HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02061_Well Construction - GW1_20230303 ,I I WELL CONSTR TCTION RECORD(GW-t) Forinter I IIse Only: - 1.Well Contractor Information: RillL ! ���a��� �I4.iVATE1LZC}1?D:S `ireliCanaactorName MOM TO: - DESCRIPTION Li 0 A- ' 2-2c) 2 Zz ft' 9r't", 9f-Qe;-c/%Z.6AI1„ ft. I i fr. NC Well Contractor CerfificatiouNumber rjv� !j well j } r j j 15.OLThltCASING(for multi-eased wells)ORWIER(i£up livable) . ,ff ( eJ! fir/i j.'! lRonr To: DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL Company Name _ 1-I ft; �60 I G fn' -21 PVC g.L�2 7(/ 16.1R'I4ER CASING ORTtIBING{geothermal closed-loopl Z.Well ConstructiouPermiE#: OL) QQ xRolti TO, - DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL Gut all applicable mil constructionpennirs(i.e.EhIG Count};Stare,Variance,etc) €t: I , ft in. I 3.Well Use(chesitwel[irse): ft` H. M. aterSnnply Well: 17.SCREEPi I I • - Agricultural PROM TO ' DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATER i` unicipal/Public ft; I , ft in. Geothermal(Heating/CoolingSupply) iRtsidentialWater Supply(single) R , in, • N : •Indnstrial/Commercial [IResidential Water Supply(shared) I 18.GROUT I . Imgatian FROM TO MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AM Non-Water Supply Well: 0 f. 20 ft, chip. ,c Monitoring Recov f° i Injection Well: Y • ft, I i ft. ft. I ft' Aquifer Recharge OGroundwaterRemediation Aquifer Storage and Recovery19•SAND/GRAVEL PACIKfif applcabte) - Ell PROM ' TO, I MATERIAL EMPLACEl1 oirMETHOL Aquifer Test DIStormwater Drainage ft. I 1 ff. Expedmental Technology 0Subsideuce Control ft. I ' it. . Geothermal(Closed Loop) QtTtacer 20.DRILLING-LOG(attach additional sheets ifnecessaryl Geothermal(1:Ieating/CooliingReturn) DI Other(explainvnder021 Remarks) O I TO DESCRIPTION(color.hardness,soillmcktvpa araln size G " sa it. Dri- j 4.Date Well(s)Completed:l f 30-22 Wen ilk# �G 6 7 ft' 9P 1y y 1't i 5a.Wellbocation: 16' IL' 4°5_ ft; l ohtkgrAn k Hoot Morale,' 406 ft- OP f: ii nles)are/gr> ,irefmk. EactfttylOwnerName FactlitylD#(ifapplicatle) I •R 5I0 w/ll4pkDc/ bbw,v ibck . I .s ..r° .� ;r` s Physical Addtr.%City,and Zip ft- I it •v ecy 21,BEVIABI S MAR '� L CrLJ /�- County . PazzelIdentiificatiouNe.(P1N) I !r,?,-.- ;::;"•n :,;-.r,..,,.:.,, i Ir. 51r.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: °'`} i (if well Hld,jt atnoogissulficient) - Ic 22.Certiticati4 • 36.G1Iosr N g-J 7'Z3-2 w �' ' )13012 6.Is(are)the wall(s)MI'ermanent or 01Temporary Signature ofCeefiedWVeU dnr Date By signing this font,I hereby certify that the imll(r)was(were)coasrnrcted in ace 7_Is this a repair to an esistingwelit Q.Yes or with 114 NCAC 12C.0100 or JSii NC44C 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards ar, Obis is a reaa,full our known well construction Wnformationanti es,lain rite nature ofthe c°P74.1111Tecarr hasbeenpmvided to the rrelt owner- repair under#21 remarks section or on the back ofthisforac I 23.Site diagram.or additional well details: I S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use tle'back of this page to provide additional well site derails i construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed_ Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details.You may also aitaclmadditional gages i£necessaly, drilled: SITSMITTA ,INSTRUCTIONS (TO� I 9.anal Total well depth list below land surface:(-, (ff) 24a.For All�VeIIs: Submit this foram within 30 days of completion Forrauhtiple wells list all depths ffdifferent(example-3(r 00'and 2(�a 100� I construction to khe following: j10.Static water level below top of casing: I�S) (if) Division ofWater Resources,Information Processing Unit, 'Ifciater level is above casing use"-!^ 16l7Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter:Gll3 qq j�(in) ••2fib_For Iniecl(m'on Wells: In addition to sending the fom•to the address 12.Well construction method: t'-lt r I�Q�OU(d above,also sulimit-one copy of this form within 30 days of completion i 6.e nuge,mty,ta cable,direct push,etc.} construction#o i efoliowin,; FOR WATER SUPPLYWh LT,S ONLY: Division of Water Resources,UndergroundIi jection.Control Progr I 136 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Meld(gpm) Z Method of test:Air L j f)-- 24e.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the: I 13b.Disinfeetianfppe: ���� the address(es)Iabove, also submit one copy of this form within 30 t I I Amount_ completion of well construction to the county health department of the . N where constructed. Ii I