HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02455_Well Construction - GW1_20230404 • • Feb 15 19 06:43p Clearwater Well Wrl ing 828-622-7241 ' p.1 • •ww. WELL CQNSTR'iICTION RECORD ww-11 For Interim/use Only: - ' 1 I.7 C !Ormolu:onlratt !Ormolu:7p •..___......-.. M R,ADS 14WAT ZONES rttaN! ro mumililrtott Well Cosmos Noma D. O. I I , V eilCmissoareettiSetgenti 15.TITER CASINO Dor� Oily /it�l 0,��,�,NI t'V� r �1.\ I f \�OO ",cow , ro ni lrQltltlt� TI; W tt• m a- �� - — oram 16'WI" 2.well C011sh nelson Permit II: '� """�" Q. it_ Mutts(opAraide Pall aamtmrotian petmltr(La 11C Camtly.Stale:Variance.cat) in i f, i0. 1 3.We'11 Use(check well else): Water Simply Well: —��17.SCel/ "TO --010011111 swarm 'D#lFtnVpa R4►'tRatAL ji A3ricukural El onioipol/Publlc U 0:. R. b. ill Gootltcnnal(L3ealing(CoeingSupply) Residential Water Supply(single) e. {t, la: i E InduslrialfCommeratal Residential Water Supply(shared) tpmcgour - II Irrigation a sssetrts�iritta'erst AAUstn4011 IVat-Water SupplywiD: I O"l t I Miniton •: #Recovery o. fr. . n cotton'-'et: - is. R II'Aquifer Recharge OGranndwater Rcmediation 13.-9,01I!/GkAVBL PACK R 1i•golfer Storage tad Rumm ©SalinityBaules "'ARer1 TO +► nwfi.+ciatarrzun t�vm"'—� ill Aquifer Tett r3StnortwaterDrainagc a' °' II Experimental Teeimology •D.SabsidcnccControl n- ft. MI Geothermal(Closed Loop) Erma :20.PERI IOG( ,.- rs1- JIM TO 1z` , neRhee4 [raMriraete3 •I Geothermal -:,. .. e�oli ;Ream) 111 a mink Remarks) tr. ‘��a 1 �Y _...; 4.Date Wdl(s)Completed:2' �t ll mgag _\3R^ OD art: let' 5 WNl LocaN Nn re- RJ 1 D. r� VnUIc 2 -n`C. Zo\ift: - irecaitylOrmerflmne r &any 106Ofe),ptieehle) n• n• r---� ith—'3 , Pinball Addresl,City,:n4 tc'�, P.F'R yt !a �Q23 • L21.R1.1frl,tRt(ls Parcel lebnilication No.(PIN) t _ W ' �XG�:,.s. ng l,T r.1 5h.Liititude nod tongitade isdegteeahnhattcdlecendsordecimal degrees / (irwptl f(e d.one Mang is nditeIW) " 15k O N $3 3—C2-23 t 1 lV)0 W ,� Ho>,: �.�,( 6.lout)cite weltp) „ Ptrmenenl or Dr mpotary Si cos Certified VlrellCaatreetor mete T ,y,,,� ap Amos rltla•(urn,l!tetchy earm&elms/he iwL4)ors fl ra)ca arami et occouronre 7.Is this a repatrno an es hell well: nits or(�No with s,A NC,(C:h2C.(t100 or ISA Near MIC.tl111D WWEFCr nslrorion Stmalarda and that a OWsian mole.111i o ubuneet wQ.waamatot Olwcrtose/at plain ihcaannegrebe �Ynfll UebritMi em pMl'l$2d 0 antI miser r palr lender 121 is rmttt secant pro atlrc hack Of'Miami. 23,Site diagram or additimwl Win details: &For Geaprobe/OPT er Closed-lamp Gemtbe nual Wells baying the sane YOU may use lice bock of this page to provide additional well dile debu7s or well cons nIotiin,only i GW.I is needed. Inds to TOTAL NUMBER of-wells COMIntoliof details. You may al no Sited additional pages If fll1es hay. drilled:_ .... _ �11tM11'l Al,Ii TRUC1111NS 2'agl Well depth below land 311ftacc: � " (t) 24o. leer AU Wells: Submit this form within 30 des of com}leloo of well For multiple wens liv atIdartha reCearanr(imsrpla-3(FF}T7OW.=1201an1 . LYmoti0Ct10r1 to the fullDtring.. 111.static wake':vd below top of emdag: -. • (fG) Dirillom of Water Resources,balbrtnatlon Prole ssieg Unit, UMmerAnvils Ohara casing me 't 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC27699-iti17 1 I.RonStotediameter: l.Sr '0 (1a • 21�Sew i atectiog Waite In addition to sending the Loon to e address in Zia 12 Well construction method: rb above.also submit one copy of this fore,within 30 days of completion of wen it c•nuae-.rose.cable.&est push,etc.) construction to the foflowistg PEA WA RTE &LPPt.V WE1 14 ONLY: Division of Water Resources.Underground Infection Control Program. _9 ' I` i 1636 Mall Service Caron,ReleTS5,NC 27699-fh'36 131,Yield Il;peel- `t' Method of ese G 24.e bar Water Snub&Infection Wet; In addition to sanding the fine to Ibis sddwss(cs) abase,also submit one copy of this limp wihhn 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type:, - - Arnmint: - comptetion of well construction to the county health depteunent of the county where contracted Menu Gtnl.I North Carolina Depeatmont rtelinebiliinratel Quality-Divrseonof Water Itaemm s Reaed2-22 2a16 i . I I ' W.0 Driller$ f.$put Gre NewVi�ell: Pew I h xy certify that the above referenced well WaS grouted in appearance in aaooandanoewith all County Well rules. Well Driller,, difOLAD Si erL• _ 3 Cet iftcate#: �� 3 -A _ Date.Grout�ad: Z- �S Z Construction: Grout Total Depth; SU - `1'YPe: .,9 -I" g Type: Thickness: ail OL4O , Casing Depth: 1 O Depth: 3D.meter . ty V�eightaltdc.• . Drive Shoe: GPM: . ..