HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150401-5320(30453541)MEMORANDUM To: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FROM: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Cc: DATE: March 2015 RE: FERC Form 80 Estimation Methodology Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) prepared the FERC Form 80 Recreation Resources Report (Form 80) for the 30 developments within 14 of the Duke Energy projects, as required by 18 CFR Sec. 8.11. The developments are located within North Carolina, South Carolina and Indiana. Duke Energy must complete one Form 80 per development, thus 30 forms have been prepared. Schedule 1 of the FERC Form requires the data collection methods to be specified. If estimation is used, an explanation of the methodology is required. This memo provides the approach to estimation for recreation use estimates at the Duke Energy projects for summer season day use, night -time use, and winter season use. The need to estimate was based on: lack of data, remote nature of the recreation site, safety of data collection, removal of data measures, and updating recent study efforts. Attachment A contains the completed and signed Form 80s for all 30 developments. DAY USE ESTIMATES Monitored Recreation Sites -Spot Counts Spot counts were collected by recreation clerks and Duke Energy staff. Following the estimation methods outlined by Pollock and colleagues (1994), the daily average of the vehicle counts for each sampling shift was estimated by month and day type. The average number of vehicles during each sampling shift was then multiplied by the average group size reported in the exit interviews to determine average hourly recreators for each sampling shift. Total effort (in recreator hours) for a sampling shift was determined by multiplying the average hourly recreators by the length of the sampling shift (9 hours). The sampling period average was extrapolated to an estimate of daily use (in recreator hours) by dividing the total for a sampling shift by the ratio of the recreation day to the sampling shift length (0.75). This estimated average daily use (in recreator hours) was then extrapolated out to month and day type by multiplying by the number of days in the population (by month and day Page 1 of 4 K ei =hmW type). The estimated total number of recreator hours by month and day type was then converted to recreation days by dividing by the average trip length. The formula for estimating recreational use based on spot counts is as follows (Pollock et al. 1994): Average Vehicle Count by Month and Day Type • Average Group Size by Day Type • Sample Shi f t Length • Sample Shi f t /Recreation Day Ratio (Daylight Hours /Sample Shi f t) • Number of Days in the Population (by Month and Day Type) Average Number of Hours per Trip by Day Type = Estimated Number of Recreation Days (by Month and Day Type) Spot counts were collected at the following developments: • Rhodhiss • Thorpe • Oxford • Tuckasegee • Lookout Shoals • Nantahala • Cowan's Ford • Tanasee • Mountain Island • Wolf Creek • Wylie • Bear Creek • Fishing Creek • Cedar Creek • Rocky Creek -Cedar Creek • Blewett Falls • Wateree • Tillery • Bridgewater • Walters • Gaston Shoals • Markland • Ninety -Nine Islands Monitored Recreation Sites - Traffic Counter Data In addition to spot counts, traffic counters were placed at several sites. The counters were programmed to collect data continuously and set to record the total number of vehicles entering or exiting the site at 1 -hour intervals. Data from the traffic counters were downloaded approximately every 2 weeks to prevent data loss, to ensure accurate performance, and to ensure that no aberrant data were being recorded. The counters remained in place from March 15 through October 31. The traffic counters recorded both entrances and exits. The daily vehicle counts were summed across each daytime or nighttime period. Equipment malfunctions and Page 2 of 4 KJd=hmi software issues resulted in incomplete data at several sites. For months where there were concerns with the quality of the traffic counter data, spot counts were used in the estimation of use. Traffic counter data was collected at the following developments: • Gaston Shoals • Ninety -Nine Islands • Thorpe • Tuckasegee • Nantahala • Tanasee • Wolf Creek Updating Recent Study Efforts • Bear Creek • Cedar Creek • Queens Creek • Blewett Falls • Tillery • Walters Secondary data concerning population trends in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina were collected and applied to the results of the 2012 Recreation Use and Needs (RUN) Study for the Keowee - Toxaway Project, 2009 FERC Form 80 for the Bad Creek Project, 2003 RUN Study for the Nantahala Project area which included use information the Franklin Project, and the 2009 FERC Form 80 for the Mission Project to estimate use in 2014. For each project, this information was then adjusted by the estimated percentage of change in population as reported by the Census Bureau for counties within 25 miles of each project. Other Project Related Recreation Sites Commercial entities, state and local parks, and various governmental agencies are expected to retain use records for their facilities and, therefore, were not included in on -site monitoring efforts. These managing agencies were contacted for recreation inventory and use information. Where use information was not available, site use estimates were based on those estimates at comparable facilities. Information pertinent to recreational use at the projects was also collected from participation trends reported in the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans; previous Recreation Use and Needs studies; the previous FERC Form 80 recreation reports for the projects; U.S. Census population data; and information available on Web sites. Page 3 of 4 1d=hmi& NIGHTTIME USE ESTIMATES Nighttime use of these sites was estimated based on traffic counter data where applicable and included in the overall estimate of recreation use. Nighttime use at the remaining sites was determined as an estimate of the proportional nighttime use based on traffic counter data or previous recreation studies. Information about nighttime use of commercial facilities and state /municipal parks was solicited directly. WEEKDAY AND WINTER USE ESTIMATES Use of project recreation sites during unsampled weekdays and unsampled months (spring, fall, and winter) was estimated by applying a relative percentage of total use days. Recreation user survey data collected during the 2014 summer season for other Duke projects in the region was used in the determination of the spring /fall /winter use ratio. Daily average use reported by respondents for the fall and winter was compared to estimated daily average use for the summer. In general, this comparison resulted in winter use constituting less than 1 percent of total estimated summer use; however, to account for potentially greater use during fall and spring, additional use by non - respondents, and the results of recent recreational use studies conducted in the region, winter season use was calculated as 3 percent of estimated summer season use as a conservative estimate. The percentage of weekend to weekday use was calculated with traffic counter data where applicable, and the ratio was applied to estimate weekday use using spot count data for months where traffic counter data was unavailable or inaccurate. This was spot checked against the amount of weekday use reported in exit interviews, where applicable, or a ratio from a previous RUN study was applied. REFERENCES Pollock, K. H., C. M. Jones, and T. L. Brown. Applications in Fisheries Management. 25. 371 pp. 1994. Angler Survey Methods and Their American Fisheries Society Special Publication Page 4 of 4 1d=h mi& ATTACHMENT A 2015 FORM 80s — SIGNED COPY Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 e- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconslructed project shall rile an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.gov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceAferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to cira submissionMomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 2.724.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 106.80 4. Development Name: RHODHISS 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 2.70 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. Slate #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major _ ' 70 on visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor' sn no estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $58,304.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3/31 Period Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 113,481 1,488 15. Nighttime 1,362 0 Responcent Vernucation: i ne undersigned certifies thathelshe examined this report; and to the best orhlsfharknowledge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA ..gal N FQ U �G_ Sig azure Project Manager Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C WD ° s a v C W L O N m E ,o U N i tLo L. o fo N LL aj G b U O N a ca Off. ts�. LO •� v 4 Am TV! 17 w as J'" YO d v 0 +•� a C7 G N O m u •O O U V G O N G Y p *'oba v +4 •"I ay o v gj o C14 CU ..I m• N u O L O U L � ,� . v tU pop 1�1 A N N .Lr O cu f.y 7 v v bgII § F C 7 U G H N Q m 3 v op a Y L 3 4 CU ° _o- N i4 h0 U O O !� v v C O.� O Q (x ° w L N q N �i �! y •C b Q1 ^ W UFBI W p''C tttta�� .l OwNO�b L rte) to L N W U w O ° G + v w +�J.I w b� ° a i�l v y y7` u v. �.y C N��Gbp� > °a G ° m 0 `,9 E 0 >, PO B aLi V o 0 Qj 1. P v pq a ° Y o y 42 3 w t1 L cu M y 4.1 a Cw .1•O N O �a ELI 'o C— "' v v ° v v �-' c o 0 3 6 W a � v v O v c7 !d U N r r I- V V p 2 3Z r co N N = V aJ w d a m � u oa d = y a W. � N N N N f0 U � L x ca � t m ,� m G N ❑ o '40 S v b U .° y U X >. p y y S ca 0 ~ �+ v to �+ Y N N O c's a w C al ° N u '� ° p C tv IN " ttl .r > c 3 u p q v v G1 is C N L 7 O G A v es tl O G u cA v� u V L O C U C Y v o C . C t w OL -0 G = 4, ° C v 3 N ` CL � ' d o N v v o y 'O G co v E: 7� 5n ha v m v O ¢ v ,°' L N v C N o O o O L" ai C u b to r: N Vl Y L O. aD .0 O W IC w ° L I.O. ho O C O p C o Go w ° `'45 W b W l0. la •O ly+ y y N v ha V b p v C 4 O LO o vi b O y 0. 'd O C O O v w o .� C i C p G b a+ O r'° 4 a > O to C tya to , 'p ..U-, C O �' +' O y L P. �. G. fi o y` C I^ L is ° U U to a ap co G. U C v6i v N P L ° N to O N Y O al O v N b °� _ ° ° E o 9 N E m'i v u > v"o v m m cl .� 5 C. u is. al to 3 v Y O p tG N\ 'b = Y O p as Cam. N O p ca ° tp. v O .ell ^a N �3 b a� no I,❑ .G u u � d '� 3 L P co O ff. 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O V•.ss. p C• rz to C. u y .'' u tyil A L. 0 5 c c o ey ayi 3 u w > H P 'v' cmi 7 A L° M 5° a u ayr a� m a3 o.0 F x Foa a o >'c�cm Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisfonn granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1 Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 60 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.ciov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form Is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DateClearanceRWerc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to airs submissionaomb.eoo.dov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of Information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 6. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 4,072.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Mlles at Normal Pool: 115.70 4. Development Name: OXFORD 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 3.50 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development /project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic countitrail count 6. State #2: 35.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 3500 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor in nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project), Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $106,319.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3131 Period Number of visits to all recreational areas at developmentiproject (in Recreation Days) Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 279,142 7,016 15. Nighttime 2,791 0 mespomoemt 4er[Mcation: i ne unaerslgnea cerunes inat nelsne examined this report; and to the best of his/herknowledga, all data pmvlded hereln are true, complete, and accurate. Christy Churchill, RLA LEED GA Legal Na B CMAA [AkInd Ig slur Project Manager Title — Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. x a o rn E w° v Iu L y° UO ry fi N LT. v u a tw a %%c o y o o b _ll M a cu w .O w d y ro N _O W L N O d •'..� v to � � O 'O u u 7 a vv12:o cz q c: o C it•I b b0 y W rl Y C t4 UO w 0. ayi Lo aCi E +r L° 0 it •0 O O u y cu b N Uf N fU a O W L O i + w u 00 u N c d � � v U ro C° w o 04 O j g . o u 4- It�l ro y -- 2 O r. u ° Y I v N "up N W v ,= a a N a u v y m � of 3 to m c1 YL3;tlO ro to a > m c aY C L ° ° L it w y N cgY m,� v � � L O a WO ro FI N y L' U Ql ,,"'c.9roa CL. i�l n v u u x LEI F y C a N a c aCi w � " v P 4 > °u o ¢ ro =y o o �,A 1Ci 48 ' ,.U. y o Q) ' C U a F � Qf y f u a C PO W a L V v�yCC:� w c b c o m d 3 w a^ cx Li U ¢ Ln O. Ld p CJ Ld Cl) 00 N LO 00 N N N i y il „��L•A t N � � N y.U. a+ U b > > LLU GO. R G¢ Lo r N N Cl) Cl) Q tL Q a H" w O •= L'7 ch N R. a� z y a a L k" cp M M M fn M L C A L S3. v G m m d U �.' y O CG M cu C .-1 y t' a y ro .0 ro to v C a ro t ayi ro .� p. 0. C v ° y 'C O A O d C C L m 6f N C ayi s v E O U U O u m d ro Y a u ti v av+ L Iro. C a ;y ; C CO -ro. r6 ro v O co o f -b N C C O o R' v aai ,O O O y o avr L G ,°, p 'on b13 tri of Ei cu 0 0. a ai 0. N O m fU Lr F'. O Y CG C v u u° vi _N N > L ° k7 ❑ ° L W Y 0.a .0 ro L v o y v> of 'D H d L ro O 'b N p J%. w CO v d p'p Y ttl U ° N au y45 C L N p Q y°„ vi 'O 4^, v 0. b O � Gf 7 � E Y y � � C 'O aL+ v o C E u O t�t1 y 75 �U. O O z (C� ,y L 0. a F. p O �l ^ Ld '' L m ° U v u N L 0. 'O 3 c f-' ro m M 0. O b0 u G G. tri N N O y' ° F y v w y o U v a= N W y .N N 5 la �• .. d Y C w' C G-j ° O .G [ .5 cf tri ro N u ro m v u ro v C M = Y m L >, o y, CU 'B 'd `N Ls. 3 to 6f y 'd w '� L o O c w° C cn v O v P ( as w v E u°. u v y F. v a ,� � .o °' +°' v v o a o to " ayi p y c e a� y o ro a r ro O u on C u L a Y v a w C7 w W .y •G b O a C y GCG L C� to av+ ca a C d. ro w > m 3 a. U\ a o° u u 'b b b C Y t+ u o Y ai d •� 3 Y 44 y V vi y > N y U U L .O O H V rn ,� W h E m l+ ° C: m .'� O iy OJ 4y'` C ro y LO. LO+ N ro L W L E L b a L y O. Qf Y IO^ 'y C) U A c0 yv., w 'N ° ❑ u u Y 'O .'." O 0. ro. O 0.y a ..°. O O b v v .v O ro ro 0 U c° u 3 O N u m �g u 3 y q L U u .G tL o ^ N ' U D m r 3 w 4y. N L C v b G% ro F N L O wo y e a 0 y a OU W �;-1 O E n N L O - C N v v u C yrj L 6. ;av7 U O> itl b0 a0 v —0 7 d C^ m o_ ¢ S 5 c L _N p ? L E ty o a o C v U_ m c �Y sy ° 3 o a� vb� 9 Eco ca 3 ° 5 a ��o ro ro ii y w"�o ° o w o 5 �o a L o C E a p o c o f b H °� o i7 c 7•. 3 a o u p0.• ° o u m u w o u '5 m t° tri 6 x o .x ° a b0 v Y ax m to � '.. v w Y s%f ro 'C y u O O.. °U C E ca E u oc i4 iC 3 E 3 O y ° �u C 'C .� y v, v � s ro O v0.m v ° O v v aro C �o . d _ o p •Fro b y �W - o H o v Z m Py cI�r 7 ,H y c c N y° v C cr O O 0 C� C W w 'A b ro y C v itl m ca d .� m❑ p ro 'p CG C bL C y b l., O C O A y L R y C .M] O ro ro x "- O •R L y yl-I O y '^: `� L v C4 y ¢71 L N = c>C prd 'V O'y+ 9f d in �*+ Li Vl O may d u h La 10+ p d > d f R u d vi co fA y R Ip E a U toil D C W. C oCf a vl a+ ro Gr y« Y•. ,F. 'O y 6. ttl cu c, y\y X O O Lai U A •• ¢ L ¢ O 13 d H m •G y O C �+ la ro o 3 m u m > ¢ �� aj c d y u cl „¢o Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 79la- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an Initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htlo: / /www.ferc.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The publlc burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of Information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataC lea rancenferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionnomb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publlcly avallable recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 1,155.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 35.20 4. Development Name: LOOKOUT SHOALS 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 4.20 Slates Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; total 100%): within the developmentiproject boundary first): must equal 5. State #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observatlon 7. Type of Project License: Major 7.1ma visitor counts or surveys 3n nn estimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreatlonal construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $14,631.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 36,565 1,520 15. Nighttime 366 15 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and tothellest of hislherknowledge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Legal Name Signature Project Manager Title -3 I S Dale Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.0 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C 00 L 0 0 G [� U B cu to y U O o� o N u 'r_' m fr Y a A o 3 ° m� y y 7 C _O y L 7 C7 C N V p° m O a� W v aj U • ^, 0J C Os�v; 0 m C LO -v fl 'a hGNw B Y o v w x 'o NL H w w p � �, � o 4 u bb u G O � b0 uG � CL' O m 4-J ICI m i. u A G N c7 u a v ° 40 W ai 0 zz: ku Y °o Z. 3 �Y°v y �a m v R G Q. 7 G c RL O �[i Sr q L G cu , a b N 1� LO m L I/1 GJ L 1^VJ ,u w 0 5 fl } u L a G U /ma/yy W •a �jo�j,, mR U FI > N mu u x I-1 F N m 'a G G N �A P V O m A G rl p. Y Ln 1�1 y G E rn G go � y L 41 (r7 Vi L Y m o C w a N O e° v o v v W y g> m 3 v E W a^ G b nill u vu) a n 0 A o co N M in N d v U CD L' :T L ¢ a ¢ N y y° L. iz W � O Rr N L F 'y m O y Z N •a R V o a L �a x cu a S G m m G O K i. y Qj y N p N fY.' m F [ CO o > N a 3 v o m v c o v v� v m u ❑5 •, C o o u G b w - y •a b w 'a+ aui 0 m b '^ H u m y cc 'a o a a4'i ami m O au+ C O - m G 'Y ti C m O �CL LbC O G L ° E ° y R d v q u o •� N N O w -o C m - ns p m _ �u y o o R .G m bCD pop •y a l o O N ?3 .