HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030179 Ver 6_Public Comments_20071023 (3)United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 October 17, 2007 Mr. John Dorney 401 Wetlands Certification Unit North Carolina Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Dear Mr. Dorney: o ~~~a~~ a 0 Cj 2 2 2007 UENI'i - WATEf2 ~At.ITY yy~l~lDS AND STORM~A~ H Subject: Public Hearing for Duke Power's Proposed Application for Removal of the Dillsboro Dam in Jackson County, North Carolina The Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality has decided to hold a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing public comments and additional information on Duke Power's proposed Dillsboro Dam (Dam) removal project in Jackson County in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0504. Mr. Mark A. Cantrell of our staff attended a public hearing at the Ramsey Center at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina, on September 25, 2007. Cooperative Stakeholders Settlement Agreements. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has entered into the Tuckasegee Cooperative Stakeholders Settlement Agreement and the Nantahala Cooperative Stakeholders Settlement Agreement. The following comments are intended to be consistent with those settlement agreements. The Dam was originally constructed in 1913 and was enlarged in 1927 to supply power to the Blue Ridge Locust Pin Factory. It was modified in 1958, from a height of 10 feet to its present configuration of 12 feet, and two tainter gates were added. The dam is 310 feet long and impounds approximately 13.9 acres, 0.9 mile along the Tuckasegee River. It is constructed of concrete at a bedrock shelf at river mile 31.7 on the Tuckasegee River in Jackson County, North Carolina. CONCERNS We are concerned about the potential impacts of the demolition on water quality. However, we expect that, with conditions, the demolition and removal of the Dam will have only minor temporary adverse impacts overall. The long-term benefits of the dam removal will result in biological, chemical, and physical improvements to water quality in the Tuckasegee River. Dams should be removed in an informed and responsible manner in order to minimize or eliminate any potential negative impacts (American Rivers 1999). We are concerned about the potential adverse effects of sedimentation during removal. However, we believe the development of a coordinated removal plan can address these concerns. Additionally, we are concerned about the potential for the benefits of the removal to be limited by "add-on" mitigations, such as whitewater boating features, that are not coordinated with the long-term restoration plan. Therefore, we recommend that the focus remain on restoration of riverine habitats for fish and wildlife, with an emphasis on rare aquatic species. Recreation improvements will accrue as a direct result of the dam removal; slight modifications for whitewater boating maybe feasible within the river reach that is currently impounded but should be carefully considered as to their potential impact on the ultimate attainment of the primary goal of the plan. Plans Needed. Additional detailed plans are needed for dam removal, with more work possibly necessary for a detailed deconstruction plan. These include: plans for demolition, sediment removal, revegetation, mussel relocation, and monitoring (of water quality and stream physical monitoring). Duke Power has been working on these plans as part of the requirements of our August 11, 2006, biological opinion (copy enclosed) and by order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Sediment Removal. Additional estimates are needed to quantify how much sediment is unconsolidated and/or erosive and how these sediments could be stabilized (i.e., through stabilization with vegetation and/or structures and phased dam removal). We support sediment removal, via dredging, prior to removal of the dam. We believe that the removal and stabilization of accumulated sediments is critical for minimizing downstream impacts to aquatic resources, including the endangered Applachian elktoe. BENEFITS We are encouraged about the potential to restore a significant reach of the Tuckasegee River by removal of a dam and its impoundment. Further, we are hopeful that the removal will have beneficial effects on the river continuum by removing a barrier that impedes riverine habitats and ecological processes. We want to encourage Duke Power to continue consideration of the concept of dam removal. Dam removal for the purposes of allowing free movement of fishes is not a new idea for the Tuckasegee River. In 1874, Jackson County ordered that dams be breached at least a quarter of the width of the river to allow for the passage offish (Max E. Williams. 1987. History of Jackson County. The Jackson County Historical Association. 674 pp.). In addition, dam removal has grown in popularity and acceptance in recent years across the country (American Rivers, 1999, Dam Removal Success Stories, 114 pp.; American Rivers 2002). Dam removal does present some social challenges, and we are interested in working to provide the best science, careful planning, and forthright comparison of benefits to demonstrate to others the need for this action on the Tuckasegee River. Dams all across the country have been and are in the process of being removed for three primary reasons--environmental, safety, and economic (American Rivers 1999). Most removals involve a combination of all three reasons. We believe the removal of the Dam, if carried out in a protective manner, will result in benefits in each of these three categories. The obvious benefits 2 of the proposed removal of the Dam are environmental and include restoration of the impounded reach (5,000 feet) and the reestablishment of a river continuum. The free movement of aquatic life is a primary objective of dam removal. Habitat Restoration. The impounded reach of the Tuckasegee River is approximately 5,000 feet in length. Current aquatic fauna in this reach include only seven species of fishes, of which two are seasonally introduced (Duke Power 2002). The proposed dam removal would allow for the restoration of lotic conditions to this reach, including repopulation with native riverine aquatic fauna. For comparative purposes, sampling immediately downstream of the Dam yielded 38 fish species, considerably more diverse than the impounded reach (Table 2). Lotic habitats would provide habitat for the native diverse fish fauna, seasonally introduced trout, and numerous aquatic macroinvertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals associated with rivers and riparian areas in western North Carolina. Water quality benefits will include improved levels of dissolved oxygen and natural sediment transport. Table 2. Total number of fish species collected at sampling stations on the Tuckasegee River, upstream of Barkers Creek, during May 2001, July 2001, September 2001, and March 2002. Stations T-1, T-2, and T-3 were downstream of the Dillsboro Dam. Station DR was a sample site in the Dillsboro Reservoir. Stations T-4 and T-5 were on the Tuckasegee River, upstream of the Dillsboro Dam and Reservoir (Duke Power 2002). Sam le Site Total Fish S ecies 32 28 38 11 24 24 Introduced S ecies 4 3 5 3 5 3 Total Native S ecies 28 27 33 8 19 21 Assembla a Resistance Ratio 0.88 0.9 0.87 0.73 0.79 0.88 Assembla a Resilience Ratio 0.76 0.73 0.89 0.22 0.51 0.57 River Continuum. Currently, the Dam impounds the Tuckasegee River at RM 31.7, and the Fontana Reservoir (operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority) impounds the lowermost reach of the Tuckasegee up to RM 11.9. There are 19.8 RMs between these reservoirs. Removal of the Dam (RM 31.7) would allow unimpeded access to an additiona19.5 miles upstream to the Cullowhee Dam (RM 41.2). The Cullowhee Dam currently prevents the upstream movement of aquatic fauna to the next real barriers, 10.7 miles upstream at the Cedar Cliff Dam on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River (RM 51.9) and 11.2 miles upstream at Little Glenville Dam on the West Fork of the Tuckasegee River (RM 2.8 [confluence of East Fork and West Fork is at RM 49.6]). Fish Movements. We believe the proposed removal of the Dam will provide for the natural upstream and downstream passage of aquatic organisms. However, the species-level impairment of the Tuckasegee River has not been clearly described. We plan to further estimate the species and assemblage changes expected as a result of the Dam's removal. Although the habitat is apparently suitable upstream and immediately downstream of the Dam, the Sicklefin redhorse (Moxostoma sp. 1) has not been observed nearer upstream on the Tuckasegee River than the vicinity of the Oconaluftee River. We believe the current distribution of this rare fish in the Tuckasegee River is a result of the Dam impoundment and past pollution events (i.e., Mead Paper Corp discharges at Scotts Creek). According to Max Williams' "History of Jackson County" (1986), early residents of Jackson County fished weirs along the Tuckasegee River; they also recognized the importance of afree-flowing river for fish passage, and state law prohibited the damming of the Tuckasegee River from Forney Creek, 7 miles downstream of Bryson City, to the mouth of Cullowhee Creek. Fish Distribution. The general gradient of the Tuckasegee River is steady and moderate, and there are no apparent natural blockages to fish movements. Water temperature, as a function of elevation and depressed temperature from hypolimnetic discharges at the East Fork and West Fork Projects, probably explains some patterns of distribution of aquatic fauna in the Tuckasegee basin. From recent fish sampling (Duke Power 2002), there is evidence of missing species components of the fish fauna upstream of the Dam (Table 1). Though some of these fish species may be reduced as a function of environmental or geographic changes in stream gradient, temperature, or other habitat parameters, the obvious change in species diversity and composition demonstrates the impairment of upstream movements (Figure 1). The Sicklefin redhorse is noteworthy in this regard. Table 1 also illustrates the paucity offish diversity and abundance within the Dillsboro Reservoir. Mussel Distribution. Freshwater mussels are important components of large streams in the Southeast. Their complex life history generally includes a need for fish hosts for reproduction and early development and for upstream dispersal. The endangered Appalachian elktoe is a mussel known from large streams and rivers of the Little Tennessee and French Broad River basins in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. The species is currently relegated to six small fragmented populations. The population in the Tuckasegee River is unique in its occurrence both upstream and downstream of the Dam. Four of the other populations occur downstream of reservoirs; however, the location of these reservoirs is generally above an elevation and gradient where the species is expected to occur. In the case of the Tuckasegee River, the Appalachian elktoe occurs in two subpopulations, confined by the high-water mark of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Fontana Reservoir (RM 11.9; 1,708 feet mean sea level [msl]) and the Dam and the Dillsboro Reservoir (RM 32.6; 1,990 feet msl), upstream to the vicinity of Cullowhee (RM 41; 2,065 feet msl). The general physical habitat conditions for this species extend upstream to the vicinity of the lowermost dams on the East Fork Tuckasegee River (RM 51.9; 2,170 feet msl) and West Fork Tuckasegee River (RM 2.6; 2,200 feet msl) Projects. The upstream limits of this subpopulation are probably controlled by summer thermal conditions, which are significantly depressed in this reach. But for the depressed thermal characters of the upper Tuckasegee River, there is evidence that the Appalachian elktoe should occur at a similar elevation and watershed size in the Tuckasegee basin as it occurs in other basins. Chiefly, some other aquatic species that occur with the Appalachian elktoe, and which generally follow a similar pattern of upstream limits in western North Carolina, still persist in the Caney Fork, a large tributary to the Tuckasegee River (RM 46.8; 2,110 feet msl). 4 Table 1. Fish species collected by sample station during electrofishing sampling of the Tuckasegee River during 2001 - 2002. Stations T-1, T-2, and T-3 were downstream of the Dillsboro Dam. Station DR was a sample site in the Dillsboro Reservoir. Stations T-4 and TS were on the Tuckasegee River, upstream of the Dillsboro Dam and Reservoir (Duke Power 2002). Station Station Station Station Station Station Common Name Scientific Name T-1 T-2 T-3 DR T-4 T-5 Mountain brook lamprey Ichthyomyzon greeleyi x x x x x *Rainbow trout (wild & stocked) Oncorhynchus mykiss x x x x x x *Brown trout (wild & stocked) Salmo trutta x x x x x x *Brook trout (stocked) Salvelinus fontinalis x x x x x x Central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum x x x x x *Common carp Cyprinus carpio x Warpaint shiner Luxilus coccogenis x x x x x River chub Nocomis micropogon x x x x x x Golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas x Whitetail shiner Cyprinella galacturus x x x x x Tennessee shiner Notropis leuciodus x x x x x Silver shiner Notropis photogenic x x x Mirror shiner Notropis spectrunculus x x x x Telescope shiner Notropis telescopus x x x x Fatlips minnow Phenacobius crassilabrum x x x x x Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus x x Longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae x x x White sucker Catostomus commersoni x x x x Northern hog sucker Hypentelium nigricans x x x x x x Black bullhead Ameiurus melas x Brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus x River redhorse Moxostoma carinatum x x x Black redhorse Moxostoma duquesnei x x x x x x Golden redhorse Moxostoma erythrurum x x x Shorthead redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum x x Rock bass Ambloplites rupestris x x x x x x Redbreast sunfish Lepomis auritus x x x x x Green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus x Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus x x Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui x x x x x x Spotted bass Micropterus punctulatus x Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides x x Greenside darter Etheostoma blennioides x x x x x Greenfin darter Etheostoma chlorobranchium x x x x x Wounded darter Etheostoma vulneratum x x x x x Banded darter Etheostoma zonale x x x x Yellow perch Perca flavescens x Tangerine darter Percina aurantiaca x x x Gilt darter Percina evides x x x x x Olive darter Percina squamata x x Walleye Stizostedion vitreum x Mottled sculpin Cottus bairdi x x x x x Total Fish Species 32 28 38 11 24 24 *Introduced, nonnative species 5 iced Species lative Species 'ish Species 40 35 30 N d '~ 25 a 0 20 d ~ 15 z 10 5 0 Sample Site blage ante blage nce I 0.8 0.7 r.+ 0.6 ~ 0.5 ~ d 0.4 d a 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Figure 1. Fish species diversity and relative degree of stability (resistance and resilience) of fish assemblage to invasion. Recreation. The proposed removal of the Dam would generate a variety of recreational opportunities. Currently, Dillsboro Reservoir conditions are not suited for characteristic river-based recreational activities or for typical reservoir-based activities, such as power boating, water skiing, or fishing for reservoir fishes, since the fish populations are poor and are not diverse. The removal of the Dam and restoration of riverine habitat could provide an additional mile of angling opportunities for native smallmouth bass and rock bass as well as the very popular "delayed-harvest trout fishery," enjoyed just upstream of the impoundment. Although an additional mile of river habitat does not appear to be much of a benefit for fishing, this is a very popular area; with adequate access, it could provide significant opportunities. The removal of the Dam would increase and improve opportunities for whitewater boating by providing a continuous float without portage. ENDANGERED SPECIES We have considered the potential effects of the removal of the Dam on endangered species. In our August 1 1, 2006, biological opinion, we concluded that removal of the Dam would not jeopardize the continued existence of the endangered Appalachian elktoe, nor would it result in adverse modification of designated critical habitat. This conclusion was based on the development of a dam removal plan that would minimize downstream sedimentation. We did 6 T1 T2 T3 DR T4 T5 include terms, conditions, and conservation measures in the biological opinion that were adopted by FERC in its final environmental assessment. SEDIMENT CONTAMINANTS We completed a contaminants study (copy enclosed) that analyzes the potential for the disturbance of contaminants in the reservoir sediments. The site assessment began with a basic literature review of permitted discharges as well as historic land uses and manufacturing in the upper watershed that may have contributed chronic levels of contamination. The review also indicated that the material behind the dam might have low potential to accumulate contaminants from a physical standpoint, being comprised primarily of sand and gravel (rather than silts and clays, which have higher affinity pollutant binding). The sampling and testing results showed that none of the sediment samples from within the reservoir or downstream exceeded the probable effects concentrations, indicating no sediments of obvious concern. Over 80 percent of the sediment samples were also less than the threshold effects concentrations, indicating that they are not likely of toxicological significance. Because none of the samples indicate a toxicological concern, a statistical comparison of sediments within the Dillsboro Reservoir to the samples collected downstream of the Dam was not conducted. CONCLUSION We support the careful removal of the Dam. We agree that there maybe some minor temporary effects during and immediately following demolition activities. However, we believe that the long-term benefits of the removal will, overall, be beneficial to endangered species, fish and wildlife resources, riverine functions, and water quality in general. If you have any questions about these comments, please contact Mr. Mark A. Cantrell at 828/258-3939, Ext. 227. Please refer to our Log Number 07-375 in any future correspondence regarding this matter. Si rely, Brian P. Cole Field Supervisor Enclosures cc: Mr. John Wishon, Relicensing Project Manager, Duke Power - Nantahala Area, 301 NP&L Loop Road, Franklin, NC 28734 Mr. Chris Goudreau, Hydropower Relicensing Coordinator, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, 645 Fish Hatchery Road, Marion, NC 28752-9229 Mr. Tom Walker, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208, Asheville, NC 28801-5006 7 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street August 11, 2006 Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 Dear Ms. Salas: Subject: Biological Opinion of the Effects of New Major Licenses for the East Fork Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2698-033) and West Fork Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2686-032), a Subsequent License for the Bryson Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2601-007), and the Application for License Surrender for the Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2602-007), Jackson and Swain Counties, North Carolina This document transmits the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (FWS) Biological Opinion (Opinion) based on our review of the Biological Assessment (BA) of the effects of the issuance of new major licenses to Duke Power Company, LLC, (Duke Power or Licensee) for the East Fork Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2698-033) and West Fork Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2686-032), a subsequent license for the Bryson Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2601-007), and the application for license surrender for the Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2602-007), Jackson and Swain Counties, North Carolina, on the federally endangered Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) and its critical habitat in accordance with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (ESA). On May 17, 2006, we received a letter from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) requesting concurrence with a determination that relicensing the three Projects and the surrender of the Dillsboro Project license is not likely to adversely affect the federally endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) or Appalachian elktoe. We have reviewed your request for concurrence with your determination of effects to endangered and threatened species and their habitats for the above-referenced license proceedings. The Indiana bat was not located during surveys near the Projects. Therefore, based on the Project descriptions and locations, it appears that no impacts to this species will occur. Consequently, we believe the requirements under section 7 of the ESA are fulfilled with regard to this species. However, obligations under section 7 of the ESA must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered, (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined that may be affected by the identified action. We discussed the potential impacts of the subject Projects with regard to the endangered Appalachian elktoe and its critical habitat with FERC staff following a June 8, 2006, public meeting. Based on that discussion, FERC verbally requested initiation of formal consultation. This Opinion is in reply to that verbal request (acknowledged in the final Environmental Assessment [EA]) and is based on information provided in the May 10, 2006, draft EA and BA; July 14, 2006, final EA; other available literature; personal communications with experts on the federally endangered Appalachian elktoe; site visits; and other sources of information. A complete administrative record of this consultation is on file at our office. CONSULTATION HISTORY March 21, 2000 -First-stage Consultation Packages provided by Duke Power. June 24, 2000 -Letter from Garland Pardue, Field Supervisor, Raleigh Field Office, FWS, to Duke Power recommending that endangered and threatened species surveys be conducted at the appropriate time of the year and to survey for appropriate habitats upstream of the reservoir, in the reservoir, downstream of the reservoir, and on Project land. Letter notified Duke Power that known populations of the federally listed endangered Appalachian elktoe mussel are present in the Dillsboro Project vicinity, that the powerhouse is used as abat-roosting area, and that further surveys should be conducted to identify bat species using the area. July 5, 2000 -Letter from Garland Pardue to FERC providing copies of June 24, 2000, letter to Duke Power. January 19, 2001 -Letter from Brian Cole, Field Supervisor, Asheville Field Office, FWS, to Duke Power discussing proposed resource studies and stipulating that those who will be conducting endangered and threatened species surveys should have appropriate federal and state permits. May 22, 2003 -FWS staff met with Duke Power staff to discuss draft license application. June 22, 2003 -Duke Power filed its Application for Subsequent License for the Dillsboro Project P-2602. September 22, 2003 -Letter from Brian Cole to Magalie Salas, Secretary, FERC, provided a list of endangered, threatened, and rare species. We expressed our concern and notified FERC that the endangered Appalachian elktoe occurs within the Tuckasegee River just below the Dillsboro Project and that the Tuckasegee River is designated as critical habitat 2 for the Appalachian elktoe (an obvious constituent element of this habitat is continuous stream flow). We also advised FERC to contact us to initiate interagency consultation for the endangered species that may be affected by the new licenses for these Projects. January 2004 -The FWS issued its report entitled "Sediment Contaminants at Dillsboro Reservoir: A Site Assessment and Recommendations." Our review of existing data, an on-site assessment, and results of sediment chemistry analyses indicated no significant sediment contamination. March 12, 2004 -Letter from Brian Cole to Magalie Salas providing comments on FERC's Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Assessment and Notice of Scoping Meetings and Soliciting Comments for Bryson Hydroelectric Project No. 2601-007, Swain County; Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project No. 2602-005, Jackson County; Franklin Hydroelectric Project No. 2603-012, Macon County; and Mission Hydroelectric Project No. 2619-012, Clay County, North Carolina. We reiterated our concern for the endangered Appalachian elktoe within the Tuckasegee River just below the Dillsboro Project and that the Tuckasegee River is designated as critical habitat for this species. We also provided copies of the Appalachian Elktoe Recovery Plan. May 28, 2004 -Duke Power filed its Application to Surrender the Dillsboro Project License. March 11, 2005 -The FWS (in letters from Dr. Willie Taylor, Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance, Department of the Interior, to Magalie Salas), stated the following: "The Department believes this project [East Fork and West Fork Projects] may result in both direct and indirect impacts on the endangered Appalachian elktoe and designated critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe." March 15, 2005 -Although the Appalachian elktoe is not currently found in the Oconaluftee River in the vicinity of the Bryson Project, the FWS, in a letter from Gregory Hogue, Regional Environmental Officer, to Magalie Salas, expressed concern that the Project could adversely affect this species in the Tuckasegee River downstream of its confluence with the Oconaluftee River. March 18, 2005 -Letter from Brian Cole to Magalie Salas stated: "We are quite concerned about the current ROR operation at the Dillsboro Project and its potential adverse effects to federally listed aquatic species. The Appalachian elktoe occurs within the Tuckasegee River just below the Dillsboro Project and the Tuckasegee River is designated as critical habitat...." May 10, 2006 - FERC's draft EA presents analyses of Project-related effects on the endangered Appalachian elktoe in section V.C.S, "Threatened and Endangered Species," and our recommendations regarding it in section VII, "Comprehensive Development and Recommended Alternative." May 17, 2006 -Letter from FERC (Mark Pawlowski, Chief, Hydro East Branch 2) requesting concurrence with a determination that the proposed relicensing of the three Projects and the surrender of the Dillsboro Project license is not likely to adversely affect the Indiana bat or the Appalachian elktoe. June 8, 2006 -FWS staff notified FERC staff at a public meetings in Sylva that: "With regard to endangered species consultation, we do anticipate a formal consultation with the Commission to adequately satisfy the requirements of section 7 of the ESA, especially for the Appalachian elktoe and some other listed species that are involved with these projects." Following the recorded portion of the Sylva meeting, FERC staff agreed to enter formal consultation. June 23, 2006, and July 7, 2006 -The Department of the Interior forwarded comments from the FWS on the draft EA, including: "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office will reply directly to the Commission's May 17, 2006, letter requesting concurrence with endangered species determinations for each of the projects" and "Pursuant to §7 of the Endangered Species Act, we will forward to you by separate cover letter our biological opinion on this matter." July 14, 2006 -FERC staff issues final EA, analyzing the probable environmental effects of implementing the Projects and concluding that approval of the Projects, with staff-recommended environmental measures, would not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. In the final EA, FERC staff responds to our July 7, 2006, comments by acknowledging our conclusion regarding the need for formal consultation for the Appalachian elktoe. FERC staff further explained that "Any conditions included as part of the Incidental Take Statement attached to the BO will be assessed as part of the Commission's decision to accept Duke's application to surrender Dillsboro's license." BIOLOGICAL OPINION DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION As defined in the FWS's section 7 regulations (50 CFR Section 402.02), "action" means "all activities or programs of any kind authorized, funded, or carried out, in whole or in part, by federal agencies in the United States or upon the high seas." The action area is defined as "all areas to be affected directly or indirectly by the federal action and not merely the immediate area involved in the action." The direct and indirect effects of the actions and activities must be considered in conjunction with the effects of other past and present federal, state, or private activities as well as the cumulative effects of reasonably certain future state or private activities within the action area. This Opinion addresses only those actions from which the FWS believes adverse effects may result. In their BA, FERC staff outlined those activities involved in the conduct of relicensing and surrender activities that would affect the Appalachian elktoe and its designated critical habitat. This Opinion addresses whether issuance of new major licenses for the East Fork and West Fork Hydroelectric Projects, a subsequent license for the Bryson JJune 8, 2006, public meeting, transcript in eLibrary (Accession #20060608-4005). 4 Hydroelectric Project, and the license surrender (and removal of Project works) for the Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project, is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the Appalachian elktoe or adversely modify its critical habitat. This Opinion does not rely on the regulatory definition of "destruction and adverse modification" of critical habitat at 50 CFR Section 402.02. Instead, we have relied on the statutory provisions of the ESA to complete the following analysis with respect to critical habitat. The Projects East Fork Project. The East Fork Project (P-2698) is located on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River in Jackson County, North Carolina. The original Project was licensed on January 23, 1981, and that license expired on January 31, 2006. The licensed capacity of the East Fork Project is 26,175 kilowatts (kW). The East Fork Project comprises the Cedar Cliff, Bear Creek, and Tennessee Creek developments. The Cedar Cliff development consists of the following: (a) an earth core and rockfill dam, 590 feet long with a maximum height of 173 feet (Cedar Cliff Dam); (b) a service spillway excavated in rock at the right abutment, containing a 25-foot-wide by 25-foot-high Taintor gate; (c) an emergency spillway at the left abutment, containing two erodible fuse plug sections separated by a concrete wall with a total length of 221 feet--a 90-foot-long section and a 131-foot-long section; (d) a 121-acre reservoir, with a maximum reservoir elevation of 2,330 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum and a usable storage capacity of 465 acre-feet; (e) a power intake that contains one slide gate and trashracks with 3-inch clear bar spacing; (f) a 1,138-foot-long power conveyance consisting of sections of 12-foot-diameter lined tunnel, 13-foot by 15-foot unlined tunnel, 10-foot-diameter steel-lined tunnel, and a penstock that decreases in diameter from 8 to 6 feet; (g) a 38-foot by 29.5-foot concrete powerhouse containing one vertical Francis-type generating unit with an installed capacity of 6.1 megawatts (MW) and a hydraulic capacity of 555 cubic feet per second (cfs); (h) a switchyard with four single-phase step-up transformers (6.6 to 66 kilovolts [kV]); and (i) appurtenant facilities. The Cedar Cliff development has a 0.46-mile-long bypassed reach (on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River) just downstream of the Cedar Cliff Dam that bypasses the Cedar Cliff tunnels, pipelines, and powerhouse. 