HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02135_Well Construction - GW1_20230303 VVTLL+C0119TRUCTION RECORD(QW 1- Por lntem21 Use Only- 1.Well Contractor Informafion: f nn , Well ContractorName Eton TO . DESCRfMON IL ( fL ( j NC Well Contractor0=0cationNumber Ov' i j I_j r JS.OIITERC`I�SFNG(for mal&cased wells)-ORTIMtt n licahle TROAI I Tu bTkMET6it TSICIQIE55 MATERIAL Company Name 1h 1 6 in. ! ( e— M- ���Q�g� I& MRCLLSQJGORTt7EING eothermalclosed-lna ) I 2.Well Construction Permit#: (JJ --LL FRO-Ad za nrsnrET� Talelarass MA7TRTdT f !*stallappGcahleTvdflcomlructionpermitsCe.UIC CO- ,Struts Variance,eta) ft I ft in. 3.Well Use(cheekwell use): ft. in Water Supply Well: 17,SCREEN [)Agricultural E14xs _ bROM TO DYAML•TEit S_0TS= 3B M4ESs MAT'ER F.l'i"xtmi b1tC ft; fL Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) tdentiai water Sn I sm he Supply( g ) ft { ire IBdustriah/Cornmercial , Residential Water Supply(shared) - i ; 18.GROUT I Irtigatiou FROK ITD', MATERIAL EMPLA MMEK-r1VtE 11D&AM { Mon--Water Supply Well: U & U 4Ij -Monitoring �Reeuvery (L fr. Nection Well: Aft.ft I ft 9 Recgehar 13GroundwaterRemediaaon I s9 SANDIGRAV.ELPACKCrfa -IFcaldc Aquifer Storage and Recovery E2Salinity Barrier MOM To MAMMAL ' Aquifer Test OStormwatuDtainage L�airracEAisrtrnEETxor i ExpeiimenWTecbnalogy nSubsidace Control I ff j }� Geothermal(ClosedLoop) DT=cr 2tl.DRIT,LIl+iCyOG(attachadditronalsheetsffnecessary -Geothermal(Heating/CoormgRetum) _ Other(explainunderAZIRerawks) I strong TO, BFSCRu�rIOK(cotor,l�caacss sotumac "�,tn a ft. ft. G { 4.33ateWell(s)Completed: 1` 7 0 2Z weu Sa.WeIIJL bolt: Cfft L7dvfT: 6-PA- � Facility/OwnarName Facie � ft (ifappficable) Pr ft I fi: . T„ j PhW1cal Address,Cit}; 7iP u,.Q.....- I Count` " t PatcelIdentiiicatioa;`Io.(PIN) J {I1i7757 it 77- 77,j t n;i Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (1fTvc11 field,�A6�attloug issu€5cient) 22.Ceriificatio W I 6.Is(are)the velh(s) ermanent or QlTamporary Signature ofCenified.Well r Date i By signing This tri r I hereby certif}r dwc the nwa(s)Tvas(svere)•constructed rn fire f I 7_Isthis s repair to an existing Well: G€es or, ego tivilli 15tENC�Fe d2C.0100 or 75A NCIC 02C.0200 WPJI Constnrclion Standards or. 1J'!his.isareoai,fdloutkitawrttivellconslrneliorzlnformaliooande;glainrltenatareoJif �pP�� has beertprovidedtothe:ve_ltolmar. i repair under*2I remarks section or on dte back ofthisfarm. 23.Site diagra or additional well details: 3.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use tie'back of this page to provide additional well site details construction,only 1 Cr -1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUM8ER ofweils construction.de .You,may also attach:additional pages ifnecessary- ddlled: j SiJSMlT1'AI. STRUCTEONS 9-Total well depth below land surface: 24a.For All Wells: Submit this form within.30 days of completion Formaltiple�vells3fsraildepthsifd�erent(eromple-3@200'and2QI003 co �on.o he following:ji - IQ.Sistie water level below top ofcasing: Division ofWaterResources,WormationProcessingllnit, "Ifivarer level is above easing,use" " 1&7 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. (in) 24b.For In9ediBn Wells: In addition to sending the form-to the address j .I2-Wellconstructionmethod: ��0 ro,�'-Lrk �°°% O -°�copy of ft form within 34 days of completion conshuctionto eforrowin auger.Waxy.cable,duectpusl> eta) I i � FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS COYLY Division of WaterResourees,ilndergroundNection Control Progr 1 361VM Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699 1636 t, I j 13a.tYleld(gpm) 191 Method of test: �v� � 24tn For Water Sun&&Iniectiou Wells: In addition to sending the: j I �1 AJ the address(as)Iaabo% also submit one copy of this form ed kk 3D c 13b.i3isinfeetion type: C'fi� Amoanf: _l cornplefion of 11 construction to the county health.department of the 4 where coushuc ' II ,