� w ° L G b0 L I G q o C Y ° 'y 01 U vi ti .rl m C •a L ° 0 w Y R ro '� '4 Ix7 m 7 L G L O "o b IG ti G N a' • 3 m .a LO G ywr U E' Y Lam' vi p Cm�r' O G L +O.' y 0 O L Vi y N ,y N C y U b G O C4 A�yy a0+ p W d y CR C CL F 7 C V O C N .ma yJ"j �.. u O a3 �4 w � R p ° �� ^ L m w u L a L m G m o O m R G v O y E, y N O u p� N f'�+ y m ' v v d C a C W aG+ 3 f7 a y an d U I^ > m v G U a C '& .G+ m Y m �? 5 x' ry i+ V ° W m 7J �O N P y V~ N b w L CO Y p C 'r+ w b0 V G O vi P m Y w cu O m .0 G R F N 'b v, .�.+ u G m o 91 m U v 0 N � 7 A ai w y w y H ❑ O -U m� c�i 3 L m .°�3 mi u ° D y a °' C U F lu O txC m m .N � .a 3 N O 0 y 'G L :d N � Y m C C N O. y > ° yo v x u m u IG ro a •5 a G 8 � o u o o R a q o > gi 0 •O Y y ° G P m Ul m vl m CC y N bJ G 00 m Of L W F Fi LD ,a bb L G' a N a ". m O b L G m a w .y0 C C u G Y G° y m i]r] y W O 6 O � •G �a N m L °�! 3 m G U Gl ❑ Y 5 N N G L S G a G - m 3 cu 7.r G1 G> ca Y U T a L. N y m m b, tw L O m y U U j U_ �! ° OL N .0 b0 7 I' L O C p ' C b➢ GN No W N O y G G G . � m P _7N ° - V G o G U C o O q b p G C Y 'a S LL 0 Y m m v vi O'd 5 O E O G 5 m , v L O GR 7 4mJ p O L y C m O W m m a V L O b0 ^ > m >> m b0 Cam.' Y 'a G J_l v p' G G m G 0 T. a R O U x L u 1-i u N ° U u y U G m v .�m4 � 1 m O a O b L U .. pG41 ° > G b" L' m A C.. u m F '� [[ _.. C y OP.O y y M. °O o v° C a v 1. 3 vii y ta w �' cu a .O y° 6. sCm. tCG. C .a C y� 3 m u C O L° aly. m Y O °F N N ° P. '-' w aG+ 'b Ul Nm ° V d y O p S.i a N G G Y 0 Q" O O L A G -- 41 .» C 1 0 C 0 c j Y o P °' ❑N w '5 0 7 V G y O G m y �q V°1 0 f'" P L FG. i'�1 1�" :_® Ii N 'n v f0 prI� h0 y Q� iL H' A .O ¢ IG- G U -d m U W f�c7! N 0. cu y 7A fC m G 1. y Gl 0 i+ m y 'b y bC C OC Q bl 0 0 O y -= , '.1: m y L G ¢. LO •CCL 6 Q > = O y V �"'" 1^" V7 •� m "a N L Fm. G =� U C, tA m of vi C 9 LG'' a Vl CO Gl m G y� C=A , tV9 N w y N. ii La. C I •i d Y> LGn 0�7 C' C y aG+ 4 F U ,�yj E" v C vi A W 44 L G m G G . G u i7 N¢ �' O .O G H m L d O C Cy °a, yb�0QU,3 �> 'U b�' GQya °0 �TaCu 0 ° mc3 C °uF y A G = K C L 8 ° p °•o" y -c u N x1•S� m a z y Fes¢ n o >��Gx 3 c� u u v �° ado Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Forth No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.cov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form Is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceirlferc.cov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submis3lonAomb.eoo.cov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 32,339.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 603.10 4. Development Name: COWANS FORD 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 5.00 States Deveiopment/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: 35.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major, - 35 on visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor: i sn nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $160,031.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 1,407,862 16,291 15. Nighttime 6,504 216 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he /she examined this report; and to Ihebest of hwher knowledge, al dais provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA ffij VAA 4F Project Manager Title Date-'Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C W 't d o C L O h0 N Li. 61 °�s a po�y w - Y MCI v w O�m- m ro y H O ^ � O y L o V C y AV p N 5 W .,.., v u u c O ° aui y � � r1 C ro C ^• ICI N � N W 3 q, �ro� �vA�w° N4 y � C C ro ti ++ eo u v L v � C N d 7 U C w u o A O w G'i a a y " aui u v ,'9 0 V W u v cu a � O Ql Ju7 Y b Y 4 Q � w 3 aui bOp G. F" YL3}9° 0xoa u a c y R v v L0 ti bup ^I L 5 L W � V yb� N ro v61 A O q - 0 cu V w CL I/1 Ql L G . ^u...' w y w + a - v u o w /ma�yy LL •d � p F. N v .p .A ro u CL v -4 a u u x I F' y ro 'O W NCO�pa v v� o•a � 7 U O 0 aro CO O A 5 v ' ti H C '21 p u w N v o � u Y o 5 v ro m a w a w F b v O C r X > c o rob 3 E W w o x CA v I n o V •rtl co W W f� CO «'7 I' W 6J N W 000 N V V 'I O l i Cl) W V1 b G OC > a CL OW M (O y ftl y d y v y y co V Cl) N N O) ,, L d� O N i W O M N M W M ti y o °o 57 d ro N a M C r u L y n •- CyC O w ro cCC o C C y 0 cCtl C' y N(U L ro a !° C o •1 w d u y •> C q N v v w° N °' y a ° ° .p cr m �'O M c o ro v O !� 1 0.N Cis c O 4' N N O ro O � C :° ro m cu O cCtl w O r' Y' ^d ay+ C C u P. v u C N O y L 00 L i v L C' A id ca w .o 0 cu m 0 o ca o to y � o Y O . o O ❑ G x U U cu .o y y O p O .Y o. E O+ Uo 't N p > o M o v by ❑ It r O u 4 0-i 1O U E. N :3 O O 'aU o ' . N N 7 0 F m u ro O C O u R p „ O O O O .G a° 0..l • c4 H Ci C v C W O W N ro N O Ql y u H ro 4 O CO y LO y 'U 4: y N w .� 00 r ro O C N b y Y w m '�-� = u 0. y F V N Y �OYJ (C tLC O i 10-. O ` y V I V .o O L" N N •a_ C L y vOi ro = -- U y VI' 3 � �° ai c u E o, � :o �o W ro _N •� y •C7 >' O O b 3 U\ —Cu U O H 'C 5 b Y o oY > 3 a� \ x o y ro a u m m N m y > L o µV, o ° o o o o ii C ro W O U ro Q N W b Fjp' 7i O o N o LYE v y y C� w 4 D F4 b0 G hb O d y L p ro U C O •o U > L N m •O 'd p y .D ro N C u U O C r U N ! b �O O C t tCtl C C y E 0 O o �0 Y >� .0 u n w v Y u w a c cy ro p m e C L' al Y° 3 u L o a`i u" c °L°° 3 " :� w 'N aO; o y u 00 ^� '� fV. O C 0. O N O ^• o Id 0. L c O `.`" u .Cn .s O u � y O y, N U C ykj ro 0 4J L A ? U ,y ❑ ro y u 'C > •a ro Cl .G u m ._ O� v a y C y L y L ^ I C O Q o 3 u ^ b m a o {' r a ' o •O W c O -A — v o m y 3 v Y C o h0 C S d. y a� .n 0 ro O N O v A 4 0 o L O w S C ro O P ccCC 1 O .n p v P y O L y ro O E y ro rob yN° y L o c >, 3 ro A 3ro bo b c o b vi N ro Lu v °C' C. - a� v L (ui a~i u N" YO C O u " y u a� v N C V x V X X �� C C p b0 N Y tV. Ul C V o b'o y' ro ro C y V O O O Y M U y 7 G 3 F C y y tV. v L �y, '�'' 'O S W N 3 +O' o �"' a y u o o v y G ro W o vi vi y a ; O v ro n c W +y 3 o. c ° v o 'p ro .1 s v O aw C. v v a, Ck Qy{ •� Y a LL N m w v C ..0. 'd C y x O V y .p 0 o - V d 4 y ,n ro C ui r O m -- 4 ro C O C O S c N O [ Oo.. b v v> C ro Y70 O !C d Y_ ro y y ro O 0 y p O y c y N G ro 'C v, y b m 5 v C bO Y d oU 6 oG C y x w tLVa y a C A m vii U V y p M C M ro u b o m u L O ro 0 u C 00 C •5 y G y o u N�j y Id y LV. L O l0 •b u C b Y +„� o 0 O }i y C "� r0-1 x ro y o Qi J.� ro .0 o Y O y y O� d y � y L' y R 'd vi N y d Q i f7 U d L y iy+ w. C O y ro W W 67 Z n1 (A y [L f.n LL .O y L C L d ro c0., \ L+ > O L 6J C ro R �.v, p O G O L o y W .��' Fd+ z 2 ar a o L ~F% c L oou y N Gi� •� .n '��. '" 6L7 y .4 1C ; A V u ` d7 $ R A ro 7 C I E m ti I � �� a° vF% 01 vi F c¢ Cl. o y ,o. > c.°, ad+ cS v v v c7 010 ° ¢moo Federal Energy Regulatory Form Approved Commission (FERC) Licensed Hydropower Development OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/3012016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form an or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconslrucled project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the riling deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DetaClearanceMferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionQomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this forth must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE_ ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 3,117.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 96.50 4. Development Name: MOUNTAIN ISLAND 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 15.50 States DevelopmentlProject Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: 35.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major ' 35.00 visitor counts or surveys in nn estimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $21,250.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Period Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Annual Total _ Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 602,786 4,481 15. Nighttime 3,014 22 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies thathelshe examined this report; and tothe best ofhislherknow ledge, all dalaprovided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L, Churchill, RLA LEED GA L gal Name nature Project Manager (980) 373 -4183 Title Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Date Signed Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or depart ment of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its Jurisdiction. C C) a W 'cj v O O 00 L aJ � w °v v N M (r W ai C y u O y C EUC S^7 d n n. JT °� a N ft: al w %1" mo3 � w v o L ++ a v C y Y u •�� v u � G O•su�° -Cl �1 5 O� 0. u C d 0 N E O t�o1n� f�� y i-i 111 O O 6u., y N C y C - al L O � it U �r ca o'° o W O > ro O 4-) 1�1 ro y y O Ac, O u .U+ aJ v id C OCU V U al � wO/ o v 7 G aLi W Q1 ja C b Y 0. G1 O E c G ° °Y u u Y ro Q o a� 3 aui b00 G. CU ate+ L 3 a� L!4x c a 0 .� y a u o C ro UI L y aJ a] 0..L rY. '� al aJ hG0 Y C y � aCi Q1 rvOi ro 1� L5 ro L r + o w 11 al y B U Q . v ro u al C X ICI F y ro 'O a 4 > ° o POC ro 0 0 > 9 ro p aJ yrO 0 b E s C L N N ~ b v � ,•O,• C w E 'C CC v O i v❑ v c ti x al nM O „ E w a N ai x rl u a In " c I, n Lei' °v V V V) Lo VfAC N Oro It a 00 - LO N W) Gl d. 4J U p = Ua > Gl Qv. C6 N M N fd y c(U . Li U � L u � o L.r F d O � z y d ° L u M N CO N L u > O ?L N u L ba y C rn 1: O y ro C y G N O •L' E yy u G L F 7..• f7 L V a0+ U C .. to b W N , `� N 0. ro N w P, y N u ° y y o N y ro r ) w h0 .Y u y° C y = > y r °V L w C0 vl O ,�, vi ° ro Ei "Cl G 'C w O r' V7 y vOv�� X V .G `^ N 0. u OL ro O O �' O 0. P C a� C ro •O C O a0+ ca L 'u' cutl A G ° 0. Y 0 ro ro O C C 41 m ar C o °d o i+ i"+ Y G v o G $° ~O ro bQl ''. O 0. y •o L W bD r. 'y^ L H ,Yy, . N E N y •° G 4 N a) y E y y 'p ro A 'rib b0 CC h0 u W '0 0. L vi FO. u W O O y O c ❑❑tl b0 s>. G ro v y A. N O .LU, ca cu v tu. ho O G O G .6 bo N p w u L W 0 N y 'd y 6E. 0. ro •d a LO rn 6U. L u C y 'C a vi p '^ u C N 1"' Y L N O p y •d W ..- O y .O a u N C C C aCi G L E ° N u v b o m N a o O ro t ca m w° ro " O. u v q a ° aLi ib o .v o v a H C� .5 Cl. y a! > ro v a w ro v o [ a y b `a Y P �' .w S o m w> >, y LwL ° 3 Y o w y ro 'd y Y Y w b� v A C ro E °- u cu W ° f. ro O G El Y �+ ' a m O 3 qa �ry �? V do 'd 3 �° ro o a `o' bb c m u E L m C' v vc a O o y u % ,Cy u ? uV ai b w O tro. 7 C C ..., E > v v O w° 'C m, '`� O "°' O 'b 3 x ,Y,., o w m m •b v 'C roc t a yv ' F. u o ai F.• Q y 3 QJ y y y U\ > x v Y U ro O u L ro Y N '� O v v > o w o P. Y o o —° > o f.' o u o ai cu 4) run ct y w b G h� lu o. u 0 60, cu ro ro Y 0 O o C E U Y •O O ro G G C' y a o O O 'O O b w ° ro ai m U o {o6.. o y rCV! y U y N a _u U y V U N G su L N al E> Y u A •p 7J ^, ro a) �L!. ° E y 1+ rn ro el Gl U V x "' f0 '� U Y •Y. ro 3 L O .r L r'°' 6" rEb L u G al bD 3 _u N u 0: p .lro.' �„ y V OO C •ca y L O J-1• G C" G L b0 y y u 7> y a, y w ,^_, C 0. L O GO 4: U C r. •� O E u u u L u N G y ro O y L y aJ p O u ry b0 C yu.� ro ro (u .L"' V •O > ,° ro aJ G bbl 3 G ". y a y +� C 'O .� O 6y. °w '-' ;� ° a• = LG„ a) C' O P. ° rn 'C o p 'C b ° y ro ty. L . C ro o N tio 5 ro 'C ° y y a ri > b0 .G o 9 Q v o '> ° O v p ro OJ C o v P � o ° c o f m V c L= bn b > ro ro c G °b SC d c u o ° "o C N mL w u G a ° 2 u ° u >v L u i Y O p �N 'n "5 O c u u n roy ro F [ ro N y. b0 G al y 'i E al y L v ba C u Y b H N ro p O ro y U u O O O v rod . C :3 3 3 0 > c �� ca ,� v °' 3 n L � v y e w v O 'n 6u. cy ° O C .�• `. rn y b0 w G ro ,�' O acg y 3 id C aa+ Y N O 6u„ O ro N ^' ro u0. O C'f -�'. vl a .YU. yid Y G 0. N E ro w0 w° 'd y x y H p. ;:3 u O0. 0. y cAtl, N C. N [ 7 ai 6'� al .: 0 0 E c y° cu v LL' ro 4. ro a S C u ro d Q G N !A ro U y ro L y O •� G P 'O a v Y a a) c b¢L 9 m A a ca O R! ro y� p ,b0 N y OC d0 y y`1 cua y C ro y - 60. 10 7 F. M ro u o t~b u L •O E O v G C d c7 ® y u �j 'E] ¢> b E G yu, �'+ O O O a aci 6, y G 0" ^� ro y y Y N a O E L ccl ¢ ti L u a m Y V h h y 3 ° ta cc F% td y O y Ql cu C y w v« y 6W. y d G 6" m d \ `� ° ~' m❑ > N p L ¢ L 7 y p ii E >" 'C a ❑ ° o c d E ° d ayi c , «0 O 6'• ¢ z�0: L ¢ o ` m E ¢ o F. ro OD u ayi y y a v y a is q E 0. -M 'y ++ C a°.c rn bD ay m u ,� a is 6 a� G E E OD Q y 0.G r G' y ro aJ n� 4 d IS d� �3 L G y F.2¢ 4 O y > e« �+ ro c7C v 7w v o� 0 ri y �«o w- a QUO 0.1 CO. c°�F OC cn Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09130/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 79la- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form an or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 81 l(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htla: / /www.farc.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this forth Is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of Information, Including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Cleara nce a7ferc.00 ; or mall to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to olra submissionCQomb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name° CATAWBA- WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 12,177.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 348.50 4 Development Name: Wylie 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 3.90 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: sc _ attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 70.00 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor 1- -- i0 on estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs I Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $359,655.00 1$0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 829,224 14,719 15. Nighttime 12,683 0 Respondent Certificatlan: The undersigned cerillies that helshe examined this report; and tolhe best ofhIslherknowtedge, aildala provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA I gal Na M: r, ignature Project Manager _ Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Tltle 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Slates any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. G Ls. m O G m L gtl O 0 IL U N ri A W 50 Y ° A 0 L C �✓ �j v fa U .,.., st O 'o u u G 0 G m C rl vbG 0 3 v_o 0. N y L O O ar u u C's u � mu. a>, y No- cu s, it ^ ow LD m R' O >m o> cu /�� Wou C7 al W y 'U 00 aGOy O V u V u N a w R v cu � a'C+ b 47"; a) O E Q v 3 Q to 0. 11 o o. v u R ami OJ. N b ua a) L V ua w L 7 V U +r�rw °° `om �.y m v, m ;?V~ 0 V a:: Uv 0 0 N A V x u I�1 F y N fl 0 F o Z —u o o>,`o is p 0 a` uE Yo cu G v Y � u� O 5 y m W L al M V1' L Y Y ~ fd m v v c b G X C Or L 'n O al W W 'y cu o Z3 3 m E Lcl Lq N v X Li. U r•1 ¢ �.7 f% R v m o'! •fC N r V co m CO (O CO (O a CO CO 67 N F amd 2 LL z C ¢` ¢` N d d w d � ¢ � N � � N � C-4 u' t-- d L. u a N " LO LO O L a E a m i m a W N m N V N N r It U L X °: m Y m ui .GGn b•. o Y y. 10 N v, a, > m E y m P u m R Wr-. m w m R N U ° 'L L m C a C7 w to O .5 55 vi °y' 0 m a o G '� v 0 w •a v A m F d U c o 7 v G ° 0 w � °' in X u = u y R. 0 `° .� 0. '.. N G m 0 m m tut C •O �^ ° N yn' al ? U U1 Y b m O R N L) m O C, v G ° ,� Ca L P. aj b C �.. b ° ay+ ate+ C u O E N N E r p Y 0. .o b G ° a 0 m C m �_ a u v o E L v m Y L u N G o o O L y R E a G Y m 9 C gn y '0 y a 0 a) o '� C cu a ti G o o ro •° tiu G y N U M p w Y N O r' ° w0 a'�+ O al y' N a) a] > w 10-• m 'd gym„ L L u a) 0 L G L 0 L A L o O „g .d m G= 'o p 7 0 a) N C C E 0 G U o N w E R o p E _ v w m 0 U F„ Q' •° a0 m 0. m a0 vi a) Lu. W y U Y o° H ; y y m w G G W ° Y p v E m y °�qq H > m u u T3 m N o eo Y 'y m o m v Y 5 ca M 0 L*- m v P y E v w - E �o u Q F 0 o m a� b °' y v 0 L m o 0 y 0 ❑ m 0 E y y o ° 0 C H 7 y w ° m Q o v Gr11 a^�+ mmC U vi y 3 O L u C a .o .d O y N A Q i r u S C7 L U 'p O C E ay+ 0. C 'b U\ u O 'b '�O E 7 yY F. w ° C Y E> Q 3 Y A Y y > x 0 y m C u F0. a a� ,i .5 v > o o R o o° o N Sy. O m y IU-i L ti�i m 7 v ` O b y Ql y R m O O 0w0 o y o G C 0 Y 'd �w0� � C � qya w o o '� •�•°.. v o v 3 c F u E w w v° v a a3 v a) U m y 3 L L m u� U m u_ 'c G d O o v ° E ro u u 0. m '� b0 0 ° w° cu N p a y LO u h0 0 y H O D G 0 y u y 7 0> ° rn +' W 0 y GO U G a O -4J tl C LO y u p L VO C C v 0 cc y LO p 'U O� E a'.� b N 'p .d ° ... o o am o° o f m c o m 3 b0 E y4 c W o W m v 0 0. 0 V L aL' u 5 p V ro v U am aJ I X E m a0 v Lv "a-� C aG a0 0 axi y Y Y m 'G u 0 y0 r Vi L O u G m E �/ m u b m E C p y b0 E N w L al G ° ami y m y u o v E m 0 L mF. O Y '0. C W p w 0 v N W ° o c d a 0 � G v m' a O m ^' A h amC C y O 0. 0C 0 o `t] > o' u 0 m .° y E E ; G •° Y A 00 b0 y LL. P.. 0 0 d O a0+ fn L V >� �.' m 'O L7 •0 E O +' L m 0 G m 0 b0 vi y G= 7 W L N fil L m m a7 Fi y v q O N al ayi •o y 00 C e0 ice.' Cl. y al 41 M u C O u eyE 4 y m C m m u L m u x m o y 0 u C C .Q o v y ¢> O C y u F. �'.. y }1 O .S: m O a y L V .] yr y° Y fM1. ¢ O N N F ¢ SU. vi m u O °� 7 O d ;A > Fm. Y 7 a) m d m 9 y y O. ,� m 0 =(u « c N m `�'y y 'L' a daDNQ y r E >b o o p j y m Y m m vi a) L. d U U y .� m d ° y U L w IC ca �. •v, ¢ a '� 0 3 � E .3 y G> .` c d 7 dA c a c�u 0. 1�Q� O Oa m m 3 a u 'm F Cu v� F .� p d V d > O 'n is > '0 N E G S. 3 v v v V (U Federal Energy Regulatory Form Approved Commission (FERC) Licensed Hydropower Development OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the Filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.00v for more Information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St„ NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, Including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearence4ferc.eov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submission(Momb.eoo.eov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 3,431.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 85.10 4. Development Name: FISHING CREEK 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 4.10 Stales Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/ project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: SC traffic countitrail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 70m visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor Q nn nD estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues - (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs I Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $162,004.