HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030179 Ver 6_Public Comments_20071025 (6)OUTLINE: WNCA COMMENTS 1: COVER LETTER 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY II. INTRODUCTION III. WHAT IS RIPARIAN BUFFER? IV. WHY IS RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPORTANT? V. WHAT DOES IT DO? VI. HOW MUCH IS NEEDED? VII. WHAT IS ITS DOLLAR VALUE? VIII. WHAT IS ITS CONDITION AT LAKE GLENVILLE? IN. THE HISTORY OF RIPARIAN BUFFER UNDER DUKE POWER X. RECOMMENDATIONS XI. ATTACHMENTS a. Botanical analysis04 b. Holmes et al. c. PICTS THE WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ALLIANCE [WNCA] 1/10/05 29 NORTH MARKET, SUITE 610 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 FIRST ST. NE Washington, DC 20426 Re: Scoping Comments for DUKE POWER NANTAHALA AREA [DPNA] EA/EIS FERC Project Nos. P- 2601 P-2602 P-2603 P-2619 P-2686 P-2692 P-2698 Dear Secretary Salas: These comments from the Western North Carolina Alliance (WNCA) are primarily focused on the West Fork, P-2686, but we also have serious concerns regarding all of the DPNA projects. We are concerned about riparian habitat protection, public access, recreation, and sedimentation. The WNCA is a regional NGO with slightly more than 900 members of which 165 live within the DPNA generation area. The WNCA also sees itself as representing the general public interest for these projects. The WNCA has participated in these proceedings from the beginning and feel that there were many positive gains made through this process. However, we were not able to agree with all of the stipulations of the settlement agreements and have been an active intervener. We feel the settlement agreements failed to sufficiently protect the projects buffer strips and those functions that it is to serve. We further feel that general public recreation in and around the projects was insufficiently addressed and that recreational opportunities on the East Fork, P-2698, were inadequately addressed as to stream flows. We have previously filed under separate cover a portion of our comments and now we present the balance of these comments. Our comments in total are two separate analyses of riparian buffer. First, is a presentation of relevant Agencies positions on riparian buffer with an economic evaluation of the impaired buffer strip at p-2686 and an estimate of the cost of replacement of the vegetation using mitigation bank data. Second, is a 1 botanical analysis of the condition of the riparian buffer (strip) at Lake Glenville, P-2686, which was previously submitted. The economic valuation is based on the findings of the botanical analysis. Thank you for this opportunity to provide these comments. Sincerely, William E. Lyons 1900 White Rock Rd. Cullowhee, NC 28723-8556 mailto:welyons(cbearthlink.net I certify that I have personally served all of the service lists for these projects. W. E. Lyons mailto:welyons@earthlink.net 2 I. Exec. Summary: These Comments are in four parts. The most important part of these being "Analysis of vegetative communities and the effects of human disturbance within buffer zones along the shoreline of Lake Glenville", attachment A, by J. Dan Pittillo, Ph.D.; for it demonstrates significant losses of vegetative cover and through that the consequences of the failure of Duke Power's shoreline management practices and enforcement. The main body of these comments is primarily a presentation of information published by various States Agencies and Federal Agencies on the importance and requirements of riparian buffers and some of the economic consequences of failing to maintain sufficient riparian buffer. The photographs of the shoreline buffer zone at Lake Glenville are a separate attachment. There is a Reference and Bibliography section at the end of the main body for the readers' convenience. In the spring of 2004 The WNCA employed the services of J. Dan Pittillo, Ph.D., then holder of the H.F. "Cotton" and Catherine Robinson Chair, Professor in Biology at Western Carolina University, now retired, to perform an assessment of the integrity of the riparian buffer at Lake Glenville, p- 2686. Dr. Pittillo has also been awarded the North Carolina Governor's Award of Excellence (1992), the 1998 Elizabeth Ann Bartholomew Award (given by the Southern Appalachian Botanical Society), and the 2004 Tom Dodd, Jr. Award of Excellence, given by the Cullowhee Native Plant Conference. Additionally, the WNCA and Dr. Pittillo acquired the statistical services of Mr. Ben Prater, M.S., of The Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project. The purpose of the commissioned study was to determine if there is a demonstrable loss of native plants and habitat within the buffer strip bordering developed property adjacent to the Duke Power Nantahala Power (DPNA) project boundary. The study's ultimate aim was to quantify any such loss both numerically and monetarily (in dollars). The "buffer strip" is defined for Lake Glenville and in general for Duke Power Nantahala Area (DPNA) lakes, as the area surrounding the lake that is within the project boundary and measured as ten vertical feet above the high water mark for the lake. Note that the amount of project boundary land in square footage will vary according to shoreline slope, with more land where the slope is gradual and less land where the shore rises abruptly from the water. It is estimated by the Jackson County Building Inspectors Office that (50%) one half of the total shoreline of Lake Glenville has already been developed. The value of the impaired fifty per cent of the buffer strip at Lake Glenville is estimated as a $226,653,400.00 loss; this value being determined by use of a Benefits Transfer Analysis ratio developed in a study of the value of restored riparian buffer on the Little Tennessee River in Macon County, NC and Rabun County, GA, attachment B, and an average mitigation bank dollar 3 amount [$200.00 per linear front foot] for the cost of restoration of riparian buffer. Lake Glennville and the Tuckeseegee River are part of the Little Tennessee drainage area. STUDY FINDINGS: The study reveals a dramatic loss of native vegetative cover, most particularly in the shrub layer, which is primary in the prevention of erosion and nutrient and toxin transfers. A 42% loss in abundance of trees is shown, but even more alarming, there has been an 82% loss in species abundance of shrubs in the sites adjacent to development. Observations made during the study indicate: 1. a continual erosion of the shorelines due to wake action. 2. the loss of the vegetative cover. 3. The buffer strip, even if properly vegetated would not be of sufficient depth from the water line to perform its functions optimally. 4. Many of the developed areas have shallow soils and bedrock has been and is being exposed by the erosion, preventing significant natural re- vegetation. Native vegetation is the primary control of this erosion but has been removed from many sites around the lake. Tree roots grow deepest into the soil but are less effective for topsoil erosion control. The best erosion and transport control occurs with the extensive root masses associated with the native shrubs and from large woody debris. 5. Trees and shrubs which have been removed are not being replaced by natural reproduction due to mowing. Grass and other lawn species are being maintained on most developed sites and on the buffer strip between those sites and the lake. These shallow rooted species are not effective control against the undercutting action of the waves nor are they effective sediment control on significant slopes. Lawn grasses also are not significant for the uptake of toxins and nutrients. 6. Trees that die in the buffer zone and later topple into the lake as they are undercut by wave action are often removed by the adjacent land owners. While these trees and their branches could serve as revetment against wave erosion, spawning grounds, and protective habitat for fish, these functions are negated by the removal of the trees and other large woody debris. 7. The use of rip-rap and rock walls by adjacent owners is not a suitable replacement for natural vegetation. The value of the buffer strip as riparian habitat goes far beyond sedimentation and erosion control or even its value as habitat for birds and animals. This study did not examine in-pond or aquatic vegetation or animals or the effects that the loss of vegetative cover has induced on them. However, in discussions with two aquatic biologists they suggested that the lake in its 4 current condition and considering the current project management practices of DPNA the lake could not likely support more than thirty percent of what its normally expected biotic load would be. The State of North Carolina and Jackson County, North Carolina both require a buffer zone set back of thirty feet depth adjacent to any lake or stream that is within a designated watershed. This requirement has been totally ignored at Lake Glenville, which is within the Jackson County Watershed. In a discussion of riparian buffer the slope of the terrain must be considered when attempting to determine the needed depth from the waterline to permit optimal functionality. The State did not consider severe slopes in setting its minimum buffer width and Jackson County did not either. If the required thirty feet of watershed buffer were in place at Lake Glenville the buffer would still be inadequate due to the severe slope of the terrain. We have not considered the cost of removing or destroying any bacteria, fungi, antibiotics, toxins, or nutrients that maybe contained in the water. Beginning in 1958 Duke Power began to remove the buffer strips from all of its projects. DPNA during the scoping hearing for the relicensing of p-2602 presented a project map that did not show a buffer strip. Questioning revealed that it was their intention to delete the buffer strip from their projects. DPNA, a division of Duke Power, has failed in its responsibility to protect the riparian buffer. The value of riparian buffer as a Public Asset may exceed the value of hydroelectric generation in some cases and must be given serious consideration in determining the cumulative effects of projects. It is obvious that greater protection must be given to the riparian buffer around all of DPNA's lakes and that the impaired buffers must be repaired. II. INTRODUCTION The comments in this section are derived from a 1998 study by Marshall Flug for the U.S. Geological Survey on "Ecosystem Resource Considerations in Reservoir Management. " "According to the Ecological Society of America (Lubchenco et al., 1991) most current research focuses on commodity based managed ecosystems with little attention to sustainability of natural ecosystems whose goods lack a market value. The true cost or value of ecosystem resources that include ecological integrity and diversity remain unknown. Many water projects have been developed over time to provide human and economic benefits, but without 5 accounting for the impacts and losses in water quality, biodiversity, wetlands, riparian, and habitat area, to name a few resources that lack true market value. One of the recommendations cited in a paper on "America's Waters: A New Era of Sustainability," by the Natural Resources Law Center in 1992 is: "Federal hydropower pricing should reflect the full economic and environmental cost of producing power, and revenues should be used to assist in financing water conservation and ecosystem protection and restoration." The following comments and information are offered toward our concerns over balancing power generation with the preservation of entire watersheds and the ecosystems that sustain them. III. WHAT IS THE RIPARIAN BUFFER: [FROM:CHESALPEAKE BAY RIPARIAN HANDBOOK. A Guide for Establishing and Maintaining Riparian Forest Buffers edited by Roxane S. Palone, and Albert H. Todd, USDA FOREST SERVICE 1977] "Riparian forest buffers are areas of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation found next to stream channels and other waterways. They are modeled on natural communities such as bottomland hardwood forest, coastal scrub, and upland oak-hickory-pine forests. Conversion of these riparian forests to other land uses has contributed to ecological problems in our waterways and the Chesapeake Bay including sedimentation, nutrient and toxic chemical pollution, and reduction of fish habitat. Riparian wetlands are characterized by plant species adapted to periodic flooding and/or saturated soils. They support a high diversity of plant and animal species. More energy and materials, born by moving water, enter, are deposited in, and pass through riparian ecosystems than any other wetland ecosystem. Drier upland forests adjacent to waterways also provide many of the same ecosystem values." IV. The Function and Value of Riparian Vegetation: From The Department of Natural Resources, The State of Washington. "Stream or river banks are riparian areas, and the plants that grow there are called riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation is extremely important because of the many functions it serves. 1. Bank stabilization and water quality protection 6 The roots of riparian trees and shrubs help hold stream banks in place, preventing erosion. Riparian vegetation also traps sediment and pollutants, helping keep the water clean. 2. Fish habitat As dying or uprooted trees fall into the stream, their trunks, root wads, and branches slow the flow of water. Large snags create fish habitat by forming pools and riffles in the stream. Riffles are shallow gravelly sections of the stream where water runs faster. Many of the aquatic insects that salmon[fish] eat live in riffles. Salmon also require riffles for spawning. They use pools for resting, rearing and refuge from summer drought and winter cold. 3. Wildlife habitat Over 80 percent of all wildlife species in western Washington use riparian areas during some part of their life cycle. Riparian vegetation provides food, nesting, and hiding places for these animals. Unfortunately, forested riparian areas account for the smallest percentage of forest land in Washington. [also true in NC] 4. Food chain support Salmon and trout, during the freshwater stage of their life cycle, eat mainly aquatic insects. Aquatic insects spend most of their life in water. They feed on leaves and woody material such as logs, stumps and branches that fall into the water from stream banks. Standing riparian vegetation is habitat for other insects that sometimes drop into the water, providing another food source for fish. [NC trout are effected the same.] 5. Thermal cover Riparian vegetation shields streams and rivers from summer and winter temperature extremes that may be very stressful or even fatal, to fish and other aquatic life. The cover of leaves and branches brings welcome shade, ensuring that the stream temperature remains cool in the summer and moderate in the winter. Cooler, shaded streams have less algae and are able to hold more dissolved oxygen, which fish need to breathe. 6. Flood control During high stream flows, riparian vegetation slows and dissipates floodwaters. This prevents erosion that damages fish spawning areas and aquatic insect habitats. 7. Filtration: The leaf litter acts as a filtration system by capturing sediment from upland runoff. This action also helps to filter out phosphorous bonded to sediment particles. The sediments and any nutrient or toxin, which may be bonded to them, are trapped and become part of the forest 7 soil rather than clouding our waterways. Chemical and biological processes of the forest remove nutrients, such as phosphorous and nitrogen, and store them in the soil or as plant tissue. Pesticides are also converted to nontoxic compounds by various chemical and microbial activities within the forest. This helps to protect fish, which are most threatened by pesticide pollution. Riparian forest soils act as areas of water storage. Plants take up water into their tissues and release it into the atmosphere." As a primary filter for run-off the riparian buffer provides primary uptake functions for the removal of nutrients and toxins contained in herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and in human and animal waste. Therefore, we conclude that any credible valuation of the cumulative impacts of project operations must include the impacts on water quality and that impact on public [drinking] water costs. V. RECOMMENDED BUFFER WIDTHS: 8 lne GamaIh...m 1rliI, aw,,1oo,g Urals and ramannaffin man raticall 203 Ora buffer . 1.1 . 111. 1 orear Urals air mFS Hainan Marat air gUmner rancral '150 If air am Or mater III Par Jra=� Rparan Polar ififfall Funalf and Or ill am Ri 1111 prItrali 11. 1 an Ilani 1. of r Nal frater all flah .11111 al In lor Inner 1.1 Or Or .,.I Ir Inarramn, faremarall., Ili lar Applarfor Pirelli renal Iranian sami Or Ill, I., Iranian, filing Or Oal. III all ramalm Oraral an, in Or Sai am Har PAI artmar forn Odra Of Or mit Part ill Or N. I I It am r later I. IN. a 'Ogra, JW a filial X= =i2g Mr farina D A Of GUMO I a..g airman Plan Rmr III, Iftrad Ima 11 IM lne GamaIh...m 1rliI, aw,,1oo,g Putting Shorelands to Work ow much of the shoreland needs to be protected? H It depends on what you want the shoreland to be. There is not a "one size fits-all" width that will keep the water clean, stabilize the bank, protect fish and wildlife, and satisfy human demands on the land. Many localities have a minimum width requirement be sure to check with your local planning or zoning office to find out if one applies to your property. The minimum width should provide acceptable levels of all needed benefits at an acceptable cost. However, any amount of natural shoreland is better than none. N Width i 7 i r r r y? t ?. t t i pedestrian Pa i i i ' , t 1 t ® Pier Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) How well a shoreland works depends on slope, soil, natural vegetation, and other factors. Width (feet) Function 25 50 ]5 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 325 350 3X 400 425 q O 475 500 Water Quality Flood Control Shoreline Stability Aquatic Habitat Wildlife Habitat Noise Reduction M Unlikely to meet goal Meets goal with varying success depending M Exceeds goal on site conditions e_003 lrv the Bwld Hof Regent; of the UmVCL,i e: of tihxnnsin 5y,i.... .4II nghts level ed. rear i1'CVc10}eii 1!y' C11 i niani itii;9artI fdm Minc4. 111111" Rnh.nK•,A. PJmn,: ronixrz.•alailrcm ticrtk.rir.mV11U111.11x1C1Inxni i&Ignr1 E.liring nlxi .irsi il•:[kr En..n nun.....d 8+zourrrs C.nrcc ?%5-Fite nsiou. tetvEN PUB-CWQ038 DNR FLIP[-1VT-Y48 2003 Ensl or? Liu r. rrd? 10 VI: RIPARIAN BUFFER VALUATION The current total Public Asset loss in the riparian buffer of Lake Glenville derived from this study is $227.5+ million. This value is determined quite simply by multiplying the length of developed shoreline in feet by $200.00 per foot, the mitigation bank average cost to restore riparian habitat, then multiplying by 15.5:1 which is the benefits transfer value for large scale riparian habitat in the Little Tennessee River Watershed. This simple arithmetic gives what would be the Public Asset Value of the Intact Riparian Buffer. It should be noted that the $200.00 per foot is an average cost factor for restoration of the riparian habitat derived from government mitigation bank information and that the 15.5:1 factor is from a study by Thomas P. Holmes et al that determined transfer benefit figures for value of riparian buffers on the Little Tennessee River. Note that our economic analysis does not contain an estimate of the volume or dollar cost of the erosion and sedimentation caused by the removal of the vegetative cover. Likewise, no estimate has been made of the quantity or cost of abnormal nutrient or toxin transfers that have passed into the lake and river system due to the removal of the native vegetative cover. However, we have attached a study that developed the relative value of riparian habitat in order to demonstrate the high value that such habitat creates. [Contingent valuation, net marginal benefits, and the scale of riparian ecosystem restoration; ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, October 2003, by Holmes, Bergstrom, Huszar, Kask, and Orr, attachment B. Also in a separate article Dr. Holmes has determined the cost of turbidity alone to be $113.50 per million gallons of treated water; (Thomas P. Holmes, "THE OFFSITE IMPACT OF SOIL EROSION ON THE WATER TREATMENT INDUSTRY', LAND ECONOMICS, NOV. 1988) and in 1985 Clark, Haverkamp, and Chapman, determined the national cost to water utilities of turbidity due to agricultural sediment turbidity to be 2.2 billion dollars. MODEL PUBLIC DRINKING WATER UTILITY: Assume a water treatment and delivery system with one million total users, all residential. In 1988, Thomas P. Holmes USDA/USFS, writing in "THE OFFSITE IMPACT OF SOIL EROSION ON THE WATER TREATMENT INDUSTRY', LAND ECONOMICS, NOV. 1988 determined that the cost of turbidity to a public water utility was $113.50 per million gallons of treated water. The average public per capita daily use of treated water is 100 gallons per day [Ross Bernstein, The Physics Facts Book]. Obviously if there are one million people using 100 gallons of water per day the daily usage will be 100 million gallons. And the daily cost due to turbidity will be [$113.50 x 100 = 11,350.00 per day], and the annual cost to the 11 utility will be [$11,350 x 365 = $4,142,750.00 per year]. These cost break down to $4.15 per person per year just to make drinking water clear; Not safe to drink just appealing to look at. This also does not take into account treated water used for industrial purposes which would raise the consumption figure to 1316 gallons per day per person and would increase the per person cost to $54.61 per year. This model approximates the public water system for Metropolitan Charlotte, North Carolina which is located on the Catawba River with the water intake at Mt. Island Lake, p-2232. Chattanooga, Tennessee which is roughly one half the size of Charlotte is located downstream of Lake Glenville. Charlotte as an industrial city would have an estimated cost due to turbidity of 54.6 million dollars and Chattanooga at half the size but also an industrial city would have an estimated cost due to turbidity of 27.3 million dollars. COST OF REPLACEMENT NCDOT and NC Clean Water Trust Fund Methodology cost estimate: for replacing lost or damaged riparian buffers due to construction or other causes. Total shoreline = 27.7 miles Developed shoreline = 13.85 miles 1 mile = 5280'1 5280' x 13.85 = 73,114 linear feet 73,114 linear feet times $200.00/foot = $14,728,000.00 The Holmes, Bergstrom, Kask, et al study "COMPARATIVE BENEFITS TRANSFER OF RIPARIAN HABITAT" which was done in Macon County, N.C. and Rabun County, Ga. indicates a benefits to cost ratio of 15.5:1 or higher for restoration of contiguous habitat of eight miles or greater in length. By inference from their study a ratio of 15.5:1 would indicate a value of $3100.00 per foot of intact riparian habitat having a continuous length of eight or more miles. By extension this would indicate a total Public Asset value for an intact restoration of the impaired full shoreline of Lake Glenville as being $453,306,800.00 as a public asset. The lost Public Asset value of the impaired 50% of the shoreline would be $226,653,400.00 VII: EXISTING CONDITION OF LAKE GLENVILLE HABITAT: In conclusion Dr. Pittillo's study shows that there is overwhelmingly significant existing and ongoing physical damage to the natural riparian vegetative cover of the buffer strip coincident with development adjacent to the shoreline buffer zone of Lake Glenville and our analysis places the imputed Social or Public Costs of this damage as at least $227.5 million. 