HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02126_Well Construction - GW1_20230303 WELLCONSTRUCTION RECORD ��1 ForinteMall I - j — IUse Only 1.Well Contractor Information: I i _ :f12y�1 -- �79 ��• za.wavr>Es Well ContractorName FROM FO I I DESCREMON Zo m r: 3 NCWe7lContra � ctorCeaatianNumber t g:7 15.OUTER CASl1dG form M—ed woUsl ORITM-R Ln IIca6Ie k �ye✓ �� G! ��!t I j��J� MOM TQ• R AMETM THICiffiPSS 1hL1TERTAi. Company Name 16.11 R ORTQSING eaWermalcl ed-loo ) f 2.Well ConstruWonPem it##: 37oq 77 FROM�f7�ft. DfAhj T1�1C1INESs I 93ATERraT. I List all applicable*tied cOMMotron permits(I.e'.MC Count';Stare,yar tce,ePtc) in. f 3.well use(cisedrWerruse): % I ft ;n I Water-Sugply Well: 17.SCPXW -1 PRO�ft- T� MWETER SLOTsl2C T9IMNES5 MATER Agricultural �M icipal/l'ablic in. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) - Mential Water Supply(single) ft I fk in. v rudustrial/Commercial OResidmlial hater Supply(sbaied) I&G--'UT I adgatian FROX 0 n MATERML F.MPL10En1Eit'rMETROD&AM [Aquifer Water Supply Well: G & l nitoring ORecoveryReebarge OGroundwMi:Remediation % ifer Storage and Recovery Salinity BoaterwCur I TO ' MATMALifer Test E3Sto>mwater Drain age ff. FxpedmentdTechnology OSubsideuceControl ft & t Geothermal(Closed Leop) OTncer 20 G(attach additianal sheets ifnecessarTO rl Geothermal(1-Ieating/Coolin —gRetum) Other(explain urrder921 Remarks o — DESCRtPr[oH fcolor,7,s�uess soarrortce, o"ten s,ze 4.Date Wells)Completed:JIL21 • j'Z Wa l®# 77 fr. fG(ll �i Sa.Well-1+oration: ft i ft: f ffnn t' IGOSPv ft I ft. a EacftiWOwnorNI ama FacititglD#[fapplica6le) sloe Pack Rc Jf Pe'Soh Q/G, ZcS6Erj f* , I i'fi "cal Address,City,and Zip ft. I , -ft. I— rt-- r,... h C�9 Z3-9a1 z3.RtttlA2txs1 ; : '� County . PareelIdenfiacationldo.(MO I A g. I5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwalt6efd,wfk. tnoogissu�Scient) liiisi• ;' � O 2S.Certifieatio +/j/�Jr/}J�//] 3G-Li 3 7�t _ �I: �tG 71G W -72.1 6.Is(are)thewell(s) Permanent or QlTemgorary sigoaamofCerri - lfie.Well � ace By siganrg this tots,I hereby certify ffmi fire ueII(s)was(were)corutrarled in acc 7.Is this a repair to an esistingwell: 7€es or 1V0 id%15t1 NCAC 02C.0100 or ISANCAC 02C-0200 Orell Consintellon Standards ar Iflhuisarepair,fdtmmbrawnivellconsirwiiminformationaadesplainMenarareof-die CoPPofthrs hashamprovidedtatheitel!owner. repair tinder�01 remarks section or on ilia back ofthisfarrrc I . 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loup Geothermal Wells having the some You may use tIe back of this page to provide additional well site details ! construction,only i OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER o€wells construction details.You may also attach additional pages i€necessary. - drilled: -7 r, SUBMITTAL INSTRUCHONS I9-Total well depth below land surface: stun` ( ) ?Aa.For All Wells; Submit this forin within 30 days of completion Formaltiplervrd&&talldepthsifdlfferent(erample-3(200'and2@1003 constisotlontO`flefollOWing: 10.Sfafiewater level below top of casing: (ft) D3vt's�on of ZYater Resources Information Proeessia {7ni` I Jfnvter level is above casing rue (ft) Msii Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 � 11.Borehole diameter:�l�S (in.) 24b.For lnieetion Wells: In addition t0 sending the form.to the address /� above,also subm n. it-one copy of this form within 30 days of completio 12.WeRtonstruciion method-Air- Ct r cmostractionto tTtefoliowina i (Le.auge4rotary,cable,daeetpusk etc) Division.of Water Resources,Und ound ERSUPPLI'WRLLSONLY: � ezW IgjectionControlProgr FOR WAT 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699 1.636 132.Meld(gpm) Meth od of test:-Mz b.t 9 f� 24c.For tea Snnniv&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the: oZ the address(es)Iabovc, also submit one copy of this form within 30 c "b.b.Disinfection Type: Amount: completion of Well.construction to the county health department of the where consttuct�d.` I• - i