HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03021_Well Construction - GW1_20230306 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Imcnml Use ONLY: This farm con be used fm single or ttmhiplc n'clis 1.Well Contractor Information: 14.AVATER TONES Zach Thompson FRO51 TO I DKsCRIPTu)N %V01 Coranrcior Nanw ft. ft. 4478-A ft. ft. NC Wc11 CoMmcrarCcnift,cation Ntutber 15.OUTER CASING troi tooth-caged d'clls OR LINER lif a 'flcabkl- FROM TD nuxrTER Tfolct tEss MATERTAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 25 (L 2- in. I SCH-40 PVC (:dav; Iy Namc M INNER CASING OR TUBING'eadwrreal closed-lon i FROM TO DLMRIETER TRIMNESS MATERLIL 2.Well Construction FCrrnit 4: ft. ft, in. List all rj7P rrrhlr w-e)1 paJmita(Ga.Comity.S.,xv,Vorrdtwe,l)'ecdCrb err..) ft, rut. its 3,Wc1l 135c(checlewdl use): 17:sCttE t n WaterSuppiy Well: FROM I TO MAtiIF.TFR SLOTSM. T1nCKNFSs I MATERIAL. Mgriculturul 0M.Unicipal/Pabtic 25 ft. 35 R. 2- k .010 SCH-40 PVC 13Geathemral(Iiea(ingtCooling Supply) ®Residentiat Water Supply(single) ft. ft. ❑IndustriaUContmtcrcial l3Residenrial Wow Supply(shared) FROG.rtRO� TO MATER[AL EMPL%CESISVThiEtttODSAMOUNT ❑hri titian 0 ft. 19 M Portland Injection Non-AS'ater Supply Welly ®14tonitoring ❑Rccol-cry R. R. Injection Well: ft. fL ❑Arplifcr Recharge Q(mundwalcr Rcmcdiation t9:SANDIGRAVEL PACx tit t slicable FROM TO 31ATt:RE4t. CaMP1AM1V.NTHF:TH0n ❑AquifcrStoragcaudRccovcy Malinity8arda 23 ft. 35 ft. Filter Sand #2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stortn;rtcr Drl'kmaoc r1, rL ❑1 cperinicntal Tcchnotogy ❑Sithsidcncc Control '20:DRILLING LOG latlach addilioaal sheets if acccssmti9 ❑Geothemlal(Closed Loop} ❑Tracer FROM I To DESCRIPTION(cobr.harttncsv,v,1'ncekh .-anv,ac/al ❑Geothermal(IleatinelCoolitte Return) 1:30ther(M- laitt under 921 RematW 0 ft. 35 fi. Brown Sand !.,,• ,_.- -. ft. It. 4.Date,NWH(s)Completed: 2-15-2023 WellID#CLF-23-408 z R. rL 59.Well Ia►catinn: ft. ft. Duke Energy It A. FaciIity;%bvncrNanv-- Factill)•IDM(ifapplimble) R. A. 8320 NC-150, Sherrills Ford, NC, 28673 ft. fl Physical Addicss.City.and Zip 2 t.ltEM1fARKS Catawba Bentonite seal from 19-23' Caouty Patrol Willifialliou No,(PIN) Sb.I iltitude and I1.on9itudc in dCgn'es/minutc5/sec0'nds or decimal dCgIVCs: 22.Certification: (tl�„•n rKw,ulr 1:u.7u�sissitn;ck.t�t) �,�, 35.6165 N 80.9741 W '.r""�� 2/16/2023 Igtutun orccitirEd}Vei Cafluxtar Dale 6.IS(are)the R'CII(s}: EPermanent or ❑Temporary fly signlrrg lhir farm,1 hereby cerrifv char the urdl(si mwx(sure)carymuctrrl is rrcconLmue u•(rh 15A NOW 02C,0109 or I S t NCAC 02C,O1.00 Rill Consrrt,ir(on Srarriards and rlxrr a 7.Lc this a repair to as exist rig well: t7Ycc or MNo ropy ofthlr record has Fern praridt-4 ra rtia in•N'ou7ser, lfrbls 14 a repalr,fill cerr.(r,vicar tall cownuMon brfortm0pa and eaplobi the nrrutre of die rcprirrdirler d021 mnarkvj4crima or an the brup:of this•jorm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use t1k bacl,of this paa*e to provide additional well site details or isell 8.Number of wells cousinicted: 1 cous(nlction details. You ma}'ali(1:ittacb udclitiottal pab s if uec t'ssary. For rnalrlple hVecrlon or anti-roarer supply n-rHs ONLY rrlrh the sanrFCartrtraetimr,$fa Caa submit one form. SUBMITTAL.INSTUC.TIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 35 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit plus fart within 30 days of completion of 1►'ell For nmlrlple teells list all tfcpuhT 1f differeou fex4iwjple-3@20'aml 2G_a100) construction to cite foltottingn: In.Static eater level below top of casing: 5.5 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If trdier level is above cuaing;aye"+" 1617 Mail Sen'ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 11.Borehole diameter.8.25° (in.) 24b.Fnr Infecfi0n We119 ONLY: In addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a ab&e. also subiltit a copy of this fonn within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well aonstmetion method: HSA construction to the following: (Le.auger.rmaq•,cable dket push.crc:y Division of Water Resautce9,Undel blvund injection Control Proerant, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 I3a,Yield(Ppm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Snliph&11ectfoa Wells: Also subtisit one copy of this fortis. within 30 days ofcompletionof 13b.Disinfection type. Amount: ectl construction to the cour ty health dcparimcnt cif the county when: constructed. Faun GW-1 N-Dnh Carolina Depar mcnt of Enyifonmcm and uautrnJ Resources—Divi;lon of Water Rearm-- Revised Aigust 2013