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GW1-2023-02310_Well Construction - GW1_20230331
• .L3:RtiliRTCH* '''' 4 --••-•4•••••.:4 _ fit ICI W 0N To 4 P'01-q"--rd, -mtital—WU,ge t. . . .1.Well Oast*lidasteatfoi . ., ' 'Geryill©Erpalcil . I-J*,.4--ti,i-ifati-c76,-ii,i••••••:. .;•• ,---• • .... • •• • .• - ... ,.,..• . :: . •., : Well ComsaRorilece • -, . . ..0. ..---#1,VT!____----jkA,:1•01.- 6----(-------—--- -- — 441B-A • . . i • ' NM eanNot ii•s: a l S'le__.1-6 r- `3.o C.rp, Me Weltesmoteccecalitmaisgc . v" c- -741.4t- •,. til Abkocotand.' .7-T.LINIEfitif-flf,I mita-.:•.....'..-. r,.... Aqua Mini ino. ... . . . -.--, ti,. -5-„, .. 1,-- .Companylkinse• . ------, b a, (;_,-, a 6 ic.. 52. 5- '1..X. . • ie.smonnataannos in w•Tentam ,....-•.-..f,t, ::a, '•!..., ..1.:... - . 2.Well Constmedon Permitiis._:35z 6 b itTL-fircir-i----.,. -aluoi-•- i-irip..2 ,-L-tickt,-,-lismv- viLirb_-az„..4._ Vaal 1 offpkettlilatte exametIonpatiafts(Le=Cent Ezate.Veirdefiti,ate is i f e' 11111L1 • ' 2.Well ties(emelt TN,usek . tet. ,, a • ari.-1 . • ..1._ Water Supply WA • sznAciiik 'al fipLqfsiAt-1_42 ._gliiin. '.:- ..Z.,-....-.- 11:Qedtenesi(ifeatioilCoolins Supply) tv,";',•••,,',-,,, ‘,tau gupptgotoso) a ft MIN . • Iledustriallattatteterdal • Diteshisettial%%want,(sitated) ,...aci,„,A1 . •. , .....,..•-....•-. • • ..I •• .,. . r .. e... . -- . :-; -nation 7r-LIBEI1-v7 v.: •NonatateraupplftVells e) & -7,a) 0.linthdonitatias rjitecovey .11-octiouNefir *1',idfurlteclunge neentitiwatoriteinediatitat • ft. ft. , ft Aquic Stan/and itectomy Dll Berrim. a i• C'Di.j.n.01-11-Ew47-,15-ALkiit-Milliii.,,.i.47.,. .-4-a--filitil ..'it'corerTest altormweissEirshtage St, i,i( ,mimed Technology' Dohs&nee Control 11111112 fa',.- . WiGeotheiroal(Closed Jump) `ii:Tracer '21t,*dam 1.--.a 7.::7,1 toldlea7=.1 ,'•,-*-i•7,,,-•_.i,: •,'.._ 7''-•_.____:_:_ ' . cif Geothermal fleminglettolbmilmant) Cipther(ospioto ooderim Ramapo) I:EINNI :D .--- riastswii- s .,•,..,,,,,=_N*.,..4_,_‘.,..A., 7,, .-• •_.,,_ _ , , _1,'''': 's6 C ' • 4.Ogg Wan Com/Me&e''— ---; Wdl EV ';,, ' , 4"&_-:_!..__MICI r•• t-) 4 52 c' ) ds.Well Loatatiom •‘:. ) •116 v‘i' . _ • •- C g.1_0.1 i, 4sems o z-d -'I • acfs.. : ___Folk/Omer Nemo "&Ulm MU(itapplicuble) •C"-- ft• Ma — •••• ,j,1, •I../ b 14 0°t.'1- k4:1Q-1--ALAS54.-Praulye--2-70-1.-a... - - - - - - - - - ---- Piwarcolitddies.Chy.antAZP • ":";:.." ft, IN= ,541 ke.5 _ _ • . County Paled tdonifiesten' No.0,IV) k•; ,_„________________.....„7,7 • SI&lairktide anti Wet&lettlegriteshafewiedsccomt or deafen!&Bosom '-'.. . • Orman field.one MOUS bane/an) 22. ons 6 i 1 V' EI t)0 0: 1-114.-. - qS1 Ig/ . 6.Ware or prow craw l'the----waRs eut skaatum efc-c.fa ell C wAs......--' - • ,,.....s,,•-• Bj;Sip*ef IS AMI.1 kJ*cave,tflat dm milts) vs film)eoraUtiglagta=awe 7,En 91.;.a rap*to an orating wells DYi or L_Pip.Z ,. with ISATICAC 02C.0100 at,I3.t3 ECM 02C.ON1D Wel I Common Stead sod that a • •lakimiusplfitill a I MOM treilecerravalan inforimtionandsiivalecilaveilire eta 0513Wihis wea d hi is k Rea iwarldedsikasa 61104 , repalreageenIN matt ceedataateso staktchrtkaArris. 22.Sittl daiRges Or additatz.,,,•via&haw . &Are aoprohciDET or Closed-Loop deathertnal Wello having the same You may use the back of this' Rya to provide oddities:I well site details or well constrataion,only LaW4!swirled.Indisate TOTAL NUMMI dwells. commotion details,Yen may aLeo attach additional pages iftwoessary.. -doled: 010114WAIUNSTAITORNO, %TOM/Fell t.,,'•.haw lend swam; • • • Ft4 .24s.Za_611__Welk Submit this faint within 30 days of completion of.wall Itmittiplesser Midi depthsfelifitrata(etrawk4 e. Cr azuf Wan construetion in the Mowing: gp„6,,t,.water level holm top(Maslow 14 6 Ota Ersufsfal Caroms.nesourcoo,.,0•ok-mooloo prosustoE unk from lea itabovotafis WIC"÷ ' 1029 Nail Santo Couto)'''..VA NC 276,39416117 • • IL Iliscer a le&mem 6 lit) 24b.For Ideation 111/,'At In addition to saddles the!mill to the address in 24a . above,also submit one copy of fent milltiza30 flop of comptedom of well - 12.WG,comsommtloss methods., r-es-t4 e-%-/ A?..-- ' EigAgnigi011 ta thg f011aWire: • , ' OA=PUMA able.trUtipalvitr.) r ..,- __ _ _ • Division of Water Resonate.%Untlessmtind injection Control Program, It ORNIIIATER SITOPLIFIVELLS ONLY: ltin• Moll Bart/ice Cents%Roletti,NC 27599-1;t2 .132.161eld'TA Lib • lide,,ed of test c a-ds4 lit -- • 24a.For Wahtr Snooty&Merida T,elk 1,addition to morligs ea tom to , . •... „,• Q,„ the address(es)shove,sitesubmit we espy of this ibilli within 30 days of .326.BiClerecti:an types:IA Tti'lb'zs, AMousg: (6 •,'''.2.- completion of Val g ovstenatiara to the county Stealth&pattern of the count/ ere constructed. ' wh • 1 1 . . Pam OW ' Roth emotion (D neommuct ofrocibasmesta1 EW-Wyk Fes off Wee Rawson 1 Haviseil243:71116 ' 1 . . .