12 Further, the nature of riparian habitat is that fragmentation destroys its ability to be an effective filter progressively disproportionate to the percent of fragmentation, and thus the fragmentation of the Lake Glenville riparian border has rendered the remaining vegetative cover inadequate to perform its natural functions of stabilization and filtration. This is a major contributing cause of the continual erosion of the shoreline, which has led to the loss of significant pieces of the designated buffer zone. This erosion process has not been effectively managed by DPNA. Without better and more intense management, and assuming further development into the areas where natural vegetation still exists, any viability of the buffer zone will likely be eliminated during the next relicensing term. Mitigation for the lost vegetative cover and shoreline is indicated and better management of the remaining intact vegetation is required. VIII: HISTORY: Responsibility for Loss In 1958 Duke Power parent company of DPNA applied for and was granted a new 50 year combined license for all of their lakes on the Catawba River on the strength of the construction of the new Lake Norman dam. Before the license was issued Duke Power began to transfer all of the riparian buffer property associated with these lakes and the river to another subsidiary or division named Crescent Land and Timber, now Crescent Resources. There are thirteen Duke Power lakes on the Catawba River having a combined shore line length of over fifteen hundred miles. Of those fifteen hundred miles there is no buffer strip within the project boundaries according to the information that we have at present. Much of the Catawba River shoreline is owned by Crescent Resources a former division of Duke Power and now a sister division of Duke Energy and again there is little or no protected riparian buffer. Only thirteen miles of shoreline on Lake Norman and a small amount on Lake James have been preserved within State Parks for public access. There is no riparian buffer strip on Duke's Catawba lakes except for Mt. Island Lake, p-2232, and that buffer is on Crescent Resources property. All of which are within the watershed for some public water utility. In 1997 DPNA filed a Shoreline Management Plan with the FERC for all of their lakes. On July 1, 2003 DPNA put in place a new Shoreline Management Plan. DPNA has failed to protect the riparian buffer under either of these plans. During the previous round of scoping hearings for the DPNA license renewals DPNA presented project maps that did not show the buffer strip. The WNCA caught this omission and pointed it out in the public hearing for the Dillsboro Dam, p-2602. Hopefully this omission has been corrected, but we have no proof of this since DPNA has declared this to be critical energy infrastructure information under and has not provided definitive maps that would show the buffer strip accurately. 13 We believe that this history establishes that neither Duke Energy, Duke Power, or DPNA are sufficiently serious or protective of the Public Interest to be entrusted with the care of a Public Asset as valuable and necessary as the riparian buffer. The loss of native vegetative cover in the riparian buffer has been a direct result of the failure of DPNA to properly manage the buffer and to oversee the actions of the land owners within project boundaries. The adjacent owners were actively responsible for the removal of the vegetation, but DPNA, as the licensee, must be held primarily responsible. In failing to actively protect the buffer strip and enforce their Shoreline Management Guidelines, DPNA facilitated and expedited the destruction of the protective vegetative cover and habitat. Today the effected riparian buffer at Lake Glenville serves none of the purposes prescribed for it by either law or nature. 1. It is too small for habitat. 2. It is both to narrow and too sparse to be an effective filter. 3. It does not have the dense root mass or large woody debris necessary to be an effective erosion control agent. 4. It has very limited access and is too narrow in many places to provide either public access or public recreation. In short the buffer strip at Lake Glenville serves none of the purposes that are required of it and DPNA has made no effort to improve that situation or to protect what little buffer there is. The cumulative impacts of these projects can not fully be assessed without accounting for the impact of the loss of the integrity of the riparian buffer and the social and economic costs associated with that loss beyond the bounds of these projects. Both the State of North Carolina and Jackson County, North Carolina require a thirty foot buffer strip be maintained within Watershed areas. All of DPNA's East and West Fork lakes are within Jackson County designated Watershed. DPNA has failed to protect that required thirty foot buffer. IX: RECOMMENDATIONS Many agencies have recommended a minimum buffer depth from water line of fifty feet. TVA's new Shoreline Management Policy became effective in November, 1999 and requires that a fifty foot shoreline management zone [SMZ] will be established on TVA land that adjoins newly developed residential areas. We recommend that due to the severity of the slopes this same fifty feet of shoreline management zone should be required on all lands around all DPNA projects as a minimum; not just newly developed or not yet developed residential areas. We request that The Commission order the 14 insertion of such a requirement into the DPNA Shoreline Management Guidelines or that The Commission make it a condition of the license. Section 10(a)(1) of the Federal Power Act allows inclusion of existing residential, commercial, or other structures within the project boundaries for the purpose of achieving beneficial public uses i.e. protection of public water supply. 18 CFR 4.41(h)(2) and 4.51(h)(2) state "The map must show a project boundary enclosing all of the principal project works and other features... The boundary must enclose only those lands necessary for operation and maintenance of the project and for other project purposes, such as recreation, shoreline control, or protection of environmental resources (see paragraph (f) of this section (Exhibit E)). Existing residential, commercial, or other structures may be included within the boundary only to the extent that underlying lands are needed for project purposes (e.g., for flowage, public recreation, shoreline control, or protection of environmental resources)..." Due to Duke Power's history of failed enforcement and disregard for the buffer strip and Public Assets, we request in addition that: 1. The Commission consider that the DPNA lakes buffer strips be placed under a protective Conservation Easement to be held in trust by the Southern Appalachian Highlands Land Trust or The Land Trust for The Little Tennessee or other suitable third party and that the particulars of this easement be the same as DPNA's Shoreline Management Guidelines but to include a requirement for at least a 50 feet wide riparian buffer and not more than a 20 feet wide view shed including a 10 feet wide access way for access to the lakes. The WNCA does not wish to interfere with the adjoining land owners or the general publics enjoyment of the lakes. 2. That if this buffer, once established, is not maintained by the adjoining property owner then lake access and dock permits for said owner or owners are to be withdrawn without review and accompanying docks removed at the permitees expense. 3. We further request that The Commission require DPNA at its sole expense to re-plant the vegetated buffer strip wherever it may be impaired on all of its shorelines. 4. That the EA/EIS should include a study to determine the proper depth from the waterline needed for the buffer zone considering the severity of the slope at the DPNA projects. 5. The current project boundary should be expanded to include all lands owned by Duke Power-Nantahala Area around all of its lakes and along the rivers near their Dams. This expanded project boundary is necessary to protect project purposes including recreation, shoreline control, and protection of environmental resources. 15 6. In addition to Lake Glenville Bear Lake on the East Fork, p-2698, is currently under intense development pressure and has a marginal buffer strip with severe slopes. Bear Lake should also have a study to determine the proper depth from water line for the buffer. 7. we applaud DPNA's efforts to accommodate the American Whitewater Association and the Commercial rafting and kayaking businesses with timed releases. We would however point out that many local citizens and Western Carolina University and Southwestern Community College students raft and kayak on the East Fork justifying the new put in and take out points that DPNA plans to build. They would benefit significantly from daytime flow increases that should not interfere with the downstream scheduling currently planned by DPNA. 8. That the 35 cfs minimum flow for the East Fork should begin in mid May or not later than the week before Memorial Day and should continue through November 1. 9. That DPNA should pay annually to the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of the five DPNA Counties for the life of the license Two hundred thousand dollars. Said funds to be divided forty per cent to Jackson County and the balance equally among the others and to be used for stream bank restoration as mitigation for project operations. We fully agree with comments submitted by North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, NC Water Resources, US Fish &Wildlife Service and THE US Department of Interior as presented for projects p-2619 and p-2603 accession #s: 20041213-5006, 20041213-5013,20041213-5044,20041213- 5060, and20041222-0158. We believe that the conditions existing in those projects are also present in all of DPNA's Tuckeseegee projects as well and that the recommendations these resource agencies propose for p-2619 and p-2603 should also be applied to p-2686 and p-2698. We believe the above recommendations are the least necessary for the restoration of a functioning and viable riparian buffer zone at Lake Glenville and other DPNA Lakes in order to better protect the publics' interests and welfare and to mitigate damage due to project operations. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Comprehensive Plan - FPA, Section 10(a)(1) of the act specifies that a hydroelectric project can be developed by an individual or corporation, or an agency of a municipality or state provided it is "best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce, for the improvement 16 and utilization of water power, for the adequate protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife... and for other beneficial public uses including irrigation, flood control, watersupply, and recreationaland other purposes...". FERC requires project applicants to identify all applicable comprehensive plans developed by state and federal agencies and determine if the project will comply with these plans (18 CFR 4.38). See section 3.1.d for examples of these plans. Project Boundary - 18 CFR 4.41(h)(2) and 4.51(h)(2) . The map must show a project boundary enclosing all of the principal project works and other features... The boundary must enclose only those lands necessary for operation and maintenance of the project and for other project purposes, such as recreation, shoreline control, or protection of environmental resources (see paragraph (f) of this section (Exhibit E)). Existing residential, commercial, or other structures may be included within the boundary only to the extent that underlying lands are needed for project purposes (e.g., for flowage, public recreation, shoreline control, or protection of environmental resources)... "A provision for a shoreline buffer zone that must be within the project boundary, above the normal maximum surface elevation of the project reservoir, and of sufficient width to allow public access to project lands and waters and to protect the scenic, public recreational, cultural, and other environmental values of the reservoir shoreline" 18CFR4.41(f)(7)(iii) "There is no Economic Value in clean water" was one of Dr. Hugh McCauley's [professor of Economics, Clemson University] favorite attention getters. There is no economic value in clean water because in Economic terms there is no added value to clean water; it is natural. What is the value of clean water today? Between $0.79 per gallon and $8.00 per gallon because that is what we now pay for bottled water because we are afraid of our public drinking water supply. Water consumption: When calculating the total amount of water consumed by the United States, we must first define and separate water withdrawal from water consumption. Withdrawal refers to water extracted from surface or ground water sources, with consumption being that part of a withdrawal that is ultimately used and removed from the immediate water environment. The majority of water consumption comes from domestic use. It is surprising to hear that each person in the United States uses approximately 380 liters of water each day (100 gal). [Ross Bernstein, The Physics Fact Book. Hypertextbook.com] There is a web site of water consumption data in the US from the year 1994 17 that states "In an industrial society such as the United States, personal water consumption is between 200 and 300 liters per day (Fetter, 1994). when the industrial and energy production usage is added in to the equation, fresh water usage exceeds 5,000 liters per day on a per capita basis (Fetter, 1994)." The website is: http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/student/eslick7/webpage.html Benefits Transfer Bibliography Alberini, A., and M. Cropper, Tsu-Tan Fu, A. 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No. 3. 21 Appendix 4 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Andrews Park 0-10 m 10-2jOlan pitt;tjl?'30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Acer rubrum 4 10.5 3.2 7.5 4 7 3.5 5 2.4 10 28-Jul-04 10.4 12 5 8 4.2 5.7 2 6.5 2.7 6.5 Prunus seroth 8.5 15 Pinus strobus 4 6 Liriodendron tulipifera 8.2 9.5 Tsuga canadensis 3.8 6 Carya glabra 3.2 4.5 Quercus alba 11.5 19 Betula lenta 7 8.5 Quercus rubra 3.5 7 Quercus coccinea 7 11.5 Quercus velutina 4.5 4.7 Nyssa sylvatica 2.5 5.7 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; col umns 2 are maxi mum diamete Andrews Park 0-10m 10-201 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Experimental Quercus velut 5.2 5.5 14.5 18 28-Jul-04 Pinus strobus 11.4 8.5 10.5 13 3 3 Acer rubrum 6.9 9.5 Liriodendron tulipifera 7.7 10.5 6.9 9 Carya glabra 3 5 Robinia pseudoacacia 7.1 8.5 Oxydendrum arboreum 4 6 Quercus alba 6.5 6.5 Cornus florida 1 10.5 Amelanchier laevis 4.8 7.5 Pinus rigida 1 6 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; col umns 2 are maxi mum diamete West 1 0-10 m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Carya glabra 2.3 5.7 5.3 5 2-Aug-04 Pinus strobus 0.8 4.3 Robinia pseuc 3.3 5.4 0.2 3.6 Acer rubrum 3.5 3.5 4.8 4.8 5.4 8 Betula lenta 6.6 10.8 2.5 6.7 4.6 5.4 1.5 4 6 6.8 4 5.2 Quercus rubra 5.8 7 7 7 Oxydendrum arboreum 4.6 6.6 5 5 Amelanchier laevis 4.2 5.7 Tsuga canadensis 6 7 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; col umns 2 are maxi mum diamete West 1 0-10m 10-201 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Experimental Pinus strobus 7.4 7.42 11 112 11 11 4.2 11 2-Aug-04 Sassafras alb 4 4 Amelanchier 1 3 10 Nyssa sylvati( 5 8 Prunus serotina 5.8 9.3 East 1 0-10 m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Tsuga canade 1.2 5.4 7-A..,.-nn a ? a ? Appendix 4 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Betula lenta 3 19.2 OJ5Dan`4?atillo7.4 8.8 6 10 6 8.2 East 1 Control, cont. 3.7 8.4 0.5 6.5 4.5 8.7 7.2 79 12.6 12.6 Quercus rube 4.6 7.8 9.3 11.2 0.5 11.2 10.3 12 Aesculus flav? 0.5 8.5 Acer rubrum 3.5 4 4.4 10 Robinia pseudoacacia 5.8 8.9 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maximum diamete East 1 0-10m 10-201 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Experimental Tsuga canade 1.2 5.3 7-Aug-04 Liriodendron i 1.3 3.9 5 12 6 9 Quercus rube 3 15 Hamamelis vi 3 6.6 Quercus cocci 1.8 5.4 Pinus strobus 2.4 4.2 6.3 11.5 Acer rubrum 8.8 11 5.3 6.2 1 7.5 Magnolia fraseri 13 18.5 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maximum diamete West 2 0-10 m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Liriodendron i 6.8 13.5 8 11.3 9-Aug-04 Acerrubru m 9.1 11 2.4 7.2 9.2 10.8 10.1 13 4.2 5 Prunus seroth 9.4 14.3 9.2 10.7 Cornus floridz 0.2 11.3 0.2 3.4 3.2 4.5 ParthenoClssL 0.5 8.4 Vitis aestivali: 0.1 8.4 3.2 5.7 Robinia pseudoacacia 5.5 6.4 1.6 5.5 Pinus strobus 10 10 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; co lumns 2 are maxi mum diamete West 2 0-10m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Experimental 9-Aug-04 Acerrubru m 2 7.8 8.8 11.5 Quercus rube 1 5.4 3.4 6.6 6.5 12.8 Liriodendron i 2.2 12.7 7 9.7 7 10 Prunus serotina 8.2 8.8 Pinus strobus 9 11.5 2.5 5.7 6.3 9 Robinia pseudoacacia 4.8 7 4 5 Cornus florida 5 7.4 Appendix 4 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) J. Dan Pittillo East 2 0-10 m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Pinus rigida 0.4 4.3 10-Aug-04 Quercus velut 1.6 10.8 9.1 9.1 3.6 8.4 5.5 10.5 3.1 8.7 Pinus strobus 8.7 8.7 3.8 7.1 6.6 6.8 5.5 7.4 4.4 5.4 4.2 7 2.2 7.1 Prunus serotina 3.4 4.2 Carya alba 1 6.4 3.8 4 4.9 8.8 Quercus coccinea 4.8 6.7 Oxydendru m arboreu m 2.7 10.8 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maxi mum dia mete East 2 0-10m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Experimental Carya alba 4.7 5.4 1.2 6.4 9-Aug-04 Pinus strobus 2.2 8.5 13.2 13.2 9.9 9.9 Betula lenta 3 7.5 Quercus cocci 6.9 6.9 4.5 10.1 2.8 4.2 Quercus velut 2.5 6.9 6 11.2 2 5.4 5.3 8.5 1.9 3.1 1 5.9 Acer rubrum 6.5 6.5 3.9 5.4 5.9 6.9 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maxi mum dia mete West 3 0-10 m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Pinus strobus 8.2 8.2 16-Aug-04 Liriodendron i 0.5 8.9 9 11 Tsuga canade 2.6 3.8 9 11 1.6 3.4 Robinia pseuc 4.8 6 Acer rubrum 3.7 7.3 Betula lenta 3.7 5.4 4.2 7.4 8 9 Prunus serotina 4.7 5.1 0.2 6 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maxi mum dia mete West 3 0-10m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Experimental Carya alba 0.4 3.8 9-Aug-04 Liriodendron tulipifera 4 7.6 6.3 6.3 Quercus rubra 9 9.5 6.7 7.5 Robinia pseudoacacia 0.5 6.4 Prunus serotina 5.1 6.4 4.5 6.3 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maxi mum dia mete East 3 0-10 m 10-20m 20-30m 30-40m 40-50m Control Pinus strobus 2.5 6.2 7.1 8.9 7 7 1.6 7.4 27-Aug-04 2.3 5 3.5 5.4 4.1 5.2 3 10.8 2 9.9 Oxydendrum 4.3 10.3 Acer rubrum 2.3 5.8 5.6 8.5 n........ ...I..l 7 a 7 9 1 n C 1 1 1' 1A C 1 o c a Appendix 4 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Experimental Quercus alba J. Dan Pittillo 10 10.8 0.2 6.8 26-Aug-04 Quercus coccinea 7 7.6 3.5 8 5.4 18.7 Values in columns 1 are line intercepts (I) in m; columns 2 are maximum diamete Appendix 5 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) I Dan Pittillo Andrews Park 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-4 0m 40-45m 45-50m Control Hamamelis virgir 120 220 190 350 30 117 28-Jul-04 80 170 160 595 190 280 Vaccinium stamir 65 94 25 87 63 135 Clethra acu minata 102 156 Corpus florida 75 80 Acer rubrum 250 330 Calycanthus floridus 52 62 30 80 31 64 Fagus grandifolia 450 570 Linodendron tulipifera 170 170 Castanea pumila 92 190 Quercus rubra 124 140 Pinus strobus 15 125 55 130 55 90 Robinia pseudoacacia 290 290 Kalmia latifolia 280 350 55 220 Betula lenta 160 230 Oxydendrum arboreum 140 250 Nyssa sylvatica 10 145 160 220 32 105 100 320 180 255 90 330 115 175 30 145 15 35 Gaylussacia ursina 45 55 85 55 55 80 55 85 50 65 25 75 35 100 45 55 35 70 20 60 40 55 30 60 45 65 25 45 50 55 Sassafras albidu m 20 110 Rhododendron maximum 25 170 Smilax glauca 15 100 Smilax rotundifolia 15 120 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant diameter (M Andrews Park 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-4 0m 40-45m 45-50m Experimental Vaccinium stamir 80 80 62 117 28-Jul-04 24 45 11 33 Betula lenta 45 90 Amelanchier laev 28 31 10 19 9 19 Gaylussacia ursina 3 12 3 12 Sassafras albidum 10 74 Vaccinium pallid 73 97 30 60 25 50 Castanea pumila 67 240 49 145 Smilax glauca 3 3 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant diameter (M West 1 0-Sm Control Gaylussacia ursir 6 28-Jul-04 45 27 36 51 40 79 32 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 33 83 100 67 67 43 56 97 37 60 86 116 10 64 63 19 64 52 52 34 72 88 23 70 44 80 28 70 77 45 80 31 80 13 55 42 50 100 45 70 50 50 88 1 100 46 47 44 55 67 45 45 43 80 190 320 30 30 47 47 42 60 8 55 57 57 27 55 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m 28 62 38 50 16 44 42 45 14 40 22 70 50 70 43 57 30 67 34 51 11 40 1 58 40 49 24 64 4 56 23 30 31 35 Appendix 5 Lake Glenville Buffer Zo ne Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-A ugust 26, 20 04) J. Dan Pittillo 112 112 Gaylussacia ursir 20 37 25 55 20 47 9 40 10 40 27 47 West 1 Control, cont. 29 55 82 170 23 77 19 57 50 60 8 44 Rhododendron calendulacei 125 250 45 130 4 57 110 200 45 130 34 200 100 290 Quercus rubra 190 320 Hamamelis virginana 180 180 7 320 310 310 Clethra acuminata 170 250 31 80 168 192 45 54 31 120 24 52 16 160 1 116 48 80 53 215 21 150 55 110 50 125 40 90 32 115 Acer rubrum 140 395 24 30 200 280 230 400 Kalmia latifolia 70 275 65 100 115 250 Rhododendron maximum 200 300 Vaccinium corymbosum 128 170 For each line intrval, First col umn line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plan t dia meter (M West 1 0-5m 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-4 0m 40-4 5m 45-50m Experimental Rhodendron cale 73 207 28-Jul-04 100 345 180 229 Hydrangea paniculata 49 78 Kalmia latifolia 112 150 51 113 59 114 Robinia pseudoacacia 17 113 Leucothoe fontanesiana 29 119 Amelanchier laevis 42 62 For each line intrval, First col umn line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plan t dia meter (M East 1 0-5m 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-4 0m 40-4 5m 45-50m Control Kalmia latifolia 62 62 74 74 7-Aug-04 53 151 Betula lenta 310 480 50 280 210 210 380 410 210 305 Clethra acuminata 106 160 175 175 135 395 125 155 127 170 Halesia tetaptera 30 300 38 85 Ilex ambigua 76 124 Tsuga canadensis 118 410 180 350 105 307 84 480 165 270 40 210 Hamamelis virginiana 97 173 5 377 65 155 9 810 170 440 9 470 8 855 80 120 330 330 Calycanthus floridus 8 45 29 46 Gaylussacia ursina 2 54 92 110 72 100 8 63 30 72 24 84 51 59 32 65 16 61 26 92 49 82 56 101 Amelanchier laevis 45 45 52 67 Rhododendron maximum 39 280 180 450 32 240 25 115 12 63 440 610 41 52 49 61 Castanea dentata 17 119 Magnolia fraseri 190 220 East 1 O-Sm 5-SOm SO-SSnn 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-4 0m 40-4 5m 45-SOnn Appendix 5 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) J. Dan Pittillo Pyrularia pubera 1 65 Castanea dentata 290 570 Rubus canadensis 45 93 West 2 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m Control Amelanchier laevis 10 81 9-Aug-04 Fraxinus americana 28 53 Pinus strobus 12 58 32 69 32 58 114 170 150 260 West 2 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m Experimental Rhododendron or 34 110 115 157 9-Aug-04 44 182 Sassafras albidu m 90 15C East 2 0-5r Control Carya alba 0.3 10-Aug-04 Crataegus mono! 380 Quercus rubra 151 Corpus florida 100 Vaccinium stamir 52 23 a 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m 12 86 86 106 120 420 200 255 188 131 86 66 93 112 Quercus coccinea 86 155 Smilax rotundifolia 78 167 23 140 Amelanchier laevis 170 320 224 256 57 71 90 133 1 152 14 59 11 20 410 525 Vaccinium simulatum 198 198 107 283 Robinia pseudoacacia 64 118 Acer rubrum 65 82 10 57 3 79 Sassafras albidu m 11 59 Pinus strobus 39 42 9 46 Tsuga canadensis 86 200 Gaylussacia ursina 99 113 45 115 