2. The Bear Creek development consists of the following: (a) an earth core and rockfill dam, 760 feet long with a maximum height of 215 feet (Bear Creek Dam); (b) a spillway at the right abutment, containing a 25-foot-wide by 25-foot-high Taintor gate and two erodible fuse plug sections separated by a concrete wall with a total length of 384 feet--a 107-foot-long section and a 277-foot-long section; (c) a 476-acre reservoir, with a maximum reservoir elevation of 2,560 feet and a usable storage capacity of 4,200 acre-feet; (d) a power intake that contains one slide gate and trashracks with 3-inch clear bar spacing; (e) a 1,484-foot-long power conveyance consisting of sections of 12-foot-diameter lined tunnel, 13-foot by 15-foot unlined tunnel, 10-foot-diameter steel-lined tunnel, and a penstock that decreases in diameter from 8 to 6 feet; (f) a 41-foot by 30.5-foot concrete powerhouse containing one vertical Francis-type generating unit with an installed capacity of 8.2 MW and a hydraulic capacity of 640 cfs; (g) a switchyard that contains one single-phase step-up transformer (4.16 to 66 kV); and (h) appurtenant facilities. The Bear Creek development has a 0.27-mile-long bypassed reach (on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River) just downstream of the Bear Creek Dam that bypasses the Bear Creek tunnels, pipelines, and powerhouse. The Tennessee Creek development consists of two separate dams and reservoirs, with power tunnels that join in a wye ("Y") and lead to a single powerhouse. The Tennessee Creek portion of the development includes the following: (a) an earth core and rockfill dam, 385 feet long with a maximum height of 140 feet (Tennessee Creek Dam); (b) an earth and rockfill saddle dam, 225 feet long and 15 feet in height, located approximately 600 feet south of the Tennessee Creek Dam left abutment; (c) a spillway with a 25-foot-wide by 19-foot-high Taintor gate and two erodible fuse plug sections separated by a concrete wall with a total length of 140 feet--a 43-foot-long section and a 97-foot-long section; (d) a 40-acre reservoir (Tennessee Creek Lake), with a maximum reservoir elevation of 3,080 feet and a usable storage capacity of 561 acre-feet; (e) an intake structure that contains one slide gate and trashracks with 1-inch by 3.75-inch clear bar spacing; and (f) a 968-foot-long, 12.5-foot by 14.5-foot tunnel from the intake to the "Y" of the common Tennessee Creek conveyance. The Wolf Creek portion of the development includes the following: (a) an earth core and rockfill dam, 810 feet long with a maximum height of 175 feet (Wolf Creek Dam); (b) a spillway with a 25-foot-wide by 19-foot-high Taintor gate and two erodible fuse plug sections separated by a concrete wall with a total length of 73.6 feet--a 36.4-foot-long section and a 37.2-foot-long section; (c) a 183-acre reservoir (Wolf Creek Lake), with a maximum reservoir elevation of 3,080 feet and a usable storage capacity of 2,709 acre-feet; (d) an intake structure that contains one slide gate with trashracks with 1-inch by 4-inch clear bar spacing; and (e) a 1,704-foot-long, 12.5-foot by 14-foot tunnel from the intake to the "Y" of the common Tennessee Creek conveyance with a total length of 1,074 feet. The Tennessee Creek development also includes the following: (a) a 2,051-foot-long, 13-foot by 15-foot common conveyance tunnel that extends from the "Y" of the Tennessee Creek and Wolf Creek conveyance tunnels; (b) a 2,468-foot-long penstock that decreases in diameter from 6 to 5.5 feet; (c) a 40-foot-long by 33-foot-wide concrete powerhouse containing one vertical Francis-type generating unit with an installed capacity of 8.75 MW and a hydraulic capacity of 268 cfs; (d) a switchyard that contains one three-phase step-up transformer (4.16 to 67 kV); and (e) appurtenant facilities. The Tennessee Creek development has a 1.85-mile-long bypassed stream reach (Wolf Creek) just downstream of the Wolf Creek Dam and a 1.46-mile-long bypassed reach (on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River) just below the Tennessee Creek Dam that bypasses the Tennessee Creek tunnels, pipelines, and powerhouse. The East Fork Project also includes a common 69-kV single circuit transmission line from the Tennessee Creek switchyard via the Bear Creek and Cedar Cliff switchyards to the Glenville development (West Fork Project) switchyard. West Fork Project. The West Fork Project (P-2686) is located on the West Fork of the Tuckasegee River in Jackson County, North Carolina. The original Project was licensed on January 28, 1981, and that license expired on January 31, 2006. The licensed capacity of the West Fork Project is 24,600 kW. The West Fork Project comprises the Glenville and Tuckasegee developments. 6 1. The Glenville development consists of the following: (a) an earth core and rockfill dam, 900 feet long with a maximum height of 150 feet (Glenville Dam); (b) a rockfill saddle dam, 410 feet long with a maximum height of 122 feet located approximately 500 feet to the left of the Glenville Dam left abutment; (c) a spillway, located approximately 200 feet to the right of the Glenville Dam right abutment, that includes two 25-foot-wide by 12-foot-high Taintor gates and six erodible fuse plug sections separated by concrete walls with a total length of 224 feet; (d) a 1,462-acre reservoir, with a maximum reservoir elevation of 3,491.75 feet and a usable storage capacity of 20,100 acre-feet; (e) a low-level bypass, located in the right abutment of the Glenville Dam (used during construction), that includes two sluice gates and a 9-foot-diameter bypass tunnel through the dam; (f) a power intake with trashracks having a 1.25-inch clear bar spacing and two motor-operated sluice gates; (g) a 16,287-foot-long power conveyance consisting of three sections of tunnel that vary from 12-foot by 12-foot unlined sections to 7-foot-diameter steel-lined sections, two sections of steel pipe and a steel penstock section that decreases from 8 to 6 feet in diameter and terminates in two nozzles; (h) a 102-foot-long by 50-foot-wide concrete and brick powerhouse containing one horizontal impulse-type generating unit with an installed capacity of 15.5 MW and a hydraulic capacity of 270 cfs; (i) a 0.9-mile-long 6.6-kV transmission line that connects the Glenville development to Tuckasegee powerhouse; and (j) appurtenant facilities. The Glenville development has a 6.43-mile-long bypassed reach (on the West Fork of the Tuckasegee River) just downstream of the Glenville Dam that bypasses the Glenville tunnels, pipelines, and powerhouse. 2. The Tuckasegee development consists of the following: (a) concrete arch dam, 254 feet long with a maximum height of 61 feet (Tuckasegee Dam), which includes a 233.5-foot-long spillway with 23 flashboards that are 9.03 feet wide and 1 flashboard that is 18.28 feet wide and one 7.54-foot-wide trashrack, all 3 feet high; (b) a 7.9-acre reservoir, with a maximum reservoir elevation of 2,278.75 feet and a usable storage capacity of 35 acre-feet; (c) a power intake with trashracks having a 1.25-inch clear bar; (d) a power conveyance consisting of a 3,246-foot-long pressure tunnel that is mostly unlined and approximately 9 feet in diameter, a vertical surge tank that is 15 feet in diameter, and a 198-foot-long penstock that is approximately 9 feet in diameter; (e) a 32-foot-long by 26.5-foot-wide concrete powerhouse containing one vertical Francis-type generating unit with an installed capacity of 2.6 MW and a hydraulic capacity of 360 cfs; and (f) appurtenant facilities. The Tuckasegee development has a 1.24-mile-long bypassed reach (on the West Fork of the Tuckasegee River) just downstream of the Tuckasegee Dam that bypasses the Tuckasegee tunnels, pipelines, and powerhouse. The West Fork Project includes a 0.9-mile-long 6.6-kV transmission line that connects the Tuckasegee powerhouse to the Glenville powerhouse and interconnects at a substation immediately adjacent to the Glenville powerhouse. Bryson Project. The Bryson Project (P-2601) is located on the Oconaluftee River, a tributary to the Tuckasegee River, just downstream of the Qualla Boundary of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians (EBCI) in Swain County, North Carolina. The original Project was licensed on July 22, 1980, and that license expired on July 31, 2005. The licensed capacity of the Bryson Project is 980 kW. On July 22, 2003, Duke Power filed an application for a new license for the 7 Bryson Project. The Bryson Hydroelectric Project consists of the following: (a) a concrete multiple arch dam, 341 feet long with a maximum height of 36 feet, including: (i) a concrete, nonoverflow section, (ii) two gravity spillway sections, each surmounted by a 16.5-foot-wide by 16-foot-high Taintor gate, (iii) an uncontrolled multiple-arch spillway with four bays, and (iv) an integral intake and powerhouse structure with three intake bays, each consisting of an 8.5-foot-diameter steel intake pipe with a trashrack having a clear bar spacing of between 2.25 to 2.5 inches; (b) a 1.5-mile-long, 38-acre impoundment at elevation 1,828.41 feet with no usable storage; (c) two vertical Francis-type generating units, one with an installed capacity of 480 kW and a hydraulic capacity of 263 cfs and one with an installed capacity of 500 kW and a hydraulic capacity of 263 cfs; and (d) appurtenant facilities. The existing Bryson Hydroelectric Project operates in arun-of--the-river (ROR) mode, within a 6-inch tolerance band. Project operation is dependent on available flow in the Oconaluftee River. Dillsboro Project. The Dillsboro Project (P-2602) is located at river mile (RM) 31.7 on the Tuckasegee River in Jackson County, North Carolina. The original Project was licensed on July 17, 1980, and that license expired on July 31, 2005. The licensed capacity of the Dillsboro Project is 225 kW. The Dillsboro Project impounds a 15-acre reservoir behind a concrete masonry dam that is 310 feet long and 12 feet high. The Project also includes a powerhouse. Duke Power previously sought a new license for this ROR Project; however, they are now seeking approval to decommission and remove the Project works pursuant to a settlement agreement with the FWS and others. The Dillsboro Project consists of the following: (a) a concrete masonry dam, 310 feet long with a maximum height of 12 feet, which includes (i) a concrete nonoverflow section, (ii) a 14-foot-long uncontrolled spillway section, (iii) a 20-foot-long spillway section with two 6-foot-wide spill gates, (iv) a 197-foot-long uncontrolled spillway section, (v) an 80-foot-long intake/powerhouse section with three intake bays, each consisting of a reinforced concrete flume and trashracks having a clear bar spacing varying from 2.0 to 3.38 inches, and (vi) a short 10-foot-wide concrete nonoverflow section; (b) an 0.8-mile-long, 15-acre impoundment at elevation 1,972.0 feet with no usable storage; (c) a powerhouse containing two vertical Francis-type generating units, one with an installed capacity of 175 kW and a hydraulic capacity of 228 cfs and one with an installed capacity of 50 kW and a hydraulic capacity of 56 cfs; and (d) appurtenant facilities. The Proposed Action The proposed action is defined in the May 10, 2006, draft EA; the preferred alternative is described on pages 318-322 (East Fork Project), pages 322-326 (West Fork Project), pages 328-329 (Bryson Project), and pages 326-328 (Dillsboro Project). The proposed action is further detailed in the July 14, 2006, final EA; the comprehensive development and preferred alternative is described on pages 343-347 (East Fork Project), pages 347-352 (West Fork Project), pages 354-355 (Bryson Project), and pages 352-354 (Dillsboro surrender). The BA is contained in pages 174-184 of the final EA. As described in the final EA, the Commission must decide whether to issue new major licenses to Duke Power for the East Fork and West Fork Projects and a subsequent license for the Bryson Project and what, if any, conditions should be placed on any licenses issued. In making licensing decisions, the Commission must determine that the Projects will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway. In addition to the power and developmental purposes for which licenses are issued (e.g., flood control, irrigation, and water supply), the Commission must give equal consideration to the purposes of energy conservation; the protection, mitigation of damage to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife (including related spawning grounds and habitat); the protection of recreational opportunities; and the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality. FERC staff has analyzed the probable environmental effects of implementing the subject Projects and has recommended appropriate environmental measures. In the final EA, FERC staff recommended licensing the East Fork, West Fork, and Bryson Projects as proposed by Duke Power, with some additional staff-recommended measures, and the surrender of the Dillsboro Project license with removal of the dam and demolition of the powerhouse. The Commission must decide whether the Dillsboro surrender should include decommissioning the powerhouse, removal of the powerhouse, and/or removal of the dam as recommended by FERC staff. On surrender of a license, the Commission applies a broad public interest standard that is not the same as the public interest/comprehensive development standards applied to licensing proceedings under sections 4(e) and 10(a)(1) of the Federal Power Act. In its final EA, FERC staff assessed the effects associated with the operation/decommissioning of the Projects and alternatives to the proposed actions and made recommendations to the Commission as to whether to issue licenses for the East Fork and West Fork and Bryson Projects, and if so, what terms and conditions are recommended to become part of any licenses issued. In the case of the Dillsboro surrender, the final EA makes recommendations to the Commission as to whether the Project should be decommissioned and whether some or all of the Project features should be removed. The final EA assesses the environmental and economic effects of implementing actions at the Projects: (1) as proposed by Duke Power, including implementation of various measures of the Tuckasegee Cooperative Stakeholder Team Settlement Agreement (TCSTSA); (2) as proposed, with staff-recommended measures; and (3) the no-action alternative. Issues that are addressed include water quality, aquatic resources, reservoir water levels, minimum flows below the powerhouses and in the bypassed reaches, protection of endangered species, historical and cultural resource management and protection, and recreational enhancements. Duke Power is an integrated electric utility serving nearly two million people in a service area in North Carolina and South Carolina of 22,000 square miles. Duke Power uses the Tuckasegee Projects to generate electricity to serve its customers in southwestern North Carolina (the former service territory of Nantahala Power and Light Company). A. Action Area The action area for this Opinion is the Tuckasegee River subbasin in Jackson and Swain Counties, southwestern North Carolina (Figure 1). The Tuckasegee River, a tributary to the Little Tennessee River, occurs within the upper Tennessee River basin. The Tuckasegee River originates in the Nantahala National Forest and flows into Fontana Lake in Swain County, North Carolina. The Tuckasegee River watershed encompasses about 734 square miles. The East Fork, West Fork, and Dillsboro Projects are located in Jackson County, in southwestern North Carolina, on the East Fork, West Fork, and main stem of the Tuckasegee River, respectively. The Bryson Project is located on the Oconaluftee River in Swain County. The Oconaluftee 9 River originates in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and flows into the Tuckasegee River upstream of Fontana Lake. The four Projects are located in the Appalachian Mountains within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province, which is characterized by its generally steep, mountainous to rolling topography. The vicinity of the Projects is generally mountainous and contains large tracts of forest, with few population centers. Human developments generally occur in stream and river valleys and are widely scattered due to the lack of suitable low gradient building sites. The climate of the area is typical of the mountainous region of western North Carolina, with mild summers, cold winters, and a growing season limited to about 142 days on average. Average temperatures for winter and summer are 4°C and 22°C, respectively. The total annual precipitation for the East Fork, West Fork, and Dillsboro Projects averages 50 inches, with an average snowfall of 12 inches. The total annual precipitation for the Bryson Project averages 52 inches, including an average snowfall of 8 inches. Land in the vicinity of the Projects is primarily rural, with large areas of forest, mountains, and valleys and some small-scale farming operations. Few population centers exist, with the majority of homes being widely scattered. Land use within the Project areas includes timber-harvesting, agriculture, industry, residential or residential/urban development, and recreation. The East Fork Project is located on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River. The Bear Creek and Cedar Cliff developments (each "development" comprises a dam, reservoir, powerhouse, and associated Project facilities) are located on the East Fork of the Tuckasegee River and have drainage areas of 75.3 square miles and 80.7 square miles, respectively. The Tennessee Creek development includes the Tennessee Creek reservoir on the East Fork with a drainage area of 24.9 square miles and the Wolf Creek reservoir on Wolf Creek with a drainage area of 15.2 square miles. Elevations in this area typically range from 2,250 to 3,800 feet, with some peaks over 4,000 feet. Most of the area in the vicinity of the Cedar Cliff and Tennessee Creek developments was previously forested, and most of the area in the vicinity of the Bear Creek development is currently forested. A small portion in the vicinity of all three developments has been cleared, and a limited amount of private development has occurred. Riparian vegetation has been left largely intact, except where public access and a few private residences border the developments. A small amount of the Nantahala National Forest associated with the transmission corridors and bypassed stream reaches is within the Project boundary. The West Fork Project is located on the West Fork of the Tuckasegee River downstream of the confluence of the East and West forks. The Thorpe development has a drainage area of 36.7 square miles, and the Tuckasegee development (downstream of Thorpe Dam) has a drainage area of 54.7 square miles. Elevations in this area typically range from 2,400 to 4,000 feet, with some peaks over 4,500 feet. 10 Most of the area in the vicinity of the Thorpe development was previously forested, and the area in the vicinity of the Tuckasegee development is currently forested. A portion of the land at each development has been cleared, and a limited amount of private development has occurred. Riparian vegetation around the Thorpe development has been largely removed in many areas, while the area around the Tuckasegee development has been left largely intact, except where NC 107 borders the development. Several residential developments and a few commercial developments are located along the West Fork Tuckasegee River. The Dillsboro Project is located on the main stem of the Tuckasegee River and has a drainage area of 290 square miles. Elevations in this area typically range from 1,950 to 2,500 feet, with some peaks over 3,200 feet. Most of the Project area was previously forested, but a large portion has been cleared, and a considerable amount of private development has occurred both upstream and downstream of the dam. Riparian vegetation has been largely removed, except for a narrow band of trees immediately along the riverbanks. The Project is located within 5 miles of the landholdings of the EBCI and less than 10 miles from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Nantahala National Forest. However, there is no federal land within the Project boundary. The Bryson Project is located on the Oconaluftee River and has a drainage area of 188 square miles. Elevations in this area typically range from 1,750 to 2,200 feet, with some higher peaks. A large portion of the land covering the Project area and bordering land is currently forested. However, all of the original forests bordering the Project area have been harvested at least once or have been cleared for agricultural, residential, or industrial development. The Project is to the EBCI Reservation, or Qualla Boundary. Point-source Pollutionz -There are 15 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)3 permitted discharges in the Tuckasegee River subbasin, most of which are small wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) that serve schools or subdivisions, including the Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority's WWTP (1.5 million gallons per day [MGD]) (Table 1) Nonpoint-source Pollution -Nonpoint-source pollution refers to runoff that enters surface waters through storm water or snowmelt. There are many types of land-use activities that are sources of nonpoint-source pollution, including land development, construction activities, animal waste ZPoint-source discharge refers to discharges that enter surface waters through a pipe, ditch, or other well-defined point of discharge. These include municipal (city and county) and industrial wastewater treatment facilities, small domestic discharging treatment systems (i.e., schools, commercial offices, subdivisions, and individual residences), and storm-water systems from large urban areas and industrial sites. The primary substances and compounds associated with point-source discharge include nutrients, oxygen-demanding wastes, and toxic substances (such as chlorine, ammonia, and metals). 3Under Section 301 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (CWA), the discharge of pollutants into surface waters is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Section 402 of the CWA establishes the NPDES permitting program, which delegates permitting authority to qualifying states. In North Carolina, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ), is responsible for the permitting and enforcement of the NPDES program. 11 Table 1. NPDES Dischargers in the Tuckasegee River Subbasin. Permit Facilit Count MGD Receivin Stream NC0000264 Jackson Development Corp. Jackson 0.005 Tuckasegee River 00020214 Tuckaseigee W&SA/Plant 2 - Sylva Jackson 0.5 Scott Creek U.S. Department of the Interior - N00025101 Smokemont Campground Swain 0.03 Oconaluftee River NC0026557 Bryson City, Town - WWTP Swain 0.6 Tuckasegee River NC0032808 Ensley Adult Care Home, Inc. Jackson 0.0085 Blanton Branch NC0038687 Singing Waters Camping Resort Jackson 0.0075 Trout Creek NC0039578 Tuckaseigee W&SA/Plant 1 Jackson 1.5 Tuckasegee River NC0059200 Trillium Links & Village LLC Jackson 0.02 UT Thorpe Lake NC0061620 Hide-Away Campground, Inc. Swain 0.01 Tuckasegee River NC0066940 Jackson Co BOE -Scotts Creek School Jackson 0.0063 Scott Creek NC0066958 Jackson Co BOE -Blue Ridge School Jackson 0.01 Hurricane Creek NC0074250 Gateway Chevron, Inc. Jackson 0.005 Camp Creek NC0074624 Western Carolina University - WTP Jackson 0.0005 Tuckasegee River NC0075736 Whiteside Estates, Inc. Jackson 0.1 Grassy Camp Creek NC0084441 Smok Mountain Count Club Swain 0.12 Conle s Creek disposal, mining, and agriculture and forestry operations, as well as impervious surfaces, such as roadways and parking lots. On a statewide basis, including the Tuckasegee River subbasin,various nonpoint-source management programs have been developed by a number of agencies to control specific types ofnonpoint-source pollution (e.g., forestry, pesticide, urban, and construction-related pollution). Each of these management programs develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control the specific type ofnonpoint-source pollution. Sedimentation is a process by which eroded particles of rock are primarily transported by moving water from areas of relatively high elevation to areas of relatively low elevation where the particles are deposited. Upland sediment transport is primarily accomplished by overland flow and rill and gully development. Lowland or floodplain transport occurs in varying order streams where upland sediment joins sediment eroded from floodplains, stream banks, and streambeds. Erosion rates are often accelerated by human activity related to agriculture, construction, timber-harvesting, unimproved roadways, or any activity where soils or geologic units are exposed or disturbed. Sedimentation is detrimental to water quality, destroys biologic habitat, reduces storage volume of water impoundments, impedes the usability of aquatic recreational areas, and causes damage to structures (Newcombe and MacDonald 1991). Sediment loads in streams are primarily composed of relatively small particles suspended in the water column (suspended solids) and larger particles that move on or periodically near the 12 streambed (bedload). It is the accelerated supply or transportation of sediment that we consider sedimentation. The Sedimentation and Erosion Control Program applies to construction activities and is established and authorized under the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (SPCA). This act delegates the responsibility of administration and enforcement to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource (NCDENR), Division of Land Resources (DLR) (Land Quality Section), and requires, prior to construction, the submission and approval oferosion-control plans on all projects disturbing an acre or more. On-site inspections by the NCDENR's DLR are conducted to determine compliance with the plan and to evaluate the effectiveness of the BMPs that are being used. Jackson County has a delegated erosion-control program that is basically the same as the minimum requirements of the SPCA. Jackson County's ordinance is taken from a model provided by the State of North Carolina. These rules and regulations were originally adopted by the State in the SPCA. This legislation has been periodically amended and is also supported by Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code.4 Water Quantity There are several gaging stations operated by the U S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Water Resources Division for varying periods of time (Figure 1). Based on these stream gages, the stream flow in the Tuckasegee River watershed is seasonally variable, with highest flows generally occurring during February and March (Figure 2), punctuated by peak flows (Figure 3). The USGS operates more than 200 stream gages across North Carolina to monitor river stage and stream flow. During flooding from Hurricanes Frances and Ivan in September 2004, period-of-record peak river stages were recorded at more than 20 sites in western North Carolina. Also very noticeable, is the pattern of extreme daily regulation on the Tuckasegee River (Figure 4). The Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority withdraws an average of 0.8 MGD from the Tuckasegee River at Cullowhee, North Carolina. Other minor withdrawals for irrigation are not registered and are seasonal. B. Conservation Measures Conservation measures represent actions, pledged in the project description, that the action agency will implement in order to minimize the effects of the proposed action and further the recovery of the species under review. Such measures should be closely related to the action and should be achievable within the authority of the action agency. The beneficial effects of conservation measures are taken into consideration in the FWS's conclusion of a jeopardy versus a nonjeopardy opinion and in the analysis of incidental take. However, such measures must 4Additional erosion-control measures as outlined in Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds (NCAC T15A:04B.0024) may be implemented for projects within WS-I or WS-II water supply watersheds, critical areas, waters designated for shellfishing, or any waters designated by the DWQ as High-Quality Waters. Other local initiatives have targeted nonpoint-source pollution in the Tuckasegee River subbasin, including those by the Watershed Association for the Tuckasegee River. 13 minimize impacts to listed species within the action area in order to be factored into the FWS's analyses. Conservation Measures Associated with the Dillsboro Dam Demolition. As part of any surrender, FERC would ensure that the removal of Project facilities restores the site to pre-Project conditions. The Licensee will remove Appalachian elktoes from impact sites and relocate them to suitable locations upstream of the impacted areas, according to the procedures in the mussel translocation plan, once approved. The existing Dillsboro Dam and powerhouse will be removed to grade, restoring the river to its assumed pre-dam bank-to-bank width and depth. The removal plan would detail the sequence of steps; the schedule; quantities of materials to be removed and disposed; disposal procedures; safety precautions; flow control procedures; and all details of construction, demolition, and transportation. This plan would be prepared in conjunction with, and would be approved by, the resource agencies. Once completed, the plan will be filed with FERC for approval prior to implementation. To control sediment erosion and transport below the dam during the demolition process, a detailed sediment management plan should be developed that incorporates the measures for sediment removal, stream-bank and stream-channel stabilization, gradual drawdown, etc., from the removal plan developed in coordination with the resources agencies, and promotes natural and phased sediment transport using high-operational flows and natural high-water events at intervals throughout the demolition process. Duke's Power's proposed sediment management during demolition. In the EA it prepared, Duke Power predicts that the high flow through the initial notch in the dam would result in incision of an initial channel through the sediment deposits along the deepest part of the channel in the existing reservoir (Duke Power 2004c). The channel would be deepened and widened by erosion and rather quickly come to equilibrium. The eroded sediment, along with small pieces of concrete and concrete fines from the demolition, would be deposited downstream. A short-duration, staged, high-flow event would then flush the sediment deposited downstream of the dam to a point farther downstream. Duke Power proposes the following measures related to sediment management during dam removal: 1. Demolish the dam in January through early April when flushing flows can be provided by the upstream East and West Fork Projects. 2. To the extent possible, keep river flow low during excavation of the initial notch by limiting releases from upstream Projects. 14 3. Pause demolition at the completion of the initial notch excavation and again at the completion of each 3- to 4-foot stage, and during each pause, release 1,500-cfs flushing flows from the upstream East Fork and West Fork Projects for 3 days. Duke Power anticipates no more than four pauses, each lasting 1 week or less. 4. Allow sediment erosion and transport downstream of the dam during the demolition process by natural and phased high-operational flows. 5. Implement a best management plan to address local erosion and sediment-stability issues at the completion of each high-flow flushing event. 6. Remove a limited amount of sediment along the left bank (looking downstream) after the pond level is lowered below the sediment surface, and remove enough sediment from the forebay to allow access to the powerhouse for demolition. (Duke Power stated that an estimate of the volume of sediment to be removed from the left bank, if any, could not be made until the bank area is dewatered after dam removal is in progress. Also, the volume of sediment to be removed from the forebay area could not be estimated, but it would be limited to the quantity needed to access the powerhouse for demolition.) Sediment will be mechanically removed with a backhoe or similar equipment; the quantity to be removed will be determined during demolition. Duke Power will employ BMPs for erosion control during sediment removal. 7. Removed sediment, if any, will be disposed of at an unspecified off-site (upland) location; BMPs for erosion and sediment control will be employed at that location. In addition to the water quality component of the environmental monitoring plan discussed in the Water Quality section of the final EA, Duke Power anticipates that the plan for the dam removal period will include the monitoring of sediment deposition downstream of the dam. Duke Power anticipates that the monitoring plan for the post-dam removal period will include downstream sediment deposition/redistribution monitoring, substrate type analysis, flow velocity, downstream and upstream cross-section changes, and sediment stabilization and vegetation. In its 2-year post-removal program, Duke Power anticipates monitoring quarterly for the first year and twice in the second year. Duke Power proposes to remove sediment from the left bank forebay area of the Tuckasegee River. Mechanical removal of sediment from the impoundment area after the reservoir has been dewatered would benefit water quality by reducing the amount of sediment transported downstream to Fontana Lake, reducing the concentration of suspended solids or turbidity during any high-flow event and reducing (in the long term) the period over which increased suspended solids and turbidity would occur. The sediment moving into the lake would represent only 1 to 2 years of normal sediment input from the Tuckasegee River drainage area upstream of Dillsboro; this sediment would be in Fontana Lake now if the Dillsboro Dam had never been built (Milone and MacBroom 2004). 