HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC231321_FRO Submitted_20230510 ,P �'4 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR A File# r rl LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY 2 Under the conditions set forth • - by LD Fee Review Fee r The New'Hanover County ti i •i 2 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Date Pd Date Pd Engineering Department Applicant or Applicant's Agent:- VRL Builders Group,LLC(Vinson Lutheran) mailing Address:403 Peninsula Drive,Carolina Beach,NC 28428 Telephone Number: 910-279-0145 Fax Number: Disturbance: Email Address: vinson.lutheranegmail.com Total Acres of Land Distu.L bane: 076 AC Purpose of Development: Single Family Home Construction Description of Land Disturbance: Light clearing and grading within the COD Address of Land Disturbance 1363 Tidalwalk Dove Lahtude:34,089510 Longi tndC-77.883670 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Land owner(a)of record: Person or firm(s)financially responsible for the land disturbing activity. If not a North Carolina resident,you MUST have a N.C.agent. Below) Name: Ron&Michelle Robinson Name: Vinson Lutheran _ Address: 1307 Woodfield Ct Address: 403 Peninsula Drive City/State: Wilmington,NC City/State: Carolina Beach.NC Zip Code: 28409 _Zip Code: 28428 Telephone Number: 910-619-2590 Telephone Number: 910-279-0145 Email:mrobinson18@ec.n-com FaxNumber Email yinson.lutheran@gmail.com FaxNumber: Location of deed(s)or instrument(s):County: New Hanover Book: 6148 Page: 139 The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual and by an officer,director,partner,attorney-in- fact, or other person of authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person if not an individual.) I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein. Date: 2/23/2022 Name Vinson Lutheran Title Member Organizer Signature L, Ski � a Notary Public of the County of 1�ti� -..o u-� State of North Carolina,hereby certify that V:( o✓t -K.A-V+-Q__-( a, el appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. Witness my hand and notary seal,this (5-\- day of a GI-N- ,20 s �-- Notary _ _ — _ My commission expires GI- l- L• � � o. SHILOH AUTRY Notary Public, North Carolina i' "-w`'-.R Now Hanover County - i' -/'r My Commission Expires Permission to later on Land I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the Erosion Control Inspector and his agents to enter on the land in . t connection related to this permit application. 1 -Wl .riW '4S - ` - ZoZZ Application Signature and Date PLEASE COMPL fE ALL PORTIONS OF APPLICATION This application must be staled by the notary and accompanied by 4 sets of plans, the fee, calculations, dimensions, temporary and permanent seeding specifications,a maintenance plan for erosion control measures and seed ,and narrative statements as called for by the oxdinmx. The following list specifies the minimum requirements. SETS M ENTg At1T1 EROSION CONTROL PLAN COMPONENTS 1. Name,address of the designer,phone number,fax number and email address. 2. Vicinity map. Addring assigned by County Planning or the City of Wilmington. 3_Copy diktat}for the pmpeaty. 4.Latitude and Larnrinide of Projext. 5. PDF file(on CD). 6. Ihtisting&Proposed topography. 7. Area to be disturbed(shown as construction limits on the plan with a legend. Include off site wink). 8. Proposed site i i nov (structures,roads,parking areas,lots,easements,etc.). 9. Construction Sapience. 10.Temporary sediment control measures(locations,dimensions,details and calculations). 11.Graveled entrance(dimensions and cross section details). 12.Proposed:teem water network(swales,culverts,inlet and outlet struck es,etc.with grades,elevations,details, drainage cakuLtions with velocities)and energy dissipater dimensions. 13.Famines*erosion controls(locations,dim:miens,details and calculations). 14.Permanent&temporary seeding moos(seedbed preparation,soil amendments,seeding rates&schedule). 15.Sediment and erosion control material specifications. 