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 38,401 1,193 15. Nighttime 883 27 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies thathelsheexamtned this report; and to ftbWafhisAierknowledge ,ali data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RL4 LEED GA Le Na Legal Sigma ure Project Manager Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. G z ° ° o tro at C L E u° v °a -B M O O 1. bo O N u w U b y a caw S^G d d LT- ° N L .moo ro 0 m � w A v—o3° O y L �✓ � ro U • ^'p u u C O ' G QI E N N o C uA ^I v C E W Id P= A G ui ayJ O W E E K E O ^ C •� O ° N L w o •C� i� 'u- [ ro > E Q E m L ^ U�y tAy G w° � °o cu ily ° ^ E �--I W O > ro O >, A h O � = •n o •� ro C7 -. E p N y ro C u- u w O 'v ti 'n su cu W f� cu OE�Gro E 3 E o - F4 ° x a O s 0. N E Sir ' E G P.= O "w ° ro L wo w Cdyb�bE N y S � E E a O w G L O L C + E +r o °� o ro .� w v u a cuE to w' E . u G t N cU0tl x 1�1 F w ry b E A E K o 4 E E > ro ° o ~ C ro y 0 0 > 'O B o �av � A E u E a „ Ln VE'ea�L CC E vi A E o S C O E y y E 4 v L E M v v a w C w E b L E o E G o 0 3 d E W a to u. u vl a N CO p O N d U b w Gr. Q d i N w a� a y" o 4 d L i U � L 0 a v A -1Z Y u 'C E ro A cts L y ca T w r'' b E y N E F G1 ! v m y ro a •C N C P. O AJ A vi E A ° L Y w Id F IP '. U Vi E E Ear m O E E d �% U W E E N .a v N S t4 O E o O. E C 0 "' N qi '�°-' a u W Ey X u A H 0. ° U ro '=' �` U A Y C . ca ba F co ro G ° O N ° E v ° C I G w E L y E lE E 7 a O" y E w itl 'O ro ip 'O^. m E 'Q O .L ua1 }' u E 0 O G' E p 0 cu Y C bG hD G i G y �. .� V a E O 'N ° P. 'O 407 G Vl .� ro r cu A L O y .Q iC tE. E ro 4 '. .n ro •b "O ty. 0 0 �+ U E N CO G w ai N G u ... y0, L C w E E O E O E N ? E ro a Y A A a y d y p E u E w "G. _O v1 L E a o. O A o iw ^ C L of u .d L:; ro N s9 C. O to u G .� N w p A tE., ro w E ,,0, y O U E Y O `E. -w ,n E w tay S y G G W a O A ro p V y ro E u 'a E. G .U. .� aE+ ro L > ro a N m G G L p 4 v ° w E ro 3 E Y N A w c wry �" 'b E❑ L E Y O C E w E O t4 A ai ro E �O ro E -0 :: E O p U N 41 •� O 3 ro Y C - u U U u E E 'b C G C ._-. h0 rn d 3 ie w aYEi E O. E 'E aroi a C r v o ? w g o � G •E E a ti E +� y£ y E w u E�v_a 43 � w ° > N 3 ro w w y > ro �"� u Ero v 5 n v > ° ° E G° ° 20 Co f n tYtl y p ti y H lE., y j y_ w L ,Cr` 0 bb v �' � {y. °' u O 2 Cyi tU0 L aEd ro u E G L,i ❑L, U O F.' I G C f o ;- a? 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A ` ro > y x 7 m ro w y G w Y I3 19 %� Oa w o s A R N C w bE„ d 12 tn 1 u , El ° v �E s •' S b ° o I9 ° ° s E d v 6. ° w pVl L W v V O G 1i w 6i 6i m > � ? p w d E ro r cu r- C 'd y> w a c. OA to co E Y m '� C m cd F. l > v ° ° Ep ob u -M S.. y a C TS L; ' 43 r O C •td v y a> + V y E c. V + PO i m 3 0. °u F OC to Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto:/ /www.ferc.aov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceAferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionaomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this forth must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA- WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 748.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 23.20 4, Development Name: ROCKY CREEK -CEDAR CREEK (Q; 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 1.00 Stales Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: se traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major,­.­ 70 00 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor 3n no estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $7,200.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 15,814 279 15 Nighttime 316 6 Kesponoent L;ertificauon: I he undersigned certifies that helsha examined this report; and to the best ofhis/herkrx:v/.edge, alldatapiovided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Project Manager Legal Name Title -Signature Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. F LJ O o W E C w A o a 0 v 00 0 M F w C7 Iu to V 0 w a) C 6 w O r n b c� v (U o �b0 uo y al 'l' fa V �w yrj F m G d cu 0 Cu ai v v aai W v a) ti • ^� .o u u ^° 0 C E �.1 C 1 g `o b a . v m ar�yyl i C U C � 3 vw v C W y [0 � C C td ai ~ O OR u y O �y N 0�y1 40 O lu C w a O al t"1 C A °vm cu O m� v a C u Y O V V v U - v ; a ° v w aj a u v i N A Pv3vmo ^y fa V d cu ■V q pz y ^I Lw..7 y al v � V y •a > •p v yc�Ca �". v rvv v ��wp,.$ b +�Jy w° o v a v. ', C = b tEl I u W-4 F y cra v v 'b p 4 > V O m _ O ' 421 w, ' v W U g Y Ln V a v 1 Y V Y w L Y N N U w°. Cw E C4 •C � al O v v C 'O C rl' as a ? F O v aJ a a- 0. u Vn a 0 v u q A o z V N � .`7 o it 4J A \ z z fU u, z x z ¢ � U a �+ � a` `j '� U ¢ U ¢ ¢` �i % In en x N y 41 v U > > CC d a O Q N d w^ 4. C v y W O ti 41 v O y N U M m .x w b % C0 C -Z C O S a la Cd v .� Y F bb C ' vi U a4 'T P .. " N y y V a w fC b '° a Ei (U J� m R y N' N v " C cu C FOi a O y N ayi p ° d C I/1 ctl fa y ea C y y b d Y v 5 > y >, P 3 a b o d C w aal a«�i C ro w c y a c d ° It w O V rn gom. u u O U C M Y C Y b ca C ° e1 v v A a q C m e ca a C 0 w a C, J� .° y c u c q ttl O y w 4. t, vi LO U v L p' 0 }„tl '° c% v y y cC0 AC N a�0 L v Y Q) as C N 0 o ai O v C�C DD C DO y 'O 1.. LV' -15 p il y m Q C g °° „ u h ° y > ° b ° °�° ° a a,3 o v ay' v ca °' 'O H t. p a� w v ❑ v "o v pa u Y p ca ° ti ay C IS v p w o O L. N y ti N Y v a y p ❑ o' a O U .O v v Y C y C C p Rv 'i V Y a y v O C M O m,� a n a ° y �. 0. v CL 6 F Y d ° v m a 3 bO C m o a n to v > v o ° v v u m Y v 9 m y� y> pC v C W ow 3 v v C y ctl y W ca U ~ v C ° bb 'M H p p o>i u v > E. y v , Y v Yef!, y v fQ Ft O O Y O y N V Y O o m u a y v vi a� X Ei u v .el' � 00 C u CL Ei y p y w v cu z �, W IaW > W o y a 3 a u N ° u y, 3 p y _e v 1- v .d v A Y IO a G a) Y Y J5 o - y a) y Vl > x. fa V O v V cv m Y ° ,cu y cY V1 0 O O 0 O �+^ O v p L 0 a en y o i H I/Vf ao C U y it .�.�' o �., L°. 'p a❑ 00 C a p sv+ 3 '� 'C r. V u 7 C 0 1�/1 5 av+ 'd C o E ca E y in U V w° p a°+ lC N Y r°J. FC YV� > V a s � y Y ro v� a U 1i V Fi I's Yl (u p .0 O •u N =C �' W X •a cu app y y y H A y 00 f v ° v u ae"i rj u u p p a u° 8 u O W E y cu O C v Se o u .y'� a; C sv O y u° fa a C O C 'C v v 'G 'C p tt c - H }5 v o o u v a p ° b .0 y v S N ay C vi v w O O v S O N 0. al p v s� 0 O !1 p� U y0y, U P H � O O E y � p O CL u ca u y N 9 C O 3 �j0 C caa O� CO 9 v Lu, U� 00. > v l0. N u N .S �� Y� 4a u A F C vCi �0 C ° CU ~ 7 a N p 'C a, O ° Cam•' fa y L� ~ 7 a' }°a 'C `a a� > N p `o v> 0YV E �_ v b-C O C o +y v 3 o " a C ° p e Q n a ayi is o ce 1 C a ° v °v 5 x a u a y y p o v b yd m C C ¢ cn u ~ C c m -0 O i Fv ro p p e v y ,b a0 w p O � 0 C6 y C M a a m 7.-' e0 y v •0. ° t•. t v O y •C y. N V U O 7 r1 LL C d Fn y Ie y y a C �. > y,1 QJ F.i R d �' vi VI y d ^�'• 0. ? i.7 y~ v O c` v C vi a w y ate. +' - d G F. N .6,, •O d ca y F Y 07 a u `� Q O p u« cu y ed .� U y '' O e I Ei Q 'y C ° •� 07 y C 3 [>r m Q k ta C> 07 V � f� 0.r•' a) G y0. 0. 4 a' 4♦ 01 0. c � H Ili d S d J i' a p 'M •3 V �j 304 > y m O V y u ate+ .+' mb3 G 0 i�.uF CU o, y . E-Q . a'. o a >C..zx acai 3 ei�e C Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from thefiling of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 41h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Form Approved Commission (FERC) Licensed Hydropower Development OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 60 Recreation Report Expires: 09130/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.fere.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceAferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submisslon0amb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for falling to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 13,025.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 214.00 4. Development Name: WATEREE 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 4.80 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: 3C traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major. ' 70.00 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor in no estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $59,000.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas all development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 290,374 9,831 15. Nighttime 6,515 800 Mesponaent t;erhtication: I ne undersigned cerlIties that he/she examined this report; and tothe hest ofhWherknawledge, alldeta pmvkled herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA al am Signatur Project Manager Title 3 5 Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2015 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C O b p 6ws, A O C m L ° d Q U m E w U v r1 ci v w° ti y V •° y p ma •sue _•� y v •� ro Gl y V W U e N ro a y ro u G Y yI • ^� U N O 'o u u 0 L C O v c v b o O ac�� �A p •V a v01LL° u C aj E axi W y � C C ro ai •~ O O w y z N b0 u W C� u d d m L .-- ,1 ro y y O %1 C C N a0+ `ag i1. V a u u a ° a °v�Ev y E a m v Ca v 3 v ma oL pL W X C 0. ~ N V qj N O 4) C34 m L ro U W w ro O w $ E m L 5 - ro L �rOn-6 -0 O ] c �y 0 a um i�l y U U . c u x ICI F y � •° v N I-1 EE >UO o .2 a4 a b LN ISM =�. V E F v a v 4C y L 71 M > U 2 C"' Eb GC W U O � ,b m v c b C ti ° L o w w v R= 9 o m d 3 lu v E w o•;= °1 Ln i 4 y . a•° a m c'7 m 04 N C:I N v r � � 4,. q N ,+� a C 6 w C C F w ` .yv, � +C " 4• - � � ate. 6 '� •IC w .. ayi .. 'S O C G F 5 A N 2 z c>L 2 � 4 � ¢` rn ¢` � � GA GJ (U v V b G: aj � w ` d a CQ rn v co G1 � v y y cli c, G) 7 y z d w to CO L ro N y U G O H F y C L \ b C 7 o u C 1. O (u It u E E = y O s7 L > p ro y v y C m o " m m E N y ro L L CL o y y m R' L ro Vi y ro E 7 ro ro 3 U v L a1 W U a Y y m 'G - > ro V1 d p c. E E E L �+ •° 'd ro ° u V3 y vL i ° ° . u _C ° v v w fiu y i u ° p C e a a al A Y Y L u o o "Z _ V ° u 0 O —0 O to ° U w 9L y U E, U ro N W y O y N w L 0. o V Y C w v 0. OV ¢ O 1 E Y U 0 a +' m h O cr O w N y LL1 0 ca 'O aV W N 00 Y ro .« .° . (U L o p C (U m C C w d ° U ° a o N � a o o cG m °" ro ° to > 2 w ° u m m m r- M u U E m ro 5 ry [ m 7J N y E d p y O. o CO y b p O y 41 p ro U cro. a 9 �° NN O O °0 V N L y E`o L u 7 u C y ° ro O y U C c o m ro C u vi 3 is �o E a E m u m 0. •o .N .d C —0 C a1 � u c� E M w m v m o 3 m c H 0 e L c > ,°, E � ro la a v A •C u v 7 'D •C °� b O u u ° Q ro 3 y a; ro ae yO. Y y y,0 y n y f x mI�, O Y ro W u I.O. �ro a� y s o 0 m y L > o o y a o O 0 0, O' o ii O U O u ro O w w Ey uuu 0 O LU- 7 y 7 li 1 V] y .^r O W w" d a O ha C QJ a' a P. O m V O b LUi N O b, m X41 o 3 .M D a7+ ° C N U u y 'O 3 O m w 1�.. w y m E m w YO v v 60. E> u �, > y y �Ej ro C's CU U A � Y N 3 u L i L U u C 000 3 C u a3 w LO ,9 p N ° E N trtl PS U X +}' u ,y L 00 p :s 0 W H y U 1U. ca O • L —^' 'd X61 W L y U U 00 E y u �O. O C v a u (^. U N ❑ 19 y. w U. U G .a O o U '� y eG & ro X _O Ul > y w m o 4 o U v ti � ^ a1 :.g p• L ° u ro 0 u .b L. iG p A. C a°+ y m o c b ro •° .. (Ur ro U :c 'b ro ;; '� 'Lr O c a� y E v^ o o w °n'E d • w co m v 9'ro 5 y 3 w ro rov yc° roro> > m ocL° v v s a� m a`i c ou u Ea of u y cCG O p C b m 3m C_ h. � 3 O B U gn' u I.U. w OR Gl x N L N U M y •�' y U v y O U E .4 ,� u X itl E E + C C O bG N F. a'�+ a 0 lu L G1 b0 G y +' •�y a � -- ro ro r- y N U O p p Cy. L 0 ro w ly y ro \ w m •� O y I.. �' - G •� .'yi a1 W L 'O .n 41 3 p ro tLC b U '� ga v y O C p 1WWi L O O L O O y y cz w a+ o E o w CL ° r c va v o 0 R C C o p ❑ v o ro d y C. y vi ttl ° C p C O ;:s s° 41 aroi d ^ 41 b a+ C C nG 0. O O fl ,y w L d p rUr+ U ue �d y O U b o i L C'. ro o m y ^� ro v ro y ro A N y m 0 a M N v. •b y m C OG C y Y ro yy �+ 0 C 0 ro 0 y IO G ro w u ro u O u C O Q 0. d° L v y L a�7 N L y a7^ ? W O iYi y •C U J7 Z y .p ro .] y 14 ro L ci In fd h 'A p a0+ p" fA G1 IA ¢ Ow L L y O m V r. u O ro v d U a v7 y Vl w y w O 4 C G V LA A y G p> y L 01 L ro d d C C y y y a0+ d a+ > A U G = �+ W C ta O G W C h ro L R V1 C d .Y y •~• LO. ro O L Y I J V y y Q ¢ O P w h y f0 .� U d y • w ro H g a 'y E ¢ v 3 e bi C Qa " .0 . aLi p Lro. ya7.+y0,1 R p N C. a !U{ Ga �°RQD rs a yL� U4, ` y 0 u Go d m a u °F aC v3i Fcd a. O c� m �x 7 3 v v v °c E C °' ¢bo Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 61h year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an Initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.clov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Clea ran ceAferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionCalomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publlcly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. Ganarml Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA - WATEREE 6. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 6,754.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 153.00 4. Development Name: BRIDGEWATER 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 21.60 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 35.00 traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: 35.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major ' visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor in nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $16,928.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 736,189 19,495 15. Nighttime 33,671 1,850 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and to the best orhisftr knowledge, aiidetaprovided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA L gal Marry t natu e Project Manager Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. G w •� v o om L m o v m fi w° v a ads L L 00 to M w U b y a -.0 w¢-0 a°.i 'o _y � v G ° h L }.1 7 V G y C.% O 0 O y •^ ou N E a O �' L G v jo Q.i Br Y a � G a oa cv C 1 ova : o; w .�' LL v o v 4� �wEx �r ►�1 • y C' u Q 0 0 L 0 4-J G 00 W U v "UU - y Q v U G �> t0 > 00 C1. V w u N W Q /��/ Q a% u aGi i0 Q � v 3 v t00 a. 1 45 —2 X Q O Ri aGi v A a~i v m. Q v c O "ri; ° m L Fr G L a y v +°3 v v w v a w a b a O v8Ej y N 0 U W O � G + v •�.'' 4�.5 u y o ° A o u iutl > u r v x aGi w 5 .n •p E E > o a0 p ° u `o p v � ai b Ln �1 u v� V a G a+- c u 3 0 3 v � y L 61 cy vi w r.- b a ° mss— ow c O G v °? w'y 0rd 3 v E w �_ v X L, v �Qavui a. r-, is aD T LO 00 Cl) f— M f— lO 00 LO a0 LO 00 En 00 U% 00 00 V N a r ,Q1+ F r G Id x �+ a ¢ ¢ y ¢ z ¢ ¢ 6 7C x v N a N c) N d v as w a .94 e ¢ LO cue d IO N ta"W,-u d z N (O L ti A L fl p b ca G O y+ 0 M y m 0 N L O y 0. H u G � m �'' E y 0 y m p' v L G. °, w _ ° CIS G v ty 0 m m a w y A v y G C H y ,..� N N Rl G c y 00 G y 0 •u w O y .-. u v O G of .� y ca A .� 3 p u w u 9 "o u 0 a� S_ A ti a E •O o td 'O 'd W O G v] v N X y c0. LL w'i OL O O a C w y 0. Y v u 7 .i b o G L fC O A L cd °O b w OL . 00 c^Ga Y Y u L O v .y w ro W ^O' G 00 u E L v1 Y 0 'C. v ° OL y O 0 p ❑�❑ b0 O G mtl y y i0i ° . O y' J O •� m N 000 L Ia'. 00 O. ° m Y OL L' . X .0 y U H N l0 ; v �+ 0 O 0 L �.a 4 �l0 W v 'd F0. m 0. 10 H n ywr N C� Y 0 is ° Y t15 U cu L 1.+ a t.' L P E L O ° L uj y b N v Y VI 'O o G y$ a 0 'd U v �-r d Y L+ 'F+ C y G p - N N N ° E ❑ G E L v u o Ev E b� u m a y o E a o o A Y o U �tl P. '° 00 b vm4 N Im m C a N p v h V � ; 0 N y G G W E 3 E L E ca N v u M a �d m u v v t0. ° v G cu m L >. m d 0i 'S ' CL °1 ° 'p 3 v Y v W E -0 L Y 0 Itl bo y •p 0 a y c Y E o m wC U v f/GLl pyj 0) v •b y 4 F. m o . o .L " y ° a O� E y a a a y o m c v :d G C p 3 !R .+�� cC0 Fm U y. 3 i0 F ttl w N u C E b y L Lw• C co lu C Qi U� G Ci V L W U U .L 3 b W L Y G .Y., G }V+J N Y �O!. $ V yy oEf N •L N .O 71 0 O O 0 N .p 0 u\ .� x u a O a+ F, 6 N b N .5 b b Y O U �... O GL a.+ > Q ii Q V 3 O v y y H y y > x v Y a b v u W Cm Y ° OL .p b0 0 y N 1 O y F4 N O G p v> O tC fOr" m Fy w ❑ 9 60 G Lv u v O G G v a0+ b O 0. tGtl G R. y v0. O � O � L v ,� b N 01�+3mD ty0tl '"a�Y �c C IE �_ 6E GJ `U"E v �° v s vv it F> U- T a G y y v U A 00 G yUi 3 L L L L U, U G b0 3 u N N v .-. O L L L' X U ... a O w y .0 v L p 0 :-- •p LO y ba E E O N F 0 v W G 0 N= �" N p _� U > ctl y Cd u W v y o V .�4 U g 'cu � L y O "or p o 0 C ftl t0. •p m 49 m ooh ° p C L L r- p u a 0. 0 v - E E ro 5 N b v N L �'a b H >+ >> 00 o o v o v s° ° N a v p N v 0 o CL a a 0 V L u w E o m 'y o u u u G o to 3 m m E 7 v 7 G o N 7, G Co x > Z �" y0+ u "" 5 ttl y v Y L v m E A u fd N C E p y 0 00 i. =- sue+ 0 0 . 0Ui L v 00 G v 0 'p a Fy. N id ,, y V u O O O v °may w a �' ;:, 3 G G P gip 2 3 O b yac y Q y v p v .y A b b O. G ay .s: 3 C N YO q o L p A r0 v CL vj v0i y Y a v E m a w c° ° d y co' y p' �i o v c ,y. q a° a0i m A W o 0 E v gyp° a. p °1 °1 m o X y 'd �, Q. O. y ¢' p y R G f0 U ,GV A E m G G N 0' U s7 cc co .0 0 m v p. p tO 0 N 'p y h0 C OO G y 6 N L. O C O V O eNa a y� y f7 h G. ftl J U fC A WO y 0 0�j L ¢ O a 0 O F. y 01 0 L ate+ 0 ¢ > := �_ m° ayi y y cn lb 3 'Y. .7 y d ~ V Q °= W al rY.j .0 u b °' L'" N G v y3 A \ p> a°+ L 0 b" C y v Q of U h Q G 'O v C vi cod +' 4•i Y O v �a Z ai f0� O v a D �' ¢ O A 0 of ed 'C U v '�. O C E A .N f.. C y 3 0 p 3 ' E p ,^ ¢ '� V ^: a0+ w L 4 p C D L av+ tb u FL y; 0 O. 0 °qq0 F 0 a y y y¢ d a co y o G .�'' a� Loo d 3 G> a w y v a v m r3 o.uF cy x Fes¢ a o >'G_Gz 3 c� o�_ ¢bo Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisfonn granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4'h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No, 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred (See htto: / /www,ferc.dov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail QataClearance(M(erc,g9 ; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington. DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to olfa_jubmissionRomb.cod . gov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General t7ata 1. Licensee Name: _DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: CATAWBA- WATEREE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 353.00 3. Project Number: 2232 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 13.10 4. Development Name: GREAT FALLS - DEARBORN (DEAFN 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 0.00 States Development /Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the developmenUproject boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: sc traffic count /trail count 6. State #2: _ attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major F_77 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor J- inn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs _ Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $0.