15 Prior to commencing dam removal, a detailed environmental monitoring plan will be prepared, in coordination with the FWS, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), NCDENR's DWQ and Division of Water Resources (DWR) and EBCI. This monitoring plan will include apre-removal phase to establish baseline conditions for water quantity and quality; aquatic resources; botanical and wildlife resources; rare, threatened, and endangered species; cultural resources; recreation resources; and land-use and aesthetic resources. During dam removal and demolition, a specific program associated with compliance with regulatory standards and safety procedures will be implemented. The procedures will include photographic documentation, water quality sampling, sediment deposition measurement, bank erosion monitoring and stabilization, and monitoring of the Appalachian elktoe mussels relocated upstream of the reservoir. Post-removal monitoring will be implemented to determine the specific physical, chemical, and biological changes in the Project area. The Licensee will fund the post-removal monitoring for the first 2 years of an anticipated 4- or 5-year program. The post-removal monitoring will include photographic documentation; documentation of physical stream changes; bank and sediment stabilization and revegetation; upstream and downstream changes in aquatic life; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa5 richness; and monitoring of the relocated mussel population; water quality and riparian development. Conservation Measures Associated with the East Fork and West Fork Operations.6 1. The Licensee will provide minimum flows and bypassed reach flows in accordance with the TCSTSA (Article 404) (includes minimum flow plans, lost energy, and calibration of flow meters). Based on in-stream flow studies, Duke Power determined that current fluctuating stream flows downstream from the Cedar Cliff powerhouse affect aquatic habitat for about 40 miles downstream and that the proposed minimum flow releases, when combined with accretion flows over the reach, will substantially enhance the flow regime for fish and macroinvertebrates. a. At the West Fork Project, FERC staff recommends a continued year-round minimum flow of 20 cfs from Tuckasegee Lake into the West Fork of the Tuckasegee River at the Tuckasegee Dam. b. At the East Fork Project, FERC staff recommends a minimum flow regime of 10 cfs during nongeneration hours from December 1 through June 30 of each year and 35 cfs from July 1 through November 30 of each year from the Cedar Cliff powerhouse. These minimum flows described from the West Fork Project will combine with those from the East Fork Project at the confluence of the West Fork Tuckasegee River and the East Fork SEPT species are considered to be biological indicators of water quality/aquatic ecological quality whereby the more taxa represented, the better the quality. 6There are additional conservation measures associated with the East Fork and West Fork Projects that will be included in the license; however, we have only reiterated those that have identifiable conservation benefits to the Appalachian elktoe and its critical habitat. 16 Tuckasegee River to the Tuckasegee River for 30 cfs from December 1 through June 30 of each year and 55 cfs from July 1 through November 30. This flow regime is an increase over the previous license, which required 20 cfs released from the East Fork Project only. 2. Temporary variances from the normal operating range, if required by conditions beyond Duke Power's control by operating or maintenance needs, will be in accordance with the Low Inflow Protocol (LIP) or Hydro Project Maintenance and Emergency Protocol (HPMEP) described in the TCSTSA. 3. The license will require Duke Power to operate the Project so as to minimize the need to draw the reservoirs down to mechanically remove sediment and when required, consult and reach an agreement with the FWS, and other agencies concerning reasonable and necessary measures to minimize environmental effects prior to taking action. 4. During periods of low inflow, Duke Power will operate the Project reservoirs in accordance with the LIP (paragraphs 1.3-1.5 and attachment B in the TCSTSA). 5. During emergency and equipment failure and maintenance situations, the reservoirs will be operated in accordance with the HPMEP (paragraphs 1.3-1.5 and attachment C in the TCSTSA). 6. The Licensee will implement the shoreline management guidelines in accordance with attachment D in the TCSTSA (Article 408). 7. Duke Power will continue to implement its general trash removal plan for all of its intakes, which calls for, on an as-required basis, the removal by hand of materials that have accumulated through natural processes. Man-made debris is gathered and stored for off-site disposal at appropriate intervals, and natural woody debris is passed downstream to function as structure for aquatic habitat. Duke Power also participates in various clean-up efforts (e.g., National River Clean-up Day) for trash removal from the shorelines of the reservoirs and downstream riverbanks of its Projects. Conservation Measures Associated with the Bryson Project. Under its proposed operations at the Bryson Project, Duke Power will occasionally draw down the Ela reservoir for operation and maintenance. Duke Power proposes, in agreement with the-FWS and other agencies and staff, that on those occasions, the September median flow of 204 cfs will be released downstream during refill of the reservoir. Duke Power also agrees to support the execution ofpost-licensing studies to determine a deliverable flow should the 204 cfs prove inappropriate. 2. Historically, Duke Power has drawn down its ROR reservoirs, including Ela, every 7 to 8 years for 2 to 3 days to remove sediment and trash from the intake area, and it has used various strategies for the disposal of the excavated material. Duke Power proposes to conduct sediment management and reservoir drawdown studies at the first Project, among Mission, Franklin, Dillsboro, and Bryson, when such actions would be required. Data 17 collected on the quantity and quality of dredged materials, the turbidity generated during excavation, and the deposition of suspended materials would provide a database upon which to develop a generic sediment plan for future dredging and maintenance/repair operations. Duke Power will continue to implement its general trash removal plan for all of its intakes, which calls for, on an as-required basis, the removal by hand of materials that have accumulated through natural processes. Man-made debris is gathered and stored for off-site disposal at appropriate intervals, and natural woody debris is passed downstream to function as structure for aquatic habitat. Duke Power also participates in various clean-up efforts (e.g., National River Clean-up Day) for trash removal from the shorelines of the reservoirs and downstream riverbanks of its Projects. STATUS OF THE SPECIES AND ITS CRITICAL HABITAT Species Description and Life History The Appalachian elktoe has a thin, but not fragile, kidney-shaped shell, reaching up to about 3.2 inches in length, 1.4 inches in height, and 1 inch in width. Juveniles generally have a yellowish-brown periostracum (outer shell surface), while the periostracum of the adults is usually dark brown to greenish-black in color. Although rays are prominent on some shells, particularly in the posterior portion of the shell, many individuals have only obscure greenish rays. The shell nacre (inside shell surface) is shiny, often white to bluish-white, changing to a salmon, pinkish, or brownish color in the central and beak cavity portions of the shell; some specimens may be marked with irregular brownish blotches. The Appalachian elktoe has been reported from relatively shallow medium-sized creeks and rivers with cool, clean, well-oxygenated, moderate- to fast-flowing water. The species is most often found in riffles, runs, and shallow flowing pools with stable, relatively silt-free, coarse sand and gravel substrate associated with cobble, boulders, and/or bedrock (Gordon 1991; FWS 1994, 1996, 2002). Stability of the substrate appears to be critical to the Appalachian elktoe, and the species is seldom found in stream reaches with accumulations of silt or shifting sand, gravel, or cobble (FWS 2002). Individual specimens that have been encountered in these areas are believed to have been scoured out of upstream areas during periods of heavy rain and have not been found on subsequent surveys (FWS 2002). Like other freshwater mussels, the Appalachian elktoe feeds by filtering food particles from the water column. The specific food habits of the species are unknown, but other freshwater mussels have been documented to feed on detritus (decaying organic matter), diatoms (various minute algae) and other algae and phytoplankton (microscopic floating aquatic plants), and zooplankton (microscopic floating aquatic animals). The reproductive cycle of the Appalachian elktoe is similar to that of other native freshwater mussels. Males release sperm into the water column, and the sperm are then taken in by the females through their siphons during feeding and respiration. The females retain the fertilized eggs in their gills until the larvae (glochidia) fully develop. The mussel glochidia are released 18 into the water and, within a few days, must attach to the appropriate species of fish, which they then parasitize for a short time while they develop into juvenile mussels. They then detach from their fish host and sink to the stream bottom where they continue to develop, provided they land in a suitable substrate with the correct water conditions. The Appalachian elktoe is a long-term brooder, a species in which the eggs are fertilized in late July/August and the glochidia are released in the following spring, between late April and June. There are two critical periods in the life cycle of mussels, both related to reproduction. The first critical period occurs when the males release sperm into the water and the females receive the sperm for egg fertilization through water drawn into their incurrent siphons. In general, this critical period is late July/August for the Appalachian elktoe (Steve Fraley, NCWRC, personal communication, 2006). The second critical period is when the glochidia are expelled from the females into the water, and suitable fish hosts (Table 2) must be nearby. This critical period is in the spring for the Appalachian elktoe. Both the banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae) and the mottled sculpin (C. bairdi) have been identified as host species for glochidia of the Appalachian elktoe (FWS 2002). Dr. Jim Layzer (Tennessee Technological University, unpublished data) has identified ten species offish that successfully transformed glochidia of Appalachian elktoes into juveniles under laboratory condition (Table 2). The life span and many other aspects of the Appalachian elktoe's life history are currently unknown. Status and Distribution The Appalachian elktoe is known only from the mountain streams of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Although the complete historical range of the Appalachian elktoe is unknown, available information suggests that the species once lived in the majority of the rivers and larger creeks of the upper Tennessee River system in North Carolina, with the possible exception of the Hiwassee and Watauga River systems (the species has not been recorded from either of these river systems). In Tennessee the species is known only from its present range in the main stem of the Nolichucky River. Distribution. The Appalachian elktoe has a very fragmented, relict distribution. The species still survives in scattered pockets of suitable habitat in portions of the Little Tennessee River system, Pigeon River system, Mills River, and Little River in the upper French Broad River basin in North Carolina and the Nolichucky River system in North Carolina and Tennessee. Little Tennessee River Subbasin. In the Little Tennessee River system in North Carolina, populations survive in the reach of the main stem of the Little Tennessee River, between the city of Franklin and the Fontana Reservoir, in Swain and Macon Counties (McGrath 1999; FWS 1994, 1996, 2002), and in scattered reaches of the main stem of the Tuckasegee River in Jackson and Swain Counties (Mark Cantrell, FWS, Natural Heritage Report, 1996; McGrath 1998; Tim Savidge, North Carolina Department of Transportation [NCDOT], personal communication, 2001; FWS 2002), from below the town of Cullowhee downstream to Bryson City. Numerous project-specific surveys in the Tuckasegee River during 2002 and 2003 yielded specimens at almost every site (Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. 2002, 2003). Distribution in the Tuckasegee River is typically contagious, occurring in patches wherever habitat conditions are appropriate. Densities are variable but have been observed to be relatively high. In the Tuckasegee River, areas of low density have been noted in the plume immediately downstream 19 Table 2. Potential Fish Hosts for the Appalachian Elktoe. Fish Species Occurs in Dillsboro Project Vicinity 0 Records ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ .~ ~ ~. `°v' 3 -°~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ Mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) Menhinick 1991, Duke X - x ~ o Power 2003a ,mo Banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae) No _ _ _ ~ '-' Wounded darter (Etheostoma Menhinick 1991, Duke X x vulneratum Power 2003a - Greenfin darter (Etheostoma Menhinick 1991, Duke X - x chlorobranchium Power 2003a ~ Greenside darter (Etheostoma Menhinick 1991, Duke X x -d blenniodes Power 2003a - ~ River chub (Nocomis micropogon) Menhinick 1991, Duke X - x Power 2003a :~ Northern hogsucker (Hypentilum Menhinick 1991, Duke X x x ~ ni ratans Power 2003a ~ Central stoneroller (Campostoma Menhinick 1991, Duke X - x > anomalum Power 2003a , a Longnose dace (Rhinichthys Menhinick 1991, Duke X - x cataractae Power 2003a Rosyside dace (Clinostomus Menhinick 1991 X - x unduloides) of Scotts Creek confluence, likely due to successive water quality problems beginning with point-source discharges (Mead Paper) and current nonpoint (sediment) contributions. The Appalachian elktoe was first recorded in 2000 from the Cheoah River, though there was a prior record from Tulula Creek (Clarke 1981), a tributary to the Cheoah River, below Santeetlah Lake, in Graham County (FWS 2002). Also, biologists with the NCDOT, U.S. Forest Service, and our staff have recorded Appalachian elktoes from the Cheoah River, below the Santeetlah Dam, during surveys of portions of the river in each year since (in 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005). French Broad River Subbasin. In the Pigeon River system in North Carolina, the Appalachian elktoe occurs in small, scattered sites in the West Fork Pigeon River and in the main stem of the Pigeon River, above Canton, in Haywood County (McGrath 1999; FWS 2002, The Catena Group 2005). The Little River (upper French Broad River system) population of the species, in Transylvania County, North Carolina (FWS 2002), is restricted to small, scattered pockets of 20 suitable habitat downstream of Cascade Lake. In Mills River, Henderson County, North Carolina, the Appalachian elktoe occurs in a short reach of the river from just above the Highway 280 Bridge (Savidge, The Catena Group, personal communication, 2003) to about 1 mile below the bridge (Jeff Simmons, NCWRC, personal communication, 2004). Nolichucky River Subbasin. In the Nolichucky River system, the Appalachian elktoe survives in a few scattered areas of suitable habitat in the Toe River, Yancey and Mitchell Counties, North Carolina (McGrath 1996, 1999; FWS 1994, 1996); the Cane River, Yancey County, North Carolina (McGrath 1997; FWS 1994, 1996); and the main stem of the Nolichucky River, Yancey and Mitchell Counties, North Carolina, extending downstream to the vicinity of Erwin in Unicoi County, Tennessee (FWS 1994, 1996, 2002). Also, two individuals were found recently in the North Toe River, Yancey and Mitchell Counties, North Carolina, below the confluence of Crabtree Creek (McGrath 1999); and 15 live individuals, with no more than 2 to 3 at each site (FWS 2002), and one shell (FWS 2002) have been recorded from the South Toe River, Yancey County, North Carolina. The majority of the surviving occurrences of the Appalachian elktoe appear to be small to extremely small and restricted to scattered pockets of suitable habitat. Extirpated Sites. In addition to formerly occurring in Tulula Creek (see above), the species also formerly occurred in the Swannanoa River (Clarke 1981, FWS 1994, 1996). There is also a historical record of the Appalachian elktoe from the North Fork Holston River in Tennessee (S. S. Haldeman collection); however, this record is believed to represent a mislabeled locality (Gordon 1991). If the historical record for the species in the North Fork Holston River is accurate, the species has apparently been eliminated from this river as well. Status. Available information indicates that several factors have contributed to the decline and loss of populations of the Appalachian elktoe and threaten the remaining populations. These factors include pollutants in wastewater discharges (sewage treatment plants and industrial discharges); habitat loss and alteration associated with impoundments, channelization, and dredging operations; and the runoff of silt, fertilizers, pesticides, and other pollutants from land-disturbing activities that were implemented without adequate measures to control erosion and/or storm water (FWS 1994, 1996). Mussels are known to be sensitive to numerous pollutants, including, but not limited to, a wide variety of heavy metals, high concentrations of nutrients, ammonia, and chlorine-pollutants commonly found in many domestic and industrial effluents. In the early 1900s, Ortmann (1909) noted that the disappearance of unionids (mussels) is the first and most reliable indicator of stream pollution. Keller and Zam (1991) concluded that mussels are more sensitive to metals than commonly tested fish and aquatic insects. The life cycle of native mussels makes the reproductive stages especially vulnerable to pesticides and other pollutants (Fuller 1974, Gardner et al. 1976, Stein 1971). Effluent from sewage treatment facilities can be a significant source of pollution that can severely affect the diversity and abundance of aquatic mollusks. The toxicity of chlorinated sewage effluents to aquatic life is well documented (Bellanca and Bailey 1977, Goudreau et al. 1988, Tsai 1975), and mussel glochidia (larvae) rank among the most sensitive invertebrates in their tolerance of toxicants present in sewage effluents (Goudreau et al. 1988). Goudreau et al. (1988) also found that the recovery of mussel populations may not occur for up to 2 miles below the discharge points of chlorinated sewage effluent. 21 Land-clearing and disturbance activities carried out without proper sedimentation and storm-water control pose a significant threat to the Appalachian elktoe and other freshwater mussels. Mussels are sedentary and are not able to move long distances to more suitable areas in response to heavy silt loads. Natural sedimentation resulting from seasonal storm events probably does not significantly affect mussels, but human activities often create excessively heavy silt loads that can have severe effects on mussels and other aquatic organisms. Siltation has been documented to adversely affect native freshwater mussels, both directly and indirectly (Aldridge et al. 1987, Ellis 1936, Marking and Bills 1979). Siltation degrades water and substrate quality, limiting the available habitat for freshwater mussels (and their fish hosts), thereby limiting their distribution and potential for the expansion and maintenance of their populations; irritates and clogs the gills offilter-feeding mussels, resulting in reduced feeding and respiration; smothers mussels if sufficient accumulation occurs; and increases the potential exposure of the mussels to other pollutants. Ellis (1936) found that less than 1 inch of sediment deposition caused high mortality in most mussel species. Sediment accumulations that are less than lethal to adults may adversely affect or prevent the recruitment of juvenile mussels into the population. Also, sediment loading in rivers and streams during periods of high discharge is abrasive to mussel shells. Erosion of the outer shell allows acids to reach and corrode underlying layers that are composed primarily of calcium, which dissolves under acid conditions. Though Jackson and Swain Counties have made significant strides in controlling sediment and erosion, agricultural practices and land development continue to stress riparian areas and remain a source of fine sediments downstream. The effects of impoundments on mussels are also well documented. Lakes do not occur naturally in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee (most of them are man-made), and the Appalachian elktoe, like the majority of our other native mussels, fish, and other aquatic species in these areas, is adapted to stream conditions (flowing, highly oxygenated water and coarse sand and gravel bottoms). Dams change the habitat from flowing to still water. Water depth increases, flow decreases, and silt accumulates on the bottom (Williams et al. 1992), altering the quality and stability of the remaining stream reaches by affecting water flow regimes, velocities, temperature, and chemistry. Dams that operate by releasing cold water from near the bottom of the reservoirs alter the downstream water temperature from those typical of warm- or cool-water streams to that seen in cold-water streams; this may affect their suitability for many of the native species inhabiting these stream reaches (Miller et al. 1984, Layzer et al. 1993). Impoundments change fish communities (fish host species may be eliminated) and mussel communities (species requiring clean gravel and sand substrates are eliminated) (Bates 1962). In addition, dams result in the fragmentation and isolation of populations of species and act as effective barriers to the natural upstream and downstream expansion or recruitment of mussel and fish species. The information available demonstrates that habitat deterioration resulting from sedimentation and pollution from numerous point and nonpoint sources, when combined with the effects of other factors (including habitat destruction, alteration, and fragmentation resulting from impoundments, channelization projects, etc.), has played a significant role in the decline of the Appalachian elktoe. We believe this is particularly true of the extirpation of the Appalachian elktoe from the Swannanoa and French Broad Rivers and portions of the Pigeon, upper Little River, and upper Little Tennessee River systems. We believe these factors also have contributed to the extirpation of the species from parts of the upper Tuckasegee River, Cheoah River, and 22 Tulula Creek, though the effects of impoundments are believed to have played an even more significant role in the loss of the species in the upper reaches of these streams. The most immediate threats to the remaining populations of the Appalachian elktoe are associated with sediment and other pollutants (i.e., fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals, oil, salts, organic wastes, etc.) from nonpoint sources, and most of the remaining populations are restricted to small, scattered pockets of stable, relatively clean, and gravelly substrates. Critical Habitat. Critical habitat has been designated for the Appalachian elktoe. The areas designated as critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe total about 144.3 miles of various segments of rivers in North Carolina and one river in Tennessee. Critical habitat identifies specific areas that are essential to the conservation of a listed species and that may require special management considerations or protection. Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA requires that each federal agency shall, in consultation with the FWS, ensure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by such agency is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of an endangered or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat. The following constituent elements are essential to the conservation of the Appalachian elktoe: 1. Permanent, flowing, cool, clean water; 2. Geomorphically stable stream channels and banks; 3. Pool, riffle, and run sequences within the channel; 4. Stable sand, gravel, cobble, and boulder or bedrock substrates with no more than low amounts of fine sediment; 5. Moderate to high stream gradient; 6. Periodic natural flooding; and 7. Fish hosts, with adequate living, foraging, and spawning areas for them. Critical habitat is designated for the Appalachian elktoe in the main stem of the Tuckasegee River (Critical Habitat Unit 2, Figure 5), from the N.C. State Route 1002 Bridge in Cullowhee, Jackson County, North Carolina, downstream to the N.C. Highway 19 Bridge, north of Bryson City, Swain County, North Carolina. Analysis of the Species Likely to be Affected Duke Power contractors conducted mussel surveys in August and September 2001, in the immediate Dillsboro Project area and several scattered sites within the area of effect of the Project tailwaters. They located (in over 21 person-hours) a total of 40 Appalachian elktoes and 4 wavy-rayed lampmussels at eight often sites surveyed. They reported catch per unit of effort 23 of Appalachian elktoes at each of the sites where elktoes were found ranging from 0.5 to 9.3 (see Table 2 in Fraley 2002). Densities of Appalachian elktoes vary depending on many factors that make their distribution pattern scattered and difficult to generalize. Also, mussels can be very difficult to locate in the substrate, and most surveys for mussels detect only those specimens located at or on the surface of the substrate. It is likely that additional mussels were present in the survey areas which were overlooked or were not visible on the surface of the stream bottom. Based on surveys for Appalachian elktoes from other drainages, the number below the surface is highly variable and dependent on the available substrate. Therefore, accurate estimates of the total number of Appalachian elktoes that will be impacted (both above and below the surface of the stream bottom) are not possible, but the numbers are likely higher than those recorded above. Analysis of the Critical Habitat The following constituent elements are essential to the conservation of the Appalachian elktoe: Permanent, flowing, cool, clean water. Though there is regular daily regulation, as well as seasonal variation in stream flow within designated critical habitat Unit 2, the USGS gaging station records show the permanent nature of the stream flow (Appendix 2). To provide predictable and quality flow to support.recreational boating and angling in the main stem Tuckasegee River, FERC staff recommend operating the East and West Fork powerhouses to provide releases equal to or greater than the flow at which power can be produced most efficiently, on a predefined schedule. This regulation will continue to affect the Tuckasegee River. 2. Geomorphically stable stream channels and banks. Most of the stream banks along the Tuckasegee River are stable. Some of the unstable portions of the stream banks are subjected to extreme rates of regulation by the East Fork and West Fork Projects. Duke Power proposed to provide funding to address these areas as part of the TCSTSA. Though FERC claimed to have found no nexus to Project operations, this proposed measure should be recognized as necessary mitigation for ongoing Project operations. 3. Pool riffle, and run sequences within the channel. The upper Tuckasegee River and lower Tuckasegee River have natural pool, riffle, and run sequences, varied by the local stream gradient and bedrock influence. The proposed removal of the Dillsboro Dam will restore some localized impairments due to impoundment of the reservoir. 4. Stable sand, gravel, cobble, and boulder or bedrock substrates with no more than low amounts of fine sediment. Most of the Tuckasegee River is dominated by bedrock, boulder, cobble, and gravel substrates. Small patches of fine gravel and course sand provide microhabitat requirements for the Appalachian elktoe. Silty sediment deposits are regular, limited to some eddies and large pools, and the impounded 0.9-mile reach at the Dillsboro reservoir. 24 5. Moderate to high stream gradient. The Tuckasegee River is characterized as high stream gradient. Lower portions in the alluvial floodplain have some moderate stream gradient, but nowhere can the stream be characterized as low gradient. 6. Periodic natural flooding. Peak events like those in September 2004 (Figure 3) are infrequent, though regular. Though the gaging records for the Tuckasegee River basin are fragmented, periodic natural flooding has occurred. Some peak events are limited to one or the other forks of the Tuckasegee River, while some large-scale events affect the entire region. These natural flooding events provide ecologically significant functions, re-sorting and redistributing substrate particles and influencing organic inputs. The East Fork and West Fork Projects do have some potential to reduce the intensity (magnitude and duration) of some natural flooding, within the limited storage capacity at the time of large rain events, especially when reservoir levels are at their lowest (winter). However, the seasonality and natural flooding of highest magnitudes will largely continue to occur as it has since before these Projects were constructed. 7. Fish hosts, with adequate livin ,foraging and spawning areas for them. Recent sampling by Duke Power (2003) has identified fairly diverse fish communities, including many of the potential fish hosts for the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River (Table 2). ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE Under section 7(a)(2) of the ESA, when considering the "effects of the action" on federally listed species, we are required to take into consideration the environmental baseline. The environmental baseline includes past and ongoing natural factors and the past and present impacts of all federal, state, or private actions and other activities in the action area (50 CFR 402.02), including federal actions in the area that have already undergone section 7 consultation, and the impacts of state or private actions that are contemporaneous with the consultation in process. The environmental baseline for this Opinion considers all projects approved prior to the initiation of formal consultation. It is an analysis of "the effects of past and ongoing human and natural factors leading to the current status of the species, its habitat and ecosystem, within the action area," including designated critical habitat. It does not include the effects of actions under review (FWS 1998). When the consultation is for an ongoing action, the task of assessing the effects on the environmental baseline is complicated by the fact that certain preexisting aspects of the ongoing project are also part of the environmental baseline, while other proposed aspects represent the proposed action that is the subject of the consultation. It is important to recognize a fundamental principle of an ESA section 7(a)(2) consultation; section 402.03 provides: "Section 7 and the requirements of this part apply to all actions in which there is discretionary involvement or control." Accordingly, the ESA requires a federal agency to consult on actions that it proposes to authorize, fund, or carry out pursuant to its discretionary authority (see also 50 CFR section 402.02 "action" and ESA section 7(a)(2)). Thus it follows that the ESA does allow consultation 25 and analysis of conditions that are within the action agency's discretionary authority. In other words, the ESA provides for analysis of baseline conditions without each Project because FERC, the action agency, has discretionary authority to require removal of the Projects. Since the discovery of the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River system in May 1996, various surveys of the Tuckasegee River subbasin have been accomplished (FWS 2002; Duke Power 2003a, 2003b; Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc. 2002, 2003]. The results of these surveys indicate that the Appalachian elktoe still occupies scattered areas of suitable habitat in about 30 miles of river channel of the Tuckasegee River, extending from below Cullowhee, near the confluence of Cullowhee Creek, down to the Fontana reservoir. The Appalachian elktoe has not been found in any other tributaries to the Tuckasegee River or in the Tuckasegee River within the Dillsboro Dam impoundment. In fact, the majority of the Tuckasegee River drainage appears to be recovering from past pollution detailed above. Adequate systematic surveys to estimate densities or population levels have not yet been conducted. Further research is needed to determine the present and historic distribution of the Appalachian elktoe throughout the drainage. Based on the current distribution in the Tuckasegee River system, a reasonable estimate can be made that the Appalachian elktoe historically occurred as one large contiguous population from at least the vicinity of the Tuckasegee Dam on the West Fork Tuckasegee River and the Cedar Cliff Dam on the East Fork Tuckasegee River and downstream in the Little Tennessee River to the Ridge and Valley Province in Tennessee. The Appalachian elktoe occurs up to a corresponding elevation and drainage area in the adjacent West Fork Pigeon River subbasin, as well as the Nolichucky River subbasin. A number of factors, such as point-source (Ridenhour 1973) and nonpoint-source discharge and the loss of riparian buffers, but especially hypolimnetic discharges, have likely contributed to the elimination of the Appalachian elktoe from significant reaches of its historic range in the Tuckasegee River, thus creating small, relict populations. Although more survey work is needed to determine the distribution of the Appalachian elktoe within the Tuckasegee River basin, the distribution in the action area covers about 36 RMs. The mussel is rare in the upper portion of its range in the Tuckasegee River and patchily, but regularly, distributed in the lower portions of this range downriver between RM 37 and RM 11.5, excepting the impounded reach at the Dillsboro reservoir. Status of the Species Within the Action Area The Project area is essentially the entire portion of the known range of the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River subbasin. Because this population appears to be linearly distributed, it is likely particularly vulnerable to changes in population numbers, and losses of only a few individuals could alter population dynamics. Critical habitat was designated for the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River. The Appalachian Elktoe Recovery Plan (FWS 1996) was published before the discovery of the Tuckasegee River population. 26 Factors Affecting the Species' Environment Within the Action Area Residential development and agricultural practices have had serious impacts on the aquatic habitat in the Project area. Much of the riparian habitat within the Project area has been severely impacted by both agriculture and residential development. Because riparian areas have been cleared of trees and other woody vegetation, recent high-water events have resulted in bank erosion and failure along much of the Tuckasegee River, upstream, downstream, and within the Project area. The poor condition of the riparian habitat also likely leads to excessive runoff from adjacent agriculture fields that contain not only silt but also the fertilizers and pesticides used in those fields. In addition to many seasonally used irrigation water withdrawals, the Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority water intake, there are also multiple point-source discharges into the Tuckasegee River that affect water quality and quantity in the action area (see earlier "Point-source Pollution" section). During August and September of 2004, significant flooding occurred in the Tuckasegee River drainage. Several areas within the Tuckasegee River were identified as having significant stream-bank damage, and repairs were performed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) through its Emergency Watershed Protection program. We have consulted with the NRCS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (if the action involved fill in "waters of the United States") on each of these other projects. Stream-bank repairs should result in improved habitat quality at these sites. Other federal actions proposed for the Tuckasegee River basin include bridge replacement projects by the Federal Highway Administration/NCDOT for old, substandard bridges. Most of these projects are not scheduled for at least 5 years. We do not have any information concerning any additional federal actions ongoing or proposed for the action area at the present time. EFFECTS OF THE ACTION Under section 7(a)(2) of the ESA, "effects of the action" refers to the direct and indirect effects of an action on the species or critical habitat, together with the effects of other activities that are interrelated or interdependent with that action. The federal agency is responsible for analyzing these effects. The effects of the proposed action are added to the environmental baseline to determine the future baseline, which serves as the basis for the determination in this Opinion. Should the effects of the federal action result in a situation that would jeopardize the continued existence of the species, we may propose reasonable and prudent alternatives that the federal agency can take to avoid a violation of section 7(a)(2). The discussion that follows is our evaluation of the anticipated direct and indirect effects of issuance of new major licenses for the East Fork and West Fork Hydroelectric Projects, a subsequent license for the Bryson Hydroelectric Project, and the application for license surrender for the Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project. Indirect effects are those caused by the proposed action that occur later in time but that are still reasonably certain to occur (50 CFR 402.02). 27 Habitat Baseline Indicators Habitat-altering actions can negatively affect mussel population viability. However, it is often difficult to quantify the effects of a given habitat action in terms of its impact on biological requirements for individual mussels. Thus it follows that while it is possible to draw an accurate picture of a species' rangewide status (in fact, doing so is a critical consideration in any jeopardy analysis), it is difficult to determine how that status may be affected by a given habitat-altering action. With the current state of the science, typically the best that can be done is to determine the effects an action has on a given habitat component and, because there is a direct relationship between habitat condition and population viability, extrapolate that to the impacts on the species as a whole. Thus by examining the effects a given action has on the habitat portion of a species' biological requirements, the FWS can gauge how that action will affect the population variables that constitute the rest of a species' biological requirements and, ultimately, how the action will affect the species' current and future health. Ideally, reliable scientific information on a species' biological requirements would exist at both the population and the individual levels, and effects on habitat should be readily quantifiable in terms of population impacts. In the absence of such information, our analyses must rely on generally applicable scientific research that one may reasonably extrapolate to the action area and to the population(s) in question. A. Factors to be Considered Proximity of the Action -Though no Appalachian elktoe specimens have been observed in the immediate vicinity of the East Fork and West Fork Hydroelectric Projects, the effects of these Projects on the tailwater reach of the Tuckasegee River occupied by the Appalachian elktoe have been documented ("Zone of Peaking Influence Study" in Duke Power 2004a, 2004b). Similarly, the Bryson Hydroelectric Project is immediately upstream of waters occupied by the Appalachian elktoe and designated as critical habitat. The Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project occurs within and separates the Appalachian elktoe population by its dam and reservoir. Although measures to avoid and minimize impacts to the Tuckasegee River and the Appalachian elktoe are included in the Project plans, implementation of these Projects will result in unavoidable impacts to the river habitat and to individual mussels. Project Purpose. The purpose of the new Project licenses is to continue operations with a balance of power and nonpower uses of the Tuckasegee River. Although the proposed surrender and removal of the Dillsboro Dam will result in some unavoidable adverse effects to the Appalachian elktoe, the objective of this part of the action is to restore the impounded reach of the Tuckasegee River and to then stabilize the stream banks and reduce impacts in the river system. Timing - To minimize effects to the Appalachian elktoe, the relocation of individual mussels and the demolition of the Dillsboro Dam should begin in late summer or early fall and continue for less than 3 months. This is a time during the early stages of larval brooding that will minimize the potential for female mussels to abort larvae, while air and water temperatures are moderate (and similar), and most mussel metabolism is at a moderate level. This time frame would likely 28 be the least stressful for relocated mussels and is the time when stream flows are most predictable during this low-flow period. Nature of the Effect -Suitable in-stream habitat at the Dillsboro Dam and downstream will be affected for the duration of the demolition activities and likely for some period after completion of the Project. A small portion of the riparian areas at the dam and powerhouse site will be cleared for equipment access (mostly kudzu now) and at the future recreation access site and may result in a temporary reduction in riparian vegetation until revegetation can occur. Direct effects will include harm and harassment in the form of translocation of all Appalachian elktoes found during implementation of the translocation plan (Cope and Waller 1995, Cope et al. 2003) and sediment redistribution from demolition activities (Brim Box and Mossa 1999). Portions of the habitat and flow conditions will continue to be impacted by the operation of the East Fork and West Fork Projects (Moog 1993, Layzer and Madison 1995). Portions of the habitat and flow conditions may be impacted by the infrequent operation and maintenance problems at the Bryson Project. Sediment Supply. Removal of the Dillsboro Dam would have one unavoidable short-term effect and one long-term effect. In the immediate aftermath of each phase of dam removal, suspended solids and turbidity levels in the Tuckasegee River would increase substantially and would remain high for several days until high-flushing flows clean out the river. Turbidity levels are likely to exceed the state standard. Under the proposed action, the sediment that has accumulated behind the Dillsboro Dam--an estimated 102,168 cubic yards (Milone and MacBroom 2004)--would be partially removed prior to demolition (estimated 19,739 cubic yards in dam forebay [first 300 feet upstream of dam, based on transect volumes]). The remainder would be stabilized in place or eroded away and transported downstream to Fontana Lake. Because of its bedrock geology and the underlying cobble/boulder substrate, the channel reach at and upstream of the currently impounded Dillsboro Dam reach will not headcut or erode significantly (Wohl and Cenderelli 2000). Only the smaller, fine sandy particles of the surficial bedload, more recently deposited, will be mobilized during and immediately following demolition (Pizzuto 2002). The unconsolidated sediment volume in the pool is only about two percent of the watershed's yield since the dam was constructed in the 1920s. The impounded sediment volume thus does not have long-term significance on bedload and sediment supply in downstream areas because it is such a small fraction of the watershed total yield during the 80+ years of the dam. However, the impact on aquatic biota, including the Appalachian elktoe and its fish hosts, may be significant in the short term. The detailed dam removal plan and its companion sediment management plan, with additional measures for controlling or removing sediment, are expected to minimize these effects. Upstream of the dam, the Tuckasegee River would return to its natural geometry, similar to that currently existing downstream stream of the dam. The sediment yield of the basin upstream of the Dillsboro Dam area, between 55,419 and 121,110 tons per year (USGS 2003, Milone and MacBroom 2004), will not change because of the dam removal. Rather, the sediment storage and transport capacity through the currently impounded reach of the Tuckasegee River will be restored. There are specific measures in Duke Power's demolition plan to stabilize and restore the channel rather than allowing this to happen on its own over time. Fontana Lake is large enough to accommodate the additional sediment load with no major effects. 29 Stream Regulation. The presence of the East Fork, West Fork, Dillsboro, and Bryson Dams and their alteration of flows have affected the timing, magnitude, and duration of daily (Figure 7) and seasonal changes in river stage and velocity (Richter et al. 1996), which has many associated effects to lotic (riverine) habitats (Moog 1993). The drop in water velocity in the East Fork and West Fork reservoirs increases water residence time and results in altered water temperatures and reductions in dissolved oxygen. The hypolimnetic deep-water intakes at the East Fork and West Fork developments result in discharges that are colder than normal from April through September. Water-transported sediments, which would normally be flushed downstream, transported, deposited, and redeposited in pools, eddies, and other still-water environments with each high-water event, are now restricted to areas between dams and transported by events of greatly reduced magnitude given the flood-control mechanisms provided by these dams. Waterborne sediments that were transported and deposited throughout the river are now deposited in each reservoir, withholding riverborne sediments from the tailwater areas. The habitat now provided by the reservoirs is not suitable for the Appalachian elktoe, which is unable to adapt to the lentic conditions. The extant river populations of Appalachian elktoes are now separated by the Dillsboro Dam and its reservoir. Hence, the hydroelectric projects isolate these mussels into distinct reaches of the river, making them demographically, if not also genetically, separate from one another (Wafters 1996). The habitats in the Dillsboro reservoir are vastly different from the river habitats they have replaced and have changed the water characteristics (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment deposition, and nutrient load). Not only do the lentic conditions of the reservoirs exclude species like the Appalachian elktoe, which require free-flowing lotic habitats, but the altered flows of the river below the dams that are affected by their operation also impact the river-reliant members of the biotic community (Freeman et al. 2001, Bain et al. 1988). Of the four projects addressed in this document, East Fork and West Fork have historically and currently operate in a peaking mode. The operation results in a substantial amount of habitat being dewatered at frequent and regular intervals in the tailwaters. Figure 6 illustrates how dramatic daily habitat flooding and dewatering can be as a result of the East Fork and West Fork operations. Following dewatering episodes, species of fish hosts for the Appalachian elktoe that are vagile enough to recolonize flooded areas of the dewatered riverbed may be stranded and exposed to desiccation and/or predators. For shallow-water species that are more sedentary and not able to recolonize dewatered zones, like the Appalachian elktoe, dewatered areas represent a loss of habitat. Species that are stranded when water is withheld during peak loading become more vulnerable to terrestrial predators that are excluded from deeper habitats (e.g., raccoon predation on exposed mussel beds). In addition, frequent dewatering greatly reduces the diversity and productivity of this otherwise productive river zone, reducing or eliminating its trophic contribution to the river ecosystem. With daily water fluctuations of the magnitude of those that can currently be conducted at the above Projects, the amount of mid- and deep-water habitat in stretches of river that are affected by load-following also undergo sizable fluctuations. The rapid, daily changes in water volume and velocity in the tailrace and downstream also make this zone less habitable for more sedentary species (e.g., mollusks). Because the level of dewatering can fluctuate between days, seasons, and water year types, less sedentary organisms (e.g., snails) may have time to recolonize zones that will be dewatered during subsequent days. The magnitude of effect is related to the speed with which water levels fluctuate. The more quickly levels change, the more severe the effects to benthic species. The effects of the 30 operation is apparent well downstream of these Projects to the Fontana reservoir (Nantahala Power and Light 2001). Because the Project effects are recognized all the way downstream to the Fontana reservoir, the data do not allow us to determine at what distance below a dam the effects of operation become insignificant or discountable because these effects are confounded. Minimum In-stream Flows. The Bryson Project will continue to be run as an ROR operation, with a new definition, recommended by FERC staff, developed in consultation with the FWS, NCWRC, and NCDENR's DWR, to require maintenance of the reservoir level within a range from 0.1 foot to 0.3 foot of full pond and develop a Lake Level Plan. That is, the average daily inflow will nearly equal the average daily outflow. The Project will essentially follow the Oconaluftee River hydrograph, which is not altered by upstream storage, diversion, or irrigation projects. The proposed action will provide more protective minimum in-stream flows downstream of the Bryson Project by requiring higher target minimum flow releases during maintenance and refill. Maintenance drawdown and refill rates will be described in detail in a proposed license article. In addition, the Licensee will be required to hold the reservoir stable to within plus or minus 0.1 foot under most conditions (99 percent of the time), thereby balancing Project inflows and outflows. Contingency plans allow the Licensee to maintain 204 cfs (September median inflow). The East Fork and West Fork Projects will continue to be operated as storage/peaking facilities, though the proposed action will provide more protective minimum in-stream flows. Minimum flows from the West Fork Project combine with those from the East Fork Project at the confluence of the West Fork Tuckasegee River and the East Fork Tuckasegee River to the Tuckasegee River to tota130 cfs from December 1 through June 30 of each year and 55 cfs from July 1 through November 30. This combined minimum flow regime will be in addition to other tributary accretions, thereby increasing the minimum wetted area of suitable habitat for the Appalachian elktoe. In addition, the Licensee will schedule generation to provide flows to within the middle Tuckasegee River to coincide with peak whitewater or angling recreation under most conditions. In-stream flows are described in detail in the license application, TCSTSA, and final EA. The installation and provision of operating funds for the USGS "real time" gages at Moody Bridge and Barkers Creek will allow the East Fork and West Fork Projects to more accurately monitor discharge, which should translate into better management of downstream flows and maintenance of the proposed minimum flow targets. All these measures will be monitored and enforced under the terms of the TCSTSA and the licenses. The combined in-stream flows will reduce impacts of the East Fork and West Fork Projects to Tuckasegee River habitats used by the Appalachian elktoe, providing slightly more water into the Lower Tuckasegee River, which is expected to have a positive effect on mussel spawning, recruitment, and growth as well as abundance and diversity offish host populations. Thermal Alteration. Virtually all biological and ecological processes are affected by water temperature. Temperature not only directly influences chemical equilibria, but invertebrate and fish communities are also extremely sensitive to temperature (Clarkson and Childs 2000). In terms of impacts on biota, water temperature has direct but often subtle effects on life history 31 timing, habitat suitability, growth rates, rates of infection, mortality from disease and toxic chemicals, and increased exposure to both native and nonnative aquatic predators better adapted to warm-water temperatures. Impacts of hydroelectric project operations on the natural temperature regime of riverine sites may sometimes be related to changes in riparian shading due to tree clearing for roads, power lines, and other facilities. However, the primary impacts on temperature are related to alterations in water surface area, depth, and velocity due to water diversions into or out of the stream corridor (Moog 1993). Changes in the water prism along a stream reach influence the balance of heat flux into (e.g., solar radiation, air convection, ground conduction) and out of (e.g., nighttime reradiation, evaporative cooling, and ground conduction) the reach. These impacts are even more pronounced at reservoir sites, where the ratio of water surface area to reservoir volume is much smaller than that found in riverine sites, which alters the rates and balance of heat exchange with the surrounding environment. The hypolimnetic deep-water intakes at the East Fork and West Fork developments result in discharges that are colder than normal from April through September (Duke Power 2004a, 2004b). Disturbance Duration, Frequency, and Intensity -Again, two distinct situations will have adverse effects on the Appalachian elktoe: (1) continued operation of the East Fork and West Fork Projects and (2) demolition of the Dillsboro Dam. Continued operation of the East Fork and West Fork Projects will be most pronounced during extremes periods of stream-flow regulation, almost daily. Depression of the thermal characteristics of the Tuckasegee River is more pronounced during generation and seasonally during the summer, when discharged water is colder than ambient, attenuating downstream from the East Fork and West Fork powerhouses. These effects are ongoing and limit the upstream extent of occupied habitat. However, it is anticipated that these effects will not increase under the new flow regime. Rather, they will be indiscernible or will extend only slightly less distance downstream. The continued operation of these Projects is anticipated for the 30-year term of the new licenses. Demolition of the Dillsboro Dam will include disturbance to the riverbed and will be of relatively short duration. Initially, there will be a relocation of mussels from the immediate vicinity of the Dillsboro Dam. Riverbed disturbance and increased turbidity will then occur as work begins in the river. Riparian vegetation removal will be conducted and stabilized through erosion-control measures and a combination of hardened work pads or immediate seeding and mulching. In-channel work will generate variable, yet certainly increased, levels of suspended sediments daily. Develop Various Monitoring and Work Plans In conjunction with the surrender and removal of the Dillsboro Dam, the proposed action requires the Licensee to develop: 1. Detailed Demolition Plan. A plan for demolition of the Dillsboro Dam should be prepared in coordination with, and approved by, the resource agencies. 2. Sediment Management Plan. Measures associated with demolition of the Dillsboro Dam may be modified as needed based on results of the sediment removal and monitoring elements of the sediment management plan. 32 3. Mussel Relocation Plan. This plan will be developed following a more detailed survey of the Project tailwaters. It will be developed in close coordination with the FWS and NCWRC. As part of the new license for the Bryson Project, the proposed action requires the Licensee to develop: 1. Bryson Maintenance and Refill Plan. Under its proposed operations at the Bryson Project, Duke Power would occasionally draw down the Ela reservoir for maintenance. Duke Power proposes, in agreement with the resource agencies and staff, that on those occasions, the September median flow of 204 cfs should be released downstream during refill of the reservoir. Duke Power also agrees to support the execution ofpost-licensing studies to determine a deliverable flow should the 204 cfs prove inappropriate. 2. Sediment Management Plan. As described in the final EA, a generic plan will be developed in consultation with the resource agencies and would contain elements, such as the disposition of large woody debris, sediment characterization, disposal options, runoff-control plans, protocols for deriving site-specific factors, and monitoring of removal and disposal activities. The generic sediment management plan will be supplemented with required site-specific variations (e.g., the proposed sediment disposal sites and measures to protect adjacent waters, as appropriate, and monitoring requirements during sediment and debris removal, as well as follow-up monitoring of disposal sites following stabilization). As part of the new licenses for the East Fork and West Fork Projects, the proposed action requires the Licensee to develop: Minimum Flow Plan. The Licensee will prepare this plan for FERC approval within 6 months of licensing. The Licensee will carry out a monitoring program to track and report near-term implementation of flow releases. This information will be used to monitor compliance with the terms of the license and ensure proper maintenance. This extensive program of monitoring will ensure that measures taken to protect natural resources, including the Appalachian elktoe, are implemented. B. Analyses of Effects of the Action Potential Beneficial Effects The demolition and stabilization of the Dillsboro Dam site will have some temporary negative impacts, but is also intended to have long-term beneficial effects. Specifically, FERC has described the following beneficial effects resulting from these Projects: 1. Restoration of 0.9 mile of the Tuckasegee River currently inundated by the Dillsboro reservoir. 33 2. Increased minimum flows from the East Fork and West Fork Projects into the Tuckasegee River Direct Impacts -Actions that may result in direct impacts include the operation of equipment in the channel, construction of temporary work access for the demolition and installation of the channel structures in the stream, resuspension of fine sediments during removal of sediment, removal of woody debris, land-clearing for access, potential toxic spills, the removal of temporary structures after construction, and the potential change in stream-flow velocities or sediment transport capacities on a microscale. All of these activities have the potential to kill or injure mussels, either by crushing them, poisoning them with the release of some toxic substance, or causing siltation that may suffocate them or disrupt, alter, or interrupt feeding or spawning activity. Translocation of individual mussels, though intended to minimize the potential adverse effects of demolition activities, will have an effect in itself. These actions may result in direct harm to individuals or negative changes in currently suitable habitat. Substrate Disturbance and/or Habitat Loss -Preliminary plans for demolition indicate that work will be accomplished primarily from the top of the dam and from the stream bank, although some work in the stream channel will occur. The impact of this work will be limited in duration and scope to those areas that have already been surveyed and from which mussels have been relocated. The preliminary plans propose the reestablishment of the stream-channel configuration to that similar to conditions prior to the impoundment so there will be a net gain of 0.9-mile of stream habitat. Sedimentation and/or Siltation Impacts -Because of the topography and the erodible nature of the soils in the Project area (fine loamy soils with moderate erodibility), Project demolition has the potential to result in sedimentation in the Tuckasegee River. To minimize the potential for sedimentation, Duke Power has developed specific erosion-control measures, including a detailed construction sequence, phased drawdown, turbidity monitoring, and bank stabilization for this Project that are designed to protect environmentally sensitive areas. Sediment inputs from demolition activities should be of relatively short duration. However, if sediment transport occurs in waves, it could be sequentially significant. The proposed demolition activities will probably require no more than 2 weeks for completion (depending on weather and stream flows). However, demolition may require longer or be extended based on conditions or circumstances that develop at the time. Indirect Impacts -Indirect effects are defined as those that are caused by the proposed action and are later in time but are still reasonably certain to occur (50 CFR 402.02). Indirect effects to the Appalachian elktoe may include permanent changes in channel substrate or stability that adversely affect the availability of suitable habitat downstream of the demolition activities. Additional indirect effects could result from infrastructure improvements and any resulting changes that could have land development impacts outside the Project area. Careful implementation of the demolition plans, including work access, should reduce permanent impacts to Tuckasegee River habitat. Given that the Dillsboro Dam demolition will involve removal of the dam, followed by the stabilization of existing stream banks at the dam and reservoir, it is unlikely that the removal will result in changes in adjacent land uses or other indirect effects not already described. 34 Interrelated and Interdependent Actions - An interrelated activity is an activity that is part of the proposed action and depends on the proposed action for its justification. An interdependent activity is an activity that has no independent utility apart from the action under consultation. A determination of whether other activities are interrelated to, or interdependent with, the proposed action under consultation is made by applying a "but for" test. That is, it must be determined that the other activity under question would not occur "but for" the proposed action under consultation. There are no other projects planned that would satisfy the "but for" test; therefore, there are no interrelated or interdependent actions that should be considered in this Opinion. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS Action Area Cumulative effects include the combined effects of any future state, local, or private actions that are reasonably certain to occur within the action area covered in this Opinion. Future federal actions that are unrelated to the proposed action are not considered in this section because they require separate consultation pursuant to section 7 of the ESA. NCDOT Transportation Improvement Projects (TIP). Numerous TIP projects are planned for the Tuckasegee River subbasin. These include rural projects, bridge replacements, repaving of state and U.S. routes, and secondary road improvements (see Table 3). Many of these projects involve federal funds or permits and will undergo separate consultation pursuant to section 7 of the ESA. Cherokee Casino. The Cherokee Casino and Hotel/Conference Center was opened by the EBCI in 1997. Subsequently expanded, the casino is the single largest influence shaping recent economic trends in the Tuckasegee River subbasin. The casino has become the area's largest employer. Through its local purchases of goods and services and expenditures by the more than 3.3 million visitors annually, the casino indirectly supports many more jobs in construction, lodging and food service establishments, trade, and the services sector. Gaming-related revenues have allowed tribal operations to expand, funded infrastructure investments, and added services and programs. Relocation of Great Smoky Mountains Railroad Headquarters to Bryson City. The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad is headquartered in Dillsboro, near the confluence of Scotts Creek with the Tuckasegee River. Each year more than 200,000 passengers enjoy the scenery aboard the excursion trains. American Heritage Railways purchased the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad in December of 1999. The Great Smoky Mountains Railway operates today as the newly organized Great Smoky Mountains Railroad. In 2005, the railroad ran 932 excursions. The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad has renewed the Dillsboro community's downtown district. It is expected that the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad headquarters will be relocated to downtown Bryson City soon and will have a similar revitalizing effect there. Implementation of a strategic relocation plan has begun with the renovation of an existing building near the Bryson City depot to include a combination of ground-floor retail and second-floor offices for the 35 Table 3. Transportation Improvement Program. LOCATION ID NO. DESCRIPTION cosT LENGTH ESTIMATE mi ~k SCHEDULE JACKSON COUNTY RURAL PROJ ECTS US 19 SR 1152 (HUGHES BRANCH ROAD) IN BRYSON CITY TO US 441 NORTH IN CHEROKEE, UPGRADE R-4751 ROADWAY. 