67 75 18 82 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant diameter (M East 2 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m Experimental Vaccinium stamir 50 53 10-Aug-04 Vaccinium corymbosum 69 157 Amelanchier laevis 330 570 300 470 Rhododendron hybrid 130 180 52 110 Forsythia virdissima 124 253 Quercus velutina 180 410 Kalmia latifolia 70 132 Acer rubrum 56 124 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant diameter (M West 3 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m Control Quercus rubra 90 139 44 56 90 90 1 33 38 66 1 117 173 430 9-Aug-00 56 145 103 183 70 93 73 146 Smilax rotundifol 47 116 26 140 76 234 Sassafras albidum 130 130 1 71 1 101 53 126 18 74 50 140 1 93 62 133 62 92 47 100 100 112 43 158 46 62 36 148 110 152 80 170 Appendix 5 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) J. Dan Pittillo Carya alba 72 90 204 204 157 342 Amelanchier laevis 47 69 West 3 Control, cont. Pyrularia pubera 44 44 Castanea pumila 115 158 53 238 154 168 Pinus strobus 38 83 Smilax glauca 6 7 6 60 Carya glabra 80 130 47 119 37 90 86 172 155 185 Acer rubrum 34 95 63 94 Robinia pseudoacacia 150 208 Prunus serotina 40 370 57 130 Ilex ambigua 2 135 1 69 Quercus alba 29 84 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant diameter (M West 3 West 3 Experimental No shrubs present Experimental 65 65 28 128 5 41 65 65 210 210 258 350 120 120 120 207 127 127 40 154 81 81 1 55 1 40 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant diameter (M East 3 0-5m 5-10m 10-15m 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-50m Control Kalmia latifolia 20 400 35 35 27-Aug-04 90 190 Gaylussacia ursina 9 97 36 53 33 84 33 60 47 81 9 35 53 93 30 53 38 43 23 78 18 103 6 60 39 64 64 75 1 35 16 74 23 48 5 14 33 56 48 48 48 75 13 87 35 35 47 57 11 32 41 74 22 73 44 51 Rhododendron maximum 238 238 Acer rubrum 60 118 160 343 82 245 30 134 53 155 92 107 22 77 40 120 22 44 32 142 34 74 49 96 13 37 23 79 68 154 150 280 44 139 210 360 5 47 Castanea pumila Tsuga canadensis Prunus serotina Robinia pseudoacacia Castanea dentata Fraxinus americana 62 167 17 90 25 76 18 125 67 100 43 97 48 222 85 85 51 57 26 140 21 95 31 60 12 17 11 42 1 119 1 37 97 126 37 158 9 30 9 60 Quercus rubra 24 110 23 305 Quercus alba 24 107 Corpus florida 50 116 Crataegus monosperma 30 30 Lindera benzoin 180 240 20 66 Amelanchier laevis 70 140 For each line intrval, First column line cm distance covered (I); second column cm maximum plant dia 4 109 East 3 O-Sm 5-SOm SO-SSnn 15-20m 20-25m 25-30m 30-35m 35-40m 40-45m 45-SOnn Prunus serotina Quemus rubra Robinia pseudoacacia Oxydend ru m arboreu m Sassafras albidu m Carya alba Appendix 5 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) I Dan Pittillo 110 280 250 310 70 340 90 180 70 300 82 110 34 360 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Andrews Park 0-Sm5 -10m 10-15n 15:2AmMK21cn 25-30m 30-35m 3 5-40n40-45m45-50m Control Prunus serotina 24 1 29 1 28-Jul-04 Fraxinus america 4 Vitis aestivalis 2 Amelanchier laev 4 Solidago 20 Potentilla simplex 7 Quercus alba 5 Agrostis 27 Vaccinium stamir 10 28 Acer rubrum 3 Smilax glauca 3 Carya glabra 13 Calycanthus floridus 3 Liriodendron tulipifera 4 Chimaphila maculata 5 1 Smilax rotundifolia 13 Hamamelis virginiana 5 Pinus strobus 20 Lysimachia quadrifolia 3 Tipularia discolor 1 Magnolia fraseri 9 Gaylussacia ursina 62 310 120 Quercus velutina 6 Rhododendron maximum 25 Nyssa sylvatica 14 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval Andrews Park 0-Sm 5 -10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 3 5-40n40-45m45-50m Experimental Thelypteris noval 52 28-Jul-04 Liriodendron tulir 2 Danthonia spicat 1 33 58 92 64 88 108 46 23 Dicanthelium dichotomi 11 14 10 4 Amelanchier laevis 2 Aster lateriflorus 1 4 2 4 4 2 Ca rex 3 Houstonia purpurea 3 Potentilla simplex 6 5 Solidago cf. casiea 5 Rubus canadensis 4 Trifoliium repens 2 Viola primulifolia 5 Maianthemum racemosu m 4 20 Hieraceum paniculatum 2 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval West 1 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 35-40n40-45m45-50m Control Gaylussacia ursir 46 62 138 110 82 202 139 31 90 28-Jul-04 Sassafras albidur 20 Thelypteris noval 24 Huperzia lucidula 9 Hamamelis virginiana 3 Polygonatum biflorum 1 Clethra acuminata 12 Pyrularia pubera 20 10 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) J. Dan Pittillo Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval West 1 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 35-40n40-45m45-5Om Experimental Dennstaedtia pur 28 18 42 28-Jul-04 Rhododendron ce 20 Viola blanda 20 5 4 Potentilla simple) 5 12 45 Sassafras albidur 7 6 14 Lysimachia quads 6 16 Carex sp. 5 9 12 Aster divaricata 12 3 8 70 Prenanthes altissima 18 3 Stachys lanata 2 Hemerocallis lilioasphoc 68 31 59 Quercus rubra 20 Polystichum acrostichoides 105 10 Ajuga repens 30 Hosta 61 47 Vitis aestivalis 5 20 Viola primulifolia 5 4 Rubus canadensis 17 137 Luzula echinata 7 Acer rubrum 3 17 18 Prunus serotina 6 Iris sp. 2 Rubus flagellaris 12 42 Dicanthelium lacuminatum v. faciculatum 4 17 Digitaria 12 Prunus pensylvanica 26 Betula lenta 7 Viola cucullata 16 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 16 Phytolacca americana 5 Aster cordifolia 7 Luzula echinata 12 2 Osmunda cinnamomea 12 Carex sp. 8 5 Goodyera pubescens 4 Calycanthus floridus 40 14 Quercus rubra 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana 7 Solidago curtisii 18 23 Arisima triphyllum 7 5 Eupatorium purpureum 6 Pyrularia pubera 18 Lysimachia quadrifolia 28 Galium lancifolium 16 Houstonia purpurea 3 3 Potentilla simplex 9 2 1 Polygonatum biflorum 8 11 4 Prunella vulgaris 10 8 61 Carex sp. 2 4 2 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval East 1 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 35-40n40-45m45-50m Control Tiarella cordifolia 26 32 7 10 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 20 04) Anemone quinquefoliun 13 J. Dan Pittillo 2 Athyrium asplenioides 18 50 25 38 Aster divaricata 13 13 17 9 13 Luzula echinata 12 2 Osmunda cinnamomea 12 Carex sp. 8 5 Goodyera pubescens 4 Calycanthus floridus 40 14 Quercus rubra 1 1 Hamamelis virginiana 7 Solidago curtisii 18 23 Arisima triphyllum 7 5 Eupatorium purpureum 6 Pyrularia pubera 18 Lysimachia quadrifolia 28 Galium lancifolium 16 Houstonia purpurea 3 3 Potentilla simplex 9 2 1 Polygonatum biflorum 8 11 4 Prunella vulgaris 10 8 61 Carex sp. 2 4 2 East 1 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 2 5-30m 30-35m 3 5-40n40-45m45-50m Experimental Dicanthelium 5 6 7-Aug-04 Luzula echinata 10 Festuca rubra 20 9 392 160 293 470 380 43 20 72 Danthonia spicat 7 12 Lobelia puberula 3 Festuca pratense 83 51 17 Digitaria 15 215 216 43 Pea pratense 46 5 Lespedeza repens 13 Oxalis stricta 3 33 30 Trifolium repens 5 29 10 Dactylis glomerata 12 Taraxacum officinalis 11 Geranium maculatum 4 20 Rudbeckia fulgida 4 3 Viola blanda 33 Angelica triquinata 10 20 Lactuca canadensis 3 2 3 Viola rotundifolia 6 Ageratina altissima 8 5 8 Osmunda cinnamomea 61 37 Viola sororia 5 Prosartes lanuginosum 10 Fraxinus americana 37 5 Carya glabra 22 Aster cordifolia 13 Viola primulifolia 4 Rubus canadensis 6 Hieraceum 28 Diervilla quadrifolia 10 12 Gaylussacia ursina 9 104 89 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) J. Dan Pittillo Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval West 2 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 2 5-30m 30 -35m 35-40n 40-45m 45-50m Control Parthenocissus q 61 88 88 90 26 6 9-Aug-04 Arisema triphyllu 12 5 4 9 Viola sororia 71 39 39 95 20 55 38 31 25 Anemine quinquefolia Rubus canadensi 38 Sassafras albidur 13 31 Fraxinus americana 44 38 16 12 34 Sanicula trifoliate 3 6 13 9 17 Angelica triquina 3 Prunus serotina 5 11 11 9 13 7 Polypodium bifloitr tr Vitis aestivalis 19 Smilax glauca 4 9 Lindera benzoin 18 Corylus americana 37 Botrychium dissectum 2 Pinus strobus 10 Malus coronaria 4 6 Carex sp. 10 10 39 23 Quercus velutina 17 19 20 Ageratina altissima 9 Crataegus monosperma 23 6 Liparis lilifolia 7 2 Galium circazana 2 7 3 Actaea pachypoda 1 Liriodendron tulipifera 29 Botrychium onedense 3 Goodyera pubescens 7 5 19 Potentilla simplex 9 Smilax rotundifolia 26 Danthonia spicata 2 Carex sp. 2 10 Lysimachia ciliata 16 Clematis virginiana 6 Vaccinium stamineum 11 Huperzia lucidula 12 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval West 2 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 2 5-30m 30 -35m 35-40n 40-45m 45-50m Experimental Robinia pseudoacacia 18 9-Aug-04 Prunus serotina 6 5 1 5 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 13 Polygonatum biflorum 2 14 Pinus strobus 6 8 Danthonia spicata 13 170 210 37 Houstonia purpurea 29 Potentilla simplex 47 10 Hieraceum pilosella 19 Dicanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum 9 73 2 Agrostis cf. hyemalis 21 Solidago rugosa 8 Lysimachia terrestris 6 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Sassafras albidum J. Dan Pittillo 2 Arisaema triphyllum 16 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval East 2 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 35-40n40-45m45-5Om Control Pinus strobus 2 2 28 15 28 4 22 10 48 10-Aug-04 Vaccinium stamir 38 30 34 20 Chimaphila macu 3 2 6 1 2 Prunus serotina 11 4 12 Danthonia spicata 28 16 Smilax rotundifolia 2 Viburnum cassinoides 9 Quercus coccinea 4 33 Gaultheria procumbens 187 120 213 146 94 42 14 5 Amelanchier laevis 7 28 9 5 Viola hastata 4 Quercus velutina 19 15 Rubus hispidus 9 33 11 23 7 1 Smilax glauca 3 Solidago caseia 19 Potentilla simplex 18 33 3 Platanthera cilliata 9 Acer rubrum 31 9 13 6 Gaylussacia ursina 42 120 58 Cimifuga racemosa 54 Maianthemum racemosum 29 Carya alba 26 Quercus alba 4 Tsuga canadensis 8 2 Quercus rubra 11 Hypopthis unilora 4 Oxydendrum arboreum 23 Kalmia latifolia 8 Rhododendron maximum 5 Lysimachia quadrifolia 13 Carex sp. 10 Values are cm of a plant species covering ea ch 5 m interval East 2 0-Sm 5-10m 1 0-15n 1 5-20n 20-25n 2 5-30m 30-35m 35-40n40-45m45-5Om Exprimental Lysimachia ciliate 17 3 10-Aug-04 Thelypteris novaboracensis Aster umbellatus 7 Danthonia spicat 81 5 Potentilla simple) 15 Lysimachia quads 4 Pycnanthemum r 13 Dennstaedtia pur 270 375 Carya alba 8 Chimaphila macu 4 3 6 Acer rubrum 5 Smilax glauca 6 3 4 Vaccinium stamir 29 3 Vaccinium simulatum 50 5 Pinus strobus 41 4 1 2 Gaylussacia ursina 60 24 3 Hypopthys uniflora 3 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Microstegium vimineum J. Dan Pittillo 5 Lonicera japonica 3 Hemerocallis lilioasphodeloides 74 63 Tiarella cordifolia 6 Iris cristata 22 50 East 2, Experimental, cont. Cordate Iv 40 Liriodendron tulipifera 1 Robinia pseudoacacia 16 Trifoliate Iv 3 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval West 3 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30 -35m 3 5-40n 40-45m 45-50m Control Dennstadtia pun( 155 87 35 18 16-Aug-04 Crataegus mono! 8 1 Quercus rubra 4 7 24 Sassafras albidur 16 8 Pinus strobus 50 47 17 54 Prunus serotina 10 3 Acer pensylvanicum 6 Chimaphila maculata 5 2 Liriodendron tulipifera 11 8 Acer rubrum 37 18 61 6 1 Solidago caseia 13 Vaccinium stamineum 17 Gaylussacia ursina 9 Lysimachia quadrifolia 5 26 Amelanchier Iaevis 3 Trillium grandiflorum 3 Maianthemum racemosum 3 Medeola virginiana 4 Goodyera pubescens 5 Smilax glauca 3 Diphasiastrum digitarium 6 140 Carya glabra 14 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval West 3 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30 -35m 3 5-40n 40-45m 45-50m Experimental Potentilla simple) 22 34 57 82 91 80 100 92 3 16-Aug-04 Hypericum gentie 1 2 Oenothera biflon 12 Danthonia spicat 5 19 21 100 175 212 80 44 Dicanthelium 15 42 22 4 9 33 28 Luzula acuminata 6 Houstonia purpurea 3 7 2 5 Hieraceum pilosella 8 27 3 10 10 Viola primulifolia 12 10 Veronica officinalis 3 Aster divaricaa 4 Andropogon virginicus 10 18 35 Lysimachia quadrifolia 2 Lysimachia ciliata 39 Dicanthelium 25 70 Hypericum stragulatum 24 Rumex acetosella 1 Leachea racemulosa 6 Betula Ienta 5 2 3 Acer rubrum 2 4 4 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Solidago sp. J. Dan Pittillo 5 3 Values are cm of a plant species covering each 5 m interval East 3 0-Sm 5-10m 10-15n 15-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 35-40n 40-45m 45-50m Control Thelypteris noval 15 27-Aug-04 Dennstadtia pun( 19 Gaulthera precut 26 54 11 Quercus alba 22 Prunus serotina 2 6 28 Smilax glauca 6 Gaylussacia ursina 37 54 110 49 Pinus strobus 34 Rubus hispidus 31 123 58 12 21 5 Fraxinus americana 12 6 14 60 Crataegus monosperma 5 Chimaphila maculata 2 Acer rubrum 3 Polystichum acrostichoides 72 Quercus velutina 5 Goodyera pubescens 18 Potentilla simplex 7 4 4 8 Solidago curtisii 13 Viola sororia? 18 Lindera benzoin 3 Maianthemum racemosum 14 Toxicodendron radicans 3 Corpus florida 20 Lonicera japonica 6 Amelanchier laevis 1 Values are cm of a plant species covering ea ch 5 m interval East 3 0-Sm 5-10m 1 0-15n 1 5-20n 20-25n 25-30m 30-35m 3 5-40n 40-45m 45-50m Experimental Digitaria 170 382 203 4 26-Aug-04 Festuca pratense 72 30 21 81 Oxalis stricta 11 Festuca rubra 95 43 150 5 Viola cuculata 2 Trifolium repens 6 7 11 Erigeron philadel 2 Lespedeza hirta 13 Rumex acetosella 10 2 Potentilla simplex 33 81 160 84 45 27 Setaria glauca 41 Prunella vulgaris 6 8 9 57 Smilax rotundifolia 2 Taraxicum officinalis 6 Achillea millefolium 4 47 5 Dicanthelium fuzzy 9 17 18 19 7 50 42 10 Plantago lanceolata 12 2 Acalypha gracilens 3 Leucanthemum 2 Paspalum 14 Lespedeza small 13 5 3 Lysimachia terrestris 15 42 Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) Viola primulifolia J. Dan Pittillo 2 Rubus canadensis 2 Chimaphila maculata 3 4 Lespedeza round 2 Danthonia spicata 110 20 118 Hypericum stragulatum 6 120 31 Rubus hispidus 55 96 60 East 3, experimental, cont. Houstonia purpurea 3 1 Gaultheria procumbens 9 Calycanthus floridus 5 Solidago caseia 7 48 58 Andropogon virginicus 23 39 Polygala sanguinea 10 Lechea ramulosa 5 4 Lysimachia quadrifolia 6 Viola hastata 2 Epigaea repens 16 Dicanthelium #4 2 Heterotheca mariana 10 Vaccinium pallidum 7 Dicanthelium #5 2 Values are cm of a pla nt species covering each 5 m interval Appendix 6 Lake Glenville Buffer Zone Study Raw Data (Collected July 28-August 26, 2004) J. Dan Pittillo Control Plant List Experimental Plant List Combined Experimental Control Acer pensylvan icu m Acer rubru m Actaea pachypoda Ageratina altissima Agrostis Amelanchier laevis Anemine quinquefolia Anemone quinquefolium Angelica triquinata Arisema triphyllum Aster d ivaricata Athyrium asplenioides Betula lenta Botrychium dissectum Botrychium onedense Calycanthus floridus Carex sp. Carex sp. Carex sp. 2 Carya alba Carya glabra Castanea dentata Castanea pumila Chimaphila maculata Cimifuga racemosa Clematis virginiana Clethra acuminata Cornus florida Corylus americana Crataegus monosperma Danthonia spicata Dennstadtia punctilobula Diphasiastrum digitarium Eupatorium purpureum Fagus grandifolia Fraxinus americana Galium circazana Galium lancifolium Gaultheria procumbens Gaylussacia ursina Goodyera pubescens Halesia tetaptera Hamamelis virginiana Houstonia purpurea Huperzia lucidula Hypopthis unilora Ilex ambigua Kalmia latifolia Lindera benzoin Liparis lilifolia Liriodendron tulipifera Luzula echinata Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia quadrifolia Magnolia fraseri Maianthemum racemosum Malus coronaria Medeola virginiana Nyssa sylvatica Osmunda cinnamomea Oxydendrum arboreum Parthenocissus quinquefolia Pinus strobus Platanthera cilliata Polygonatum biflorum Polystichum acrostichoides Potentilla simplex Prunella vulgaris Prunus serotina Acalypha gracilens Acer rubrum Achillea millefolium Ageratina altissima Agrostis Ajuga repens Alnus serrulata Amelanchier laevis Andropogon virginicus Angelica triquinata Arisaema triphyllum Aster Aster cordifolia Aster divaricata Aster umbellatus Athyrium asplenioides Betula lenta Calycanthus floridus Carex Carex sp. Carya alba Carya glabra Castanea dentata Castanea pumila Cerastium fontinalis Chimaphila maculata Clethra acumuniata Cordate Iv Com us florida Dactylis glomerata Danthonia spicata Dennstaedtia punctilobula Dicanthelium Dicanthelium Dicanthelium dichotomum Diervilla quadrifolia Digitaria Elaeagnus umbellata Epigaea repens Erigeron philadelphus Festuca pratense Festuca rubra Forsythia virdissima Fragaria virginiana Fraxinus americana Gaultheria procumbens Gaylussacia ursina Geranium maculatum Hamamelis virginiana Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus Heterotheca mariana Hieraceum pilosella Hosta Houstonia purpurea Hydrangea paniculata Hypericum gentianoides Hypericum stragulatum Hypopthys uniflora Ilex montana Iris cristata Ins sp. Kalmia latifolia Lactuca canadensis Leachea racemulosa Lespedeza hirta Lespedeza procumbens Lespedeza repens Lespedeza small Leucanthemu m Acalypha gracilens Acalypha gracilens Acer pensylvanicum Acer pensylvanicum Acer rubru m Acer rubru m Achillea millefolium Acerrub rum Actaea pachypoda Achillea millefolium Ageratina altissima Actaea pachypoda Ageratina altissima Ageratina altissima Agrostis Ageratina altissima Ajuga repens Agrostis Alnus serrulata Agrostis Amelanchier laevis Ajuga repens Andropogon virginicus Alnus serrulata Anemone quinquefolium Amelanchier laevis Angelica triquinata Amelanchier laevis Arisaema triphyllum Andropogon virginicus Aster Anemone quinquefolia Aster cordifolia Anemone quinquefolia Asterdivaricata Angelica triquinata Aster umbel latus Angelica triquinata Athyrium asplenioides Arisaema triphyllum Betula lenta Arisema triphyllum Botrychium dissectum Aster Botrychium onedense Aster cord ifolia Calycanthusfloridus Aster diva ricata Carex sp. Aster diva ricata Carex sp. Aster umbel latus Carex sp. 2 Athyrium asplenioides Carya alba Athyrium asplenioides Carya glabra Betula lenta Castanets dentata Betula lenta Castanea pumila Botrychium dissectum Cerastium fontinalis Botrychium onedense Chimaphila maculata Calycanthus floridus Cimifuga racemosa Calycanthus floridus Clematis virginiana Carex Clethra acuminata Carex sp. Clethra acumuniata Carex sp. Cordate Iv Carex sp. Cornus florida Carex sp. 2 Corylus americana Carya alba Crataegus monosperma Carya alba Dactylis glomerata Carya glabra Danthonia spicata Carya glabra Dennstaedtia punctilobula Castanea dentata Dicanthelium Castanea dentata Dicanthelium Castanea pumila Dicanthelium dichotomum Castanea pumila Diervilla quadrifolia Cerastium fontinalis Digitaria Chimaphila maculate Diphasiastrum digitarium Chimaphila maculata Elaeagnus umbellata Cimifuga racemosa Epigaea repens Clematis virginiana Erigeron philadelphus Clethra acuminate Eupatorium purpureum Clethra acumuniata Fagus grandifolia Cordate Iv Festuca pratense Cornus florida Festuca rubra Cornus florida Forsythia virdissima Corylus americana Fragaria virginiana Crataegus monosperma Fraxinus americana Dactylis glomerate Galium circazana Danthonia spicata Galium lancifolium Danthonia spicata Gaultheria procumbens Dennstadtia punctilobula Gaylussacia ursina Dennstaedtia punctilobula Geranium maculatum Dicanthelium Goodyera pubescens Dicanthelium Halesia tetaptera Dicanthelium dichotomum Hamamelis virginiana Diervilla quadrifolia Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus Diaitara Control Plant List Experimental Plant List Combined Experimental Control Rhododendron maximum Robinia pseudoacacia Rubus canadensis Rubus hispidus Sanicula trifoliate Sassafras albidum Smilax glauca Smilax rotundifolia Solidago caseia Solidago curtisii Thelypteris novaboracensis Tiarella cordifolia Tipularia discolor Trillium grandiflorum Tsuga canadensis Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium stamineum Veratrum parviflorum Viburnum cassinoides Viola hastata Viola sororia Vitis aestivalis Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia quadrifolia Lysimachia terrestris Magnolia fraseri Maianthemum racemosum Medeola virginiana Microstegium vimineum Nyssa sylvatica Oenothera biflorum Osmunda cinnamomea Oxalis stricta Oxydendru m arboreu m Parthenocissus quinquefolia Paspalu m Phytolacca americana Pinus rigida Pinus strobus Plantago lanceolata Poa pratense Polygala sanguinea Polygonatum biflorum Polystichum acrostichoides Potentilla simplex Prenanthes altissima Prosartes lanuginosum Prunella vulgaris Prunus pensylvanica Prunus serotina Pycnanthemum montanum Pyrularia pubera Quercus alba Quercus coccinea Quercus rubra Quercus velutina Rhododendron calendulaceum Rhododendron hybrid Rhododendron maximum Robinla pseudoacacia Rubus canadensis Rubus flagellaris Rubus hispidus Rudbeckia fulgida Rumex acetosella Sassafras albidum Smilax glauca Smilax rotundifolia Solidago curtisii Solidago rugosa Solidago sp. Stachys lanata Taraxacum officinalis Tielypteris novaboracensis Tiarella cordifolia Trifoliate Iv Trifolium repens Tsuga canadensis Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium pallidum Vaccinium simulatum Vaccinium stamineum Veronica officinalis Viola Viola blanda Viola cucullata Viola hastata Viola primulifolia Viola rotundifolia Viola sororia Vitis aestivalis Hypericum gentianoides Hypericum stragulatum Hypopthys uniflora Ilex ambigua Ilex montana Iris cristata Iris sp. Kalmia latifolia Lactuca canadensis Leachea racemulosa Lespedeza hirta Lespedeza procumbens Lespedeza repens Lespedeza small Leucanthemu m Leucothoe fontanesiana Lindera benzoin Liparis lilifolia Liriodendron tulipifera Lobelia puberula Lon icera japonica Luzula acuminata Luzula echinata Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia quadrifolia Lysimachia terrestris Magnolia fraseri Maianthemum racemosum Malus coronaria Medeola virginiana Medeola virginiana Microstegium vimineum Nyssa sylvatica Oenothera biflorum Osmunda cinnamomea Oxalis stricta Oxydendrum arboreum Parthenocissus quinquefolia Paspalum Phytolacca americana Pinus rigida Pinus strobus Plantago lanceolata Platanthera cilliata Poa pratense Polygala sanguinea Polygonatum biflorum Polystichum acrostichoides Potentilla simplex Prenanthes altissima Prosartes lanuginosum Prunella vulgaris Prunus pensylvanica Prunus serotina Pycnanthemum montanum Pyrularia pubera Quercus alba Quercus coccinea Quercus rubra Quercus velutina Festuca pratense Festuca rubra Forsythia virdissima Fragaria virginiana Fraxinus americana Fraxinus americana Galium circazana Gahum lancifolium Gaultheria procumbens Gaultheria procumbens Gaylussacia ursina Gaylussacia ursina Geranium maculatum Goodyera pubescens Halesia tetaptera Hamamelis virginiana Hamamelis virginiana Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus Heterotheca mariana Hieraceum pilosella Hosta Houstonia purpurea Houstonia purpurea Huperzia lucidula Hydrangea paniculata Hypericum gentianoides Hypericum stragulatum Hypopthis unilora Hypopthys uniflora Ilex ambigua Ilex montana Iris cristata Iris sp. Kalmia latifolia Kalmia latifolia Lactuca canadensis Leachea racemulosa Lespedeza hirta Lespedeza procumbens Lespedeza repens Lespedeza small Leucanthemu m Leucothoe fontanesiana Lindera benzoin Liparis lilifolia Liriodendron tulipifera Liriodendron tulipifera Lobelia puberula Lonicera japonica Luzula acuminate Luzula echinata Luzula echinata Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia quadrifolia Lysimachia quadrifolia Lysimachia terrestris Magnolia fraseri Magnolia fraseri Maianthemum racemosum Rhododendron calendulaceui Maianthemum racemosum Rhododendron hybrid Malus coronaria Rhododendron maximum Medeola virginiana Robinia pseudoacacia Medeola virginiana Rubus canadensis Microstegium vimineum Rubus flagellaris Nyssa sylvatica Rubus hispidus Nyssa sylvatica Rudbeckia fulgida Oenothera biflorum Rumex acetosella Osmunda cinnamomea Control Plant List Experimental Plant List Combined Experimental Control Control total: 97 Solidago rugosa Solidago sp. Stachys lanata Taraxacum officinalis Thelypteris novaboracensis Tiarella cordifolia Tipularia discolor Trifoliate Iv Trfolium repens Trillium grandiflorum Tsuga