HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140719 Ver 2_Emails_20150603Strickland, Bev From: Hy Nguyen <H Nguyen @dprassodatesnet> Sent: Wednesday, June U3'ZUl5 12:34 PM To: AJsmeyer, Eric [SAW Cc: Du Le; Smith' [herri L; 8urdette' Jennifer a;TevK Keith; Strickland, Bev Subject: RE: Van HanhTemp|e' Sewer Stream crossing Update 1'14'15 (UNCLASSIFIED) H win��� City engineering (Keith Tew) has 2 minor comments that I'll address today and resubmit. City Stormwater (Burdick) however is looking for your revised permit and NCDENR revised permit for him to sign off. The outstanding commeni was so minor that Keith Tew could've signed off already had not for Stormwater asking for NCDENR permit. I can't provide you the Raleigh official approval until I have your and NCDENR approval. |tis technically approved by KeithTevv heis copied here. |f you could provide the Corps revised verification now, that would begreat. Thank you. landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 42o Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, mo2e2o4 o.ro4.002.12o4Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 "Making 40Years'. Any attached d1muane(s) are auppxe/u*oPq4aanvlateaInc tomeabove revq)�ent(s)mamvealgnlvnnatrumunwaaemavmeamatmeattached flfe(s) may or nav not u*mennm record uwwllnga Any mfomaunncmta/n*a from mma1gua/flfe(s)a»mxu* used for reference only From: A|smeyer, Eric C SAW [mai|to:EhcC./Usmeyer@usace.army.mi|] Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 9:27 AM To: HyNguyen Cc:DuLe;cherrismith@ncdenr.gov Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: RE: Van HanhTemp|e, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1'14'15 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure vve continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. �Iil EricA|smeyer Project Manager I IF From: Alsmeyer, Eric CSAVV Sent: Tuesday, 3une02, 20159:23 AM To: 'Hy Nguyen' Cc: OuLe; Burdette,]ennhera Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Hy: Did you get City of Raleigh's (Keith Tew) approval per your 5/1/15 eM below? If so please send me the revisec� documents you sent to Jennifer Burclette and I should be able to get you a revised verification soon. The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure vve continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. �Iil EricA|smeyer Project Manager yf J 3 From: Hy Nguyen [ma i Ito: H Ng uyen(a)d prassociates. net] Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 12:07 PM To: Bev.Strickland(a)ncdenr.go ; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; cherri.smith(a)ncdenr.gov Cc: Du Le; Burclette, Jennifer a Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) RaIRME1111M., Per your request, I'm sending you our latest site plans in PDF for Van Hanh Temple. The files are very large, so please download them from our FTP link. I've set up a sub-folder called "As submitted 4-28-15". Let us know when we can expect the revised permit. FTP Site Instructions (For Clients): P/euse he sure that " �'owre using Internet 1"'XPlorer us 1"our intern et hrmvser f,vhell accessing the /, /7' site, Mil 177u"v als'o nee(l to 'uncheck'the '()Se Passive /,17" option on 1"our Internet A' lorer . , Re vie n,v this Settings Tutorial Document, nA instructions, _VP 1. Go to www.dprassociates.net 2. Click on the Client Login tab; top right comer 3. Click on the link labeled DPR FTP Site 4. *User Name: Van Hanh Temple *Password: 10003 Note: Caps sensitive 5. You should now be logged into our FTP site and can download documents as necessary. Thank you. IOWMM�� 111:"1R ASSOC iWFFEES, iiii ( landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 420 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 O. 704.332.1204 Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 www.dprassociates.net hna uven OdDrassociates. net 40Years'. "Mal6rr g 1he Lar�d World for Yoti" An; l attached d1g1tal ffle(s) are supplied by DP R Associates, Inc to the above recq) ent(s) as a deslgnl construction ald Be advised that the attached flfe(s) mayl or may not be the final record draollngs An l Informatlon obtalned from thc� d1g1tal flfe(s) shall be used for reference only, From: HyNguyen Sent: Wednesday, May ZU,ZU1SZ:17PM To: 'Burdette, Jennifer a';'cherrismith@ncdenr.gov' Cc: 'Du Le';Tevx Keith Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) As always, we needed the permit yesterday. The Owner was ready to construct back in February when the creek bottom elevation discrepancy came up. We've been spending the last few months working out the aerial crossing, and the last hoop we have to overcome is the revised PCN. They are anxious to get this work done during the dry season. Let me know if you need anything else in the meantime. landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 42o Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, mo2e2o4 o.ro4.002.12o4Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 40Years'. ^ Any attached d1muane(s) are auppxe/u*oPq4aanvlateaInc tomeabove revq)�ent(s)mamvealgnlvnnatrumunwaaemavmeamatmeattached flfe(s) may or nav not u*mennm record uwwllnga Any mfomaunncmta/n*a from mma1gua/flfe(s)a»mxu* used