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (In Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 0 0 15. Nighttime 0 0 Respondent Certification: (he undersigned certmes watnelslle examined this reporl; and tothebeslofhl0wknowledge, all dataprovided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy Churchill, RLA LEED GA Project Manager (980) 373 -4183 Le al Name Title Area Code /Phone No SQAAC�_A I - 3C, 2014 Signature ate Signed Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Stales any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. q 0 Wmbo w m to q o L O L tD ° t° w w° tti y U O N a� S yn L ya 0 . m O 0 y Y W w Al m L .3 0 "- o M •d om N y O C ° t0i1 L q N ° 0 O 0 • ^, 0 100. O O U U L C d av�o _5t obRp.. v o v c Aw�a V ° x O Vf w •�'_' m w q u N N. 0 O (,u L O u o R U C: 4+ FI 0 �•-1 U 1 O 14 0 . ys0+ Y a� O cu��cma; o�OY�o .0 s 3 3 45 o L W x C q. O 'P" °+' a c°', m O v L 0 m 0 p > to o m ,n. 1V� 0 y C00 r C ✓1 ^I L 7 V 0 0 ��.�./ V y v � •a m C V) 0 m 0 0 Lam' C r. U 'I ^". �O'w 0n GLJ u u 0 � b } tC C m' 7 '•^ O L U O v 0 ��yy w •d a 0• �r Q tj o y> u C y ^I b > °u O 'C u 0YL°n r' 5 S N u o to A y L 0 tj N U L L0+ y N w al0 �'+ �•��^ c o w u g b C L 0 0 0 0 V. O 0 O 3 m E m q^ w x ct01. v 1�D•i ] to a m p U N a O •C' ``. a, w z o .°i. .� Y ayd. i C' b � x •aNV. to v U 'd 0 fs. v a Q Q d� y L u o° � N 0 U ~ M Y a a4 40„ CD = C S to .y C� ^y Q' w •d 0 v y. t4 •L7 C O to to U 0 1„ ♦0+ vi itl ttl e N O t1a q 0 N N q M r. +y+ 0 > 0 0 10 0 ttl e LO U .'� u0 C 0 40, q u 0 t,^ 0 to C 0 y ttl C 4y] N �. lCv. 7 .a >' p N CC O V) 0 7 0 0 N CF L ° y N U f�i1 T� O G. W N m 0 °- w C C o c t0i1 Y ou ro j3 - Y v c u r0. o a o ° •O 4 u C ti 0 'm a H o a c w p ^y' ri °u' tu A3 a N O° q ° u OCO C y 'C) vi L O p, O N N O 61 tC p 40 cQ) 0 y ha0 G O • WO N N G N 0 N •n W C •O O C p L W P. a .L. O• b,. y 0> LO O 'b W L m IC CL 0 "O L ° L CO � 0 0 tlp C Y 0 O U 0 r: °' 0 LO E v ti to vi O y 0 b CL y Y E p q w b a� N C q E 7 C L tC u u O t�tl •D G N �+ •q a'C+ o u O 0. _O 0 Ypy 7 O y X N E O q. 0 = N O n L F q y tC R' to q. >. 0 > 'C p 0 0 .U. w y U fC 0 Ul A G1 y N Il L N M S y a q v C W ° w; 0 Y 73 ° N G N N o e y b ttl u L 0 C o C h0 y0,. 'u; L o T P Y ca b C 0 L y 0 0 U GJ 171 N .n r7 P (Cr N u p W O La O S ,d N 6J Y W LC F �+ • u N 0 O b0 ,[,' 4 O y u V p 0 G O 3 7; � cLi N V 3 � w aYi b C u d � u° N v .�u qp ;� •00 'd to L C o� C y �' C .n >> to vi y0,, to 43 C u C y 0 .G CL y x v C u T3 y0, m 0 b Y b v E �, o w O. C O> N x Y m OL j: q 0 0 Fy. O 0 0 N ° H 10. y q0 0 N '� •° G t10 0 a' S L. CL V O -0 t0. y 'n 0 ttl .O ttl O _8 ' d'' 'b U U +' ��i C yG V y u Y0y u 3 cO .L F = m N r CC7 ' y N `U° u W d {O. 00 O "' is •L aui �°Yr' 0 cO. �> U P� >, a N .��i N ci m "� y a0+ 3 L .Oe L L �} �• �3 U YL" U y U N V L o .0 y O ccCC O L L V >� b0 0. 0 ... h0 ° ON w 10 0 a y y L '� O 0 b a0 a y CL a.� o E u 10. O °.' q to R' � C: u 0 k u N p a O v o 0 0 N u m o Q y. �C; ? b s a ° o y N +3 q Gam^' ° 0w p a' E '' 3 °' L G O �a 1. v v v� '.'� e L 3 q `° 0 b y t0. � 0 0 �' T >. h0 F ° 0 'O 0 > o C to a a1 0 O O u L u t: a o a+ v^, C O u u u N t7 C y C 0 tC 3 ttl G q t0 5 °' q q O b L U C C1 ° k > 0 L 0 [q u _N_ S ftl y Y N y y 10. U C a .� X.• t0 E O tgil O C y 0 y L 0 C b A sy. 19 Y C V O O C U ra •\ a s 3 ❑ Gu > d L ro 0 'O b O `°q y ',� Np' Nti '� °" o i 0 3 u $ v P. b Yvi 0� N J-+ C F C w O 'n u 0 G CL N .d a0.r _q.'gqg L eya 0 .� ZI 0 0 0 C1 O C 0 .0 O f1. 'd C to tU 0 S O ton X C u 0 0 0 N 00 N � 7] 0 0 �. ° q O U q A 0 C Y 0 a L Q � p q •b N L tn O ho h tY ,r7 Q. O. y7 ?4 v u L Q 't+ to j^j r1�6 L 'C C 'd O L 0 N O 0 ° L = q N N C. 0 N. _. L'. 0 0 .G a� m Oo q ay0+ .b "' q q y p O t9 o N B 0 `: CL, N a td -� U J 0 u {O w0 N to 0 Q •Q 0 L L Y 6. Q> P O N V it N .✓^i Y 3 f. 0 .] N L LC Q a �p N d N O �' 0-i N Q 10+ O °' to :O 0 u 0 ttl 0 d Y'O, a V7 N Li fL tyE O H O O U vi 0 y yd,1 C _. > > O L m 0 C 19 C y d y G O e> w N a Y q C C C vi O w N z p ai Q O U U '� ^' G0. F Q 00 L Q' O S] L d `n 0 M 'C.. U y N w A y O C ++ N [ N 0 �� 3 0 e �• i. > •c T. ° • V i7 0 q 'y `= a C< LF• "" o p y 0 y y �+ L 3 o O 0 d 3 L p Q u a „ > o v� N tm > c W c m 3 e tv v e A v O v O JO L J v N C F c ^❑ " U 0 Q ra o P. ou E. x to E, Federal Energy Regulatory Page 4 of 4 Licensed Hydropower Development Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from thefiling of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters. are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project /development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09130/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an Initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically Is preferred. (See httDJ1%vww.ferc.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the forth to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, Including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing date sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Date Cleo rance@fen:.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissiongbomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503, Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information If the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a, All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terns, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: GASTON SHOALS 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 300.00 3. Project Number: 2331 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 16.00 4. Development Name: GASTON SHOALS 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 3.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: 70.00 traffic count/trail count _8e 6. State #2: _ attendance records _ staff observation 7, Type of Project License Major visitor counts or surveys _ (check one) Minor go nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (in Whole Dollars) - Construction, Operation and Maintenance s Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $22,653.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MMIDD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (In Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 11,669 195 15, Nighttime 1,214 15 Respondent Certificallon: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and tothe beg ofhis4erknov0edge,aVdata provided herein are true, complete, and accurate Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Project Manager Legal Name Title 0 , t1��► -r . aq. Signature .__ Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Slates any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. c w g v p w m 0 c bo L �° i a1") w° ai C y u cb0a Lei) (V N i w w . O a c7 _O N L �1 a m • W ^� y N {RO• G O p u u a Y C 0 m c LOv d v E 0 W Au C y rrr��� ° �L°- °�c' E 4-J E K m rn 0 w Q O 0 L O u d0 v 0 UQ N o r L �y Ay w mo o 4 ro o m> - rl m N rn O al ^ a y v m SS T-4 V w u t"r u N Q N y 0 7 C a1") QJ W E U 0 m c v 0 C -cot 0 3 0 C m 4 Sr L o 3 p O !y Y w q u q m N N 0 f-L cu � L N 0 0 0 Y rTi V y •fl j •O 0 � :j •� ICp m N�.i 0 v w q.E E m 1/1 V w a ++w °°boa w u 0. >�y 0 0 I�1 F m m •fl al N i+ :1 C w a° y 21 CU O PO A y a°+ c -.2' al b E y Ln y a q s. rr/V^ C C N p ttI J V Y y L ca y L 0 L d .a C a1 Y w w c cox c° L� 0 0 0 W y H > 3 aL E W LO N W 4 x m u- u .1-4 cn P. 0 67 •- N O) W N I F O � ¢ � ¢ '� = N � 0 :T 4 4 a [ O N N N co td y a1 w y [r. � � u v a h � O c. a� m � V1 0 Lu. A O 4 y 0 ; v C C O a a V " E ? m C w ^ ro !y •b N E m 0 v y v m a •b v ti a y q ° 0 m o c Y E p H C O 0 y L O a0+ E C C yU t. m N° a V m to C p aN�+ 01 > vi to p �` m m 3 U o y q O w v '� t/) ai cb' ro u u O a ,° C m •O C ca E "0 L �' P. rn" to vi u .0 u ar 4 o q 1. co 0 N 0 m q m y a �.. 0 Y C m C •O p 0 a0+ m 0 m O O m a0+ w O% tf110 i7 C .� n C u O O 4 V m tLa N p O O N 1-i by y' L 7 0 {. R' .. C •° y 0 •y N •a ,� av+ C R y p GO O tri O d aaj Ly - F. C a O 4 O L y r O u W pRp t0 yOy C R H bC0 y cu L ° P. 2 al O t0 C O 0 a 10 O C bo O p o w °"' c w v u °y' L6 Ary� G b o o o E �. o, CU w 0 0 '> "o y L 0. m� b L L ai 4°.' V 0 bb N M V G 10. E O OL to 0 Y H C° n 0 u .b 0 E Y C a0+ .u.^ C E a C E s. m u U > o E m •O E m 0 L m b a u O L _O 0 a ,J y to w a O O L to:: ^ cd W 0 U m t. q b11 m m 0q 0 EO .�". q u1 > O P ° 0 N O u Y 0 N N tLtl CU Y C G= W ° Y E o 5 ,C E �+ q m y un a m v v e 0 C ? Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4'h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For Initial Form No. 80 filings (11 8CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconslructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form Is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceMerc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oire submissionAomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of Information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: NINETY -NINE ISLANDS 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 433.00 3. Project Number: 2331 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 14.00 4. Development Name: 99 ISLANDS 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 3.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100 %): 5. State #1: SC 30.00 traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License Major !_ ' _ ! 3n On visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor j, 4n on estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12, Dollar Values $16,303.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) all To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 29,841 804 15. Nighttime 3,979 130 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and tothe best of Wier knowledge, all dataprovidedherein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Project Manager Legal Name Title 5igneture Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. G z 2�` ° w C3 a o w m G M cu M c.1 a m v 0 0 / a G �„ rs v w w U •O y a N W S a d 4 4 OL a'o m m y W v ww u O W a /y L [[ fC aLl w°n 5 - Itoo �•a ^vim Z 7 C7 y C e p° •O O ❑ u a L G a �vvo v G 41 Ei 5 o a �ry env rl i G w PS rot u C O V1 v y O v ti (--.0 o Ti u en w ct u G um v � ■r � y y � o !d v c7 v a y N N U U y ai v a' a C, cu Q PC aGi 3 v m a Pm O ; v°' � .0 a m G v v �. ' � v C a a•C+ 'C avi v eo -a c lu cu q v �' cu m B2 E 5 +a''C 7 w i�l y u v G +- a v G d � u k N aai r� E ca E > °u a G m uEa_� 2 api N c� L G p 8 y, v W M vi L 4 ° G w cu o •te^'a e aai d ❑ b p .-i x w v v o v C ro a o b 3 v U3 a^ v x a° °.7 �da a vu) a 0 �.s O O W W co W U 7,7 •n 73 P :n (V N N' d y' U b > d 4 R O u tW'C,4 r • u 0 \ �� v O OD y C � G � O >' v rj N ev5e0�� 0. c0 C v ca. O �, O N w. pL C C L H 1tl a v YJ 41'. G VI ,(� h v P v Y G Y 1tl a' E cy "t7 ❑ m N d y d v > o a m 3 0 v cLtl u0 G v N u v �=I Y v "' v ,.s m 5 is 0 w �' L 7 a P w a .Ej j x V .0 U .n tfC„ G, L° u 'A °' A N G cC 'O ctl m O i v m y m r. p p, a o C C m a a1 G L a O t7 m Y .r C u a .�° t ril G � ttl •ti p vCi �°. en L 0 LO. 0. 7'-+ .p Fm. v - y � O ""' N G ❑ Y `. e�n C hn vi v 'O L v; i L N O O a O H ai 0 •? ° Y b m O t0 ^y Y a O o .N cui m ¢ d 5 o ro 5 w ° H v u ayi p adi \ "' g a h ° ° � £ a a~i n 4S w a vi b b .0 w 1v. R b ro ° w a a0+ v � a en p Y Y b u ❑ ` v q °: v E a 1°. >O O p Y G 9 O 74 U u L b C N �"' d v O P. N a O y a w o 0. v O Oa vi O �+ V w v a bo m w a>, � aYL ,ov, d ro N w co > w w y G G to a0 ° C tl y y tl V L v G p C W � y L O > A Y m •a G v L y O M V v ca v m❑❑ en v L a E a u a u 'a a `^ Ndd y h G yGtlYe L A O bb O ptl > o .O ii u C C E 1a. t '0 FF7i d Y Y G 3 a v Y \ y o y I y x > d E y m M a u cv C E •5 O° v uJ 1n > o F w 0 y LY E 0 C C° 0— v o p o �O 10.1 y' ❑ L O 1d n y v o a) L i a) L a) y aL+ L a y�'.n 4l L L b C bb u pya a a V O b 40. v eYo aw'�.o ❑vh a GC cup Y' v_ �o�r G ° ,a �° o �o v�r y Emv� aG tl m E m u u�"' �Ecvx 3a a ❑� ,°! °L° v 3 v t� �.aw O O y', cu bn '^ 0. en a1 ,° a C> aGi N .y a L. tC a G O v c0, O G v w G 'i - yr u w A u G id N C u O a1 b N �y u p u y o p .b v a o [ a ,§ a b G O O .V w O Eo El E N G• ° G a + '❑ v 'a°7 1 .. ° y 3 av+ C v 5 ° w I3 :3 a a v >, v >. 4 y o 5 ',3 I u o a? w' R q °_ y C $� u H N G u7 C o G N q a b �v; ' J ; v v L v u N {py v ate+ +n as7 sOO. u.. 17 M F '� td 3 1C E 0 uGn G Fp. c0 C •� y y N • al' L 171 e0 G 'O Y A� v1 a7 � iuC 4 V U p •C v° G N" 'd �"... 7 0 7 y C a G td y h y^ L 'C (>e C�' ... p y i� � O rJ v 0 t7 3 � •b L v O L. G+ y 9 W > y O a al L L w C �•" 'O •b 'L. R. O 3' 7 G v u 0. tLtl 'p m +t.1 i6 p0., Vi 10 a z' •--• n b 'i o C P. d O a:+ µ, +O+ O O 'b .5 v 7 w U v y v O .� m V a o Vl G .p v C G y Y G a.+' GE v ❑ L C7' aJ c, N.-'. b o y 'n o b b .'� '4 C�C h0 y 6^O. OHO., ° d a O 'A >+ sue. to is .til tC0 vOi a y VS ? N 't- tYtl 10 m L f9 q �, av+ v 'y a ae u y ~ V y u v L m G u ° L a '�'. m o F G v v c L L q •q• O A o y � V y y d fi ¢ v C y v x O N 1= y F. m c im e m v Oq a`"i aYr' a n y is w a' eya o m vi m > \ yy C > a0i F. A v s.. n q c v y R E C H~ 5 C E r+ vi a w Vl s+ y .y L av+ v .O L 1r Z .0 C d Q' O d a U p .'.y.. ` s ¢ L Y to y I'd `ti U y N „? N O c Ei �C 3 U. E = C> .°0 °ap a U. av+ q �� m d `° yy o 'A d 3 " > g v a A a E q m � 3 o o. ❑ F oc V7 F c¢ a o 'at > .. G S 3 � � v co c —u .. ¢� o Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`" & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a-825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic Flings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall rile an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the riling deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall rile an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htlo: / /www.fero.nov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Clearance0ferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionCa2omb.eoo.cov; or mall to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this forth must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: KEOWEE - TOXAWAY (PS &CON) 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 17,660.00 3. Project Number: 2503 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 387.90 4. Development Name: KEOWEE 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 4.70 States Development/Project Traverses (List stale with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100 %): 5. State #1: sc traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: 50.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major ' visitor counts or surveys in nn estimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $992,942.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MMIDD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 620,290 91,213 15. Nighttime 20,505 458 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and toTe best ofhCslherknowledge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Legal Name n ture Project Manager (980) 373 -4183 Title Area CodelPhone No. 3,a-1.1 C- 2014 Date Signed Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction, C w .�,v o ci. N C L m m {0 U 0.'m w L L P w LL. w F. d u ^ a O ' mm- .0 N {w A T«AA W O a w •^ LwO. 2 C c C u �.y o b a v C w 0 u G w^ W N .�° [L. 0 w Lw. L O 4. u t0 u w cz Lw. F w QI Q+ w o L Q) 2 ° ^ L C) ■r a y y o G w a. u u N O w'� a w cu A +A+'O Y G� � u x Q . 3 w 9 o cu ` i L 3 L ✓ N "" a0i V G. �~ N v w � � •U, w O tC � V y v > •a w c0 0 O F+' Eu v Qw w G C E ua c� N —a c° 'E w H U ..p:g rov �y G w w cut cwi x h�l F en etl 'fl w a: C vwi N '5 A n ¢ > ° o o tl ` A o > 9 Mm cu rti ° u L E U' 7 0. Y L V zm�7F;°� E u Y Y w w L Y N N v C O C w E O a w o Y C v O .-w. go W �-d3 w x v co M c0 N cu d GJ w C: > i0- ¢ ¢ N c0 O N C O O) co co co co N w d cu cu 4r O O N w z °ai o rn � v cp v M in N L � � L 0 L A Ly .x Lw. cN6 Cq N C' aw+ b Y c4a tD . A C_ A O w w u v L 0 E o w ° E �� v �Y. O V1 'b b C C O y A > vc .0 L A Bw ° cC E °u 7 w Gu E� w `M w Y " vc °' p YN.=� 5 s a p a eC E E E o > o C d o w .w Ln w f0 ro LC. v v o Ly G •n H - w 'O w 'G N x .uC N a ° 0. p M G w b O '� w cutl cy0 C ° C' u y G O O t° cp ca ^w [[ 5 C °O h G u O O CL G —Cl b0 C L O } E L v N w 7 A L° 'n' w 0 ° m o m _w `ma m �n v o o tw au aCi p o aE o u C = '-' m 'y w - ., aC4 aNi •� o y u P. w > O L I O o L ctlt G u C O L �3 G ° u vi .� ca w y G Aa ° a �°, sA+ � 7 N L w .d x ro .d ct N m v; Im p as G Lw. w A O L>°. cri ti :� w 0. •O p H 0o w aYUi E Y C v _G G •O aL+ w o E w u > E �• E ro u C O O +' ry w L £ 7 d 0. A �' n C i• N U 0. b 3o t0 Fw. cE ', N f9 O. O u C 0. vi N w O H A Lw. w w y, Y ''. w N Y H CL . rY ° 0 E E E CA I' u > ca w u v w ° U Y y A w .w 5 y rt9 L' V H LL d ct w N w A w ti E w .b w L ° .' p C ro o tz C O f9 A w ct Y w E w u. w y E" w C tl v v Y �' d 0 0 u a E w 7 E y L ° tl p G y H :d E 6' V A 3 N =u v tD .0 3 L �t� O N L C A w G. w - w 7 H w C u r ?� u Fn b O C C uw A i0 O. G7 G L u O N w �0., ti w +n E L ct " O G y E N, v ��y>aaa�' o o .� u V] V v _w 6 %f p a. G o> ° b w vi b N y w w w qKj L v y E Y G o p .O bU L A y a E A O A° m Y o �a V o G a G u �' •c3 `o o a. OM v n. m cC .° o u o •O w .4 v. 3 w �, U o V a, x w N _ v u ayi v cu �a v —' 3 F+ E> u A �, w a C y y A 1 w U L ca b0 U G ,� v Y ... 3 Lu.' L L O LU,• w C bo b„ w 3 u yr y G w a C p N U yp N ^LO v C R q two d C y p y ; > O O y o w O w w � ,xJ w U p A u id vLw ' u b O O w •x u w h w cwi i0 C G O C ;d Zy a�i ca .� p .� N p, v F 0 LO .:u o. ... CL E 3 L•' C G O' N -O w p ° y H L 3 ,w+ C m bm > b p• y N L aN+ O = ctl vi .'� N w G 8 E ° w > 7 N aa. O w 0. 0. O U 1 L A �"' ° O" 0 C O U E U w M� 0 a w E o 3 ro° o a°+ v Y" w u L. R. ° > axi u Lw L^ a M .5 .� U q Y w A Fw. ( E .0 G N X itl E O p ba G w H O N w L w tQ C w Y -0 Lu',_ w tv ° w U 0 0 'G" F Lw. A, vi Ui tp O G iO t� A � A ... � J� 00 G• N O w C w T3 'O '� 1L G G L ea �L9 '.' eC L_ C' v1 7 w y itl °L. O E o w C L y O W 0 �' w 0. oQ w E y^ p L e0 ^� i7 w :� C v O O a w E etl O 60. -O C w w c,U. A 17 ttl > Y ; 7 U m ty7 w y C H w Z3 m v tl p y G O C A G i w C O' w G¢ L A en i7. O C b Y ,G, b A � a a O a ate., L. ¢ p en w u w ca A p t0 y G L Y vi CD A v m i7 w N C bb C N N i `b O r. u h L y C J o x R y v w t- Q° �• w ¢ o A O 0 v H A .L _ p t p o ^� .R Fy. Ll L (A a vi p aw+ a' ¢5 E ¢ w to L w b 'U O m Yw. a r .�. O w vi i w` w r^ w c0 N (A vi Q C V A � Li w Ec y in y k, d is. C v tl�tI�� iii p .