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GW1-2023-02193_Well Construction - GW1_20230306
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For trlcriolUscONLY:. 'Ellis Corm sun be Uwa for single of mulliplc 1SCBs 1.�tu'�lt.Cautractnrr Pllfortnttiau: `4z.R'A.TERZONFS . John Eisenman MOM. in I DFSCRIPTION W 1 Cara MOT N:IM4 4439-A ft. ft. NC Well CardmciorCcnificalionNitwb r AS.'OUTF.R'Ci4SiNG 2f W'dalU-e&r'94e0A OR LiNER(if, tleabk) FROM 1 TO - nr METER TAIM-NESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 6 f1. 2" 1a. SCH-40 PVC (:oasP;ut1 Naps L&INNER CASiN_G OR'TU]BING i ea/t7lfttl tl l't9411 IOri l"' FROM TO DUMETER THICE:.WF.SS MATERM-L 2.Well Consttuctiria t'elulit#: R, fr. Lfsi 4111 rAplinible wellprnrritsOx,.Cnunty,SIUM.bi-IriafWe'frye:6crt f}. rt. i>< 3.Wet Use(c4ccl:N1ctl n5c): I7:SCRLlN WVaterSDplikyWell. FROM TO RLt\IE{Tt:R Sr.OTS17): T11ICKN1S5 I MATRRrdt, Uiizr(cnitttral tJiWi(inicipl6Tublic 6 ft. 16 R. 2^ in .010 9CH-40 PVC ©Geotltem�t(Fleatiiig/CoolingSuppl`) ©ResndeittiabWater Supply(single) h. fL In, 12ltldustri*Couintercial OResidential Water Suppb-(slurred) A&GROiIT•. _ FROM 70. MATERIAL I EXPLACEM ENT METHOD&AMOUNT ❑hri Ileon 0 ft. 3 ff. Portland pour Nan=WatcrSu tip l}'WPM ft. ft. 5d14lanitorin1q 1311=oycry IRjeclion Well: ft. ft. ❑Aquifer Rcc.hargc laGmtindrt wlcrRaiacdiaiian t9iSANDIf;RtYE&CACKIif'u'rilicrDtcl:` "f+R1DM TO NIATMAL .VA VI ACCAIF.NT SIM100 17A,quifcr:Storagc altd Recovery ❑Salinity Aarricr 5 R. 16 ft. Sand #2 ❑ArptiierTest, ❑5toflnn ttcrbriinage R. it. I7Experimcn1al Technology Mulisidcrlcc Condral Ia.DRILLING LOG7alWh iddlfronid sheets if iu 6mryl ❑Geulltenual i CQustd Loop} ❑Trat er FROM To MCItIPTIOv rtnbr.>;rntnca srilur,Mq h u,' Jon wc,dot ❑Gcothennal Meating Caohue Return) ❑Odrer(esplaiu rutder.:421 Retuad s) 1 0 fL 16 fi. Silt/sand/clay fC fL 1... 4.Date WVeU.(s)Cnugdeted:'2-9-23 Well iD#P14W-5R 5a:Well l:ricrrtinn: rl. rc, MAR 0 `L Former Planters Chemical Company FacJliiy,10ivrcrNnme Facility tI)k 6 a ip nblc), 610 Commerce St., Fayetteville, NC, 28305 Physi^,atl riidress City:sndZip' -2l.REhrARKS . Cumberland Replacement well; bentonite seal from 3-5' G'oriull }'orcC]1[N_mliflC idDu No.(PIN) 5b.,Liltitudc anil I-ringittliic in dcgl'res/mintutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.CcrtifccaHoa: (if��ell lKld,t�rr l;rU1uug J c xrdticJ�rd) ]` W 2/24/2023 of—,""L! G.Is(Ake)the a'c11(ti): Xperinanent or ❑Tentporatl' � rgnh,g rlrir foi,r r:JtE1%ih t� fl y j nis t�c�j run_xJrircJeri 8r,meevnlmcr Ivirh/S+t,1rGtC OeC.�;i��-J.�+; r(;�e.;�:'t',n;O(7 ni'iJ G7lrSrrYlfrlNr SrarXJQ!{Jd elJl(l JrJnr« 7.Ia th6 a rc[taii•fu au&istinw wcW ]i1Ves fir ❑NIb lYi(ir.nf LJtJv r�frir,l hf1S frern prryPirled Hi Jlre aul/mv,ier, ((thus Jr a mplii,fill enrr krrrnra Ji`rfd cr rasnu�Jfnri h(rpraJrrlon mJAr_tfrfnhl rbr+JpxJ,re of the reprfr rtrrrfrr to?1"rcmards srrris,n aran the hra:C of rhls farm. 23:Site diagram or.additional.well defaib4 You nay use dia bac6 of this page to Tiovida'addilional well site details,or well 8.Number of hells constructed: 1 coustnt.etion del iiis. You 1u#als6 affacli additiorid p u8es if inxess fly. For titahiple Jirfeerlvn ur ami-itwer sulJJrly wells.ONLV irJdi fiesrrrrrr emrsteucffar,pear nia srJ(rJnirunc form. SUBME f IL INS`I•UCTiONR„ 9.Total hell depth helot`land surface;: 16 (ft.) 24a..For All Wells: Siibntil this form wilhiti 30 dj3,s-of cdtuplclion or is-ell For nmlrl plc lvrdfr l(;M afl depths frdlfferou texarnple-3 t 21V'aml n 10i) ' eon51ructipn to the folloning: 10.Static' rater levet below rot)of cashtgs ((1,) Ui�avian of WVptcr Rcsnurces,Inforntutiun Ptuicssing Uuit, tVlj rev level Is uLare cusfrrr,use'"f^ 1617 NbU Set-vice Center..Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11,llarchotc diameter.8.25^- (Ind 24b:F�[Fititetiort WW'eW ONLY: In addition to sending ilk font to ilia address in 24aal6e. also submit a.copy"of this forril within 10 dm}s'of completion of iu:11. 12.Wcll construction ntcthod: HSA Constructioir louse`'followitm- (i.c.augcc roust)`,cable:divot pisslc cud} Iliviyiou of Water Resourcca,Underground ittjectlen ControlProgr-aut, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 AM[Service Center.Raleigh,NC 276"-1636 13a,Vicld(glint) .11411041 of test: 24,�-For Water Supply&fniectlim.WVells:. Also.submit ow-crapy of this'farni within 30 Aay 0f colupleti0n.af 136.Ulzinfr etiuo ape: Amount: wvclb construction to the county health department of the eainty whCre constntctcd, I I Fonil G1V-1 Nonli C;,Iall m Ucpanmanl.of Eaviromucta and NautM Rcmurce9-Divs Ion of Mlatcr ft-"-otro-- kv-1srd August l013