16.Gearaal Dates. 17.Wetlands,C.A.M.A.areas,100-year floodplam,575'HQW,and Conservation Overlay Districts must be shown on the plan if applicable 18.Maintenance plan for all erosion control measures&stabilization methods. 19.Tree protection approval from the City of Wilmington or New Hanover County Pleuming for subdivisions or New Hanover County Zoning for Commercial Projects. NARRATIVE gTATBIIg,m COMPONENTS 1. Name and address of owner and of the financially responsible person,phone number,fax number&email address. 2. Sealed notarized financial responsibility form with a North Carolina agent and individual's namehrignature. 3. Purpose of land disturbing activity. 4. Storm water run off calculations and explanation of the method of determination. 5. Construction sequence and schedule(flow chart if available). 6. Re-vegetation specifications(preparation,seed type and rates;fertilizer,lime and mulch rates and schedule) The New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance requires that all persons disturbing more than one(1)acre of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan and be issued a permit prior to the COnniaanCenann of said land disturbing activity. Before an application package is considered complete,this application must be completed and submtitttd along with the fees,plans,the calculations, dimensions and the narrative to this office. The plans and narrative will be submitted to New Hanover County Soil Conservation Service and State Stormwater.Plans rest be submitted by the applicant to the New Hanover County Planning Department for Conservation Overlay Review and subdivision tree approval. Commercial tree approval requires submittal to New Hanover County Zoning. Projects within the City of Wtbnmgton require City tree approval. Commencement of a land disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sedimentation control pion is a violation of the Act.The Act further states that the application package must be filed a minimum of thirty(30)days prior to the activity and the approving authority ma approve the submitted plan within thirty(30)days of receipt. Paihut of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submittal plan within the thirty(30)day period will be deemed approval of the plan.Additional information may be requested after the 30 day period in order to meet requirements of the ordinance. No activity should proceed on site without the issuance of a land disturbing activity unless the approving authority fails to notify the applicant(usually the engineer) within the 30 day submittal period. If an environments/document is required, the application will be deemed incomplete until the document is available for review by the County. In this case,the applicant Will be notified that the 30 day time limit for a review of the plan shall not begin until a complete environmental document is available for review. Revisions or amendments to existing plans must be submitted for review 15 days prior to any site changes. Until such time as the revision is anninvesi by the County,the land disturbing activity shall not proceed.. / / /= SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION /r/' I certify that this map was drawn under my COASTAL / supervision from an actual survey made under my MARSH 1/2-REeAR0'/ supervision; thot the boundaries not surveyed are indicated as drown from information in deed book / \\ 9 6148 page 139; that the ratio of precision or positional accuracy is 1:10,000; and that this map \ / meets the repuirements of The Standards of \ Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina (21 \ / NCAC 56.1600). \ This 3rd day of ece ber 2021. N/T 1DALNALX \ \ 06 6357 IPG 706 \\���. // 1 / — Joshu M. McKittrick, PLS I WN ��� v 1363 TI18,931DALWALKSQFT 4'DR. x9 NEIGHBOR'S 1 METAL FENCE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA FOR. 1 �� 0.435 ACRES (ENCROACHING) THIS LOT = 3.293t SD. FT. I9 HOUSE = 2102± SO. FT. •cF CONCRETE AREAS = 214± SQ. FT. I 7$4..