for reference only From: Burdette, Jennifer a Sent: Tuesday, May 19,ZU1S1:U3PM To: HyNguyen Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) You'neae|come. Yes overnight delivery should be sent to our physical address. Please add Room 942G-1to the address to assist the delivery person. her review, but I recommend allowing at least two weeks after the application is submitted to allow Cherri time to get to the application. Jennifer Burclette 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NCDENR — Division of Water Resources 1617 li,,�il Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1617 (919) 8O7-6364phone (Physical Address: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 - 9th Or Archdale Bldg) *Email correspondence &oondƒrmm this address may besubject tm the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed tm third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. * From: Hy Nguyen Sent: Tuesday, May 19\2O1511:48AM To: Bun1ette,]ennifera Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) Thank you Jennifer for the thorough email. I am looking to send the revised application and fee out today and you should receive them in the morning. Should | send UPS overnight to the physical Address: 5228iSc0sburySt,Raleigh, /V[27604 otl'RrArchdcleBldg? And when can we expect approval? Again, thanks for all your help. landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 42o Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, mo2e2o4 o.ro4.002.12o4Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 40Years'. ^ Any attached d1muane(s) are auppxe/u*oPq4aanvlateaInc tomeabove revq)�ent(s)mamvealgnlvnnatrumunwaaemavmeamatmeattached flfe(s) may or nav not u*mennm record uwwllnga Any mfomaunncmta/n*a from mma1gua/flfe(s)a»mxu* used for reference only From: Burdette, Jennifer a Sent: Thursday, May 14,ZU1S3:U3PM To: HyNguyen Subject: Van HanhTemple Hy, One more thing, please add the length of riprap to be placed in the stream as a permanent stream impact on the Stream Impacts table. Thanks, Jennifer Jennifer Burdette 401 /Buffer Coordinator 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NCDENR — Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 (919) 807 -6364 phone 0ennifer.burdette @ncdenr.Pov (Physical Address: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 - 9r" Flr Archdale Bldg) *Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. * From: Burdette, Jennifer a [ mailto :Jennifer.Burdette @ncdenr.Pov] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:53 PM To: Hy Nguyen Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1 -14 -15 (UNCLASSIFIED) IN You will need to revise the following items on the PCN application and send 4 copies to the address below along with a check for $240. Jennifer Burclette y 6 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NCDENR — Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1617 (919) 8O7-6364phone (Physical Address: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 - 9th Or Archdale Bldg) *Email correspondence &oondƒrmm this address may besubject tm the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed tm third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. * From: Hy Nguyen Sent: Friday, May 01, 2O154:58 IPM To: Burdette,]ennhera; Alsmeyer, Eric CSAVV Cc: Tew,Keith; Du Le Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) We finally got the aerial sewer crossing design done and tentatively approved by Raleigh. I'm just waiting on Keith Tevv sign off. See attached plans. VVe proposed aerial sewer on concrete piers. The total wetland permanent impact for these piers are about about 6'x3' = 18 sf * 4 piers = 72 sf landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 42o Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, mo2e2o4 o.ro4.002.12o4Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 "Making 40Years'. Any attached d1muane(s) are auppxe/u*oPq4aanvlateaInc tomeabove revq)�ent(s)mamvealgnlvnnatrumunwaaemavmeamatmeattached flfe(s) may or nav not u*mennm record uwwllnga Any mfomaunncmta/n*a from mma1gua/flfe(s)a»mxu* used for reference only From: Burdette, Jennifer a Sent: Monday, January Z6,ZU1S11:3UAM To: A|smeyer, Eric C SAW; Tevx Keith; Hy Nguyen Cc: Du Le; Smith, CherriL; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; Sanchez, Cesar; Massengi||,Robert Subject: RE: Van HanhTemp|e, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1'14'15 (UNCLASSIFIED) in An aerial crossing would also be acceptable for the 401 water quality certification. |f the redesign requires permanent impacts to the wetland (concrete pier(s) located within the wetland) then a new PCN application and fee will need to be submitted to the Division to request written approval of General Certification #3884. |f the piers are not located within wetlands or structural piers are used within in wetlands then GC #3884 may be utilized without written approval of the new design. Jennifer Burclette 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NCDENR — Division of Water Resources 1617 li,,�il Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1617 (919) 8O7-6364phone (Physical Address: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 - 9th Flr Archdale Bldg) *Email correspondence &oondƒrmm this address may besubject tm the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed tm third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. * From: Alsmeyer, Eric CSAW Sent: Wednesday, 3anuary21, 2015 1:47 IPM To:Tew, Keith; Hy Nguyen Cm: Du Le; Smith Cherh i; Burdette,]ennhera; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; Sanchez Cesar; MassengiU,Rober Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1-14-15 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Keith/Hy: From my understanding of Keith's description, particularly that the aerial crossing would be — 4.0' above the creek bed, and would have a center span (between piers) on the stream channel, it sounds like this design would be permittab|e under Section 4O4. Revised permit drawings would have to be submitted, and the wetland permit impacts may change depending on the design of the piers (whether or not they are concrete or structural). Thanks for keeping me informed. The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure vve continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. �Iil EricA|smeyer Project Manager Raleigh Regulatory Field Office From: Tew, Keith rmai Ito: Keith.Tew(a)raleighnc.govl Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:15 AM To: Hy Nguyen Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontractina Ca)nc.rr.com, Sanchez, Cesar; Massengill, Robert; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1 -14 -15 Hy In light of the fact the Harris Creek interceptor was installed above the stream channel, I made an alternate design suggestion to staff (described below) that we need to discuss at our plans review meeting next Tuesday morning. Can you draft a preliminary profile based on this criteria for us to use as a conversation piece? A simple hand sketch superimposed on the currently approved profile will suffice. Please email to me in PDF format. • Tie aerial crossing into MH1 at 190.0 (crown of casing at grade) • Run aerial crossing @ 0.5% — 4.0' above the creek bed, which is 1.0' above the required clearance for clogging • This reduces the aerial crossing to a more reasonable length & also places MH5 — 6.0' deep to serve adjacent upstream property • Raise MH1 rim such that aerial does not penetrate cone section, seal tight in floodplain as appropriate • Center span (between piers) on stream channel The down side is this crossing is well below Q25; but if I understand the state rules correctly - CORPUD has authority to accept this risk so long as we are sufficiently staffed to provide the necessary inspections & maintenance. It may also be prudent to know whether NCDWR & /or USACE would accept this design from an environmental impact standpoint prior to finalizing the plan. Thanks to all, Keith Keith A. Tew, PE From: Hy Nguyen [ma i Ito: HNauyen dprassociates.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 3:37 PM To: Tew, Keith Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontractina Ca)nc.rr.com, Sanchez, Cesar; Massengill, Robert; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1 -14 -15 RE= Em 111:"IR ASSOC A'1'[-ES, iiflN( landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 420 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 O. 704.332.1204 Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 www.dprassociates.net hnauyenOdprassociates.net 40Years'. "Making 1he Land Work for Yoti" Any l attached e'lgrtal fNe(s) are supplied by DPR Associates, Inc to the above recq) ent(s) as a deslgnl construction sic' Be advised (fist the attached files) ma,yl or may not be lhe final record draviiinga, Any l irrformatlon obtalned from th ci d1g1tal files) shall be used for reference onl,y, From: Tew, Keith [ mailto:Keith.Tew @raleighnc.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 9:47 AM To: Hy Nguyen Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontracting @nc.rr.com; Sanchez, Cesar; Massengill, Robert; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1 -14 -15 Hy I have an alternate design in mind, given this new information, but would like to discuss with staff before giving you direction - will keep you posted. Keith Keith A. Tew, PE From: Hy Nguyen [ma i Ito: HNguyen dprassociates.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 12:31 AM To: Tew, Keith; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontracting Ca)nc.rr.com, Sanchez, Cesar; Massengill, Robert Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing Update 1 -14 -15 10 We have field verified the creek bottom elevations, and they are at 186.10 at the lowest point where the sewer crossing is, which is about 2.9' lower than what we've anticipated originally. We have also obtained the FEMA information on the 10, 50, & 100-yr elevations. FEMA does not have data on th 25-yr storm; therefore, vve did our best to interpret between the 1O&5O-yr. Our #is probably within a few tenths of the true Attached are 2 exhibits showing the proposed aerial crossing. One with V above the 25-yr storm, and the other with I above the 10-yr storm. Attached also is the overall previously approved design, for