9.0 93100 POST YEARS US 19 CHEROKEE RESERVATION, R-4758 SLOPE STABILIZATION. 0.3 4300 SFY 06 US 23, US 74 NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM R-4412 GUARDRAIL. 750 FFY 07 US 25-176 REHABILITATION, UPGRADE SUBSTANDARD. CONNECTOR GUARDRAIL, END TREATMENTS, AND BRIDGE ANCHOR UNITS. US 64 NC 107 AT CASHIERS TO US 178 AT ROSMAN, SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AND CLIMBING LANES AT SELECTED R-2409 LOCATIONS. 4426 NC 107 SR 1002 TO NC 281, UPGRADE R-4753 EXISTING ROADWAY. 4.1 19400 NC 281 (LITTLE SR 1756 IN JACKSON COUNTY TO CAMNADA, NORTH OF SR 1307 IN LAKE TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, PAVE TOXAWAY) TO SECONDARY ROAD FH 3 R-619 STANDARDS. 14.7 17269 NEW SYLVA/DILLSBORO SOUTHERN LOCATION LOOP, US 23-441 SOUTH OF DILLSBORO TO US 23-74 EAST OF SYLVA,CONSTRUCT MULTI-LANE FREEWAY ON NEW R-4745 LOCATION. 7.5 220000 BLUE RIDGE PRA-BERT 2Y11, REHABILITATE PARKWAY LICKSTONE AND BUNCHES BALD R-4728 TUNNELS. 670 QUALLA S5240103. HYATT COVE ROAD, BOUNDARY R-4709 RECONSTRUCTION. 6.3 880 QUALLA 55240105. WATERFALL CHURCH BOUNDARY R-4711 ROAD, RECONSTRUCTION. 0.1 345 QUALLA S5280300. SMITH ROAD, BOUNDARY R-4716 RECONSTRUCTION 0.3 10 36 WESTERN SR 1325 (CENTENNIAL DRIVE), CAROLINA NC 107 TO EAST OF SR 1330 UNIVERSITY (FOREST HILLS DRIVE), RELOCATE ROADWAY THROUGH CAMPUS AND IMPROVE MAIN R-4465 ENTRANCE TO CAMPUS. 0.4 2300 GUARDRAIL INSTALLATION AND VARIOUS R-4048 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS. 1405 1155 FEDERAL BR IDGE PROJECTS US 23-74 SR 1705, SOUTHERN RAILROAD, SCOTT CREEK, REHABILITATE B-4554 BRIDGE NO. 145. 1730 300 NC 107 EAST FORK TUCKASEGEE RIVER, B-3480 REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 39. 2130 305 SR 1002 TUCKESEGEA RIVER, REPLACE B-4159 DECK ON BRIDGE NO. 108. 540 100 SR 1002 TUCKASEGEE RIVER, REPLACE B-4160 DECK BRIDGE NO. 82. 1585 100 SR 1107 NANTAHALA NATIONAL FOREST, FH 82 PFH 1107(7), NORTON MILL B-4347 CREEK, REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 3. 290 40 SR 1120 CEDAR CREEK, REPLACE BRIDGE FFY 07 B-4768 NO. 8. 440 FFY 08 SR 1120 CEDAR CREEK, REPLACE BRIDGE FFY 06 B-4769 NO. 10. 440 FFY 07 SR 1131 TROUT CREEK, REPLACE BRIDGE FFY 07 B-3667 N0.47 AND BRIDGE N0.48. 996 996 FFY 07 SR 1132 TUCKASEGEE RIVER, REPLACE B-4161 BRIDGE N0.211. 716 100 SR 1388 NANTAHALA NATIONAL FOREST, FH 79 PFH 1388(1), DICK'S CREEK, B-4348 REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 156. 340 80 SR 1388 FH NANTAHALA NATIONAL FOREST, 79 PFH 1388(2), DICK'S CREEK, B-4349 REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 36. 250 80 SR 1432 SOUTHERN RAILWAY, REPLACE FFY 07 B-4162 BRIDGE NO. 320. 970 200 FFY 08 SR 1437 SCOTTS CREEK, REPLACE FFY 07 B-4163 BRIDGE NO. 123. 700 150 FFY 08 SR 1731 TUCKASEGEE RIVER, REPLACE B-3861 BRIDGE NO. 107. 680 150 SR 1737 NANTAHALA NATIONAL FOREST, B-4472 PFH 102-1(1). 500 500 FFY06 FH 102 CANEY CREEK, REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 80. SR 1737 NANTAHALA NATIONAL FOREST, B-4612 PFH 102-1(1). 480 480 FFY06 FH 102 CANEY CREEK, REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 79. SR 1756 NANTAHALA FOREST, B-3275 SECTION A, PFH 58-1 1 . 2226 1426 37 CHARLIE REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 76 CREEK (CHARLEYS CREEK).SECTION B, ROAD PFH 58-1(2), REPLACE BRIDGE NO. (FH 58) 167 (WOLF CREEK) AND BRIDGE N0.225 (SOLS CREEK) AND SECTION C, PFH 58-1(3), REPLACE BRIDGE N0.294 (GAGE CREEK) AND BRIDGE NO. 304, FFY 07 TANNASSEE CREEK. FFY 07 VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION FOR BRIDGE PROJECTS IN FFY 06 B-4914 DIVISION 14. 2025 2025 FFY 08 ENHANCEMENT PROJ ECTS CULLOWHE CULLOWHEE GREENWAY E CONNECTOR, CULLOWHEE VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND SR 1329 (LYLE WILSON ROAD) TO SR 1330 (COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE) PROVIDING ACCESS TO WESTERN CAROLINA E-4823 UNIVERSITY. 22 22 JACKSON PHASE I: CONSTRUCT SCOTTS COUNTY CREEK GREENWAY, SYLVA TO FFY 07 E-4971 DILLSBORO. 79 FFY 07 SYLVA PHASE A: RENOVATION AND/OR CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES IN THE MILL STREET AREA OF DOWNTOWN. IMPROVE MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT ON RAILROAD AVENUE, PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER SCOTTS CREEK AND STREETSCAPING ON MILL FFY 06 E-4824 STREET. 163 15 FFY 07 VARIOUS BLUE RIDGE NATIONAL HERITAGE SITES, INTERPRETATIVE AND FFY 07 E-4975 GATEWAY MARKERS. 533 FFY 08 HAZARD ELIMINATION PROJECTS EAST OF SR 1391 TO SR 1514/SR 1387, REMOVE AND US 74-441 W-4713 REPLACE CONCRETE ISLAND. 5600 200 FFY 07 REMOVE AND REPLACE CONCRETE ISLAND. HAYWOOD COUNTY LINE TO NC 28 (NORTH), INSTALL MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS ON THE MEDIAN US 74 W-4846 AND SHOULDERS. 193 CONSTRUCTION 38 swanv coulv-~ RURAL PROJECTS US 19 SR 1152 (HUGHES BRANCH ROAD) IN BRYSON CITY TO US 441 NORTH IN CHEROKEE, UPGRADE R-4751 ROADWAY. 9.0 US 23, US 74, NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM US 25-176 GUARDRAIL REHABILITATION, CONNECTOR UPGRADE SUBSTANDARD GUARDRAIL, END TREATMENTS R-4412 AND BRIDGE ANCHOR UNITS. US 74 CORRIDOR "K," US 19-74-129 AT ANDREWS TO NC 28 EAST OF ALMOND, FOUR LANE DIVIDED FACILITY, PRIMARILY ON NEW A-9* LOCATION. 27.1 SR 1364/SR SR 1369 (BYRD ROAD) IN MACON 1114 COUNTY TO EXISTING NEEDMORE PAVEMENT IN SWAIN COUNTY, ROAD UPGRADE TO SECONDARY ROAD R-4440 STANDARDS. 3.3 GREAT PHASE A -PRA-GRSM 1 B 17, SMOKY REHABILITATE NEWFOUND GAP MOUNTAINS ROAD. PHASE B -PRA-GRSM NATIONAL 1B19, REHABILITATE NEWFOUND PARK R-4730 GAP ROAD. QUALLA S5240104. CODY LAMBERT ROAD, BOUNDARY R-4710 RECONSTRUCTION. 0.1 QUALLA S5271197. OLD N0.4 STAND, BOUNDARY R-4713 RECONSTRUCTION. 0.2 QUALLA 55280100. BOYD CATOLSTER, BOUNDARY R-4714 RECONSTRUCTION 0.2 QUALLA S5280200. OLLIE JUMPER ROAD, BOUNDARY R-4715 RECONSTRUCTION. 0.7 VARIOUS GUARDRAIL INSTALLATION AND R-4048 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS. 1405 FEDERAL BRIDGE PROJECTS US 19-74 NANTAHALA RIVER, REPLACE B-4286 BRIDGE NO. 3. 1365 US 19-441 OCONALUFTEE RIVER, REPLACE BUS. B-4696 BRIDGE NO. 24. 3000 SR 1100 NANTAHALA RIVER, REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 99 AND BRIDGE B-4287 NO. 100. 945 SR 1309 ALARKA CREEK, REPLACE B-3701 BRIDGE NO. 106. 1458 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION FOR BRIDGE PROJECTS IN VARIOUS B-4914 DIVISION 14. 2025 93100 750 FFY 07 792577 1615 16600 310 10 10 871 1155 100 200 100 308 2025 IN PROGRESS FFY 07 POST YEARS FFY 06 FFY 06 FFY08, 09 FFY 07 39 ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS US 19 NANTAHALA NATIONAL FOREST, UPGRADE PULL-OFF AT TEN SITES (SITES 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, AND 14) IN THE NANTAHALA E-4825 GORGE. 31 31 FFY 07 US 19 IMPROVEMENTS TO SCENIC OVERLOOK SITE #6 ON US 19 IN E-4969 THE NANTAHALA GORGE. 75 FFY 07 BRYSON PHASE C: EVERETT STREET, CITY MAIN STREET TO DEPOT STREET. PHASE D: MITCHELL STREET, EVERETT STREET TO SLOPE E-4588 STREET, STREETSCAPE. 627 627 FFY 07 BRYSON DEPOT STREET, EVERETT STREET CITY TO COLLINS STREET, E-4972 STREETSCAPING. 169 FFY 07 CHEROKEE CONSTRUCT VISITOR RESERVATI CENTER/TOURISM INFORMATION ON BUILDING IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT ON THE CHEROKEE E-4586 RESERVATION. 125 125 FFY 07 VARIOUS BLUE RIDGE NATIONAL HERITAGE SITES, INTERPRETATIVE AND E-4975 GATEWAY MARKERS. 533 FFY 07 MOUNTAIN WATERS NATIONAL SCENIC BEAUTIFICATION, SCENIC MOUNTAIN WATERS NATIONAL IN BYWAY 61.3 SCENIC BYWAY. 16 PROGRESS VARIOUS MOUNTAIN WATERS NATIONAL S-4001 SCENIC BYWAY, SIGNING. 61.3 16 HAZARD ELI MINATIO N PROJECTS US 19 SR 1152 (HUGHES BRANCH ROAD), CONSTRUCT LEFT TURN SI-4815 LANE. 100 US 74 HAYWOOD COUNTY LINE TO NC 28 (NORTH), INSTALL MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS ON THE MEDIAN W-4846 AND OUTSIDE SHOULDERS. 193 SR 1323 SLOPE MITCHELL STREET, INSTALL RIGHT-OF-WAY STREET SI-4816 TRAFFIC SIGNAL. 155 CONSTRUCTION company's administrative functions. Those functions expect to relocate within the year. Future plans include additional redevelopment of existing buildings, construction of a roundhouse and turntable for the storage and maintenance of the company's locomotives and rolling stock, a hotel/motel, and expanded parking. Full implementation will be a long-term endeavor, requiring 10 or more years. However, even prior to full implementation, Bryson City will become the primary terminal for most of the scheduled excursions. That change will dramatically increase 40 the number of people and traffic in downtown Bryson City, lengthen the duration of their visits, and provide an economic infusion that would ripple across the downtown landscape, stimulating new business start-ups, reinvestment in existing structures, and new development on the lower Tuckasegee River. The relocation will relieve some traffic in the Dillsboro area, though much of the tourist traffic is expected to remain. Private Development (Outside the Project Boundary). With its outstanding scenic and recreational resources, western North Carolina has long been host to many second homes for use on a seasonal or occasional basis. Development in Jackson and Swain Counties, which has increased in recent years, includes substantial retirement and second-home construction, intended primarily for seasonal or occasional occupancy. Meeting the needs and wishes of the owners and guests of these units, in addition to those of traditional tourists, is seen as becoming a driving force for economic development and redevelopment in Swain and Graham Counties and elsewhere in the region. There are several certified industrial sites in the Tuckasegee River subbasin (Table 4) promoted by regional and local economic development organizations through long-term incentives and tax advantages for companies who make investments in the community, create jobs, and provide worker training. Table 4. Certified Industrial Sites and Buildings in the Tuckasegee River subbasin. Site Name City County Acreage Swain County #2 Bryson City Swain 9.34 Swain County #2 Bryson City Swain 9.34 Jackson Industrial Site -Whittier Whittier Jackson 11 Bernice C. Gough Property Sylva Jackson 19 Hidden Valley Sylva Jackson 29.7 Brendle Site Bryson City Swain 30 Green Bryson City Swain 99.1 Building Name Sq. Footage Carolina Mountain Antiques Whittier Jackson 14339 Ashley Building Sylva Jackson 23324 Tuckaseigee Mills Sylva Jackson 101000 Tuckaseigee Mills2 Bryson City Swain 117262 *Source: AdvantageWest -North Carolina - http://www.awnc.org Other Trends. As demonstrated by the designation of western North Carolina as the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area, heritage tourism plays an important role in the regional economy. Tourism and recreation visitation are the major drivers of long-term economic growth across the region. While the number of visitors to the area is not expected to see large year-over-year 41 increases, expenditures by those who do visit the area are expected to rise. The number of touring motorcyclists, which increased in the study area region over the last 10 to 15 years, can be expected to remain a part of the tourism market for the foreseeable future. Continued residential development could have the potential to significantly impact the Tuckasegee River subbasin and the Appalachian elktoe. However, given the uncertainty of this action, we will not address residential development further in this Opinion. We are not aware of any other future state, local, or private actions that are reasonably certain to occur within the action area that would not be subject to section 7 reviews. Therefore, cumulative effects, as defined by the ESA, will not occur and will not be addressed further in this Opinion. Cumulative Impacts of Incidental Take Anticipated by the FWS in Previously Issued Biolo ical Opinions. In reaching a decision as to whether the implementation of activities outlined in the BA are likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the Appalachian elktoe, we must factor into our analysis previous biological opinions issued involving the species, especially those opinions where incidental take was presented as the area of habitat disturbed. All previously issued biological opinions involving the Appalachian elktoe involved activities in other subbasins. All of these opinions have been nonjeopardy, and they assessed the amount of take to be "minimal." CONCLUSION After reviewing the current status of the Appalachian elktoe; the environmental baseline for the action area; the effects of relicensing the East Fork, West Fork, and Bryson Hydroelectric Projects and the removal of the Dillsboro Dam; measures identified in the final EA and BA to help minimize the potential impacts of the proposed Projects and assist in the protection, management, and recovery of the species; previously issued FWS nonjeopardy biological opinions that allow various levels of incidental take; any potential interrelated and interdependent actions associated with the proposed action; and any potential cumulative effects, it is the FWS's biological opinion that implementing these Projects is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the Appalachian elktoe. Critical habitat will not be adversely affected or destroyed by implementing these Projects as proposed. INCIDENTAL TAKE STATEMENT Section 9 of the ESA and federal regulations pursuant to section 4(d) of the ESA prohibit the taking of endangered and threatened species, respectively, without special exemption. Take is defined as to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or attempt to engage in any such conduct. Harm is further defined by the FWS to include significant habitat modification or degradation that results in death or injury to listed species by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, such as breeding, feeding, or sheltering. Harass is defined by the FWS as intentional or negligent actions that create the likelihood of injury to listed species to such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal behavior patterns that include, 42 but are not limited to, breeding, feeding, or sheltering. Incidental take is defined as take that is incidental to, and not for the purpose of, the carrying out of an otherwise lawful activity. Under the terms of section 7(b)(4) and section 7(0)(2), taking that is incidental to and not intended as part of the agency action is not considered to be prohibited under the ESA, provided that such taking is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this incidental take statement. Amount of Take Anticipated We anticipate that incidental take of the Appalachian elktoe may occur as a result of the continued operation of the East Fork, West Fork, and Bryson Hydroelectric Projects and as a result of demolition activities associated with the decommissioning and removal of the Dillsboro Dam. During operation of the East Fork, West Fork, and Bryson Hydroelectric Projects, hypolimnetic discharges will continue to alter the natural flow regime and limit the upstream extent of cool-water habitat. During demolition, individual mussels may be crushed, harmed by siltation or other water quality degradation, or dislocated because of physical changes in their habitat. Operation of the East Fork West Fork and B sr~ Hydroelectric Projects. During operation of the East Fork, West Fork, and Bryson Hydroelectric Projects, hypolimnetic discharges will continue to alter the natural flow regime and limit the upstream extent of cool-water habitat. Even with the proposed minimum flow regime (an improvement that will minimize take) (Travnicheck et al. 1995), some areas of habitat will be altered daily as peaking occurs. Adult Appalachian Elktoes: Harassment -Harassment, as defined above, will be permitted for 100 percent of individuals occupying the East Fork and West Fork tailwaters to the Fontana reservoir and for 100 percent of the individuals used for long-term monitoring purposes. The FWS expects that the most common form of harassment will be the altering of normal feeding, spawning, and siphoning behavior. This form of harassment is expected to occur for the term of the new licenses. This form of harassment is not above and beyond the level of harassment that is currently resulting from the operation of the Projects. Each mussel is affected to some degree by this form of harassment. This form of harassment is not expected to negatively impact Tuckasegee River basin population numbers beyond the current level; rather, it will continue to limit the longitudinal and lateral distribution of the species. Mortality -Mortality is not expected to occur due to operational, maintenance, or emergency operational changes in tailwater discharges that depart from the proposed minimum flow levels and the proposed reregulation. The level of lethal incidental take resulting from these activities is estimated to be zero. Potential mortality associated with any no-standard operations during demolition of the Dillsboro Dam is addressed below. 43 Juvenile Appalachian Elktoes: Harassment -Harassment, as defined above, will be permitted for 100 percent of the individuals affected by stream-flow alterations during demolition and for 100 percent of the individuals displaced from the substrate but later located in suitable habitat. The FWS anticipates that the most common form of harassment will be the altering of normal feeding behavior and depression of initial growth. This form of harassment is not expected to negatively impact the population numbers or distribution above the current level. Mortality -Mortality is anticipated to be limited to a small number of the total number of individuals dislodged and transported into unsuitable habitat during peak generation, including potentially suitable habitat that is periodically desiccated during low-flow periods. Mortality is likely to occur on the exposed gravel bars. The level of lethal incidental take resulting from these activities cannot be reasonably estimated or quantified at this time and therefore is defined as unquantifiable. Dillsboro Dam Demolition. Within the "footprint" of the proposed dam demolition, the streambed will be impacted by construction equipment or access structures placed in the river. Downstream impacts (sedimentation) are expected close to the demolition sites and will extend throughout the regulated Tuckasegee River and into the Fontana reservoir. Because there are limited data on the number of Appalachian elktoes buried in the substrate compared to those on the surface (and even those on the surface are difficult to detect), it is not possible to base the amount of incidental take on numbers of individual mussels (except those relocated and monitored as part of the plan). The Licensee has requested that the Commission limit its responsibilities regarding the Appalachian elktoe mussel to its proposal to relocate the part of the population currently located downstream of the Dillsboro Dam to an area upstream of the reservoir in order to minimize the effects of dam removal on the population. Instead of requiring the propagation of juvenile mussels and the release of host species as recommended in the EA, Duke Power has requested that it be allowed to determine jointly with FWS and NCWRC the best alternatives to address the possibility of the relocation plan being unsuccessful. The final EA noted that the potential impact of moving the individual mussels below the Dillsboro Dam to an area upstream will be scrutinized in a mussel protection plan. The draft plan is, at best, conceptual in nature; therefore, assessing the specific effects of these measures and alternatives associated with the plan in more detail would be speculative and premature at this time. The actual level of incidental take will be estimated based on the results of a more detailed, updated mussel survey of the Dillsboro tailwater area, including the entire reach of the Tuckasegee River upstream of the Tuckasegee Gorge, to at least the railroad trestle (RM 30.3), as well as representative sample reaches at regular intervals from the Gorge to the Fontana reservoir. Adult Appalachian Elktoes: Harassment -Harassment, as defined above, will be permitted for 100 percent of the individuals collected and relocated from the Dillsboro tailwaters to the relocation sites identified above the Dillsboro reservoir and for 100 percent of the individuals used for long-term monitoring purposes. The FWS expects that the most common form of 44 harassment will be the altering of normal feeding, spawning, and siphoning behavior. This form of harassment is not expected to negatively impact Tuckasegee River basin population numbers. Mortality -Mortality is anticipated to be limited to 50 percent of the individuals relocated and all adults in the immediate demolition area that are missed during the relocation, from the Dillsboro tailwaters to upstream sites above the Project for the first year after initiation of relocation and shall not exceed 10 percent thereafter. Mortality is likely to occur on a small number of individuals used for long-term monitoring, sampling for pathogens, and reservoir passage and possibly other elements of Project operations. The level of lethal incidental take resulting from these activities or those that are downstream of the relocation area and affected by increased sedimentation and scour cannot be reasonably estimated or quantified at this time and therefore is defined as unquantifiable. Juvenile Appalachian Elktoes: Harm and harassment -Harm and harassment, as defined above, will be permitted for 100 percent of the individuals affected by sediment redeposition and stream-flow alterations during demolition and for 100 percent of individuals displaced from suitable substrate. The FWS anticipates that the most common form of harassment will be the altering of normal feeding behavior. This form of harassment is not expected to negatively impact the population numbers. Mortality -Mortality shall be limited to small number of individuals of the total number of individuals affected by deposition of the bedload, those dislodged and transported into unsuitable habitat during demolition and the associated flow regulation above and below the Dillsboro Dam. Mortality is likely to occur. The level of lethal incidental take resulting from these activities cannot be reasonably estimated or quantified at this time and therefore is defined as unquantifiable. However, the temporal scale, though uncertain and experimental in nature, will be limited to less than two age classes. Adaptive management will be employed to reduce the effects of sediment redistribution. As soon as each dam section is successively removed, higher flows will likely begin moving bedload material that was not removed prior to demolition into the channel downstream from the site. Initially, much of this material would be fine-grained silt and sand because it could be moved more easily than cobbles and other large particles. Modeling suggests that fine sand could travel all the way to the mouth of the Tuckasegee River. EFFECT OF THE TAKE In this Opinion we have determined that this level of take is not likely to result in jeopardy to the Appalachian elktoe. 45 Reasonable and Prudent Measures We believe the following reasonable and prudent measures (RPMs) are necessary and appropriate to minimize take of the Appalachian elktoe. These nondiscretionary measures include, but are not limited to, the terms and conditions outlined in this Opinion. They must be implemented as binding conditions for the exemption in section 7(a)(2) to apply. FERC has the continuing duty to regulate the activities covered in this incidental take statement. If FERC fails to require the Licensee to adhere to the terms and conditions of the incidental take statement through enforceable terms that are in the license or fails to retain the oversight to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions, the protective coverage of section 7(0)(2) may lapse. Activities carried out in a manner consistent with these RPMs, except those otherwise identified, will not necessitate further site-specific consultation. Activities that do not comply with all relevant RPMs will require further consultation. 1. Project operation and demolition activities shall be implemented consistent with measures developed to protect the Appalachian elktoe, including those designed to maintain, improve, or enhance its habitat. 2. FERC, its Licensee, and/or their consultants will remove Appalachian elktoes from the immediate vicinity of the Dillsboro tailwater site and relocate them to suitable locations agreed to by the FWS, according to the procedures of a mussel translocation plan developed by FERC, its Licensee, andlor their consultants and approved by the FWS. 3. FERC, its Licensee, and/or consultants will monitor the river channel and banks at sites upstream, at the demolition sites, and downstream to determine changes in habitat resulting from activities at these sites, according to the procedures of a mussel monitoring plan developed by FERC, its Licensee, and/or their consultants and approved by the FWS. 4. FERC, its Licensee, and/or consultants will protect riparian areas along the Tuckasegee River and its major tributaries within the Project boundaries of the Dillsboro Project, and wherever Project activities are conducted, through conservation easements held by an appropriate land conservation organization. Terms and Conditions In order to be exempt from the prohibitions of section 9 of the ESA, FERC must include in the new license, or otherwise comply with the following terms and conditions, which implement the reasonable and prudent measures described previously and outline required reporting and/or monitoring requirements. These terms and conditions are nondiscretionary and apply to the Tuckasegee River subbasin. 1. The Licensee will notify the FWS at least 2 weeks in advance of demolition so that a biologist from our staff can be present at the preconstruction meeting to 46 cover permit conditions and discuss any questions the contractor has regarding implementation of these measures in order to minimize impacts or to avoid the take of Appalachian elktoes. 2. FERC and its Licensee will ensure that a qualified aquatics biologist is present at critical times to monitor certain phases of demolition of the Dillsboro Dam, including, but not limited to, initial clearing, when any in-channel work is conducted, and when temporary work accesses are removed. 3. Upon completion of demolition of the Dillsboro Dam, the temporary access fills will be removed to the natural grade, and the area will be planted with native grasses and/or tree species as appropriate. 4. Activities in the floodplain will be limited to those absolutely necessary to conduct the demolition. Areas used for borrow, demolition, or construction by-products will not be located in wetlands or the 100-year floodplain. No stone or fill materials will be obtained or purchased from any unauthorized floodplain or in-channel sources. All construction equipment should be refueled outside the 100-year floodplain or at least 200 feet from all water bodies (whichever distance is greater) and should be protected with secondary containment. Hazardous materials, fuel, lubricating oils, or other chemicals will be stored outside the 100-year floodplain or at least 200 feet from all water bodies (whichever distance is greater), preferably at an upland site. 6. Riparian vegetation, especially large trees, will be maintained within the Project boundaries to the maximum extent possible. 7. If riparian areas are disturbed, they will be revegetated with native woody species as soon as possible. 8. The relocation of mussels at the Dillsboro Dam and tailwater vicinity will occur during low flow (likely early summer), after Appalachian elktoe spawning; exact dates to be determined in consultation with the FWS and NCWRC. 9. Demolition of the Dillsboro Dam will occur during low flow (likely early summer), after Appalachian elktoe discharge of glochidia; exact dates to be determined in consultation with the FWS and NCWRC. 10. The Licensee will provide an opportunity for the FWS to review and approve the plans for mussel relocation, developed and implemented by FERC and its Licensee, for the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River. The plan will detail appropriate collection methods, tagging and recapture, handling and 47 transportation of individuals, relocation after demolition, and monitoring protocols. 11. FERC or Licensee will provide a report to the FWS for each monitoring period outlined in the relocation plan. In addition, a complete report of the data taken during the relocation and a visual survey 1 month after relocation will be required. 12. The Licensee will develop a detailed demolition plan that addresses the timing, methods, and disposition for dam removal. Due diligence should be used to contain demolition materials and remove them from the river. A standard oil boom should be in place downstream of the dam prior to reservoir drawdown or any other attempts to remove the Project works with power equipment. Provisions should be made to dispose of any material collected on the boom. 13. Drawdown rates should not vary more than 20 percent from the inflow to the reservoir. During drawdown, the outflow of the reservoir should be no more than 20 percent above the inflow. We recommend that the Licensee maintain regular estimates of the total inflow to the reservoir base during drawdown and more often during upstream generation changes and/or precipitation events in the headwaters. If there are changes in the estimated inflow to the reservoir, the gates should be adjusted accordingly. 14. During drawdown, turbidity readings should be collected at two points and should be compared every quarter hour, one at the inflow to the reservoir and the other immediately downstream of the reservoir, probably upstream of Scotts Creek. We will then be able to detect increases in turbidity from within the reservoir. Increases of reservoir outflow greater than 20 NTU above reservoir inflow should trigger a pause in the drawdown to allow fine sediments to settle and be removed. Additionally, a silt curtain should be used to contain sediment within the reservoir and immediately downstream. All sediments captured by the silt curtain will be removed to an approved location outside the stream. 15. Because no vegetation will be present on the newly exposed shoreline along the margins of the Dillsboro reservoir, appropriate measures should be taken (as it is exposed), to minimize the erosion of these disturbed areas, to stabilize them as soon as possible, and to establish vegetation as soon as these areas are ready for it. More than likely, the emerging slopes of the river valley would be stabilized and revegetated in bands as the water level is being lowered in the reservoir. Some erosion from these areas will occur in spite of the control measures, largely because vegetation will not provide its maximum protection until between 5 and 10 years after it was planted. In the interim, biodegradable fabrics should be used to stabilize the areas prone to slumping, caving, or subsidence until they can be stabilized with vegetation. 48 16. A plan for monitoring the physical characteristics of the river will be reviewed and agreed to by FERC and the FWS prior to the beginning of demolition, with enough lead time to record a baseline for the target parameters. The intent of the monitoring is to characterize any changes to mussel habitat as a result of the demolition and removal activities. Additionally, a decision to move the relocated mussels back to their original location will be based, in part, on the suitability of the habitat after demolition. This monitoring will provide critical information for making that decision. 17. FERC or its Licensee will provide a report to us for each monitoring period outlined in the monitoring plan detailed above. 