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GW1-2023-02555_Well Construction - GW1_20230410
i +�1VELL.CONs,r LJC*rION RECORD \ Farhtscrnal Usc ONLY: 'Phis form can bc'used for single or mompk+veils j- f 1.Well;CnutrnctorInformation. tJ:.���17ER'LONfrS . John Eisenman V14053 tt) Df.S1';Ittfftt(r\ UVICorAnrclortyinw fl. ft. fL (L 4439 NC iVcl]ContmcrorCcniftcation Nuirber `M.'OUTER CASING trer'rnultltaw-d i cttsi OR LiNER'ilra• Geable)` FRONI I Dr:►:Lfr,TER Tfr7CtM—S15 i NTAITMAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 40 fL 1 211 in. SCH-40 PVC Valli lt:an•Nalm- It;:INNER CASING OR n'BING;(i;i'vlMirna clo 04 i, FROSI I To DIAMETER I THICI{.NESS I VATERTAL ?.Wcit Commiction Per'nift R+ ft, uL liri tall applirrf6lc u-cllpr"'rmirs(i:r..L'nwrhr.Sacs.,trnriarxr.!r}'EYbCIt e5c.j n. fl. [r4 3.Welt Use(.heck well a.sel; M SCREEN Water5upply Weil: - FROM I to ar"o-1 r4 I stoT8173: t1t1CxNM5 I arATRRrnr. tJt1gl;tll[utal 17JhhinicipaUPub6ic 40 ft. 60 ft. 21, i .010 SCH-40 PVC ©Geothemul(HeitingfCoolin3 Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) ft. � rL OltidustriaUCmttnicfcial ©Residentia.I Water Supply(slctred) rAcGROIIT:.... ::' ..- • .. :,. FROM TO, JfATERLIL I E:►TPLACOIENT31EtRODS.LUOUNT 01rti tivv' 0 fL 35 M Portland .Pour h ltn=�'iratcr Supply 1Ve.IB: ft. ff. 6dManilaring pRccmzr}• - - - Injcctlott Well; ft. rL 1�IAquifcrRccharge neirouridnatcrR.ciitcdiation t9i5ANDJC;tL1VIL'CACI{',ifardicyDte! "�FROSI '10 mxrvur.n7. t?StNr.lCr]\I}:Vl'!47r?ltr7n 13A4140 Storage arri Rccoycry ❑Salinity Snnict 38 R, 60 ft. Sand #2 ❑Arptifer Test• 0[1ormnatcrl3rtiri7 p ri. r1. O>"?:17.^tin7cntalTvchno[cI�• pSarbsit[rncc(':artrral 2n,DRILLING LOG failach addlliotial sheets If acccssnn•t E%readtert"(Closed Loop) Mracer 1 fRgb1 110 D�SCittPT1U\fsabr.h;,nrncir,v.Wr+K4�X' pn>irr„�Irl riGeotheinnal(Fleatine Cooling Retunl) [301her(explaitt ututer•921 Retuar6s) 0 fL 60 ft. Silt/sand/clay 4.Date Well(i)Completed: 2-3-23 Nell IDNMW-10 fL n. '- + Sa.Well Locathm: IL ft. _.:. Speedway ft. ft. 023 facility ftnncrNunx Facility boo j applicablc), ft. ft. 4431 N. Center St., Hickory, NC 28601 Physical Addr•ss.Cit;•:and Zip :21:Rl1►L►HiCS' Catawba Bentonite seal from 35-381 t'na,uL1. t:,rcel I&IJI ifie;rtiou No.(PIN) - 56.l.iatitud/anilItingittrticindc�tccslminuteslsccondsardcein7aldegtccs: 2i Ccrtiticrtiun: (lr a¢ll rwid,oue latilwig i;:MEMCLAd) it W __- - 2/22/2023 siginturz of `:'i:7d�:iJi LRh:!'i :—.— Ualc 6.Is(are)the►vell(s): XlPennanent or OTet moral}' !!r r;:Cnul thin jQ,,,:�r:� �"� ih•rn f S?7 cis t+ice zcl.�7ruzreri iu crconlra,cr rv*4IMrVCdCO2C Couarp,:rinnSruruJareserndrrar<r 7.Is thL%a repair tar ad cXistin„well- ElYm or IENII c0�,r of 17iis liming!hrc lr.`n j,rerrirlyd fn rhr.sn lJ(gaga,'. If ibis'Il a repair,fill ruff kaor,vi rvrlf roe ilnrtJ<rri J,rjornarrf.vr mad i elrinhr rlu nrrrare of rAc rejfair«ruler 021 remarAw seefiara or rm flip.hixf of fins form. 23.Ric diagram or additional,well detailm You may use the bacl;of this paile tti ptocide addilioiral trell site daails.or well S.)cumber of►Yells cotTitrttcted 1 cotlstructiou details. You Inav alsto attach.idrlitiotlal pages if access ln•. For maniple uflecrron or and-11 er sir}ply wells ONLI•tdtfi die samecvfrstrurfivu,yea Cerro .s:flrrnitarne Ecru,. SUBMITTAL 1NS'I•CTCTfONS 9.Total n'd[depth Mow land surface. 60 (ft.) 24:L Far All Wells: Subirdl this fonn within 3U days of eompletiou of n"rll For araftiple icells tin all deprhs if fiffi rem lercmple-3re1200'(v1(12 @ lf7o'► eonstniction to jibe follonina: 10.Static water level below top of casing; (l1,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If imler level Js above eds&q.li fe^+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 227699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.251' (in.) tab.i nIlijpiDlr Wy lfc OVLY: In addition to senilinb.Ak form to ilia address in 246abo►•e. also submit a copy of this foRu within—to days of completion of hell 12.Well construction Meta:HSA Coustmction to the follonimz: (i.e.anger,.A ary,cable direct push etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mull Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;r4 Yield( pin) Atctland of test: 24c.For Water SuQUIX&laicellon Wells: Also submit one copy of this fern! ►ridiiu 30 days ofcompletion-of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: well construction to the county health department of tire coarm,where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carotin:?Dganment.of Eeviroluucru and Marna)Resources-Division oPlYatcr R i- tr ovx-- R,evised August 1D13