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GW1-2023-02724_Well Construction - GW1_20230411
WELL 4CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Intemal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Wormation: 14.WATER ZONES --r�sName '��e�v DESCRIPTION ]FROM •� WeaCoatraetorldame '1 (� R. S ne f ft. NC Well ContractorCerdficationNumber IS.OUTER CASING for multi-cased wells OR LINER tre 1lcable I i VROM To E Ant a TMCKKE3s MATttRrAr. CompanyNamo 16,INNER-CASING OR•TUDING eothamal elosed400 FROM TO DIAMETER THICKIY MATE RIAL 2.Well Constru�tlon Permitt ?k9_';e99A,r2- �o D Gq tL >e In. List all applicable ivdl construellan peraritr(Le.WC Cortno.Xatg Variance,eta) fp tG la. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMtt:rER SLOTSUK THICtt2iP3ii MATERIAL OAgriculturai .[3M ug{cipaUPublie 3 R, 6 ft. In. l2� OC=thermal(Heatiog/Cooling Supply) tdeatial water.Supply(single) n ft. 1m -'Ol'ndustrial/coulmercial ❑Residential water Supply(shared) I8 GROUT 01ritigation .DWells>10000DGPD FROM To MATERIAL E11PLACEMEYrMLTHob&AHowr 'NOD-Water Supply Well: _ b' O R' -- C]Monitoiiitg:- i r --- dRecavery ft• jecdoti•Wel1p�' it. ft. OAqusPec.RechatgQ...- :` 30mundwater Remediation 19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK f n licable •. - o.i:.• gMtpLAC£bff.Nf M1EI'HOD DAquifer'StomgeandReeI ❑Salinity Barrier ileoat TO MurERrAr. Mquifeacsf ' % . CIStormwaterDrainage h' ( lL a yr OExperimental Technology OSubsidence Control n' It AGeotheimal•(Cldsodioop) ❑Tracer 20:DRILLING LOG attach edd;tloael!♦bats R access am r - FROM TO DESCRII'1TOMT rotor 6uda wllrwck a eta OGeol rermal: 'eatia Cooling•Retura E30ther(plain under#21 Remarks R ft. 4.Date WeII(s Rompleted: •Well lD# So.WeU:Locatil in- ft. n Facility.Owner FacilityIDM(ifapplicable) L -7!1C"n t�s�, Coldnt �I, �' Sllr 11•�r ft. IL ADD _ f, physical Address,'City,and-Zip 21.REMARKS ;.,., • �-_.,.,.�, _�, , _ Parul Identification No.(PDO • 5b.Latitude aqd longith to degrees/inlnutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if-will field;one 1at%loug Is s�s®cient) 22.Ce co on: j Signat=ofCclood WeltContractor Date 6,:1s(ate)theWcll(s): fflVe`rmanent -or. OTemporary ` r BysigninglUrjorm,1herebyeerltry that ShOVI II(s)was(were)eonaaaetedinaccordanceWrl, 7,is this s repair to an exlating well:; OYes or &-o 15A NGC 02C.0100 or 15A NGIC 02C.0200 Well Cwuhucdan Standards and drat a copy 90k is a repair,JIB out A-nown xA.ctipsnirction Wormallon and explain the nature ojthe ojr/r[r record has been provided to the well owner. repair under gal l emarJtssection oron-the back afrhlsjtrrm. 23.She diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info 8.Fbr.•deupr6hdDPT dr-..'Cto"sed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same (add'Sea Ovetr in Remarks Hox}.Yon ntay also attach additional pages ifnecessmy ctSnstm'ctibn,oily i GW 1 isneeded. Indicate TOTALNUMBER of wells drilled: ` 24.sUBmrffAL nvsT ucrtoNI'ls 9.T tal tyell,:dgpttielow land surface: v (it) Submit this GW 1 within 30 days of well completion per the fallowlag: Forrr�uLdpleS�e,Jgf ,lldeppth fdgeren!(example.3©200'and2Q1001 , •' 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), 10.Static waterlevel:below top of casing: " (fh) informadoa Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 0-ter ievel!s'!d ova easing,ase"+� 124b.For Infection Wells:Copy to DWI;,Underground Iajeclibn Control(IUC) 11.Borehole diameter: {in,) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well coast I cdon method:- iM V 1� (ZOTdC 24Q For Water Supp1j and O en Lbo Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the auger,rotary icable,direct pusb,eto.) county environmental ea epartment o the county where nos ed FOR;WATERjSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.Far Water Wells trodudn over 100,00 GPD:Copy to DWR.CCPCUA, A ;�. Permit Vwn,1611 MSC,Ruler C 27699-1 1 t 13a.Yield(gpm)_. 01 ` Method of test: A l ti 13b.DlslnfectIoo type: C.rilOf'(dUl Amount: Z' S Form OW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of WaterResources Revised 6.6-2019