canadensis Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium pallidum Vaccinium simulatum Vaccinium stamineum Veratrum parviflorum Veronica officinalis Viburnum cassinoides Viola Viola blanda Viola cucullata Viola hastata Viola primulifolia Viola rotundifolia Viola sororia Vitis aestivalis Experimental total: 143 All plot total: 170 Paspalum Phytolacca americana Pinus rigida Pinus strobus Pinus strobus Plantago lanceolata Platanthera cilliata Poa pratense Polygala sanguinea Polygon atum biflorum Polygonatum biflon rn Polystichum acrostichoides Polystichum acrostichoides Potentilla simplex Potentilla simplex Prenanthes altissima Prosartes lanuginosum Prunella vulgaris Prunella vulgaris Prunus pensylvanica Prunus serotina Prunus serotina Pycnanthemum montanum Pyrularia pubera Pyrularia pubera Quercus alba Quercus alba Quercus coccinea Quercus coccinea Quercus rubra Quercus rubra Quercus velutina Quercus velutina Rhododendron calendulaceum Rhododendron calendulaceum Rhododendron hybrid Rhododendron maximum Rhododendron maximum Robinia pseudoacacia Robinia pseudoacacia Rubus canadensis Rubus canadensis Rubus flagellaris Rubus hispidus Rubus hispidus Rudbeckia fulgida Ru mex acetosella Sanicula trifoliate Sassafras albidu m Sassafras albidum Smilax glauca Smilax glauca Smilax rotundifolia Smilax rotundifolia Solidago caseia Solidago curtisii Solidago curtisii Solidago rugosa Solidago sp. Stachys lanata Taraxacum officinalis Thelypteris novaboracensis Thelypteris novaboracensis Tiarella cordifolia Tiarella cordifolia Tipularia discolor Trifoliate Iv Trfolium repens Trillium arandiflorum Control Plant List Experimental Plant List Combined Experimental Control Species unique to control transects»»»»»»> Species unique to experimental transects»»»»> Species common to both control & experimental transe, Additional releve species in control sites»»»»» Additional releve species in experimental sites»»» Total species observed during study»»»»»»: Vaccinium stamineum Vaccinium stamineum Veratrum parviflorum Veronica officinalis Viburnum cassinoides Viola Viola blanda Viola cucullata Viola hastata Viola hastata Viola primulifolia Viola rotundifolia Viola sororia Viola sororia Vitis aestivalis 25 Vitis aestivalis 78 Unique to control sites> 72 107 149 431 25 78 'unique t 4 Andrews Park Control Andrews Park Experimental Alnus serrulata Aster casiea Aster divaricat, Aster lateriflorus Aster undulatus Carya alba Athyrium asplemoides Castanea dentat, Betula alleghaniensis Dactylis glomerat, Carex sp. Eupatorium purpureum Castanea dentat, Juniperus virginiana Corpus alternifolia Lysimachia quadrifolia Corpus amomum Magnolia fraseri Hieraceum paniculatum Parthenocissus virginiana Ilex opaca Polygonatum biflorum Ilex verticillata Prunella vulgaris Impatiens capensis Solidago rugosa Luzula echinat, Taraxacum officinalis Lyonia ligustrina Toxicodendron radicans Malus sylvestris Trillium grandiflorum Medeola virginiana Jvularia sessilifolia Monotropa uniflora Osmunda cinnamomea West 1 Experimental Oxypolis rigidior Abelia grandiflora Parthenocissus quinquefolia Aesculus Pavia Polystichum acrostichoides Agentina altissima Prunella vulgaris Apios americana Pyrularia pubera Arsema triphyllum Rhododendron calendulaceum Bidens frondosa Rubus flagellaris Carex laxiflorum Solidago curtisii Carya glabra Spiranthes tomentosa Cassia marilandica Thelyptens novaboracensis Chimaphila maculat, Uvularia sessilifolia Danthonia spicata Viburnum cassinoides Dioscorea quaternat, Viola cucullana Diphasiastrum digitatum Viola primulifolia Erechtites hieracifolium Viola pubescens Eupatorium compositifolium Vitis labrusca Festuca rubra Xanthorhiza simplissima Gnaphalium sp. Hamamelis virginiana West 1 Control Hedeoma pulgeoides Calycanthus flondus Ilex glabra Castanea dentat, Liatris spicat, Hexastylis shuttleworthii Linodendron tulipifera Lysimachia quadrifolia Lysimachia ciliat, Magnolia fraseri East 1 Control Maianthemum racemosum Carya glabra Oxalis strict, Chimaphila maculat, Polygonatum biflorum Conopholis americana Pulmonaria'Roy Davidson' Magnolia acuminat, Pyrulara pubera Osmunda clayonii Rhododendron hybrids Tilia americana heterophylla Sedum sp. Trillium erectu m Smilax glauca Uvularia sessilifolia Smilax rotundifolia Viola rotundifolia Thelypteris novaboracensis West 2 Control East 1 Experimental Angelica purpurea Achalypa rhomboides Arisema trphyllum quinatum Actaea pachypoda Aster cordat, Apios americana Aster d ivaricat, Ansaema triph yllu m q uinatu m Botrychium virginianum Corpus amomum Carya glabra Dicanthelium bossii Chimaphila maculat, Dioscorea quaternat, Corpus alternifolia Halesis tetaptera Euphorbia collorat, Helianthus giganteus Halesia tetaptera Impatiens capensis Houstonia purpurea Leucothoe fontanesiana Hypericum puntatum Linodendron tulipifera Lactuca canadensis Malus anoustifolia Rosa multiflora Veronica persica Smilax herbacea Solidago caseia West 2 Experimental Solidago rugosa Amelanchier laevis Tovaria virginiana Botrychium dissectum Tsuga canadensis Carex venuosa Carya glabra East 2 Control Chimaphila maculat, Acer pensylvanicum Crataegus monosperma Athyrium asplenioides Dioscorea quaternat, Betula lent, Diphasiastru m d igitariu m Castanea pumila Goodyera pubescens Cypripedium acaule Hemerocallis lilioasphodeloides Galium triflorum Hypencum punctatum Linodendron tulipifera Hyperzia lucidula Luzula echinat, Kalmia latifolia Polygonatum biflorum Lespedeza procumbens Polystichum acrostichoides Lobelia inflate Pteridium aquilinum latusculum Maianthemum racemosum Pycnanthemum montanum Nyssa sylvatica Quercus montane Oenothera biflorum Solidago rugosa Parthenocissus quinquefolia Toxicodendron radicans Perovskia x filigram Trillium grandifloru m Polystichu m acrostichoides Viola sororia Prenanthes altissima Quecus velutina West 3 Control Rhododendron hybrid Ageratina altissima Rudbeckia fulgida Aster divaricat, Smilax glauca Corpus florida Solidago curtisii Fraxinus americana Tpularia discolor Hieraceum paniculatum Tsuga canadensis Hydrangea arborea Vaccinium corymbosum Magnolia frasen Vitis aestivalis Nyssa sylvatica Vitis labrusca Oxydendrum arboreum Poe cf. Cuspidate East 2 Experimental Polygonatum biflorum Anemone wood Polystichum acrostichoides Athyrium painted fern Prunella pensylvanica Clethra acuminate Quercus velutina Corpus amomum Rhododendron maximum Dicanthelium sp. Tpularia discolor Goodyera pubescens Viola rotundifolia Hosta spp. Vitis aestivalis Hydrangea paniculat, Impatiens sultana East 3 Iris hybrid Acer saccharu m Iris pseudocorus Ageratina altissima Lamiaceae-thyme Angelica triquinat, Mainthemum japonicum Athyrium asplenioides Nyssa sylvatica Betula lent, Osmunda cinnamomea Botrychium dissectum Osmunda claytomi Carya glabra Platanthera ciliate Danthonia spicat, Rhododendron maximum Impatiens capensis Rhododendron vaseyi Microstegium vimineum Spiranthes japonicum Monotropa uniflora Toxicodendron radicans Oxalis strata Parthenocissus quinquefolia Platanthera cilliaris West 3 Experimental Polygonatum biflorum Athyrium asplenioides Polygonum cespitosum Carex sp. 1 Pycnanthemum montanum Carex sp. 2 Quercus rubra Carya glabra Rosa multiflora Chimaphila maculate Rubus canadensis Corpus florida Sambucus canadensis Dioscorea quaternat, Sassafras albidum Eunhorbia collorata Quemus coccinea Quemus velutina Control Releve Species (all si Striped maple Rubus canadensis Acer pensylvanicum White snakeroot Sassafras albidum Ageratina altissima Smooth alder Smilax glauca Alnus sermlata Angelica; Wild celery Thelypteris novaboracensis Angelica purpurea Southern jack-in-the-pulpit Trillium grandiflorum Arisema triphyllum quinatum Cordate-leaf aster Vaccinium pallidum Aster cordat, Heart-leaf aster Veratrum parviflorum Asterdivaricata Southern lady fern Verbascum thaspus Athyrium asplemoides Yellow birch Betula alleghaniensis Sweet birch Betula lent, Rattlesnake fern East 3 Experimental Botrychium virginianum Sweet shrub Acer rubrum Calycanthus flondus Sedge Ambrosia artemisiifolia Carex sp. Pignut hickory Aster undulatus Carya glabra American chestnut Betula lent, Castanea dentat, Chinquapin Botrychium dissectum Castanea pumila Spotted wintergreen Cassia nictitans Chimaphila maculat, Bear corn Castanea pumila Conopholis americana Alternate-leaved dogwood Corpus amomum Corpus alternifolia Branch dogwood Corpus florida Corpus amomum Flowering dogwood Crataegus monosperma Corpus florida Pink ladyslipper Dactylis glomerat, Cypripedium acaule Poverty oat grass Caucus carob, Danthonia spicat, Flowering spurge Dicanthelium boscii Euphorbia collorat, White ash Eupatorium albidum Fraxinus americana Sweet bedstraw Fraxinus americana Galium triflorum Carolina silverbell Galium cimazans Halesia tetaptera Large-flower heartleaf Galium tinctorium Hexastylis shuttleworthii Rattlesnake weed Gaylullacia ursina Hieraceum paniculatum Purple bluet Goodyera pubescens Houstonia purpurea Wild hydrangea Helenium flexuosum Hydrangea arborea St. John's wort Hypencum stragalum Hypericum puntatum American holly Ilex opaca Ilex opaca Winterberry Impatiens capensis Ilex verticillata Jewelweed Juglans nigra Impatiens capensis Wild lettuce Kalmia latifolia Lactuca canadensis Tulip tree; yellow poplar Lespideza upright Linodendron tulipifera Indian tobacco Lobelia inflat, Lobelia inflat, Wood rush Oenothera biennis Luzula echinat, Maleberry Oxydendmm arboreum Lyonia ligustrina Whorled loosestrife Pinus strobus Lysimachia quadrifolia Cucumber tree Platanthera ciliat, Magnolia acuminat, Fraser magnolia Polygonum cespitosum Magnolia frasen False solomon's seal; plumefl o' Prenanthes altissima Maianthemum racemosum Common apple Quemus velutina Malus sylvestris Indian cucumberroot Rhododendron maximum Medeola virginiana Japanese grass Rudbeckia hirt, Microstegium vimineum Indian pipe Salix babylonica Monotropa uniflora Blackgum Salis sericea Nyssa sylvatica Cinnamon fern Salvia lyrata Osmunda cinnamomea Interrupted fern Smilax glauca Osmunda clayonii Wood sorrell Solidago rugosa Oxalis strata Sourwood Tsuga canadensis Oxydendrum arboreum Cowbane Vaccinium stamineum Oxypolis rigidior Golden ragwort Vernonia novaboracensis Packera aurea Virginia creeper Veronica officinalis Parthenocissus quinquefolia Yellow fringed orchid Platanthera cilliaris Woodland bluegrass Poa cf. Cuspidat, Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum Solomon's seal Polygonatum biflomm Smartweed Polygonum cespitosum Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides Selfheal Pmnella vulgaris Pin cherry; fire cherry Prunus pensylvanica Bracken Pteridium aquilinum latusculu m Mountain mint Pvcnanthemum montanum Oil nut: buffalo nut Experimental Releve Species (all sites) Abelia grandiflora Acer rubrum Achalypa rhomboides Actaea pachypoda Aesculus Pavia Agentina altissima Ambrosia artemisiifolia Amelanchier laevis Glossy abelia Red maple Three-sided mecury Little doll's eyes Red buckeye White snakeroot Common ragweed Alleahanv serviceberrv Rosa multiflora Blackberry Athyrium asplenioides Southern lady fern Rubus canadensis Dewberry Athyrium painted fern Painted fern Rubus flagellaris Elderberry Betula lent, Sweet birch Sambucus canadensis Sassafras Bidens frondosa Beggar ticks Sassafras albidum Carrion flower Botrychium dissectum Grapefem Smilax herbacea Greenbrier Carex laxiflorum Sedge Smilax rotundifolia Bluestem goldenrod Carex sp. 1 Sedge Solidago caseia Curtis' goldenrod Carex sp. 2 Sedge Solidago curtisii Rough-leaf goldenrod Carex venuosa Sedge Solidago rugosa Hardtack Carya alba Mockernut hickory Spiranthes tomentosa New York fern Carya glabra Pignut hickory Thelypteris novaboracensis White basswood Cassia marilandica Wild senna The americana heterophylla Cranefly orchid Cassia nictitans Sensitive plant Tpularia discolor Jumpseed Castanea dentat, American chestnut Tovaria virginiana Poison ivy Castanea pumila Chinquapin Toxicodendron radicans Trillium Chimaphila maculat, Spotted wintergreen Trillium erectum Large-flowered trillium Clethra acuminat, Sweet pepperbush Trillium grandiflorum Canada or eastern hemlock Corpus amomum Branch dogwood Tsuga canadensis Merrybells Corpus flonda Flowering dogwood Uvularia sessilifolia Highbush blueberry Crataegus monosperma Hawthorn Vaccinium simulatum Deerberry Dactylis glomerat, Orchard grass Vaccinium stamineum Wild raised Danthonia spicata Mountain oat grass Viburnum cassinoides Swamp violet Daucus carot, Queen Anne's lace Viola cucullaria Primrose-leaved violet Dicanthelium bossii Panic grass Viola primulifolia Yellow violet Dicanthelium sp. Panic grass Viola pubescens Round-leaf violet Dioscorea quaternat, Wild yam Viola rotundifolia Common blue violet Diphasiastrum digitatum Running cedar Viola sororia Summer grape Erechtites hieracifolium Fireweed Vitis aestivalis Summer grape Eupatorium albidum White bracketed thoroughwc Vitis aestivalis Fox grape Eupatorium compositifolium Dog fennel Vitis labrusca Yellowroot Eupatorium purpureum Purple joe-pye weed Xanthorhiza simplissima Euphorbia collorat, Flowering spurge Festuca rubra Creeping red fescue Fraxinus americana White ash Galium cimazans Forest bedstraw Galium tinctorium Three-lobed bedstraw Gaylussacia ursina Buckberry Gaylussacia baccat, Huckleberry Gnaphalium sp. Cudweed Goodyera pubescens Rattlesnake orchid Halesia tetaptera Carolina silverbell Hamamelis virginiana Witchhazel Hedeoma pulgeoides Pennyroyal Helenium flexuosum Bitterweed Helianthus giganteus Giant sunflower Hemerocallis lilioasphodeloides Yellow daylily Hieraceum paniculatum Hawkweed Host, spp. Host, Hydrangea paniculat, Peeges hydrangea Hypericum punctatum St. John's wort Hypericum stragalum St. Peter's wort Hyperzia lucidula Shining clubmoss Ilex opaca American holly Ilex glabra Inkberry Impatiens capensis Jewelweed Impatiens sultana Sultana Iris hybrid Iris Iris pseudocorus Yellow flag Juglans nigra Black walnut Juniperus virginiana Red cedar Kalmia latifolia Mountain laurel Lespedeza procumbens Lespedeza Lespideza upright Lespedeza Leucothoe fontanesiana Dog hobble Liatris spicat, Blazing star Linodendron tulipifera Tulip tree; yellow poplar Lobelia inflate Indian tobacco Lobelia puberula Lobelia Lvsimachia ciliate Frinaed loosestrife Oenothera biennis Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda claytonii Oxalis strict, Oxydend ru m arboreu m Parthenocissus quinquefolia Perovskia x filigram Pinus strobus Platanthera ciliat, Platanthera ciliat, Polygonatum biflorum Polygonum cespitosum Polygonum pensylvanicum Polystichum acrostichoides Prenanthes altissima Prunella vulgaris Pulmonaria'Roy Davidson' Pyrularia pubera Quemus coccinea Quemus velutina Rhododendron hybrids Rhododendron maximum Rhododendron obtusum Rhododendron vaseyi Robinia pseudoacacia Rosa cultivated Rubus canadensis Rudbeckia fulgida Rudbeckia hirta Sells sericea Salix babylonica Salvia lyrata Sassafras albidum Sedum sp. Smilax glauca Smilax rotundifolia Solidago caesia Solidago curtisii Solidago rugosa Spiranthes japonicum Taraxacum off icinalis Thelypteris novaboracensis Thymus serpyllum Tpularia discolor Toxicodendron radicans Trillium grandiflorum Tsuga canadensis Uvularia sessilifolia Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium pallidum Vaccinium stamineum Veratrum parviflorum Verbascum thaspus Vernonia novaboracensis Veronica off icinalis Veronica persica Vitis aestivalis Vitis labrusca Evening primrose Cinnamon fern Interrupted fern Wood sorrel Sou mood Virginia creeper White pine Fringed yellow orchid Yellow fringed orchid Solomon's seal Smartweed Smartweed Christmas fern Rattlesnake weed Self heal Polmonaria Oilnut; buffalo nut Scarlet oak Black oak Rhododendron Rosebay rhododendron Azalea Pink shell azalea Black locust Rose Blackberry Blackeyed susan Blackeyed susan Silky willow Weeping willow Lyre-leafed sage Sassafras Sedum Catbrier Greenbrier Blue-stem goldenrod Curtis' goldenrod Rough leaved goldenrod Japanese spirea Common dandelion New York fern Thyme Cranefly orchid Poison ivy Large flowered trillium Canada or eastern hemlock Merrybells Highbush blueberry Lowbush blueberry Deerberry False helebore Common mullen Ironweed Speedwell Blue eyes Su mmer grape Fox grape Appendix 1: Species Lists & Analysis Codes HERB SPECIES SHRUB SPECIES TREE SPECIES Acalypha gracilens ACGR Acer rubrum ACRU Acer rubrum ACRU Acer pensylvanicum ACPE Alnus serrulata ALSE Aesculus flava AEFL Acer rubrum ACRU Amelanchier laevis AMLA Amelanchier laevis AMLA Achillea millefolium ACMI Betula lenta BELE Betula lenta BELE Actaea pachypoda ACPA Calycanthus floridus CAFL Carya alba CAAL Ageratina altissima AGAL Carya alba CAAL Carya glabra CALL Agrostis spp. AGSP Carya glabra CALL Corpus florida COFL Ajuga repens AJRE Castanea dentata CADE Hamamelis virginiana HAVI Amelanchier laevis ARLA Castanea pumila CAPU Liriodendron tulipifera LITU Andropogon virginicus ANVI Clethra acumuniata CLAC Magnolia fraseri MAFR Anemine quinquefolia ANQU Cornus florida COFL Nyssa sylvatica NYSY Crataegus Angelica triquinata ANTR monosperma CRMO Oxydendrum arboreum OXAR Parthenocissus Arisema triphyllum ARTR Fagus grandifolia FAGR quinquefolia PAQU Aster spp. ASSP Forsythia virdissima FOVI Pinus rigida PIRI Aster cordifolia ASCO Fraxinus americana FRAM Pinus strobus PIST Aster divaricata ASDI Gaylussacia ursina GAUR Prunus serotina PRSE Aster umbellatus ASUM Halesia tetaptera HATE Quercus alba QUAL Betula lenta BELE Hamamelis virginiana HAVI Quercus coccinea QUCO Botrychium dissectum BODI Hydrangea paniculata HYPA Quercus rubra QURU Botrychium onedense BOON Ilex ambigua ILAM Quercus velutina QUVE Calycanthus floridus CAFL Ilex montana ILMO Robinia pseudoacacia ROPS Carex spp.1 CSPP Kalmia latifolia KALA Sassafras albidum SAAL Leucothoe Carex spp. 2 CASP fontanesiana LEFO Tsuga canadensis TSVI Carex spp. 3 CARP Lindera benzoin LIBE Vitis aestivalis Carya alba CAAL Liriodendron tulipifera LITU Carya glabra CALL Magnolia fraseri MAFR Cerastium fontinalis CEFO Nyssa sylvatica NYSY Chimaphila maculata CHMA Oxydendrum arboreum OXIDE Cimifuga racemosa CIRA Pinus strobus PIST Clematis virginiana CLVI Prunus serotina PRSE Clethra acuminata CLAC Pyrularia pubera PYPU Cordate Iv COLV Quercus alba QUAL Cornus florida COFL Quercus coccinea QUCO Corylus americana COAM Quercus rubra QURU Crataegus monosperma CRMO Quercus velutina QUVE Rhodendron Dactylis glomerata DAGL calendulaceum RHCA Danthonia spicata DASP Rhododendron hybrid RHHY Dennstadtia Rhododendron punctilobula DEPU maximum RHMA Dicanthelium spp. DICS Robinia pseudoacacia ROPS Dicanthelium DICA Rubus canadensis RUCA 1 dichotomum Diervilla quadrifolia DIQU Sassafras albidum SAAL Digitaria spp. DISP Smilax glauca SMGL Diphasiastrum digitarium DIDI Smilax rotundifolia SMRO Elaeagnus umbellata ELUM Tsuga canadensis TSCA Epigaea repens EPRE Vaccinium corymbosum VACO Erigeron philadelphus ERPH Vaccinium pallidum VAPA Eupatorium purpureum EUPU Vaccinium simulatum VASI Festuca pratense FEPR Vaccinium stamineum VAST Festuca rubra FERU Fragaria virginiana FRVI Fraxinus americana FRAM Galium circazana GACI Galium lancifolium GALA Gaultheria procumbens GAPR Gaylussacia ursina GAUR Geranium maculatum GEMA Goodyera pubescens GOPU Hamamelis virginiana HAVI Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus HELI Heterotheca mariana HEMA Hieraceum spp. HISP Hieraceum pilosella HIPI Hosta spp. HOSP Houstonia purpurea HOPU Huperzia lucidula HULU Hypericum gentianoides HYGE Hypericum stragulatum HYST Hypopthis unilora HYUN Iris cristata IRCR Iris sp. IRSP Kalmia latifolia KALA Lactuca canadensis LACA Leachea racemulosa LERA Lespedeza hirta LEHI Lespedeza procumbens LEPR Lespedeza repens LERE Lespedeza small LESM Leucanthemum spp. LESP Lindera benzoin LIBE Liparis lilifolia LILI Liriodendron tulipifera LITU Lobelia puberula LOPU Lonicera japonica LOJA Luzula acuminata LUAC 2 Luzula echinata LUEC Lysimachia ciliata LYCI Lysimachia quadrifolia LYQU Lysimachia terrestris LYTE Magnolia fraseri MAFR Maianthemum racemosum MARA Malus coronaria MACO Medeola virginiana MEVI Microstegium vimineum MIVI Nyssa sylvatica NYSY Oenothera biflorum OEBI Osmunda cinnamomea OSCI Oxalis stricta OXST Oxydendrum arboreum OXAR Parthenocissus quinquefolia PAQU Paspalum spp. PASP Phytolacca americana PHAM Pinus strobus PIST Plantago Ianceolata PLLA Platanthera cilliata PLCI Poa pratense POPR Polygala sanguinea POSA Polygonatum biflorum POBI Polystichum acrostichoides POAC Potentilla simplex POSI Prenanthes altissima PRAL Prosartes Ianuginosum PR LA Prunella vulgaris PRVU Prunus pensylvanica PRPE Prunus serotina PRSE Pycnanthemum montanum PYMO Pyrularia pubera PYPU Quercus alba QUAL Quercus coccinea QUCO Quercus rubra QURU Quercus velutina QUVE Rhododendron calendulaceum RHCA Rhododendron maximum RHMA Robinia pseudoacacia ROPS Rubus canadensis RUCA 3 Rubus flagellaris RUFL Rubus hispidus RUHI Rudbeckia fulgida RUFU Rumex acetosella RUAC Sanicula trifoliata SATR Sassafras albidum SAAL Setaria glauca SEGL Smilax rotundifolia SMRO Solidago spp SOSP Solidago caseia SOCA Solidago curtisii SOCU Solidago rugosa SORU Solidago sp. SOSP Stachys Ianata STLA Taraxacum officinalis TAOF Thelypteris novaboracensis THNO Tiarella cordifolia TICO Tipularia discolor TO Toxicodendron radicans TORA Trifoliate Iv TRLV Trifolium repens TRRE Trillium grandiflorum TRGR Tsuga canadensis TSCA Vaccinium pallidum VAPA Vaccinium simulatum VASI Vaccinium stamineum VAST Veratrum parviflorum VEPA Veronica officinalis VEOF Viburnum cassinoides VICA Viola spp. VISP Viola blanda VIBL Viola cucullata VICU Viola hastata VIHA Viola primulifolia VIPR Viola rotundifolia VIRO Viola sororia VISO Vitis aestivalis VIAE 4 PLOTS CODE LABEL Andrews Park Control APC pl Andrews Park Experimental APE p2 East 1 Control E1C p3 East 1 Experimental E1E p4 East 2 Control E2C p5 East 2 Experimental E2E p6 East 3 Control E3C p7 East 3 Experimental E3E p8 West 1 Control W1C P9 West1 Experimental W1E p10 West 2 Control W2C pl 1 West 2 Experimental W2E p12 West 3 Control W3C p13 West 3 Experimental W3E p14 This is a list of all sample plots with the corresponding code and labels for reference in analysis. 5 Appendix 2: Indicator Speices Analysis Results TREE ISA RESULTS: Group 1 = Control Group 2 = Experimental RELATIVE ABUNDANCE in group, % of perfect indication (average abundance of a given species in a given group of plots over the average abundance of that species in all plots expressed as a %) Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 3 4 # of terns: 2 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACRD 50 53 3 53 47 2 AEFL 50 100 3 100 0 3 AMLA 50 100 3 100 0 4 BELE 50 100 3 100 0 5 CAAL 50 100 4 0 100 6 CAGL 50 100 3 100 0 7 COFL 50 100 4 0 100 8 HAVI 50 100 4 0 100 9 LITU 50 83 4 17 83 10 MAFR 50 100 4 0 100 12 OXAR 50 100 3 100 0 13 PAQU 50 100 4 0 100 15 PIST 50 71 4 29 71 16 PRSE 50 100 4 0 100 18 QUCO 50 100 4 0 100 19 QURU 50 67 3 67 33 21 ROPS 50 60 3 60 40 23 TSCA 50 92 3 92 8 24 VIAE 50 100 4 0 100 Averages 40 72 34 45 1 Tree ISA cont. RELATIVE FREQUENCY in group, % of perfect indication (% of plots in given group where given species is present) Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 3 4 # of Items: 2 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACRD 88 100 3 100 75 2 AEFL 25 50 3 50 0 3 AMLA 25 50 3 50 0 4 BELE 50 100 3 100 0 5 CAAL 13 25 4 0 25 6 CAGL 25 50 3 50 0 7 COFL 25 50 4 0 50 8 HAVI 13 25 4 0 25 9 LITU 75 100 4 50 100 10 MAFR 13 25 4 0 25 12 OXAR 25 50 3 50 0 13 PAQU 13 25 4 0 25 15 PIST 63 75 4 50 75 16 PRSE 38 75 4 0 75 18 QUCO 13 25 4 0 25 19 QURU 88 100 3 100 75 21 ROPS 88 100 3 100 75 23 TSCA 63 100 3 100 25 24 VIAE 13 25 4 0 25 Averages 31 48 33 29 2 Tree ISA cont. INDICATOR VALUES (% of perfect indication, based on combining the above values for relative abundance and relative frequency) Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 3 4 # of Items: 2 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACRD 44 53 3 53 36 2 AEFL 25 50 3 50 0 3 AMLA 25 50 3 50 0 4 BELE 50 100 3 100 0 5 CAAL 13 25 4 0 25 6 CAGL 25 50 3 50 0 7 COFL 25 50 4 0 50 8 HAVI 13 25 4 0 25 9 LITU 46 83 4 8 83 10 MAFR 13 25 4 0 25 12 OXAR 25 50 3 50 0 13 PAQU 13 25 4 0 25 15 PIST 34 54 4 14 54 16 PRSE 38 75 4 0 75 18 QUCO 13 25 4 0 25 19 QURU 46 67 3 67 25 21 ROPS 45 60 3 60 30 23 TSCA 47 92 3 92 2 24 VIAE 13 25 4 0 25 Averages 23 41 25 21 3 Tree MONTE CARLO test of significance of observed maximum indicator value for species. 