HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02581_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 II ii WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For t uemal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or mW ipk%sells ➢.Well Contractor Ltformalion: t-1.WATER ZONFS Zach Thompson FRONT TO 0t•SCRIP11ON Well CorwrclurN'ante R. ft, 4478A ft. ft NC Well Cowacror Ccnifiention Nwober IS:OUTER CASING for'PTMtll=cised4cl1sl'OR LIINER fif s• tkabk . FRONT TO DLU IETER Tti MNESS. I NTATEntAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 1 63 fL 2" in: I SCH-40 PVC Comp;up•Nance 16ANNER CASING OR TUBING f eoiberuA cksLil400 ' FRONT TO DrMIFTER TtnCKNESS I NTAItUt. 2.Wc1➢Construction Permit#: ft. ft. in Mr at aiv rable weUpennits(r%Cbunry,Stp:rr,Yariarso,IryB[DCet C1r..J ft. ft. tt4 3.Well Use(chgcl.vvell use): M SCREEN Water Supply Well: - - - FROM TO DrA,ltri.TF,R St.OT81"'. TtIICTcNM I MATFAW, Mg culturll ONfunicipaliPub)ic 63 ft. 73 ft. 2" Ire• .010 SCH-40 PVC ®Geothermal(➢3eatingtooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(s[Dgle) fL fL ❑IudustriallContmcrcial []Residential Water Suppb•(shared) IS.-GROUT FRONT TD NTATERtAL ENIPLtCENTENT VE•rf1OD&AMOUNT ❑Iri ation 0 ft. 54 (L Portland Injection Non-Water Supply WCR:. fL ohfonitoring []Recovery Injection WeLI: rL fp Q Aquifer Red,arge .116muridwalcr8cmcdiation "MSANDIGRAVEL,PACK(if r rlieslAe)+ FRONT TO NIATRIU.M. RNIPI�(F{IE:VTHtFnOh ❑AgnifcrSiorngcandRecovery l7SalinityHarricr 58 R. 73 ft. Filter Sand #2 ❑AgnifcrTest 05fomiwatcr Drrin,'roc R. ft. ❑Experimcntal Twhaotogy Mnbsidcncc Conttol 20 DRILLIl1GILOGialurchaddltionnlshcetsifhcccssaril ❑Geodwnnal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer .FRONT TO DrsCRWROX(ma,harduca wwntektr n r5rucit.) ❑Grothem ai(Heatine-Cooliu_e Muni) ❑0ther(explaiu under 421 Retuarf s) a M 73 fL Tan Silty Sand and Saprolite 73 fL % Rock 4.DatcWe11(s)Completed: 3/6/2023 WeilID#PZ23-13 -'- - ft. ft. 54.Well[.ocatfttn: fL fL Duke Energy ft fL FacilitylOicncrName Facility IDN(ifapplicable) R. R, 253 Plant Allen Rd., Belmont, NC, 28012 ft, Plnsieal Address.City.and Zip -,2 t.RERtAH S' Gaston Bentonite Seal from 541-58' Coutliv Parcel ltknlifrcilion No,(PIN) 56.Latitude and Longitude in ftmes/minuteslscconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (irucu field,pore 1,11rlong ig atnickrrt) 35.1935 N -81.0098 W /rLbI1i 3/18/2023 ernWru ofcatiried welfconvaetat Dale 6.I5(are)the w•ell(s): MPermanent or ❑Temporaiy.. IN aigvring rhir farm,1 hereby rerlify rhal the nzille i war(Krml ewaslr icierl irr rtcrvrdxmcv teirh JS,t NC.1C t72C,(i1Atl a•IBA 1VCAC(J3C,(l:p{7{{'rlJ Corrsrrrctiorr Srdrrsicrrds avrd rbwrl a 7.Lv this a repair to an existing well: E]Vcs or ®ND cry afrfilr reconi leas lhca pmvided ro dw ui-11 moier, if ibes h a"Pair,fall cerr owed w Ivell ewumict(oa hrformrriorrmrd expidin the narare of die repair under 921 rernarkr srcliam or ovv the hart:afthh form 23.Site dinl;ram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or avell S.)lumberof wells constructed: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For rtrn4*lyderrion or am-ti+orer sup#,v wells ONLY idih the sirme e4wstrimdoat,yoi,can .suipmlt rum farm. .G 1BMI TA .INST T .TIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 73 (ft.) 24a. For Ali Wells: Submit Ilds farm within M days of conip[asion of well For rtruldph,ivellslistaNdepffirlfdiferew(exaajpfe-3@ 00'deul2@100) con5inictiantodwfb(lotviag: 10.Static Nvater level Maw top of cminw. (B,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if seater level is above Lvising,ace"+" 1617 hail Sert•ice Center,R:ticigty NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8" (in.) tab.FOIE 11ILMIian Wclis ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit a copy of this fotui within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: HSA construction to the following. (Le.auger.nx*,cables dirt:ct ptsslL etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Programs, 1636 Mull&rviceCentcr,Ralef FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: , Raleigh,NC 27699-1636� >; 13-. Yield ftm) 14lcthad of test: 24c.For Water Supply Br[njcctirrn Wells: Also submit one copy of this fama within, 30 daysofcompletionof 13h.Disinfection 1hpet Amount- cecll construction to the catmn•6.Ith department of tim counh,where constnlctcd. Fame GW-t North Carolina Dep utmem of Endroruncra and Mitural Resources-Division of Rrotcr R i dou Revised Atgust-V 13