HomeMy WebLinkAbout_Well Construction - GW1_20230315 (45) WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lutsrnal Use ONLY: This loon can be mcd for single or multipk wells ➢.Wcli Contractor Information-. 'ta.iNrATER ZONES Brian Ewing 6310111 TO DFicol Tiox %'WlCrnrtrrclorName R. ft" 4240-B ft. ft. NC Mil ComractorCenificationNurbcr IS.OUTER CASiNG(roe:stunt-aasednc[Isi ORLiNER(ff:a' fleabk F11051 TO PLAMF.Ir" TtnCK 11 ' MATEnrAL SAEDACCO Inc f4 fL I in, CauTmLy Name MANNER CASING OR TfIBING 4miltermat closed-loon).z ' - FnO.rr I To I DME•CER• TnICKINESs MATEIUAL 2,Well Construction Permit#: WI0501112 ft, ft, n� list ull aliplirable wrli pmWis 0-r.Cmmry.Starr.,Variarrca IrferDC4 eir..) R. ft. ira 3.Welt Use(Check well use): 17:Sc tt>;EN Water Supply Welk — - Fnoat HY n TO M.TFR SLOTS Tn1C10M I MATRMAI, ❑Agtfcultutal t MimicipaUPublic ft' i1' in Micotltenna'rl(EIcatinglCooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) fL IL tn. ❑liidustriaUConultcicial ❑Residential Water Supply.(shated) tn:GROtrr FRom TO HATEREAL EMPIACE.NMT HEMIOD&Ah1OUNT ❑his ntiall ft. fL Non-Water Supply Well: CIMQDit0ring aRecovcry ft. Injection Well: rL ft. OAqu}ferRcchatge 17Gioupda;ticrRcnicdiation MSANDIGRAVEL PACK(if uirlivabte)'' 6'n0\r TO MATHRIA1. R51PJAC MENTHETHOn OA(jnifcr Storage and Recarcr}� ❑Salinity barrier ❑AquifcrTcst OSlormwatcrMlinaoo R. ft. OiNperfmcnial Technology ❑Subsidence Control 10iDRILLiNGLOG(ansch sdditionalifiects if Accessary ❑Geother m l(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO 11MCRIMON(ivbr.hardncn willnrtk type,grOti sir t(t m OGeolhennal(fiealiiiglCuollne Retunr} ®Outer(explain under 421 Retuaft) h' ft. ft. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Cdnrpletcd: 2-23-23 `ellID#IP-35-44 Sd,Well Lllcirthln: fL ft. u - 9 - Former Grocery Boy Jr #5 fL ft. MARrJ Faclity)OwncrNante FddIity}Dk(ifappli:able) R. ft. -� - r,_:•; 602 W. Chatham St., Cary, NC,, -27511 Physical Address.City.and zip 21.REMARKS Wake DPT, injection through bentonite packed 6 Cauu1) ParvOldenliCi lf.IonNo.(PIN) boring' Sb.Latilude and 1.ongitudc in dcgrecs/minuteslseconds or decimal degrees:it 22.CertifiruNgn: (irr,en few,ory 1;ttrlpug 5rdt7ekrrq N W Rr''a11 win 3f2,2023 5i;mtun:of Ccrtilicd Well Contractor Daic 6.Is(MI)the-tit'eIIQs): rVermatteut or ETculporary 1h•aigning Ah form,1 hereby certify that Me ngBfs•/%vs fnvnl constrockd fit t romance with ISA iMIC 02C,01011 or 15+t NCAC 02C,OIOD Hell C6irsrr7icrlon Srarp-Yards cord 0 nr J 7.Lti this a repair to an exixtingwtil: Elves or EMP ccppofrhlr rervO has teen pwridi-d mike uyll mriter, f/rlrfs 1%o repnlr,fill MirAvoirn rreif coiwnrrrlon brforawr:ox and rxpiahr Me narure of nce relmir amlrr 021 remarks s ohm or cvi Me bark of Airs form. 23.Site dingrant or additional well details: You ntay use the bac6 of this page to provide additional%veil site details or Weil S.Nunsberof Tells constructed: 10 consttuction details. You may also allach additional pages if necessary. For nrulrlple'lajeralon or aon-owrer supply rvells ONLY rrlrh the saime consrriredon,yhn eaa S:i(TJAff nne'arr.7. SUi3NIUM 1,INSTUCMMS ?.Total well depth below land smrfac n 26.25 ((f,) 24:L Far All Wells: Suhinit (his farm within 10 drys of completion of well For smihiple hells list agdeprhs lfdi fermi(exrraip(e-MM'pml Mpy) constriction to 111c foltonia': 10.Static water level below top of casing: 12 (ly,) DiviSiun of Watcr Resources,Information Processing Unit, 11 nwrer level Is above cwslng;use"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,IL•Ilcigh,NC 27699-1617 It.Borehole diameter 2.25" (ta) 2�6.l'nr fiofcetton-Wcfly 141 ONLY: addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abose-also submit a copy of this funn within 30 days'of completion of well 12.`►Yelp construction method: DRIVEN conatuction to the following: (i.e.auger.rotary,cable direct Fasts efc:} Division of Water Resources„Undergr'ound Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY' 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699•I636 [3a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 23e.For.Watcr°Streply&Ipjectlnn Wells: Also submit one copy of this foram within 30 days ofcomplelionof 13h.DisinfeLtion A-pet Amount: w'etl construction to the cormly h6lih department of the county where constructed, Font,GW-t Noolt Carolina Depsilment of Enviroruncrn and Natural Resources-Diviilot,of Water Rasoun6 Revised August_Hil3