HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02972_Well Construction - GW1_20230425 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For facmd Uw ONLY; -'this form can bcused for single or rnultipk Twills 1.Well Contracto r Infoi'niatian: 14t.►dATERZONES, Zach Thompson FROM To DESCRIMON Well Contmclor Name R. ft. 4478A NC Well CardmclorCcniftcation Number 15 OUTER CASING((bs mu[ti-aascifvsells ORLU*31 Mi `Ik bleV, FROST TO DEALfTETER TEIICitDrESS hIATERTAL SAEDACCO inc 0 ft. 1 25 (L 2" tp SCE-40 I PVC Coven:ur}•Nantc 16.INNER CASING.0R Tf1HIW 'suothermal close 400 FROM TO DC4\tETER THfCKNM MATERiAL 2.Welt Construction Permit it R. ft, f iu(rfd aj�licrrble xi 1l peareits(Lie County,Suae,Ypriarece.Iryerdarb efr,.J ft. r tt ire 3.NVc 11 Use(checkwcll use), 17 SCREEN Water SupplyVVelft FROM TO urAM TER Sr.Orsim THICKNESS MATERiAL f]AgtiCulttttal f]&IunlCjpallPub)IC 25 ft. 45 ft, 2" in, 010 SCH-40 PVC Pre-P Ck 13Geothetntal(Heating,Cooling Supply} ®Residential Water Supply(single) ®indusuiaUConuncieial OResidential Water Supply(slated) FROM TO To nrATLrettAL Eb[PI hCE\SENT h(Ef110D AhTODNr ❑hii Gan 0 ff. 14 ft Portland Injection Nou:Water Supply Well: re. rt. ' monitoring I]RCcorcry Mt cliotl Weil: ft. t4 E3AquiferRcghjrgc I]Gtoundvn.let Rcntcdialion tv SAND1GR.A.VELPACK(if d;uDtYl FROM 'molt , MATFRIAI. PMPI.ACr ir:.Nrmtrunn I]Agnifcr Storage wid Rccoi•CIy' ASalinity Hariicr 23 R. 45 ft. Filter Sand #2. I]AquifcrTcst ❑Stommatcr brainagc OEgicrimcotal Tcchnotogy ❑Subsidence Control 10.DRILLiil1 G'LOG(attach addillorial'sbcets if hemsan- I]Geotitentml(Closed Loop) OTricer FROST TO DESCRIPTTOv wis.bartfnea wa'nuktr o ue 0 OGeotltennal(ReatingrCooliti Relunr} pother(explain under 421 Rettrntl s) o tt: 16 fL Brown silty clay 16 fL 45 (L Rock 4.Date*&(i)Cbntplcled: 3/29/2023 WdIIDpMW-6 . 54.Wail Location: The Cleaners tt. (L Q't3 Facility,0"mrName F&fl ty IDk eiCupplimblc) A It ft. 200 Jonestown Rd.,'Winston-Salem, NC, .27104. rL (t. N , yata " PbyijCal Address.City.and Zip a24 REMARKS Forsyth Bentonite Seal from 14-23' 0muly Pared MulificilloaNn;(P1Ny 5b.Latitude and Longttade in.dctircec/minutes/sceonds or decimal degrees: 22 Certification. (1f«ell lord;etas'I.�L7oug 1$Stfi7eienl) 36.0784 N -80.3350 4/3/2023 %gluture Connector Dale 6.Is(are)the-well(s): M,Perlitartenc or. .DTemfWrary. L4�argning this farm,f hereby rerfif.•mint Me,r•ol(N)w'(wr,r,canii wfed in aeco,inincr avth 15A NCAC 02C,ol@']or 1 iA NCAC 02C,t72M Well Corrstrrerfon Standards and 0wr a 7.IS this a repair to an VQi-stina►►t'ell: 0YCc or Mn, copy of(hir record has burn pr»ridr'd ra dw..uNI''Mmer, if rhis'Is-o retch-.fill.ur kirrdra rsrU crnummion brfonrurrl on wid explain r1je nareue of(fie repairrurckr 021 rrurarkv 3ircfiaa or an the back oft&is farnL 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You ruay use the back of this page to pfo►'ide additional well Site details'or well 8.Numberof wells constructed: 1 constiuctlori details. You ittay alsb attach.additional pages if necessary. For mrdflplc lr0'err)vn or nevi-risararsupplp wells ONLY n'lrh the blrrnRCJrtStlrrerl0lr,}ar Can sa0mir one form SUBAIUMAL iMI_TCTTONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 45 qp 24a. Ear Att Wells Subinit.this form within 30 days of completion of well For malflpfeivelts list alldeprhsIfdifferenr(erampfe-d@2oo'oml2@f( )* conslnictionto[hefoltowina; 10.Static Water level below top of casing: Division of Water Resources,Lformation Processing Unit, If nnrer lei ef.ls above Fuca,ase"+" 1617 RUH Sen•ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Ill.BorchoEe diameter.4" (in.) 24b.Lnr fnlCCtJ,1a Weflv.