references. The option #1 /route accommodating the 25-yr storm pushes the sewer up too high, with approximately 350' in the air. Even though it is stl deep enough to serve the new Temple, it will literally have zero cover at MH #4, and will be out of ground by future Proposed Option #2isto set the sewer 1' above the 1O-yrstorm. About 18O|f will beaerial. |tis deep enough toserve the new Temple, but will be3.4' deep atMH-4 and 1' deep at future MH-5. This is not ideal but it does meet City's aerial crossing, except vvewill have to live with the fact that the sewer is 1' above the 10-yrstorm. Aerial crossing will be per City ofRaleigh standard details/specs. Please review and advise on how vve can proceed from here. The owner is anxious to get this matter resolved. Thank you for your time. landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 42o Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, mo2e2o4 o.ro4.002.12o4Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 40Years'. ^ Any attached d1muane(s) are auppxe/u*oPq4aanvlateaInc tomeabove revq)�ent(s)mamvealgnlvnnatrumunwaaemavmeamatmeattached flfe(s) may or nav not u*mennm record uwwllnga Any mfomaunncmta/n*a from mma1gua/flfe(s)a»mxu* used for reference only Fromn:Tevx Keith Sent: Wednesday, December U3 201410:52 AM To: A|smeyer, Eric C SAW; HyNguyen Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; Sanchez, Cesar; Massengi||,Robert Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing (UNCL433|F|ED) Thank you Eric. At this point we are not allowing the aerial stream crossing as currently proposed, for reasons stated below, pending further investigation by Engineer. In the event an aerial crossing is allowed at the end of day though - structural supports (pile or pier foundations depending on geotech recommendation) will be required as you have suggested. Hy: do you know what the Q25 elevation is? At this point you may want to consider how high you can enter the new MH to maximize height of crossing above the creek surface. However this would necessitate an ICIP revision since the upstream pipe grades / MH inverts would change & aerial crossing details need to be added, etc - 11 Keith A. Tew, PE From: Alsmeyer, Eric CSAW Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 10:31 AM To: Hy Nguyen; Tew, Keith Cm: Du Le; Smith Cherh i; Burdette,]ennhera; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; Sanchez Cesar; MassengiU,Rober Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure vve continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. �Iil EricA|smeyer Project Manager 12 From: Hy Nguyen [ma i Ito: HNguyen dprassociates.net] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 12:17 PM To: Tew, Keith Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontracting (a)nc.rr.com; Sanchez, Cesar; Massengill, Robert Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Van Hanh Temple, Sewer Stream crossing EM Thanks for your email. We have ordered the surveying shots on the existing creek and will overlay it on our current design to see exactly what has been changed and the exact exposure of the encasing over the creekbed. Will keep you posted. i 111:"IR ASSOC A'1'[-ES, Ill( ( landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 420 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 O. 704.332.1204 Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 www.dprassociates.net hnauyenOdprassociates.net 40Years'. "Mal6ng 1he Land Worl� for Yoti" Any l attached e'lgrtal fNe(s) are supplied by DPR Associates, Inc to the above recq) ent(s) as a deslgnl construction sic' Be advised (fist the attached files) ma,yl or may not be lhe final record draviiinga, Any l irrformatlon obtalned from th ci d1g1tal files) shall be used for reference onl,y, From: Tew, Keith [ mailto:Keith.Tew @raleighnc.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 10:18 AM To: Hy Nguyen Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; sienkwicgcontracting @nc.rr.com; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontracting @nc.rr.com; Sanchez, Cesar; Massengill, Robert Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Stream crossing Hy: I have discussed the new stream crossing with Manager of Plans Review group & Assistant Utility Director over all land development. The original design was less than ideal but we felt the slight exposure was an acceptable risk. However an aerial crossing below Q25 does not meet min state criteria for gravity sewer & presents us with major concerns regarding stream blockage & associated ongoing maintenance & repair issues. For now, you are not authorized to construct the new stream crossing pending a more thorough investigation of all design alternatives - to include the following: How does this new elevation effect your NCDWR & USACE Permits? CORPUD would like a brief email response from each agency if they are agreeable to do so U3,.I,1° Ira "ir..,!rnnY IC I a i a ^.:;a�iyva ^.ir �i °ia�i °i�,l I�VQ,V �flCI Qawl a; "Il�a�i� aw�,ullllily i�." °i� a�i� "� " na ^. ;� I�VQ,V �flCI Ira ^.ir':.irnnu� awa; "e MylNpv 25 eirn"na(i Ihek)w for the eirn"nail fa)llllao gp t o awlha^.Iltoin Ipg! blls irec uga^s I ��Ilso spoke f-th USACE (Eirilc Allsirn"na^.ver) and fill fi)lk)W LID a2afiirt. II fill aSk for eirn"nali ira^.siDOinse froirn'n Ihoth,, • Consider an alternate route & connection point, either to an existing MH in the vicinity or perhaps extend sewer along Forestville Road. I know these options were not preferred / considered feasible in the past - but are they 13 physically possible (via g Sufficient field survey data will be required to either affirm or rule out with absolute certainty ° Consider relaying a portion of the Harris Creek interceptor to obtain the depth necessary to accommodate a conventional crossing under the creek Again sufficient field survey data will be required to either affirm or rule out with absolute certainty i)�ease note that the I eirnp�g wgs !gg��ired �by �ity gf Rg�gig�b Ig �jgsig!) g!)�j bitjki this pgb�ic g�[gyit ':-)ewer in this vicinity Ag� ng! gdgg��gidy dgsigng�j to accoirnirnoda-te sudh,, �� ad this extension. 15" mainvvou|d have not beenbui|t thatshaUow,, Please submit your findings, with the above requested emails, for further review & approval by staff. Thank you. Keith Keith A. Tew, PE 14 From: Hy Nguyen [ma i Ito: HNguyen dprassociates.net] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 2:16 PM To: Tew, Keith Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; sienkwicgcontracting a)nc.rr.com; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth; sienkwiczcontractinaCa)nc.rr.com Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Stream crossing am The construction is underway with the doghouse MH. No crossing yet. The contractor is Sienkwicz Contracting; he's copied here. I don't have the inspector contact. I've advised the contractor to stay put for now. Please advise. Thanks. 1'; Ilf °° "III A OC A ni]EE , iiHN( landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 420 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 O. 704.332.1204 Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 www.dprassociates.net hnauyenOdprassociates.net 40Years'. "Mal6ng 1he Land Worl� for Yoti" Any l attached e'lgrtal fNe(s) are supplied by DPR Associates, Inc to the above recq) ent(s) as a deslgnl construction sic' Be advised (fist the attached files) ma,yl or may not be lhe final record draviiinga, Any l irrformatlon obtalned from th ci d1g1tal files) shall be used for reference onl,y, From: Tew, Keith [ mailto:Keith.Tew @raleighnc.gov] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:59 PM To: Hy Nguyen Cc: Du Le; Smith, Cherri L; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; sienkwicgcontracting @nc.rr.com; Burdette, Jennifer a; shelton.sullivan @ncdenr.gov; Higgins, Thomas; Ritchie, Kenneth Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Stream crossing Hy, this change could change the status of your utility approval. Typically for creek crossings we require the invert of steel casing to be 1.0' above Q25 - or the crown of DIP carrier pipe to be 1.0' under the creek bed. We allowed a slight exposure of the casing in the previous approval given the depth of sewer you are trying to connect to. Now the crossing is entirely (but barely) aerial, & without pier foundations - which is a huge concern to the city with regard to stream clogging & associated maintenance / repairs. Can you provide an overlay (profile exhibit) of the approved design with new field survey cross section? What is the status of construction & who is your inspector? I am not saying that your approval will necessarily be rescinded, but I am saying that I need to discuss this change with staff for a consensus on what we can & cannot live with. Meantime I'd suggest that your contractor please stop work until this issue is resolved - thanks. Keith 15 Keith A. Tew, PE From: Hy Nguyen Sent: Tuesday, November 25,2O1412:2OPM To: Bun1ette,]ennifera; Cm: Tew, Keith; Du Le; Smith Cherh i; Alsmeyer, Eric CSAW; Subject: RE: Van Hanh Temple, Stream crossing NCDENR 401 Permit 14-0719 7011311flAffiffa�| Thanks for taking my call today regarding the sewer crossing for Van Hanh Temple, Stream crossing NCIDENR 401 Permit 14-O719. You have agreed to the above approach and stated that this email would suffice for the project records. (Let usknow your decision on the rip-rap.) Please let me know if you have any comments or if I've misstated anything otherwise. I've copied Cherh Smith per your request. Keith Tevvof Raleigh Engineering, Eric A|smeyerof Corps, Temple Rep, and their contractor are copied here as well. 16 1301�i 111:"IR ASSOC N( landscape architecture, civil engineering, & planning 420 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 O. 704.332.1204 Ext. 115 M. 704.340.0641 F. 704.332.1210 www.dprassociates.net hna uven OdDrassociates. net 40Years'. "Makia g 1he 1..ar d Work for Yoti" n; attached d1g1tal ffle(s) are supplied by DP R Associates, Inc to the above recq) ent(s) as a design/ construction ald Be advised that the attached flfe(s) mayl or may not be the final record draollngs An; l Informatlon obtalned from thc� d1g1tal flfe(s) shall be used for reference only, Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE 17 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE 18