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GW1-2023-02391_Well Construction - GW1_20230404
LC TS Y N RECO ^ GW 1 �) ForintemalUse Only: L W99 ContractorInformation: wc11 Co ,=. 14.WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRII7ION NC Wen Coanaetor Catificadoa Nbmbar ra fL 16.0 CASING ror multi ersed tivelJs OR LAYER�f a Geable DIAT?�rER Tffi �TII CompanyName �P-e�wq ft. VAL 2.Well ConstructionPern it#: � W 16.11MR CASIlVG OltT08ING thermal closedloo Las!all app&wbk weft eonrtruetl FROM TODAtER1AL wuy,State;Ymiancq ft 5 fa S�l is ft.n tl z 3.Well Use(checkwell use): R in. Water SupplY Well: 7.SCREEN ❑Agricultural ❑ cipal/Public FROM To DraM SLOTSIZS 21IICIINFSS MATE1tLtL ❑Geothermal(Heating/Ccoling supply) fa R _ in uPP Y) 'dential Water Supply(single) ❑Iadustrial/Commercial []Residential pirater Supply R & rn ❑Irri o n (shared) 18.GROUT ❑Wells>100 000 GPD FROM 7 To Non-Water Supply We1L rMPLACFMENC?dXMOD&AMOtWr ❑Monitoring ?j fa overy❑Rec •� -1 ' Injection Well: ft fa R uifer Y ❑A q ft �` ! echarg° ❑Gmundwatergemediation ft ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑SalinityBanier . I9.SAND/GRAVEI,PACK,fa liable ❑Aquifer Test TO MAT�re ��C 1rME18oD❑StormwaterDtaiaage ' ]MOM ft & i. ❑Experime�al Technology ❑Subsidence Control ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ❑Geothermal(HeatinCoolie g/ g 20.DRII,LINIGLOG attach additionalsbeetsifae eess Return) 130ther(Wiainunder#21Remarle;) FROM To DESCitIPT10N eolor.bardcea•soiuroek � ft ' sin.eta. 4.Date Wents).Completed• 3-2-3-2_3 WenM# 5a.WellLocation: m - rc • Fae�lsty/OwnedName • • 1 /� n/� . Fa-W]D#(ifapplieable) & ft 1 i C�-a h-r A.v — 2 U, Pbys LA IJ. ddtess,Gty ao)dTap R - v V�t�C.t IJL�� 2L RENARK3(, I-Ounw' Parcel Idaatifieatio NNo.(PIt� ' 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutwlseconds or decimal degrees:(ifwellfield,onelaNiongissnfficieat) ; 22.Ce" ration: W .6.Is(are)thewell(s): f rmanent or ❑Temporary r 1 06 f i Rr� ntraetor ��2-3 ` Date 7.ls this a repair toan existing well: ❑Yes or NO ByrtB++lagthisform,lherebyceiyifythatrhewett(s)xar(Sverc)eansauuedlnaceordmrcew!!h ' Tjthts isarepair,felt orakrroxm weft eottrlraellon i otmatlon 15ANC-IC 02C:0100 orM NCAC 02C.0200;Ydll Cpratraenon Staadottir and that a copy ^j ezplobr Ore natrae ofthe oflldrr—dhas beenprawded to thewell osmer repairrender#2I tonarlsrca_lon oron the baaofrhfsfomc 23.Site diagrim or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed--Loop Geothermal Wells haviogthe same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction,only lGWlisneeded 7adic dulle ateTOTALHEMMERofwells (add'SeeOveeiaRemaft]36x).Youmayalso attach additional pages ifnecessary• d: ID • 24.SIIBmn7AL INSTRUCTIONS '9.Total well depth below land surface: ' FormrrtuWewe&&t all depenf4-erern k-3p2001aad2©100� (ft) Submit this GW_l within 30daysofweII completion per the following. 10.Static water Ievel below top of casing: ( ) 241. For All Wells: Original fora to Division of Water Resources (DWR) ' It Bo ho is above ter:Cadi ia' 1i InformationProcessingUnit,1617MSC,Raleigh,NC27699-1617 1L Borehole diameter. U' � (m.) 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(IUC) 12.We1t construction method- 0 -a w �8 ,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 . (Le.auge>;rotary,eablq direetp,;�ere.) 24n For Water SnnDIvand Ooen-Loon Geothermal Return We11r Copy to the EYIeld u rrj Y WELTS ONLY: cowry eavu°nmental health department of the county where installed 24d.For Water Wells prodnane'over I00 000 GPD Copy to DWR,CCPCUA O0 Method of test: ermrtYro w gram,1631 MSC,Raleigh,NC27699-1611 type: 7D l Amount: Font OW-1 North CaroliaaD eP»tofEw&on mental quality-Division ofwatcrReamacer' Revitcd 6--2018 R� deck � � V � � �b G� �bJ� o� �'� _ _