------. COD CONCRETE DRIVES = 534f SQ. FT. PORCH = 443t SO. FT. J SETBACK) I7-5.3 i •TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED = 0.076 ACRES OR 17 4% OF LOT AREA 2ND FLOOR "�EQUIPMENT 1/2f RxlSEBnAaNc c4 POOL CANTILEVER AREA AREA PORCH / `\.000uuuunn/nqp NEIGHBOR'S C�•�/�!4 4' METAL FENCE `�� / C i / (ENCROACHING) S. 4:;�i F'/��'�. z / PROPOSED _ / 2 STORY WOOD _,_ I / 9� Z WOOD FRAME HOUSE 2;r L-5 08 a;; Z - •Y. 12-3-21�0:r s SUR1E l 2ND FLOOR .� N A C S A DAN0, //,I,� it'iNN `„�� co yp CANTILEVER YARCOS A OAVM NJ cj I 08 6101 PG 1857 h6 I (. � \ WOOD i NJ NEIGHBOR'S s l/i 1 R� �-L� DW V LANDSCAPE AREA0 =LIGHT POLE \ (ENCROACHING) 0 =UTILITY PEDESTAL/VAULT / 0=FIRE HRANT ORWOO) /\ / �5`' Ov =WATER VALVE VQ- t tom y�$ AREA 1 // -60, V7 ` /(\W 4 `�.vA.t�{ COASTAL WOODDRIVEWAY . / Cr,'C1 �^3S1 FLOOD ZONE NOTE MARSH \ RUNNERS 11 // Q41'' sS ,o- THIS PARCEL IS LOCATED WITHIN FLOOD 1 Q JP `�' ZONE Yi<_1S AS INDICATED ON FEMA ! / .4),R FIRM PANEL NO. _1132_ , MAP NO. 372031329 < WITH AN EFFECTIVE t v DATE OF 8/28/2018. / 1,;2<b O ! .E%2 RNR00 ,` \� NOTE: / SURVEY WAS PERFORMED ON NOVEMBER 16, 2021. N .. ® \ SUBJECT PROPERTY REFERENCED AT DEED BOOK 6148 PAGE 139 AND MAP BOOK 60 i,—,_, ` \ PAGE 253 FOUND AT THE NEW HANOVER i BENCHMARK NAG— \ COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS. g NAIL IN PAW£MENT 1/2"REnART ELEVAn0N-5.85' SURVEY DONE WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TIE UNE \ CERTIFIED TITLE REPORT AND IS SUBJECT TO / S 1978'S7'E 50.00' TO EXITING MAG NAIL ` ANY EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. I THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OF WETLAND PRESERVATION PROPERTY AND DOES NOT CREATE A SUBDIVISION. AREA - MB 60 PG 253 I ,9 ELEVATION SHOWN ARE REFERENCED FROM NAVD-88. I "�—nE uNE N 88'41'36'E 78.33' AREA IS COMPUTED BY COORDINATES. / / TO EXISTING MAC NAIL / " i, / ZONED: R-15 (RESIDENTIAL) / / QQ-1 � ~ / PID#R08200-005-243-000 c*� /.kP 4� 4 / �0I QQ pp F''„4.' // /�O,N ,I roe JU.00 67.34 NGTH '219 LENGTH NH70'34PO4 IWG DE 18 4µ�LE LOT SURVEY/PLOT PLAN Joshua M. McKittrick Date: 12/03/21 1363 TIDALWALK DRIVE Land Surveying, PLLC Scale: 1"=35' TIDALWALK SUBDIVISION Drawn: JUN LOT 415 PH 9 - MB 60 PG 253 809 Windgate Drive- th C Chk: JMM NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Firm No.: 1608 Wilmington. Norarolina (910)231-5339(CELL) 28412 Proj.No: 21899 FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP ZOOKG 0140 rage 13`1 BK: RB 6148 PG: 139-141 NC FEE$26.00 2018018140 RECORDED: 06f11l2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, REAL ESTATE TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY 02:26:21 PM EXTX$836 00 REGISTER OF DEEDS BY:ANDREA CRESWELL ASSISTANT ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $836.00 Tax Parcel ID No. R08200-005-243-000 Verified by County on the day of 20 By: Mail/Box to: Grantee RETURN TO LAW OFFICE OF JEFFREY W.PORTER,P.G. This instrument was prepared by: J. Hayden Harrell, Esq., Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, 550 South Tryon St., Suite 2900, Charlotte, NC 28202-4213 Brief description for the Index: Tidal Walk Subdivision-Lot 415, Phase 9 THIS DEED, made this the (p day of June, 2018, by and between GRANTOR: MREC-TIDAL WALK, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company whose mailing address is c/o Mountain Real Estate Group, LLC, Attn: Arthur Nevid, 11610 North Community House Road, Suite 100, Charlotte, NC 28277 (herein referred to as Grantor) and GRANTEE: RONALD E. ROBINSON and MICHELLE L. ROBINSON, husband and wife whose mailing address is 1307 Woodfield Court, Wilmington, NC 28409. (herein referred to as Grantee) and WITNESSETH: For valuable consideration from Grantee to Grantor,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby gives,grants,bargains,sells and conveys unto Grantee in fee simple,all that certain lot or parcel of land located in Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A, ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 5537, at Page 577. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed^,includes or X does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple US_133758547v1 Submitted electronically by "Law Office of Jeffrey W. Porter, PC" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the New Hanover County Register of Deeds. 13ooK bled rage tvU And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than the following exceptions: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for TidalWalk recorded in Book 5352, Page 1309, and subsequent amendments and supplements thereto, easements, rights-of-way, assessments, liens and encumbrances of record, if any, ad valorem taxes for the current year, prorated to date of closing, and each year subsequent thereto, and any matters that would be shown by an accurate survey of the property. All references to Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include the parties as well as their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. MREC-TIDAL W LK, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By. (SEAL) Print/T ame: Title: VidePresident State of North Carolina (Official/Notarial Seal) County of Mecklenburg I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that he/she signed the foregoing document for the purpos tated herein and in the capacity in.'.- -•: 3CD7`I`CQ.4e.icen = 4 , as - P 'dent • MREC- Rachel M Berg TIDAL WALK, LLC, a Delaware imited lia• company. notary Public Mecklenburg County North Carolina Date e.€4 C..4ab/g M Commission Ex fires tary Public Notary's Printed or Typed Name My Commission Expires: t9a12-ate/ US_133758547v1 ZOOK O1417 Page 141 EXHIBIT A Being all of Lot 415 as shown on that plat entitled "TIDALWALK SUBDIVISION—PHASE 9 WITHIN TIDALWALK SUBDIVISION(MB 53/375) (A PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT)"recorded in Map Book 60,Page 253 of the New Hanover County Registry,reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. 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It '+ ''+ 4 + 1 iiiiiiii .+1 '` P + + i + + + + ++ +•,+• +. +. +• .+ • 1 4. + + � mew }+ + + - +'t t '+ ++, '+, +., '+, +, + +,...,..„---+ i. ��+ + + 1 � \ , •+ + + '+ + ; I/q5k�, -- --- .._{ .1t+ +++tit \ \ t++{+'T+*.+: ++'+ \ $a $YF 1111111 ▪+ -+++�+I+i \ gyp„ \+ +' + +' +' NtkegiSa 4 � ▪'4 + rG4- / 1 K .\ '+. r. - 4 + '+ 'q +, f -\ 1 �v + + `11 •,. 1--— __ + + + + �.1' . F ..__d.. .,_ ' i I 1 I�i c. r 4 + + + / ,� \ 1 ' /; OTY. 7° I o .. ) �A. 0 /hle Q v4 'A \;\ �j 1.+ 0+- v+ i it 2 -.13 If ;: . JENNIFER H. MACNEISH REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER 216 NORTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 Flied For Registration: 02/00/2009 03:43:32 PM Book: PLAT 53 Page: 375-378 Document No.: 2009003944 PLAT 4 PGS $63.00 Recorder: CRESWELL,ANDREA State of North Carolina,County of New Hanover YELLOW PROBATE SHEET IS A VITAL PART OF YOUR RECORDED DOCUMENT. PLEASE RETAIN WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENT AND SUBMIT FOR RE-RECORDING. * 2009003944 * 2009003944 2009003944 fOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS HgµOVER C`O �y'YISrPy BK:53 PG:375-3711 FEE:W83.00 MAP INDEX II qP 1`InnX P\r.'s C P1,r '- e— 1 t 1 r--Vc.-1 11? -- to L ,4;f 1 1-1" — I Li—) 1 c) L-7— 15 "'- ,(Ars1tarN V, fn r c -ce , j nv ef,A--nryz, ' ' , Name Of Map n",cw,Q„ U.1 "n r A-u' _ nun Tr\ k- nc�P , 1 i _C__ Owner's Name Type Of Map: subdivision Plat Condo Plat Highway Map Book: 3 Page(s): 3'2) 3 3 / 2 Number Of Pages: 3 Recorded By: (:)EY-'ic� `1 d Stiv ,/Assistant .ver County,NC DI IUD X t.s ASP, {r Ae + ',-..-.•1363 Tidahva 'all-. ----qr./ to/ ' i c� tE0 m -n.3 1,t , It • s 0 N r r;. 5R y tti • � , sr . `3 _.36ft r 4�gft ft 1� `R r' It b't.5�3 it1.03 t 127.1'•R. 21 03 F41 4�54R ' ._,_._.._,.._._..•:\-,-:"'.--<—/F'rC---- -\''' 1 Fet 1 +-eno,Jer County. NC Nev:Hanove' AR rights reserved // ?Q o Pr7,SC—� G‘rz/1c-11" C C C7 o ( r.1 t �L 7St GO �� 1M S l_