HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01754_Well Construction - GW1_20230223 r 9ap5ao�'l 1.Well Contractor Information: + 14.�WATERZONES`.`,�;=:sk":`t'.;::f?;:i; �?s"ss."t,:�::;.s1�•.r ,i�:=f,•�'l ;:�.u:: �,.i. Well Contract name FROM TO DESCRIPrICK ft f. I NCWeII ontract�orCeKificationNumber ;15.OUTER:CASING fdrffolti-eiiiediVvedi sOR'LIIVER ris"liceble:wir::i:: .;'.•'-:; FROMM TO .... D ER TBICIOMS MATERIAL CompanyName KKKJJJI/ ✓ D ft. �'ft In. • 5 _ 1y/ '��/�� Al&-1 IIVSRC&9lNGOR.ITUBING: eufIiee"mnlelmed=Iou ?u s:i:zrita�:'•{v`c.: 4.' 2.Well Construction Permit#• 1/f/ 7 FROM - TO 10101 R. J TMCMESs I MAMMAL List all a.upUeable well construction permits(Le.MC,County.State,Variance,eta) ft ft. In. 3.Well Use(check well use): fL R• I°• 417.'SMEEN3:�'�'a':�i�a F::'::t%:�:F.x i?i�� :i:�:���., r:�r�:?e�a="ti:�::�i ti'Y{ia•# WatetSupplyWeU: FROM 170 DraBMM I SLOrSIZE I TMCKNESS I atATERML .. Agricultural 13Municipal/Publio 0 ft I & Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) 1311esidential Water Supply(single) R R htdustriaUCommeroial WesidentialWaterSupply(shated) hti atioII FROM TO MATERiA% OD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: it ft P Monitoring ORecovery ft ft S 1 Injection Well: fL n3. ' AquiferRecbarge OGroundwaterRemediation 1- K.eA!•...:., .�t:•:-mi-••w• 19SANDlGRAVECPACK de,'""liable , r:.��;�•.,�:,.:•:�.,.....+ate.:,-z�s-::+:=u:;;�:s:4 Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinityBarrier FROM I TO MATERIAL EMeLACERMOTUMOD _ AquiferTest OStormwaterDrainage R ft. lixperimentalTechnology 13SubsidenceControl ft. ft Geothermal(Closed Loop) �Tiacer `:20MRIOLLI IGLOG afCaeHsdfidU alabeetiifiiEe`nsa Geothermal FROM TO DESCPJMOM(eetar bantnemsoram sar.ele) (FIeatinP�CoolingRetum) Other(explamunder#Z1Remarits) Oft ! it .j0 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: / -a Well m# R ft 1 e Sa.Well Location: ft 9 ft �- r�' ft ft. Il . rp FacEitylOwnerName _ Facility ID#(trapplioable) ft 0 ft q/ J l Ml-;� 4MI60P mA� RAM ft Physi Address,CQ.y,andf t,ip ` p W q grit 11TRCY1lA)t[1J' i Yi,1Yti.i•�4�Y:.irY.`: blu f � `�' ��✓3f•`T!••'di.:t^ .7: w= County Paa:elldectifioationNo.(PII) ' " �` r ^• ^� - 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or dechnal degrees: C '� .1 (sfwellfield.one]aViongissuffieient) J' ` 3 O / 22.CertificaBon:N V o��G 6.1S(are)thewelt(s)OJre"ent or [Temporary Sigwilaeof etti6edWelContraetar Date By afkarag this form,I hereby eeWfy that the welf(s)seas(were)constructed in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: Oyes or No rvlth lSA=COZC.Ol00 or ISANCAC OZC.OZ00 WeUComhuciron Standards and that a- Ifth/slsa repakflUoutlarosmivalleonstructlon Inform otlonaaderplain the nature ofthe eapyofthRrecordhasbeenpraddedto the'wellaimer. repalruader#21 rentarkssecdon or on the backofthisform. 23.SIte diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only GW-1 is needed.ladicateTOTALNUMBERofwells construction details.You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. dulled. i SUBMITTALINSTRUCfIONS li 9.Total well depth below land surface: ( ) 24a.For All Wells; Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Fortmrltlplewellsltstalldeplhslidt,ff rent(exampla3@200•and2 a@1001 �� cartshuctionto the followiug: 11. 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfwaterlevel fs above easing we + 1617 MR Service Center,Weigh,NC276991617 11.Borehole diameter: (in) 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion'of well 12.Well construction method: l� construction to the following: I (Le.auger mtary.eabte,dkcctpusb.eta) Division of WaterResources,Undetgrouad Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7' 1636 Mail Service C�n Jer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yieid(gpm) Method of test: �� ( 24c.j:or Water Suouly&IntectfbniWells: In addition to senf'r- y- Q J the address(es)above, also submit one'copy of this P.- 13b.Disi ifectirontype: / Amount: v O` completion of"well construction tot, county heO.. where constructed. I I � FotmGW-1 North Camlina Department oMvitonmentalQuaMy-DIvisionofWaterRessources tl • l