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GW1-2023-02383_Well Construction - GW1_20230404
Feb 15 19 05;43p Clammier Wall Drilling • 828-622-7241 ' p.t • wE'l[.L c�hl�r�nsrltEc©8u�Gw 11 For Internal •••••.,,••.. InternalIlse t]Aly_ I. �- I. ICtntntrtri i lbnanthn• VVen S • dorNmne ��WA ZONESZONESWellfontra � mom a. TO ft.i 1 1 . e' I-- 4HWell ConttapurCatlQcalleaNlmbe IL TITER . , � 3�6QY�CQtcr LLJn � I mom t»m !i [ t rt. ie. MA RAGAmArmYTMa4 11.1111.11111111111 2.WenCGlgdraCSOn Perm(tk —WANNER OR Warble wall nirptAXLt(Le.IJif CON*Su1q vraln ue.Nty) • '•• sf ft• To nue�t wet MIA4 3 Will ilea(ehedi WA Use): Water Supply ft a lb-pWX Wen: t7 SCRREIV Aviculture, anicipnUPuhiic Mom' SOnt+ttNsr s[g�fee •tatetrttiete • it Geothermal(t °g poling S►R9i1Y) RRidentiat Water Su (single) O. fa. `- >r indusltiallCommerc q) Supply{ ngic} e.' fi. 0s -Mesh/avid Water Supply(shared) a f 1fo11t Non-Water$app)YWt3JC boom 7ri atlJi L. gran7�ICOMILo mason a t1i 010T nje kiosk TNi; #Recovery it. ft. N. it I Aquifer Reseijtltge oaromtdwatt;r Remediatiun -- 'Ayuifaa Stgrp�and Remaly DSatiility Burks Ili.S. '• . YSL PACK tt�j i AquiftrTett ° r� tnnrtwcanlatrrtneni�t 1111 Experimental Teahnolo6y C ,.ksidatcc r rr- n. `a Geothermal(Cued Lapp) t. tR cer Ilk xBI1. Mtge' • . .., i_tdrtMttif t)) a TO GeOthamal ; w.•l .;RCM) s�lir tittle" -•,,.'intlndord21 itemati3) / re. 3 ' ' ��Ir//7..,td)ra�arsM►in.trl iir a.Data Wet{s) feted:I— i a_4A3WCII Wit `7 33 h^ 7 it. 1 ,t- _!1— S. ell Lticatimt It r Ld e, -) Gress 1 f '� • raer :mK,lerrl>,„e . 1 ? ' F o .E -./� Loy, Facility '(ifq�1licai>!c) 14 ft. . • n ( R ft. ft P i Add and?3p J V t l Cant fib-tattitade and Parcel tdna,ificalicn Na.(PIN) 2023 cI-L titu oneWino longitude in dcgteeshnimitest worlds or decimal degrees: / r Wi noiasuffictart) I f rr, w oLL___ f --/ J :2a.sore)Onwdt(s) Tot or �7eerIM17ry SiinnlutroR( rtifirdWdlCctrnator le this a repair t� palrt0 tlnc Sagurdl; nits or tVO �•lgniag iJrr farm,l herrbrcert6 drvt me well(,j was(wore)fxmJnnCradio I7.1s this epairm nexid iaq� slab MA A IC 02C.0101Thr .A NCriC 07C:N2Il1, l 1t eta • nrrt*isoer ei yes mrmian alai apJdu►t4e imam efrhe '"AYfflhttreanrdkgratal CmisfnvlwrStraxfardsmuttlorrn xocg eDrenthebackofthlrfann. Pam► dlnikc►µdlmvrter 8.For Geoproar/D1tT 1n'tJ Site diagram or additional wslidemolp: 8.For Ginnreoty I OW.I is "UP Geolium,Welk having the sane You may use the back of this page to hide additional wed bite datatt/or well dn7[ed� needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of walls clrtklti Ixfiott quails. Vim vnay also attach additional pages ifaeeessen, D:Yogi wen daPSi below land suriar>b r llittki1 '1'*JL tm lrplUc•�Nis rap andapte wells lip Nidepllu ifWee,ny trample-3@lQQ'm d 2@igG ry � ) AC Static water ievd be ton s tar of d following;it tltie fatwn wiorir,30 if xntr.Pfetiwl/slalvt�g t4D of mslttg: `�of complaint of well caring.edc"'"" ! (it) Division oil Water Resources,Information Processing iln)i, I i.itonetiotedtaireeer: CJ� �� 1617 Man Service Center,Ratetg4NCZADD-1617 - �ti ix sulk cnnstt'nctlatl t t invd: tab.Eor sr.petta.unit.• to addition to sanding dx fain m tots it s auge;mtxy tGttKY lam[.! above~also submit one copy of this form within 30 of address in well Ate.sac•) gmsbwgioa tit the fatiowing: of eomplt>rfort FOR WATER f+t.'irPl v WELLS ONLY: Division of Water 6taau �] roes,Iladettroand iqftt tics Contra? I3a,Yield(gppt) /{,` i63b Mail Service Cellar,Raleigh,Nc 27ri9p463b ga$Td01. Method of teen //(�f 2Zle For Water Synch;&Faiec.too Weft: In Lib.i)tair ttccuon�,�. the addcess(es) above, also submit one copyof dim m within I0e Pons to Atttatat: neeplaion of well consuucdon to the con,. this form within theh days tof . where Conti feted � if aunty Face CA11-I "d' txP» +eneoflinvlroathcatalQasllty.AiVluegtoi'WaterRtncas .- I R iZ ar6aR3a-tol6 • • Wage mom;d .YO*ma*41N ra*FIUr UMW Wald unilehuo2 whin L 'tom . .. ....,� tam AVOR ..0174rAd'Aragalliki ce .'"'"-frodeuluiati - -t-MVILLT-00 ''^647a7""414443 1,64 UNIfttatiou ?—w---)vccitowdmeitipm ,' , 231.wrawv#4441" g�'"d('rc,a? c � s� r, .� _ . .. .• . ..�.�....�. _ �_a.d...._�.__.._.. -�_• •v.r.� .�.... r .. _.�. _^. ...:...._an