--, U > N c+ ¢ C O A y aw+ Vl �. > cd •L. b w w Vl A A Vi G O L z A Y. L U 0A7 A to ¢ oy a"a °eq° U y .. b E� H ¢' °a3, �3 'm ` « aAp ° ° �. a 4Q 0 o 3 o o F m x 3 L. F E¢ a a > o 14 >' k o c° a 4 E o C u m a u fn Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See httioWwww.ferc.gov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Cie arance(EDfefc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionaomb,eop.gov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development if more than one. 2. Project Name: KEOWEE - TOXAWAY (PS &CON) 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 7,980.00 3. Project Number: 2503 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 92.40 4. Development Name: JOCASSEE 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 65.30 States Development /Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: sc traffic count /trail count 6. State #2: NC 50.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major { visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor _- sn no estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $211,030.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 229,334 1,656 15. Nighttime 2,317 248 r<espunuent ueruricauun: i ne unaersignea canines tnat ne /sne exammea tnis report; and tome best of his/her knowledge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA L gal Na ignature Project Manager Title 3131 • S Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. p v 1n E t� C3 10. a' 7 v m � 'S a •o a� °b °vom.m b t N v i �r a00i 1° '3 ° L •o u M W 'o y v � V y m (% O N O y v •� y W d G O '0 uu� = to av� �w C.� C 'v = E u a ° d y C a) N 19b y�+� 11 C N .N O yA` aci�mX W :O .� n•I LL. H Qi �•I O O ` 0. u y -w y w Q L L o 4J V Ca U al is m Q Q/ v 0 L- Qi i1.1 ° ^ to O (Y O >� �o> �, +j = G •L_ r0 a A` - W L N v y 00 O � N Q ai ° v ° ,r- CU a� '� •O OErc°a CU L 3 3 ^"y -ova n•I O N C 0. v N o a O 'Q N y a0p « C _>1 V y •o > •o N �.�•11 C � � N �' gCc, `° E N (p V U A L H .u. uw cc O C } W u .a7Qi•� C C 0. y �I F E u X y X M 'o N'EemD° O E E "m o 0 C o v ° o > ��Oy C�a'ea•5° oy � ., O •' y 7 i > m1 L v 5 o c w E w a O O C WW ° v w _ « > a E co1� 3 a�i m y_OVx ri u �Q7v7 c. r-. � C v° rn rn 0) Z z rn rn Y �� u \ \ \ \ u u \ F :7 Z Z tr Z Z 6 f ¢ h ¢ Z Z ¢ 6 Q Z Z h y Z � a N d y V � C > LL L CLI a C O a a N N r L � a7 L u y a h" N N r r 0) N i. L � Z y d = ti ` u > O C 0 W T E A C y L m cu c tn v tl A y y0 C Oj C Q. 0 y L vi OL ''. E 7 aj bD F C '� = (,� 19 vi CO y L v > al 1n .O m r r- G 'C b 3 c°i 1`a c '� a t' v a, c n. m u '> ro w a E E E `o >, m C m •� E W w O D .0 to O vi y x u t u N L 4. ! O p as CO p 7 0. u C L .0 y '9 aJ a0+ 0 O h= N C C i+ 1". A n \ C u O O 0. v 0 F d C E a O a N b w L° o v as C y - L c C 5 ai G. E A �O A L b [0 L Ol N N ° c ° ` o c « a c'h 'ca v a' v o a v ;; u O o ° vi Q E a; c u v m c y ° H L o v w o 1 v m L to o v m o° c v " v 'C ❑ u m u V v °i -0 m v y C v •0 ° b o `o o v ° E ap• a b m N L O 0 i 1n L v Ia 'p to L O 1q L �E al cu w a� N E y bL C a� C 1a O u N L y tn N L a� E O L N 0 Ea c v0i• v n sa 07 = ° ° ° C a a n o° t0. E m 0 V 0• V 00 t0 C 0. > o ,� 0 y L w E u a w N a+ v d « L 0.O o0 1U v w v ° i, ar 10 3 d a) L y 4. y al E E E V O 'i C C .0 C _ y L O >� J W L y 0 1a v H y ar 7 1a ate+ .fl N •O L 1` u H u w to O 'fl i y a.1 w E w y � a0. m ° m t 1v-. o E % u C ° v v C y H u x t y L _ u ^. u �o u 1n E v V v 3 w L 1° v ❑ eB E m ° E L 0 o v .0 a o- - e m v E c v w 1w° h 3 v ° �+ C H- L E q 1a3� « cEa 7 u E H v i E> r-y y o m o o ° x yV u u 3 v° v E C u 0 o Q ° °° ri 1a W L O N F. y L L E G O° 1/1 {y., y E c ° v p yw C C E u° « •O C O L 1CO tt F a y� �°-. O O 'b O .0 v f0 L ++ aJ ca y L O En i y C y E �°�' v >. m .L w v a v cu E> L s O E y c� x oa E u i5 0 Y v 5 •- 3 0 i 0 o i ru `yam U� s C v OLO 3 V = •� OCl a 0 o L n m m 1n u L O C v C t L o0 W H w w N y >> L L v G io p O 4 •u C?' Y u E E L v v En. v a' 7. A_ ! u° 'p m av+ .L "°.. > ayi 00 O .� C C ' L :O ;n C ° y = b N :5 C O y y FO :fl b 1`a t v .0 m G to m y v V1 L a cy a vi > v > w eo E O o ° v p S .0 amp a ` v e? v 7 .0 E C E. o$ ` y ° o f v 1a s c 1n m CD +� ,y e o v aa� w ° 0 m 3 m 3 c 7 1a 'fl c v C o o a+ av v u v 1" v C v a 0. O ° u v x L v v t: v O A u m 'y ._ c O A u u y y u v M y g C m E u S x x m E E O o ff 7 o ea aaii t 'i 7 o aui L v Ca a > u` v c v ar7 m N �= c > w u °° c m X01 r� ._ \ o c 3 3 c- m S 'E = v Lay, r� a n° a`, v $° br u v 0 y ° O d c y `-° ^ W v € vi � C `o c � C d O o � L L 3 G � o C S � e 'A •m �+ 3 -M `o G a v O v y c a+ 4 a s E m aLO+ o c ° d vn x " m a u a v0.i 1`a v F J o a° 1n mw w A A o 0 C E y rat a° w v t0 �° to O A L C u y 14 to 1n O N r G w Q J7 N '� 0 •O fl vi L 'a3 C '� 0. 4. 0. x v Q D to v A �+ C A O « L O m O OD vh ? L A e7 10 = y m 'T.+ ° i:1 A ay0+ W ... 'b y 00 C 00 C y « ca �7 0 C 0 1a Vl ai 4. M V41 C M J u O t0 u 19 10 E y C L t4 C r- R O CL a) a37 L a) ¢ >-•w .° O m y V .0 1. y .0 3 Y m O ..] N y A L p u y L �+ 0 y y v 4 ¢ ° E L 1n Q v L y al L t uoL N Z" y- y o F v h /p > \� L vC a1°i 6' m 6l fl C y vi « CL <a ea U aa� y «-4• p C vi 7 C �' m yL Y e0 vh C 'Z L y L o t9 O L L m x Z Y y Ld. t Y L' d 0 u_ ¢• L 7 C y v1 m v 9 d W O C E 10 0 0 ey 3 d) mu 10 ¢ =c> a e " 0, c. °L° Ls Ea'.n� m L. -w L p. a"ya y �°�pQ° v a�yvE_ N m o•'H (tn ¢ L C �3•� 'UM c _' C °uF. y !9 •- :: = d = « 1`0 G• e E L E L OL °'c O� V y 61 00 a° C vii F EQ C. O > c cS 3 v ci v V cG � a QUO Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development /project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non- automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See http:11www,ferc.ocv for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceo:ferc.gov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submission omb.eopagov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development if more than one. 2. Project Name: BAD CREEK PUMPED STORAGE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 318.00 3. Project Number: 2740 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 6.00 4. Development Name: BAD CREEK PUMP STORAGE 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 0.00 States Development /Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: SC traffic count /trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 1_ _, visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor � ;y inn r estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs I Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $131,900.00 1$0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 5,376 131 15. Nighttime 1,450 40 f Uz. /ulluelll %.ci uncduun. i rte unuemgneu certmes mat neisne exammeo tms report; and to tneoestotnismerknowledge. all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Le aI N Signature Project Manager Title 3.31.1 5 Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. w ZIC o w c m k. a m O v V 'fl 4 N 7 to :- v as oL as mm 0 y y i MM N w u ,.y iv�yy 'Em 1=0 ` � w'C O ` 5 v m m a N H A O o u u aam"= a C al N � O C 't7 C p N � �3 0. a c 0 ^ U ICI O d 4� 0 0 ro x CL a% E C LO CC ~ ro N Lw m V a N � w O u u L o cz L c m (� al O U CD m o it 0 - may. -t CL' O >mmc> �. 4,j = t ` L R,t!� O vm W L 1011 0 N bU ° w °�f u .N. cm+ aci O O °•� yv � ar o c v E. y O � C a/ m v u ,'7 m m�33 u a 'r O C13 'K v a/ �c.0 am, CL ¢ c O ,", �. mmcyg; 'C c., " c w _>1 1-4 l..r a 'E m .a O�v01 °Ero W Lyt v w - O�c +. I v {al y r. m' v A b N �g ° E" C C � � 7 .O.i EE ° o O C o M> v A y N y0 0� Po �r m E a t.n p y "5 o 3 y M N U o ew Ev z v ° ; v e O •° •p C .•-1 Y L o a/ 0 C O> m C 3 to E [t1 n. = v Y a U '°t¢�n ° ta L� R °v � C a a C i O O z z U N co M O vl F a 3 z z z z z z ¢ a ¢ z z h h z 01 u U 'O G1 Q 0 a O) C7 aD ea v' v 6 u y Ki N v � o it 6 011 z d 0) m co ro o \ v � a LO, 00 y C C O E tw = L E a C 0 m a m `w y `° T t'o E = 4 .n N N y °' `° y � bb m al W L m C O = Oa v .y O ` C L m E w m ° !9 L o >, m De •0 E c a 3 u u m E 1- E V1 Q. m Go ° C L ° am+ C Q. 0 u N .d t'. ° L m cu m L i '° C a1 to cl m o ro o 0 b m ' i C V O O °' :: 0 u c a E —° a n v v w c =_ `o u 01 E 3 `° E m u a u al 'y y O o W m Y `a ° C m f0 'v^ N 0 O o o al L a O � L cu u O v O o w 0 O °• E O o r.� °ca bb v c m aNi °^ W Q v c ra o u °a m L w o a G w O ayi u U v 0 .0 ro W \ c > .a " O b C o *rj L �° v E o E `o° °' H 1ua `o c w v E al c e = ° u aLl cr `° �°. E vN > E m C m _ ' ° c m & y m v � aci C E o m 10 n. c ° cj m v B c of a c L :; E 3 0 e E a tw u 5 > Na' m a>f v t a I y U tw11 P; ° ro ra a°i u .2 v y m d v w O tZ m al 61 L r N V= N E N Of b ro E V ar C C •F. m •y ° N N M 'V F 0 .Q 7 m b u a0 b y �9 L L W 6 u p m at.+ w ro 0 G � j a1 fl � 0 L - m w E '.°. U P. N m CHs m ,`_3 L° m a ° o E E m Tai ° v v € m H C U �a t (.7 L ty7 _ V _ V oa L D 'C w L C CO G ° E L °a ° a 7 w° C m d C` 0 —., m tM 10 'N 3 0 ° J=-+ C h •_ L E V1 11 a0+ tE0 7 V E N aJ S N °° N vi vx\ > v m u m`O-� +� •> O v E ma >� c- O n 4 co> O 0 ° V y p �n d L L y b 7 .al. N `•= E G O` 'fl C N � y N t N 4. ro C O 0> m m ,0 o � o O o w a c N a L O u 0 L ° 0 amt �' ro° al u- h t a ro N a E N u N° I E N c' u o t � N E u E a v � U m L.0 v CU L1 V 6 y E N `os W .O T O o E= N N ` c w U m °° u a0+ m'` L 3 0° L L ° L m a,1 1 U a0+ v 0 °L° 0 3 U av+ C o wm `' N C O ._ c`,x L O C n' C m. N U N N a cu L G V E 'O 0 C O a `o C fC •� Y o u E 'y E .y N v .L = a, E � u N c r� 0 u= a_ u 0 ro m ;; ro `° a/ t °> -0 m ayi ._ u c N f9 N N a_ O O u c O ._ ._ o E 3° 1mj a n. ,� y o E o O m t o > EL c a/ +� c._ to ro vi vi w E" O o O' L O 2 > m. 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(Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development /project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the develop menUproject that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See httn: / /www.fero.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form Is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data ClearanceQferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oirs submissionAomb.eoo.dov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Rrharfrrin 1. rCanaral nato 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: WEST FORK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 1,424.00 3. Project Number: 2686 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 27.76 4. Development Name: GLENVILLE (Thorpe) 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 5.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; total must equal 100%): within the development/project boundary first): 5. State #1: NC 30.00 traffic count/trail count 6. Slate #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 30.00 visitor counts or surveys an no estimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $481,422.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MMIDD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 62,820 1,880 15. Nighttime 3,745 130 Respondent Certlflcatlon: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and tothe best ofhis/herknowledge, at data provider herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA La at Nam; Signature Project Manager Title r I 5___ Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. w •� v o W L m ~O m E [0 U 0.- L 6Nr h0 Q U •O ^ a m FsW. B, M y w A cu � W N L y L v O 'o u u ° L C N 2 C n.l C N C E C: a ova ° P� .^ A C •� a � o O W L L O Cd u d0 U N u I•y N o ^ 10• O ��,,// i�l W �'•I F•I••i ® � � t�0 0 � 4� ^I N n y O ��.•• N E �CL)�♦♦ O y N si V w u cu a L N° E v v G /I� �YbY /U••� W u N X. Cl) �753:5R v w ,.. Z. a Nom N N N y Y rr a b v v >b a; �h� r O Qw "u b E U N w 0. N -101 N L V ud W O ❑ + N - O o a Al (U.— u V 'd D > N i�l •O N tu0 u MCI F In � •O axi p a ° o .40i 413 d m _ �. N A N po u E ° un Ge N G ate+ v J u N � y L N ch v1 L y N ~ A �o w° C E v W Noy ° �u T CU v o m 3 ° ?: = c d 'i LX a If1 LO In z as O V td N Cl) In c� ^ v co �n .`J ` In < a z x zz rA Ol v oaN U > Q a � N yv o' c. °N z cn v L > O C b 0. y O O C ayi U Y P N y O y .. ca tC yv0., N W v N 0. a U ° O O C O ~ y y H L v N° 7 C7 b vi d O N .r' vi O mC Ei V ..�. CU U > y L� v c cpYc " y vi x V 'G U y 0. O U O m 7 =� V N G b • q N N N m to L y o Cl. t0., N v A ro a C g c" v ❑ o m W o �a Y c u o o .p° be C ° .b L .� O 3 IN„ .° N .y y 7 0 C co C0 v N � P C O v Y m ° �' y ao m L o d o a O c o p o v ayi E v u m p w Y N a h ❑ ° w N E 413 ❑ cu 2�� cu o° y Y In q° o u b t v a Y Y C p p c v v N Y o N o N y > ° E a E <a v o a o L o o E ❑ 0. 0 o A C o Q E w r-� v L M O U m L. 0. 'O �-' td N b O. O b0 0. o y 'n H y N w O U N N N N 'h A O vO N °a w L y o av ° E E M v" N > vi N , 00) v N m N a q E vl y 'In " o N m .� C > L ro 'v ro N W E ` W E " pp w y. Y N ate.+ •° tgqtl v �° _ •� y I.N. O N O I.G. E L u b u VNI 7 N O •° cEtl u y C u V 3 v v h0 ;a cu n 3 ti N Y It u ° E y b O y w ro N a 0C) C m _ u N.w w0. W N n 3❑ o o C O W, N N •O > U o u E N E O1 3 ° p i O u b EH O w v w � •° °C 0. ° ¢CGl tl tN LrfC i N :DIq ' A w C U O V L J.'' 3 N U N U 3�, L v1 .mac mu E GV: cu N U_ LI > U a O cC+_ y y m Y N U V JC cC U� .G �+1. 3 IU-. o L �O L L U N �+ O E4 y .'.i N C 'C iC 4�. GO c ° w OD N "' v a h0 v fC > ° ctl R. Iy. ° N .17 u � y y cu N �.' ° OGi u C tC ° U N L C .p O U iC C N ��+ .. "°-' Oyi {' C In 13 y '9 L O L O U O '^ 0. ..' ❑ E L 3 v b C C) a' C Y y N° v° O m b E ,D •.. ESL b '..� y 3 N .i m O CO y 5 n❑ v v1 Y °. m ti H w b0 EA ° o v o 5 �� ❑ J7 L o o^ N o E p° q o E m N b y N L q 7 W l+ G 3 N I >� Id � C Y '. cOtl G N CO o 0. w N U cC u N 0. O0. p u N v L OUl L N °u m .y V U V N N Vi C N E\ 4 : EL. E � a CO N � O� N� CO � Y Y tC � vl u Q p m a❑ 3 3 c y Gu y v y Cy v .S° p N '° ro L W y� N F. N '�' Lo v ,� vi E v1' w C 'fl tT9 P. f� C .G +�y f.. 1.' 3 �.' 49 C L y O p ''' cE O ° o a wL-, '° [ O C 7 u N 0. y N M G Y C O. u~ C y N N v '7 y v 0 C 0 E o i ° NG N m 5 y S' U td v y C vl p O o N O o N C A y v O L A y C •b til L bL R y0 y N _N d A. 0. wO�ii X N Q ° •G y L u >+ L .10-I y .O C ttl N E 'b O u L lE E cy O C% N N u' m N cC y ayi 00 bLl y b, p m cn 9 LN. d t0 ca u N w � O 6Yyl U h Vf VI 1jI .L cd `7 y Lr o V ed y y° B -: y v G a L O .y 'u , ° w N c, y a' iz fs vl a ° C cN, vi N, « .YO. N G. w N `a fC cN. vi o f u d C N U b vi D °J C w' tz ° C cu o H 7 y w ° ya L ;+ c. •p c. m Zam y a o a°, ❑ v ", m a ° �!-' y y v 'w 'A •ia`. S '; 'h C y `a3 110 v 3 d E p " �°, $ a A p av+ a" n. °a � y a c E� ,y, m O G O p •ly d •3 nn> Fr V a > o y A > F v 3 o�_ �. u W axo ca�3 o,uF x F�a °..°m gi Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR SA 1(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.cov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Clearance(o)ferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionnomb.eoo.cov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: WEST FORK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 8.00 3. Project Number: 2686 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 1.05 4. Development Name: TUCKASEGEE 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 40.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the developmentiproject boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 70.00 traffic count/trail count 6 State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major F_7J visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor= an nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $75,499.00 1 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3/31 Period Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 3,217 33 15. Nighttime 54 1 Kesponaent uert +ncation: i me undersigned certltles that hersne examined this report; and tothelaeslot his/herknoWedge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Le a[ Name Slg ature Project Manager Title _ Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. ° w Ia a, C co m w °v�N y u O y a n O a [wL °I� h 'd L Y y 'app Iua �I h aLi 'C A Y W .o al A at ' L •d C H L y C) u V 7 C � Crt C E 1 �y o b R U O aj O ° i"i •�! b y' y 7 N p°p L -. U/�y m o w w o Qyi �i >u .--1 w O > N O 4� al C ai y aUi v 9b = °fig v P'u Y 'b R C u ar Y ra Q w . a�i o°1u a CU ^y R o .� N W -,M4 C R R m w �' a~i d v .,g O �w R ° Id L i r L y N eV0 .9 C A x V yv>v" 9 N /� O W Q.i w Fa E m 1/1 y 1^uJ u w W i"r y y� u u �A U a w � R b aCi u u x MCr I F y IEa 'b ar p4 E E v o PO o ° > F y � 0 � ya.J, V Fi co, +r-' Ln V a 0 -49 + C N N vi L Y N b �0u W° ❑ W E b ELI v o b.b COX G] •fin N > O al EV oo. N v 3 m U .�D•i Q In F. IC Co U N p N to G7 v U 'd C PC m � w Q, a G N O v d L U d 4. 4. y y W N aJ L R U YO L Ul CA ta lu m N 7 N Io v v IU O R C C ° Vl .Y V1 L Y M CD y y O Y aJ m N N Cam. ~ u C u C �c 7 C'. •'rC° w .� H `�' H aLi .p Ia p pop..,, c. �C. b 'a td L N al U I�/1 'O O D. L to L- y 01 V C5C cCE o fC6 O O i' i' a� C G O O GVOi A u y O a a 'O O R y 'b W L 'b o CO C 'Ga y' .• L ° v O 11 CR F d y o y o �; 4 L 'O o b ,°, p MC .y H o 'o p m ti °� ti 7 o a o y a' E a Q u L bLo FV. R m O ,� 19 W y aI LO. to o E O O C o v y C v w u ai y7, w C L al y cz y > 'b .Yi y L IT) 'o L 'b O 1y. o Y y a) �.' a) C N p M .u. ° I71 N Y aJ y '" Ql o N al Y y ca O y u 'C7 R Y y E E Y tj o m u OL •p E v to O h0 V R O O y ,TgG.a W U a) O O P O `I Y N o al E a CL E R o VJ a) V F+ u y 'd .v CLI u w W N 3 al Y a) t' w^ y ^C m .O L o �' O r mm o CO v ° N A m y W° o N y R �+ A vyl ,i ° b0 t0., D {G. E O O P 7 a) �" N u c 0 3 � �. b 3 " R y -o Id w w i, 7 v d 3 aj o > x m u m a� 5 m o o R o o o �y Vj 'b L° b N y al L L H aJ O y L a v a) = E° O L 'b C y y S '. y R o a1 o u Ia. ,(u w° a� ° O y o C C y •� o `.•, O p' A 'r+ ya C (u a• y Ru'. ° O ° u IO. a>i ttl d ti t'dC °a,3�'v a+. ayi A Y 7 b .0 y .y C �' vi C E °Ev y v° �' �` m •� c° tC °h YyE >�' u ..., 3 0 u N u N 3 a) y 'd C L y E o' �7 :� y u L d o 3 1�' e E N ° Itl L env O y W u y°.i v y a °> .G al L _O r0 m y v -• o u R L C O .Q $ v G d tG. v o v run C 'a u° o L ,n O A O u KIO C N co u x V ,o > 'b ai 'G bn .. O r. R W 'b 'u p •G O ... R E 3 .,V, C Ia C p' C - y .b w p Q Itl = 3 O Y a ho C 5 y 4S a v� b ro O O y w E o ' L o al 'S tC ° p iC L M o aJ v R a rtl w E p y E o.2 by" 7 o f a0+ m m rCn ° p w G o ca E ,Q w W o vi aRi ` Ia a' a/ v R o k y a~i E N .5 a7 u m v V v C C ca to u E F 3 E o uC ° C y �, a' d ,o u a G° E O E CD W u o Y 5 O b d-01 O fE ,-. Q G' v y y y ow Y L w F C C •b °' o y y C a a) R b N a' �' y C y N� C y E fd 11. .I°., •° C" Y a'y b Nadi X fd y y p V p ay+ [ C f°. 0J al v O O �R G 'd ate+ G CvC O b0 r0 d ftl W 0 a N C = y V] y u. Vl M y vl C o N ai''j i �'d O ti C � O CD vl u Id yy rC In Y al ayi ayi y 00 dq O. y Ia yy, C .�°, N V1 IO. CL Ia u A U O E y C C .� t7 ° .