HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060638 Ver 5_Joint Factual Statement Excerpt_20150519UNITED S.PATES D1,!`!?R1CT C01 ).R'r FOR THE EASTIRN DISTRICT OF NORM CAROLINA WESTERN DIVISION Nc. 5:15-CR-62-H No. 5:15-CR-67-1,i No. 5:15-CHM-H UNITED STATP�S OF AM.-,,RT(A V. DUKE ENERGY BUSINESS SERVICES LLC DUKI-� ENERGY 'CAROLINAS, LLC I)UKE EN'ERC-Y PRGGM.,''SS, JCINT �,,-'ACTUAL STATEMENT D(-,,fendantu Du,ke Energy Business Services LLC ("DUKE ENERGY Btj0'"1311MESI` 07JERVICES") , Mike Energy Carolinns, LLC �"M,IKE EMli' R'L��Y CAROLINAS"), and Duke Energy Progress, inc. !"DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS"; , (2clleuLlvely refeired M as "Defendazits") and 1-he Unked States of America, by and through, t,he Unlltcd, S)tatc.,s Attcrreys for Me EaMULn Mt ML of North Carolina, the Middle� District of North ClaxMina and the �,J North Carolina Frtvircnmental Crimes Section of the JuiLed Staves DjpaLLmunL of Justice (collectively referred to herein as "the United States" or "the qgvernment") , hereby agree thai Lhij, JuM FAMM Matement is a :xue and accurate statament of Me Defendants' ciriminal conducL and thaL it provides a sufficlewt t) j, s i , ,, f k 1 Mendants' p1pas ot guil -Ly L u lAw lullowln.j charging douumeMs Hud Lho wims of che Plea Agreements: and United States in Duke Ene Business Service,,� MAP q r United States v. Duke Ene X,jgjjn;ss Serviggy, Ouk(-,, a n d Q k!�,,, :roc j ai United States v. [N.Ae Enoe,�,!.y_gMhjness Sery�j� 15 The charges from the Middle District of North Cayolina and the Western Dist.&H of North Carolina have been transferred to the Enstern District of North Cayolina for purposes, of p'Lea pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. F. 20. The DedIndants' gui Ity pleas are to be entered parsuant to the Plea Agreements signed and dated fl t. day. Dan River Stearri 1. From at least January 1, 2032, DUKE ENER5Y CAMULINA,15 and DUKE ENERGY BJSINESS SERVICES failed to t operly maintain and inspect Lhe nwo stormwater pipes underneath Lhgin primary rwad ash basin as t the an River Stnaw :3 L a L 1w i n Eden. Ito r L h, Caro 1 1 na. (1, bbbruaqyl 2, 2014, cwz � o f E, 0 (,", L "; f: ''l i I �], rpsulting in the disnharge of appooximawly 27 millicn gal .do rs C)t (:!oa] ash was wwat�er ar)d [. eywepn 30,000 rind 39,000 tons C!w11` coal ash into the Dan Rivet , Tne coal auh Liavelled more than 62 miles downrlupr to the Korr Lake Roservoir ou Lhe burder of I NarLh Carolina and Virqjnia. Video camerzti o Zhe other pLpe, conducted in the aftermath (YC Me spill, revealed that tho other pipe had also deteriorated, allowing coal assh wastewater to leak inza the pipe, and that. DUKE ENERGY CAROLIHAS and DOME ENERGY HJ,SINESS SERVIMS had not taken aj,:)p,ropriate� uWan to prevent unauthorized discharges from the pipe. Stpa:'n E1.ecLr,:i,(. Pl,,int - Middle Di-strlct' "(Tf icl rif-A 2. [)UXE, ENERGY PROGRESS and DUKE EMIRGY BUSINESS SERVICES also failed to nointain the riser oLructures in two 04 the c0al ash hasins at the Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant, resulting irl the unauLborized discharges of leaking coal ash wastewater into the Capn Fear River. e, heV -am Statjc,:Is-,- ina & Lee Ste WART and Western CQ'i`la „� 1, Additionally, DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS' and DUKE EMERGY PROGRESS's coal combustion kaQi1ities throughout North Carolina allowed julauthorized divcharges of taco llutznlLs frcln 00al ash basins via "seeps” MLu adjacent wators o the United SMMS, Three of those facilities include Lho Asheville Steam Flectrh,-'., Generatinq MaM, Me H. F. imp EMeam EleuL&u Plant, and lhr�. Riverhend szoam Station. Az Mo..` facilities, .pp scharge5 trorr naturally occurring seeps WROR channeled by DUKE ENERGY r., d ". ;Inc! I)OITE EMMY HUM NESS SMICES f-`Lu�,s," u:fircugh 3 enginec-.,red drains and ditches into waters of the UnUed Statv',, withan obtaining or maintaining t,,,he, necesszry perivits. 4. M? Wendants' COQUOt ViDlated a: he, F e d e r a I Wa- :ear:' Pollution Control Act (ccmmanly referred to as the "Clean Waser Act," or WWA"). 33 U.S.C. SS :251 et e speniftcally, the criminal inveazigation, conductnd out of Lho Eastern DistriM of North Carolina, revealed tthe owing: DETIODA14TS, AND c.'01RITORAIT STRUCI'URE 5. Du 1v,,? Enurgy Corporation is W1 energy "company headquartered in North Caroli-rla. 6. Duke hnorgy Corpr)-r,'-)l ion is a whose &rect and indirect subzidiaxias opera[�r-', in the Statos and Latin Anexica. Duke Energy Caxporation's wholly-owned submidiaries include: DUKE! ENMRGY CAROLINAS; Progress Fberqy'' Jnc. ("Progross Energy"); ME ENERGY PROGRESS; and DUM ENERGY BUSTNRSS SERVICES. 7, MWE ENERGY CAROLINAS, a North Carolina limited liabiliLy company, is a regu:Med publir,- uti,-ify engaged in the generation, uransmission, d3atribuLhAi chid sale ot ejecixicity in portions Q NorLh Carolina and S=h Carcllna B. Pruqr= ED K: rgy, a North (", I r: 3 J G'Y a (", () Y 1'') c;'t - a t i a headquartered in RaMoq North Carol ina, is d 1w1d1 ng company which huMs, amaig other ent!tles, DUKE ENERGY PROGRMSS. 1,1