HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE1567_NOV (Certified Mail)_202305057017 0190 0000 2485 6639 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality A a —AG 1% :3-DV-0196) On January 10, 2023, Thad Valentine from the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR), visited the subject site located at 1000 Parliament Ct, Durham in Durham County, North Carolina- The site visit revealed that Newrest RDU, LLC does not qualify for a no exposure and was therefore denied for the no exposure permit. The denial letter drafted and mailed to you on March 06, 2023, required that you obtained coverage under an NPDES General Permit for stormwater discharges from the site. The site currently discharges stormwater affected by processes on site to waters leading to receiving waters designated as Stirrup Iron Creek, a class C;NSW stream in the Neuse River Basin. An NPDES permit is required to discharge stormwater to waters of the state in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1(a) Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (hereby known as NCAC) 211 .0126. Enclosed with the inspection report is a copy of a Notice of Intent (NOI) that shall be filled out and submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality within 30 calendar days of the receipt of this Notice. Submission information can be found in the N01. n. 1 i.r YY iNn �� Q �+" 4[/afTkrtl oS E�rWm.X�yr LVN\ North Carolina bcpartn:ent of L'rr.itormtcrot.rl QtOlilY I Di%ision of Unergy. Miner,il and Ulm] RrsourCcti Raleigh Region. I Office 11(0i Mall Set4Ire Cclim. 13800 &arrclt Of-Ke I Raleigh, North C.rrokn 317E+0o 911.791-1200 000 W bia U0qL%Vui!o;aJL{Li(rN'yb!.)lia auav uai.ir4100S4 1.,pr.,_)�7!,ua51!'4CN7��t .e�!NOE"uu!(i.��t�fiial�tl :rrnot,r�Prr'-ipirel:z.r,�u!I�'M6.1oul;ojolu ullon,ulirnujull.3"d,)(jom,iwD1p.1o` ^' \ICI .i�YLV�A to 3uiiE�lMrli f � � a � �ctr1 •r -ION aqi ui punoj aq ue3 uopew iojut uo!ssiwgnS -aa!IoN stgj jo jdtaaaa aqa jo SAep.eepua[ea 0£ utgi!m Xallenb lejuawuo.tlnuFI Jo avawa.tedap aqa of palliwgns pue ino paIIU aq Begs 1egj (ION) jualuI Jo aa!ioN e jo Sdoa e s! jioda.i uopaadsui aqa qj!m pasopu2 '9Z10' HZ (:)dDN se unnouN /sgatag) apo:) an!ae.tas!ulwpd eutlo.teD 41JON dSti aP!.L (e)i'STZ-EVT -S'O qa!M aauep.toaae ul aMs 041 Jo s.laaean oa .taaennw.toas Alegastp of pajtnbai st i!wnd S3(IdN ud 'u!seg .tan!H asnaN aqa u! weaJas MSN':) ssela e'pa.iD uoal doupS se paaeuO!sap saajenn 0u1n1aaaa 012ulpeal s.tajem 01 aa!s uo sassaaoid Aq paaaajje .iajeMw.to1s sAtegas!p Apuanna ails aqa, -ails aqa wo.tj sa2.teg3sip .tajemw.tojs .toj 1twlad Ieaaua0 SRUN ue napun a2e_1an0a pau!eIgo noX aegj pa.itnbaa 'EZOZ '90 g3.ieN uo nod' of papew pue palpip aaalal Ie!uap aq a!mad a tnsodxa ou aqa JCJ pa!uap aaoja.tagi seen pue a insodxa ou a .toj ,fplenb jou saop DT1 'fIGH lsa.tnnaN aega paleana.t J!s!n ails aqa, -eu!lom:) qa ioN `Aluno:) wegan(I u! wetpna 'a:) auawe!l.ted OOOI le paaeaol arts aaafgns aya paj!s!n `(H-Iwg(l) saaanosaN puerl pue lejau!W `A2.tau3 jo uotsini❑ aqjjo aayjO leuo!SaU q2!91eH aqj tuo.tj autaualen peq.L'EZOZ'Oi Ajenue[ uO (961O-Aa-Ei Ezoz `So AeW ,(1?lnnb lajuaLuuv_ltiu3 VNI-l')�Jb_3 H1dON i3 3tv[S l LL 0000c] 6E99 59h2 0000 06TO ?-20Z