-. u �i1 .0 O p O O .b y U %. C i' a) O '� O O y _.. f7 _y ❑ y �..] x y Y a) p" a O E In LO. In Qi (u L L N d> W Qa al y .Ci y cia 3 .a L aJ 1•'. Q •U A N y O 'O C y y z C N IC U a7 L y a17 V°. C p W u C y O aJ w w �' v7 Ls. L aL a7 C Itl iJ fC d \ �. C aJ 7 > YO a y L Q aJ L .3 y ^ 'C b w bZ 'O C E C y L Id aN G +a+ 'O L . z P y C'. p U U. I. 00 O N � w5 y A U IOif N IOiI 6. v^yi Q •� 3 L N H > " O F. L $ u °p C a C 0Y' C u asy y a °° L a) a' O E= y y y V aLi C .b C. m� 1 'F¢ a u d N N ttl E M E O z y w A y 2: co"3�o3 a�4F z y a o> >c��s Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this farm granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (16CFR 8 11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.aov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearancenferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissioneomb.eoo.00v; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503, Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: NANTAHALA 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 1,568.00 3. Project Number: 2692 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 30.70 4. Development Name: NANTAHALA 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 5.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 35.00 traffic count/trail count 6. Stale #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major,_! 35-on visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor +a nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $101,688.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 199,453 1,142 15. Nighttime 4,144 26 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies thathelshe examined this report; and to the best of his/her knowledge, alldataprovided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Legal Name Slgna ure Project Manager Title Date Signed = (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Stales any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within Its jurisdiction. G w 'u�•d a L m o v rl E w° m w P. ti .0 a cr- o P. 0 w y y � w M� y :01 F+1 •O y O v V ° v o v O 0 r 11 M L C O av�o A G% o .M c V 4-J '�EjC 7 �1 5 O� R ~ v C O w CU) O O CU) 4J v W v �tl FBI 1�1 L m r 7 Q W y W 10 O w FOi G � � lu v O ^ C, �y lotl C" —0 L O cu O v N C4 O > m w o; 4-J P�1 m y . L O A O Y N E W z y v y 00 �C y��9 � C�wu` C w W p Y C Y R cu a Q ^ c s L .N Y m m o !� v Ru vw v v N Y c I.O. nu '0 v v � OOp,, O m +' ry C p Y v CU O v L W v U FBI v LL a p � w o 0� Ma 4.5 o a o m ny w o R �-.' U �.W vpp,, 40 "-r"' f U a -0 y i�l >z b W � u x ICI F y N� a:�� a a P 4 > ° o d m "O .4r Co Ln �� Yo u 3 C ate+ u � +' O L Y 6� w C w d z v o Y b p v v u 0 v C) z UCl) N V 17 lC a� °J' v •Z C w 4 ¢ ` a�i v y Y ¢ ¢ v ` d ¢ v v C O C co Z c° z < o < ¢ ¢ ¢ X z v' cu u O C d ON a° 10 fC O au v � L u O q! y V 47 z ° L W N CD l0 L U L r. L a w m b0 0 o N h v 1 a Y C� u ai oj v � CC G L O y m m R 4 d iO. 0. R 0 N w tb C L H cd vai w d� v i+ N C C ° vi .0 O vl A cu a0+ � a0., m a ai C G a9 y L u y _O � L7 m y C p N Y > > v y o T .0 3 O v M u O C 'b v C 0 w a01 y 0 C m 0. m itl L u v C y 0. a a C 'd O y m C C L O R 7 L P. ° P. N C L w LYO. t^C6 y ate+ C u o O d Y C C a d O R y d v v as c N - L o y C v 3 {„i JR' i m •O L 01 -y o fOA ,o ,O ❑ as 1 p t 'C v v a w ti L F 7 " y w Ou v °, (U NO I C , U. .° 'R v L ^O O ^ O I.O. da O y as 000 L ° ° 'yo y m w y>j > .p ° Y '� W Y R y mom+ a+ w N v> .o .i y LO. m b ca •O L 7 t r v v C vi C �? " u [T +O+ y L v O O y fu N H p° O .b v y C p C 'O t0. y 00 a v > OL m u �tj a O O p iA c��aa �C Y R N v a C o r O R •O I+ v m O w u 0. v 0 to ..°. 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R I.O. ° °u A"M Y C u U H° m e v o m 3 C� m o e o b'. m u 0, 'v u o v x > v L w Y U5 m w v Y Vl v IS U Cv b G F m x to CFC G - O ICII a OI.. N L y L. Y %.' 'O .b p Y u v° IOLa •p m a y p 3 3 y C `• C. a q O O id •5 y N O' ,� 'fV o m G. •O v L N a - W y, y W .�° ,� Vi VI' 'C. m O.. C •0�Q `-' 3' YO C LO tLtl p Y ^. (a m m O o Cl v is a ,o v •b L .�° °- � 'O v •C y x o u y C, p � u v 0. R y m - y C ay+ G C' a oL d N y 'O O C o C o Y 0 v v m -5 a u m` lya O y C y YO a H !a ° V1 C O C p C w C O' v v d y p •O O b - Q ❑❑ Op y 6. _m G. O L u d O G y O L O >� L .O 'a7 v .p 0 O N L m y C O m y m O Y m to L m m O J. ay+ y m O p a0+ w' y OG C b0 C R y u m U C' O m u d, w Y q m C m .1 m u O L m u O w0 Ia 4 C i' C •FL d 0 L ai v Y y O m •b u b O O y . y C z y v R F. d L d> w 07 v O y y y to c. L Q u m y y p C y v q I y y p C r r � c p w w k, d " it W. ° G y Y a o y d y L ° a A G b 5 v vi v 11 m u p o>> za 94 cv. d Y o v "" «7 �� m d v �!' y v v y � y a'yd y C ti Y a 3 1 't0 > v •GU m ap+ O P rC7 C a0+ y vu� o �t� q u y O C., u 0 M c: m •� b Z C y Si i7 a1 h+ la C E L �c� ii O P aD h w a y 'a� m- E 23 00. °uF C vii F,c t a. O > P� Gx 3 c� Li c7 �.� Q4bO Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/3012016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been In operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See hlto:l/www.ferc.00v for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of Information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Oata -QlgarjnceOferc r ov; or mail to 888 First Streel NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionL m .eon.gav: or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: EAST FORK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 41.00 3. Project Number: 2698 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 3.90 4. Development Name: TENNESSEE CREEK (TANASEE (3111 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 0.20 States Development /Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11 Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the developmentiproject boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 60.00 traffic count /trail count S. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major :.__T visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor f an nn estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $100,988.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Period Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 714 2 15. Nighttime 2 0 rwK ponoenr %,errmcarron i ne undersigned certifies lnalnelsne examined this report; and 101heoestolhisrharknowledge, alldataprovided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L Churchill, RLA LEED GA L Project Manager Title 3 -30 I5 Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code/Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Stales any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C W '1u ° o w m v G cu y u N a m W 5 Yvo b O v OW rr y p`V V as SCEC m C d,NI rr'a v u u u to Yip C Fi b p0 al is v' ° w° v O V1 w�° "U ai �p OW ~ O O V 7 CL u O �y N 41 u p0 u w v G > Q v 00- u CD Q) 1�1 :� ° T N .••� IN m N N u O v m CU v (� � a y R -,Mu ep O V w u v a =_ y E a m v o v m CU rL Fr 3 ° ° o!d Y W Q u ti mB :>% y C > p �Rt ^~ ] m N C v v 4v aCi O w mu v - u k ICI F y o v N �? a m m � PO ° a m p L p= u a Y `n ` tl 3 Y 3 G O U yxy y v i0 N 4. (u (Yj Vi G b o< W w O 41 ° Y 'd „ ❑ v p � x O 4 O O cu ai m v � 77 � V N F D H ar b v � w a e Q N O it it v cD W O L. y d 7 W � N U ~ N x v 0 C r G yy t p a N v v .. CVl C C �.. fYC W N m 0 N (u A. u 10 O J W p N S bb u 7 L7 Its v i y o m ❑cy u m 4. V y V O v P. C d o o u v% N y u m y O o o 'Lri a _ •� m v G O N 4. m I'^ NC 3 L R .O W •y N W4'0. 'o F m p .N EO pp ^y' 'y_.,' Oa y v 'o F O 4. O Vi � y FV. N N G o v o o y 0. N o m G - m - a LO. A, v o '� ° au] 4. y �A ti C o C ° v � m y w C 'VC ° G „' a' Y 'I 41 y > y v R' b •° 4. GO Y v pp G (r(nn' L+ mu. o y, u O G o al v 0 0° vi 'C' v Y vi o � N u m •O y R Y p 1CO. q P A G G v •b v 4y O G C m u 4°„ •p F. t0 O u R N O N 0 u 0. 0 o a L +'' ° Ll c a m w a E 3 bo m a R to u G > w > D a " r m m v m +• v v v G y ro 5 y G W Y o v m v y n u ` v G o C' tin " G 4 o > p m a> •O C v 4. N o U v N •b y tG N ° Y m O 'd Ul Gl y W �_ U a F v m NO b a0 au W m o .w\-i t u y C F N 0 u C o � N O m 'd 7 C G .G O x v 3 4 u "u `'a 9c v N' v b 3 A °G v pa •m E v a E Y v w C ° �¢ o QCi G m .V+ GJ W W W a Y o� •v O1 .p � .: 7 Y U O �F1 ^V A Y 3 y Y cp m N N 'b y °) k >e m N u ttl pR ;b 'L'+ 5 O v A o �i' —o cR 0 G O O N i.' m0 V O m N H I.O. y v r a V o �' tb y v S °• F u G ti N �] m O 4y. v o �° y G C$ N 'a o o, Om G 'A pa CCf Rya �„ ,° o o o b b y 40-: b ° �"� U L. {7,, 4CI... SG Cv .N U 'C 5 '2 y ti T^ C S t�tl "o Gu .� C d Y m N C J� Y d 6.7 SFp p0 u v I o .0 u .L m u. u 10+ v v u vOi � O .G o w O y u p0 ry�tl .�C ,-. p x H R b G bD N G. `� u w 7> w v , o 6l .d v �. R 1... Z'".. C u F N O _ G W v u A o v 7 ° y pU y FVi U 4' > N v c y v c o o 7-- o: ° 3 a Yo° v p d o n m 3 a°vp 5 ^0. y �° Y m vi vi �-' D O 9 O v 5 o G' _Q m tl O p, 7 c m b y 4. O >. ou „ v s1 V V m y °' o% N u v 4; v o G, U 'y o u m r 3>, X 7 ° b U w pup ° C Y vvi ti lVi m E q ° G 3 itl �' - o li G o To = 'c = v7°i m v ° •b P~ °= w 3 ° u ° v c. cl G 4. Gl Vi N m ° Y S v m v vc. v N y F pp .."' b 0.. G +y 3 '� G o m p t+ m 0.{i N 7 v y° L. b C+ Y �' d O •d v V y .o R N y C,_7 a� G 7 d N N O O E G Y O n' vv' 4% m _m > y7 U G7 C Y "I N u N o -ZJ %' p 01 G N p N 'a 'O N 'd O •NO d fL R u aj Q y y r u N Ou 0 cu C Fi IO ^y U' d= v Q R .b N F Ci U 0 0 UO h C '-� ;r m N v I-f O .R L y LO. .] N ` V �. N .] 7 4. w v A. N a N o G C A > S; C d > O v F. m v C C� CL U a� O K v = y W 4 Id 67 p a+ O> Z p a O U �. d m 0. y e%1 9 0 - y n7 R. d i d u .0 O O �ry ` S] L1 av+ CL CL W ti y v y m d 6. •2 U N ro +' d '� O L A A W V N Pft m 3 O o C. u A F pJ C 3 y F Q is. > 0 > G .C. r O u u u I.O. d^ 0 7 Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non-Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconslructed project shall file an Initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.aov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceaferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submisslon(Momb.eoo.eov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: EAST FORK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 176.00 3. Project Number: 2698 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 7.60 4. Development Name: TENNESSEE CREEK (WOLF CK) 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 10.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic countitrail count 6. State 92: 70.00 attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor j_J 4n no estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project) Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $28,858.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at - development/project (in Recreation Days) - -- Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 3,093 106 15. Nighttime 124 4 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he /she examined this report; and to the best all data pmvided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Le all Na a Signature Project Manager Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. G ° c w 'v d O LT. ro t G m o v n k° U L L Ca N u°.. W iL aJ g u O V o Ll cu Ig F� y I, Y -- •p //yamy� T j Yy •O y v ro wU cu v • ^, � v Iproi a vA to u G 5 o b G H N b G O C � ro �. : o 1 =r. a; p, - w . .� W v q x f� y C ° u a O y v o L cz v .� v > ti �a G 2 ro O N W Q O 4-J > O 6 � T P N y ~ � o ro w� .� v Xii CUi+ COO �i G v yO.i O E G G ro +v O u O N N Q -0 v 3 d ova N2 L W X C A •1�1 v ro v C. O O x/11 L�w ° ro �. G xv+ B,: y ^y ] ro ro ro Y CJ ra kAY v� ro ° W E U v W a C ro .a O Lo °5 �'f v tiv,Cw 0 ] G + O to ° ° o ro �y w •fl c+. CU al `Jp a ro v i�l T .fl u X FBI F cn A v v p P: No I�1 °u O `o 7�Ln }' F. a y u -4'3 W a N L v M v v Y ro y CF O C w O y K •b G .•-I Xal Wy Y v ° G o m b 3 vX 2 [41 c E 0 Cd U N CO C') a D F D z z H n O w d a O ,a cu a, L O _ Lz V a y" w � O L L 0 a°i y LO P y C \ C Y o ,u y +�+ H y 0. N a y O u o w O G C 'n ro H w v t p v o C ❑ y y O A d O G Y ro G bn G w� ro ' y o w V > N ayi a p ro 3 ° � v w v q v G S m v �' a 'O •d cC awvi O i+ 'v to v� y u u y N v a u co O 7 U p C ro •� G O v ro G L. Go ro a Y a :u ti O 0 w 4 o ° C G a O v [ v y y ° a Y L y a � 'C Cn y v aaj :; a ° a. '°- v 79 G ao bb ° 0a C y O L Oti p p W CO v G W yY rGf .o° u N U N v�ep v ro v p ° �. W p�, a L ° co N aJ v b N ip-i ro G. 'C1 ro L Ly. .9 w v v ba a� ro U ... O Y ro u m v. (= L al A ° v v ate+ w W° U •p O P. ° Y Ap +O' p N N ,, Gj V G° L C ro u oL u pa CO a r••� ro iy D. O Ca w VI N P a1 VO w U Y cu v v Y y ro cu C o W +� ° .� a ro v u ro V b v G +' au ca c.. >, Y 'O C s y ` u d v CL v ro v Y Ul P y W y � O .p \ C L 7 ° v Y p C .� W ba r+ M v O y .O v ro v O ro u v N F v ro O aO ro' : u ti ro O y 'O 7 Y w y H G p '� 3 vro� .'� u Cro ba d 3 ip O .0 cu U p u 0. v •c y v v _O q aroi C u C7 X V h0 .y d w ° F y G C A yO u O w 67 G v .0 y w .tiy ro w o W o ?� G u aC+ 7 O v a" •d y 'O •d ro ro u O o G .0 Y ai ¢ p 3 9 f>rya' \ y y .n y u� > v Y m U cv. a1 Y 5 p ° E ° C is v v C y v v v ro �"' 4 o yai G 0 •d bb vc y L ,� y y cy " G v v> p to O p° o ba o 7 G o Y .y 'Q o C _ G. N PSu' o w ,O° >, aF'i •� .0 .d 'L1 � cad w m :.4 w m •� CU y u ui u ro y v t°., v v u a _� � C y m x u a��i 3 o o ` U 3 u C v a O �' O y U u ba � i p' v ro �„ ba w 0 p> ^ o v ^_ CL L c: C .-• '� v Sv. O G v v G v v G-B V1 v .u. a O uJ ro O a) > y v O G ° aul .Y Ou w .N .r.,' '_' £' O y u ° L� O C Iz CU 'O CU b. y`� G m ... C O .:-: y CL y 41 G 'b L O L ° ^ ° p� G' �„ 3 v ..u. '� C co Co O GL Y N° "O .o A b 7 ° y E N c„ .� 3 y G ro o ° w 5 ° W :-• A H y o O' v o 5 a ro 7 v p w a v° C ro L G O a4 y G Ei u u ro O y L C 7 a ? (5c ba G 0 3 0 v o v V ro v L v C. C Z X U w c°i .a y 5 ° 'F1 u y ro v N y G O ro a°i X '� u X G G O y O ba C v F. = G ° v ~ O CO C w Y '° 7. L by. +'�.' ro ro 'G O ro v u O °° +� LO. 6" 3 Lp v y° v ^d .00. hh q3 a G_ .° _ fa. G .0 3 '� 0 G 5 u G ro p a� is v a a y v O ai y y ro° .0 O H 'O Y G Y w O 'b v`O h U O ° U O. vc b C ai G O u N Co v G 0 0 C. v G ro ° O. •C G 0 0 .� 5 y X 7 b cd a7 L G y 45 P ro us ro >� y 'CI O '1'+ v C P F. L O •00 H L y 0 v y W Or o. Sa u v¢ O p ro y y 10. v .ro. ❑❑ ro cci •d �' U O v C C R G O '� u Cl 7 of ro y ro p O •° y OG C CO C y ro yy, . p. C O D O _ pro N G .a r°-1 ro T ro w y v 4. Qi G •Gi L y v ¢ b •� w° Oi y �J y i.' y y .� O .] vl is G ti vc vl 0 'D = M O s.. w .0 u v a�i 0 y y Li. Lz. y v L vs R > \ O C Q .Y� O > s°+ O L cd O C y u7 y O y aO+ ro U y 4L.1 •O C al C vi W i+ 3 ,Gy Z a O<i fOi ¢ f/ .X O V u O .. L> b0 ¢ .�'+ OO N !'' to O fd U O cn •i: y Cy.' w O O C 00 U as > ¢ p L �' C D 6i 00 u C4 cn 0. 7 L N c y y L O y ro p y O p 3 •C d d C .. G> a°ri c% p aO+ y {�q�i 70 G G L^ a y u N y 00 ro3 a uE m y �.. ¢bo Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 0913012016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015 Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htlo : /Iwww.ferc.gov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearence0ferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submisslonMomb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. _ Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: EAST FORK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 473.00 3. Project Number: 2698 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 16.10 v 4. Development Name: BEAR CREEK 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 1.00 States Development/Projecl Traverses (List slate with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 60.00 traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor 40.00 estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $108,030.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 3,904 120 15. Nighttime 118 3 Kespondent L;ertmcation: i ne unaerslgneo cerlilies tnatne/sne examined this report; and lothebest othisfherknawledge. all data provided hengin . are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Legal Name Signature Project Manager Title 3 Date Signed� (980 ) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending T Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Lx. cd aa+ O L tt0 �°, c.° w w° ai w n O tg N L N a UN a a L. o wo My� L y N 7 W n N v a }� 7 G O 'o u u ° a v o Y . Q% Cy O � t u �. O ° O U w a ti 4 O V1 c �_` m a ro — C o o y F la O 4-J V h0u a {y /y CU FI ^d o L 4 a '-I 1:4 O ro o > 1�1 N N N O 4-1 b i7r L% w u `-N-� p u C a x 0 --3 4 cu W E, u a ) rd Q B e 3 3 40 ol C R rM a I R i O w ° `� L -ow a N a Y r v +, i�l v N e a u � �y aG�, a IQ A � M A :d U x ICI E- CU N v a N � � �A•n - i u O d td p ° > o .D Ai wo rd �C a O a ' o y L a M v L a+ a N a —o N WO Ei b N c L a 0 a a " 0 >o rob 3 a E W 4� a .m c°v Ln o v U N °o Y N a a w a G d N It °J a it a u' V v a H O CD a F� O Z N d O L LT. N L U F L CU y O rd O O a a \ '° Y O b C C F d N y +1 m N' td O vai W ha a a p v N R a R V a O a N 7 C C N L N O C7 rd yr K p H a vi ° y M C ° CC Ems„ a O 'U V1 G. fan/ b 10-. R' a U O N O 7 R C N .LS G a w' y b tom. p v ��" o cOa N bo O C C o o R 'a0� i, R O d a m N a °. R C U m O C0 0pn . C y pp a bo O O R a o G0 a O 0D O a y h0 0 C O' q Y 00 p L R a a> b y ~ Cd '� L �. a� a a nB aN+ m u u cr a F 4 a ga 5 p c v y o ^ G L rd U L •O c' a M O U 0. a p N N w O ° .Y• O �fmi O R R vi 60 •D, N a a •p u L U y O � a Y N fd d G v W ° LL aa+ rd a a m tC7 1V. a o G 00 N O p �p '� tG a NN b �gr�Ji cop WO G 'C vi N a'C+ w Ca G u P. m .. y r .' 4a- 1+ ° PL .W\-. e°o 'L' v7°i o C u u 7 a a � H N C 'b 3 ro C u u R w v a a° m •:-° b 3 ° 4-3 o as m " ° Yea > x a yy �a u iqqv Y Y •u 5 Wp O O y E " b bb N ro ° a> ap cd .% H R ° w o o e b v a " b 3 y E 2 = E. °N �° m w y ca, u p D a O C'" b v X A bo Cu •y 7 m w N 0p 71 CU •,G`J L L V ^ —0 N" �-' ~ 'd a N[ a Iai o f a R a Q a a C' N a ^> O us N h0 yar .0 o a `�- > N a ° O C o 0 v a °' '� u 'N 'N p C L O U N cd V° L p p C O C [ b a L 'd i Y o C .. N N G O O w ° �^ y •- R O R b .° i+ ° N L 3 C M bLo v d° bD o° W v 5 ° v m y °R p °° q u q o .�N m m C�C o b u v a on. m y sa ti cu u p 5 c°� t° w e cu V1 a F [° y O 00 a 0 O a L� 00 p>j A Y M= L- N U ° Y N O p Y �. m `C C N L 5 q Y V +... w > y a° LO N �° ,v vS vi N 4L°- •C rd G � 45 .� � C.. Y q a fL0 p ca k'+ .L id a O 4 �'. a rn a 7 y a In O i+ y'b r,0, a C L `a`� L `p 'd b 'C ran X N O H a N P a U s p R N td G G 7 d Gl — N v 0 G a n ° p oo a s �a rtl W N a 5 ° O rd a ¢ q a aa+ M a, N m > L, N b O q p o f y a a N a F. d ^� F N m 'O m 5 '� O N a N 00 R a U N C. 