(DNLY: in addition to.sending flee fonu to the address in 244abo►'e.also submit a copy of this fotin within 30 days of completion of well 12.Welfcoustmetionmethod:HSA/Air Rotary construction totitefollowing: (Le.auger.-rotary',cWe.dirca.pnk erc.l - - . ]$[vision of Water Resourcei,Underground Inje'eliott Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276"-1636 13;t Yictd(Apr) 111Cthod of test- Also For Water Supply.4t'Injection WCI19: Also subtuit one copy of this fofut within 30 daysof completion of 13h.Disinfection t,�Trr: Amount- well construction to the cotmry health depariment of the counh<where coastnictcd. Funu MV-f AbnhCamlina DeWilment of Emirounkm and Natural Resources—Division of'Mater Resoulca Revised ALWnt 1013 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � Far 110MA vSC ONLY: -7 This farm can ire used for shigic ai multiple%wits e 1.Well Coutrictor Information: IA:WA•1'LRZONES Zach Thompson FROM TO DFSCRIM09 W01 corAMC1004.InN: R. ft. - fL rL 4478A NC Well QiwctarCcdifuation Nurnber fl5.OUCER CASING roe iun[tl risrd'eellsl'OR LINER fit a"ticable FROM TO TFUMETER I THICKNESS I MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fit 1 30 (L 2" to I SCH-40 I PVC Cottp aiq-Naaip M iNNER'CASiNG OR-TIIIBING' eoihermal cloud-loo FQOM To DGIIIETER THiCKNESS I MATERIAL 2.Wcii Construction Permit#: R. ft, 116. Liu all npplirabre%,711 pea is(i e.Canmty.Tiate.•Variarrce.Ilhrada&e1r.) a. rt. iir; 3.*dImse(ch ck-well ase): t7:SCRIfEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO nrANTF,TM SLOTSrzt; TntttcrESS I MATMAL Mgttculnual ONfunicipat. tcblic ae ft. 50 R. 2° itr. .010 SCH-40 PVC Pre-Pic.k DGeotherim1(.Heating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) (L fL �a ®hrdustrialfiComnicicial ®Residential Water Su (shared) te.GROUT .. Supply FROM M TO ATATERUL I EMPLACEMMIT NiETTIOD S,"10U T 171rri 9tion 0 L 23 ft. Portland Injection Non-Water Supply Well:' ft. ra Mlo-lonitoring pRccotrrg Injection WC.U: (L OAquifcrltcc.Mrge ®GioundwalcrRcmcdiation t9-SANDIGRAVEL PACK(if tdk;&bte QAiinifcr Storage and Rccaycry' 17Salinity 13amcr FROM Ta A(ATHftv%r: FAiPt.A(:t:VENT Aft.runn 28 It. 50 ft. Filter Sand #2 ❑ quifcrTcst ❑Stomm-itcr Drainage 'fL rt. ORNperimcniai Tcehaotogy OSubsi&.ncc Conliut 20?DRILLTNG LOGfatlach addhionalittedii(aecemuryl inGeodwrt tal(Closed Loop) OTracer FRONT TO VESCRIMON(mbr.harditese wIlIn cte( hi we cW OGe(rlltennil(IIeatinglCao[iD Retunl}, _'OOtI>er{e-plain under 921Reuiatcs) 0 fL 24 M. Brown silty clay 24 fL 50 fL Rock . 4.Date We11(9)Ca'Dipleted: 3./2212023 Wetl i D#MW-7 ft.. (t. '��+ �6Vtt� 5111.Well Loeatuin: tL rL The Cleaners rt. (l. APR Factliiq,OtivncrNarac Fact7itlll)g(tfapplicabie) R. ft. 1^tUr9A 200 Jonestown Rd., Winston-Salem, NC, 27104. rt ft.' Pliyskd Addicss City_and Zip REh1ARIH4' Forsyth BenEonite' seal from 23-28' Caaetly farce]IekatirtC,9I1on No,(PIN) 56.Latitude and II nngitadc to dcgncclminutes/seconds or decimal ate rocs: 22.Certifecatitra. (IrITTM rigid;Brie i IlAong is s,J(ickw) /�/ 36.0780 N -80.3357 W. - --m om 