HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02722_Well Construction - GW1_20230411 WELL CON§MMTIO RECORD GW 1 For Intemel Use Only: 1.Well Covtractur Information: 1 MWATERNE DESCIUFUIJ NeU CorinacwrNaare S s��L AfL NC Well Coatraetor Ce:fd:eation Number ma1H<ased tveUs OR LINER aUehlpuyn�fl FAo,� 43"� urAtr�-rf 1& THI 0 �P r. CarapaayNsme 16.INNEERV: G OR TUBIN . othcrtaat closed=Ica -FROM 1'O D7AMErER TffiCIaVi�SS MATEttW. 2.weuConsirncttonPermit#:_ �lS���"/DO7OO m Un aU WUwbra tgeft eonrWel7on permfLr(Le.WC Cmu+4.Slate.Varf--,eta.) IL !4 3.Well Use(checkwell use): 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOrsr� affic�iRss MATt;RIAL ❑Agricultural .❑MlmicipaMblic Li'5'1t: 7 5*n A1 . 4 tr C UGeothamal(Veating/Cooliag Supply) ,Q t6ldcatial Water Supply(single) IL ft. bL ;C1lndustriwCo�eroial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) l&GROUT .❑Wells>I00 000 GPD FRO TO MATEIOAL EMPLACFMENr 4lErHOD&AMottxr ❑Itri 'oa ! IL /�Q R. IIGT QV 'Non-WaterSupplyWOU. _ _ ft.: .13mohitoring ; ❑Reco ft. InjecSon Well:'!' ffi R DAQuif�iltecltai$a , - ❑CrroundwatcT R—aRtion 19.Sp1dDlGRAVEL PACK f a Ueahle ❑Agatfer.Stoiag"iiandRecovely ❑SalioityBarrier FRO:a TO arAYlntrAb Fati'racer, vrrt>rtroD ❑"iferTest ❑StortnwatarDrainage a0 7 0(3 DExperimental�echao]ogy ❑Subsidence Control n' pGeolheinral(Glosed'Loop) ❑Tracer 30rDRlLLiNGLOG attachadditioaeieheetslfa FAObr TO DES ON color Leda ralihoelt rAs []Geotbermal(II • CooiiagRetam) ❑Other iainunder#211temad, / tt VL SeM -C ei LF I ' ' q 4.Dote-•- eR(S)•0ompleted: ` �` •A.Well ID#_ n' !L FL rL LOT •5a WeD•I:ocatlpn• � .� i' . . faciGty%0lvnerNaila`e r FacUiwMH(3fappUeable) r a r V^ 1 W�1Sl1i�$Tdh m _ j q nc tL is APR 11 Physical Address.City,and Zip +•► Q - n�T� ' 2 / "f . 21.REhrARKS Q , Passeirdentitieacon No.(PIN) 5,.0.Latitudeand longitude-inAegeeWminutWseconds or decimal degrees: (TWO 6;lld;oae•�et/lougissi�aient) 22.Ce caftan• g It Contractor. -Is(am).thewell(s):�rmaneiit or ❑Temporary Sigaatura of Cerilped Well Contractor Date f Bystgnlagthlsjorm.I he+eby cent/that the wdl(s)was(w—)constrrrctedln aceordaace wit" 7,.)q this a reptiir ba tun exlsting.weD: ❑Yes or ago13ANCAC 0IC.0100 or 15d NGlC 02C.0200 Well Canc"aun Standards and that a cope IjthtrO a repatr.Jil7 oat brmvrr x�e1!�m ecrirquetJon tt�ormatlon and erp"rin the nature ojSte ojthis record has beery pmvided to the welt owner. repair,uader#dl'-+ arra seaon or on•the backojthl3 jornt. 23,Site dlagram or additional weH detalls: &YturGeoprby plpPT`or•Clo'scd-)(:o op Geothermal Wells havingthe You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info same (add'See Ovee in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages ifnecassgry iG . conshtYotioq:otilyl:GVICl -ieedi& indicate . drilled• �' 24.SUBMPITAL i1VSTRUCTIONS 9.Tgtal tiveU A li'-belgw land surface: `� (R') Submit thle GW-1 wlthln 30 days of well completion per the following: F.or 4 dRpte'tit+e flIg-'•alydepths{fdt8etaznt(example-3Q20U'and 2®1001. ( ) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division o Waier1R. 0=es (1)WR), 10.Static water ,I617 . ;V.el'below top of easing: Information Processing Uni%, 617 MSC,Ralelgh, Ijiaater level it a�iove easirr$use 1.. 24b.For Infection Wells:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(IUC) 11.Borehole d ameter: ��^ (in.) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well•cops ction method:_ hfl V� b� 24c.For Water Supply and O en Lbo Geothermrl Return Wells:Copyto the (Le.auger.tatazi'cable,direct push,eta) county en trmeatal h th epattment o a cotnitywhetE ins talled FOR WA E41SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Z4d.For Water WeIIs rndircin over 100 0U0 GPI):Copy to DWR CCPCUA ,,//�� Permit Program,I611 M COM C 27699-1 11 13i%YUld(gpm) Method ofte-*. Alf i i > 13b.Dlslnfectiou type: C Amountt, 3 OZ Form OW-1 North Carolina Department of Etnrimameaud Quality-Division of WeserResourees Revised f 6 z018