HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230508 Ver 1_Request for Withdrawal_20230516Chandler, Rebecca D From: Jay Lawson <jlawson@progressenv.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 8:31 AM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Jay Lawson; Tom Flanagan; Chandler, Rebecca D; Homer, Seren M; Samuel Hinnant Subject: [External] Re: Request for Additional Information: Brentwood 126K industrial/commercial building / High Point / Guilford County; SAW-2022-00988 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good morning Dave, The client has decided not to pursue this project for now so there will be no additional submittals at this time. Is there any way you can send me the link or pdf of the 4/2/2023 submittal? Thanks, Jay Lawson Director of Ecological Services Progress Environmental P.O. Box 5884 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27113 Office 336.722.9999 Fax 336.722.9998 On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 9:22 AM Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> wrote: Jay, Thank you for your PCN, dated 4/2/2023, for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 39 (https://saw- reR.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP39.pdf). Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30 days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider your application withdrawn and close the file: 1. As you know, NWP 39 would typically be used to authorize projects such as the one proposed; however, the proposed stream crossing appears to occur within the mapped FEMA 100-year floodplain, which would not comply with NWP 39 Regional Condition C.b. Given that the proposed impact to potential waters of the US is a road crossing, you may consider requesting use of NWP 14 (https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP- 14.pdf) to authorize this project; 2. Wetlands were delineated and verified by the Corps in close proximity to grading limits as shown on the plans. Please clearly show the Corps -verified wetland boundaries on all project plans. This information is necessary to evaluate avoidance and minimization measures and potential indirect impacts, and also reduce the likelihood of unintended wetland impacts during construction of the project; 3. The proposed stream crossing would use two culvert pipes. In order to comply with NWP Regional Condition B.9.b and c, one pipe should act as the low flow pipe (invert buried V below the stream bed), and the other pipe should act as the high flow culvert (only to receiving bank -full flows). High flow culverts are typically designed by placing its invert at bankfull level, or at least a foot or two above the existing stream bed. Another way to comply with this condition it to design sills at the inlet and outlet of the high flow culvert to only allow flow in the high flow culvert at the above referenced flow level. Please revise the project plans/PCN as necessary; 4. On the PCN and plans, itemize stream impacts into three separate parts: permanent impacts due to the culvert, permanent impacts due to rip rap, and temporary impacts due to dewatering. Any rip rap placed in the streambed must be keyed in/depressed into the stream bed such that the top of the rip rap is no higher than the stream bed (NWP Regional Condition B.8). If above -grade rip rap is proposed on the stream bed due to needed velocity dissipation, clearly describe this in the PCN and show on the plans and note that this would be considered a permanent impact and count towards the compensatory mitigation threshold; 5. Please provide a profile view along the proposed culvert showing the elevations of the culverts relative to the stream bed (thalweg) elevation. Please also provide a cross-section view of the proposed rip rap pad with enough detail to ensure compliance with item 3) above; 6. It appears that an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) is required from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) for this project. Per the 2020 CWA Section 401 Rule, the PCN must contain the 9 elements listed in Section 121.5(b) of the Rule. According to the 9/16/2022, Programmatic Agreement (PA) between the USACE, Wilmington District, and the NCDWR, the Reasonable Period of Time (RPOT) for NCDWR to act on a Section 401 certification request is 120 days after receipt of a certification request containing the 9 required elements. However, it appears that item 3 of the 9 elements are not met; as such, NCDWR's RPOT has not started yet. Please note that the Corps cannot verify the use of any NWP without a valid 401 WQC; 7. Please note that responses to the questions above may prompt additional information requests to allow full evaluation of the proposed project. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Mobile: (919) 817-2436 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey.