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GW1--03022_Well Construction - GW1_20230306
WELL CONSTRUC'CION'RECORD For tnt mnIUsc:-MY: This fanncan be used for single or tnnldole wells' 1.Well Contractor Information: 14.%VATER ZONES Zach Thompson FROM TO DFSCRtF"ON 41'e1lConiraclorllanrg 4478-A NC Well CommcrorCettif tionNituber 15.OUTER CASING treemuhl-6kd`deHslORLR able EflTALFROI TO PEOVETER TDiCNNi:S5 SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 1 33 ft. 2" in., I SCH-40 PVC Ctmfpmty Name 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING' •eoibermal elased-too FROM I TO I DLOIETEn I THICaLLNCSS I f1A7ERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit 9: R• ft. tlL 4W all ajyiSrahle VWhprnWill(ir.Caunry.:Stu:r.,T/driat>re.Ir}re:d04 err.) ft. tt. 4 3.Wcll Use(chCCIC%well use)-. 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: DtAttEThR srATS1", TNTCUNr_S 51ATRRIAr. riAgicultural ON6funicipaVpublic 33 R. 43' ft. 2" IR• 010 SCH-40- PVC ®Geothermal(Iieatingilaoling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) ft. fr. ire. ©hidrustrial)Contmcraial l7Residcudal Water Suppbs(shared) U.-GROUT Ftrorr To NLA'reRfAL earncAca:,rteNr\1EfifOD 8 AMOUNT ❑lrri ation 0 ft. 28 fL Portland Injection NonrWater Supply Weil: ft. ft. MMonitoring []Recovery -Injection Well: tL to. MARuiferRccharge (]Grout dwalcritcmcdiation °is SAND)GRAVEL PACK(if tl16ibte) FROM TO � MATERIAL R\1Pr.ACFNrENTNFTHOn AAijnifcrStaraacairdRccatcip ❑Salini(yHaTIICr 31 R. 43 ft. Filter Sand #2 0AquifcrTest M.Stomr atcrDroinagc ft. ft. DExperimcntal Twirnotogy ❑Subsidcucc Conliul 20.D1LlL@ 9NC'1 OCfnnacd adt[ltional sticefs It necessan 1 ❑Gewhertmd(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer 'MONT I To DESCR@T1ON aokr.harhevo.uAlrick ope,moin we.c/G) ❑Geothermal(lfeatinglCoolIug Retum} ❑other(Mlain under 921 Retuarl s) 0 ' iL 43 ft. Brown Sand 2-15-2023 CLF=23-407 4.Date Well(A)Compl¢ted; tiirelllD>F ft.. S L tL MAR i) Duke Energy fL ft. FaciilityMu-norName FacilitytDkGfapplicablc) R. ff. "�•"' '" r r; ^::;3 !_fte2i 8320 NC-150, Sherrills Ford, NC, 28673 Physical Address.City.and Zip 21.REM1tARfCS' Catawba Bentonite seal from 28-31' Caeiuly }'areC]IrlrmliCr61Uen No.(PLN) 5b,i,:ttitude and I ringittede in de*reeslminutcs1sec0nds or decimal d(grees: 22.Certification (it%,cu ricra,o,.:)aL7oug is xielrieiced) 35.6183 I1 80.9745 W ,.,�j � 2/16/2023 tgmturc ofCcitilicd We Contrxtar _ Uare G,Is(are)the%vell(s): xWernanent or ❑Tempor•ar} BY,rlgning thir.futm,1 herrb)•crrrijy char rlu vrll(s)t+Yrr(wr�vJ carsrrucrrd in accarrlmicr with 15A NCAC 02C,0100 or 15A Ncetc OZC A200 Well Cvnsrract(atr Srarplards tread that a - 7.Is this a repair to an c%dsting well: l7YLs or Mo. roper o0iif record hhs•bent prnrided melt uril neater, ifibis is a repolr,fill oarkvouvj well corwnrciloa brformarlontree!raplabi the mrare ofdie repair under#21 remarkssrcrian aron the back-ofthirform. 23.Site diagram or additional well detaiN: You may use the bacl;of this page to provide additional well site details or%sell 8.'Numberof wells constructed• 1 construction delaiNs. You may aLso attach additioual pages if nevessary. For taailrlple f4evrlvn or am-nbrrr sappily ivcips ONLY.n•irh rha.satne constrwilon,you cda .submftone farm. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTiONS 9.Total well depth belaw land surface: 43 ((}t,) 2aa. For;All Wellr:. Submit this farm within 30 days of eompterion of%cell Fornrrtlrlpiciv ells list all tfeprhs(tdiJ)•err)t(exciaiplc-J0-:OA'aru12911Hi) constructionto(hp fofto%ving: 10.Stacie%valet toter below top of casing: 19.4 A) Di%•isian of Water Rcrource_s information prneessin-Unit, If nnter leyd is above eaebt?,are"+' 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.25" On.) tab.Tnr lnfMa5►n Welly ONLY: in addition to.sending the form to Are address in 246 above.also submit a-copy of this form within SO days of completion of well . 12,Well construction method:HSA constmctiou to the following. (Le.auger.ro(a[}•.cable direct push etc:) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELIS'ONLYi 1636 r6il Sereice'Center,Raleigh,NC.27690-1636 13a.Yield(final ltictlrvel of test 24c.For Water.Sue .4r injection Wc11s: Also subritit one copy of this fort within 30 daysofcornpletion of* 13h.DL%infection type: Amount- well consiniction to the county hu,illh department of the county-when; cortstnactcd. Fenn G W-t N4onh Carolina Depaamicnt of Em•ironnical and Warural Resources-Division of Walcr Reso.— Revised>;ugaat y(►13