HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCW_Pre-construction meeting summary_2023-04-18 April 18, 2023 Meeting Summary Business Confidential and Proprietary 1 TIMBERMILL WIND PROJECT - MEETING SUMMARY Meeting Attendees: Samir Dumpor – NCDEQ Stephanie Goss - NCDEQ Robert Tankard – NCDEQ Maria Dunn – NCWRC Anthony Scarbraugh – USACE Kathy Matthews – USFWS BriAnna Alcorn – Burns & McDonnell Courtney Didier – Burns & McDonnell Luke DuPont – Dominion Energy Andrew Gliniak – Terracon Lukas Geissbuehler – Timbermill Wind Blake Greenhalgh – Timbermill Wind Case Kittel – Timbermill Wind Jimmy Merrick – Timbermill Wind Nate Pedder – Timbermill Wind Hank Seltzer – Timbermill Wind Jeremy Spaeth – Timbermill Wind Notes Prepared by: Timbermill Wind, LLC Date: May 5, 2023 ______________________________________________________________________________ On April 18, 2023, Timbermill Wind, LLC (Timbermill Wind) met with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) over a Microsoft Teams video call to discuss the Timbermill Wind project (Project) in Chowan County, North Carolina. Representatives from entities involved in preliminary construction activities for the Project also attended the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss proposed pre-construction activities in 2Q 2023 and to satisfy a condition of the Project’s Clean Water Act S404 Individual Permit regarding pre-construction meetings with state and federal agencies. In the meeting, the Timbermill Wind team described the proposed pre- construction activities and shared maps of their proposed locations. The following is a summary of the topics discussed. Phase I Pre-construction Activities Representatives from Timbermill Wind described Phase I pre-construction activities, include tree clearing in Waters of the United States (WOTUS) to facilitate geotechnical investigations at the switchyard location and along the proposed gen-tie transmission line. Representatives from Terracon, Dominion, and Burns & McDonnell described their respective roles in clearing and additional geotechnical investigations at the switchyard location. Timbermill Wind estimated that 2-3 acres would be impacted during Phase I activities, based on total impacts within the Project’s April 18, 2023 Meeting Summary Business Confidential and Proprietary 2 Limits of Disturbance. A smaller portion of the 2-3 acre total would occur within WOTUS. Timbermill Wind representatives shared maps of the proposed Phase I work areas. Phase II Pre-construction Activities Representatives from Timbermill Wind, Dominion, Burns & McDonnell, and Terracon described proposed Phase II pre-construction activities, which would include clearing, grading, and pad preparation at the Dominion switchyard location. The switchyard area would be conveyed to Dominion during Phase II, and Dominion would begin switchyard construction shortly thereafter. Timbermill Wind estimated that approximately 20 acres would be impacted during Phase II activities, based on total impacts within the Project’s Limits of Disturbance. A smaller portion of the approx. 20-acre total would occur within WOTUS. Timbermill Wind representatives shared maps of the proposed Phase II work areas. Phase III – Full Notice to Proceed for Construction Representatives from Timbermill Wind anticipated the start of construction to begin in mid- August 2023 with tree clearing activities, with full notice to proceed (FNTP) for the balance of plant contractor to begin road and wind turbine foundation work by October 2023. Other Attendees agreed to meet at the Project site in Chowan County on Wednesday, May 03, 2023, prior to beginning Phase I activities. The objective of the on-site meeting would be to assess proposed Phase I and Phase II work areas, discuss relevant conditions of the Individual Permit (including the 401 Water Quality Certification and Biological Opinion), and agree on next steps. Attendees also agreed a second on-site meeting is warranted later this summer at a time TBD, at least 30 days prior to construction (currently proposed for mid-August, as noted above). Action Items: • Timbermill Wind to schedule on-site meeting for Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 • Timbermill Wind to provide USACE and NCDEQ DWR details regarding impacts to WOTUS from proposed Phase I and Phase II pre-construction activities April 18, 2023 Meeting Summary Business Confidential and Proprietary 3 Attachment 1: Phase I and Phase II Exhibits Shared During Meeting ®CONFID ENT IAL 0 160 320 480 64080 Meters 0 840 1,680 2,520 3,360420 Feet NC VA SC Timbermill WindIndex Map Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 False Easting: 2,000,000.0026 False Northing: 0.0000 Units: Foot US Date: 4/27/2023 Author: JF Docume nt Pa th : Y:\GIS\_Projects\NCW_Timbermill\MXD\Setbacks\NCW_PhasedImpacts_Phase1_Index_20230418.mxd NCW - Timberm ill Phase 1 and Phase 2 LODs 2023-04-26 See In set Map 1 See In set Map 2 ®CONFID ENT IAL 0 50 100 150 20025 Meters 0 300 600 900 1,200150 Feet NC VA SC Timbermill Wind Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 False Easting: 2,000,000.0026 False Northing: 0.0000 Units: Foot US Date: 4/27/2023 Author: JF NCW - Timberm ill Phase 1 and Phase 2 LODs 2023-04-26 N Broad St R a m p Peanut Dr Paradise Rd SR 1319 U S 1 7 £¤17 £¤17 ®CONFID ENT IAL 0 80 160 240 32040 Meters 0 420 840 1,260 1,680210 Feet NC VA SC Timbermill Wind Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 False Easting: 2,000,000.0026 False Northing: 0.0000 Units: Foot US Date: 4/27/2023 Author: JF NCW - Timberm ill Phase 1 and Phase 2 LODs 2023-04-26 Sub Station Rd U S 1 7 £¤17 ®CONFID ENT IAL 0 30 60 90 12015 Meters 0 175 350 525 70087.5 Feet NC VA SC Timbermill Wind Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: North American 1983 False Easting: 2,000,000.0026 False Northing: 0.0000 Units: Foot US Date: 4/27/2023 Author: JF NC W - Tim berm ill Phase 1 and Phase 2 LO Ds 2023-04-26