HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02976_Well Construction - GW1_20230425 i WELUCONSTRUCTION RECORD For Imcmalt}s ONLY: TWO fortn can he used fdi.singlc,gr tmrlti}tk%Tells t r 1.Wcll.Cnntrador infortuation: 'MAVATERZONES John Eisenman MOM 7U I 0"NCRIPTION \�'e1[CoritntclarNtinre. ft. R, 4439 NCIVcll Commciort'cnirimtionNimhcr :15 OUTER'CASING(rai' ulikiikil vicRs1''OR LINER'(iia i licabk, FROM TO MAN LIR THICKNESS I MATEMAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 IL. 17 r4 21i ia. SCH-40 PVC Con�r:uy NaniC" .16jNNLR.CASING OR TLIBING:i mk iiciinat cWseil laii = _IRON] 'TO 1 DIM1IMR TinCEME:SS NUTERL�L 2.'`V4 Conitr'uetioit OcIT"it 4" R, ft.' LirifilJnpia7irnb}cuclPinrineis.(i_r Cnunry::Surc,.li�riurxr,lr�eabaticrr..J ft.: ft, in 3.Wc11 Iisc(chccl:1re11 rise): _MACRE:l N Water Supply Well;- FROM. TO DI M.TPR i St.OTs17% THICKIMNS I 51ATnRVAt, rl ecltltura.l CjNhinicip4 tblic 17 tt. 27 71. 2" is 010 SCHr40 PVC ©Geotltemial(EicatinefCooliog Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) tt• ft;' ©htdustriali'Conlntercial ®Residential AVater.Supp$'(slured) I GROUT: ..: FROINL TO. MATERIAL EXPLAC'MENT AWMOD S AMOUNT Oltri ulian' 0 ft.- 10 t4 Portland Pour Nou-Wafter Stepll ty WOR: �htpnitgrinG pRccmcty ft.. fl. InjeclIon Well: ft, rt: Clrliluifcr"Rcchargc CHADUgdll:INiRciilcdiatian 49F:SANDIGILILYEL`PAct{(ir `i'dicaLte►'` _' ' "6'RQ\1 TO dLi'CP,RrAI, ,Rfi1P1,ACt�IF:VTML'TflOn " l7Atjnifcr:Storr q and>zccoFs►y Milinity BampP 14 R.: 27 ft, Sand #2 " ❑rlg1ferTest C15toininitcrUra,iri(toc O.Expr drncnlal Teclmalac p$uhsidcrkc:Cdndtal. 2(I:ORR l ING I OG'(altach addllional slicefs if ncccsmfvl a Ceutltenuat(ClosedLoop) OTrrcer F7tOi1 TO Aal OCreothennal(Heatin Cooliue Retutn) DOther(e3pWit under,4421"Retnaths) 0 IL 32 " ft. Silt/sand/clay 4 Da&Wel((s)Coe;n e�e&4-13-23 WellIpyPIW-SSR , rl: fL Sa:Well"L6clttorn tt. f4 Chemours tt. ft " Facililq,ClnncrNalao Facility lll7(iCZppJicable). R ft; Qrl iaft3>rb���Pi 22828 NC-87, Fayetteville, NC, 28306 l!lnsklil i3ildrs s Citg:and Zip '21,RENIAR" Cumberland Bentonite seal from 10-14' C<mwy P-mvel Ikkillirtcollon No.(01N) " 5h.I:ntitudc and.C�n itil�lc in 1lcgtrcS/minutesJsce0"1 n1,dccitntd dcgtxcs 22:Ccrtitic tti,tu• (ir ii all INW,One t 1!1usig 1K'Sad11Ci,)irt) 4/14/2023 Diie G.Is(art)thr:u'ell(r)i MPerneattent ai ❑Temporvry g �t r= f i.;x•t.trcti oa BY.risavig aleis fosii;., .a.,ifu.n,..;;. ..a.!!�.v i.:e:.i txmsrrirclert Lr;rrcY•arrfrmcr rrfth 151MCACO2e =-r.•:;;i:e. ;2C.0200 Well Ceislr t-Hon SmMards widAurr41 7.L1 tUs a reparir to an ckwin,^„{fell: OV.t i fir -ENO .I d'{YapOf(lllr r/Y OiYI hnS l C6r1 1.1(led fool+(iH Jf fnf111'K {f th(s:13"0 qY NT)r,fill rn+r ARO M ri140M3.rircrlrra 11(jgrrTW6.n miff c tptahi rlie nnnre of rite reJlrrar remlrrd2l:remarkti st�rrmi Qr tvi JOE Mize..of diix fornc. 2.1 Site¢I)ry;rum or additional welt details: Yon niay use&6ck of this pale"ta:provide'addiUonal well site:details:or*dl 8.Numberof wells eotuiructed: 1 r oustiuctfmriletails:You inay al -auactt udditioitat pages if fiLdessa►y. For nralaiptc.Ulfet r1 nn irk aai-fairer supigy irefls ONLY tOth rhe.same cointri0ion,,y o-u Okra ribmirn,ic form. SUBKTUTAL INSTUCTIONS 9•74tal ivOt depth Gre[air land srirfaci: 27 (ft.). .24A. For AU Will Subtait this fann within 30 days of c6wptcti6u'of%cell For ivahipfe icellf Usk arrdeprhs fjdif,'enr r;(cxtm�pfe-.t er'y0(J'aruf'E Ilk7't consMiction to Qic following; lU:StAtiewater level below lap of easing- (ly,) Ui�'Esiun of Miter Riwaurees,Informutiph Fiuccssiti�Uitit, � Ivly r lad idroee c'us(ran,we"+" f v rmta.Senicc Center,Maleigh,NC'27691-I617 II:Borehole diameter,6" (ia) 24h:F:nr Infeetian Wetly ONLY: In addition to"sending.the femr to the add=in 24a abo)'e.also submit a copy of this fanil sviihin iO day s-of completion of iMl 12,Well construction method: Sonic c'n»stmction to the fallaiiine ' (LC.31Ig.:G resat}',,cnbl�`.dircct p�sti,.ctc.} - DIviSioit 6f Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' I636 hlut!Sc»ice.Ccutcr,Rallef}tti;;vC"27599+163< t3a,'Vidd'(goo) Meiht(d of test: 2de.Foe,Water Supplt .&Inicctiou WcIh.- Also subtmt aloe'copy. of this farin Mthin_0 daysof coropletioil.af 1311.Disinfcctian ty pet Amount• well coitstniciian to the catmty'health dcpament of'tlrc,county 11.11cre constalctcd, Funn GtF-I Nunh Carolina EAparrenent.oEEnt'irownciu aard Narw'J Resources-Dlvi.Ion 4 Rraler RMotlY-_ Revised August 2013.