HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01953_Well Construction - GW1_20230227 Gl��td.•d co � '
Jan.-29. 2018 10-:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 P: 1
1.W Contracto Ioformad
WeU Cattraertvleame t O t DI3CRIF17DN
Ncwtu coftneyer Cefi6c4rkaNmober 73:QIk]E1 CilsLVO'ta mt�K<a't :d = fife . ::
OGyrY f Jr,�l Ltt�,d - _G11�1� cSer-�ge,s_ yaoet ro n nmMRw,
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i"wen Construction perrrates 47 6( DAM9M. - 31MERr.r
Ustallapptiroblexe C&nxtm964bpd#2n1n PA MO.CftV.S4mt,variaae.errs' fe tr. I ie.
3.Well Use(eheekwu die): n• n. tn.
WaterSupplylvell: FROu D`— - -MWEIM aw a MAIIAuti-
_Agtten(teral C1M 'Tpt iftlic R tt: tin.
Geothermal(Hentini;XanlinaSupply) fd=WaterSupply(3ft0)
_LldVArh VCommcrciol 13ROMewid Water Supply(ahatcd) °f3_tilti9u ---- �:: _=s_:. :-•
lion o -- astia oneAtuo
i!lon-WatasuppiywL. 0 1e ; ' ;y t
Mmtitating }Recovery — - - _. L rt
Injection Wel• A
_ AquiferRtxlwtge []GmundcsatecRemedietion _
AgttifcrStompandReeovery 13SAnityBattier To arA tACOUNrMCr80n
_AquiferTesl �Stottnwalerl}rainBgZ n: 2
Egeriman d7echnologyr 13SubsidMControl &
Geotheamal(QmedLoop)-- OTracer saD �7Si� iadri iiuscmi -_a==
Gwdrermol(1Teating/CooliiigRetum OOiet Under$2l Relnadt5 E13[ DBBCRMM-4 uWiock me dr.
1 16 a V R - -e e( Cl�'
d.Date WellO CompletelL 'a wen m,,/ Q� itoiy.
52.WellLocattom D .f� w• "G-
/ eAlk Afl -
FhmtylaxmeeNtiou Fsplitywp{lfiyyticabte) � tG �.
G * ,L�'l�r,,,, a/, Gat.,, je.:
physiratAddrose,City.rmdTrp to rE
Cosaty- perrdlydemifidtionNa(P121)
56.Latitude aad lottgltude 1n degreesimiDntes►uctmd:or decimal degrees: - � •
OfinellBeld.anolu!latgiasa�eient) O 22.Certifreation:
6.Is(are) e-weli(aAPer n-naw or nTemperary 9igmrtaeo dNfenCon i Duo
Byb@mng this ja as Iherdby eoq&char the t xW t„ar iirae)rnminured m aecotdonea
7.Is ibis a repair to aD eaTatingweR: 13Yes or OTo -riih ISdNt:002CAt00 or lid"OIC.0700lVdt CeAmegi aShbemdt aad&of a
• {/r<Jttsarrpal,JlRoelra,w.wrlrmAan,eGaamJanvan ardd�FlaDtlhenaum►Of& �PYojditrrxaordlmrbuuprorrdtdrot�smlfomra
l/pNf�Fdtr42l nam�krrruanwaAthl tmeYojrhlsJOtet. .
23.Site diagmaz or additional well details:
k For GeoprobdDPT or Closed-Loop GeotheraW We Is having the same You may use Litt:backof Chia page to provide odduiomt.KJl site details or well
construction,onlylGVi►lisneeded.lndiattaTOi'ALINMBHRofvvells coastiucliondetails.You may also ottacbadditionalpogesifnrettsacy.
drilled: r milimiTTALMEZI CTI"em
9.Total[Pell depth below land sariaeet J G S pti.) 24a.For All Wdisr Submit ft form vAO&30 days of completion of wall
FbrmtrAp►d�v�lts!>nalTd�+h,1 +( •3@ana•a„d:gtaa) conmuctioatoomfollowing: I,
10.Static water lad below ropateesiog: For (n•) DlvidoaotWaterReao UM,
Information Processing Vn%
fjwaroNewtuabmceaorm&foe+" IQ7,17filServl4CeeterdMlt1gh,NC27699-1617
A Borehole diameter:- -(In) 24L For inlecllon Wdlr. Ut%dditioa to 4cndkS the f amm the athima in?Aa
e 12.Well constrneilon method. �() r 1 above,also copy of ems Am vmhm 30 days of completion of well
(t.e.sage.rotary,uble,fuee1 purA do.) cons Onto the following:
DIVWWn of water Resource[,Underground fnjecdon Control Program.
FQR WATLR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- 1636 Mail Service Center.Rateigb,NC27891636
-- c
13a.Yield(gpin) Q Melhod of test: .i ��" 24c.For Water Sunniv&Inleetlan Wells: In addition to sending the form to
the addtess(es)above,also submit one copy of this tort Within 30 days of
13b.Didnfecdon type: Amour. completion of wall construction to the county health dtgtartmmt of the county
Where eonsbucted- .
Form OW-1 N CmnlmnDcpvtmmtafFa omneorelQmbry-D;v aaoflNeterRcsatem� Rv4md2-2M16'
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