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398441_Well Construction - GW1_20110930
NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina hepanment of Environment nod Nnturnl Resources• I Nvisinn of \Voter OpailO WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION N ,q002. A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: 441141E L, OLIvt R Well Conntrcc ata (Individual) Name AgoU^rA o Wen Contractor Company Name_ STREET ADDRESS 1.40/1I /I'1eOU.+ A. 2-,,z City or Town Slate ( 7o y ). 7/r ii ^ gberr Area code. Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID RS applcable) STATE WELL PERMIT$°( applicable) DWQ or O7IIER PERMIT N(1? applicable)._._�I- WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring C7 Municipal/Public f I Industrial/Commercial 0 Agricultural C7 Recovery Cl injection fl Irrigation& Other © (1st use) OATS DRILLED to//O/// TIME COMPLETED S=o0 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY:. ItM1C Eii9t,J ZIp Code AM O PM Re COUNTY avid," (Sbaet Nam. Numbers, Community. Subdivision. Lot No.. Parcel. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: OSIcpe (Valley (Flat DRidge 0 Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 33'7n/ LONGITUDk .2 R,?3 W Mar be in degrees. minutes. second, or in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: OOPS °Topographic map (bcafbn of ref must be shown on a VSGS topo map and etched to fhb form r no( uaing GPS) 4. FACIUTY. n ee nem of Os business where the will n located. FACILITY ID e(If applicaablle)I-1/� NAME OF FACILITY-11aIa)!1 <117)ISUY) STREET ADDRESS ,�; rane_ �4 oar r_eG c98173 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRESS City a Town State . Zip Code 514 >• I/03- Salo NO code • Phone number 5. WELL DETAILS: a, TOTAL DEPTH: 305' b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO 2; C. WATER LEVEL Belo* Top of Casing: 30 FT. (UM '•' If Above Top of Casing) 39844 d. TOP OF CASINO IS _ 'Top o1 casing terminated • variance In accordance e. YIELD (gpm) c FT. Above Land Surface' el/or below land surface may require with 15A NCAC 2C .0115. METHOD OF TEST ma ___ I. DISINFECTION: Type g. WATER ZONES (depth) From /00 To /0/ FromJQh ' To /09 From /IV To /y( 7 O`DA All Amount 20 oa. From To From To From To 6. CASINO: Thickneae/ Depth Diameter Weight Material From f/ To ij7 FI In'/8'' SM.21 vve. From_.._._.. To.__ Ft Front To Ft .... _ T. GROUT: Depth Meteriet From_ 0 T o_ 20 4- Ft Seo•Ta,. I FE From To Ft. From To Ft • 6. SCREEN: Depth From To From To From To 9. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Derlh From From From Ft. In. FI in. Ft. _in. To Fl. To Ft. To FI. 10. DRILLING LOG From To 0 ? 4/ 3(/' o7' Method P Diameter Slot Size Metairie' In. In. In. Size Materlei Formation Description 66-IC 47. 30s'r met•_ 11. REMARKS: r- r— tl it ,F re, as ._. SEP 3 0 2011 n UUr rrrduun r'rucess►ng U. rr\--uovv 00 HEREBY CERTI►Y THAT THt3 WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED N ACCORDANCE Wrni ISA NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELI OWNER. f $TGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOif DATE ' r+V-IC' L. O1.%'E1l 44- D. mg-14 a -elf PRINTED NAME OF PERSON C NBTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days, Attn: Information Mgt., 1517 Mali Service Center — Raleigh, NC 27899.1617 Phone No. (919) 733.7015 ext 550. Form GW1b Rev. 7/05