HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02820_Well Construction - GW1_20230420 • • • • • • WELT,CONSTRUCTION RECO ,(GW 11 For Internal Use Only. '• • I•' 1•Well Contractor. rmatio . • A?. •1t WATER ZONES Well Co rName FROM TO DESCRIPTION -- r5 3 5 • MDR.' • • NC Well ContradorCertificationNX ft 15.OU ER CASING(for multi-used nrells)OR LINER(ifap finable)�jV -� PROM f TO DIdMSrFdt THICKNESS MATERIAL CtimpanyName i< J in. I 2.Well Construction Permit#: o I." 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal eh:fed-loop) • FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATER= List all applicable well etuutratolonpennitr(Le.WC Cororry,Slalq Vailaneq etc) 4-1 !t. OO Z ft: -57/lj ilrw P n-' 3.Well Use(checicweII use): ft in. Water Supply Well: • •SCREEN • OAgricteltural OMunicipa1/Public FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTStzE THICKNESS MATERIAL • ft ft. in. ElGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) residential Water Supply'(single) ft R in.. OTndtutriallCommercial . CResidrAtial Water Supply(shared) itt.GROUT • • • • Oirrigatiop [Wells>100,000 GPD . FROM TO MATERIAL EMrr CEMENEMErsOD&AMOTIN? Nun-WaternpplyWell: • a ny D 7 3 ft pe .A/( • OMonitorin < <p • Injection well: fc �l A p(1�p- • ' CAquiferRecharge OGmtmdwaterRemediation • • ft. OAquifer Storage and Recovesy OSalinity Barrier' ., U.SAND/GRAVEL PACKCdaPplieable) • FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMEIHOD OAquiferTest OStormwaterDraiiage• I • ft. ft. DExperimental Technology OSubsidt nce Control ' •ft • ft • • OGeothennal(Closed Loop) • OTracer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary) OGeoth• al(Heating/CoolingReturn) OOther(explain under#21Remars) PROM ft. TO • DESCRD?TIoN(mler.6anduev.soiunekype,etsmsee•d�) ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 3.4 Y 43 Well ID# ft • Sa.Well Location: ft. • ft. v. d Sr rrvt) • •M1el-faeI Kerold^l • • ft . ft. 1 D l-- ss121 • -• Fa / Name FaalityID#('rfappfieable) ft. abs Rd Any doG -( •�• •. • •. .�•� Physical Addres City,and Tap • (A) 'All Le. J 2LR$MARfsf' n P R 2023 _ Co ParcelIdentifiationNo.(P/N) � IO's% a {; •! . „i n 7 t_,Ci a Sb.Latitude and longitude in degreesfminutes/seconds or decimal degrees: ''°s°�� -'L' (*Ewell field,one Ltllongis sufficient) 3 r r � �/ l._ 22.Certification: b I i . N 7 .` W ..i1,31; & J"' .6.Is(are)the well(s): Crmanent• or OTemporary /3 G v S' en cotraetor Date r�3 • / ` 7.Is a repair to an misting BYsf fling thirforr,!hereby certify that the well(r)war(were)eonnlumedln aceordm:uwlth l I s t this g well: OYes or No ISANCAC 02C:0.100 or752I NGIC 02C.0200 Well j repair,fill out 1»own well consnuetion&formation d rah:the magi of the ofthir record harbeat Construction Standards and that a copy 'repoirundeill21ranark reetlonOran the back(fthirform. provfdedtoOiewellowns: 23.Site d*agram.or additional weII detans: • 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells hayiDgthe same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwells (add'See Ova'inReMarks Box).You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. dulled: 24.^^ 9.Tofal well depth below land surface: I� MT1T�� UCTIONS • ' (f t) For war lint all depths ifdlfjerent(example- and.4. • Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: 10.Static water Level below top of casing: 6 D • ( ) 24a. oar A W� Original form to Division of Water Resources ) Ifwaterlevelirabovecnrin�ive�+1/' g nit,1617MSC,Ralei � 'Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 • 1L Borehole diameter: {m.) 24b.For Injection Wells:Co ,�1 a . Pro N to 99 1 Undergtnimd 7ajectioa Control 12•Well construction method: ' \pi _ ��y� 8�'1636 MSC►Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 �� • (iiaauge{tinny.cable.dtceetpust4da) • 24e.For Water Sn 1 and en:Loo Geotbermal Return Wells:Co • • FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • • COunty environmental health department artist county where installed PY to the ter For water Wells nrodna ei over 100 000 GPD Copy to DWR,CCPCUA 13a.Yield(gpm) ' �� Method of test ��a �- . P�r�gram.1611 MSC,RaIi Raleigh.• 13b.Disutfection e: ' 1 - i i `B I Amount: . 7) iH Foy.GW-1 North Carolina Deeatewee nvs• -.,.._..-• ..... --