18. Demolition cannot proceed until the FWS has approved the mussel relocation plan and sediment management plan. CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONS Section 7(a)(1) of the ESA directs federal agencies to use their authorities to further the purposes of the ESA by carrying out conservation programs for the benefit of endangered and threatened species. The following conservation recommendations are discretionary agency activities to minimize or avoid the adverse effects of a proposed action on listed species or critical habitat, to help implement recovery plans, or to develop information. 1. Pursue funding and partnership opportunities to complete any additional research, inventory, and monitoring work in order to better understand the distribution and autecology of the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River. 2. Where opportunities exist, work with landowners, the general public, and other agencies to promote education and information about endangered mussels and their conservation. 3. Pursue additional buffers and conservation opportunities along the main stem of the Tuckasegee River and its tributaries, either individually or in concert with other conservation programs. 4. Explore opportunities to work with local and state water quality officials in order to minimize or eliminate wastewater and storm-water discharges into the Tuckasegee River. 5. Fund and/or conduct research necessary for reestablishing the species in suitable portions of the Oconaluftee River above the Bryson Project and/or other streams from which the species has been extirpated. 49 6. Fund or conduct research necessary for determining the number of Appalachian elktoes necessary for maintaining a viable population (as defined the species' recovery plan). 7. Implement measures at the East Fork and West Fork Projects to eliminate the effects of the hypolimnetic discharges from these Projects. In order to be kept informed of actions minimizing or avoiding adverse effects or benefiting listed species or their habitats, we request notification of the implementation of any conservation recommendations. SUMMARY In this Opinion, we have analyzed potential effects of the proposed new major licenses for the East Fork and West Fork Hydroelectric Projects and a subsequent license for the Bryson Hydroelectric Project. We also have considered in detail the potential effects of the surrender and demolition of the Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project. We expect that the continued regulation of stream flow and hypolimnetic discharge by the East Fork and West Fork Hydroelectric Projects will continue to limit the distribution and abundance of the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River. We expect that the removal of the Dillsboro Dam will benefit the Appalachian elktoe by to reconnecting the subpopulations. We also acknowledge the potential short-term adverse effects of the demolition and sediment discharge and the need for more detailed plans of action, to include contingency measures. Much of our analysis of the effects of the demolition of the Dillsboro Dam relies on the development of more detailed plans for: (1) mussel relocation and monitoring, (2) sediment management, and (3) demolition. We expect that with the subsequent development of these detailed plans, we will amend this Opinion to incorporate the more precise estimates of numbers of Appalachian elktoes affected by the demolition, measures to minimize take, and the precise schedule of events. The following statement describes the potential circumstances for which we would need to reconsider the effects of the proposed licensing and surrender actions. REINITIATION/CLOSING STATEMENT This concludes formal consultation on the actions outlined in the final EA and your May 17, 2006, request for formal consultation. As provided in 50 CFR 402.16, reinitiation of formal consultation is required where discretionary federal agency involvement or control over the action has been retained (or is authorized by law) and if: (1) the amount or extent of incidental take is exceeded, (2) new information reveals effects of the agency action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner or to an extent not considered in this Opinion, (3) the agency action is subsequently modified in a manner that causes an effect to the listed species or critical habitat not considered in this Opinion, or (4) a new species is listed or critical habitat is 50 designated that may be affected by the action. In instances where the amount or extent of incidental take is exceeded, any operation causing such take must cease, pending reinitiation. Consultation should also be reinitiated if new biological information comes to light that invalidates the assumptions made regarding the biology or distribution of the Appalachian elktoe in the Tuckasegee River. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Cantrell of our staff at 828/258-3939, Ext. 227, or me, Ext. 223. We have assigned our Log No. 4-2-06-324 to this consultation; please refer to this number in any future correspondence concerning this matter. Sincerely, - original signed - Brian P. Cole Field Supervisor cc: Mr. Steve Fraley, Aquatic Nongame Coordinator, Western Region, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, 50 Trillium Way, Clyde, NC 28721 Mr. William T. 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Tuckasegee River subbasin, action area for the East Fork Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2698-033), West Fork Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2686- 032), asubsequent license for the Bryson Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2601- 007), and the application for license surrender for the Dillsboro Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2602-007), Jackson and Swain Counties, North Carolina. ~~ pry ~y '~ tri ~rySOll 'Jconaluftee P.. at Rirdm~cn ~P-2601) ° '`y ~~ ~~~ fy uckaegee R ar~5r~son Ciro T d:a,egee R_ ar Bark~ss Creel: y~ Dillsboro ~, (P-2602) ,~i~`' _ Tuckas:_ge? R atCu o East Fork (P-2698] West Fork ~. {P-26861 r ~ . .~.~ ~ - ~ a ,~ rv _.._.._...~.~.._.._.. ..~~~~"..._.._ ,~ ~ r ~ ~ I . ~.. ~ ~ ~~ S ,h . l}:-C~~ Figure 2. The stream gaging station operated by the U S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Resources Division at Bryson City, since 1897, near the lower portion of the subbasin, shows seasonally variable flows, with highest flows generally occurring during winter. The gaging station measures the streamflow from a catchment of approximately 655 square miles. Mean Monthly Discharge USGS 03513000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC Monthly mean in cfs (Calculation Period From:1897-10-01 , To: 2005-09-30) 7,000. _. .__,. ._._ __ . _ _ _ -Minimum monthly discharge ~ ' ~ - - Median of monthly discharge 6.000 -- . ___ - -Maximum of monthly discharge , 5,000 y ~ 4,000 1i o> t1° N ~ ' / ~ ~ G 3,000 ---- - - - 2.000 _ -~- ~ -- - --- 1.000 0 ~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun ~ ` • / ~ ~ • ~' " ~ _ _ _ _ • _ ~. ~ .~ . . ~ _ Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 3. Peak stream-flow - -USGS 03513000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC - -Swain County, North Carolina. • Hydrologic Unit Code: 06010203 • Latitude: 35°25'39"; Longitude: 83°26'49" NAD83 • Drainage area: 655.00 square miles • Gage datum: 1,714.54 feet above sea level NGVD29 USGS 03513004 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC 68688 y 59898 as c~ .,~ ~ 48888 ca c~ „~ c 0 ~ 38888 s ~, a L 28888 ~ 18888 e 4 t~ O ~ p ~ .p 4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oc~ ~ ~ ~ o acs o ° 1984 1916 1928 1948 1952 1964 1976 1988 2888 Figure 4. Tuckasegee River hydrograph showing effects of daily regulation at three successive sites - - (a) USGS 03508050 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT SR 1172 NR CULLOWHEE, NC; (b) USGS 03510577 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BARKER'S CREEK, NC; (c) USGS 03513000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC - - on the Tuckasegee River downstream of the East and West Fork Hydroelectric Projects. The Oconaluftee River [(d) USGS 03512000 OCONALUFTEE RIVER AT BIRDTOWN, NC - - is an unregulated watershed upstream of the Bryson Hydroelectric Project. (c) USGS 83513888 TU[KgSEGEE RIVER RT BRYSOR CITY. M[ 90E 5 SBF (b) USGS 83518577 TUCKRSEGEE RIVER qT BgRKER'S CREEK. R[ 3888 a 2088 1088 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ 1~, .~ ',(~'~,.. (a) USGS 03588850 TUCKRSEGEE RIVER RT SR 1172 NR [ULLONREE, RC 288 Jun 26 Jun 28 Jun 3B Jul 82 Jul B! Jul BB Jul N Jul 1B ---- Provisional Oata Subject to Revision ---- g ~ a 2888 1Bee ~B Jun 26 \ ~1 ~ti'1 i1 1, I '^'`..J ~~1 1 R ,~ ~~ Jun 28 Jun ~ Jul B2 Jul B4 Jul BG Jul N Jul 18 ---- Provisional Data Subject to Revision ---- (d) ~ IBBB 6 USGS 03512888 O[ORgLUFTEE RIVER RT BIROTONM. N[ i0B Jun 26 Jun 2B Jun ~ Jul 82 Jul B4 Jul K Jul BB Jul 18 ---- Provi^.ional Data Subject to Revision ---- ~,~~ 50 Jun 26 Jun 28 Jun 38 Jul 82 Jul B4 Jul OB Jul BR Jul 1B ---- Provisional Data Subject to Nevision ---- Figure 5. The Tuckasegee River is designated as critical habitat for the Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) from the N.C. State Route 1002 Bridge in Cullowhee, Jackson County, NC, downstream to the N.C. Highway 19 Bridge, north of Bryson City, Swain County, NC. ,ry ~y i is Eryson Ocona}uftee R at Eiir~mwn ~lP-2 ~~ xckasegee R atP,ryson ~itp TuckasegeeR atEazkec. Creel: DIIISbOrO •.~~~' ~ . ` +~ \t ~~r+' ,, :. ,.r' ...r''f c, ~"'f G?:: i "-oath C arolir~a Tuckasegee R at Cullowhee ~y 'fir f~ ~~ y East Fork (P-2698) West Fork: ® ~ ~„ ` (P-2686} `y'~„ r ~ ~ ~~ ~~ , fy Legend r'I ' '`r USGS Gages ~ Critical Habitat rr~ark_a_cardrel}@#ws.~~v Tuckasegee sub-basin 7- t~t2C~fi Figure 6. Example stream hydrographs from a recent period of generation measured at two successive sites - - (a) USGS 03508050 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT SR 1172 NR CULLOWHEE, NC) and (b) USGS 03510577 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BARKER'S CREEK, NC - - on the Tuckasegee River downstream of the East Fork Hydroelectric Project (P-2698) and West Fork Hydroelectric Project (P-2686). (al Stream-flnw ~ t+ ~ . USGS 03508050 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT SR 1112 NR CULLOWHEE, NC aee ~~I r ~ I i ~~~yyy l ~~' I I ~~ u i ~ I ~ ~ y b ~ I i I i i~ ~ ~i ' ~ I~ ~ L 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~y ~~' ~ H c i ~1 I y ~' ~' Y ~~~ Y 5B Jul % Jul 00 Jul SB Jul 12 Jul 14 Jul 18 Jul 18 Jul 2B ---- Provisional Bata Subject Ca Revision ---- (al SYa~e ~ ~ t~ USGS 03508050 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT SR 1172 NR CULLOWHEE, NC 6,B i' 5.5 u 5,B r n I~ 4 I i I I ~ r~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ( ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.~~_ v 9.5 3 B . Jul BB Jul BB Jul 10 Jul 12 Jul 14 Jul 16 Jul 16 Jul 2B ---- Provisional Bata Subject to Revision ---- (b) Stream-flow ~ t+ - ~ ~. USGS 03510577 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BARKER'S CREEK, NC 18M 9BB 8BB ~ 9 7B6 ~` ~ ' ~ ~ ~I ~ n Bee ~ II ' y~1~1 ~ ~ h~ ~~{ I SBB o ~ ~ {{{ `` i I \ "' ~ ` S 4~ , 1 , , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~! ~ I ' ~ ; < < ~ ~ , j ' , ` ; ti4, . `~ ._ ~ ~ ~ ` ``~•. oe 208 v iN Jul BB Jul BB Jul 18 Jul 12 Jul 14 Jul 16 Jul 18 Jul % ---- Provisional Oata Subject to Revision ---- (b) Stage ~ti - USGS 03510577 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BARKER'S CREEK. NC 4.58 4 BB ~~ ~ j'. I ~~ ~i ~'~ I It~ IIf "`' ~ I y~l r 1 y ,r^ ~ Y ` 8.58 ' ~ ~ ~i I ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~l 3, BB u~ 2,SB 2.BB Jul 86 Jul BB Jul IB Jul 12 Jul 14 Jul i6 Jul 18 Jul 20 ---- Provisional Bata Subject to Revision ---- Figure 7. Example photographs from a recent period of generation on the Tuckasegee River. These shallow gravel shoal areas (see arrows in photographs) at the Tuckasegee River, near Nations Creek (RM 24.3), are dewatered during intervals when generation flows are limited to the minimum flow from the East Fork Hydroelectric Project (P-2698) and the West Fork Hydroelectric Project (P-2686). a) Low flow interval without headwater generation. (b) Flow interval with headwater generation. APPENDIX 2 Tuckasegee Stream-flow Characteristics Tuckasegee River Mean Monthly Discharge 3000 2500 2000 d °1 1500 r 0 1000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -t~~-~ USGS 03508000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT TUCKASEGEE, NC 1934-1976 -f- USGS 03510500 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT DILLSBORO, NC 1933-1981 t USGS 03513000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC 1897-2005 Appendix 2 Page 1 of 10 USGS 03508000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT TUCKASEGEE, NC Jackson County, North Carolina Hydrologic Unit Code 06010203 Latitude 35°16'55", Longitude 83°07'37" NAD27 Drainage area 143.00 square miles Gage datum 2,125.16 feet above sea level NGVD29 00060, Dischar e, cubic feet per second, YEAR Mont hl mean in cfs Calculation Period From:1 934-07-01 , To:1976-1 0-31 Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec 1934 257.1 277.3 207. 343.8 498.6 519. 1935 713.3 407.3 471.9 417.5 323.9 196.3 208.8 341.6 193. 136.1 298.2 215 1936 971.5 777.6 634.6 1,172 313.2 181.5 167.2 176 255.7 544 283.7 499.3 1937 1,223 754.9 397. 467.2 335.1 222.7 162.2 256.9 311. 422.6 277.2 255.9 1938 291.9 263 439.4 452.1 318.6 324.7 502.9 398.4 213.3 123. 395.1 255.1 1939 457.3 1,324 861 473.4 317.7 280.2 197.2 289.1 136. 95.8 88.6 102 1940 122.4 258 365. 605.2 309.7 280.7 224.5 1,359 531. 196.5 254.3 359.9 1941 370.5 191 249.1 228. 128.9 108.2 432.1 208.4 120. 210.1 366.1 446.4 1942 249.5 378.2 469.4 359.9 513 456.8 418.5 323.7 513. 394.1 310.4 681.2 1943 626.4 510.7 475. 400.7 305.9 359.6 434.7 416.7 378.8 277.8 262.4 298.7 1944 359.6 483.6 602.1 492 311.4 189.4 261.5 272 297.2 270.8 129.6 150.2 1945 232.2 448.3 344.7 561.7 459.9 372.3 328.6 190.2 215. 158.8 202.1 332 1946 731 794.1 868.4 665.9 564.8 348.7 318.8 348.8 250. 189.4 129.2 176.9 1947 615.7 304.3 305.6 449.1 378.7 396.9 325.6 341.9 131. 300.8 320.1 249.3 1948 327. 632.3 622.3 543.8 262 214.5 560.5 544 431.1 293.2 776.6 622.1 1949 628.4 548.6 447.7 707.1 614 632.1 609.4 700.7 544.1 535.7 388.2 378.9 1950 514.3 533.7 667.6 439.6 327.4 407.4 229.1 199.4 658 394.4 303 562.4 1951 418.4 436.6 500.6 475.4 257.6 366.8 227.2 181.6 205.1 206.2 289.3 460.4 1952 375.4 409.6 869.7 572.6 482.6 389.8 197.9 215 231. 220.7 167.2 249.6 1953 497.2 606.8 435. 253 437.7 378.8 244.8 157.7 195. 228.4 157.2 185.9 1954 372.6 364 490.1 512.6 281.3 205.1 172.2 189.5 150. 139 177.1 194.7 1955 261. 402.1 281.1 449.6 548.7 453.8 380.3 418 187.3 323.4 334.1 200 1956 153.7 489 366.4 465 294.7 159. 362 276.6 118.4 232.6 256.6 157.5 1957 254.3 642.9 473.5 892.1 519.5 521.6 314. 320.3 351.9 360.6 615.3 615.5 1958 524.8 568.5 509.1 551.6 755.1 364.4 488 228.6 246.4 181 153.2 234.5 1959 386.3 348.1 432 398.1 483.2 436.8 271.4 172 245.5 526. 388.6 433.5 1960 460.6 569.8 514.8 758 380.8 357. 225.3 287.9 363.7 405.6 132.9 181.7 1961 220.4 421.3 525. 488.2 397.9 440. 278. 474.7 422. 257.4 287.5 648.8 1962 530.6 472.7 538.3 758 457.2 407.2 276. 236.7 232 326. 273.5 311.6 1963 286.7 309.4 557.5 241.6 305.4 240.4 252. 178 205.9 168.3 146.4 222.6 1964 411.6 387 662 760 657.1 300. 319. 310.5 353.4 1,052 446.9 584.3 1965 501 603.5 652.1 490.8 498.4 402.1 309.2 352.7 338.8 457.6 334.5 344.6 1966 328. 652.8 570.9 328. 454 341 262. 349.9 263.7 293.5 481.3 330.9 1967 399.1 430.8 344.8 208.8 281.2 622.2 718.1 724.5 674.6 333. 406.8 636.2 1968 657 395.9 462.4 442.7 324 420.7 317.1 230.6 156. 196 263.4 361.1 1969 345 538.6 452. 493.5 458.1 429. 297.1 315.2 327.9 393.8 521.2 564.9 1970 428. 445.2 412. 379.2 274.1 423.1 299.5 309.2 256.5 335.1 396.5 338.5 1971 373. 467.1 524.4 372.1 345.6 367.8 338.6 412.5 248.4 260.1 398.8 617.8 1972 613. 434.1 434.3 352.2 410.7 430.8 329.4 290.8 256.3 260 440.7 654.4 1973 590.2 790.6 879.3 705.9 787.3 665 356.6 347.4 267.5 184.8 221.6 579 1974 760.8 838.7 574.6 780.8 637.8 564.1 390.7 544.6 300.7 283.7 307 436.4 1975 472.6 579.6 940.9 737.6 470.1 382.9 265 265.5 457.9 592.8 567.6 499.5 1976 653.5 469.4 467.2 467.3 973.2 716.2 359.7 273.5 259.4 Mean of monthly dischar a 469 516 526 518 428 375 323 342 296 312 320 385 " No Incom lete Data is used for Statistics Calculation Appendix 2 Page 2 of 10 USGS 03510500 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT DILISBORO, NC Jackson County, North Carolina Hydrologic Unit Code 06010203 Latitude 35°22'00", Longitude 83°15'37" NAD27 Drainage area 347.00 square miles Gage datum 1,950.15 feet above sea level NGVD29 00080, Dischar e, cubic feet er second, YEAR Monthl mean in cfs Calculation Period From:1 933-10-01 , To:1981-1 2-31 Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec 1933 211.4 204.9 237.5 1934 504.7 447.7 1,294 686.3 515.2 711.5 510. 522.4 370.4 586.3 784.1 898.2 1935 1,141 845 1, 054 1,003 763.6 492.6 445.9 612.1 368.5 268.5 572 417.8 1936 1,849 1,601 1,419 2,384 767.4 474.3 408.6 373.3 490.4 863.5 521.3 901.2 1937 2,294 1,513 907.5 965. 784 619.4 467.5 611.2 652.2 778.6 534.7 574.1 1938 669.1 634.2 1,012 1,021 754.2 775. 1,070.0 808.3 458.5 291.5 657 470.1 1939 829.4 2,422 1,644 974.1 723.6 610. 450.1 523.1 287.4 215.4 198.3 233. 1940 290.5 581.8 717.3 974.1 585.3 535.8 528.6 2,068 1,003 406.5 444.5 566.4 1941 632. 389.3 524.8 497 311.8 265. 858.3 424.8 237.7 312.9 502.6 643.2 1942 473.8 836.7 1,013 675.5 947.3 859.4 757.7 632.3 796.1 594.9 490.5 1,229 1943 1,316 1,260.0 1,142 903.5 717.9 687.8 904.6 663.5 573. 406.7 404.3 448.4 1944 581.2 1,155 1, 387 1,193 732.9 461.4 467 442.3 471.2 425 317.4 409.5 1945 581.6 987.2 841.1 1,118 951.1 648.3 528 385.5 455.7 373.9 463.2 702.6 1946 1,553 1,694 1,577 1,275 1,155 712.1 626.7 542.5 407.9 368. 302.6 366.1 1947 1,423 687 725.5 834.5 667.7 618.4 492 540.4 269.6 476. 602.1 483.2 1948 568.7 1,270.0 1,262 1,204 593 448.8 787.6 874.4 608 426.3 1,215 1,145 1949 1,362 1,270.0 975.1 1,277 1,224 1,262 1,246 1,255 1,050.0 910.1 848.7 827.1 1950 1,200.0 1,199 1,474 967.1 691.7 823.3 498.1 402 936.2 603.3 493.7 873.6 1951 687.7 752.7 943.8 976.3 580.6 689.5 522.9 382.1 398.7 346.2 540.5 972.6 1952 935.7 894.9 1, 756 1,11 854.7 640.6 379.2 428.6 379.7 336 324.5 476.5 1953 875.4 1,269 906.2 582 866.7 617.2 443.9 308.5 312.1 337.1 269.2 422.3 1954 1,064 723.4 1,067 976.5 595.3 452. 325.2 333.3 246.3 243.5 306.3 382.3 1955 440.1 815.5 749.8 1,002 1,042 790. 677.5 680.5 355.3 487 491.9 407.6 1956 339.5 1,059 984.3 1,134 770.9 463. 726.8 472.7 290.1 433.1 449.6 588.4 1957 794.6 1,938 1,061 1,870.0 990.5 1,064 619.4 545.5 573.5 628.8 1,104 1,173 1958 906.6 1,089 1,011 1,12 1,404 687 853.3 486.4 437.6 375.3 350.5 426.5 1959 778 721.4 842.5 1,061 1,000.00 914.8 581.5 399.1 491.8 929.6 680 835.9 1960 978.1 1,238 1,171 1,476 775.4 669.1 452.7 554.6 551.7 619.3 310.6 389.7 1961 463.7 1,068 1,232 1,059 831.5 881.1 643 769.9 662.5 451.7 528.3 1,574 1962 1,266 1,318 1,429 1,697 899.6 834.8 582 470 448.5 530.9 503.5 528.6 7963 563.3 629.4 1,611 684.4 706.7 537.1 549.2 418.5 398.8 329 348.6 462.5 1964 890 871.9 1,682 1,837 1,188 586.1 619.5 716.2 680.7 1,951 811.3 1,033 1965 976.6 1,168 1,460.0 1,193 1,003 786.7 563 536.3 531.1 696.6 521.7 513.9 1966 518.1 1,406 1,104 723.4 961.2 623.2 466.9 549.8 452.6 588. 884.7 689. 1967 863.4 991.5 920.2 560.9 743.7 1,368 1,308 1,400.00 1,224 656.6 769.5 1,307 1968 1,442 799.7 1,091 1,079 722.2 886 591.3 507.6 349.6 377. 488.1 665.7 1969 684.6 1,244 986.7 994.7 823.2 785.2 515.7 611.9 595.8 597.5 726.2 827.9 1970 753.3 861.7 757 820.2 539.5 804.8 477.5 501.3 424.6 517.4 620.8 579.5 1971 822.5 1,164 1,123 846.9 726.8 711.1 834.9 862.2 480.6 478 645.6 1,065 1972 1,310.0 934 957.9 930.2 880.5 767.3 657.2 529.7 448.4 549.4 826.5 1,325 1973 1,156 1,467 1,811 1,426 1,736 1,310.0 761.7 614.5 463.1 351.9 442.4 1,018 1974 1,607 1,764 1,164 1,719 1,325 1,063 777.3 979.4 559.8 490.8 580.8 867.8 1975 1,110.0 1,571 2,232 1,550.0 977.7 745.6 518.8 494.6 793.7 928 1,007 844 1976 1,296 1,013 1,070.0 1,046 1,834 1,263 691.6 499.2 464.2 627.6 578.1 833.5 1977 724.4 615.8 1,368 1,729 862.1 804 527.4 507.7 779.3 723.3 991.1 1,087 1978 1,477 1,103 1,141 635.5 854.8 614.6 445.4 918.4 514.1 480.1 304.2 600 1979 1,195 970.7 1, 929 1,975 1,130.00 709.9 816.2 699.8 909.9 852.2 1,748 1,122 1980 1,051 750.8 1,693 1,701 1,291 681.2 557.3 481.4 382.9 373.6 398.8 464.5 1981 363.2 727.3 530.2 467.7 690.5 689.1 472.2 331.9 336.8 346.3 326.1 577.4 Mean of monthly dischar a 950 1,080 1,180 1,120 885 738 625 618 529 534 580 724 " No Incom lete Data is used for Statistics Calculation Appendix 2 Page 3 of 10 USGS 03513000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC Swain County, North Carolina Hydrologic Unit Code 06010203 Latitude 35°25'39", Longitude 83°26'49" NAD83 Drainage area 655.00 square miles Gaae datum 1.714.54 feet above sea level NGVD29 00060, Dischar e, cubic feet er second, YEAR Mont hl mean in cfs Calculation Period From: 1897-10-01 , To:2005-09-30 Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec 1897 503.2 509.9 1,130.0 1898 1,980.0 1,020 1,765 2,247 1,266 828.3 1,282 3,120.0 3,589 3,654 1,881 1,968 1899 2,06 5,847 6,504 3,283 2,155 1,484 970.6 736.3 577.5 594.7 612.4 1,364 1900 2,078 3,269 3,318 2,59 1,425 2,597 1,711 881.3 879.8 974.4 1,192 1,394 1901 2,173 1,501 2,60 3,61 3,074 2,167 1,22 4,251 1,940.0 1,01 707.8 3,292 1902 2,098 2,929 4,138 2,247 1,372 950.7 734.4 493.2 996 642.6 916.8 1,679 1903 1,284 4,107 4,75 4,008 1,511 1,713 953.7 705 503.5 445.8 678 517.8 1904 954.7 1,077 2,043 1,363 1,258 907. 703.6 886.1 554 367.8 435.3 777.2 1905 1,419 2,356 1,881 1,300.0 1,678 1,121 1,812 1,511 693.2 681.7 528.8 1,787 1906 2,82 1,375 2,193 2,188 1,282 1,74 1,948 1,904 2,95 2,93 2,899 2,055 1907 1,616 1,691 1,813 1,466 1,769 1,62 1,145 822.4 1,024 752.3 1,459 1,966 1908 2,274 2,626 2,856 2,197 2,029 1,233 1,206 1,191 764. 749.5 722 1,784 1909 1,822 2,882 3,662 2,258 3,080.00 3,199 2,367 1,864 1,160.0 991.5 722.3 1,187 1910 1,432 1,552 1,63 1,250.0 2,195 2,030.0 1,950.0 1,201 1,017 804.8 596.4 1,097 1911 1,912 1,697 1,690.0 3,520.0 1,391 847 898. 806.8 684.8 997.3 1,034 1,581 1912 1,785 2,207 3,652 3,211 2,341 1,53 1,765 1,231 993. 791.7 743.9 1,105 1913 1,861.0 2,348 4,298 2,321 1,719 1,317 928.6 926.8 754.6 792.8 764.5 979.7 1914 934.2 1,582 1,541.0 1,911 1,069 730.6 688.6 592.4 428.6 966.8 866 2,788 1915 2,812 2,734 1,579 1,283 1,388 1,294 1,415 916.8 830.7 1,49 1,257 2,873 1916 2,757 2,493 1,834 1,447 1,365 1,781 3,379 1,771 1,022 829. 820.1 1,388 1917 2,56 2,627 6,077 2,678 1,496 1,30 1,270.0 985.8 1,06 934.3 715.1 685.6 1918 2,426 2,553 1,514 1,43 1,367 1,204 843. 749.5 820.2 2,294 1,721 2,55 1919 2,642 2,117 2,55 1,84 1,597 1,279 1,24 1,029 672 989 941.1 1,822 1920 1,972 1,801 2,968 4,843 1,854 1,355 1,047 2,075 1,471 790.8 962.9 2,27 1921 1,991 2,925 1,635 1,895 1,808 1,287 1,290.0 1,610.0 965.9 741.8 1,291 1,543 1922 2,812 2,610.0 3,993 2,858 2,615 1,762 1,512 904.9 618.7 569.1 481.7 1,718 1923 1,927 2,777 2,747 2,18 2,850 2,262 1,380.0 1,276 780.7 522.8 698.2 1,245 1924 2,306 1,626 1,868 2,122 1,892 1,321 1,316 704.4 850.5 662.5 490.8 1,320.0 1925 2,180.0 1,314 1,251 990. 902.5 619.7 503.4 220.1 195.1 654. 976.8 670.5 1926 1,558 1,678 1,680.0 1,701 975.5 730.8 739.4 997 692.9 528.8 1,281 2,663 1927 1,654 2,124 2,552 1,464 1,151 1,575 988.7 1,035 706. 704.6 871.2 2,345 1928 1,566 1,580.0 1,797 2,218 2,579 2,39 1,828 2,270.0 2,346 1,269 1,012 902.6 1929 2,056 2,312 4,432 2,281 3,236 2,021 1,711 1,029 1,286 1,349 2,571 1,502 1930 1,408 1,527 2,118 1,501 1,858 1,011 695.6 506.1 702 452.6 903.8 927.1 1931 1,077 1,163 1,228 2,646 1,395 854.2 924 770.8 565. 346. 378.1 2,040 1932 2,424 2,928 1,944 1,89 1,871.00 1,101 898.4 779.2 529.3 1,325 1,418 3,704 1933 2,992 3,366 2,258 2,00 2,349 1,031 774.6 812 778.8 438.1 385.7 505.3 1934 1,188 925.8 2,944 1,516 1,042 1,436 957.5 1,038 698.4 984 1,245 1,487 1935 2,147 1,702 2,323 2,338 1,607 956.7 934. 1,025 597 454.4 977.6 754.9 1936 3,994 3,259 3,034 4,632 1,329 830.6 781 754.5 842.6 1,492 963.6 1,720 1937 4,819 2,856 1,758 1,887 1,489 1,174 910.6 1,237 1,097 1,395 985.1 1,109 1938 1,548 1,421 2,273 2,13 1,615 1,655 2,07 1,511 871.5 545.6 1,038 833.1 1939 1,606 4,580.0 3,067 1,868 1,282 1,059 891.5 840.4 534 385.2 382.5 456.9 1940 598.6 1,131 1,624 1,779 1,074 906.6 1,022 2,855 1,548 699.1 797.8 968.5 1941 1,204 735.6 1,221 1,142 602.1 530.9 1,754 814.9 430.2 476 753.8 1,036 1942 967. 1,709 2,309 1,196 1,582 1,416 1,455 1,360.0 1,288 981.4 877.9 2,750.0 1943 2,701 2,874 2,528 1,934 1,569 1,25 1,806 1,263 899.4 689.6 731.8 747.3 1944 1,086 2,795 3,277 2,549 1,467 857.2 753.9 754.5 817.3 777 720.6 1,077 1945 1,415 2,350.0 1,858 2,004 1,956 1,205 1,017 1,021 1,021 817. 1,067 1,584 1946 3,646 3,503 2,791 2,287 2,306 1,298 1,14 891.5 690. 669.9 656.9 927.9 1947 3,816 1,520.0 1,68 1,817 1,292 1,057 969.2 971.2 534.4 734.8 1,128 1,036 1948 1,147 2,901 2,430.0 2,360.0 1,157 890.6 1,286 1,474 927.9 685.2 2,327 2,513 1949 2,933 2,846 2,072 2,45 2,287 2,184 2,406 2,041 1,70 1,536 1,679 1,97 1950 2,88 2,933 3,18 1,87 1,425 1,646 1,191 841.2 1,40 920.7 823.2 1,557 1951 1,357 1,645 2,39 2,211 1,203 1,342 1,092 688.5 782. 604.9 1,157 2,258 1952 2,366 1,790.0 3,29 1,873 1,395 1,057 622.7 706.1 598.8 496 623 920.1 1953 1,800.0 2,843 2,001 1,245 1,736 1,068 910.6 641.6 525.6 507.8 485.5 1,038 1954 2,839 1,387 2,309 1,921 1,122 841.4 618.5 611.3 393.2 356.1 473.8 886.5 1955 801 2,120.0 2,183 2,112 1, 790.00 1,369 1,431 1,154 570.7 830 795.4 839.8 1956 659.9 2,776 2,394 2,521 1,543 882.8 1,330.0 736.6 539.5 642.3 705.8 1,406 1957 2,060.0 4,566 1,957 3,278 1,647 1,728 982.7 830.1 899.7 1,116 2,194 2,485 1958 1,584 2,185 2,030.0 2,284 2,611 1,176 1,625 906.9 721.1 611.8 624.5 748.9 1959 1,660.0 1,612 1,74 2,316 1,711 1,696 1,074 813.8 828.6 1,504 1,512 1,925 1960 1,94 2,349 2,190.0 2,747 1,380.00 1,117 834.5 1,181 890.2 987.4 676.7 861.4 1961 1,004 2,606 2,660.0 2,187 1,539 1,470.0 1,224 1,205 989.6 775.2 1,016 3,385 1962 2,84 3,326 3,19 3,192 1,483 1,332 1,025 874.3 785.2 837.4 1,030.0 995.7 1963 1,298 1,452 4,239 1,485 1,469 1,175 1,274 818.4 648.8 488.5 628.3 804.9 Appendix 2 Page 4 of 10 USGS 03513000 TUCKASEGEE RIVER AT BRYSON CITY, NC continued... YEAR Monthl mean in cfs Calculation Period From: 1897-10-01 , To:2005-0 9-30 Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec 1964 1,930.0 1,651 3,94 3,752 2,099 1,031 1,107 1,354 1,047 2,637 1,461 1,983 1965 2,057 2,229 3,228 2,342 1,746 1,374 992.5 892 826.8 1,049 790.6 755.8 1966 847.2 2,880.00 2,021 1,306 1,720 954.1 870.3 1,219 895.3 1,333 1,859 1,643 1967 1,803 2,173 1,943 1,165 1,678 2,469 2,289 2,342 1,820.0 1,064 1,421 2,784 1968 2,750.0 1,423 1,947 2,019 1,304 1,449 971 919.3 606.5 688.4 886.7 1,194 1969 1,335 2,533 1,894 2,145 1,374 1,346 915 1,148 963.5 883.1 1,226 1,614 1970 1,488 1,631 1,591 2,093 1,288 1,760.0 929.9 917.6 713. 907.3 1,117 1,261 1971 2,022 2,760.0 2,490.0 1,782 1,507 1,348 1,889 1,896 826.1 792.4 1,045 1,995 1972 2,988 2,001 2,201 2,202 1,854 1,338 1,244 1,022 835.6 1,442 1,773 3,177 1973 2,192 2,757 3,805 2,807 3,174 2,361 1,404 1,206 861.3 626. 1,011 2,256 1974 3,895 3,587 2,371 3,541 2,616 1,909 1,377 1,580.00 974.8 845.7 1,161 1,799 1975 2,612 3,480 4,784 2,851 1,806 1,317 934.1 891.5 1,437 1,368 1,661 1,522 1976 2,605 2,022 2,245 2,029 2,996 2,116 1,26 799.5 753.1 1,261 1,024 1,626 1977 1,247 1,215 2,863 3,661 1,539 1,565 1,032 1,025 1,459 1,360.0 1,775 2,227 1978 2,947 1,830.0 2,428 1,375 1,869 1,281 833.6 1,556 743.4 689.1 585.2 1,504 1979 3,107 2,215 3,754 3,72 1,957 1,366 1,925 1,321 1,683 1,377 2,783 1,755 1980 2,142 1,451 3,89 3,184 2,235 1,247 939.2 746.6 663.6 696.1 828.6 815.6 1981 603.1 1,769 1,218 1,508 1,450.0 1,557 925.3 654.7 758.8 674.5 671.6 1,367 1983 678.5 1,210.00 2,619 1984 1,448 2,263 2,805 2,582 3,744 1,636 2,056 1,407 763.7 690.7 1,009 1,108 1985 1,088 2,415 1,184 1,089 992.7 741.5 822 992.4 602.4 517. 1,165 1,176 1986 758.7 1,075 1,316 841.2 820.7 821.3 720.8 647.5 706. 692.2 1,208 1,503 1987 1,412 1,841 2,275 2,160.0 1,288 1,266 1,050.0 803.8 786.5 470.8 584.9 876.3 1988 1,599 1,089 926.4 1,314 1,019 727.9 775.5 975.3 877.8 516.6 873.5 758.6 1989 1,801 1,980.0 2,808 2,240.0 2,641 3,091 3,310.0 1,766 1,993 2,211 1,956 1,981 1990 2,986 4,813 4,023 2,041 2,268 1,501 1,427 1,118 856.4 979.3 650.6 2,046 1991 2,099 2,369 2,995 2,916 2,019 1,412 1,226 1,814 1,278 690.2 1,199 2,276 1992 1,58 1,819 2,27 1,541.0 1,528 1,741 978.5 1,435 1,301 1,102 2,306 3,224 1993 3,066 1,917 2,97 2,459 1,634 1,047 703.1 730.5 872 859.7 806.4 1,658 1994 2,240.0 3,124 4,202 4,164 1,753 1,871.0 2,110.0 2,426 1,672 1,371 1,086 1,531 1995 2,655 1996 2,124 2,107 1,787 1,139 1,528 1,446 1,123 1,485 2,781 1997 2,531 2,711 4,361 2,792 2,514 2,469 1,378 928.2 820.3 1,015 1,068 1,106 1998 3,701 3,322 2,960.0 3,398 2,185 1,599 850.1 679.9 525.5 592.5 611.4 1,352 1999 1,867 1,854 2,037 1,507 1,873 1,378 1,941 729.2 478. 761.1 993.5 1,145 2000 1,189 1,544 1,534 2,274 1,460.00 993.4 744.8 722.7 650.5 439.4 817.1 907.3 2001 1,161 1,568 1,55 1,311 873.2 913 951. 1,082 972.5 801.3 697.9 1,255 2002 1,734 1,241 1,579 1,563 1,630.00 876 762.3 595 1,168 1,203 1,748 2,266 2003 1,515 2,672 2,349 2,331 3,988 1,761 1,879 1,194 1,174 823 1,784 1,951 2004 1,569 2,127 1,65 1,487 1,393 1,120.0 1,262 1,101 4,561 1,403 2,311 2,921 2005 1,861.0 1,833 2,141 2,337 1,664 2,280.0 2,684 1,764 1,247 Mean of monthly dischar a 2,000 2,270 2,560 2,220 1,760 1,41 1,260 1,160 992 926 1,080 1,600 Appendix 2 Page 5 of 10 Tuckasegee River at Tuckasegee, NC Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration Appendix 2 Page 6 of 10 Tuckasegee River at Tuckasegee, NC Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration '~~~~~~~~y~~ila u- ~~ ~ Appendix 2 Page 7 of 10 Tuckasegee River at Tuckasegee, NC _ Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration Appendix 2 Page 8 of 10 Tuckasegee River at Tuckasegee, NC Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration ~' `~ ;~~ 1~;~~ ~. I ; i' 1/~f ~'` 't , I~' , ~ .e. w....... r,~ ' ' I , 1 I t~ ,i ^ ' ! ~~' ~f i ' ~ ~ r ~ ` o I ~ r t ~,% I ~' Y i ,y ~ i 1 Y t VI i Appendix 2 Page 9 of 10 Tuckasegee River at Tuckasegee, NC Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration ~~~, ~ `, ~ r, s' t ,. 