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GW1-2023-02338_Well Construction - GW1_20230331
— — -a au RECO GW i ....,...,..., fFar Mental Use Oozy: •:••... I.IffliconirantnrInformation: p own s 1 Well Contractor Name t41 WA i{A1NS6 r?ros� ajovsea ir NC welt coeltedar CI:tan to*Numt,er a. i ___VIlytCir \k)12/A Uri VVOrati . - fr. witie ---- • -,., ii CoollInoY Noma 2.nark Commotion PeRUft#` 1 1 l,� ► ][��QI J� Is.1NiYlaR OR Tr::'To k . • . I ) °pp ltetbk Neil cwataanwilma panda Oa VIC Comm varimrr,a ^• ItRall ft. �n ° •" ,_ era � 3 Wen tine(theewell tile): tr Water Supply Welk l7.SC I Aancultaaral OManioipal/Public a+�bt• ra 10.n arar+nax rartcaetaata MA ,r, tn lr -• ,• (Beating/Cording Supply) ptiReektential Wa1erSupply(single) 0 D.ft. te. to. o. II industrialtCommercial f 3Residtetiat Wafer Supply(shared) 1 iTri:mton ;8 Q�o1/t d'10 -11akr3u11plpAeile " vt1 TO eta L s LoC00laavtar •.•,z , II Modal : Ill Recovery Its • 0 it /JlI. Al ' n eCtion-",-I: ta, tk 11 •'/lifer Redua a °Groundwater Retuediatlmn a' It. ia,-queer StgraBRNtdRecovery El.SAN111t lt,IVBLPACK [ ..,.__ �, a/�Aquifer �Barnet � ms NMI�TT,S7�r 9 Test �rDralnegC 1L 7'T''`� '� *Experimented Teelinology •Dsul➢sidrncc Control a. te. ill Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTettear 211 D : ti Ream) doter mr.,in nnderH21 Remarks) rum ' T; a.Dare Wei* t opleted:rY"J 7—i 3Well IDs R •-� J di (�}' • .Well Lnrat • /rb t_" •t f rt. /7rrn r'/1�`. i 1: 1y!flnaer • —Th I/ FAQ Wit ifa{apltcgtde) 1 � / 1.4 /` `"�- �Q n. Comity � xt•; tuts Pit 1 klemificatirm No.( Orwell Sb.Li t1L ode anti longitude cg[eesltal n ter/seeaerfs or decimal degrees: / .one mime isaa7o : ' qg ard / 70 �J Q' Z Ce r��t n:u � •6•ta(arej the xdl S,�.�/ 2-- (I�QPeMlOe°etM or�fl'empfrar!' si,!..,mcorGadfiedweCaratreotar IiiebaMerce +•le this a!e Dale ll1/dr ice pairto all eSOtiOg walk �Yt,s or Iyp r wimps so form I henrliv..mt reoi Our(wog atzr r,1epolN oam m wat ien aanucyt°Vcson rdrb!SA llCd[.Q .4/OVJorMANC4ca7C.:map Widt j comocart b molt Iamb ANrm scowOTnur(ecbarkOfthildbli,• "�rm,tlmawturr nlrfic eoP},olrlrisaymridAncbeenpnvl'&ledtnl/lNw,llmwtrr Cmrr/ixaimr59malardemrrt R 8.For Geoprbttc/pp1 or© 23.site diagram or additional madmen °.For Ge n,o tie 1 GW I is p Geotk l Weakening the ea me You may use the bock of this page to provide Whim!well Alta Met or well dailted� needed. fndltato TOTAL NUMBER°rues construction details. You May MO each additional pages tfnecessary. 9:T'o1a11 Well depth below land s w age: ! al/doter� "1Pm k+�apko-3�il� �llon� Vt1 • For AK Wag Submit tttta Jim/mill&30 days or R Static wyrferta tend Moir toy otcosl straction to the redlolf•o , completion of well ,Cc+urrlerritllserh.evxcprG�q use^." �� {ILj t/ Division of Ram Rom,Inibenntion.N !L Boa+da dediaeteler lblT Mail Serviee Ct�tatr, Processing Unit, (In) •Ra[1dgIr.NCa7�9-i619 1Z Well cons 1rlb.Aor t■i cH.+.,�.,�. is addition to ararndi nomconstruction mike nB the lbws to Me address(t a Well dines pod,et.J 0.Mao submit one copy of tits tam MINI:30 daysof t»m in all cuvsfnu2imt to the following: Plartima of well FOR WATER WPM?WELLS ONLY: Division of W Water(icstgatrots.Underground i3a.Yield(glut} _____.&r iG3fi Mall service Center, IHoa Control Program. Method atom s .NC 2700.163b - r rib.Dtaa & wrecttontype;,_=»� Amowt: euomaW addre of ss/es) cos „ve, also mithee cDoPy of 0119 anti wa71tis 30 days elia the Remo tvhete txuastnaetaad cohealmity depaltrrtelat of the conetill,Fenn Ow-t with t]onlirmnePneotitmhosa>aoWQecalily.Divisional'wan'RaaanRc® ted1r?3-i..iB •