HomeMy WebLinkAbout_Well Construction - GW1_20230327 (26) SWELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal tlscpNLY: -- This form cut be ttscil COT single or multiple wells l /' %% L .Contractor Information: \ <\�� :`1 .w.a:FEREDNES . • Stefan Smith \ tows]. to DESCRIPTION wen ContractorN:trna ft. ft. 3576-A ft, ft NC Well Cormae tor certification Narita: 15.MUTER CASiNG(for iiirittt-crve8lselisiOR LINER'(if nn itka6kl+. - . FROM 1 m . DIAMETER TRICIOIESS MATERIAL. SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 17 fL 2" , In. SCH-40 PVC ComputyNantc 16:INNER.CASiNGORTt2®ING:4 riaiherttt:trrtnki1-bill% - _. FROM TO • DIAMETER TUICrKNESS MATERiAL 2.Wdt Construction Permit#: ft, ft.• ' Pdn ort gtp2fci:Pik IMP}trrmLts(i_e.Cnuiuv,Shoe,t'iir(air ,Inject*e1s7 i . 3.Wsll lisp(cheel:wdl trsc): . 17:SCREEN Water Supply Well:• -, 11W'I It) altstsTI:R SLOT SUE 'IMICNNrss I \L%TERtAl. InAgticulttttal ElMtiuicipahrublic 7 It. 17 ft. 2" 010 SCH-40 PVC l�Geothemlal tllcatinglCoolingStipply) llResidential•Water Supply(single) It. It: it!, IIIttdustriaL'Coutnten ial DResideutnd W'stee Supply(sh red) ttt• GROUT . _...,-.c FROM • •TO. • MATERIAL C'MPLACEMEIT.NirnionRANIOt1NT ❑/cripation • . . 0 ft- 3 fL Portland Pour Nqu-Wa ter Supply WPM ft. tl: . 5d11'lonitoring flt canary _ , injection Well: ft, ft. CI%quifcr Recharge . . AGroutidil ticr Reniediation •19::S ND;(.RAVLL PACk(il applteatcl' ._ - :- - -- 'FROM •7I} - dfAttur..i •R\INLACEMENTMITgOn • ❑Agtiifcr:Stotagc and Recovery I:Salinity Barrier 5 R. 17 ft. FILTER SAND #2 . ❑AgnifcrTest ❑Slorrrw tcrl}n(inagc .(t. ft, ❑etpertnicntal Technology • IJSuhsidencc.C_ontrol , ,20.DRILLING LOG'iallacli addilionalSlicers'if neeessnrti'l• • • DGetltznnal(ClosedLuup} LITracer FROM• - TO - DESCRIPTION tcntanbaronies,statoic4ivtx.vatic*ism.cle.l ❑Geotltentiat 1IeatinuCoolitlgReturn! ❑Outer(explain underi2I Retuaties) .ft., ft, -It.. fL 4.Date.Well(s)Completed: 3/1/23 Well iD#MW-5 ft. it 5a.%►tell1.11cation: fL ft, tt`` -r 21„- ? i' s_ s Former White Star Laundry ft.- ft, Facitity,tlivi cr.Nmnc • Facility IDk(9Eapph.able), R ft. MAR-2-72023 610 Lakeland St., Durham, NC, 27701' ' It. it, s • Pltysical.Addicss.City-anitZip ,21 REMARKS ' •. •• a+:. " ,. .:�.ll:;: • Durham Bentonite seal from 3-5-' �" f� Conuty Patrc]Id;uilitteatloir No.(PIN) 51i,Latitude'and I,ougitittle in(legrccs/minutcslscconds nr dccimul degrees: 22,Certiticatirtn: Orwell tt 1r1,pta IuU7istia ig tcilicictil) c� p N �V -✓ ,,..i�.?:'�"`t'iUzj/ _ 3/16/2023 Sieait Ce.lied Well Contactor Datc 6.is Ore)the"well(s): 27Permanent or ❑Temporary 6r xgsting this fgim,.I hereby cerlifv char the well(.0 rsrtr(µmil anz.?.1nrcierl Itr aceorehrnce with 15 t NC4C 02C,0100 or 151 NCCtC 02C:41201)11 Well Conatrr crinn Sr.:Ma s crrtd Ow a 7.Ls this a repair-tie a>i ctistigptivelli i7Vui or t;IN0 c'rijn ofthic teethe hrts'hem 1.;;raided rr.'i'he%veil mr,irv, if rhts:I.a%%)only./IIN ow keens*ell con nuelloo informal-On mill(..ipkrhi the ware of the repair ratrlet 021 rivncrla siLl'tiun or vn the back:of that forme. 23:Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page ii proc'ide addiiioual well site,details:or Welt S.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You Mac alsti-attach additional pages if iiecess ny. For ritttlriple Irfeerlwt or oon-rrnrer supply wells ONLY MIA Thtt.stntte eturstriiiliwt,you cant sth,nitone fprm. .SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total Well depth betoir land airfare: 17 (ft.). 24a..For Alt Wells: Submit this fonn within 3u days of cdmptefion'of welt For nruhiple''wells list all depths if dlf reitr ieraa,plc-.;64':00'atut.:@ 100 con5tnictien to Ilia Mooing: • W.Static:water le'.el below top of easing: . (ft) Dil'isiun of Water Resources,lnformgtipn Piucessing Unit, 'limo:et Iei'el is above&stag,ime"+" 1617 Mafl.Seri•iec Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ' 11„Borehole diameter 4" - . (in.) 24b.For ftntiglllstn{Wills ONLY: In addition to'sending the fomrto the address in 24aabove, also submit a copy of this faint within 30 days of cou]pletiou of well. 12.Well consttvetion method:Air Rotary cot:stmcliott to the followine:• (i.e.aura_rofaly.cable,'direct posh etci( . . . Division of Wiater.Reyourccs,Undetgrouied Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 i c3a,•Vicld( fm) • ltictltod of test: 24e.For Water Su uplr St.[ejection Wells:. • Also submit one copy of this faint within 0.day of completion of 13h.Disinfection ty die: Amount well constmetion to the county health''department of the coimly where constnuted. I Form GW-L tlonit Carolina Department of Eneltatui}_tn and Natural Resources-Division of Water Re'atres Revised August 2.013 1