4/3/2023 i ftjmorCcitificdhid1Cantrtctnr Dale. 6.is(are•)the-w•ell(s): MPerrnanent or. OTemporarg 1h'_slgairig lbix form.1 Prerchy rerrifv That ll,r u'e41(sl xw•(Krm)cominrcfed iir aec'orrA.anCe . with 15A NCAC 02C,010)or(Set NCAC 02C,02(47 Well Cossove dour Sramiards and Afra 7.iN this a repair to an evstin„well: 5 lVe s or ®ND. COpT aI(hlS MCO!Yl hQ51h%rn pr,lrid,d rr.r5r rn*il me„er, if tir(s Is a repair,fill,xer laivim isdl cotwntcdoa bifotmarhm and eaplaht the&&rare of(fie repair umlerA31 remarks•srcliarn or on the brisk of this fora. 23.Site diagram or additional%veil deWN- You may use the back of this page to,provide additional well site details or tiell S.Numberof wells coastruLted: 1 constmetion details. You stay also attach addlidonat pages if necessary. Fur mule(ple ItVj erlodor awisinrer sitglilr wells II,YLV w1rh the dfrf17BC0r(S(l((C1FAJ(.141t Carl sahnu!one fnrra. $UBMUTAL INS'1'UCTiQNS 0.Totat well depth below lwd surfaw. 50 (ft.) 24. Ptir All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well, For ltraftlple wells list alldeprhs 1fdff'errnr(cx(apfe-3@201r'arul2@14w)) conrilmctign to the following; '. 10.Static water level below top of easing: ({I,) DiA$siuu of Water Rcsources,Inf r.matian Processing Unit, 1f nnrev leL,d is above cadog;ate"t" 1617 Alan Sen•ice,Center}Raleigh!vC 27699-I617 114 Borehole diamctcr.4" (in.) 24b.For fnlcction'Wellc ONLY: In addition to.sending the form to the address in. 24aabove.also submit a copy(if this faun within 30 daivs'of completion of well 12.Well construction method:HSA/Air Rotary Construction to the foUowhtg: {LC.3LLgCf.filar}'.CabiG direct push C(C.) � Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Cantrol Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service'Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 134L Vidd(glrm) Method of test: 24e.For Water Supply&.1nieetton Writs: Also submit one cope of this fora-within :0 days of completion of 13h.Dkinfextion type: Amounh «c11 constniction to the counly health department of the coirnh•whew consmmcd. FerniGWA NonhCarallmDepanatentofEmimnnrtu and%owalResowces-Divid000fSVoierRe�otrcm ttCV.ised LWist2ul3 WELL CONSTRUMON RECORD For tacrual Use ONLY: :Nfs form can be wwd for single or multipk kAvEs L.WoMatratctor Information: iJ.AVATLR ZONES Zach Thompson FROM 110 OMCR1Frla)!( %V01 Co.iractorName R. R. 4478A NC WJ1 Cau=1orCert F=tion Number 15 OUTER CASING(foe mufflAuseil�ie11s OR LfNER it u f "[ica6le' FRO.r !) DIAM ETER TIn , 55 MATERUL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft, 30 ft. 2". fi.L SCH-40., PVC Coin uLy N*nw .INNFR CASING OR`TUBING eeikrmnf elosed4oa FROM- TO - DMIETER THICKNESS MATERLIL 2.Well Construction IMTait R: Gist cull rlrplirntalr.x ell peirtrlts(la..Cuunry.Stai:e,lrariarwe.Irayerdaq esr...) 3.FVdI.13sc(chCci:wcll asc): L7:SCREEN Water Supply Well.* FROM TO DFAMRTF,Et SLOTSIM. TNICi MS I NTATMAL ❑Ag[nul[ural C11GIuniCipaUPtc61iC 30 ft. 50 R. 2" 11L 010 S6H-40 PVC Pre-Pick ClGeodwimal(Headrig,7Cooling Supply}. Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft, in ®Tndustrial/CoRmtetcial ©Residential Water Stippn'(shared) 'IS.-GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL MMACE\fM MERIOD&AMOUNT I]hri lion 0 fG 12 R. Portland Injection Noa:Water Supply WefC: ft. ft. �hlonibring Mccoti-cry Injection wea: rt. ft. 17AquMrRcctrargre 06wundRatcr1tcmediation Iq:SAND1GRA.vt?LPACKfit ailrue�nt� 'FRONT TQ MATMAL RNIPLA(MUFNT VAIM1013 ❑AiplifcrStoragcanditccoccry l7 ilinityHardcr 28 ft. 50 ft. Filter Sand #2 l7AgnifcrTcst ❑Stormnatcr.Drawagc rt. rr. ❑1=.rpcdiucn1al Technology 175nbeidcncc Coloral '20:,DVJL'LLNG1OG"laltacd Addltionalshcefa if ncccsmn ❑Geodiennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FRONT" TO DPscRtfrtDv rmFar.hardnca,w4'rnckh n Rae.cre t ❑Geothermal(RealinalCooliug Return) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remark 0 fL 13 ft. Brown silty clay 13 fr. 60 fL Rock, 4.DateWeU(9)Can1plere& 3/28/2023 WalID#NW-8 . f4 ft. 3 I°1sr r i' p 54.Well I ocathin: fL ft. The Cleaners ft. fl 023. FactMWoDwocrNam.: Facility U)M(irapplicable) hibim-A.. 200 Jonestown Rd.,.Winston-Saiem, NC, 27104 ft. ft. DWOJWJG Pigsical Address.City.and Zip :21:REMARKS Forsyth Bentonite seal from 12'-281 and 50-601 Couut3' Parcel Id'.111ifcalionNo,(PIN) ib.I;atitude and Longftudc in degrus/minutcstsceonds or decimal degrees: 22,Cerfifecatioa:, (If.,clt Ucld,one l:unong is%unicknd) 36.0785 N =80.3371 W 4/3/2023 Sigmim a afceitifred Well Contactor Date 6.Is(are)themell(s): EPerwanent or ❑Temporatty hj.signlrig thls farm.I hercbr'eerfily dear the iro(s)war(i4rr!)conyinicred hr aevvidance with RM NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C..0200 Well Construction Suuufaids and dear a 7.Is this arepairtoaneaiNtfnRwell: MYm or MNo. capen3rlilrrernrrllaesInrnpmru(edroatr:arilinrner. !nuts is o repair.fill[xat kr,t;un well consttualoa Itaforrrrmlon amdexplaln the narare of the repair r.1,921 remarks srraima or an due b wL-of this'form 23.Site disWe am or additio nal%veil detm it You may use the back of INS page to provide addilionat well site details or well S.Numberaf wells constructed: 1 coistrnction details: You mat'also attach additional pages if Necessary. Forruiilriplc lyderrlon or 0ai-!51&er supply wells ONLY ndrh die untrue caarWIM1l0rr,you can sulrnait one form. �SUBdfCI"1"AL WSTUCTiONS . 9.Total wc�ll depth below land surfvce.- 60 ((14) 24a. For AU Welly:: Suhmit.ttiis fumy within 30 daps of completion of well For anarlrlpfe welh list alidepths lldlf erens eex4m1pl..;?@e 20f1'dnd 2@1001 eore5inleti4n to-Ilic,foitiing: 10.Static Avatter level below top of casing: (ft.) Division of%tcr Resources,Ia£ormation Pracessing Unit, !f nnt�'r level Is obuvt cvaslrag.cast"+" 1617 Mail Seffice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11:Borehole diameter.4" (in.) tab.i'nr Ti feeeion Welly ONLY: In addition to,sending the form to the address in 24daboee. also subunit a copy of this forth witlrite 30 days of completion of%vil 12.WCH aoustr ctiou method:HSA/Air Rotary consiiuction to the following, (Le.3a^gm rotary.CaNe.direct pass C(C.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Letjection Control progrjai. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: i(636 hull Sri'ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 f3a Weld(gym) Method of test: 24c.For Watcc Stipplr&Injection ovals: Mw submit one copy of this form within 30 days ofeampletionof 13h.DisinfeLtiun type: Amount:_ _ well consiniction to the county fteallh department of the coanh•wWrc constnicicd. I ` i Fonu GW-1 NoilkCauaW Ek-,pa nment of EMio(ment and Naraml Rcmurces—Division oMalei Resales Revised August 21113