HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02571_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lmvnnl Use ONLY: This form can lv used rw single or inadtipk iwils 1.Well Contractor Information: IIMATER.ZONES Zach Thompson F140NI To OMICR1PiION WdlCorricrciorName r1. rt. 4478A NC Well CammctorCerflib ation Numticr '15,OUTER CASING(fbrfuulR-caved WillsfOR LINER"Ia flcable) MOM TO Drx mETBR TflICt{NE55 AIATERTAL SAHDACCO Inc 0 (L 62 (L 2" in. I SCH-40 PVC Canv:uty Nauw MANNER CASING OR:To111MG ihLrin d clar 400 FRONT TO DIA:'1IETE6 WERNE R. MATERML 2.Wc1l Construction Permit 1r51 all apq ikablr.tmllpenreits(i-r..County,Siva!,,variarwe,1rYer r4 eir..) tt. fL in. 3,Well Use(chute well use): 17:SCREEN - - - FROM TO DrAMETER srt)Ts1". Tnr( INM MATFMA1. `4aterSulgdy Well- CiAgricultutal Mfunicipalftblic 62 ft. 72 R. 2" in. .010 SCH-40 PVC QGeotkimal(Iieati 1Cooling Supply) ®Residential Witer Su fL fL i1►. D&' e. l P PPiS'(single) �hidustriaUCoRu►tercial QResidential Water Supply(shared) t8:GROUT _ -,-1 TU ;•L�TI?dtIAL L+\[PLACEF1tLVT\tEntOn RA\fOU�iT ❑1ni alion 0 f4 52 fL Portland Injection Non-Water Supply Well: fL fL IDNlonitoring QRccocct}' Injection`4VelL• t4 rL 0Aquifer Recharge QGroundvoct Rco cdiation tv:SAND1GRAVELVACK(ir a r rliL:abrt-)-: FROM 'M NIXT r41. RN1Nt.a(:T:vn:NTHt:r11On QArjrrifc[Storage and Jtecavcty' QSalinin•l3amcr 57 R. 72 ft. Filter Sand #2 QAgaifcrTest ll t©mmNatcrGriinagc ft. ft. QEgleiimcnt it Technology QSilbsidcncc C01001 Sn.-DRILLING LOG(apacd additioaatshcels if ncccssanl OGeothenual(Closed Loop) OTracer FRONT To DESCRTPrtO\(enbr,hartlnecr s"IA'nrcktr .- n.vc.nr.T 17GeatLellnal(Heating/CuolingRetum) Miter(e plain under 921Retnalhs) a fL 72 fL Tan Silty Sand and Saprolite 72 fL fL Rock' 4.Date NVel,10)Completed: 2/23/23 ` etllD#PZ23-07 $a.111M Locution: fL fL Duke Energy f4 fL , Facilityl(hvnerNarr_re Facr74M(ifapplk:ablc) ft. it. iry_.`'"ryji l 253 Plant Allen Rd., Belmont, NC, 28012 . f4 fL ,;'t�^ `''-J rl% 70 7, Physical Address.City.and Zip ;:2 L RENIARKS Gaston Bentonite Seal from 521-571 Correll' I}arcc]1tknliriC111gn No (PIN) Sh.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/secouds or decimal degr'ces; 22.Certification: (ituoll 1101d,011C I;iblung is srdllCLmt) 35.1142 N -81.0042 W � 2/28/2023 recuturc ofCcit[fred 1Vc CoIW actor Dale 6.Is(are)the well(s): %Permanent or DTemporlt} 1h•signing this form,1 hrrebr certifs•rhru thr nd!{s'1 tsgs-(tsrre)cwrirrrucrerl irr rrcrorrlancr o'irb 15A NCAC 02C A1tT'7 or 15A,YCAC 02C.0200 Weil Constracrion Staryfards trnd ibat er 7.Ls this a repair to an existing well: ElVes or MNo CrytroJNiir mcnnlltrsburn pt»witrd to the.cull mv,p'r, dithis is'o repetlr,fill taitAncona wellcmwn(cdea ltrforrnarlartrade.tplobr rile nvrare ofrlic mpairuader#21 rrinarksserihm orrm die back-ofthis fornL 23.Site diagrain or additional well detaiLi: You may use die back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You pray also attach additional panes if necessary. For tnakVe Injewimr or ars'r-nxrter supply'wells ONLY.idd1 dm same constraerlar,yea Carl saNrit oar forn. SUIDNiLTTAL INSTUCTiONS 9.Total well depth below land surface. 72 (ip,) 24a. Far All Wells: Submit tliis farm within 30 days of completion of well For nrahiple it•ells list all depths lfd&%rtnr(ertapple-3G_D20(r and 2@ 100) construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of cmiuW. (II,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing[unit, 11 uwter level Is above vasing,tee"+" 1617 Mail Service 6awr,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 It.borehole diameter.8" (in.) 24b.Fnr lniccllon Welly ONLY: in addition to.sendinR ft form to the address in 24a above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well toustmetiou method:HSA consimctieut to the following: (i-c.auger.rotary,cables dime puck efc:} Division of Water Resources,Urtderground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;L Yield(arm) Method of test• 24c.For Water SupV113r Inj_cetion Wclls: Also submit one copy of this fond within 30 days ofcompletionof 13b.Uisinfcetiun hpe Amount: tvctl construction to the county health lth dgmriment of(tie crnmty where constructed. Forni GW-i Noah Carolina Ilcpcmmbmr of Enviroam ni and Nnurral Rcsources-Division of Water Ri-Mtrces Revised August 1013