1000 permutations. Random number seed: 42 IV From Observed Randomized Indicator groups Column -------- Value ----- (IV) ------ Mean ------- S.Dev p 1 ACRU 52.6 60.2 8.43 0.942 2 AEFL 50 33.4 11.85 0.336 3 AMLA 50 33 11.72 0.322 4 BELE 100 44.3 17.34 0.066 5 CAAL 25 33.5 11.91 1 6 CAGL 50 33 11.72 0.322 7 COFL 50 44.2 19.45 0.483 8 HAVI 25 33.5 11.92 1 9 LITU 83.3 59.8 10.55 0.066 10 MAFR 25 33.5 11.92 1 12 OXAR 50 33 11.72 0.322 13 PAQU 25 33.5 11.91 1 15 FIST 53.6 57.8 17.18 0.693 16 PRSE 75 49.3 23.66 0.407 18 QUCO 25 33.5 11.92 1 19 QURU 66.7 60 9.94 0.461 21 ROPS 60 60.1 10.3 0.671 23 TSCA 92.3 53.6 20.74 0.133 24 VIAE 25 33.5 11.91 1 * proportion of randomized trials with indicator value equal to or exceeding the observed indicator value. p = (1 + number of runs >= observed)/(1 + number of randomized runs) 4 SHRUB ISA RESULTS: RELATIVE ABUNDANCE in group, % of perfect indication (average abundance of a given species in a given group of plots over the average abundance of that species in all plots expressed as a %) Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 1 2 # of Items: 3 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACRD 50 89 1 89 11 3 AMLA 50 90 1 90 10 4 BELE 50 60 2 40 60 5 CAAL 50 100 1 100 0 6 CADE 50 100 2 0 100 7 CAFL 50 100 1 100 0 8 CAPU 50 87 1 87 13 9 CLAC 50 69 2 31 69 10 COFL 50 100 1 100 0 11 CRMO 50 100 1 100 0 12 FAG R 50 100 1 100 0 15 GAUR 50 90 1 90 10 16 HATE 50 100 2 0 100 17 HAVI 50 80 1 80 20 19 ILAM 50 73 1 73 27 20 ILMO 50 100 2 0 100 21 KALA 50 57 1 57 43 24 LITU 50 100 1 100 0 25 NYSY 50 100 1 100 0 26 OXAR 50 100 1 100 0 27 PIST 50 95 1 95 5 28 PRSE 50 100 1 100 0 29 PYPU 50 100 2 0 100 30 QUAL 50 100 1 100 0 31 QUCO 50 100 1 100 0 32 QURU 50 95 1 95 5 34 RHCA 50 100 2 0 100 36 RHMA 50 69 2 31 69 37 ROPS 50 100 1 100 0 38 RUCA 50 100 2 0 100 39 SAAL 50 97 1 97 3 40 SMGL 50 80 1 80 20 41 SMRO 50 89 1 89 11 42 TSCA 50 94 1 94 6 44 VACO 50 100 2 0 100 45 VAPA 50 100 2 0 100 46 VASI 50 100 1 100 0 47 VAST 50 80 1 80 20 Averages 40 74 55 26 5 Shrub ISA cont. RELATIVE FREQUENCY in group, % of perfect indication (% of plots in given group where given species is present) Column 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 Averages Avg ACRD AMLA BELE CAAL CADE CAFL CAPU CLAC COFL CRMO FAGR GAUR HATE HAVI ILAM ILMO KALA LITU NYSY OXAR PIST PRSE PYPU QUAL QUCO QURU RHCA RHMA ROPS RUCA SAAL SMGL SMRO TSCA VACO VAPA VASI VAST 27 Group Sequence: Identifier: # of Items: Max 63 58 42 33 25 17 46 54 33 17 17 71 13 42 29 13 42 17 17 17 63 17 13 17 17 63 13 54 50 13 63 46 63 46 13 13 17 46 43 1 1 3 MaxGrp 100 67 50 67 50 33 67 75 67 33 33 75 25 50 33 25 50 33 33 33 100 33 25 33 33 100 25 75 100 25 100 67 100 67 25 25 33 67 35 2 2 4 25 50 50 0 50 0 25 75 0 0 0 75 25 50 25 25 50 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 25 25 75 0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0 25 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 19 100 67 33 67 0 33 67 33 67 33 33 67 0 33 33 0 33 33 33 33 100 33 0 33 33 100 0 33 100 0 100 67 100 67 0 0 33 67 6 Shrub INDICATOR VALUES (% of perfect indication, based on combining the above values for relative abundance and relative frequency) Column 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 Averages Avg ACRD AMLA BELE CAAL CADE CAFL CAPU CLAC COFL CRMO FAGR GAUR HATE HAVI ILAM ILMO KALA LITU NYSY OXAR PIST PRSE PYPU QUAL QUCO QURU RHCA RHMA ROPS RUCA SAAL SMGL SMRO TSCA VACO VAPA VASI VAST 20 Group Sequence: Identifier: # of Items: Max 46 32 22 33 25 17 31 31 33 17 17 34 13 18 16 13 20 17 17 17 48 17 13 17 17 48 13 31 50 13 49 29 46 32 13 13 17 29 38 1 1 3 MaxGrp 89 60 30 67 50 33 58 52 67 33 33 60 25 27 24 25 21 33 33 33 95 33 25 33 33 95 25 52 100 25 97 53 89 62 25 25 33 53 32 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 9 89 60 13 67 0 33 58 10 67 33 33 60 0 27 24 0 19 33 33 33 95 33 0 33 33 95 0 10 100 0 97 53 89 62 0 0 33 53 3 5 30 0 50 0 3 52 0 0 0 8 25 10 7 25 21 0 0 0 1 0 25 0 0 1 25 52 0 25 1 5 3 2 25 25 0 5 7 Shrub MONTE CARLO test of significance of observed maximum indicator value for species 1000 permutations. Random number seed: 42 IV from Observed randomized Indicator groups Column Value (IV) Mean S.Dev p 1 ACRU 88.9 50.8 17.91 0.103 3 AMLA 59.8 52 19.83 0.375 4 BELE 30 44.6 18.98 1 5 CAAL 66.7 35.5 19.49 0.172 6 CADE 50 33.4 18.17 0.405 7 CAFL 33.3 28.4 4.2 0.415 8 CAPU 58 44.8 18.81 0.363 9 CLAC 51.9 49 15.75 0.476 10 COFL 66.7 35.1 19.15 0.16 11 CRMO 33.3 28.9 4.26 0.47 12 FAGR 33.3 28.4 4.2 0.415 15 GAUR 59.9 63.8 19.01 0.516 16 HATE 25 28.3 4.18 1 17 HAVI 26.7 46 18.95 0.89 19 ILAM 24.2 35.5 18.67 0.738 20 ILMO 25 28.5 4.21 1 21 KALA 21.4 42.8 18.3 1 24 LITU 33.3 28.4 4.2 0.415 25 NYSY 33.3 28.4 4.2 0.415 26 OXAR 33.3 28.4 4.2 0.415 27 PIST 94.5 51.6 19.32 0.063 28 PRSE 33.3 28.6 4.23 0.436 29 PYPU 25 28.5 4.21 1 30 QUAL 33.3 28.6 4.23 0.436 31 QUCO 33.3 28.9 4.26 0.47 32 QURU 94.5 57.4 19.58 0.124 34 RHCA 25 28.7 4.24 1 36 RHMA 51.9 49 15.75 0.476 37 ROPS 100 43.6 18.17 0.04 38 RUCA 25 28.5 4.21 1 39 SAAL 96.8 59.8 19.71 0.117 40 SMGL 53.3 42.9 18.56 0.363 41 SMRO 88.9 49.9 17.42 0.088 42 TSCA 62.4 49 19.56 0.388 44 VACO 25 28.7 4.24 1 45 VAPA 25 28.4 4.19 1 46 VASI 33.3 28.9 4.26 0.47 47 VAST 53.3 43.7 17.94 0.276 • proportion of randomized trials with indicator value equal to or exceeding the observed indicator value. P = (1 + number of runs >= observed)/(1 + number of randomized runs) 8 HERB ISA RESULTS: RELATIVE ABUNDANCE in group, % of perfect indication (average abundance of a given species in a given group of plots over the average abundance of that species in all plots expressed as a %) Note: Table continues for next 3 pages. Group 1 = Control Group 2 = Experimental Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 1 2 # of Items: 4 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACGR 50 100 2 0 100 2 ACMI 50 100 2 0 100 5 ACRD 50 78 1 78 22 7 AGSP 50 56 1 56 44 9 AMLA 50 96 1 96 4 11 ANTR 50 100 2 0 100 12 ANVI 50 100 2 0 100 13 ARTR 50 100 2 0 100 15 ASDI 50 100 2 0 100 16 ASSP 50 100 2 0 100 18 BELE 50 100 2 0 100 21 CAAL 50 100 1 100 0 22 CAFL 50 100 1 100 0 23 CAGL 50 100 1 100 0 24 CASP 50 100 2 0 100 25 CEFO 50 100 2 0 100 26 CHMA 50 76 1 76 24 27 CIRA 50 100 1 100 0 28 CLAC 50 100 1 100 0 31 COFL 50 100 1 100 0 33 CRMO 50 100 1 100 0 34 CSPP 50 79 2 21 79 36 DASP 50 98 2 2 98 37 DEPU 50 100 1 100 0 38 DICA 50 100 2 0 100 39 DIDI 50 100 2 0 100 41 DISP 50 100 2 0 100 42 ELUM 50 100 2 0 100 43 EPRE 50 100 2 0 100 44 ERPH 50 100 2 0 100 45 FEPR 50 100 2 0 100 46 FERU 50 100 2 0 100 47 FRAM 50 100 1 100 0 48 FRVI 50 100 2 0 100 51 GAPR 50 99 1 99 1 52 GAUR 50 100 1 100 0 9 54 GOPU 50 100 1 100 0 55 HAVI 50 100 1 100 0 57 HEMA 50 100 2 0 100 58 HIPI 50 100 2 0 100 59 HISP 50 100 2 0 100 60 HOPU 50 100 2 0 100 62 HYGE 50 100 2 0 100 63 HYST 50 100 2 0 100 64 HYUN 50 100 1 100 0 66 KALA 50 100 1 100 0 67 LEHI 50 100 2 0 100 68 LEPR 50 100 2 0 100 69 LERA 50 100 2 0 100 71 LESP 50 100 2 0 100 72 LIBE 50 100 1 100 0 74 LITU 50 67 1 67 33 75 LOJA 50 100 1 100 0 77 LUAC 50 100 2 0 100 79 LYCI 50 100 2 0 100 80 LYQU 50 67 1 67 33 81 LYTE 50 100 2 0 100 83 MAFR 50 100 1 100 0 84 MARA 50 64 1 64 36 87 NYSY 50 100 1 100 0 88 OEBI 50 100 2 0 100 90 OXAR 50 100 1 100 0 91 OXST 50 100 2 0 100 92 PAQU 50 100 2 0 100 93 PASP 50 100 2 0 100 95 PIST 50 94 1 94 6 96 PLCI 50 100 1 100 0 97 POAC 50 100 1 100 0 98 POBI 50 94 2 6 94 99 POPR 50 100 2 0 100 100 POSA 50 100 2 0 100 101 POSI 50 93 2 7 93 104 PRSE 50 87 1 87 13 105 PRVU 50 100 2 0 100 107 PYPU 50 100 1 100 0 108 QUAL 50 100 1 100 0 109 QUCO 50 100 1 100 0 110 QURU 50 100 1 100 0 111 QUVE 50 100 1 100 0 113 RHMA 50 79 1 79 21 114 ROPS 50 100 2 0 100 115 RUAC 50 100 2 0 100 116 RUCA 50 100 2 0 100 118 RUHI 50 61 1 61 39 119 SAAL 50 91 1 91 9 121 SEGL 50 100 2 0 100 10 122 SMGL 50 100 1 100 0 123 SMRO 50 88 1 88 12 124 SOCA 50 86 2 14 86 125 SOCU 50 100 1 100 0 126 SOSP 50 61 1 61 39 128 TAOF 50 100 2 0 100 129 THNO 50 57 2 43 57 131 TIDI 50 100 1 100 0 132 TORA 50 100 1 100 0 135 TRRE 50 100 2 0 100 136 TSCA 50 77 1 77 23 137 VAPA 50 100 2 0 100 139 VAST 50 100 1 100 0 140 VEOF 50 100 2 0 100 142 VIAE 50 100 1 100 0 144 VICA 50 100 1 100 0 145 VICU 50 100 2 0 100 146 VIHA 50 67 1 67 33 147 VIPR 50 100 2 0 100 149 VISO 50 95 1 95 5 Averages 35 67 32 39 RELATIVE FREQUENCY in group, % of perfect indication (% of plots in given group where given species is present) Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 1 2 # of Items: 4 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACGR 13 25 2 0 25 2 ACMI 13 25 2 0 25 5 ACRD 63 75 1 75 50 7 AGSP 25 25 1 25 25 9 AMLA 50 75 1 75 25 11 ANTR 13 25 2 0 25 12 ANVI 25 50 2 0 50 13 ARTR 13 25 2 0 25 15 ASDI 25 50 2 0 50 16 ASSP 13 25 2 0 25 18 BELE 13 25 2 0 25 21 CAAL 13 25 1 25 0 22 CAFL 13 25 1 25 0 23 CAGL 13 25 1 25 0 24 CASP 13 25 2 0 25 25 CEFO 13 25 2 0 25 26 CHMA 50 75 1 75 25 27 CIRA 13 25 1 25 0 11 28 CLAC 13 25 1 25 0 31 COFL 13 25 1 25 0 33 CRMO 13 25 1 25 0 34 CSPP 25 25 1 25 25 36 DASP 63 100 2 25 100 37 DEPU 13 25 1 25 0 38 DICA 25 50 2 0 50 39 DIDI 13 25 2 0 25 41 DISP 25 50 2 0 50 42 ELUM 13 25 2 0 25 43 EPRE 13 25 2 0 25 44 ERPH 13 25 2 0 25 45 FEPR 13 25 2 0 25 46 FERU 13 25 2 0 25 47 FRAM 25 50 1 50 0 48 FRVI 13 25 2 0 25 51 GAPR 38 50 1 50 25 52 GAUR 50 100 1 100 0 54 GOPU 13 25 1 25 0 55 HAVI 25 50 1 50 0 57 HEMA 13 25 2 0 25 58 HIPI 25 50 2 0 50 59 HISP 13 25 2 0 25 60 HOPU 50 100 2 0 100 62 HYGE 13 25 2 0 25 63 HYST 25 50 2 0 50 64 HYUN 13 25 1 25 0 66 KALA 13 25 1 25 0 67 LEHI 13 25 2 0 25 68 LEPR 13 25 2 0 25 69 LERA 25 50 2 0 50 71 LESP 13 25 2 0 25 72 LIBE 13 25 1 25 0 74 LITU 25 25 1 25 25 75 LOJA 13 25 1 25 0 77 LUAC 13 25 2 0 25 79 LYCI 13 25 2 0 25 80 LYQU 50 50 1 50 50 81 LYTE 25 50 2 0 50 83 MAFR 13 25 1 25 0 84 MARA 38 50 1 50 25 87 NYSY 13 25 1 25 0 88 OEBI 13 25 2 0 25 90 OXAR 13 25 1 25 0 91 OXST 13 25 2 0 25 92 PAQU 13 25 2 0 25 93 PASP 13 25 2 0 25 95 PIST 50 75 1 75 25 96 PLCI 13 25 1 25 0 97 POAC 13 25 1 25 0 12 98 POBI 25 25 1 25 25 99 POPR 13 25 2 0 25 100 POSA 13 25 2 0 25 101 POSI 88 100 2 75 100 104 PRSE 50 75 1 75 25 105 PRVU 13 25 2 0 25 107 PYPU 13 25 1 25 0 108 QUAL 38 75 1 75 0 109 QUCO 13 25 1 25 0 110 QURU 13 25 1 25 0 111 QUVE 38 75 1 75 0 113 RHMA 38 50 1 50 25 114 ROPS 13 25 2 0 25 115 RUAC 25 50 2 0 50 116 RUCA 25 50 2 0 50 118 RUHI 38 50 1 50 25 119 SAAL 25 25 1 25 25 121 SEGL 13 25 2 0 25 122 SMGL 38 75 1 75 0 123 SMRO 38 50 1 50 25 124 SOCA 25 25 1 25 25 125 SOCU 13 25 1 25 0 126 SOSP 38 50 2 25 50 128 TAOF 13 25 2 0 25 129 THNO 38 50 1 50 25 131 TIDI 13 25 1 25 0 132 TORA 13 25 1 25 0 135 TRRE 25 50 2 0 50 136 TSCA 25 25 1 25 25 137 VAPA 13 25 2 0 25 139 VAST 25 50 1 50 0 140 VEOF 13 25 2 0 25 142 VIAE 13 25 1 25 0 144 VICA 13 25 1 25 0 145 VICU 13 25 2 0 25 146 VIHA 25 25 1 25 25 147 VIPR 38 75 2 0 75 149 VISO 25 25 1 25 25 Averages 16 26 15 16 13 Herb ISA results cont. for neat 3 pages INDICATOR VALUES (% of perfect indication, based on combining the above values for relative abundance and relative frequency) Group Sequence: 1 2 Identifier: 1 2 # of Items: 4 4 Column Avg Max MaxGrp 1 ACGR 13 25 2 0 25 2 ACMI 13 25 2 0 25 5 ACRD 35 59 1 59 11 7 AGSP 13 14 1 14 11 9 AMLA 37 72 1 72 1 11 ANTR 13 25 2 0 25 12 ANVI 25 50 2 0 50 13 ARTR 13 25 2 0 25 15 ASDI 25 50 2 0 50 16 ASSP 13 25 2 0 25 18 BELE 13 25 2 0 25 21 CAAL 13 25 1 25 0 22 CAFL 13 25 1 25 0 23 CAGL 13 25 1 25 0 24 CASP 13 25 2 0 25 25 CEFO 13 25 2 0 25 26 CHMA 31 57 1 57 6 27 CIRA 13 25 1 25 0 28 CLAC 13 25 1 25 0 31 COFL 13 25 1 25 0 33 CRMO 13 25 1 25 0 34 CSPP 13 20 2 5 20 36 DASP 49 98 2 1 98 37 DEPU 13 25 1 25 0 38 DICA 25 50 2 0 50 39 DIDI 13 25 2 0 25 41 DISP 25 50 2 0 50 42 ELUM 13 25 2 0 25 43 EPRE 13 25 2 0 25 44 ERPH 13 25 2 0 25 45 FEPR 13 25 2 0 25 46 FERU 13 25 2 0 25 47 FRAM 25 50 1 50 0 48 FRVI 13 25 2 0 25 51 GAPR 25 50 1 50 0 52 GAUR 50 100 1 100 0 54 GOPU 13 25 1 25 0 55 HAVI 25 50 1 50 0 57 HEMA 13 25 2 0 25 58 HIPI 25 50 2 0 50 59 HISP 13 25 2 0 25 14 60 HOPU 50 100 2 0 100 62 HYGE 13 25 2 0 25 63 HYST 25 50 2 0 50 64 HYUN 13 25 1 25 0 66 KALA 13 25 1 25 0 67 LEHI 13 25 2 0 25 68 LEPR 13 25 2 0 25 69 LERA 25 50 2 0 50 71 LESP 13 25 2 0 25 72 LIBE 13 25 1 25 0 74 LITU 13 17 1 17 8 75 LOJA 13 25 1 25 0 77 LUAC 13 25 2 0 25 79 LYCI 13 25 2 0 25 80 LYQU 25 33 1 33 17 81 LYTE 25 50 2 0 50 83 MAFR 13 25 1 25 0 84 MARA 21 32 1 32 9 87 NYSY 13 25 1 25 0 88 OEBI 13 25 2 0 25 90 OXAR 13 25 1 25 0 91 OXST 13 25 2 0 25 92 PAQU 13 25 2 0 25 93 PASP 13 25 2 0 25 95 PIST 36 70 1 70 2 96 PLCI 13 25 1 25 0 97 POAC 13 25 1 25 0 98 POBI 13 24 2 1 24 99 POPR 13 25 2 0 25 100 POSA 13 25 2 0 25 101 POSI 49 93 2 6 93 104 PRSE 34 66 1 66 3 105 PRVU 13 25 2 0 25 107 PYPU 13 25 1 25 0 108 QUAL 38 75 1 75 0 109 QUCO 13 25 1 25 0 110 QURU 13 25 1 25 0 111 QUVE 38 75 1 75 0 113 RHMA 22 39 1 39 5 114 ROPS 13 25 2 0 25 115 RUAC 25 50 2 0 50 116 RUCA 25 50 2 0 50 118 RUHI 20 31 1 31 10 119 SAAL 13 23 1 23 2 121 SEGL 13 25 2 0 25 122 SMGL 38 75 1 75 0 123 SMRO 24 44 1 44 3 124 SOCA 13 21 2 4 21 125 SOCU 13 25 1 25 0 126 SOSP 17 20 2 15 20 15 128 TAOF 13 25 2 0 129 THNO 18 21 1 21 131 TIDI 13 25 1 25 132 TORA 13 25 1 25 135 TRRE 25 50 2 0 136 TSCA 13 19 1 19 137 VAPA 13 25 2 0 139 VAST 25 50 1 50 140 VEOF 13 25 2 0 142 VIAE 13 25 1 25 144 VICA 13 25 1 25 145 VICU 13 25 2 0 146 VIHA 13 17 1 17 147 VIPR 38 75 2 0 149 VISO 13 24 1 24 Averages 13 25 12 13 25 14 0 0 50 6 25 0 25 0 0 25 8 75 1 16 MONTE CARLO test of significance of observed maximum indicator value for species 1000 permutations. Random number seed: 42 Note: Herb data continues for next 3 pages IV from Observed Randomized Indicator groups Column -------- Value (IV) ----- ----- - Mean S. ------- Dev p 1 ACGR 25 25 0.79 1 2 ACMI 25 25 0.79 1 5 ACRU 58.7 57.6 17.45 0.63 7 AGSP 14.1 29.3 17.79 1 9 AMLA 72.3 53.7 18 0.255 11 ANTR 25 25 0.79 1 12 ANVI 50 28.4 18.5 0.423 13 ARTR 25 25 0.79 1 15 ASDI 50 29.9 17.34 0.428 16 ASSP 25 25 0.79 1 18 BELE 25 25 0.79 1 21 CAAL 25 25 0.79 1 22 CAFL 25 25 0.79 1 23 CAGL 25 25 0.79 1 24 CASP 25 25 0.79 1 25 CEFO 25 25 0.79 1 26 CHMA 56.9 45.6 17.55 0.374 27 CIRA 25 25 0.79 1 28 CLAC 25 25 0.79 1 31 COFL 25 25 0.79 1 33 CRMO 25 25 0.79 1 34 CSPP 19.7 32.3 14.99 1 36 DASP 97.7 49.9 14.96 0.023 37 DEPU 25 25 0.79 1 38 DICA 50 29.2 17.76 0.423 39 DIDI 25 25 0.79 1 41 DISP 50 34.5 13.68 0.439 42 ELUM 25 25 0.79 1 43 EPRE 25 25 0.79 1 44 ERPH 25 25 0.79 1 45 FEPR 25 25 0.79 1 46 FERU 25 25 0.79 1 47 FRAM 50 34.5 12.84 0.408 48 FRVI 25 25 0.79 1 51 GAPR 49.5 43.9 17.11 0.439 52 GAUR 100 45.2 16.17 0.023 54 GOPU 25 25 0.79 1 55 HAVI 50 29.6 16.91 0.407 57 HEMA 25 25 0.79 1 58 H I PI 50 32.1 15.45 0.428 59 HISP 25 25 0.79 1 17 60 HOPU 100 46.6 17.56 0.023 62 HYGE 25 25 0.79 1 63 HYST 50 33.6 14.03 0.423 64 HYUN 25 25 0.79 1 66 KALA 25 25 0.79 1 67 LEHI 25 25 0.79 1 68 LEPR 25 25 0.79 1 69 LERA 50 29.8 17.31 0.423 71 LESP 25 25 0.79 1 72 LIBE 25 25 0.79 1 74 LITU 16.7 31.1 16.55 1 75 LOJA 25 25 0.79 1 77 LUAC 25 25 0.79 1 79 LYCI 25 25 0.79 1 80 LYQU 33.3 46.2 17.24 0.819 81 LYTE 50 34.6 13.63 0.439 83 MAFR 25 25 0.79 1 84 MARA 32.1 39.3 15.41 0.712 87 NYSY 25 25 0.79 1 88 OEBI 25 25 0.79 1 90 OXAR 25 25 0.79 1 91 OXST 25 25 0.79 1 92 PAQU 25 25 0.79 1 93 PASP 25 25 0.79 1 95 PIST 70.4 49.3 17.91 0.142 96 PLCI 25 25 0.79 1 97 POAC 25 25 0.79 1 98 POBI 23.5 34.6 13.1 1 99 POPR 25 25 0.79 1 100 POSA 25 25 0.79 1 101 POSI 92.7 64.7 18.48 0.104 104 PRSE 65.6 43.8 17.2 0.142 105 PRVU 25 25 0.79 1 107 PYPU 25 25 0.79 1 108 QUAL 75 39.8 18.03 0.142 109 QUCO 25 25 0.79 1 110 QURU 25 25 0.79 1 111 QUVE 75 41.6 17.31 0.142 113 RHMA 39.5 39.5 18.11 0.723 114 ROPS 25 25 0.79 1 115 RUAC 50 34.4 13.34 0.423 116 RUCA 50 30.4 16.44 0.414 118 RUHI 30.6 39.6 15.91 0.736 119 SAAL 22.7 34.1 13.5 1 121 SEGL 25 25 0.79 1 122 SMGL 75 39.1 15.61 0.142 123 SMRO 44.1 42.3 17.5 0.742 124 SOCA 21.4 33.1 14.11 1 125 SOCU 25 25 0.79 1 126 SOSP 19.7 39.5 17.48 1 18 128 TAOF 25 25 0.79 1 129 THNO 21.4 39.5 16.72 1 131 TIDI 25 25 0.79 1 132 TORA 25 25 0.79 1 135 TRRE 50 31.6 15.42 0.414 136 TSCA 19.2 32.2 15.23 1 137 VAPA 25 25 0.79 1 139 VAST 50 32.5 15.38 0.437 140 VEOF 25 25 0.79 1 142 VIAE 25 25 0.79 1 144 VICA 25 25 0.79 1 145 VICU 25 25 0.79 1 146 VIHA 16.7 30.4 16.43 1 147 VIPR 75 41.2 17.38 0.136 149 VISO 23.7 35.3 13.12 1 * proportion of randomized trials with indicator value equal to or exceeding the observed indicator value. p = (1 + number of runs >= observed)/(1 + number of randomized runs) 19 Appendix 8: Relative Dominance Histograms for Trees and Shrubs Andrews Park Control (Trees) c ro c 0 0 Y ro 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 F-I F-1 F-1 t`J?SJ? ?o.?? ? e? ??? G 0t CO C' Cg' J5 & P ?J4? Q?t` 6t0 ?? C3? CJ Q? ?J0 CGJ? ?tGJ ?cs? 0 Adrews Park Experimental (Trees) a u ro 0 0 m ro ?fia ?J5 ?J? A??`' qua z ?J ?o 0?J ot SC3? J5 `fit J`' 5 5? 0S 'tJ ?a ?o C, Je?? 4`?J P?' ??so Ga Q eJ ?? J? `fi ??•o 30 - 25 20 15 10 5 F-I 0 West 1 Control (Trees) 35 30 a? U c 25 c 20 E 0 0 15 0 > 10 0 a? Sp4 ? ?J J?` ` `e 07 46 5 0 0 C ? P `? Q?GJ O? `?` Oa?J Q ,?Q J C 4 ??tJ {? ?r? J?0 ¢o???, O West 1 Experimental (Trees) 70 60 m 50 U C Rf E 40 0 30 cu Z 20 10 0 Pinus strobus Sassafras Amelanchier Nyssa sylvatica Prunus serotina albidum laevis West 2 Control (Trees) 40 35 u = 30 e? = 25 0 20 15 > 10 e? 5 0 F-I S CP 4, Ile Iq West 2 Experimental (Trees) 25 v 20 tC = 15 E 10 m 5 m 0 a o?`?a o°J? ?G? ?os`aa 11 <<J `GJ? fi 1Q ?5-Z ?`S10 0?1? 4 West 3 Control (Trees) 25 20 m E 15 0 0 10 d 5 d 0 o10JS 51 ?J?Q ?a0 oaC`? SSJ4 `? ??t0 v 4 West 3 Experimental (Trees) 4 4 3 m 3 c E = 2 0 2 1 Carya alba Liriodendron Quercus rubra Robinia Prunus tulipifera pseudoacacia serotina East 1 Control (Trees) 35- 30- 25 c m 20 0 0 15 10 5 0 F-1 Eli ??a? ? ??J?a `GJ5 GJ?JS Ott J?oa Jo'?G o?agoP Qy 4Je P?? ?. aQ?o 0' 4 East 1 Experimental (Trees) 45 40 35 30 c E 25 D 20 > 15 10 5 0 Ilei 2i a e?a?oC, e c ??? ?4i East 2 Control (Trees) 50 45 40 35 30 0 25- 20- 15- lo- 5- 0- K" ?c 0 4`fiJ try SJ? ?J?? c A O+ East 2 Experimental (Trees) 35 30 m 25 m E 20 0 15 10 a 5 0 ?av? ? oX)J J o-J0 ? East 3 Control (Trees) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Q6p 0 Andrews Park Control (Shrubs) 18- 16- 14-- 12-- 10- 8-- 6- y 4 2- 0- ?tcj, S, ? c?•? a??? 4 G ago oast. g{c` Andrews Park Experimental (Shrubs) 40 35 L 30 N 25 20 15 0 10 a? > 5 Y 0 West 1 Control (Shrubs) 30 U 25 c 20 0 15 10 5 a? 0 Oj ?a J? G? ,1a , jet GJ. 0 G ao G ??, G ?O L ? P? CIO G? West 1 Experimental (Shrubs) 60 50 c 40 0 30 20 10 0 ?4 J a 4 West 2 Control (Shrubs) 8- 7 6 U ? 5 c a c E 4 0 0 v 3 R 2 1 0 Amelanchier Fraxinus Pinus laevis americana strobus West 2 Experimental (Shrubs) 80 70 60 w U C 50 C 0 40 m 30 20 10 0 Rhododendron maximum Sassafras albidum West 3 Control (Shrubs) 25 20 U C Rf E E 15 0 10 m T, m ca •.? ?a a? ?a aca , a ?a?? fiaa?fia aQJ?a??? +?aJ S?J?t 0t ?a fi? a ,a ?e a? d? ??J?a Gala ?.fi Ica ??fi East 1 Control (Shrubs) 25 20 U C 15 E 0 10 5 0 J .a?a??o?aaea?a Ja +ac? J? G1a a?a ea as 01 ? Series1 East 1 Experimental (Shrubs) U C c E 0 0 m m + " e 12 P . a ?a+ ?e? 5? G eta a?a I \5 QJ? ?efi? ?e0 ,a a as ??J?rpt a?aae ?J?Ga G 4J 60 50 - 40 30 20 10 0- F-1 East 2 Control (Shrubs) 25 20 u c 15 E 0 10 M 5 0 E (0 U N E T E U) N Z5 (6 (6 0) .6 620c co N c U Z U E n c s (n V O V M2 N N N H N 4 ( ts5 2 E > 0 N ( 6 E > U ) S6 a Q Q C7 East 2 Experimental (Shrubs) 50 45 40 35 30 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 ci? o? Sal c3?? `ati ??t r•?s c? `?? ago ?a J?? ??? P ??`g,, ,??J, oao 4?t5 C? East 3 Control (Shrubs) 40 35 = 30 25 0 20 0 a 15 10 5 0 ??o?•a `Sa ?a? ??a ??ca ?`•a Gamma a`,?a ?`?a ?a . aQ oa ??` of Q C?a?? ao?et? Ga Q o?1?.a4s?-? ?a??a ?o ¢ Goa East 3 Experimental (Shrubs) 30 25 u 20 0 15 0 > 10 5 F1 0 F-1 a??'a Spa J?a`a ole°?a GaG,a `eJCa .?J aava CIO' ?? 5e? oa5 boa ?° a act ci? OJ Ga5 aJ a?Ja J?? a?? a ?`a5 G O??t ? 4s t3 SaQ ??a? aaaa Analysis of vegetative communities and the effects of human disturbance within conservation zones along shoreline of Lake Glenville J. Dan Pittillo, Ph.D. and Ben Prater, M. E. M. 10 January 2005 Project supported by the Western North Carolina Alliance 29 Market Street, Suite 610 Asheville, NC 28801 www.wnca.org Analysis of vegetative communities and the effects of human disturbance within conservation zones along shoreline of Lake Glenville Abstract: A study of the buffer strip vegetation surrounding Lake Glenville, a hydropower impoundment of the Duke Power Nantahala Area, was commissioned by the Western North Carolina Alliance. The "buffer strip" is defined as the area surrounding the lake that is within the project boundary, measured as 10 vertical feet above the high water mark for the lake. Seven paired study sites were sampled using the Line Intercept Method, a technique selected because the buffer strip was usually limited in width. Each study site was selected based on the ability to locate 50-meter line lengths along a developed zone in front of homesites (experimental) with an adjacent undeveloped 50- meter strip (control). Three sites were chosen south of the dam on the west side, another three sites along the east side of the lake, and one site in Andrews Park. All vascular plant species were tallied for coverage of the intercept line and trees and shrubs were measured for the longest crown diameter. An additional listing of plants, or releves, were made for species occurring within 5 meters of the intercept lines. Data on slope, aspect, compass direction, and global position system were taken and photographs of the sites were made. A total of 431 vascular plant species were observed in the study with 175 (40% of total) of these sampled by the line intercepts. The data were analysed by the PCORD- multivariate method. The greatest significance was the reduction in the woody plants in the developed or experimental sites, especially for buckberry (Gaylussacia ursina), green brier (Smilax rotundifolia), white pine (Pious strobus), and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). There were moderately significant more yellow poplar present in the developed sites accompanied by significantly more shallow rooted oat grass (Danthonia spicata) and purple bluet (Houstonia purpurea). We conclude that erosional differences observed in front of the developed sites relates to the loss of the root masses of shrubs and trees compared to adjacent, undeveloped control sites. Introduction: Southern Appalachia is a physiographic region categorized by the southern portion of the Appalachian mountain range extending across parts of Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. The species associated with this region comprise some of the richest species diversity in the northern hemisphere. Some of the most unique residents of this region are the numerous species of plants. These plants are ecologically significant in terms of their diversity and the unique communities they form. Species protection is a principle concern for conservationists. Conservationists strive to resolve potential conflicts between ecological protection of resources and human impacts. To effectively mitigate the impacts of human activities, such as development, resource management regulations have been established. These regulations must be complied with in order to achieve conservation goals. One of the most frequent regulatory frameworks applied in the Southern Appalachians is for the protection of water resources. An example of this are the conservation zones maintained along the shores of impoundments in which native plants serve a key function. 