HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02809_Well Construction - GW1_20230417 I ' I.W I Contract° Informa / . - - • L� I • • a 4t�t/f'JP IC - t9;Q:F/e?SB7A14trS�:=_�:<,�,��i=�.L�.:x.—,a.T-,=�.�.:Lc�'�=1 - _� WdOContracterName MOM 4O araccxmmx ii P - 3 20 R. Flo4. it. �Q Gam+ . n NCW& rc dlCeara CatifiationNumber itiAlIStiIMASIN1T(f6lrinidtiesrl*PII+1:QI EINNItttfa' ter»^: C� 1 i.k1I c1 c( IPCt�7 �ef'-�lc`C a FROM ��L`ls ft DMNCeERP 5.0v. "'"i'iI� /1/O :�6�INetf austere an ►atN ttir+i7it i IaiSd l3' k� -�_ �Y ' 2.Well Construction Permit MOM TO of imam; meta appllmbsearel1 emuamtiohpermtu Ra UIC Cowry.Static Variance,etc)- ft. rt. to' 3.Well Use(cheektivell use): n' fr. 1a' Water5appl9lWen: rt2:3t:R8En� ..=�=... ._ -�. ..s:»:,..fit•_ ::.�—�_ PROM 'ro ; Dtancliirt SL0?StiR ThtCitNP.SS —MASERiAL Agricultural , QM icipallPublic 0 tr. ft. to. Geothermal(IleatingfCmra$Supply) eatial W &pply(sings) IL ft to ,- - _Induatrin1/Commeteial °Residential Water Supply(siO4 =ono — l_. •..._._-c_ s ,.:f,,.w- ..,Irrigation FROM TO MATERIAL RSIPIACIMERTMCINOn&AMOUNT . Nou.Water Supply W� 0 m 4 a u: , N:(.,j' 4is1/i spA rdi fAL tiring DRecovety - R. R . -- IojecdonWell: _. - - - fc - n. _ . . Aquifer Recharge EIGrouadwaterRemedietion ___ • Aquifer Swtageand Recovery OSaliaityBarrier iG1 • airiSAWIIT3tBGP.YCK1MA A�1e).i�. u ipL10Ea1Eitt nor _Aquifer TVA DStotmwaterDrainage $ ti ExperimentalTechneingy OSob04.nr.Control a. ft. • Geothermal(Closedlaop) InTracer - s20.-.10i adrittGfiit iiaatnonAirliii retiiiiy .� -r -= OW TO OfSCRIFTION aloe aardnmaRik Rlpy ibiRet.efei _Geothermal(Reating/Coe)ngRetu o) E)Otherjexpl°in underi 2l Remarks) O g.. . m .e. CrG,y • . 4.Date Well(s)Completed:!'')")3 Well IDS eo fc usG i' ...eTr-G 5a.Well Loeatiom ,CIS h ycM 6.10.�e►e r • Des 14t7t s ri._ 1C1.; Ifft. u. ,r _ PaciitylOrmerName Punks,mkiliPPlizatn4 h R. (•n.s ;'' ` /42 m4,Y/ -f:a i(y . a R. APR 1_ 7-2023 Physical 5y09/11 � g-7a-oa 057.2 —Jm .2t1t» ..-. _/--_-�-.-�._.-..T..L..._ .r.�N!wn•'.NTN.D/i�T.�T:.... County PtRalidentideatiooNe.(PIN) - G°'''`.;f 0i= J • Sb.Latitudeti and longitude in degrcess/mhmtesli�ecomh or decimal degrees:goad � a e a•) (J(rfla N otm Wang broaden* d p• IZ fa W 2Z eertil'wtion: a3. l 6.Is(are)lbewel(s) Fevmenent or Temporary Spume or errifiedWeIIConaecror I ltd.g.4644 1-.-i 3:W 2 Date Byeigning this form.nerdy co*that the ua111e)my(kere)oamwated at oaadoace A 7.Is this a repair to no dsisdng wets: piles or flhlo with HA MAC 02C.0100or LIR NC4C;01C.0200 Well Coam:ratanMaadaeb and that flails isarepalrfl0ani a:wencanumaionhfmamtaonanddgoraOsmeanMb coPY gift Mimi/asbaertprowwded toMewl/oimer. repair ender @21 renwls maim,mranthe backa/thrrfarm. ' 23.Silo diagram or additional well details: • - S.For GeoprobelDPT or Ciosed.Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well • coestmetioa,way l GW-1 is needed.Indicate TOTAL.NUMBER ofaslls watuucnoadetails.You may also attach additional pages if ne ammy. _ • - drilled: •� ;DBM TPALINSTRiUCT/O • [7 9.Total well depth below land=fans G 0 (!t.) 24a.For Mi Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well • FarmauplexdirlutaQ&Ai Jdighma(eserie.3@100•aed2@100') . construction to the following 10.Statue water Witt below top of caling: / (ft) Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit; pram,Imetit above caring um+' 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: ii) 944 (lii,) .I 24b.For inieciton Weill: En addition to sardarg the founts the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: PO4ar f '( - above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of wall Cie sumrotary.cabtc.dheat purl,eta) v' construction to thefotlowin� FQR WATER SUPPLY WELLS C ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Undergrodud injection Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Cepta,Raleigh,NC 276991616 . t 13a.Yield(gm) Sr/ Method of test: /) k--.&4 y ?sic.For Wafer Snub&Infection Wells; In addition to sending the form to I U / i .e the ttddtess(es)above, arm submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: &!r Amount: completion of well const action to the county health depanment of the county where constructed. Form GW 1 NoRhC,aolmaDcpa d gate[FAT•+t•arytQuality-DiYisionofWaWRom=I Revised 2222016'