'p c0 y 4i a :: p' Y C N ca u L o rd V �' ea 0 a q bD Cyr' vl 0 td p ,-, ^a U y' ld r0 N td a 0 i7 td a 'b N b0 Q Q N N ftl L F1 O C O N L d Id N C J J ` ' WO N L a O a L CL L N X 413 ^-7 �a LM' cu i N cu ~ jJ u O W a N 7 vl p C m. a v\�� N a 0 a vi a R �p to U y [ "'i O C G. vi aa+ a i F. aa+ F. 'O d L z y FCi V d .Y O P� U V .� d h0 F. d O p d a+ V1 a V to •. id m C 0. .N w tom.. � A p a Y 4 t��i 7 52 ++ •rte" y� C 3 d 3 V u > a°+ N 7 A �"".. I�. C. •., � C a GNi 52 u w 00 '� [N 07 5 N 3 O O a. u IC F C rn F .- d a. O > G ❑ S cm u v O u_ CL d b O Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisfonn granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.fero.ciov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearanceCcVerc.nov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submisslonAomb.eoo.00v: or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. Garteral Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: EAST FORK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 121.00 3. Project Number: 2698 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 5.40 4. Development Name: CEDAR CLIFF 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 2.60 Stales Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the develop me nt/project boundary first): total must equal 100 /o): 5. State #1: NC 50.00 traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major _' _ 10.00_ visitor counts or surveys 4o nn estimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $107,187.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 4,202 106 15. Nighttime 163 5 Respondent Certification: The undersigned Certifies that flelsheexamined this report; and lothe best othis/ herknowledge ,all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Project Manager Legal Name Title Signature Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. G w •u '° o L cn 0 (i0 v Pa'� C N (U G G! 94 ^ 7 C m W 6 [i ° y 0. v v . 0 y N A R p(y� m w y w = R6 o '3 ) y � W O y R v C ° vui cu }J 7 V C y U p V ,y .pq v q 0 p u u 7 ICI as C v m y ID 7 A o W C C to R C C � E A Lo —,u a v � vin Rb� u C y � w � CL v o v E O fA � bA,yw C C R ti O O �) y v O y W L 0 U EO U v U ny 0. 2 .1 �--� .,21 W O 7 R� 0> i-J A y.L� i+ u �+ v U y u w v 7 C '"U W A ' G Y ¢' N R Y ^ p U W y R i-e PC cu 3 (U to a GI M L 43 L rr L - x C a R v a . a u R v aLi v O u w ° R v v no }v' .� rr y5 v v v V ^I R R R coil 6-5 v r. v v .E gvmE L al UFBI O w a -� R w L E v .-a OwygE� -1d, Um ° O O R w aa a v mu rz C v v I�1 F y in 'C v Ly' ,p °1 C vvi N ❑G�pa P 4 E >m Ou O po i R A v °u E g o U Y Y � L Y Y R O � .n w= O C ti x ° L v O N v w'y r0m =: w a- v A E 0 v ap x o U O N Lo � C t .- �a t i OY F2 x z y cti z a ¢ v Q z x ¢` ¢` au v' tn' N N d v qOG> C LL iC+ d °a ¢ N O td v m „ N Qj L V .., Obi vii 5 C a6i � L v 7 z y O 7 L W. M R v y o y A C O b C O A a C A O 5 f3' cv O Y R y " co v y C .. y �+ ro w W 'O E v H � v (yn. R 'b i. O W u VI Oa v a to Y vi Y co E w bb C y .0 y 00 R C 11 y >1 A R 3 O u v m u p w „ a� u a a 5 A v ° E E E L M .° u v C O v 'u V1 vi v R d °� u O O a R bb ° a v 7J R R C C .� R R v C O w CO % .�0 ate+ u O O vY-. U CE. b O. y b N LO 1+ U v [q 5 4U-� A _C' 'O L o vl O w a w N RC L .O C R y y R �C�I� OO b0 i hp y v v 'o^ a v y 1y. v Y L u 16, C v O o a o y a E p o u -49 00 L tp y '°^ vi Y 0. N O R ° tD L E O C cc o y ayi E avwi w u v w ' C v b G O' y A vi b 'O .� w L v R a b R b O y C N u E l y C E O �n U L v O L L E a° ° L Ej y (U v yxj vi C y O .O v OL a �'' A av+ A A R dr N 7 A y O E C R u O R C R b R U E N p y E ° Q 0 Y y w a0.+ dr a C 6 u a � p C E a 00 H N vi u v '° L v y 'o' Y L ' m ' C w w E b L W C p c bb y cR. p D, A iM R .� s>. y p R N h Y •C L^ A N E” N G O y v v Y v is ro a u v ❑ =� 7 e 7 w v N w ry C A u y 21 .0 3 L C R •� 'ii Y A v av C b➢ U rn e°o vi 'd 3 WO L in o w N C u pp u C U P� aRi G w C O cu cu a r°, w w .y .d v C .. p p, R vi 1' �' O u C .i E G. �+ q y 3 b & R O O y N .n u > x iC Y L' u R .Y-. u v L Y C 'C ,� .s Y b v 7 >, o U w p O a o Y C O v 9 p C q Ro u ti o R cu w w H y O H w qRq G b C v S h D. A o °L' y R O A R w �p O O N O C p Y ,O w a C tL 0. y LL O w b .k tui .y " y El v vi 7 ?m c7. 3 w E> u P v a C cli aRi v 00 �, ,u 3 a a M u :� m 3 v H °' v 217 c R A �' W o E L R L u >< UI R L ❑ O o w w y to 71 v Ltn L O P ,a C 7 E E O v v C v v ..u. v _7 00 `n s• w >' C itl O o u a u 1g L a c, U o `' A a .A a " y R o C R o cU. R u. b R� �3 E ' w Eo o o $ $ v G p t°n m R b y y L aJ O n v >+ y �+ b0 Y v v vi co c`d W o a a p u v L o °_ O E uu O w F w0 R 9 0 > CO v L x V y hD Oa v y D N L N u R U N y S A y Y N m cu am.. N (U R u C R E. x F u C �d E C C N o 0, v y p L y w v 'a�'t C_ 'CI .d 7 A A v 9 M ag Of W u O v° I C " N v O y ° q ^n _y y 3 y' C L O E a R ° A Iq °1 ,r .-� c o y,, S y R 0 p y R .� v 0 a. N Y Oy L b ov E Y C oaLi Y E O c vc'a v G N ❑ U y v 3� ° U ❑ G. ° a �pY 'C R h ro J-r awv O etl o-J 4 .° ❑ C a v E C R 'i O M1� b C v v. u°. R yy R 'b S y x 7 u �y N y C vi 23 vi R O y y O W C A Y C C O L v d d P y p b U 0 a •f" A x v h, d O � `n c0, A L :°. 'C7 C ��nn U E b O av+ R y C ° °o . v' O a ai =0 '' m f0 R V A v1 R P O '% R v •C y t0 C d0 C y N A N Y+ C u v1 Iv. O. R y C in A U R u 'T' R —.. y v C O C •CL y 0 L CU L ' ¢ w0 Y N y y A ° a y L Q U .O] H y p +-' a ¢ V'i Ql y L O v p .0 R v d 7.., VJ y W W. � � (', V m C +A7' > - F lu F' [ N y fE f..7 d v1 Q �- N Q y O C w h rR, a+ t7 i7 L L .O d 6 R ?� z A y R: L Q fl .'ti O d 7-Z U u `� d 6 G d v1 m G y w O C E Y�° 00 v a5 C 3 aq E = C > " C 8 �, ° A L G ;; a "ri a� CL G d d OaA1 �y r A O p .� d 3 V :x p u a > y A y N 7 u w 0.1 a uF x (n Fes¢ O> CS e7C v v Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisfonn granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`" & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility) Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/3012016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings or this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an Initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.(3ov for more Information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 688 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data ClearanceAferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submission anomb.eoo.cov: or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development if more than one. 2. Project Name: QUEENS CREEK 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 29.00 3. Project Number: 2694 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 1.98 4. Development Name: QUEENS CREEK 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 10.00 Slates Devetopment/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. Slate #1: NC 60.00 traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records i _ staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major!_ I visitor counts or surveys 4n no estimate (explain) (check one) Minor d. For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $138,192.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/3o Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 59 1 15. Nighttime 3 0 Respondent Certlficallon. The undersigned certifies that he /she examined this report; and to the best ofhialher knowledge, all data provided henin are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Legal Name (1), Signature Project Manager Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. r. w lb 0 o w m � c mm L M o w L w b0 L b v o ^ O 0.'d 00 m N N C w t.' Y ra w yCC F � w m C ° twit L y m U u 7 L C w ro v �I N ob as u � w m V � � al w w w ' O O ° L N fC i.a w G S O w ° w v c ° °o CU i.l O n w rl W > O 4-J 1�1 m N N O O �� ,� m o N i-i W a N N O Jn O V w u u v w�9 y v 7 G ai"i F/i�,1 P Y 'O Y � /) W 7 U W• J fa O Y� aEu a PM m O w ° m L y m +') c Fm. w w V) P Y z CL) U FBI �'w 0.'E a p� v o w rca N uw L = O U O �O m 0. ►q w N u " A . m w w w N mu u ICI F N rEa v w N�pAE� �w -`d6b p E > °u o m A v r� u E a `� aj m w L w M v L u ate+ ~ m o C 41 m day w o b d C ti y L w O w ^ G o rm w E W a w x � A U N a .2 6 N V y U 9 C > i�L LC. Q Q m � L V v 0: vwi W 0 in m � w � a) w � Z 5 w O d o A v w m r� W 'b co O G ca u h 'b Id C O u O w C aw+ L aw+ v7 a bb C C u ? C7 vi C - > y o' 'n m 3 u w ° a� rN„ w �cu w w Y w w u 5 m W Q E 3 E o a C a E o urn W V "I y A b u u ca o >7 L o a E A c w c v 9 v u W) L a y Y L rraa Lo m o a Y L w a� GG$c o w o �° u ° t° cu C •C N 'C O U w s" A. Ei m im. '� Lm. w 'y N 7 w 0. O C m w u p ' C E�0 b0 C hu vi N a G� cr"a y Cp p0. p, E' C u .L bD W C m W O y 0. w O m ° L w ba L E O O C L Y w by w u w V w a0+ i> L O �N' C L w i 0. b m L w o w w > 'O y w L m rVtl 'd L N L a � w w b0 Y 'j°, m Q , O ur L v A L O Vl 'O rC w p' U w 0. c sa u G o YA o ff r- m a°. o. o G uc bb E o m > w °. y u u y N ca cu N a°i a c '�- w E 3 o E 0.y V u > m v v V w u m m Y' w .A 5 cl Lws. •b b w y N p h y E w 'C 4i w w O . O bb z y v w N E `° m w 0. uy � Y,� m O {, y .d yam, CG u •v C .r„` O 3 m y:=y Y1 m u N vi .G $ iv. N O r}'a 4 w w U bz u E P u 4" d w N w p 0mi C V w w w .o w ° L C y L C o' �' � m w y a b-S � o 3 m x° o ° 6 w +� m u s a` r° w > o a E o c° o O u v L 0 m f. y Gl W L W L W y � O `o y a; E a o w0 L v bb L. � � m LL m L N m V c o � w p •��. `° 'y w G m o p ii q O u w aw+ .d C Ca �G�yy y a W {o{.. O ,L N u b y E 3 aEi 3 u 4 u +� 00 w v u N ' u k 0 co O "` y w )w. E w W w L y �. C .7. ❑ N L O C f^ c y .U. N w ? O> N bo ;: ja X o a) 4> N w O U Gf ° W V 'y 'y w p ^C' ° E ,v O u y u° w p u° C C a L u v im. •G C B C4 N +� 0 b y L 0 L O ro �. C Gw .a E 3 w � C C C o E' C O Y� b 'O o A � .E . w E N y L � Y 7 m b°0 m C N 1w 7 m m> bob 00 .� y4 ° w L w ° m 7 vi ° w m w N w 0. w 00. u m Lw u H C E° o p •N y C o u E u aw+ u N tC0 C a, E° m c E tCtl a C O 'd w L u e w a o �' w N yw. U N 5 tYa m w Y m y w o E ^Y. m :i u '� ..A E ° CO O ° m C w Y� 0 w� 4" b� C a>) Y 7 m m -� y w u O o 0 Iw. w m fUd y\ (,• m r� 3 N r+ .� "N-' w N W .� is Fwy' +-' 'O '5 y 3 O L IUa 'C y c E Y v o y w E LO w y � w v � v o a b b m A.0 A �` 3 C L �' 4 C OL ami o'm m p% n. m w o rC a N y C w w N m° am 0.w E m r' C 'b C W ° `b twit N u F1 V u y w ay+ C C L w E C a�7 O O, w w +� m m 'S .'+C ° u m w " q y w m vi is o ° N p O q p C w C O' w r., < p N A m 'C w w [ p 5 �n y a o o L F, Q ° w L> `�' a p w b E aw.+ m N c N ? w Y m V) L a� u U; 'y a y u v) w '_' m J u o ra u O N w v C L C .n' ra o , y u.. ra Q> y zo o w b .r7 fA L' A a y 4 u Q V m y N O u pti v1 6l c d 1w+ O a+ V .G cwtl ° w Y C N ii ". ° C N rw, eV'a �-' > $ tw. d C vi N W Cam' A c.7 'Obl H p Qj aw+ L L > d L U '4 N 6. d C L O A u W '� H m 'i>'.. .. V�y R fl7 y a y E C y d 00 V w 3 F. Q' N > V O C iC y L L A a+ G Vi N 0.y � d e 43 o Cp W 3 L ?� �j CGd > N ro y 5 � m cc07. y C �.7 V W x1� m3 06 wF ed x rn Fs¢ a' o > c.. C cx 3 v C v . co a ¢bo Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) Recreation Report FERC Form 80 Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR B.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the deveiopment/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4 1 h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 7918- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operatlon for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a Full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.gov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form Is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collectlon of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data ClearanceAferc.cov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissioneomb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each Item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. Ganaral Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,�LLC. Complete the following for each development if more than one. 2. Project Name: FRANKLIN 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 174.00 3, Project Number: 2603 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 12.22 _ 4. Development Name FRANKLIN 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 1.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records - staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major visitor counts or surveys inn nsestimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar values $174,415.00 J $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1011 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (In Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 6,586 130 15. Nighttime 163 3 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and tothe best ofhlslheriuo edge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Le CEFCZ Project Manager Title r�� Date signed (803) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within Its jurisdiction. a w B' b o W ro C L rd O al LL U ho N LL C W aJ ' a] v U •O N a a 0. 0 a� N Q U AZ O N N �+ k O U L V A° a°1i b v V t O 'o u u L C cu A +�-1 d r O v a U [ � v o v 21 O V1 =a ro n'i a G W CC ,:� ❑ c w ai N C L • id V b0 u up U � .0---. �.y � o rr ro N N o 4-j CU W vO� u u v a Qi W 7 V N y fE Q aC 3 w Bonn a `= L y-3 LO L,Sx � a a v a ar m Q, w c axe O �w ° '° L ^d v v (bUM c r� N ✓1 ^1 F, ��] y% a1 U N � � •� 4J V cu 5 •O + ro > [ ro Sri P., b M a°i m F x ICI N 'o al N�. y P 4 > Ou O d ro 0 0 > `0 roA y� �+bE °AN �av— 9 t N O C � Y al y L al M Vl L Y Y ro v UK w W O al W g o ro d 3 ri u I�•I C .1n- rn P. V n A LO V N •� C � '-+�.' � i � � .d aU.. Fes. � '! L .a. � �, '�i � N i U a+ 67 � U b a a) m > w m L u rd 4r .7 O d Z N aJ ] w L 'cy A x M � fytl A Cp rt-f: A O m y u i7 ro aI v ro a (U c. cu ° aCi N E a W cu O cij A q 0 a '�"' > A iCC 3 U U u C 'd O w aJ N [ a ro u 'LJ r: y N p0, L. ��! O F ro ° O O ii y y u ro L a N U O O 7 a u p F: a) N y cCa bU L y� a y y U y r. O a L m tF'd Q ro N Qj a '(C.' ( O y A O w 'o O a I^ .o C ro b ai y A ... cCc!! Eb no �_ �n ° N v U a) 'o �., o' N m a) 0 L v aroLi a°i y o U o N a ti o OC_0 G ro ❑ N h0 y F 17+ ,� O f0 C cu Q 10�. C +A.+ w b N N xA CNUi U a) ro ~ °° i LO. L 11 Y � > b ' U J bh ro U L O O 12 v ° C O aj . o C E ro u G v O U 0. N p H y y L o R 0 P. A �.., O v ° v `° �°„ a •d °° ° IV a m v A w m H u Y d m m n `—' dL: Y 0. ° w Y o H a rri � a' U > ro v u •o U ro ;; o u cn & y " 0 p ro m a>i •o w 5 O ro Z, 17f lu .a 3 o N ar A W N N v O Y N w0 G N N y w aui N F" y al O ro aU+ .O 0 aU.. aU.+ al ro 0 u 0 •� u 3 a u [ u a W O !C ro 'a U' F O a) 3 v v b '�i ro C ha L �.�!! N = y m J .� V A 'd 3 O Y C. L Cam. T vi yal, G U C 0. bro A y•O 3 ro o a°+ b u-- x U 7 u 'i+ v-d row , b ar O v 0 ° ° o o �+ U Y x \ N N N > v N ro v +' 5 O O y N A N e C —° U o A r' QC u~ C roC 00 N I.U. 7 H y a L J-• a O y w L .r.: w L •d a G bb W a H a C V o •TJ I.U. v N •d ro 'C J.+ A ro a y w ro H O C FJ U O r. C C U w N b —0 C O ,� N C C Q N O O Gu ao >. ,� •o al 0 v 3 �b di M Y a� b b v 3 uA o ro �' a, ca 3 m w u �• �-' 0 p �, O O 4N. LN. ro cU. X bn U �' Y r 7 0 .2 N u 4 -1 N �° 3 O O O y U 40 C .� .�_ al >' O �'' R. LU. CD a~l N U y U y 7 7 'Uj y 'ro ro 0 U C -� u A. L a° w O A u •N a al L o aJ U N C N ° al L y p p U L N h0 L" yv,, ro a) U "' > .b ro A, al o ° OD .r O .:: Na a N a� C L N L O ?= C O. :3 Ei 3 ..u. b ❑ C o a o N 'o aJ o y b -5 b ° °+ y y � ar Y bb G 5 G J �^ ro O y y w A L o U $ ❑° O p s% ° b ¢ E A F o L 8 o ro o f a1 m ro •o A C N ro w H L y, C C O ro CO p [ W + (�ytl �jd C O°° O rtl b ❑ C O 49 N 4 O U V ca w L aJ C y a a O O u U x L U 71 ti' U O p U ro y O V U V N ro y V al ro N U y C° x x C° 7 b0 N 7 N tka t0 y Y L aG+ cutl N u p p IU. CUi 'Cy F u id 3 �. O H° C y a) Vol w C .O sm. N O ro bl u O v �� � .� � m q o h m° a N �~ � O o ymy.. o y 'ow ° w v y N (u Vii O al .� 0 L Cw. 'i b a.. r j 0 C. L ca p b fd a y O U .y ° L v Y ro0 o 0o b I ai o u h p u a, a a N ro v C o° d b v o ❑ 0 0. o0 W N ❑ +7 ro 15 �a O U ro a L y C O a td' a' N ro >. cj ° N 'C ❑ O 'ay q a) c aJ N C M c v N c. Q 7 ro Y ,t7 a N P. a. L � A N, Q ro � L U^ r. ro m U •d ro U aroi .c L u o A b .y C Q m b 0. ° o N `aq .� ro ''n q a _o x ro -O y o a ¢'� 0 •a '°'' N m y U O N •r. Z N j.-. N '. A .-7 Fi Fro. Q V M, N N 0 YU. 0 a1 S Q FU. O w �` ro V '� u O ro v O 9 H vI W LL y e7 O w N ro yUj C7 '� ai L.. > YO. a) L R GI Vl Q C a) ;, ro > U N S bi v y y w ro R N i a) L •i>i cu �G�yy. A cL.I y\ CA cd L d Wtl 4 y Ei .a .N d Y •cLy d m y rd Q .N.i d V •u ° O L. N aye 06 cu LU.. G• !u� %3� 7 ;: U U C " y CLi .O ro 3 - C7 N C LM F�< y7 y -C. C a t11 e7 O L a vQl 7 U aJ P7 2 a.. UU�F v>+i Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferc.-gov for more Information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of Information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Clea ran ceAferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Inforrmatlon Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionAomb.eoo.eov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: MISSION 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 47.00 3. Project Number: 2619 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 2.60 4. Development Name: MISSION 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 1.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major visitor counts or surveys inn rxestimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $68,390.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MMIDD) 411 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM/DD) 1011 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at - development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 6,555 102 15. Nighttime 0 0 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that hefshe examined this report; and tothatiestofhistherkrowledge , all data provided hengn are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA Project Manager Legal Name Title gnl r6� Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. P4 •�, v o v c o wL a v E M E L L Nc,.. as U •O y a moe 5^Ov wo m m L R b w m o 0 0 O 4 � 'D no m v }.1 o L y v o � • ^, � al O 'o a L c u u v m a v "vC c a oa u 4-J o � via u y a W c 3 voaciE i4� -4 p +•+ a G � ai • �O p su. H my'va ++ sv u b0 u 2 fu C w y Qu p°p L .