2 Lakeshore erosion is a problem for impoundments, especially in steep mountain terrain. This is compounded by windy areas and especially with motorboat wakes. The greater the amount of slope and the greater amount of motorboat activity means that erosion can be serious enough to scour the soil from lake margins. This silt then affects the aquatic life quality of the shallow water zone and sedimentation of the reservoir as well. For this reason, maintenance of shoreline vegetation with adequate root mats to resist erosion is an important resource that needs protecting. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of development on shoreline vegetation. The choice of a reservoir that has residences adjacent to segments of undeveloped shores was desired. Lake Glenville represents such an area with extensive shoreline development and is readily accessible by boat and in some areas, by road as well. The hydroelectric reservoir was built in 1940 and began hydroelectric operation in 1941. It is managed as the Nantahala Power division of Duke Power which purchased Nantahala Power Company in 1988. [http://www.wcu.edu/mhc/npl/CompanyTimeline.htm] To achieve this objective a vegetation survey was conducted and the results analyzed in an effort to answer the following research questions: • Is there quantifiable distinction between plant communities found in developed and undeveloped areas? • How are species associated with the presence/absence of development along shorelines? • Has development altered the species composition of plant communities and compromised their ecological integrity and function? • How can adverse modification be quantified in economic terms using replacement cost estimates? • What mitigation measures must be taken? Methods: Data Collection A general survey of the east and west shores of Lake Glenville indicated numerous cleared areas. Many of these were contiguous. Interspersed were areas of vegetation that has apparently not been cleared since the establishment of the dam. A line-intercept method (Cox 1985) was chosen as the method of studying the vegetation due to the restriction of the zone owned by Duke Power, defined as ten elevational feet above the high water level. While many of the gentle slopes extended back as far as 100 feet, the desired 10 in (33+ feet) x 10 in standard plot size could not be fitted in many steeper sites. The line intercept requires only the width of a measuring tape (ca. 1 cm) and thus could be fitted along he borders. However, the line needs to be longer and a 50m (165 ft) length was chosen. Three levels of vegetation were taken: 1) tree level, defined as any plant exceeding 10 cm (6 inches) in diameter at breast height (dbh); 2) shrub level, defined as any woody plant above 0.5 in (33 in.) but less than 10 cm. dbh; and 3) herb level, defined as any plant less than 0.5 in. Two values each of trees and shrubs were recorded, the distance crossed by the line and the maximum crown diameter (M value), projected from visual perpendicular projection to the canopy edge. Trees were recorded as 10 in segments while the smaller herbs were recorded in 5 in segments. 3 Herbs were tallied by different species for each 5 m. segment and their maximum diameters were not recorded due to time constraints Values of tree and shrub levels were calculated for importance values. This technique uses the intercepted line coverage values for determining dominance (D = I/t) where D is dominance, I is total distance of the canopy for a given species crossing the line, and t is the transect length (50 m). The density (d, or the number of plants per unit area) is calculated from the sum of the reciprocal M values times the unit area (here defined as 100 sq. m.) divided by the total transect length. The frequency (f, encounters of a species in a sample unit) is calculated as sum of the reciprocal M values divided by the number (n) of M values. The weighted frequency (F) is the product of the frequency values (f) times the number of transect intervals in which a species occurs. These three values, dominance, density, and frequency are converted to relative values (100) and the sum of them is the Importance Value (300). In addition to the species intercepted by the lines, a 5-m strip along each side of the line and line ends were surveyed for additional species, called releves. Thus the lists give a fair representation to the number of species occurring in each line sample. This technique allowed us to sample each pair at one location. The sample taken on the developed (cleared) section was designated the experimental while the sample taken in the unmanipulated woodland the control. A total of three sites were chosen on each side (East /West) of the lake and an additional sample was taken at Andrews Park. A total of fourteen sites were surveyed and 178 different species recorded and measured. Data Analysis In addition to producing the ecological metrics that were derived from the field measurements, various multivariate analyses were conducted to examine relationships between plant species and the sample plots. To perform these analyses the data was distilled and input into a matrix that included the abundance of all recorded species within the surveyed plot. For trees and shrubs abundance or quantity was recorded of the total number of stems within each plot (N). For herbs no N was calculated so coverage relativized by the species maximum was used as a surrogate. Table 1 provides an abbreviated version of the data matrix for a visual of the input format. Appendix 6 provides a key to the abbreviations and various codes used in the analyses. All analyses were carried out using a software program developed exclusively for multivariate analysis entitled PC-ORD (McCune et al. 2002) developed by MjM software design. QUAL QUCO QURU QUVE P1 1 1 1 1 p2 1 0 0 2 p3 0 0 3 0 p4 0 1 1 0 p5 0 1 0 5 p6 0 3 0 4 p7 0 0 0 4 p8 2 3 0 0 P9 0 0 2 0 P10 0 0 0 0 p11 0 0 0 0 p12 0 0 2 0 p13 0 0 0 0 p14 0 0 2 0 Table 1: Abbreviated example of data matrix showing oak species in the tree layer The analysis preformed to investigate the associations among species and the study plots involved three multivariate techniques. These techniques included a non- metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMS) ordination, a hierarchal cluster analysis and an indicator species analysis. Each of the analyses were preformed in succession and provided a robust analysis of the relationships among species and their respective habitats using the available data. NMS is considered to be the most effective method of describing ecological communities and should be the preferred method unless other analyses are required (McCune & Grace 2002). The reason this method should be the ordination of choice is that it makes no assumptions about the data. NMS ordinates all samples relative to each other all at once in a reduced dimensional space defined by the user. Therefore patterns may be expressed as clusters of similarity based on ecological distance. Optimizing the relationships between species and the environment into these discrete patterns is the goal of NMS. These discrete patterns can then be further analyzed using the next technique. Cluster analysis is a hierarchal classification technique used in ecology to relate entities that are similar in composition. In this case plots described by species are grouped or "linked" based on compositional dissimilarity and are quantified in a distance matrix. The term hierarchal clustering relates to the fact that plots are grouped starting with the most similar followed by the next similar. As clusters are expanded (total number of clusters reduced) the associations among groups expand. An optimal number of clusters or levels are sought in an effort to most adequately represent community associations. To understand how species identify with these discrete groups the next technique was used. Indicator species analysis is used to attribute species to particular environmental conditions based on the abundance and occurrence of that species within a group. In this study the groups were defined through the cluster analysis and plant species were analyzed for their associations and fidelity to specific groups. A species that is a "perfect indicator" is faithful to a particular group without fail. Indicator values range from 0 to 100 with 100 being a perfect indicator score. Because indicator species analysis is a statistical inference, a test of significance is applied to determine if species are significant indicators of the groups to which they are associated. Indicator species analysis is a technique used to differentiate between groups. In addition to these multivariate techniques, species data was used to produce metrics of ecological importance. In calculating the importance value, the relative dominance is included. Relative dominance is the dominance calculated as a percent of the total dominance values among all species. Relative dominance for every species associated with each plot across all three vegetation layers was calculated. This metric is well suited for illustrative purposes when comparing plots. A comparison of dominance can be displayed graphically and serve to exhibit the contribution of species, in terms of abundance, to the plant community within the various plots. It will also provide a better understanding of what species are present or absent from manipulated plots. Results: A total of 431 species were observed along the transects and adjacent areas, called releves, within 5 meters of the intercept lines (Appendices 1-5). The control transects had 25 species unique to the controls and an additional 78 unique species were intercepted by the lines in the experimental plots. In addition, there were 72 species found in common with both control and experimental sites. The releve controls had an additional 107 species while the releve experimental sites had an additional 149 species. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling To determine the relationship between the plant species and the various sample plots, an NMS was used. Figures 1, 2 and 3 illustrate the results of the NMS ordination for each surveyed layer of vegetation using a six-dimensional solution. By examining the proximity of each variable on the graph as it relates along the ordinated axes, it is evident that the species are more closely associated with respective plots. The plots (triangles) that are closer together are more similar in terms of species composition. The species (+) they share in common are the ones closest in proximity to the plots. Cluster Analysis To determine if distinct groups existed in the data, a cluster analysis was performed. Cluster analysis was conducted at a level of 13. This means that the data was initially clustered into 13 discreet groups. With only 14 plots a level of 13 allows for the possibility of total dissimilarity between virtually all of them. The level of clustering used is arbitrary and the user can adjust the level to show the best relationships among plots and species. Adjusting the level of clustering revealed that at a level of 6 the best representation of the data is shown. The outputs of the cluster analysis are purely graphical and include a dendrogram and a color coded NMS. The dendrograms (Figures 4, 5, 6) illustrate the mechanics of how the hierarchical clustering was performed by the algorithm. Each connection indicated by the lines show the magnitude of difference between groups and connects similar groups together. These similar groups are color coded to represent the most distinct associations. The color coded NMS's (Figures 7, 8, and 9) gives us a look at how these groups associate in ordination space and provides an idea of which species belong to which group. Each of these groups is arranged along axes based on ecological distance as a measure of dissimilarity. This concept is well translated in the NMS as groups closely associated with each other are the same color. The cluster analysis resulted in the final selection of 6 clusters as the best representation of species and plot associations for all three vegetation layers. This grouping level was used in the indicator species analysis as a starting point. 6 Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) The final multivariate technique takes the analysis one step farther. We have illustrated how species and the sample plots are associated and we know which groups of plots are similar compositionally, now we can determine which species best represent these groups as indicators. The indicator species analysis produces output which provide indicator values based on relative frequency, abundance, and the combination of both. The values themselves indicate a species fidelity to specific groups. Species with high indicator values are said to be good indicators of that group. Appendix 7 provides the indicator values for all the tree, shrub, and herb species as they relate to the two groups delineated by the ISA. Four of the six groups delineated through the cluster analysis were dropped from the analysis because they included only one plot associated with no species. This group reduction occurred during all three ISA's for each vegetation layer. Similarly, several species were also removed from each of the ISA's because of their low frequency of occurrence. These species are dropped because species that occur in only one plot will always be perfect indicators of that plot making the results less informative for the user. By not including these "rare" species the final result of the analysis presents an unbiased indicator of species fidelity. The indicator values were based on relative abundance, relative frequency, and a combination of both (Appendix 7). A Monte Carlo test of significance on each species indicator value is also provided. Based on the Monte Carlo test of significance (Dufrene & Legendre 1997), eight species were moderately to highly significant indicators of groups they were associated with. The non-significant indicators can still be useful to understand what Groups 1 and 2 might characterize in terms of disturbance. Those species with perfect indicator scores can be attributed to either the control or experimental plots within the original data matrix. Based on this cross checking it is evident that for all vegetation layers Group 1 represents the control plots and Group 2 represents the experimental plots. Below is a listing for the species that are statistically significant indicators of the plots: Tree species of moderate significance include: Betula lenta (BELE or sweet birch) for control sites Liriodendron tulipifera (LITU or yellow poplar) for experimental sites Significant shrub level indicators include: Robinia pseudoacacia (ROPS or black locust) for control sites Shrub level species of moderate significance include: Pinus strobus (PIST or white pine) for control sites Smilax rotundifolia (SMRO or green brier) for control sites Significant herb level indicators include: Danthonia spicata (DASP or mountain oat grass) for experimental sites Gaylussacia ursina (GAUR or buckberry) for control sites Houstonia pupurea (HOPU or purple bluet) for experimental sites The significant results are summarized below: Significant Indicator Values (p<0.05): Using Monte Carlo Test of Significance Significant Indicator Values (p<0.05): Using Monte Carlo Test of Significance Tree Species IV from --' --' Shrub Species IV from Species that are considered significant indicators provide insight as to how species relate ecologically to development disturbances. A species that occurs in all or nearly all transects is expressing the result of influx of seeds (or propagules) and the ability of the habitat to sustain this species against other potential species. In the more mature forests, ecologists usually refer to those that either dominate all others (such as oaks and hickories) or are regularly found in the stand (such as buckberries or mountain laurels). Based on the species data there is evidence that supports the ecological distinction between plots that have been disturbed and those that have not. Additional Analysis As stated previously the data collected in the field can be used to derive a wide variety of ecological metrics that aid in the analysis of impacts to communities. On average, plots that had been manipulated lost 42% of tree species abundance. Plots that were developed experienced a dramatic 82% loss in species abundance. The herbaceous layer was analyzed across plots using coverage. Based on coverage the herbaceous layer experienced a 33% increase in herbs on experimental plots. This is likely contributable to an increased level of sunlight reaching the forest floor after the loss of shrubs and trees. It is important to note here that herbs also included seedlings of trees and shrubs which are further stimulated by canopy openings. To gain a sense of what these trends illustrate graphically the relative dominance for each species is presented in a series of histograms (Appendix 8) comparing each of the 14 plots. These histograms corroborate the trends described above illustrating a decrease in species dominance and species diversity amongst trees and shrubs. Figure 1 Tree NMS 2 A O.EFL A, p14 p13 B ELE 0 p9 + TSCA +URI} OpS + p12 A Romi LIITU COFL ? PR + SE + OXAR + p21 AC RU AM LA + + CAGL + 7 PIST p + CAAL WPR A + AS P1 A NY SY QUVE + + ?A6? L P5 p6 A QUCO QUAL + + P8 Axis 1 9 Figure 2 Shrub NMS PH RNIRM A A 2 A CLAC + 3?TE SIN RO U SI UE + HAVA P ISY+ ILAM + GA UP 9 13 BELE ANI LA Q © + SMGL §6AL VAS+ T ++ CAAL + + CAGE + QURU RHMA CAPU + + + COFL aPA gh RHCA + VACO + ROPS 4PRSE CRMO + p12 A W IXE' A OXAR + QUCO MIRA it QUAL ACRU + KA LA } FRAM + pI® E 2N Axis 1 10 Figure 3 Herb NMS R A GAUR QUAL + Ski RO + OLIVE AST GA RMUO PWM? SO LIBE CRMO + ?M + + + FRAM PRSE + + T3PE N + O & + FIST CA(AL RHMA +AQU + SAAL SM GL +LOJA + YPU ++ + HYUN + ACRU M EVI + CHMA. QURU F*vl +A GAL + + + DBFN MARA SOSP IA E + A GSP + + + + plum VIHA ? RUHI OS I HISP SPP ASCO + + + + @y LYOU VIBL + RE UCA+ASP ELI + + A RTR + + POAC + A« SOCU ANTR TA OF + + + V1CU LUEC TRGR + ASDI + LYCI FEPR + P 081 F DISP + ROPS EDF + CAFL THNO + -+ SOCA +ICO + + -f PRVU + BELE POPR + VIP R + + POSI + LYTJ p12 DASP + V d HOPU + DICA + .}}- LER.A -SP-4ANVI HIPI + ?y Axis 1 11 Dendrograms Figure 4 Tree Cluster Analysis Distance (Objective Function) ME-02 4.6E-01 8.5E-01 1.2E+00 1.6E+ Information Remaining (%) 100 75 50 25 0 p1 f!- saRg6 P' Ir' 1 5 3 e p Figure 5 Shrub Cluster Analysis Distance (Objective Function) 1.4E-01 0E-01 1.7E+00 2.4E+00 3.2E+ Information Remaining (%) 100 75 50 25 0 clstei6 p13 1 11 P1 P 1 Figure 6 Herb Cluster Analysis Distance (Objective Function) 8E-02 8.3E-01 11+00 2.3E+00 31 E+ Information Remaining (%) 100 75 50 25 0 P1 PB V ?leifi 0 p 1,a p1 0 P. 12 Figure 7 Tree Cluster Analysis 2 PAJAL p14 COFL PR9F F ?R1A LITU F *SY p7 + ROPS p13 + PIS+ QURU + \RR A.L C + O R ACRU + + TSCA QUVE + + CA GL B ELE + + P9 +? P5 a P1 a PG QUCQ + QUAL + p8 A AXIS 1 13 Figure 8a (plots labeled) Shrub Cluster Analysis 2 P4 P11 A P3 5 1 + P9 p13 + + -F p2 p12 + P10 + + p6 PB + P7 Axis 1 14 Figure 8b (species labeled) Shrub Cluster Analysis d 2 y?rc CLAC HATE SM RO, + HAV fA SI FU992 PIST+ ILAM + GAUR + + BELE © AMLA Q + SM GL ° L VA S+ ?- CAAL + + CADE + GURU RHMA CAPU + COFL VA PA IN RH CA + ?'FilEf + OXAR CUCO + AL A VA CO + ROPS CRMO 4P RSE + + H3f :% DUAL ACRU + + KA LA FRAM + LIBE + Axis 1 15 Figure 9a (plots labeled) Herb Cluster Analysis P1 A P11 + + + +. ++ p13 + + + + + + + + + -4+ + + + + pt0 + + + + + + f P3 'f + p7 + P5 + + ++ + + + + ++ P9 + ++ q + p 6 + P + + + + + + + 8 p12 + 'F + p2 + + + + PA + Axis 1 16 Figure 9b (species labeled) Herb Cluster Analysis CL As l?f?fi1R GAUR QUAL + SM RO TORE + OUVE VAST AST N{?B1? CRM O + -' I + + + FRAM PRSE + P + TII C+PUACRE IN + P + PIST Ab?A RHMA AQU + SAAL S M GL +LOJA F YPU ++ + + HYUN + ACRU MEVI GURU AVI CHMA AGAL + + + + DDI4DJI MARA q OSP VIAE AGSP "I ++ VIHA + * RUHI OS I HISP CSPP ASCO + + + + LY QU VOL + F? E RUCA+ASP *LI + ? A RTR + POAC + Eamm SOCU ANTR TAOF VICU LUEC TR GR + ASDI + LYCI FEPR POBI + DI+ CAFL + ROPS EOF + THNO + + SOCA +ICO + + o?+ PRVU BELE POPR + VIP R + + POSI + LYrP DA SP + HOPU + _y.DICA LERA. + ASSP-{,ANVI HIPI + E + Axis 1 17 Discussion: The results of this study allow us to draw a few conclusions about how the plant communities of Lake Glenville have been impacted by development on the shorelines of Lake Glenville. Based on the findings of this study there are significant differences between the species assemblages within developed or experimental areas and those within undeveloped or control areas. The results of the multivariate analysis combined with the facts and figures derived from the field survey point to the dramatic differences between the two types of sample plots. From the results of the multivariate analysis we can infer how structure and function of communities along the shoreline have been influenced from our analysis of associations among species across plots. The cluster analysis suggests that plots can be classified into groups based on the measure of dissimilarity among species. The NMS and cluster analysis suggested the possibility of a number of groupings which were further interpreted by the indicator species analysis. The indicator species analysis eliminated four groupings due to single occurrences of species. The results of the indicator species analysis reveal that for all three measured vegetation layers only two groupings of plots are significant for each vegetation layer. This is interesting since plots were categorized as one of two types, experimental or control. The ISA showed that several species were perfect indicators of particular plots. These species, although statistically insignificant as indicators, did however translate directly to only being present in either the control or experimental plots. The results clearly distinguished between the two plot categories. Based on the multivariate analysis we can conclude that there is a distinct difference between species composition found on developed and undeveloped plots. With species abundance used as a measure of the impact of development it is evident that areas that have been developed have been adversely modified. A difference in the diversity of tree and shrub species in the developed plots from those in the unmanipulated areas indicates a significant environmental impact. An observed increase in herb diversity in the developed plots is expected due to the increased sunlight reaching the forest floor following the removal of canopy. This increase in diversity may be undesirable due to the presence of invasive exotics. Invasive exotics can be a problem in re-establishment of natural communities. For example, Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora) was observed in one of the releves and becomes a major invasive. The potential also exists for Japanese Spirea (Spirea japonica). Not yet observed in the study area, Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), a species favored in plant arrangements, is becoming quite invasive downstream on the Tuckasegee River. While these invasives may be somewhat effective in helping curtail the erosion problems, they prove problematic for the viewshed that adjacent land owners desire. Aside from using abundance as a measure of impact one can also look to the presence or absence of particular species as an indication of disturbances caused by development. Based on the indicator species analysis the significant indicators for developed and undeveloped sites provide further insight into how particular species relate to the surveyed sites. Based on what we know about particular species responses and habitat requirements these species make sense ecologically. Shoreline erosion involves at least two forces: that from the wave action and overland wash from the slopes above. 