HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02616_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 WELL CONSTRUCTION RE CORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only y: I.Well Contractor information: J-0.yX g e We P_ i 14.WATrR ZONE XVett Contractor Name FROM TO DES yD� fL Is ft- 6f'e4.1V'h 1�- APR 1 0 2023 0 NC lVell Contractor Certification Number 70 ft- ft. it e C OUTTER CASING(for --+-p lie.b 15 ulfi��ased ells)OR L11 if. To DIA51=11t LF I TuJCK'NW Company Name- ft. in. I .DWN;�Nx E R G.SING OR TUBING(2emiler 2l�)2.WellConstruclion Permit,: W;Vl 060 t 237 FRO31 'o MA MATERIAL List aft applicable it-ell consirrection permits ff.e-FIE-Car,111r.State;Narianw,arc.) ft. It. in. 3.Well Use(check well use): fL R. Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN -OAexicullural � Eliviunicipal-T ublic FRUIT I TO 9LOTSME THICKINUSS NIATERIAL ElGeothermal(HeatiwiCoolin2 Supply) ElResidential Wate.-Stipp'.Y Sc'',-SI.C� I 14t 0101Sc'',- 40 pt,-.1 C. ft. I ElIndustrial/Cominercial ORcsidential Water Supply(shared) IS.GROL7 01nigation 11XVells-,100.000 GPD FRO.11 i T IOU. Non-Water Supply Well: rx. Ile-'$ rI"t'v If (' Lrld i7 9 e.._.- I*Aonitoring 0 R cc o,.e ry --0-------P-1 Injection Well: ft- ft. lv&Lll-e-24� "411C JlpreelSu re- 0AquiferReccliarge DGroundx%zter Remediation fl,. ft. 'EL7P.A (ifaEpUcable) AA'D/GRAA, L7P.A El Aouifcr Storage and Recovery OSalinity Parrier '9.S 0Aquifer Test TFo-S I TO AIATEERIAL Ell 1PLACLAIENT MMOD OStormwater Drainage is g IL JExiterimental Technology OSubsidcrice Control _Pq�thermal(Closed Loop) OTracer '(C -0.DRILL G LOG Which addilinnal sheets if neccssary) eatigJC..li.1- tOd-t FRO31 TO DESCRIPTIO-N Geothermal_(Hen 00ther(explain unde-=2 I R=arks) In size.e1c.) tio-a/Cooling Reurrm.1, 0"oll- 30 fl. -FA o 42 ,,_e - ",e,( 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 30 113 We-111D9 NOL M W i(!J C F 6-Y "' 7,; na.-I'Vell Location: -IL :70 It. lov Facilityi0ivriurName V Facility ID,';(ifaliplicable) /OerS If. Is,0 It- ea e/w, (J5 Is- - ' rot - ft. reepi g rev ckqe'-'r- Plwsical Address.Ciiv-and Zip ft 16,9 ft. 1-L'A-/ t22 AIAB(15ooeL Icounty P- elIdtnif- tiinka_(PIN) f le la 56.Latitude and longitude in degrees1n:Fl1nutes/sec611d[§or,decirnaTileggroes- h .5.5 -/0 1(./ (irwell field.one-lata,119 is suflicient) 2-7.Certification: __W 1 3 'z 6.ls(are)the well(s): Wermanent or OTemporary signature r 'enificd IlCorwmctor Eii� Ibc c By signing!Iris four the it-ellft)was fivc�.)cnnsj��Ic din ac"r1lalee%,ll, a 7.Is this a repair to an existing wefl: IlYes or ANo "A';'NC4C'_2C.0l ) le 101ris is a repair,fill out A7zoi%77 I t-L,11 i;1ji;r171a110n c 0 Standards and dia.,a t­qpj! and e-rplair e nature qfthe 1101t'�Wcr 23.Site diagram or additional well deti ails; S.For Geoprobeffiffor Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells ila-,s2,,h._,same You rnay use the back of this page to provide additional well construction in I fo . construction,only I GkV-1 is needed. indicate TOTALNIU.'(BER ofwells (add'See Ove'in Rema&m Box).You may also attach additional pages i drilled: f neeess ar% 24.SUBNEITTAL 11NST.RUCTl0.-%,S 9.Total well depth below land surface: -J r� (It.,) - For mull)ple ivelhr fixt ali dep1,Lr,;1 if; -00'ass I S feren!(trample-3@ Submit this GAI-I within 30 dav of well completion per the folloltin.: 10.Static ivater level below top of casing: 241:1. For All Wells: Original forni'to Div 'a -Resources (DIN'R), 9•t!se,­ information Processing Unit.1617 MSC,. Raleigh.NC-27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 7 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DIVR,Underground injection Control(IUC) Program,16-356 DISC.Rj&-i2h.NC 27699-1636 12.Well construction method-. ✓55 I'll I 7-4c.For I'Vater S(i-c:m_gerl ratary,cabic.direct Push,e1c.) upply and Open-Loon Geothermal Return Copy to the county enviropmeinal department of the county R herC in ;1aRLd FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 74d.For Water lVells producing over 100,000 D:Copy to DWR.CCPCUA 7 G 13n.Yield(g PermTt Pr"'9=1.1611'NISC.R=101,'t 2 99 F61E pin) Metlind aftest: 76 - 13b.Disinfection type:'_ Amount-