HomeMy WebLinkAbout_Well Construction - GW1_20230320 (52) " W: I111 CONSTRUCTION REC():Rll 'this fonu can he used for single or multiple wells For IntcrilO Use ONLY: I.Well Contractor Information: Mitchell Dean Cook �4 1YALfFRIQNEb _ 71 pF:SCRIP'ITON Well Contractor Nnmr, - — 2043 A ft. IV ft. t ft r ft NC Well Coutraotor Cetlifivarion Number IS QU7.NR(+AtiT7y(i(firm "wctls_ ()12;IdNE ,(rto''icablc � FROM Dennis Holland Well Drilling Tn DiAMFTF.R TFI KN MAThRIAI , Inc. IC ESB --- ft. CompanyNaluc � i d ....rt �-S �i. to S,0R-- 1 �fJG Iti:.li`fNiv'R(iASi1V.('r(5R'C(JBING erithorrnaTclo3ed too 2.Well Construction Permit#:_p Q FRom nIAMF:THR 'rF3tcftivEss MArF,RIAL - list all applicable well prrn+irs(i.e.County,Slare, Variance,Injection,etc) ft 3.Well Use(check well use): ft in. Water Supply77 FROM _T 90 DIAM FTFR _S[OT S17F 1-fiICKN FSS MAT7:RIAL— IaApriculhlral f. micipaf/P(lblic ft. -ft. in. -- _ _ ._ _._.__ -.__.._.._. fJC3eothrrmal(Iieating/Coolirlg Supply) OResidential Water-Supply(single) ft• ft. in. 1:31n(lustrial/Cominercial CJResidential Watcr Su 1)I 18 GR(2t17 f i I Y(SharC(1) FROM, tKATEHIALT _F,MPI ACFMF._NTMETHOD�&AMOUNT [11rr1�2_1T11 _.._ ..,.... Non-Water Supply C:hl9onitoring - t fr~ - In. I r CJRecovcrY a bG�'Lx Zc��L�Zt� J- •�2 In jertion Well: ft (.]Aquifer Recharge 00roundwater Rrmcdiation 19 SAry�/Cy1tAVFI ICAGKi i(•e i llcatile' _ C1AquiferSiorageandRecove FROM _ TO _ MArFR FMPLACIENINTMEC 1Al TIIOD rY L1Salulily Barrier fL_ - OAquifer'fest C')Stornlwater Drainage; OFxperinlental'hcchnolo, R, 6Y [:)Subsidence Control (:1Gcotlrennal(Closed 1.00 :.20bRtl f31N(r,I nC (attach gd.d!(ronl+sti'ecfsif nicesserY) „_ ,. p) (.J'I•racer FROM _ TO— __I)FSCRIPPlON_(colorthardaess�saiUrocki�e�rainetaelctr�R, (.]Geothermal(lieath LCOOling Return) (:']Other-(explain tuuler 921 Remarks) rt. rr. 4.Date Well(s)Completed:Q3a- 3-,2.� Well 1PH ) ___- ___T_..-._____ _..-•--. �-.. .� _ _ ...,-_ Sn.Well Location; _.-____ ft. _ ft.^ _ ft Facility/Owner Name Facility IDH(ifopplicable) if i •+t s -1 + �tir i Physical Address,City,and'Lip — '21 HEMA�RK County Parcel klcntitivnlinmNo.(PfN) .b.latitude and Longitude In degrees/minutes/.secouds or decimal degrees: (if well ficid,one Intllong is suffir.icnt) 22,Certification: 35'� N Signature.uf`CerliGcd Well Con(rnctor Date 6.Is(are.)the well(s):,WK.i•mauenl or r.]1,cmporary - 0y signing thisform, 1 hereby reel fy that the well(,)was(wrrc)constructed in ncca•dnncr. with I SA N(:AC 02C.0100 ur 13A NC-AC 02C.02.00 well Cnncaucrion Stnndnrrls and rhol o 7.is this a repair to an existing well: L')Ycs or i&WPo copy nJ'ibis record hos been provided to the well owner. //this is a repair,fill out kilo",well canslnrclioa it jorinntiat and explain the nature of the. repair under p21 renmrks section or on the hack of this form, 23.Site diagralt)or a(ldilioual well details: You may use the.back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: consi action details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple htjection or non_water.supply sveNs ONL Y widi die scone construction,you can submit one form. SuI3M1'ri-AL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below Ina(]surface: �a _- (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this tbnn within 30 (lays of completion of well For rtndrlple wells lire all depths ifdifferunl(example-.3@)200'and 2(a,100') construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: (f(,) Division of Water Re.sourcey,Information Processing Unit, 1/warer level is above rasing,use."r" 1617 Mail Service.Center,Raleigh,N(:.'27699-1617 11.l3orehnlc.dianie.tcr: 24b, For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in �Otaly 7.4a above, also submit a copy of this fonn within 30 Gays of completion of well 12.WCI1 coils trucNon method: constructiim to the following: (i.c.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc..) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY W1e1,IS ONI.,Y: — -�-� 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 1:38.Yield >m QQD r Air lift 24c,For Water Supjlly&Ltjectiou Wells: (P,1 )._...__.�J.........._..___.____. Method of test: "�— H & f i Also submit one copy of this form within 30 (laysofcompletion of 13b.Disinfection type:. Amouut:, 2 QL. well construction to the county health department of the county where I:01131 Gw-I North(..arolum Department of l3uvifuument and Naural Rcsourees_Division of Waier Resources Revised Augur(200 46 r l c�2 T Macon County NEW WELL CONSTRUCTION .' Public Health CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION PRIVATE DRINKING WATER WELL , eir w �o • • of z�- 1p t • (oS&S 't3 qO Z c Wdl shall be conshucted,ln,comPlianoe-with all ..CAC 2C Rules: Mahiul!n agnimtirri'sededcs as applicabte. ' Diagram(Not to Scale) W'c�t - pt, o See 7'j It 1 r 1 1 \- (- ,of fh►!rlirls except tiW k_asy be ne+abee as arty time U It is ddemd+xd that aa7e`tas been matcrHl charge in any tact or �; [ t0i t tThf.�soada�ri,fstl�rtfail,and p la►A*meet Sate repf6atlonS.The vrd stwu be Inspected and approved by HaM County ' x„tAraufl ►i>Fnfi'w�r id atad ty MCO"is to van from possbe sources or cwumtnaw�, flow vduma v a is Nor 1 :n t E;'I1I -POWER CS GMNTF�0THE WELL IS PIACEf3 Ifl[i O' - f �� FJf�IP I ALLATION. QUESTIONS!(828)349-249,,0 i at i v : s n tr Mz �If�1rYr7N�qat!AQwt f �i