18 Root masses of native trees, shrubs, and to a lesser extent, herbs, help control this erosion from both processes. While the wave action is more significant in that it undercuts the root masses, none-the-less the root mass counteracts erosion even after the roots and plants connected to them have died. The experimental plots, having a smaller tree and shrub root mass, are unable to retain the integrity of the shore nearly as well. Projecting the processes that are taking place in the buffer zone, it is quite evident that the removal of the woody vegetation, both in the form of living plants and woody debris, will exacerbate the loss of shoreline integrity. If this process is to be curtailed, the current interaction of landowners with the buffer zone vegetation must be altered. The improvement of the management should be beneficial to both landowners in the future as well as the reversal of the erosional rates that have occurred on Lake Glenville during the past half-century. References: Cox, George W. 1985. Laboratory Manual of General Ecologv. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. Pp. 60-68. Dufrene, M. & P. Legendre. 1997. Species assemblages and indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. Ecological Monographs 67:345- 366. McCune, Bruce. and Grace, J.B. 2002 Analysis of Ecological Communities. MjM Software Designs, Glenden Beach, Oregon. Schafale, M.. and A. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh. Weakley, Alan S. 2004. "Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia" (Working Draft) University of North Carolina Herbarium, Chapel Hill .E-mail: Weakley, Alan S. 1999. "Flora of the Carolinas and Virginia" (Working Draft). University of North Carolina Herbarium. The Nature Conservancy, Chapel Hill, NC. 19 me e erm me F me ✓A '- %. 4:rp } me 11 y 4ttgv St el ' q ..^°'. 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Holmes a,,*, John C. Bergstrom b, Eric Huszare, Susan B. Kaskd, Fritz Orr IIIe a USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, P.O. Box 12254, Research Triangle Park, NC 27701, USA bDepartment of Agricultural and Applied Economics, The University of Georgia, 208 Conner Hall, Athens, GA 30602, USA USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Policy Analysis and Development, 4700 River Road Unit 119, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238, USA d Warren Wilson College, CPO 6125, PO Box 9000, Asheville, NC 28815, USA eRabun Gap-Nacoochee School, 339 Nacoochee Drive, Rabun Gap, GA 30568, USA Received 17 November 2002; received in revised form 5 September 2003; accepted 20 October 2003 Available online 8 April 2004 Abstract A study was undertaken to estimate the benefits and costs of riparian restoration projects along the Little Tennessee River in western North Carolina. Restoration benefits were described in terms of five indicators of ecosystem services: abundance of game fish, water clarity, wildlife habitat, allowable water uses, and ecosystem naturalness. A sequence of dichotomous choice contingent valuation questions were presented to local residents to assess household willingness to pay increased county sales taxes for differing amounts of riparian restoration. Results showed that the benefits of ecosystem restoration were a non-linear function of restoration scale and the benefits of full restoration were super -additive. We estimated the costs of riparian restoration activities by collecting and analyzing data from 35 projects in the study area. After adjusting our estimated valuation function for socio-economic characteristics of the local population, the benefit/cost ratio for riparian restoration ranged from 4.03 (for 2 miles of restoration) to 15.65 (for 6 miles of restoration). Riparian restoration in this watershed is therefore an economically feasible investment of public funds at all measured spatial scales. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Riparian restoration; Contingent valuation; Super -additivity; Complements in valuation 1. The need for marginal economic analysis of ecosystem restoration Ecological systems provide an array of benefits to humans that are not generally accounted for in * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-919-5494031; fax: +1-919- 549-4047. E-mail address: tholmesgfs.fed.us (T.P. Holmes). 0921-8009/$ - see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi: 10. 10 1 6/j.ecolecon.2003.10.015 market transactions. Consequently, economic activi- ties can degrade ecological systems and valuable ecosystem services may be underprovided or entirely lost. If ecosystems are resilient to changes caused by degradation, it may be possible to restore ecosystem services either to some pre-existing level or to a level that is commensurate with the demands of the current human population. However, because eco- system restoration is still highly experimental and 20 T.P. Holmes e2 al. / Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 can be quite costly to implement, it is not immedi- ately obvious which ecosystems deserve priority for restoration or, once specific ecosystems are chosen for restoration projects, just how far restoration activities should proceed. During the past decade, the federal government has become increasingly concerned with protecting eco- system integrity and federal funds have been provided for ecosystem restoration activities. Although policy decisions might be made on the basis of noneconom- ic as well as economic criteria, analysis of the benefits and costs of restoration projects provides policy makers with information by which they can gauge the efficiency of public investments. The costing of restoration activities is conceptually straightforward, although the acquisition and analysis of such data is complicated by its relative scarcity. On the benefits side of the ledger, multiple human services are pro- vided by riparian ecosystems, and the value of many services can only be measured using non-market valuation methods. The existence of multiple, interconnected, non- market ecological services presents significant chal- lenges to researchers seeking unbiased estimates of ecosystem values (Turner et al. 2002). Macroeco- nomic analysis of the net benefits associated with marginal changes in ecosystem services, from a clearly defined baseline to a new condition resulting from the imposition o ceptual foundation for et al. 2002). However, ecosystem services are intrinsically connected and conventional valuation methods might produce piecemeal, incomplete esti- mates of the benefits of restoration (Bockstael et al. 2000). The objectives of this study were to develop and test a general methodology for valuing the restora- tion of a set of ecosystem services and to compare the economic benefit of riparian ecosystem restora- tion with its cost. Based on detailed conversations with stream ecologists and local citizens, a set of relevant ecosystem services associated with riparian restoration was identified. Duriig these conversa- tions, it became apparent that the scale of restoration could be used as a summary measure for the provision of ecosystem services. That is, because the overall biological condition of a river basin is negatively linked to the degree of human influence (Karr and Chu 1999), the scale of restoration activ- ities that mitigate human impacts provides a conve- nient meta-indicator that can be linked with the supply of ecosystem services. A contingent valuation survey was developed to estimate the benefits asso- ciated with the provision of different levels of ecosystem services, and data provided by the US Natural Resources Conservation Service were used to analyze the cost of restoration projects in the study watershed. This process allowed us to com- pare the costs and benefits of watershed restoration at different spatial scales. 2. History of the Little Tennessee River ecosystem fn this paper, we conduct a benefit-cost analysis of restoration activities along the Little Tennessee River (hereafter LTR) located in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The Little Tennessee River (LTR) origi- nates in Rabun County, GA; it flows north into North Carolina before terminating at Fontana Darn, just south of the Great Smoky Mountains. The LTR basin contains about. 100,000 ha of mountainous terrain of which 49% is part of the Nantahala National Forest, 37% is in privately held forest, and the remainder (14%) is developed. Historically, the LTR watershed was within the f a policy; provides a con- homeland of the Cherokee Nation. After European empirical analysis (Balmford settlement, the region supported logging, agriculture and mining industries. During the late 1940s, the Tennessee Valley Authority began to address the sediment loads in the LTR and grasses were planted on steep slopes to reduce soil erosion. Subsequently, land use shifted as fanners began increasing livestock production and many farmers cleared their land to- ward the riverbank to maximize output. Most recently, tourism, recreation and the draw of living in an aesthetically pleasing environment has led to rapid population growth and an iicrease ii the number of people who visit the area. In the last 20 years, the population in Macon County, NC (our study area), has doubled, leading to concerns about the future health of the watershed and the ecosystem services the watershed provides. The majority (51%) of land within the watershed is privately owned and private land use decisions have had a major impact on ecosystem structure and T.P. Holmes et al. /Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 function (Wear and Bolstad 1998). Non-point pollu- tion from agricultural activities (such as watering cattle in streams) and development (housing and commercial development along streams and creeks) threaten the ecological integrity of the watershed. Economic activities have introduced increased levels of sediment, nutrients, fecal coliform bacteria, toxic chemicals, oil, grease, and road salt into the river system. 3. Prior riparian restoration activities and costs in the LTR watershed A restoration program for the LTR watershed was initiated in 1995 and 59 projects had been completed by 2001. A total of 54 projects have set aside 45,118 ft, or 8.5 miles, of riparian buffer. This activity consists of planting trees and grasses to stabilize the riverbank. On 14 projects, fences were installed to prohibit livestock from entering the river. And on five projects, alternative water systems were developed for watering livestock. Only 35 of the riparian buffer projects had suffi- cient cost data available to estimate project costs.' We estimated that riparian buffers without fencing cost, on average, $0.98/ft (based on data from 29 projects). With fencing, average costs were $3.1341 (based on data from 6 projects). Another restoration activity in the LTR watershed involved rebuilding eroding stream banks with revetments. Revetments consist of large tree branches or logs that are anchored to the stream bank with cables. Of the 54 projects, 45 landowners restored 15,321 ft (or 2.90 miles) of stream bank using revetments; 34 landowners used trees from their own property and the other projects brought in trees from off-site. Revetments are typically quite costly to construct. The average cost of revetments where on-site trees were available for construction was $15.50/ft. If on-site trees were not available, the average cost of revetments was $20.33/ft. To permit comparison of the costs and benefits of restoration, it was necessary to make some assump- tions about the typical mix of restoration activities to construct a representative scenario. Based on docu- 1 All costs and benefits are standardized to the year 2000. 21 mented restoration data, it was assumed that, for every mile of riparian buffer that, is established, 0.34 miles of revetment, is installed (2.9 miles of revet- ment/8.5 miles of buffer). Using a weighted average cost estimate (on-site trees and without on-site trees) of $16.371ft for constructing revetments, this trans- lates into $5.56 per "representative" foot of resto- ration ($16.37*0.34). Next, it was assumed that fencing is installed for 46% of the length of riparian buffers (46°X0 of the total length of riparian buffers was fenced in our project data). The average cost of establishing a riparian buffer in a "representative" restoration would then be $2.06/ft. The average cost per foot establishing a representative mix of resto- ration activities would be $7.62,1ft. (calculated as the sum $5.56+$2.06). Cost sharing is provided through the Natural Resources Conservation Service to landowners de- siring to create riparian buffers (with or without fencing) or install revetments on their land. The NRCS program funds 75% of the cost while the landowners must provide the other 25%. If land- owners contribute their own trees to a revetment project, then their cost share falls to 10% of that project. The private benefit to landowners who decide to enter into a project with the NRCS can be presumed to equal or exceed the dollar amount of their cost share agreement. Under the cost-share program, then, landowners must pay 25% of the cost, or $1.91/ft in our example. Thus, the public benefits must equal or exceed 75% of the cost, or $5.72/ft, for public investment in a representative mix of restoration activities to be economically feasible. The upper LTR watershed is approximately 20 miles in length. Although approximately 8.5 miles along the river have received restoration treatments, many segments along the river still need to be restored. In consultation with local experts, it was determined that restoration of 6 additional miles of river would constitute complete restoration (not all stretches of the river require restoration). 4. Issues in the valuation of freshwater ecosystems Economic valuation of ecosystems is complicated by the fact that ecosystems are characterized by 22 T.P. Holmes e2 al. / Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 multiple, interdependent services that possibly ex- hibit complex dynamics and discontinuous change around critical thresholds (Limburg et al. 2002). Faced with this complexity, marginal economic valuation of ecosystems has typically proceeded via simplification. fn a review of published research on the valuation of freshwater ecosystems from 1971 to 1997 (30 studies), Nilson and Carpenter (1999) found that most studies focused on a specific indicator of water quality such as water clarity or the fi-equency of noxious algal blooms. While these studies have made important contributions by dem- onstrating that freshwater ecosystems have econom- ic value, particularly non-use value, they only provide partial benefit estimates because they are based on an incomplete list of potentially valuable services. Turner (1999) defines Total Economic Value (TEV) as the sum of all use and non-use values provided by an ecosystem.' One approach, then, is to obtain values for each of the services provided by ecosystem protection or restoration. Recognizing the multi-dimensional nature of water quality, the US Environmental Protection Agency developed a six- dimensional characterization of the benefits provided by freshwater systems (USEPA, 1994): aquatic life support (providing habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms), fish consumption (fish do not pose a human health risk), drinking water supply (eater is safe to drink with conventional treatment), primary contact recreation-swimming (no adverse- health effects from occasional contact), secondary contact recreation (no adverse health effects from activities such as canoeing), and agricultural use (suitable for irrigation or watering livestock). Using this scheme, states are requested to report the percentage of lakes, rivers and streams that meet five levels of water quality, ranging from "good, fully supporting" to "poor, not attainable" for each of the water quality dimensions. Magat et al. (2000) developed a study for valu- mg water quality based on a simplified version of the EPA monitoring structure. Using the method of paired comparisons, they found that swimmable water quality accounted for the greatest proportion of overall benefit, followed by quality of the aquatic environment, and finally by fishable water quality. They also noted that people were willing to pay a disproportionately high premium for water quality improvements in areas that they would never use, suggesting that non-use values are an important benefit provided by enhanced water quality. An alternative, holistic approach to ecosystem valuation was reported by Loomis et al. (2000), who used the contingent valuation method to evaluate the benefits of restoring a portion of the Platte River watershed. The approach used in this paper described the current level of provision of four ecosystem services: dilution of wastewater, natural purification of water, erosion control, and habitat for fish and wildlife. Specific mechanisms for restoring ecosystem services were then described, followed by a referen- dum WTP question asking respondents whether or not they would vote in favor of a specific restoration program. Using estimated water leasing costs and farmland easement costs necessary to implement the program, benefit/cost ratios varied between 1.4:1 and 5.22:1 depending on whether those refusing to be interviewed had a zero value or not. Zhongmin et al. (2003) estimated the benefits and costs of restoring ecosystem services in the Hei River basin in China using a holistic approach to valuation, similar to the method used by Loomis et al. (2000). Five ecosystem services were listed that ecosystem restoration could provide: control soil erosion and reduce sand storms, provide habitat for wildlife, natural purification of water, dilution of wastewater, and limit land salinization. Results of the in-person interviews indicated that over 90 percent of the respondents were willing to pay a positive amount for ecosystem restoration. However, the amount that the general public was willing to pay was found to be substantially less than the estimated costs of restoration. The decision of whether to value a set of ecosystem services holistically, as is done using the contingent T.P. Holmes et al. /Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 valuation method, or whether to focus valuation on trade-offs between specific services using an attribute- based stated preference method, depends on the goals of a study. If management actions can differentially affect the provision of iri&,idual ecosystem services, then information on value trade-offs between ecosys- tem services can be estimated using attribute-based methods (e.g., Holmes and Adamowicz 2003). How- ever, if ecosystem services are highly correlated in production, then contingent valuation is probably more appropriate.3 5. Ecosystem valuation survey design Hoehn et al. (2003) recognized that the economic value of freshwater ecosystems is derived from the services they provide, and stressed the importance of linking ecosystem science with ecosystem services in conducting stated choice experiments. For our study, conferred with a team of economists conferred with at team of ecologists from the USDA Forest Service Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory to discuss the set of ecosystem services that have been impacted by land uses in the LTR watershed and the particular resto- ration activities that were being undertaken to ad- dress riparian ecosystem degradation. In these sessions, concern was expressed both about the current agricultural practice of watering cattle in the LTR and its tributaries and about the impact of residential and commercial development along streams in the river basin. Review and input on the relationships between ecosystem services and resto- ration activities in the LTR watershed were also obtained in focus group sessions with ecologists in the Institute of Ecology at the University of Georgia, and through discussions with the Little Tennessee River Association and members of the Macon Coun- ty Soil and 'h'ater Conservation District. Based on these conversations, several ecosystem services (and indicator variables for each service) ' Attribute-based stated preference methods rely on indepen- dent variation in attributes (e.g., ecosystem services) to estimate attribute values. Correlated attributes introduce the statistical problem of multicollinearity. For a discussion of this issue, see Holmes and Adaniowicz (2003). 23 were identified: (1) habitat for fish (abundance of game fish), (2) habitat for wildlife (wildlife habitat in buffer zones), (3) erosion control and water purification (water clarity), (4) recreational uses (allowable water uses), and (5) ecosystem integrity (index of ecosystem naturalness). Generalized cate- gories representing the level of provision of each indicator were assigned to represent low, moderate or high levels of provision of these services. This technique is a modification of the "good-poor" categorical scale used by the USEPA (1994), and was used to obviate problems associated with char- acterizing an exact change in ecosystem services that could be expected to obtain from the implementation of specific riparian restoration activities. Marginal ecosystem values may vary depending on the scale (scope) of ecosystem restoration. If a single restoration project is not effective in enhanc- ing the overall level of ecosystem services, the derived economic benefits will probably be low. In contrast, the value of multiple projects that do in fact enhance the overall provision of ecosystem services may be greater than the sum of the benefits provided by individual projects valued in isolation. That is, if restoration projects are what Madden (1991) calls R-complements, then benefits might be "super-additive".4 This perspective is important to recognize because restoration projects are often conducted piecemeal, using the logic that some restoration is better than none, and that it is important to "start somewhere" with available funding. However, from an economic perspective, it is possible that, for geographically isolated projects, the costs of restoration exceed the benefits. This result becomes increasingly likely if restoration is expensive and if extensive restoration is required to change the overall level of services pro- vided by an ecosystem. To test the hypothesis that program scale has an impact on marginal economic benefits, it was neces- sary to link indicators of ecosystem services with " A useful discussion of additivity effects and scale (scope) can be found in Hanemann (1994). In terms of the economic terminology defining scale effects, variation of the scale of restoration within-subjects is referred to as an internal scale (scope) test. 24 T.P. Holmes et at. / Ecological Economics 49 (2044) 19-30 Table 1 Overview of hypothetical Little Tennessee River riparian restoration programs used in the iterative contingent valuation experiment Current situation Program I Program 2 Program 3 Program 4 Indicator of No small streams All small streams All small streams All small streams All small streams ecosystem protected by BMPs+ protected by BMPs+ protected by BMPs+ protected by BMPs+ protected by BMPs+ service no new river no new river 2 miles of new 4 miles of new river 6 miles of new river restoration restoration river restoration restoration restoration Gagne fish Low Low Low Low High Water clarity Low Low Moderate Moderate High Wildlife habitat Low Moderate Moderate High High in buffer zones Allowable Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High water uses Index of ecosystem Low Low Moderate High High naturalness scale (Table 1).5 Indicator levels were also provided for the status quo scenario, and for a base program consisting of best management practices at construc- tion sites and along private roads in order to prevent sediment from entering tributaries to the LTR.6 Respondents were asked to vote on four different programs. In consultation with local experts, it was determined that complete restoration could be accom- plished by installing riparian restoration proj ects along an additional 6 miles of the riverbank. A base program mandating BIVIPs along tributaries of the LTR was designated, along with three alternative levels of river restoration (2, 4 and 6 miles of new restoration). 