HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02582_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For hint nil Use ONLY:
This form can be used for single or mullipk ivctls
1.Well Contractorluformation:
Zach Thompson FROM TO 11MCIRPTION,
Uroll CoivingotN'ame
NC Well ConnaearCertification Nmrh& tS.OUTER CASING(rdr mu[1i ea d r�effsY OR LINER llfu'`licabkY.
SASDACCO Inc 0 tL 37 fL 2" in. SCH-40 PVC
CovV.-uq•Name I6JNNER CASING OR.TL'BiNG ,paihcrmai cloccd-look
2.Wc1I Construction Permit#: R. R, ni
lest uT1 rjp�lit-rrbfe irc!lprrrisiM fi_a.Cauruy,Stu.c,Vonore,1r fa daz eit-1
ft. it. in.
3,Wei Use(chocl:w•ell use): 17:SCREEN
Water Supply Well: FROMI TO I at METFtr I 81.OTS17i I TIRCHNISS I MATHm u.
C1Agrt utmrafl �114f1IDIc1pa11Ptd19iC 37 ft. 1 47 R. 2" 1% 010 SCH-40 PVC
®Geothermal(HealiliWCooGag Supply} 011esidential Water Supply(single) fL fL
®hidustriaVConmtcrciat l7Residential Water Supp4,(shared) tee GROUT -
❑ItTi afian 0 ft. 27 R. Portland Injection
Non-Water Supply Well:
rt. (t.
MNfOnitoring I-Mccovery
Inject Ion Well:
0Aquitcri1ccltarge QGroundvs-atcrRcutcdiadon 1s:SANDIGRAVEL PACK(if
17Atjaifcr Storagc and Recovery []Salinity garner 32 R. 47 ft. Filter Sand #2
❑AquifcrTest ❑SlOrmwatcr l)riukigp
R. ft:
❑t:rperinicnial Tcchnology 13Snbsidcncc Conitol
20i DRiL
LING,WGfanach addhional''-dwits i0cccssun•1
❑Geotltennal(Closed Coop} OTricer FROM TO nFSLRAPTIO\(,nbr,hnrdnccr�,i1'nrcktr x.' n wc.rlr.1
DGvrothenual(FIcatinalCooliug Return) L7Otlter(explain.under fill Rewa&) 0 tL 47 R Tan Silty Sand and Saprolite
47 ft, fL Rock . . ,.
4.Date Well(s)Completed: 2/21/2023 WatIED#PZ23-02
sa.Well I.orathin: ft. tL APR
Duke Energy fi ft. In
Factlity,'4ivocrNaivc FiclitylDS((fapplicablc) R, ft.
253 Plant Allen Rd., Belmont,. NC, 28012 ft. ft.
Pigskal Address City.and Zip d2L REMARKS
Gaston Bentonite Seal from 27'-32'
Ccnuily 1}arcc]1J,,nlff�canon.Na,(PIN}
5b.F Atitude and Longitude in(!4t!rfies4minutc9seconds or decimal degt•ces: 22.Certification:
(It,,itll ficW,ciic IaU70ug is gu(iiciC.nl}
35.1142 N -81.0048 W 2/28/2023
tuWrcarceiti l Contactor Dale
6,b(are)the well(s): MPermattent or 17Temporary Ht signing this far m..l hereby cerfify char flie iiell(sl wvx(virre)conxfnrcfed ire avearrianc r
with 15,6Vck 02C.O!(►)at,15A NCAC 02C.0200 elide Constructiar Starkiards wid dw a
7.Is they a repair tit an ex sting well: ElVes or ®ND coVy af(Adr record has fiwen pruritic•ptibe srrlf mmer,
If this is o reyglr,fitt Ott ku(;w(ivelf cofwnfedoa hifor(oari eve and explain the trarare of flea
repair under 021 remarks srciian or oii die bark of this•form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details:
You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well
8.Numberof wells constructed: 1 consimCtion deiails. You may also:ttlaelt adu&6onal pages if necessatp-
For mulrllli Injew1o)i or onui-imfer suppiy n•elrs OXLY m1(h r1a&7R(C forPStri([11an,you can
sudmif Clio form. SCTDRf[TTAL.iNSTCiCTiONS
9.Total well depth below land surface. 47 (fl,) 24a. Stir All Wells: Subinit iltis form within 30 days of completiou of well
Fnr)ffnlalpioirclislfst Off dCPYhsffdigi•rM&.Irro!ok•-J@20'a(ul2@fM- } construction tolhcfollonina:
10.Static crater level below Kip of rasing: ((Y,) Division of Water Resources,InGirmation Processing Unit,
if nbter level 6 above casing,use"+ 1617 Mait Service Center,R•ilcigh,NC 27699-1617
11.Borehole diameter.8" (in) 24b.For is .Inn Walla ONLY: in addition to sending the fomi to ilia address in
24aabove.also submit a copy of this foau within 30 days of completion of well
12,Well Construction method:HSA constructionl to ilia following_
(i.e.auger.-rotar}•,cable.direct push etc:} Division of Water Resource's,Underground Injeclion Control Program,
FOR NVATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 2 7699-1636
13a,Vicld(gpni) Method of test• 24c.For Water Supply&Injcetion Wells:
Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Completion of
13h.M.4infectian type: Amount: well consiniction to the coinny Itc;ilth department of tine County where
constricted. f I
Fonn GeV-t NonhCarolina Mpaumnt of Environurni and Natural Resources—DivWon of Waicr RmcL1 Revised august`013