HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02573_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 WELL CONSTRucrION RECORD For(victual Use ONLY. This form can be used for single"nurllipk wells 1.Well Contractor information: I-LIVATERZONES Zach Thompson PROM TO 11FICRIPtION WellCotiracwrNantc R. ft. 4478A fit. fL NC WellComrclorCcn)ftcationNumber 15.OUTER CASING rrdr.intilt[4ikti—WiUslORLINERflf Beabk. FROM TO mum'TER Rlnct vl€ss AtATEn1AL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (it 48 fL 2" in, SCH-40 PVC Computl-Naox lid.,INNER'CASiNG OR'Til61NG +L�,iGerroal cWscdaon 17RO-M To DLl14ETER THI M1EA SIAMME. 2.Well Construction Pei-Knit R. ft, nc L,srasl app1 ablr k ell permits fir..t=ouniv.:Surm,rlariorwe.Iryerdal err.) tt fit. ire ��l 3.Well[use(eheelcncll use): 17.SCREEN WaterSuppiy Well: MOM TO 11MME.TFit sr,OTsM T1ttCKNSs I MATrwAt. [1r ocuitural ONfunicipaliNbliC 48 R. 58 R. 2" in. 010 SCH-40 PVC ®Geothermal(FleadrtgfCooling Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) fit' M 'o ®hidustrial/Comtncicial ©Residential Water Supply(shatt:d) I&GROUT' FROM To NIATERrhL i n1PEACENMNT 111EM0D S Mf01JNT ❑irri ation 0 R. 38 fL Portland Injection Non-Water Supply WeR.- rt ❑hlonitodpl; f3Rcm-cry R Injection Well: f4 l7At}itifcrRccharge 17GrouMvIalcrRerac(Iiation 19:SANDIGRAVEL PACK'fir iitdicab[L) FROM TO AIATnRIAL HNIP1 ACMIENT�1 r:TNOn ❑Aquifer Storage and)iccofcry' ❑Salinity'Uarricr 43 R, 58 ft. Filter Sand #2 ❑AquifcrTest ❑Stem% atcrDrainage R. fit ❑Experimcnial Technology ❑Snhsikncc Centre( '20:DRI[.L1NG'IAG(attach additional.shcets if ieecessan•) 13Geodiemtal(ClustdLoop) OTracer cRost T%} DESCRIPriONtmbr,t+rrduc.+wi;'nMk(rx.^ 'uwa�Hcl ❑Cimtherinal(HealingfCooliu2Retutn} 00flier(explain under#21Remads) 0 ft. 58 R, Tan Silty Sand and Saprolite 58 ft. fL Rock 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 3/l/2023 WctIID#PZ23-12 fit. (L C - 5a.Well Locatutn: Duke Energy fL If. A P f� Faci)ityoUivncrNamc FacilityMM(ifapplicable) ft, R, L? -t+ V3 253 Plant Allen Rd., Belmont, NC,. 28012 ft., fit - "' '' ' ' r<`'=''"•.J^•ryry r t,n Pinsicnl Add04 ress,City.and Zip .21.REMIARI:S' Gaston Bentonite Seal from 38'-43, C<nutly ParcelldoalificilionNo.(Ph11) Sb,latitude and i.ongitude in deg yceslminuteslseconds or deeirnwl degrees: 22.Certification: (lfnell field,ors lab7oug is s,dllcknl} 35.1153 N -81.0051 3/3/2023 ig oturcafecitiGcMW Cmutactar Daic 6.Is(are)the well(s): Meer umnent or ❑Temporary 1h•signb,b lbir form,1 irerebr rerfifr rhalr rl,e lrel'If5)(SLY(lrrrL)conrrnrcred i,r a[Y'ordn'nve with I'M AVOW 02C,0100 or 1 Sit NC;IC 02C,02MI Well Consirrrcdal Standards anal dwr a 7.Lti this a repair to an existing well: Mo-s or MND C[�ry of rlllf r,'CDrrl bras Ih'rn pt,Yr'ifl,'d a.11rr urll mr,u+r, iftbfsis a repair,fill exit kt7r nvl uefl rnrutnrrtlnn luforna;rlar and eeplabt rile wrare of nc0 repair umlcr A21 retaarkv archon or on the bask ofllri,fornc 23.Site diagram or additional[sell detaite: You may use the back of this page to provide additionat welt site details or%sell 8.Nutuber of%vells consimeted: 1 cousituction details. You nlav also attach additional pages if necessary. For)a.Otllle bAvfiom or om-outer supple n'elfs ONLY w1rh riot same wovstrurtiorr,yin%Can zebu,&one form. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTiONS 9.Total well depth below land surface:. 58 ((y,) 24a. Ear All Wells: Suhtrdt this form%,H(hin 30 days of completion of wall Formahlplehellslistrtflrieprhsifdifr'errru(craapfe-3@?00'aiul2@IM) constntction to thefoitaning: I0.Static water level below top of casing: ((y,) Division of Water Resources,Information Prucessing Unit, 1f,valer level Is above ewfog,ace"+" I617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 H.Borehole diameter.8" (in) 24b.Fur iItiecflan WglhONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove. also subruit a copy of this funs within 30 days of completion of%veil 12.lirell coustructiou method:HSA construction to the following: (Le.--Wr.rciary,cables direct ptlSIL etc:} Division of Water Resources,Underground[ttjectlon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY MILLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 1344 Weld(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Watcr Suit&ak f&ctiun'Wclls: Also submit one copy of this form %%ithin 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection Iypc. Amount, well construction to the county Stealth department of the count)'where constructed. Fami MY-I North Carolina Depdruncin of Enviromtktu and Natural Resources-Division of WaterEtmou Revised August 2013