4 I\I ~ " '-~ I 1 '~ ' ~-:~ ~: I I~~ ~- i-~ ~ 1 ~ \ ~ ~ ' i ;~ ~ f _- i ~ ~ k ~ i .,- .. ;. ,_ '` r r ~ ~ C l A ,~~ I v ~ J ~/• y ~~ ~~, ~ Appendix 2 Page 10 of 10 APPENDIX 1 MUSSEL RELOCATION METHODS APPENDIX 1 MUSSEL RELOCATION METHODS The following plan is a general description of methods for relocating all mussels, including the Appalachian elktoe, from the footprint of project impact sites. Amore detailed site-specific mussel relocation plan, including proposed schedules, personnel, and salvage/relocation sites, should be developed and approved prior to mussel relocation. The following methods were developed based on recommendations outlined by Dunn et al. (2000) and from procedures developed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) (Watson 2002). These procedures were developed in order to relocate freshwater mussels in such a way as to reduce stress and minimize the risk of injury while the species are in transit. If at any time during the relocation it is determined that these procedures are not meeting the stated objectives, more stringent methods may be developed, in cooperation with the NCWRC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), to ensure that the mussels are relocated successfully. Relocation efforts will be carried out under the direct supervision of biologists with appropriate federal and state permits. Selection of Relocation Sites The project proponent (or its qualified consultants) shall identify appropriate relocation sites in close proximity to, but outside the area of effect of, the project. Potential sites should be selected based on existing habitat conditions, including substrate suitability, hydraulic refugia, and stream-bank stability and marked in the field with flagging and rebar. These relocation sites will need the Service's approval. Descriptions of each relocation site will be provided and will include detailed location, suitability, extant mussels species present, and a description of any limitations as to capacity, access, or other concerns. Collection of Mussels at Impact Site All individual Appalachian elktoes found in the project footprint will be relocated to the specific site approved for each project impact area. The salvage area will consist of the section of the river that will be directly disturbed by construction procedures and extend one bank-full width upstream and at least four bank-full widths downstream of the area of effect of the project. In addition to the Appalachian elktoe, state species of special concern may also occur in the project areas. All freshwater mussels found at the impact site will be relocated to the sites chosen. Novices should not attempt to collect mussels for scientific purposes due to the difficulty in accurately identifying species. Identification is usually conducted in the field based on differing morphological shell characteristics (dentition, texture, color, sculpturing, umbo height and location, and nacre color). This practice is sometimes referred to as "conchology" and remains the most widely used method of mussel identification. A major concern of using conchology for field identification is that the shell characteristics of particular species can vary substantially from drainage to drainage, even among mussels of the same species and within the same river system. Further complicating factors include sexual dimorphism (i.e., males and females have different shell forms) and ontogenetic variability (shell morphology can change as juveniles Appendix 1 Page 1 of 5 grow and mature). Although there are many useful published and web-based guides to help with field identification (e.g., Parmalee and Bogan 1998; Cummins and Mayer 1992), individuals who have the appropriate state and federal permits and have extensive experience and training in identification should be present during all mussel surveys. The presence of such "experts" is often a requirement in many states for obtaining the permits necessary for conducting mussel surveys. Mussels are usually buried in the substratum of a river, stream, or pond and are anchored using their hatchet-shaped foot. Distribution can be patchy or irregular within a river or stream reach. Densities are often greatest along the bank margins of a river or in stable shoals with moderate to high flow. Mussels can occur in large aggregations (beds) just off shore, often making them easily accessible for hand-searching. Tactile searches (feeling by hand while wading or making repeated brief "dives") can be accomplished effectively in areas up to approximately 1.0 meter (m) in depth. In slightly deeper water, less effective searching is still possible by wading. Efficient searching in water deeper than 1 m requires scuba or hookah diving. Three visual-survey sweeps of each site, as previously defined, must be conducted to salvage freshwater mussels from the anticipated impact area(s). Additionally, a preconstruction site visit and sweep of each site is to be performed approximately 1 week prior to construction at each of the impact area(s). If any mussels are found during the preconstruction sweeps, subsequent sweeps will be conducted if determined necessary by the appropriate agencies. The type of visual method used (mask/snorkel, Batiscope, SCUBA gear, etc.) will be determined during the salvage effort and will be based on depth, flow, visibility, and temperature. A minimum of two people will perform the relocation. Dunn et al. (2000) stressed the importance of using personnel who are experienced with handling freshwater mussels in successful relocation projects. The relocation team will be supervised by one lead technical specialist, and all of the personnel used will be experienced with handling freshwater mussels. A review/training session will be conducted prior to beginning the relocation efforts to ensure that each member of the relocation team is properly briefed and understands his/her respective role(s) in the operation. The team will spread out across the river, beginning at the downstream end of the salvage area and proceeding upstream, collecting mussels by hand. Each team member will carry a mesh bag in which to place the mussels. After the sweep of the salvage area has been performed, the mussels collected will be carried to the banks for data recording. Data Collection All mussels will be: (1) measured (in millimeters) and tagged, (2) placed in a mesh bag, and (3) kept in a shaded portion of the river until ready for transport. All mussel species will be tagged on both valves. Numerous relocation projects report scrubbing mussels with burlap to remove any algae, mud, or other debris and then drying to apply tags. This creates additional stress on the mussels and does not appear to be necessary. Tags have been successfully applied to uncleaned, moist mussels in other areas of North Carolina. To avoid unnecessary stress, mussels will be kept as moist as possible while measuring and affixing the tags. The tags Appendix 1 Page 2 of 5 (Hallprint Tags) are made of polyethylene, oval in shape, and approximately 9 mm long by 4 mm wide. Each tag is colored (e.g., green) and has a unique four-character code that begins with a letter followed by three numbers. The tags will be applied to the mussels using Instant Krazy Glue° or another quick-drying epoxy. Once the adhesive is dry, the mussels will be placed back into the stream in the designated mesh bags. This procedure will be repeated until all the collected mussels are tagged and measured and ready for transport. Each individual mussel will be kept out of the water for less than 5 minutes for measuring, recording data, and tagging. Transportation to Relocation Site After the animals are collected from their source area, they will be transported to the selected relocation site. The first method merely involves layering the mussels in damp burlap in 10-gallon coolers, or other appropriate containers. Pieces of burlap soaked in the stream and will be placed in the coolers. The tagged mussels will then be placed on top of the damp burlap so no mussels are stacked on each other. A maximum of 50 mussels will be placed in each cooler with about three to four layers per cooler. Preparation of Relocation Site Mussel relocations are sometimes conducted as a one-time relocation without follow-up monitoring, such as the goal of a relocation that is simply to provide the impacted mussels a chance of survival. This is the least expensive relocation option, and it gives the individual mussels, which might otherwise be destroyed by the proposed action, a chance to survive. However, without survival monitoring, the effectiveness of relocation as a mitigative measure for these projects cannot be determined. This relocation option is not allowed for endangered or threatened species. If the mussel relocations include endangered or threatened species, or as part of any mitigation plan, a detailed monitoring plan will be developed in conjunction with the Service and NCWRC to gauge the success of the relocation in the future. The following simple protocol for placement will be followed, to allow for monitoring. The relocation sites will be divided into a grid of 1-m2 segments, the number of which will be determined by the number of mussels found for placement in the relocation sites. Each segment will be assigned a number. A permanent grid will not be placed in the river because of concerns for an increased chance of vandalism due to the shallow depth and high recreational use of the river. Two portable squares (1-m2) will be utilized. Relocated mussels will then be placed into the substrate, by hand, within the numbered squares. The number of each mussel species placed in each square will be recorded. The density of each species within the square will not be increased by more than three times. Cope et al. (2003) demonstrated that increasing the density of mussels two to three times did not adversely affect survival rates. The number of mussels placed into each square will be dependent on the number of mussels collected at the salvage sites and the quality of the relocation habitat. Typically, resident mussels at relocation sites are also tagged and monitored as part of the mussel relocation efforts in order to compare survival rates of relocated mussels to the resident mussels. If there are resident individuals present in the relocation plots, they will be tagged and returned to the relocation plots where they were found in order to gauge comparative survival. Appendix 1 Page 3 of 5 Monitoring The relocation sites will be monitored for recovery, survival (of recovered mussels), and movement 1 month after all the mussels have been removed from the defined salvage areas. One month after relocating the mussels, visual surveys for mussels will be conducted at the relocation site. Mussels observed at the surface will be taken from the substrate and recorded and will be placed back into the squares they were taken from. This initial survey will be conducted to record any mortality that would result from the handling of mussels. Excavation of the grid will not be performed in order to avoid additional stress on the mussels and to maintain substrate stability. Visual surveys will also be conducted in a 10-m x 10-m area downstream of the relocation grid to record any mussels moving out of the grid. A report detailing the findings of this monitoring will be provided to the appropriate agencies. Literature Cited and Additional References Cope, W. G., and D. L. Waller. 1995. Evaluation of freshwater mussel relocations as a conservation and management strategy. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 11:147-155. Cope W.G., M.C. Hove, D.L. Waller, D.J. Hornbach, M.R. Bartsch, L.A. Cunningham, H.L. Dunn and A.R. Kapuscinski. 2003. Evaluation of relocation of unionid mussels to in situ refugia. J. Mollus. Stud. 69:27-34. Cummings, K.S., and C.A. Mayer. 1992. Field guide to freshwater mussels of the Midwest. Illinois Natural History Survey Manual 5. 194 pp. DiMaio, J., and L. D. Corkum. 1995. Relationship between the spatial distribution of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:Unionidae) and the hydrological variability of rivers. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73:663-671. Dunn, H. L., B. E. Sietman, and D. E. Kelner. 2000. Evaluation of recent Unionid (Bivalvia) relocations and suggestions for future relocations and reintroductions. Pages 169-183 in Freshwater Mollusk Symposia Proceedings (R. A. Tankersly, D. I. Warmolts, G. T. Waters, B. J. Armitage, P. D. Johnson, and R. S. Butler, eds.). Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus, OH. Isom, B. G., and C. Gooch. 1986. Rationale and Sampling Designs for Freshwater Mussels Unionidae in Streams, Large Rivers, Impoundments, and Lakes. American Society for Testing and Materials:46-59. Kat, P.W. 1982. Effects of population density and substratum type on growth and migration of Elliptio complanata (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Malacological Review. 15:119-127. Kovalak, W. P., S. D. Dennis, and J. M. Bates. 1986. Sampling effort required to find rare species of freshwater mussels. Pages 46-59 in B. G. Isom (ed.), Rationale for Sampling and Interpretation of Ecological Data in the Assessment of Freshwater Ecosystems. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication No. 894. Appendix 1 Page 4 of 5 Neves, R. J. 1993. A state of the Unionids address. Pp. 1-10 in K. S. Cummings, A. C. Buchanan, and L. M. Koch, eds. Proc. of the UMRCC symposium on the Conservation and Management of Freshwater Mussels. UMRCC. Rock Island, IL. 189 pp. Parmalee, P. W., and A. E. Bogan. 1998. The freshwater mussels of Tennessee. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN. 328 pp. Rohde, F. C., R. G. Arndt, and S. M. Smith. 2001. Longitudinal Succession of fishes in the Dan River in Virginia and North Carolina (Blue Ridge/Piedmont Provinces). Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings, 42:1-13. Rosgen, D. L. 1998. River Restoration and Natural Channel Design. Course Handbook. Wildland Hydrology. Pagosa Springs, CO. Strayer, D. L., and J. Ralley. 1993. Microhabitat use by an assemblage of stream-dwelling unionaceans (Bivalvia), including two rare species of Alasmidonta. Jour. of N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 12:247-258. Strayer, D. L., and D. R. Smith. 2003. A guide for sampling freshwater mussel populations. Maryland:American Fisheries Society. Waller, D. L., J. J. Rach, W. G. Cope, and J. A. Luoma. 1993. A sampling method for conducting relocation studies with freshwater mussels. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 8:397-399. Waller, D. L., J. J. Rach, W. G. Cope, and G. A. Miller. 1995. Effects of handling and aerial exposure on the survival of unionid mussels. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 10:199-207. Watson, B. T. 2002. Freshwater Mussel and Snail Restoration in the Piedmont of North Carolina: 2001 Progress Report. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Appendix 1 Page 5 of 5 Sediment Contaminants at Dillsboro Reservoir: Report on Site Assessment and Sediment Analyses U.S. FISH & WII.DLIFE SERVICE U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville, NC Raleigh, NC January 2004 Final Sediment Contaminants at Dillsboro Reservoir: Report on Site Assessment and Sediment Analyses Abstract: Potential removal of Dillsboro Dam, located on the Tuckasegee River near Sylva (Jackson County), North Carolina, has caused some concern for the potential mobilization of sediment- associated contaminants accumulated behind the dam in Dillsboro Reservoir. We used the framework of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers technical guidance manual on disposal of dredged material in inland waters to evaluate this issue. A tier 1 review of existing information indicated no major pollutant sources or contaminant concerns upstream of the dam. The review also indicated that sediments within the reservoir might have low potential to accumulate contaminants from a physical standpoint, being comprised primarily of sand and gravel. Finally, it appears that watershed land uses upstream and downstream of the reservoir are similar and that any mobilized sediments from behind the dam may merely subject downstream areas to the same sources of contaminants to which they have been historically exposed. While no major concerns were noted in the review of existing information, new data were collected to support management decisions (tier 2). Six sediment samples from within the reservoir and four samples downstream were collected in June 2003 and analyzed for elemental contaminants. None of the sediment samples from within the reservoir or downstream exceeded probable effects concentration screening values, indicating no obvious concern. Over 80 percent of the sediment sample results were also less than threshold effects screening values, indicating they are unlikely of toxicological significance. Slightly less than 20 percent of the sample results fe11 between the screening values and they were further evaluated by comparing their magnitude to the geometric mean of the screening values. Only two values (both for nickel) exceeded the geometric mean of the screening values. The highest nickel concentration (41.5 ug/g dry weight) was from a downstream sediment sample near Dillsboro gage, and the average of the four downstream samples (27.4 ug/g dry weight) exceeded the average concentration of the six samples collected within the reservoir (21.8 ug/g dry weight). Accordingly, the nickel concentrations behind the dam should not be a concern relative to movement downstream where concentrations are slightly higher. Our review of existing data and an on-site assessment (tier 1) and results of sediment chemistry (tier 2) indicated no significant sediment contamination. This assessment is limited to the toxicological properties of the sediments evaluated. It does not address the potential physical impacts of sediment mobilization. u Preface To assess the sediments at Dillsboro Reservoir, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service assisted Duke Energy in a review of existing information on potential pollutant sources to reservoir sediments. The review of historic information (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sediment Contaminants at Dillsboro Reservoir.• A Site Assessment and Recommendations) was released in draft in June 2003. That draft formed the foundation for sediment sampling, analyses, and interpretation to evaluate the issue with additional site-specific data. Following collection of new data in late June 2003, a draft report on Dillsboro Reservoir sediment chemistry was circulated for review and comment in July 2003 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Preliminary Evalz~ation of Sediment Chemistry Data.for Dillsboro Reservoir). The current document is the final report of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the sediment evaluation project; it is a compilation of material from the previous two draft reports as well as new material gleaned from reviews of those drafts. A Sediment Evaluation report summary was included in the Draft Dillsboro Environmental Assessment /Biological Assessment. Reviewers of the Draft Environmental Assessment included the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, Jackson County Soil and Water District, Western North Carolina Alliance, Town of Dillsboro, and Duke Power. Steve Johnson (Duke Power) provided valuable project coordination, and Jon Knight (Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc.) assisted with study design and sample collection. Scott Fletcher (Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc.), Jon Knight, Steve Johnson, Jeff Lineberger (Duke Power), John Wishon (Duke Power) and Sara Ward (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) reviewed earlier versions of this document. Jim Dwyer (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) assisted with interpretation of sediment chemistry results. Their contributions are appreciated. Questions, comments, and suggestions related to this report are encouraged. Inquires can be directed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at either of the following addresses: Tom Augspurger U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mark Cantrell U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 For other information on the Dillsboro Project, please contact: John Wishon Nantahala Relicensing Project Manager P.O. Box 1006 Charlotte, North Carolina 28201-1006 iii Contents PAGE ABSTRACT ii PREFACE iii LIST OF TABLES and FIGURES ~ INTRODUCTION I METHODS 1 RESULTS 3 DISCUSSION g REFERENCES 10 APPENDICES Appendix A. Chain of Custody for June 2003 Sediment Samples Appendix B. Analytical Data Report for June 2003 Sediment Samples rv Tables and Figures PAGE Table I. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) facilities upstream of the Dillsboro Dam. 1 1 Table 2. June 2003 sediment collection sites within Dillsboro Reservoir and downstream areas. 12 Figure 1. Dillsboro Reservoir and vicinity. Figure 2. Dillsboro Reservoir bathymetry. 13 14 Figure 3. 1967 aerial photograph of mixing zone of Scotts Creek Downstream of Dillsboro Dam. 15 Figure 4. June 2003 Dillsboro Reservoir sediment sampling sites 16 Figure 5 (a-h). Elemental contaminant concentrations of sediments collected within the Dillsboro Reservoir (D1, D2, D3, D4, DS and D6) and downstream of the reservoir (DGI, DG2, BC 1 and BC2). 17-20 v Sediment Contaminants at Dillsboro Reservoir: Final Report on Site Assessment and Sediment Analyses Introduction Potential removal of Dillsboro Dam, located on the Tuckasegee River near Sylva (Jackson County), North Carolina, has caused at least some concern for the potential mobilization of sediments accumulated behind the dam in Dillsboro Reservoir (Figure 1 and 2). Sediments can accumulate contaminants, and at high concentrations those contaminants can be an in-place concern as well as a concern upon sediment mobilization. To assess the sediments at Dillsboro Reservoir, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) assisted Duke Energy (the dam owner and operator) in a review of existing information on pollutant sources potentially affecting reservoir sediment quality at Dillsboro (tier 1). The Service also recommended additional sediment sampling, analyses, and interpretation to evaluate the issue with current, site-specific data (tier 2). This document is the final report of the Service on the sediment evaluation project; it is a compilation of material from previous drafts as well as new material gleaned from reviews of those drafts. Methods There are no regulations or standards that dictate the approach to be used in evaluating potential sediment contamination at a dam removal site. However, determining the need for any contaminant sampling, and the design of any needed sampling effort, can certainly benefit from well-established procedures aimed at guiding an evaluation of the potential for contaminant- related impacts from sediments proposed for dredging. The joint U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers technical guidance manual on evaluation of dredged sediment (USEPA/USAGE 1998) was used to determine an appropriate level of effort to address this issue. The USEPA/USAGE Inland Testing Manual employs a tiered approach to evaluation of the potential for contaminated sediment impacts. Evaluations start with a tier 1 assessment (using readily available existing information to assess the potential for a contaminated sediment concern) and proceeding in a step-wise fashion through tiers 2 (surface water and sediment chemistry), tier 3 (toxicity testing) and tier 4 (bioaccumulation testing) only to the extent necessary to address the issue (i.e., all assessments start with tier 1, they may end there or proceed to higher tiers if additional data are necessary to guide the management decision). The Service conducted tier 1 and tier 2 assessments for the Dillsboro Reservoir project. Tier 1 Methods: Compilation of Existing Information The potential for contaminants to have been introduced to the sediments behind the Dillsboro Dam was initially addressed by examining existing information. This information included relevant sources of contamination, pathways of contaminant transport, the physical nature of the sediments behind the dam, and the chemical and physical nature of the sediments downstream that may be impacted by any mobilization of sediments from behind the dam. Potential sources of contamination include urban and agricultural runoff, industrial and municipal wastewater discharges, riparian fill, spills of oil or chemicals, releases from landfills or hazardous waste sites, and mineral extraction /refinement practices. In general, absence of pollutant sources would indicate little need for aggressive work to characterize any potential contaminants. Likewise, any proposed sampling should be guided by identification of a specific issue from this review. To complete the tier 1 assessment, we examined files and databases maintained by State and federal natural resource management agencies. We also contacted individuals familiar with the reservoir, its operations, local land-use, and water quality. Tier 2 Methods: Sediment collection, analyses and interpretation Sample locations: Management factors considered in determining the number and placement of samples included the historical review indicating limited known contaminant concerns and the intent of the sampling (which is to provide current analytical data to support the inference of low contaminant burdens based on historical data). Physical factors considered include the area of potentially affected sediments behind the dam, bathymetry, distribution of sediments, and extent of sediment shoaling, scour, and mixing. Samples stations were targeted to two types: 1) quiescent areas, such as inside channel bends and nearshore depositional areas adjacent to the dam where fine-grained sediments (which have the greatest potential to accumulate contaminants) are most likely to settle; and, 2) sediment beds typical of the impounded reach that area likely to move once the dam is removed (and which therefore have the greatest potential to affect areas downstream). Sample collection: Sediment samples were collected June 23 and 24, 2003, by the Service and an independent contractor for Duke Energy. Collections were made with astainless-steel petite Ponar grab. At each site, two to six grabs of the top 5 to ] 0 cm of sediment were collected and composited to form one sample per site. The composite of the grab samples was homogenized by stirring with a stainless-steel spoon in a stainless-steel bucket. Debris (e.g., sticks, leaves, rocks bigger than ~1 cm;)were removed during homogenization. Collection equipment was thoroughly cleaned (ambient water rinse, detergent and water scrub, distilled /demineralized water rinse, 10% nitric acid rinse, and a final rinse with distilled /demineralized water) before sampling at the first site and between sites. Three (one for metals, one for organic carbon and grain size, and one for archival) 500-mL aliquots of sediment were placed into series 320 [-Chem glass jars with Teflon-lined lids. Samples were stored in a cooler on ice (~4 degrees C) in the field and stored frozen (< 0 degrees C) upon reaching the Service lab in Raleigh on June 24'h. All samples were collected, transported and stored under chain of custody (Appendix A). 2 Chemical Analyses: The ] 0 sediment samples were delivered to Research Triangle Institute (RTI), Research Triangle Park, NC on June 30, 2003. Samples were wet-homogenized, freeze-dried, dry-homogenized and digested/extracted in concentrated nitric acid using microwave heating. Elemental contaminants were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA). The instrumentation consisted of a ThermoElemental X7 iCP-MS, a Perkin-Elmer 4300 Optima ICP-AES and a Leeman Labs PS200 automated mercury analyzer (CVAA). Sediment particle sizes were determined by sieve series, and percent organic carbon was determined by loss on ignition. Analyses were accompanied by batch-specific quality control /quality assurance samples. An additional aliquot of two sediments were taken to prepare duplicate and matrix spikes and digested extracted alongside real samples. In addition, an aliquot of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NISI) Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2709 (River Sediment) and a reagent blank were prepared for analysis. RESULTS Tier 1 Results: Compilation of Existing Information We examined the following databases or lists of contaminant concerns (with the source of the data listed in parentheses): National Priorities List (Superfund Sites) (USEPA) Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites (NC Division of Waste Management) Old Landfills (NC Division of Waste Management) Active Solid Waste Permits (NC Division of Waste Management) CERCLIS Sites (USEPA) NPDES (surface water discharge) Permits (NC Division of Water Quality) Sewage Sludge Land Application Sites (USEPA) Registered Confined Animal Feeding Operations (USEPA) Active and abandoned solid or hazardous waste facilities are a potential source of contamination if they are located in the watershed and have had a release to the environment. To address this potential, a records search was conducted in October and November 2002. A search of State databases and files revealed no National Priorities List (Superfund) or Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites listed in Jackson County. Two sites were identified on the Old Landfills list, but neither of these (the Cashiers Refuse Disposal Site and the Sylva Dump on Montieth Branch, a tributary of Scott Creek) are in the watershed of Dillsboro Reservoir. The only active solid waste site in the County is the Scott Creek C&D Transfer Station (1172 Mineral Springs Road in Sylva); there is no discharge associated with this solid waste transfer facility. One CERCLIS Site was listed for the County, the Nantahala Abandoned PCB Transformer Site (River Road, Dillsboro). An examination ofthe file for this facility (11/14/02, NC Division of Waste Management, Central Files, Raleigh) indicates the site was a pole and transformer storage yard where one PCB- containing transformer was discovered by an employee, removed, tested, and properly disposed- ofwith State and federal agency oversight in 1999. On-site examination revealed no evidence of leakage or other PCB-containing transformers. The Nantahala Abandoned PCB Transformer Site received a "No Further Remedial Action Planned" status from U.S. EPA in 1999. Based on this review, there were no chemicals of concern identified from active or inactive solid waste or hazardous waste sites. Surface water discharges of wastes are also a potential source of contaminants. As of October 2002, there were six facilities with permitted discharges to the surface waters upstream of Dillsboro Reservoir (Table 1). Three additional facilities are located in the vicinity of Dillsboro Reservoir (Tuckasegee Water and Sewer Authority-Sylva Plant, Jackson County Board of Education-Scott Creek School, and Ensley Adult Care). These facilities are all small (0.0063 to 0.6 million gallons per day) and, more importantly for this assessment, discharge to Blanton Branch or Scott Creek that are hydrologically down gradient of the Dillsboro Reservoir (i.e., any contaminant concerns from these facilities would not impact the reservoir). Note also that Scotts Creek School has recently been taken off line (Kevin Barnett, NCDWQ, pers. comm. 2003). The Tuckasegee Water and Sewer Authority facility discharging to the Tuckasegee River upstream of Dillsboro Reservoir was the only major facility identified. State files indicate this facility has been well-operated with a compliance rate of>90% in their aquatic toxicity monitoring (NC Division of Water Quality 2000). Other water quality information was available from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's basinwide assessment report (NC Division of Water Quality 2000). Pages 30 and 31 of that document indicate that water quality ratings (as determined by the diversity, richness and tolerances of aquatic organisms collected in standardized sampling) for the Tuckasegee River at Dillsboro (off SR l 378) have been good to excellent since sampling began in the mid-1980's. Page 14 of that document indicates the Division conducted no fish tissue contaminant monitoring in the basin between 1994 and 1999 because there were no known contaminant issues to be addressed. Page 57 of the basinwide assessment report presents results of water quality sampling conducted at the only Tuckasegee River station (#G8600000, well downstream of the Dillsboro Reservoir); water quality was generally good with the only exceedences of State standards being associated with turbidity (4 of 50 samples exceeding the State standard of 25 NTUs with a maximum of 1 ]0 NTU), fecal coliform (4 of 50 sample exceeding the standard of 200 MPN/100m1 with a maximum of 690 MPN/100m1), iron (9 of 54 samples exceeding the standard of 1000 ug/1 with a maximum concentration of 7400 ug/1), and copper (1 1 of 54 samples exceeding the action level of 7 ug/1 with a maximum concentration of 17 ug/1). None of the 5-year average concentrations or 75`x' percentile concentrations for these parameters exceeded the State standards or action levels. Based on this review, there were no significant concerns identified from surface water sources, with the possible exception of slightly elevated and infrequent exceedence of action levels for iron and copper. In addition to file and record reviews, telephone calls to staff familiar with water and land quality issues in the vicinity were also made in order to identify any other potential contaminant concerns that should be considered. The surface water quality staff of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's Asheville Regional Office indicated that high pH wastes (caustics) historically discharged from the Jackson Paper facility should be addressed (Kevin Barnett, pers. comm. 2002). The facility discharged paper processing wastewater to the Tuckasegee River until the late 1980's wfien they implemented a water recycling protocol. Examination of aerial photographs from the time the mill was operational indicate the discharge was actually to Scotts 4 Creek which enters the Tuckasegee River just downstream of the Dillsboro Dam (Figure 3). Accordingly, this facility should not have had an impact on sediment quality within the reservoir, but it may well have impacted downstream sediments. Mining activities in Jackson County were characterized for their potential to impact sediments. Staff in the Department of Geosciences at Western Carolina University (Steve Yurkovich, pers. comm. 2003) and previously collected reference material (Williams 1987) indicate mining activities may have contributed sediments to the Tuckasegee River historically and the formations, which attracted mining efforts, may yet produce sediments and leachates. • Kaolin -Mined in the county from 1888 to the mid-1920s, it appears that the largest deposits and processing plant were located at Hogrock Mountain on Little Savannah Creek with mention of processing also at Dillsboro. Those pits were filled in after the clay was removed. Other smaller deposits were found upstream of Dillsboro Dam. Mica -Mined in the county until 1962, nearly 90 mines and prospects are found within the county and the largest of these operated through WWI and WWII. Some 10-15 of the largest operations lasted to the end. Both scrap and sheet mica was extracted. Most of these were hillside operations that removed the soil layer to expose the ore. A few were underground mines. Copper -Prospects were worked on Green's Creek, Cullowhee Mountain (above the Tuckasegee Nursery at Moody Bridge), Wayehutta