6. A computerized survey instrument A computerized survey instrument was developed to facilitate communication of information about the sources of riparian ecosystem degradation in the LTR ' The scientific basis for linking ecosystem services with scale ofrestoration is extremely limited and was therefore based on expert judgment. We let the overall provision of ecosystem services increase in a roughly linear fashion with scale up to 4 miles of restoration. That is, letting "low"=1 point, "medium"=2 points of restoration, the change in aggregate ecosystem services doubles from the level provided at 4 miles of restoration. 6 BMPs include activities such as construction of drop structures (e g., weirs) to minimize soil movement down slopes. BIV1P activities would be paid for by the private sector. watershed, the various riparian restoration and protec- tion activities that could be implemented to address the problem, and ecosystem services that would be enhanced by the watershed programs. This format allowed us to make extensive use of photographs and diagrams depicting restoration activities. Land use maps were included to depict land use change in the study area, and showed the proximity of economic development to the LTR and its tributaries. Although the use of a computerized instrument may eliminate the potential for bias that is sometimes induced by in- person surveys, it might discriminate against people who are less computer literate, such as older people or people with lower incomes. The computerized instrument provided us with the opportunity to customize the bidding structure in the iterative referendum voting scenarios. Bid amounts for the 4-mile and 6-mile restoration programs were conditional on the response to the prior referendum question. A YES response to the 2-mile or 4-mile restoration referendum questions led to a higher bid amount for the subsequent program, whereas a NO response led to an identical bid amount for the subsequent program. All respondents were presented with bids for each of the four programs. The initial bids were randomly selected from the amounts $1, $5, $10, $50 or $75. Bid amounts for the 6-mile restora- tion program ranged from $1 (resulting from a string of prior NO responses) to $500 (resulting from a string of prior YES responses). The valuation questions asked the respondent to consider a vote to approve or reject specific man- T.P. Holmes et al. /Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 Table 2 statistics for Macon County, North Carolina. '?y Data source Median Median Age Males per Bachelor's degree Property along income ($) (years) 100 females or higher (00/0) LTR (%) Sample 45,000 47 82 72 52 2000 Census 28,696 45.2 92.1 13.2 15' 'Based on the estimated number of households within 200 in of the LTR and its major tributaries using aerial photographs available at "terrasewer-usa.com" and data on building density bi the LTR Basin (Wear and Bolstad 1998). agement programs for the Little Tennessee River watershed. The management program would be one of the alternative riparian ecosystem programs shown in Table 1. The scenarios stated that if the respondent agreed to support the program, payment would be collected through an increase in the local (county) sales tax that would be implemented over a 10-year period. It was also stated that a resto- ration program would be implemented only if a majority of county residents voted in favor of it. Finally, respondents were asked to consider their current expenses before answering the referendum questions. 7. Citizen focus groups and valuation panels Four focus group sessions were conducted in the study area to facilitate the development of the com- puterized survey instrument.8 Two major concerns with the survey instrument emerged from the citizen focus group sessions. First, some people found it difficult to distinguish between the different programs, and recommended presenting a matrix showing the level of ecosystem services provided by each pro- gram. This structure, which facilitates a comparison of the ecosystem services across programs, was devel- oped and used in the final survey (Table 1).9 In addition, in order to familiarize respondents with the different. programs, people were asked to rate, on a 1 ' The 10-year time frame was established based on the assumption that, once restoration activities were implemented, the flow of enhanced ecosystem services would continue unimpaired for 10 years. S Focus group participants were provided with a $25 incentive for their time. 9 For each WTP question, respondents were shown the level of ecosystem services associated with the status quo and with the restoration program they were voting on. to 7 scale, each of the programs prior to being asked the WTP questions.to A second concern expressed in the focus groups was the construct of our payment vehicle. Initially, we included State income tax as the payment vehicle. After concern was expressed by focus group partic- ipants that State taxes should not be increased to support a local initiative, we altered our payment vehicle to represent an increase in the local sales tax," It. was noted that the county had recently passed an increase in the sales tax and that some people were reluctant to vote for further tax increases. The citizen valuation panel was a non-probability sample made up of recruits from local civic organ- izations. Although we did not use a formal "quota" sample, where quotas are defined over specific socio- economic variables, an attempt was made to recruit a diverse set of citizens to make up the panel. 12 Then, once the valuation function was estimated, population values for stratification categories such age, gender, and income were inserted in the valuation function to predict WTP for the local population. Each individual who participated in the final survey received a $40 incentive payment. The sur- vey panels were held in the study area using 10 Mean values for the desirability ratings for programs I through 4 were 3.07, 4.01, 4.82 and 5. 715, respectively. These values increase monotonically, indicating that people were sensitive to the level of ecosystem services provided by each program. 11 In the southern U.S. where the study area is located, local sales taxes must be approved in a public referendum and are a common and familiar means of financing local public goods and services. 12 Harrison and Lesley (1996) state "If the goal ofthe sampling exercise is indeed to generate a good valuation function for the purpose of predicting population responses, then it does not follow that probability sampling is the best thing to do. Instead, one should try to ensure sample variation in all of the explanatory variables that will be used to predict the population mean, even if this means generating a greater number of responses for certain stratification categories than is found in the population" (p. 83). 26 T.P. Holmes et al. / Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 computer labs at Franklin High School and South- western College. Ninety-six people completed the computerized interviews (this represents about. 0.7% of the households nn the County). A comparison of socio-economic characteristics of the sample and the County (based on the 2000 Census) showed that the income and education of the sample were higher than the values for the population (Table 2). This result is not uncommon for probability samples. It was found that the age and gender characteristics of our sample were quite close to the population values. Finally, our sample included a larger propor- tion of people who owned property along the LTR than occurs in the general population. 8. Statistical analysis Binary responses to the referendum questions were analyzed using a random utility model. For each of the different programs shown in Table 1, respondents (i) were asked if they would vote to support the LTR watershed program at the stated bid amount. The probability of voting YES can be expressed as Pr[v(zJ, v - tj) + sysv(zY) + sio] (1) where 0 is the normal cumulative distribution func- tion, it is the parameter estimate on the log-bid amount and a is either the estimated constant (if no other explanatory variables are included in the equa- tion) or the "grand" constant, which is computed as the sum of the estimated constant plus the product of the other explanatory variables times their mean values. Hanemann (1984) advocated the use of median WIT as a measure of economic welfare. While the mean WTP has been shown to be very sensitive to small changes in the right tail of the WTP distribution, the median is much more robust to these effects. 13 in addition, median WTP indicates the amount at which 50% of the sample would vote for a particular referendum. This is in keeping with our survey structure, where we reminded people that the condi- tions of a referendum would only take effect if at least one-half of the population voted in favor of it. Consequently, we use the median as a conservative estimate of WTP. As shown by Hanemann and Kan- ninen (1999) median WTP can be computed from the parameter estimates in Eq (3): WTPmedian = exp (4) where v is indirect utility, j is a vector of ecosystem services for program j, z° is a vector of ecosystem services for the status quo, y is income, tj is the tax payment for program j ands is a random error term. Eq. (1) can be re-written as: Pr[.w>_a,o - ey] = Pr[w>q]. (2) If it is assumed that it is normally distributed, Eq. (2) can be estimated using a probit model. It is popular in the valuation literature to specify the WTP function as lognormally distributed. Similar to Bishop and Heberlein (1979), we used a logarith- mic transformation of the bid amount in our statistical model. This model, which constrains WTP to be non- negative, can be shown to provide a utility-theoretic estimate of WTP (Hanemann and Kanninen 1999). If the random component of utility e is randomly dis- tributed, and if n and WTP are lognormal, then the probability of a YES vote is Pr[vote yes] = 0(a - yln(bid)) (3) By including socio-economic characteristics in the model specification, WTP values for the sample can be estimated using sample means to compute the grand constant a in Eq. (4). Alternatively, WTP values for the population can be estimated by computing the grand mean using population values. Ecosystem services may be a non-linear function of the scale of restoration activities (A/11LES). Thus, in order to estimate the response of WTP to changes in restoration scale, a quadratic form was used (MILES 2). Once the response surface is estimated, WTP for varying degrees of restoration can be computed. This is accomplished by adj ustnng the term representing the product of the parameter estimates on MILES and " One concern in dichotomous choice CV studies has been the presence of "fat tails" in the WTP distribution. This effect might be due to the propensity for some respondents to answer YES to a. IA'TP question irrespective of the price. The identification of yea- saying in dichotomous choice CV typically relies on split-samples (Holmes and Kramer 1995. Use of median, rather than mean, WTP acts to obviate this potential problem. T.P. Holmes et al. /Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 MILES2 and the number of miles restored in the computation of the grand constant. The iterative sequence of valuation questions used in our survey design suggested the use of a panel model to conduct the analysis. In particular, an error- components model was used to control for individual effects that might persist across iterations of the experiment and which contribute to the overall vari- ance in responses. to an error-components model, the error term is comprised of a permanent component a; that captures idiosyncratic behavior of the individual i, and a transitory random shock vij (llsiao 1986): s? = as + V# (5) The idea behind Eq. (5) is that two identical individuals may differ systematically in their propen- sity to choose identical policy options due to idiosyn- cratic preferences. If the parameter a is treated as randomly distributed across the population, a random effects model can be estimated (Greene 2000). In this model, an idiosyncratic component in the error term introduces autocorrelation in the responses. The cor- relation coefficient p is equal to the ratio of the variance of the permanent component to overall variance: 0?2 6) P _ v2" + ffa where, n1 dichotomous choice models, it is typically assumed that o2, = 1. Thus, the value of p increases as the variance of the idiosyncratic component increases relative to the variance of the random component. 9. Statistical results Standard and random effects versions of the statis- tical model were estimated (Table 3). A likelihood ratio test showed that the random effects model was statistically superior to the standard probit model (X2 statistic= 58.41, significant at > 0.01 level). The correlation coefficient (p) in the random effects model was significantly different than zero at greater than the 0.01 level and the magnitude of p suggests that preferences among respondents were heterogeneous after controlling for the effects of the explanatory variables. 27 Table 3 Parameter estimates from simple and random effects probit models of willingness to pay for local riparian restoration Variables Standard probit Random effects probit Constant - 1982 (1.444) -3.135 (3.774) In(Bid) -0.199*** (0.054) -0.539*** (0.150) MILES -0.283*** (0.107) -0.454*** (0.171) MILESZ 0.060*** (0.017) 0.098*** (0.027) In(Income) 0.178 (0.124) 0.322 (0.324) Female 0.077 (0.149) 0.031 (0.395) Age 0.011 * (0.006) 0.021 (0.016) College 0.402** 0.624 (0.482) Property -0.591*** (0.145) - 1.063*** (0385) P - 0.641 *** (0.087) log Likelihood -229.396 -200.192 McFadden R' 0.11 0.22 Observations 384 384 Standard errors in parentheses. * Significance at the 0.10 level. **Significance at the 0.05 level. ***Significance at the 0.01 level The sales tax parameter In(BID) was negative and significant at the 0.01 level in both regression models. As anticipated, an increase in the sales tax amount decreased the probability of voting YES for riparian restoration. In the standard probit model, whether or not the respondent had a COLLEGE degree was positive and significant at the 0.02 level, AGE of the respondent was positive and significant at the 0.07 level, and log(INCOME) was positive and significant at the 0.15 level in explaining variation in the refer- enda votes. The statistical significance of these vari- ables decreased in the random effects model. The parameter estimate on the variable indicating whether or not respondents owned PROPERTY along the LTR or its tributaries was negative and significant at the 0.01 level in both model specifi- cations. This result may reflect actual or anticipated expenditures for riparian restoration by people living along the LTR or its tributaries, or opportunity costs associated with land use restrictions in riparian buffers. Because restoration costs accrue to people participating in restoration programs, their WTP for new programs via higher sales taxes would presum- ably be less than WTP by people not facing those expenditures. The scale of restoration, as measured by linear and quadratic terms describing MILES of restora- tion, was found to be statistically significant at the 28 T.P. Holmes et al. / Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 0.01 level in both regression models. The WTP response surface, as a function of the scale of restoration, was therefore non-linear (Table 4). Respondents to our survey demonstrated a positive WTP amount for the implementation of Best Man- agement Practices along tributaries to the LTR. A downward shift in WTP was observed for the program that would restore 2 additional miles of river (in addition to the BIVIP program). This finding is consistent with comments in the focus groups of some people who declared they favored total resto- ration of the watershed and disliked the idea of piecemeal, partial restoration. A small marginal increase in benefits was observed for the 4 mile restoration program. Notably, a very large increase in marginal benefits was observed for the 6-mile (total) restoration program, and suggests that riparian restoration projects are super-additive in valuation. 14 Table 4 Annual economic benefits (median WTP), calculated at sample and population means, for riparian restoration in the Little Tennessee River watershed I4lodel used Partial Partial Partial Full for calculation" program program program program benefit (BMP (BMP+2 (BMP+4 (BMP+6 category only) [$J miles) [$1 miles) [$] miles) [$J Probst Per household 5.66 1.09 2.30 53.76 benefits, sample means Per household 3.62 0.69 1.47 34.34 benefits, population means County benefits, 72,608 13,954 29,551 689,652 sample means County benefits, 46,375 8912 18,875 440,486 population means 10. Comparing benefits and costs of riparian ecosystem restoration Annual median WTP values were estimated using the values for the socio-economic variables comput- ed fiom our sample and using the population values for Macon County as reported in the 2000 Census (Table 4). In both statistical models, WTP values estimated using Census data were less than WTP values estimated using sample means. Population adjusted valuation functions derived from the statis- tically superior random effects model were used to compare ecosystem restoration benefits and costs. Using the estimates reported in Table 4, present values for a 10-year stream of annual benefits were 14 The proportions of people voting for programs I through 4 were 0.28, 0.34, 0.28, and 0.55, respectively. Note that the proportion of people voting for the 6-mile restoration program (0.55) was nearly double the proportion voting for the 4-mile restoration program (0.28). If benefits were linear in the level of ecosystem services, WTP should double between the 4-mile and 6- mile programs (see footnote 5) However, as is shown in (Table 4), per household WTP more than doubles-a result that is consistent with super-additivity. For example, household WTP computed using the statistically superior random effe is probit model, and using population (rather than sample) means, increases from $4.42 to $27.26-approximately a 6-fold increase. Thus, WTP is super- additive in both miles of restoration and in ecosystem services. Random effects probit Per household 8.97 3.48 5.73 40.89 benefits, sample means Per household 6.91 2.68 4.42 27.26 benefits, population means County benefits, 115,092 44,672 73,539 524,559 sample means County benefits, 88,659 34,412 56,649 349,705 population means computed." The present value of public benefits generated by full restoration (BMPs plus 6 miles of riparian restoration) was estimated to be $2,835,373. This is equivalent to benefits of $89.50/ft ($472,560/ mile) of restoration, or a benefit./cost ratio of 15.65 (recall that the public cost associated with a repre- sentative mix of activities was estimated to be $5.72/ ft). The present value of benefits generated by BMPs plus 2 miles (or 4 miles) of restoration was estimat- ed to be $243,732 (or $401,645). This translates into benefits of $23.08/ft of restoration (or $19.02/ft of " Recall that people were asked to vote on programs that would increase local sales tax by a given amount for the next 10 years. The discount rate used in the calculations was 0.05. T.P. Holmes et al. /Ecological Economics 49 (2004) 19-30 restoration), leading to benefit/cost ratios of 4.03 and 3.33, respectively. The range of benefiticost ratios in our study, 3.33-15.65, spans the estimate of 5.22 reported by Loomis et al. (2000) for restoring a 45-mile section of the Platte River. Although the household benefits of restoring the Platte River ($252/household/year) were larger than the household benefits of restoring the Little Tennessee River, the household benefits per mile were quite similar ($5.604household/mile for Platte River restoration vs. $4.54,-'household/mile for full restoration of the LTR). The relatively high benefit/cost ratio estimated for fall restoration of the LTR relative to the Platte River, therefore, appears to be due to the fact that the public share of restoration costs per mile were considerably lower for the LTR ($30,202/mile) relative to the Platte River ($298,4441/mile). 16 11. Conclusions Scale is an important factor in conducting benefit/ cost analyses of ecosystem restoration projects. In this study, respondents were willing to pay a premium for total restoration of the LTR ecosystem relative to more modest restoration levels, and the benefits of ecosys- tem restoration were super-additive in the sense that the value of total restoration was greater than the sure of benefits measured for partial restoration programs. In turn, this result showed a strong preference for programs that fully restored the level of ecosystem services. Of particular interest, it was found that the benefits of partial restoration projects exceeded their costs. Thus, the philosophy held by some stream ecologists that partial restoration should proceed with available funds even if fanding is not available for total restoration proved to be economically feasible in this case. This result is partially due to the relatively low costs associated with ecosystem restoration in this watershed. Future research on the economics of ecosystem restoration is clearly needed. Among the greatest " The major restoration cost on the Platte River was the potential purchase of conservation reserve program farmland easements. 29 challenges facing ecological economists is the ability to discern and articulate the linkages between ecosys- tem science and the things that people value. In this study, a carefully developed characterization of a set of ecosystem services was developed, and ecosystem services were linked with the scale of restoration. Although this procedure facilitated the survey respondents' understanding of the issues, much remains to be done to improve methods for commu- nicating complex ecological dynamics in the context of economic valuation studies. Although the results here showed that respondents were sensitive to the (internal) scale of ecosystem restoration in a sequence of valuation questions, more rigorous (external) scale tests could be conducted by eliciting and comparing WTP values for different subsets of respondents faced with restoration choices at different spatial scales. In addition, it would be useful to investigate how WTP is affected by the number of restoration programs. Because the research reported here was based on restoration projects for a single watershed, it is not clear how the value of restoring a particular watershed might, be influenced by the restoration of other ecosystems. It is possible that different ecosystems are valued as complements or substitutes, although very little is known about value interactions in ecosystem studies. 17 Finally, human populations living in many differ- ent and diverse watersheds may benefit from riparian restoration activities. Future research needs to be conducted to discern within which watershed restora- tion activities could be justified using a benefit/cost criterion and what scale of restoration provides the greatest net social benefits. Acknowledgements This research was made possible by joint funds provided by the US Environmental Protection Agen- cy; the USDA Forest Service Southern Appalachian Ecosystem Management Project, and the Georgia Agricultural Experiinent Station. The authors would like to acknowledge the support and advice provided " For example, Hailu et al. 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