., NC I, ELISABETH G. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CERTIFY THAT THIS BUFFER MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, THAT THE EASEMENT BOUNDARY IS BASED ON PLAT BOOK SEE , PG NOTES RECORDED IN WAYNE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, AND THAT THE BUFFER AREAS SHOWN ARE CALCULATED FROM AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 10th DAY OF APRIL, 2023. I I I111///// .�` CAR '% SS S SEAL ELISABETH G. TURNER, P.L.S. #L-4440 = r L-4440 cr.- -m •v o ,q SASSAFRAS PH II MITIGATION SITE r//////// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \SWELL ROAD 5R# 1235 C0 MO* !� NOAN OR rCRJU_RLY PFVFnpn R ",A�FP PI ITH DES SEE SHEET 2 FOR GENERAL NOTES. Riparian Buffer Credit: SQ. FT. Acres Streams & Ditches 4,309 0.099 Nutrient Offset 82737 1.899 0'-100, Nutrient Offset 380,033 8.724 101'-200' Nutrient Offset Ditch 54 654 1.255 101'-200' Nutrient Offset Ephemeral 21,482 0.493 101'-200' No Credit 17,640 0.405 Total CE Area 560,855 12.875 LINE LEGEND: CE CONSERVATION EASEMENT BANK RIGHT—OF—WAY —PROPERTY LINE -----------TOP OF BANK ---------------------TERMINUS BUFFER 100' — — — — — —TERMINUS BUFFER 200' CONSERVATION EASEMENT DMS 250' 0' 250' 500' THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 SCALE: 1 inch = 250 feet (11x17) MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. = [n D T m Z7 (min < D [n C O AS -BUILT SURVEY OF BUFFER AREAS FOR REVISIONS, DATE AND INITIAL w o m mm P.O. BOX 148 o 1 WA m `a SASSAFRAS PH II MITIGATION SITE SWANNANOA, NC 28778 N N o S (9 19) 829-9909 N o 1D1y N cmi # CD NEUSE RIVER BASIN www.re5.u5 W1� C W FORK TOWNSHIP WAYNE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA F- 428 Table 6. Sassafras Phase II Project Credits Project Area N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) Credit Type Location Subject? (enter NO if ephemeral or ditch 1) Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min-Max Buffer Width (ft)Feature Name Total Area (ft2) Total (Creditable) Area of Buffer Mitigation (ft2) Initial Credit Ratio (x:1)% Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Convertible to Riparian Buffer? Riparian Buffer Credits Convertible to Nutrient Offset? Delivered Nutrient Offset: N (lbs) Delivered Nutrient Offset: P (lbs) Nutrient Offset Rural Yes Ditch Restoration 0-100 Ditch 1 82,737 1 100%No —Yes 4,317.327 — Nutrient Offset Rural Yes Ditch Restoration 101-200 Ditch 1 54,654 1 33%No —Yes 2,851.919 — Nutrient Offset Rural No Ephemeral Restoration 101-200 RS2-A 21,482 1 33%No —Yes 1,120.959 — Nutrient Offset Rural Yes I / P Restoration 101-200 RS1, RS2-B, RS2-C, RS3 380,033 1 33%No —Yes 19,830.630 — Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration No Credit Area (> 200 ft)17,640 1 No —No —— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— Totals (ft2):556,546 0 0.000 28,120.835 0.000 Total Buffer (ft2):0 0 Total Nutrient Offset (ft2):556,546 N/A Total Ephemeral Area (ft2) for Credit:0 0 Total Eligible Ephemeral Area (ft2):0 0.0%Ephemeral Reaches as % TABM Enter Preservation Credits Below Total Eligible for Preservation (ft2):0 0.0%Preservation as % TABM Credit Type Location Subject?Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min-Max Buffer Width (ft)Feature Name Total Area (sf) Total (Creditable) Area for Buffer Mitigation (ft2) Initial Credit Ratio (x:1)% Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Riparian Buffer Credits Buffer — Buffer — Buffer — — — Preservation Area Subtotals (ft2):0 0 Square Feet Credits 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Square Feet Credits Nitrogen:28,120.835 Phosphorus:0.000 Neuse 03020201 - Outside Falls Lake 19.16394 N/A Restoration: Enhancement: Mitigation Totals 556,546 TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Nutrient Offset: Preservation: Total Riparian Buffer: 1. The Randleman Lake buffer rules allow some ditches to be classified as subject according to 15A NCAC 02B .0250 (5)(a). last updated 08/03/2020 As-Built Credits 28,120.835 Original Mit Plan Credits 28,121.208 Nutrient Offset Credit release schedule TOTAL (as-built) Credits: Credit Release #%Nitrogen 1 Instrument and BPDP Approved by DWR, Conservation Easement Recorded* and Financial Assurance Posted 20%5,624.167 2 Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 15%4,218.125 Re-plant TOB of Ditch and a couple of areas outside to the easement boundary (6 feet away)5%1,406.042 3 Monitoring Financial Assurance Posted and Approval of As-Built Report 10%2,812.084 4 Monitoring Report #1: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10%2,812.084 5 Monitoring Report #2: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10%2,812.084 6 Monitoring Report #3: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10%2,812.084 7 Item B (1) of Section X in this Instrument has been completed and approved by DWR.5%1,406.042 8 Monitoring Report #4: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 5%1,406.042 9 Monitoring Report #5: Approved by the DWR** and final site visit by DWR has been conducted 10%2,812.084 As -Built Credits 28,120.835 Original Mit Plan Credits 28,121.208 Nutrient Offset Credit release schedule TOTAL (as -built) Credits: Credit Release # % Nitrogen Instrument and BPDP Approved by DWR, Conservation Easement Recorded* and I Financial Assurance Posted 20% 5,624.167 2 Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices Completed 15 % 4,218.125 Re -plant TOB of Ditch and a couple of areas outside to the easement boundary (6 feet away) 5 % 1,406.042 3 Monitoring Financial Assurance Posted and Approval of As -Built Report 10% 2,812.084 4 Monitoring Report #1: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10% 2,812.084 5 Monitoring Report #2: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10% 2,812.084 6 Monitoring Report #3: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10% 2,812.084 7 Item B (1) of Section X in this Instrument has been completed and approved by DWR. 5 % 1,406.042 8 Monitoring Report #4: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 5% 1,406.042 Monitoring Report #5: Approved by the DWR** and final site visit by DWR has been conducted 10% 2,812.084