Creek, and Wolf Creek. The largest and most promising was at Cullowhee Mountain. Accounts suggest that a 30 ton copper smelter and a 10 ton lixiviation plant were constructed in about 1908 and a 40 ton copper furnace installed by 1910. Large cuts, shafts and tunnels were cut. The mine was abandoned after 1912, reopened in 1917, then closed. From 1929 to 1932 copper ore was mined here and shipped to Ducktown for processing. Mining ended shortly after 1932. Generally the ore is pyrite or chalcopyrite (Fe and FeCu sulfides). The mines, trenches and tunnels are still there. They are often filled with water that is green-blue in color from the copper. Dunite -This igneous rock, though rare, is common in Jackson County. It is composed of the minerals olivine, pyroxene, and chromite (in small amounts). The olivine has a density 50% greater than feldspar and quartz so is likely to settle to the stream bottom quickly. Because of the presence of the mineral chromite, chromium concentrations should be expected to be higher downstream from these deposits. Also, the dunites contain some nickel that might also be in water or sediments. As dunites become metamorphosed, minerals such as talc, serpentine, and anthophyllite are produced. Anthophyllite in these deposits may be converted into asbestos. Large deposits of dunite cross the Tuckasegee just above Webster Bridge (much of Webster is underlain by this rock), cross again near where Ashe Settlement Road intersects NC 107, continues up Cane Creek Road and a large quarry is located at the head of Cane Creek at Chestnut Gap. Remains of old mines can still be observed in Cowan Valley Estates. Other locations of dunite on the upper Tuckasegee are on Caney Fork (Judaculla Rock) and supposedly up Speedwell Road. Dr. Jerry Miller, WCU, has 5 analyzed the geochemistry of the sediments at the reservoir below the powerhouse on the West Fork. The sediment there had an anomalously high chromium concentration. Site-specitic sediment chemistry data are very limited but informative. Sampling by Duke Power was completed on October 4, 2001. Samples were collected about 125 feet upstream of the dam in midstream at a depth of 5 to 6 feet by repeatedly inserting a hand held corer into the sediment. Due to corer refusal, only 5 to 6 inches of sediment was obtained during each attempt; this material was mixed to form a single composite sample which was analyzed for metals, volatiles, semivolatiles, organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (dioxins), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (furans). Volatile organics, semivolatile organics (with the exception of a low concentration of benzoic acid), organochlorine pesticides, and dioxins / furans were all less than the laboratory reporting limits. Sediment metal concentrations were below the detection limits for silver, arsenic, lead and selenium. Low levels of chromium, copper and mercury were detected. Cadmium was detected at 4.6 ug/g dry weight, a concentration at which effects to sensitive benthos may occur (MacDonald et al. 2000). Beyond potential pollutant sources, review of existing data also addressed pathways between contaminant sources and sediments of interest, and the areas potentially affected if contaminated sediments were mobilized. These factors include things like impoundment bathymetry, flows, watershed hydrology and land uses, sediment and soil types, and sediment deposition rates. Many contaminants preferentially bind to organic matter and fine-grained (silt or clay) sediments. While a dam is expected to allow fine material to settle and potentially accumulate in shoaling areas, much of the substrate in the area of the Dillsboro dam is sandy, with little potential for contaminant accumulation. In the State's sampling of the benthic community in 1999, the substrate at the Tuckasegee River at Dillsboro (off SR 1378) was 40 to 50 % sand and gravel. Important reservoir physical parameters were recently assessed as part of hydropower facility re- licensing studies. Recent bathymetry data are available and mapped in Figure 2. The draft "sediment issues for the Dillsboro project" summary (Duke Energy 2003) provides the following details on sediment composition, transport, and accumulation: • The Dillsboro Project only generates electricity when there is sufficient flow in the river and flows in excess of 284 cubic feet per second are spilled. There is negligible useable storage for electric generation and, consequently, there is no need for dredging sediments from the reservoir. • Bathymetric surveys were conducted in June 2001. Sediment samples were collected from transects established at points 1 /5th, 2/5th, 3/5th and 4/5th along the midline of the impoundment from the dam to the headwater area. At each transect, grab samples were taken at 4 equidistant points across the impoundment. Particle size was determined. • The bathymetry and particle size data show that the reservoir is similar to a river with a sandy-silt bed. Sediment translocation within and transport through the reservoir are dependent on the river flows. During periods of lower flows (roughly less than half bankfull) there is sediment deposition, and during high flows (roughly bankfull or greater) there is sediment mobilization and transport through and out of the reservoir. 6 Sediment carried by the Tuckasegee River is highly mobile and composed of suspended sands and silts which are deposited on the falling limb of the hydrograph in backwater areas, but are easily re-suspended and moved during high flow events. Based on the bathymetric maps, the general form of the channel bed upstream of the dam remained unchanged. Material deposited behind the dam is very fine grained (generally less than 1 mm) and is of such a composition that it is easily re-suspended during high flows. There is no decrease in particle size from upstream to downstream near the dam, which would have indicated coarse particles aggrading due to backwater effects of the dam. Particle sizes along the length of the reservoir indicate that deeper areas have 1 mm particles, and shallower areas have essentially very fine, suspendable particles less than 0.1 mm. During high flows, observations upstream and downstream of the dam indicated the presence of large amounts of suspended materials; as flows dropped, this material was not stored in the main channel except in backwaters and deep pools. The river channel width is confined which limits lateral migration; thus, only the channel bed can change in response to flow changes. Scouring occurs at set points in the reservoir, such as in bends and in constricted areas. The extent of scouring changes in relation to flow and the incoming sediment loads. Since the flow is unregulated and, considering the present sediment accumulation within the reservoir, there will be little net increase of sediment storage. • Sediment in the system consists of suspended silts and sands that deposit only when stopped by downstream controls. Sediment accumulation is not occurring at the dam face due to the shear stress at the unit intakes. The elevation of the bottom of the intake opening determines the depth of sediment accumulation at the dam, and acts as the "base level". The funneling effect of water where flow enters the intake opening causes an increase in the water velocity in the forebay area. The increased flow velocity and shear stress causes erosion of any deposited sediment and the sediments are transported downstream. Headward (upstream) migration of the deposited sediments continues, creating a channel within the sediments. • This channel is evident from the bathymetric data, and the depth of the channel approximately equals the depth of the intake. There is no delta formation (i.e., indicating excessive sediment availability) downstream of Dillsboro dam. There appears to be a balance between sediment delivered to this area and the ability of the river to move this material. • Sediment particle size data indicate potential shoaling areas that can be targeted for sediment analyses, particularly in the shallow areas along the shoreline. A summation of the tier l review of existing information indicates that no major contaminant concerns were identified. The cadmium concentration of the one composite sediment sample collected in 2001 may merit additional attention. The periodic exceedences of the State action level for copper in surface water may merit additional attention. The review also indicated that the material behind the dam might have low potential to accumulate contaminants from a physical standpoint, being comprised primarily of sand and gravel. Finally, it appears that ~°atershed land uses upstream and downstream of the reservoir are similar and that any mobilized 7 sediments from behind the dam may merely subject downstream areas to the same sources of contaminants to which they have been historically exposed. While no major concerns were noted in the review of existing information, it was recommended that new data be collected to support management decisions. Those data will focus on inorganic contaminants to address the copper and cadmium issues identified above and the mining history of the area. Tier Z Results: Sediment collection, analyses and inter pretation Table 2 lists sediment collection locations which are also depicted in Figure 4. The complete report from RTI is reprinted in Appendix B and summarized here. Laboratory blank, duplicate, SRM and spike data were reviewed, and they demonstrate very good lab performance on this batch of samples relative to analytical precision and accuracy. Figure 5 (with sub-figures a-h for each element) is a comparison of the elemental contaminant results to freshwater sediment quality guidelines (MacDonald et al. 2000). These consensus- basedthreshold effects guidelines were established to provide lower bound concentrations below which adverse effects to sensitive aquatic organisms should not occur (Threshold Effects Concentrations, or TECs) and an upper range of concentrations above which adverse effects to sediment dwelling organisms may be expected (Probable Effects Concentrations, or PECs). Eighty-one percent of all values evaluated were less than the TECs (i.e., presumed to be toxicologically insignificant). This category included all the data for arsenic, lead and mercury. Further, no samples exceeded the PECs for any elemental contaminant (i.e, no samples of obvious concern). To evaluate the <20 percent of sample results that fell between the TECs and PECs for cadmium (n=1), chromium (n=3), copper (n=3), nickel (n=5) and zinc (n=3), we computed a geometric mean of the TECs and PECs for each element and defined it as a "median effects concentration", or "MEC". From Figure 5, it is apparent that only two sediment sample results for nickel exceeded these MECs. The two samples exceeding the MECs were collected at station D4 from within the reservoir, and DG 1 from the Dillsboro gage area downstream of the dam (which had the highest overall nickel concentration). None of the few samples that exceeded the TECs for cadmium, chromium, copper and zinc exceeded the MECs, and most of the results were still relatively close to the TECs for these elements. Because none of the samples indicate a toxicolgical concern, a statistical comparison of sediments within Dillsboro Reservoir to downstream sediments was not conducted. Discussion There are no federal or North Carolina sediment quality criteria or standards, but the recent freshwater sediment quality guidelines of MacDonald et al. (2000) are very useful. The State of Florida recently recommended these for use as guidance in many of their programs, including evaluation of dredged material and risk assessment of contaminated sites (MacDonald et al. 2003). In a review by experts on sediment assessment, sediment quality guidelines like those used here were found to offer good utility in site assessment (Wenning and Ingersoll 2002). 8 From Figure 5, it is apparent that none of the sediment samples from within the reservoir or downstream exceeded the PECs, indicating no sediment contaminant concentrations of obvious concern. Over 80 percent of the sediment sample results were also less than the TECs, indicating they are unlikely of toxicological significance. Slightly less than 20 percent of the sample results fell between the TEC and PEC, and they were further evaluated by comparing their magnitude to the geometric mean of the TEC and PEC for that element. If the TEC is thought of as a threshold below which no adverse effects are expected to occur, and the PEC is the likely effects concentration, the geometric mean of these two is an estimate of the concentration where adverse effects may begin to be observed. This "median effects concentration" or "MEC", while not a construct of the original guidelines, appears useful as an initial screen of data in the middle category. We note also that this approach is consistent with how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency summarizes chronic toxicity data in their water quality criteria program (Stephan et al. 1985). In that guidance, the geometric mean of a No Observed Effect Concentration and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration for a compound of interest can be used as a Maximum Allowable Toxicant Concentration, again with the idea that the lowest concentration of interest is somewhere between the no effect and likely effect concentrations. In our application of the MECs, only two values (both for nickel) exceeded these levels. The highest nickel concentration (41.5 ug/g dry weight) was from a downstream river sample near Dillsboro gage, and the average of the four downstream samples (27.4 ug/g dry weight) exceeded the average concentration of the six samples collected upstream of the dam (21.8 ug/g dry weight). Accordingly, the nickel concentrations behind the dam should not be a concern relative to movement downstream where concentrations are slightly higher. Although nickel was found to be somewhat elevated relative to the screening level, nickel is a metal with little affinity for aquatic bioaccumulation, biomagnification, and mobilization in sediments (Connell and Miller 1984). Nickel also has only slight to moderate aquatic toxicity (USEPA 1986), and the concentrations observed in surface water quality monitoring of the Tuckasegee River, typically less than a 10 ug/1 detection limit (NCDWQ 2000), are lower than values toxic even to very sensitive aquatic organisms (USEPA 1986, Keller and Zam 1991). Concentrations of cadmium were generally low. None of our six samples upstream of the dam approached the concentration of the moderately elevated cadmium detected in the single 2001 composite sediment sample. This assessment included all the priority pollutant metals /metalloids. Note that this does not address some of the elements reported by the lab, like barium, beryllium and vanadium, for which there are few relevant comparison values. This is likely not a significant limitation because there was no known source to the stream indicating enrichment of these relatively rare elements in our tier 1 assessment. A value of one-half the method detection limit was used for the graphs in Figure 5 in the few instances of values reported as lower than detection. This should not influence the data interpretation because the detection limits were sensitive relative to the screening guidelines. This assessment is limited to the toxicological properties of the sediments evaluated. it does not address the potential physical impacts of sediment mobilization. 9 References: Connell, D.W., and G. J. Miller. 1984. Chemistry and Ecotoricology of Pollution. John Wiley and Sons. New York, NY. Duke Energy. 2003 (draft). Sediment Issues for the Dillsboro Project. Keller, A.E. and S.G. Zam. 1991. The acute toxicity of selected metals to the freshwater mussel, Anodonta inrbecil/is. Environ Toricol Chern 10: 539-546. MacDonald, D.D., C.G. Ingersoll and T.A. Berger. 2000. Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Arch Environ Contain Toxicol 39: 20-31. MacDonald, D.D., C.G. Ingersoll, D.E. Smorong, R.A. Lindskoog, G. Sloane and T. Biernacki. 2003. Development and Evaluation of Numerical Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines for Florida Inland Waters. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, FL. NC Division of Water Quality. 2000. Basinwide Assessment Report: Little Tennessee River. Water Quality Section, Environmental Sciences Branch, Raleigh, NC. 83 pp. Stephan, C.E., D.I. Mount, D.J. Hansen, J.H. Gentile, G.A. Chapman and W.A. Brungs. 1985. Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and their Uses. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development Washington, DC. TVA. 2002. Results and summary of toxicity testing of sediments in Tuckasegee River and Scotts Creek in vicinity of Dillsboro, NC. USEPA. 1986. Ambient water quality criteria for nickel. EPA 440/5-86-004. Office of Water Regulations and Standards, Criteria and Standards Division, Washington, DC. USEPA/USAGE. 1998. Evaluation of dredged material proposed for discharge in waters of the U.S. - Testing Manual. EPA-823-B-98-004, Washington, DC. Wenning, R.J. and C.G. Ingersoll. 2002. Summary of SETAC Pellston Workshop on Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines and Related Tools for the Assessment of Contaminated Sediments; 17- 22 August 2002; Fairmont, Montana, USA. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Pensacola, FL. Williams, M.E. 1987. History of Jackson County. The Jackson County Historical Association. 674pp. 10 Table 1. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) facilities upstream of the Dillsboro Dam. Facility Name Volume Receiving stream Major facilities Tuckasegee Water and Sewer Authority 1.5 MGD Tuckasegee River Minor Facilities Western Carolina University WTP 0.0005 MGD Tuckasegee River Singing Water Camping Resort* 0.0075 MGD Trout Creek Trillium Links and Villa e* 0.02 MGD UT to Tho e Lake Jackson Co. BOE (Blue Ridge School)* 0.01 MGD Hurricane Creek Whiteside Estates* 0.1 MGD Grassy Camp Creek * note -all of these facilities are in Tuckasegee River headwaters and located upstream of either the Tuckasegee Lake Dam and / or Glenville Lake Dams 1 and 2 # this facility was not constructed and has never been operated Table 2. June 2003 sediment collection sites within Dillsboro Reservoir and downstream areas. Sample # Date Collected Description D 1 06/23/03 Reservoir sample (35° 21.542N / 83° 14.839W) Depositional area on left bank in 1 to 2-feet of water depth D2 06/23/03 Reservoir sample (35° 21.727N / 83° 14.792W) Typical reservoir sediments (coarse sand) in 5 to 6-feet of water depth D3 06/23/03 Reservoir sample (35° 21.899N / 83° 14.821 W) Depositional area on right bank D4 06/23/03 Reservoir sample (35° 21.9532N / 83° 14.906W) Depositional area on left bank in 1 to 2-feet water depth (below sign line) DS 06/23/03 Reservoir sample (35° 21.997N / 83° 14.947W) Typical reservoir sediments (coarse sand /gravel) in 8 to 9-feet water depth D6 06/23/03 Reservoir sample (35° 21.994N / 83° 14.957W) Depositional area on right bank (shoal behind boom log) Barkers Creek 1 (BC1) 06/24/03 Downstream sample (35° 23.1 l4N / $3° 17.502W) Depositional area, right bank at Tuckasegee Outfitters in 1-foot water depth Barkers Creek 2 (BC2} 06/24/03 Downstream sample (35° 23.114N / 83° 17.502W) River channel at BC 1, coarse sand in 2 to 3-feet water depth Dillsboro Gage 1 (DGl) 06/24/03 Downstream sample (35° 21.976N / 83° 15.492W) Depositional area, right bank shoal at Dillsboro Gage, 0.5-foot water depth Dillsboro Gage 2 (DG2) 06/24/03 Downstream sample (35° 21.976N / 83° 15.489 River channel at DG 1, coarse sand in 2 to 3-feet water depth 12 I°igure 1. Hillsboro Reservoir and vicinity. Figure 2. tiJill~boro Reservoir bathymetry. 14 15 Figure 3. 1967 aerial photograph of mixing zone of Scotts Creek downstream of Dillsboro Dam. Figure 4. June ?003 Dillsboro Reservoir sediment sampling sites. 16 Figure 5 (a-h). Elemental contaminant concentrations of sediments collected within the Dillsboro Reservoir (D 1, D2, D3, D4, DS and D6) and downstream of the reservoir (DG 1, DG2, BC 1 and BC2 ). For each element, results are compared to threshold effects concentration (TEC) guidelines of MacDonald et al. (?000) -- values below which adverse effects to sensitive aquatic organisms should not occur, and probable effects concentrations (PECs) -- values above which adverse effects to sediment dwelling organisms may be expected (MacDonald et al. ?000). Some figures also have a "median effects concentration" (MEC), the geometric mean of the TEC and PEC, for reference. a) Arsenic Concentrations 35.0 30.0 ~ 25.0 .~ 3 20.0 ~ 15.0 1 ~ 10.0 5.0 0.0 b) Cadmium Concentrations 5.0 z 4.0 a~ .~ ~ 3.0 -a as 2.0 a~ 1.0 0.0 17 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Reservoir samples Downstream samples D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Reservoir samples Downstream samples F1~U1'e 5 ~COllt.~ 120 110 100 ~ 90 ~ 80 3 70 ~ 60 ~ 50 °' 40 as ~ 30 20 10 0 150 140 130 120 ~ 110 ~ 100 3 90 ~, 80 v 70 ~ 60 a- 50 ~ 40 30 20 10 0 c) Chromium Concentrations d) Copper Concentrations 1R D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Reservoir samples Downstream samples D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Reservoir samples Downstream samples Figure 5 (cont.) e) Lead Concentrations 130 , 120 110 ~ 100 a' 90 3 80 ~, 70 -a 60 ~ 50 a~ 40 ~ 30 20 10 0 ~.Y mw._.e~ _._._..--. ___..~_' DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Downstream samples r~FC = x.06 f) Mercury Concentrations 0.25 =... ~ ~..:2_.,~.~~~~ ~.~: ~~ .~: _ , , , ~ ..,,; 0.20 ~ ._ rFC = o. t H 3 0 15 ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ 0.10 3, z .., _~ ~` ~ w 3 . s _, ._ - y. - ._._., ~~ ._ s ._. ~ .,, 0.05 L.J 0.00 ... D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Reservoir samples Downstream samples 19 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Reservoir samples Figure ~ (concluded) g) Nickel Concentrations 55 ~ 50 45 40 t •~ 35 3 30 •a 25 ~ 20 a~ ~ 15 10 5 0 h) Zinc Concentrations 500 450 400 ~ 350 a~ •3 300 ~+ 250 ~ 200 ~ 150 100 50 0 ?0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 '~~ Reservoir samples Downstream samples _: D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 DG1 DG2 BC1 BC2 Reservoir samples Downstream samples Appendix A. Chain of Custody- for June 2003 Sediment Samples uEr•;~TNC~TOr rett+TSx~oa CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD FILElYO. 1•.±. sLyl avo x~unl.I~F ~eetit[t: IVL'. Utti ISi01 VF LAF F.1FpR(-F_M E\T DATE AND T1N?gE OF SEtZCRF.: DISTRi(:T: E/V~I+UENCE/j+P,ROPERTY SEIZED RY: f ti /I Q 27 Z tl OD CG ~~E~~'tr~ ~ M V yr - !- rlG ~S ~O RCE Of EV'i EN CE/PROPERTY (person sad/or location). CASE TITLE AND E3iARK3: TAKEN FROM: ^ RBf.EIVED FROM: + FOl NU :jtT: C T ~: 8~5 rCJ l ~Seivp .V SPC~ ~rr+en~ 5hr~~e5 ~f (ar. )~cl,~c5~ e2 ) ~ed`,~-.er.~ ~SScfSn~"~ D~~~c I I Gwe/ c~15 cr oSI/vG;i a,. own 'trtc [TE?f NO. DE5t;RIPTION OF EVIDEYf.E/PROPERTY {include 2 5 G G 9 -U / '1 ^r oG(~ (V (Z ~F,s ~ ~n~'l •~ t4 30~.o:~,Ut ITEM NO. ~~~t ~~~/ ITEM NO SGmp~Q ~t (/ Gr..i~le ~ S ~z Cc Xcr ~(~ ~~ ~r~Ple ~ ~`I Sa w. ~ 4 ~ ~~ 5G M'~e ~ ~F~~(er~ C/~Lk I ~rvn~t ~ ~c.~l4rs C(uM Z 5~.>~rlt ~ IJ.I~s~Lr,o ~L~ ~ S~M~~~ ~ ~; CIS i~,a G-~t 2 FROM: (PRINT NA;1iE, AGENCY) "~" v s ~Y/(~/ TO: (PRINT NAME, AGENCY) SAlF wort' t1•S. frs~• a..~ Wrlc~<<~ $r~- FKOM: (PR1N'r NA?t E, AGF.,NC.Y) 5c~~-~- ~vA-` ~,S Fryy, ~( WI ~ i~(e ~~ ;TO: (PRINT NAME, AGENCY) ~. FRO?I: (PRINT NAME. aGF.NC1') Tag Numbere and any aerial oumbera): ~` $~ /~ rl ~,,4,~< ~a"r ~, It t 5 ~ . c ~~ ~~ c~ 1 a ~ ~ ~, ¢~~ a . 15 `U ~~ f ~ ~f`(' F or c N' ck~`~- r~~lO\ c ~l xELEASE S1ltN.t"rl'RE:: RECE P/1~' ~11StiATl'RE: RF.L' SE SIGAA~TI`R~E: p INQ,i2 ~i~ RF.CF.IPT SIC,NATtiRE: RELE.aSE 51GNATCRE: T0: (I'RiSC Na?f E..iGF,SCV} _ RECFIP'C SIt~N3'rt'RE: AL TRANSrER3 ON xE?FRSE S(tIE: ~~ RELEASE DATE I UEI,IVEREll VIA: i !QG~~~Ci~ --- ^ U.S. Mill, ~IN PERSON RECEIPT DATE. ^ OTHER: G6/3~/G 3 /RELEASE DATE. DF.E.I?`FRED V'IA: L/ i lG 1~ PERSOti RECEIPT DATE _,, J ~ OTHER: ~~.s t `~ 3 RELE:iPE DA"r F. DELI?ERE;U ?~L4: L.S. ?IAIl. ---;~ 11 PF:RSO'ti REC.EIY'r U.~tTE: ~,~g a s~t+~s3 Iv,%atl Appendix B. Analytical Data Report for June 2003 Sediment Samples July I S. ?003 Mr. Tom Augspurger U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Mr. Augspurger Please find the analytical report for the analysis of 10 Duke Power sediment samples for trace elemental content. Samples were digested/extracted in concentrated in nitric using microwave heating and analyzed using a combination of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for all metals but mercury and cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA) for mercury. Please call me at 919-541-6897 if you have any questions. Sincerely Peter M. Grohse Program Manager -Trace Metals Analysis RTi International 3040 Cornwallis Rd. -Building 6 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 22 TECHNICAL REPORT Client: Duke Power RTI Project No.: 08224.001.003 Date: 7-15-03 By Peter M. Grohse. Research Triangle Institute Post Office Box 12194 3040 Cornwallis Road Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 541-6897 pmg@rti.org Submitted to: Tom Augspurger Box 33726 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone 919-856-4520 23 INTRODUCTION Ten (10) sediment samples were received for analysis on June 30, 2003. An analysis for aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), boron (B), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn) was performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and mercury by cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA). PREPARATION Samples were wet-homogenized, freeze-dried, dry-homogenized and digested in digested/extracted in concentrated in nitric using microwave heating. QUALITY CONTROL An additional aliquot of two sediments were taken to prepare duplicate and matrix spikes and digested/extracted alongside real samples. In addition, an aliquot of NIST SRM 2709 (River Sediment) and a reagent blank were prepared for analysis. MEASUREMENT Sample and QC extracts/digests were analyzed as noted in the introduction. The instrumentation consisted of a ThermoElemental X7 ICP-MS, a Perkin-Elmer 4300 Optima ICP-AES and a Leeman Labs PS200 automated mercury analyzer. RESULTS Moisture content is provided in Table 1. Trace metal results are presented in Table 2 and are expressed in µg/g on a dry weight basis. Laboratory blank, duplicate, SRM and spike data are presented in Table 3 and are also expressed in µg/g dry weight. Note that the digestion actually provides a strong leach, which will only fully recover elements such as As, Cd, possibly Cu, Hg, possibly Ni, Pb, Se and Zn. SAMPLE CUSTODY Remaining samples will be stored for one year after submission of the report. 24 Table 1 -Sample Information Sam le ID Sam le Matrix Recd Wt % Moisture D1 Soil/Sediment 49.2 48.5 D2 Soil/Sediment 48.2 52.5 D3 Soil/Sediment 44.0 60.6 D4 Soil/Sediment 41.4 74.4 D5 Soil/Sediment 61.8 75.1 D6 Soil/Sediment 48.9 64.9 Barkers Creek 1 Soil/Sediment 53.8 56.6 Barkers Creek 2 Soil/Sediment 71.5 34.8 Dillsboro Ga e1 Soil/Sediment 71.2 34.1 Dillsboro Ga e2 Soil/Sediment 64.9 29.9 25 Table 2 - Samale Data in ua/a. Dlly Weiahta Sam le ID AI As B Ba Be Cd Cr Cu Fe H M Mn Barkers Creek 1 22970 2.45 0.60 258 0.94 0.19 43.7 28.5 38,071 0.026 9,181 514 Barkers Creek 2 7466 0.80 <0.25 59.9 0.40 <0.08 19.9 8.6 15,524 0.004 3,371 316 D1 21908 2.5 0.68 214 0.75 0.20 38.7 32.6 33,165 0.032 6,946 473 D2 12483 1.8 0.28 74.6 0.59 <0.08 29.4 16.1 25,498 <0.01 2,266 297 D3 22535 2.4 0.74 215 0.86 0.24 43.1 31.6 34,627 0.043 7,075 475 D4 35590 4.1 1.09 318 1.21 0.38 54.0 54.6 49,051 0.072 9,460 581 D5 9761 1.9 <0.25 25.8 0.50 <0.08 9.8 7.7 9,380 <0.01 1,414 114 D6 28586 2.8 6.34. 261 5.769 1.599 44.1 39.1 39,152 0.039 8,103 599 Dillsboro Ga e1 12483 1.47 0.27 137 0.50 0.09 30.7 13.9 22,745 0.015 8,057 308 Dillsboro Ga e2 4131 0.88 <0.25 32.4 0.27 <0.08 10.9 3.9 11,015 <0.01 3,145 234 MDL 10 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.08 0.5 0.5 10 0.01 10 0.5 Method ICP- AES GFAA ICP-MS ICP- AES ICP-MS ICP-MS ICP- AES ICP- AES ICP- AES CVAA ICP- AES ICP- AES Sam le ID Mo Ni Pb Se Sr V Zn Barkers Creek 1 0.25 32.1 10.3 <0.3 10.8 79.6 124 Barkers Creek 2 <0.2 17.9 <0.25 <0.3 3.1 26.6 43.0 D1 0.27 22.0 15.2 0.72 9.0 71.5 115 D2 0.24 9.6 11.6 <0.3 3.7 42.6 59 D3 0.30 24.5 23.7 <0.3 11.0 71.5 117 D4 0.36 35.5 23.5 0.61 14.7 102 173 D5 0.26 7.8 6.7 <0.3 2.1 17.2 28.4 D6 1.69 31.4 16.7 0.5 13.7 80.0 142 Dillsboro Ga e1 0.24 41.5 3.6 <0.3 7.3 47.8 64.3 Dillsboro Ga e2 <0.2 18.0 1.5 <0.3 2.4 17.3 28.4 MDL 0.2 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.0 Method ICP-MS ICP- AES ICP- AES GFAA ICP- AES ICP- AES ICP- AES a Except where noted Grain Size TOC Sand Silt Cla 12.3 93.0 6.85 0.01 0.23 99.7 0.46 0.01 1.73 86.8 13.0 0.06 0.45 99.3 0.32 0.09 2.16 82.3 17.4 0.11 4.14 91.4 8.3 0.02 0.41 99.1 0.88 <0.01 7.81 86.2 13.7 0.10 14.8 98.1 2.01 0.01 0.060 99.6 0.23 <0.01 0.004% <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sievin ISus ensionlGravimet 26 Table 3 - QC Sample Results in un/n_ nIYV Wpinhtd QC ID AI As B Ba Be Cd Cr Cu Fe Hg D3 22535 2.43 0.74 215 0.86 0.24 41.8 31.6 34627 0.043 Du licate 23819 2.46 0.67 216 0.86 0.24 41.8 30.5 35090 0.035 RPD 5.5 1.2 9.$ 0.4 0.2 1.9 0.1 3.2 1.3 20.2 D4 21650 4.06 0.2a 318 0.5a 0.1 a 50.0 54.6 49051 <0.01 S iked D4 35590 41.8 15.1 720 16.0 14.1 411 461 53495 1.48a S ike Added 400 37.6 15.4 400 15.4 15.4 400 400 4000 1.7 Recover c 100 96 100 101 91 90 102 c 87.1 SRM Result 1.80% 14.8 25.5 377 0.84 0.46 46.99 35 27171 1.38 SRM Valueb 2%-3.1% 17.7 N/A N/A N/A 0.38 60-115 26-40 2.5%-3.3% 1.40 Rea ent Blank <1.0 <0.5 <0.25 <0.25 <0.1 <0.08 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <0.01 MDL 10 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.08 0.5 0.5 10 0.01 a aampie uo; o Nia i ziua ~eolment, consensus leach value; c Spike to background ratio«1 d TOC in % units N/A -NIST Values QC ID Mg Mn Mo Ni Pb Se Sr V Zn TOC D3 7075 475 0.30 24.5 23.7 <0.3 11.0 71.5 117 1.73 Du licate 7074 482 0.23 25.6 17 <0.3 11.5 71.0 121 1.91 RPD 0.0 1.3 25.6 4.6 35.2 N/A 4.5 0.8 3.1 9.9 D4 9460 581 0.52a 35.5 23.5 0.61 14.7 102 173 S iked D4 13273 1000 12.91 1246 1210 34.8 409 484 564 S ike Added 4000 400 15.4 1200 1200 37.6 400 400 400 Recove c 105 81 101 99 91 99 96 98 SRM Result 11691 518 0.30 75 12 1.05 99 43 96 SRM Valueb 1.2%-1.5% 360-600 N/A 65-90 12-18 1.57 100-112 51-70 87-120 Rea ent Blank <10 <0.5 <0.2 <0.5 <0.25 <0.3 <0.5 <0.5 <1.0 MDL 10 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.004% a oani~ie vo; u rvi~ ~ ~iua aeaiment, consensus leacn value; c Spike to background ratio«1; d TOC in % units N/A -NIST Value 27 Sample ID D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 AI 34,537 43,303 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 As D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 B 82.1 453.8 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Ba 318 720 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Be <0.1 387 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Cd 2.7 402 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Cr 54.0 442 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Cu 54.6 461 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Fe 49,051 53,495 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Mg 9,460 13,273 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Mn 581 1000 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Mo 1.4 315 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 N i 35.5 1246 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Pb 23.5 1210 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Se D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Sr 14.7 409 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 V 102 484 D4 0.266 50 0.5 10 Zn 173 564 D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 AI 43,303 8,766 4000 D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 As D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 B 453.8 372 400 D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 Ba 720 402 400 D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 Cd 402 399 400 D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 Cr 442 388 400 D4 SPIKE 0.266 50 0.5 10 Cu 461 406 400 D3 DUPLICATE 0.269 50 0.5 10 Hg Nisi 27os 0.268 50 0.5 10 Hg 12,000- NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Mg 11,691 15,000 NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Mn 518 360-538 NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Mo 0.9 NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Ni 74.8 65+ NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Pb 11.7 12-18 NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Se 1.6 NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Sr 98.9 100-112 NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 V 43.2 35+ NIST 2709 0.268 50 0.5 10 Zn 95.8 100+ 28