-. • Um c ° a CD cu PC. O >mmo> 4� P•1 m y y 4-1 Al cu A m c O L% u u v 9 a , R N Q ^~ c x v v 'C .Oy33 w 4T o L a O R v al m Q v c a N O �L ° m L F-4 a+ O. cu H � aJ ^ r� m m(j V) a' Z U 'R'� �w R•C Ud O + N �' L U W ° Wo a . v m m A cud v a u r. d v ro x I••I F H m 'a v C Cup a ^y � c > H O c w m — o>a0 00 0 m p N b V CG v yy :5 _,u v c N u O Y § L u Y M a ~ v a w m c �•° K v O cu c o n c al eo�.n3 N Y R L, v d ] cn a. 0 v C ao i p00 U N F D a z z' N N W. d u U 9 d a C d m m 18— v ti m y o y > A c o v c O v a) Y m o m a H ami T To m Cy F y a N m A m (u y _ c u u v OR y ❑ m v1 N m W O G �. y. .O C o vi v a) p a nc1 y .0 C7. O vi > o O u V7.. y u N u u O 'D m d =' a vi .�4 cc q L ° C 49 lUd o G. O F, w cy. y C�C u 0 A a a N o 'O ro AACA �u O w v°^ a a' aLi ` v u c o al o O a u v • b0 b OO y W L Y L 0. d O '� A O iu. aci CO (U tw v a0 O❑ o a0 U cu m L O � c O L O "" .L a+ a L iy L O y v al L N m h y w� cu •O vi '23 m L°+ U Cr Y y L I L � 40. O L VI .° > W v R m o o a w 7 U cC F B Fu. C E c L m u U O F. m H d m w °M u O L o v a a vl c] N O R a O a O A o W -w O U aj P4 m c, : b0 m a u �' > cu L t0. aJ H u v W L .y h c�tl G1 v o m d v H P ;b `i �u. a' o q pa h o p •m o v N •° v Y � = N N �6�ya1 v i� W Xi O O C .d H N y y,. �,' w V y' F N �" b! a m Y m v Y m o o u o p H ` u a 5 7 m a o n m v a ° N v a 0 3 ❑° pp u H N b 3 w L m v° w = t: r u `m E ? ° v 3 a x o ° v aL v + m o 5 v 3 w m w a' E c o° y m y R o o a �°o' o C O a v O u v L O v m C y N 6" 4.' 0 w aL+ a VI ai L L 'C C bb y R a (�ua v° d> v p m w o �° ° L_ N 0 m 0 a o n q g o ° cu ;; v o' ti cco v o a H m m a v o o v v c cu O N N y m v b u N p c L'� {7 Y Y m m c' X �• u �` N v '!; U 3 7 'L N w E u m U u N U a3i h c cN. W u • O acu o. .� aci v b Z e= p L o o E E v °• N °L' u a o G u o _> r a m pa a a G ° ca > m= o a s" r m O 6 o 3 a b m c w° ° o y 3 m S m .N y Y N N v v > b0 d � 7 v ly m 4m y R p? L L J7 p o O u a u b ,� c m L �+ ,") a 0 v d0 b O_ A m ca cq y a fa b N c O o 'd R v v c R k > u L F: ° 0 N 'in S o m u cn V1 al m vi ~ U ail b aC F .� i X m G •' O O v1 a {{°..� h0 C v y N y y �: ,L c Y. N y 6N" .t v y0+ m H u U O Y O o c La m m `C Y a \ a�> c c T 5 .w N ��„ Ia L i+ •O .O L o gym-. '° N a Y ." v o N o °' .Y �° ,v vpi y ��' C W :fl m O. c� ❑ .� 3 C ,°, C o L N o A m i7 ... N N c. y b y a N w P m° o P. v tNa'� w aLi 'u q C a `o3 'b ,O G y x o u H p a u v R R y m H C OR. '� LO cu N m c0. ❑ o ' Ao v v is ^a o a ` G &_ aa) v; m v°i p — v y d ? 7 c b b �o ti a C. 00 L ` m d C ° cn u 7 'fl m u b a m u L a ppm o v c eo C vi ° .-. 4 a) m w p° m aNi ."v. b m Ob C ?° yR sue. O o H a� 4 G c'�a C w a x v G 0 6 c. y L Y cN N -a 0 N 'S' �' .!a J7 .Y oL b J h vi F Q V N N d R V1 �'. GN G U d N o f L A c % G u ua ° v y W ii y m c cN, A +' N v ani A 7 a y fx. , y m N Z7 F. aN+ .r.. O i' m z p N Ki 4 Q .'4 O N a. w V p h 4 41 F' d = �' O p N � of m U N cn w m N O C `«� , tyqq . y d c v{ m � ca 0. u F OC rn '. F. d f1. O >❑ Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from thefiling of thisform granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No, 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/3012016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791 a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings or this form on or before April 1, every 8th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shell file an Initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the Filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.ferr..aov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, Including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Da to Clearanceaferc.aov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissiondbomb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of Information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development If more than one. 2. Project Name: YADKIN -PEE DEE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 2,866.00 3. Project Number: 2206 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: ,27.00 4. Development Name: BLEWETT FALLS 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 10.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Date Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 30.00 traffic countitrail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 311.00 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor an on estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) - Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $0.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9/30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 48,305 993 15. Nighttime 6,917 165 Respondeni Certification: The undersigned certifies thathelshe examined this report; and to the best at hWher knowledge, all data provided heron are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchlll, RLA LEED GA Project Manager (980) 373 -4183 Least Nam Title Area Code /Phone No. _:�, a1,16 2014 Ig a ure Date Signed Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Stales any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within Its jurisdiction. G U W •� � o w m ° m W U 0. s L to 0 v w° ti C y U O N a W a a w L to v P. w0 b A00 CM irl 00 O � o v o N m c. N v v L +� a m C (% O a O m y .^ ai G O p U U a v C O A ICI ^° U C y w � 0. qj w X o V1 v�m� 1= m p w pG � ❑ C � ti o o U L L A v P L ^ U o w o r. uA OA i•y � � v N iE f,' u v O Q% ° '� y ;a w Q v 3 v oan a Y L 3 11 ° .ry it O L aa+ v L v v r+r V c > b v m m m CU ^ Y v� U� F+� �' w C.� 'o, tCa L r`1 � ill 4L°r a L V.O a /�/�y W •b �, w0 0. i�l N N U a 7� mu "ti xu �1 v y v tAa v o ICI F N m 'C v p v I P > °U O d m m 0 A 0 > mA a°\ b ❑ a w U 2 OCl Y u Y ) (u a y L v M N 7 L YaY~ C a w C F o � W a O N ,° C G0,0 v -4-.4 m w (u v •� a s m. •� C O m .d 3 "u r�¢�o� a 0 v CD x 0 O fC V N N N y Vl y y Yl N y y ' N Gl v a7 U C CU wa CD Fz Q 4 C¢ co a u rs L 67 v W 0 c. v G' y m u L N m O A W Ci O C O x a bb m A u C Z N A > o cm. d °� u Y .. '� to y N L A m N a4 C y C v VI cu h aj K C .y N L 'U w a C.7 fOC h Fi O YN.. W w vl O m OV rd C O N C O w o 'u (n a C U 0. v m u O Y+ V C O N a P. u a ° C ° 'D A ,o •a w to N' v 'd C' o I.C. aa+ pp O C L ° 'q •C ttai ,L) 7 IAn ° 0. \•. y N `° ai G ° °o y L o 0 on v t^CC L aN+ aC C 3 u i o a o a' is '�0 u 0. 0 a) a 3 r v❑ �_ ° v y m d c ° v a El O u . u b0 b0 > C b0 y 'O^ tri L N ° a ° v - o = m o GLl Op v h0 = o a v ;-1 'y U vl ^O. m y > L tJ y A' a 'V Y 4ai Y w N o m N m U O Y m U c L o y _ 4., 0. C° O j v_ a yA,. '�C, y C p C 'O Y y tR a O E °- r� ^ ❑ " ° a —° Y o - 8 a a a � o (y w m O U u m p, o pp m m o pp G vi v N A N v w N o U v o v o v vi''= w m .� m ai N m V I- '>3 v C C CO aA-. 'D aa, >> 'O N v Y N N y� •C y O O. G N 'O O N A Gl �y y Cy F O m U v V0.i W w a a a b N L. ° b0 o .� .2 y la. O co u u C o v ca N N N �+ A ❑. 0 3 N ±� a� 1 ry y 3 ro m w° Y eu °- m u 0i a GCJ q W w m w W 3 a a ° aa.. Co y .a �' .5 m `v'' m cc u i m OJ y ^ "° m y a a N u a 4. V W F i.' L °° L 'o pp N L N y 0. F C ° V N A cd O A a~a. W a0 N D C C N 'C O p' N yO. O O o b la. 'd N la. 3 i+ W U L�, {i{�. A .� .�^J a •y .L CN F u y U � A r�1 .S N tctl U m Y tb •d ? •� N V aui a0 C m v X U O N aO+ .Y_, 3 o O w u U v v u cu c>tl ° .r ° y U 7 FN. m FN. a L Y 'Q. EO -o N Y N A tU A O EL G' v L 'C C P. o "u ho d0 ° ��' v v° v L" u v C ar7 ta. .Ur p a; V ° N CO a w w W o V C O :� U N N " C ta, O N U° a C O C C 'mo 6" lo A r OD ... y ^-: 0. `� L L 'u O o' 3 'b a v° :° O y 'C v C O h0 's .G. C a N Y C•^. m ° vi ° vi 4m., A Q O O S A m a m L O v b 0.� m a a A G Ej o o y 7 m O aa+ m m y y L C'. a O m w T mO > nn o° v v O v v U m 6" y a o O o u v k L N N m y C •�°. u u N tCtl yj x O T. .X .X 1 O 'C C a CO •O 0 Y L a V ... v 00 00 > O v Y 6•' ] U .N. N 'C 5 N m u o N O O tea+ iJ v o C m F u C m 3 C I: [ N I°. C H v y I' N G 'b a 4N. y m von O v C � '�N mvN �_ -o 'a ; 3 =j O uo� 'L7 i7 3 iC v IW NIA In p taa LO. o v E� a W o E O E O '° b '° 0. N C y a O U C 0. y N 'b C rd p 0. a OL y a a N 0 v Ai A O. •o v a N t�_C SO L tan x 4 a a y�j vi M N o y AC aN+ C W Q .� .a .N 'Zj 7 0 'o b tri L [ _ 5 ab C� N O.. Or L a A Q O 'G M L >+ I"' •O C i'� m •° F L$ �aCj m 6 N C o to y v u' IC N m Y N m y a a 00 N u y m L C. ftl tVp1 L iy itl It U � t0 0 L v L C •� ea a° a u aj 1m 6> m V i9 i"r W) y U N a Vl o N a V•i UJ L O p V u° a L Y+ N ti LL LL to o pp L' in R \ Y a 0 > Y a F O a L: N N a 4 N = "' C cu p vi. i W Vl tm. aa+ d 'u c. w •O d �^ z A y 6i C O aCi U �; ` A m Q m aN� .�', in a 'c^>. V in N •N p Y a OD U e0 c>. Q ] •Lmi a u .0 O 4 O a O0 a N lOG 4 ci a� a C 2 'nn m cam+. O 45 iC q 'b O o t0 a 3 i ?4' a > '� � p w a q td �' t7 O L a y� C a m'' i m 3 0. u Federal Energy Regulatory Form Approved Commission (FERC) Licensed Hydropower Development OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c), For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htty: / /www.ferc.gov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearancedZferc.gov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to airs submissionCa2omb.eoo.aov: or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penally for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. CwL.w.lr,la f lY,... a.al n.es 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC. Complete the following for each development if more than one. 2. Project Name: YADKIN -PEE DEE 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 5,697.00 3. Project Number: 2206 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 118.00 4. Development Name: TILLERY 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 5.00 States DevelopmendProject Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 30.00 traffic count/trail count attendance records 6. State #2: staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major ' 30.n0 visitor counts or surveys an on estimate (explain) (check one) Minor For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $0.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9130 Winter: From (MMIDD) 10/1 To 3131 Number of visits to all recreational areas at developmentiproject (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 465,993 15,677 15. Nighttime 33,944 1.581 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he /she examined this report; and tothabestoth*Rrerknowleoge, anoaraarovroea n Mn are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA lit Project Manager Title Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C W o W m O O m L o � � s W°� m E L L bo bQ� '5av as ° w 60 „LO_ AV p O QI W � v m L � O c c6 C }.1 7 p d 7 fl i".I v bo a, w g: m °w a v ° 60'o k 4-J :a � O AVA1, w CU W W � +j cemQ; ct �y L ct yr b0 v N yv. .r.., y N � Ql p oo =0 S-I L U b o ti o y � c m > > u'A O aJ N d y O � ° by a C a) av+ 40 O Ci � •� y v � Q PC v 3 v bb a Y ° u c Ql ^I m L y O ail u G a ms O �w ° m L �r O L O v N gY aL'� En m a O �yo�ro O C t .� �y a ly N v V ?a n,u IiR:72 QI aCi A u i u x Ei W- 4 F H m 'O al =� p l�l > °u O 0 � o m p u pr u a Y vl Li C o u 75 y0 QG% m }' m O L Q1 M vi xw al oy;v A �-^ v e.9 . o v v c o ro b 3 E w �^ w ae Li U I�'I ¢ 7Y V3 a. 0 n' b co O N Lo w up) LO O LO Ln O N U ch 0I N co co co co W -' co co i SR F x z h V > w a. Q a C Q m T+ O a7 L U d �"� CD w N N m o - c. d Z z y °w Lo cn L U T O .� m y0„ m b0 H .0 C O •r+ i y m .- y u ry] i L p m H W N H V [ 5 y aW 10 y aHi H b !m/1 oa •D m v p N u O O C L o' c N " i� ca v> y b a 3 0 � v° w u ar � V c p u 5 m N ° a •O o p It O .O. (U O j (A U m im. Q) U O a =1 C. U H co O F3' 'O LO H Y N G ° 4 N v b q C m cFtl G o p N w L L Q ' 4 .O N l VQ° N G° . •C c N cu 0 00 o o y Q C QJ .G� aoa J c° a m "s o o o 6 pi el a g o c u m N > > w aj o w m L 49 m ° e3 .� m °J v v c C F 0 O L H O ~ a+ N. C H U .n Q) a C° C m u O m G ca .O V �.' W a h O a O O w N ° U m A. 'b 00 m m p°p o vai N o u ar y Ou Y al N OH�I .H m ° cu v o i o d � uQ p LL •O m v w W Ei - ° O bb L W � E oG a VO l cu a q H y o m C H 3 m w d u u C v L C O cu w C w u u G d O C o U H v O v 3 � cu v ° E > ° x m 5 o O a o o m O r a a H O ° w N b oco� ,o 0 0 �n �° V�b Y ENE u ��L�� uMu " a) tito m E> s' u 7l D m a c ° E H N H ar U u X m [ u �, c- Y O L 3 L a0 L ° _ v u Qj c ba 3 al E v O .0 O y u ba a .cam H w O q a C ba N H N 1 7> H R �°. v H O E '�" b0 a, W"' > Ql m .0 o 0. C Q p u '� O .?• 3 u .b R C aHi p ° y 3 b°p 5 •G. v o 't0 vi ui W p 0 O o p Fm. O in a N � 0 0 o H m O E d m M •O H m y S. a C >� %� m b0 C 49 m 3 C O O H' v tU, m O o C+. Oa p •�. W x L Q) W u N .5 O O U tup v' U u m y~ aJ u X° X E E O o h a ° tw �w Y 7 Ql b bb c_ Q>i a' L �d 'o to u O O . ti E F a m 3 m 3 � �, ❑ >, o y v h W YO •° m FH •O ° L Y m v ° a H ❑ m m v v H w g a t0. s �' 5 a o —Q' m v o a y a cu is „ o y L o V w [ •Q ;fl G. O u +y v 3 ° y v ❑ a OL a • 3 b G i7 is LQa. w E o vl m a (U y is m o O 0 b E o i7 o i7 5 v a n v d H r. O 4 m ° C °- CO.' y %' c O r O' (u L �i �^ y01 o H L CA 5 y m C H i a a a A-8 Ql C o D n Iv. u >, L a .o 0 tC d E L p � L m H C m 0 np Q y H° G ami L m m m H p j+ ly y .b H to y " C H Q) m �H„ sL+ O C O m O vl LV. p, m' to f. m .] U .] Ib V a. WO H QI G1. u C Q O •a' p cx L H y w �y� L N Q > m Ql u y r-a H d ~ Q U Vl H ° Vl W A L 2 �c Gbvb`, W nHw' k; vl °c eHa �d^a, >,LO, cal. d ec� °mU O H �l C v a H vi i+ yp L Y •o t~a S4 z i� O C Q .Y. o U a H f.. ` °F. m as w is H O y 0. Q Ei .N C 00 aui `° 3 c>. ¢ E ,� d >G v O '- m d C ar OD u vl h0 u y m c: o C° m b b o° 'e'a y as 3 '� c s E v > v .r v 7 ca eea L a a '07 m 0. °F C vl (,F. Q o. O> C.C. c� w v v t7 O u.� Q J70 Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 60 Recreation Report Expires: 09130/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects date on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 79la- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconslructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall rile an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htto: / /www.forc.ocv for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DetaClearanceMferc.00v; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submission®omb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. SrhariiAn 1 f;nnarni nwra 1 Licensee Name: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Complete the following for each development if more than one. 2. Project Name: WALTERS 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): 340.00 3. Project Number: 432 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 13.00 4. Development Name: WALTERS 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 2.00 Stales Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: NC 30.00 traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License Major C_ 30 On visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor J-- 4n 00 estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Item Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs - Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $16,500.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 411 To 10/31 Winter: From (MM /DD) 1111 To 3/31 Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Period Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 255,947 9,238 15. Nighttime 914 33 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that hefshe examined this report; and to the best ofhisther knowledge, atl date prm4dedherein are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA L gal N� �L ignatura Project Manager Title !2 Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C mb o W cn O F m O v W° U N Ll y u O N a a Ll Lo a� v t, � wr O Y L d O O'ouu� L C 7) Q rl y o cu 4-J q v o v E C o. aui o cu N L O � H bo u v +`+ Q4 O u V cAd o '° c O v � i-i 4,J v - OJ F y N W 0 cu y p u N 0/ v O F W > Fil V Y m v W _ p U m Q v 3 v (u a �L X P ...4 v b w a O C, v"c v v O Q ' Iu ° m L V Qy W ro .:7 O N O w O 4-J W •b a a Ol GJ > vp, r- 1 n u X FBI F N cEC 'C v N �': N y � � •b ^I E > Ou O pw y w � o A- Z °CD CD rl u O v a a L s y u L v N y L b M N m w c w E a b: Li] N ro n u . G O ' C ei 71 L d o O > A v F O b b >+ c% u a cn O. v O v LO x y v6! V y W Q It Q p 0 u w ^ a L. w D 0 c� cu zow U L O b R O Y 'O C O cu C O co N d + cu 0 CIS cu y o F N .c 7 v F C L d u O C7 U_ y [i ctl N vi O p F T7 5 > cC vi Gl ° E co E >. cn o E v o w �n m ro m v o =s u c ''° N v E rt u u .. C ra •C C �••� y'3 H W U c'�i1 T� O 0. 4L1 7J ttl 7 Y r" fC td L a N a± N C u O o 0. v C 0. 'd N 'D N O $ L" ri cE L L A y y �• .-� -(U Q, 'p cb N C�! b0 u �Vi p cu O O EO U i°0+ c0 y U Y O \ � O ?? c0 w a FAO. C O O N XL. O N N w F 'O ° O°. w Y E L y O N 'C ,C N L c6 'O LO VOi F„ O 00 N X3 tb O O Y p N N Ip- O L F V U �i v C F F F E U E N A O U a O Op w w p O I°. 1d I.V. F C Wl ° w 1p+ y d .0 E N N fb V L 'b w C Y bb m L >� a N v d L N. U 3 c a w ox E ry v o o a o o v M ° O �+ • u vyi .0 3 C cn of u Y 'G u bD b ,� 3 t0. O ro E � U tl0 U C ctl u N .O .y .a ° p N y n) a� q cu u C L n w ttl w w N 'b N a C N L'. N L' E m m E .U. Ol —Cu , .c 3 Y .�C y y y to v V ttl Y 'S O N O A' O 0 c O o u w v w 7 a 1. o N w O w P. fir. i r- bb b71 y 7LJ O• r>+ i� H ro o '� 1Oi y •C A cb W .y ti' O q C U .0 •O F O A T+ CFf N Wes' O � w N .Y. .n u 7 ❑ •� �0 .� N .3 .L � �' 7 :y � V f" P N O N O 4 U >< U 4.` N .Yy .0 �O L W L tEC Y V� U N 5 p W •b cu L ° 4�. U _ cu b� w [v �• + yy N V tw F '� •tO v L O Fi 61 a' C u w A N N w Vr Gl ? O u° > ;� N ( u w Q7 A N v q O V F o u W ;x o V 'y •N .r.; °1 C E O N V° A 7 r O C .a L v N .� 0 C N N ,O LO O U p .^. •� E ..V.. [ O P. •a ai G .� ° N 4 3 F O v 5 td 'd c. aci h L ,� 7 m �, r1 y >> b0 E a a°+ w 'a o N 5° R N p N c° O C ° 0. 0. ¢ O u u v y, u P t-. o G O�; S O o f u u m U X C r0 Y � O y p C .E p � T O C O a°+ 'a v Fes. u b0 O > N. L Y u cb Y N 0 W vi L C E W m m E C C o N O c d u p bp. 71 C b a 4 O v O m N UO 00 . C V a ro v F F v E L N „ U cu ° se > N o m. ` m c_ �" ° a c ,y 3 �, , c o i p b a% v a m y ro° O L b E Y 7 }' ° •O N u V 0. N q aci C p 7 r. ce d -. p N F O C a 0.N E y O Xi7 A W v y ❑ c0 +' i7 �b 5 O 7 U N y L N F N a� y p cb p N cp ° N C O ai C P y C v O' F. .-. vc b [ 5 a� OO Q N t0 v H d'. 11. QO L ca P v N d C. O L " O :° ❑ C U L o U L O p C N C p 10 p y U Y cE fC m e L N iy v o i7 i7 A GJ a N bD C C y m L. O° U o N ,9 L d co N c a o x W 6• ro d Gl v Q� > •= 2 . C Oi N F'. V V N Z N •%. �] N iNi fb 11yy 0 U �:. N d y' •F y N q� G v E Q- y L w U bl w fn N fs. W N C 4 ed \ y q-> yoi L d VJ C C Y C U N Y 7 ,�` bi N y L f0 67 L N O a t, z P d PG c°1. O a� c U G N .c Q d0 L ` o p L ftl ayi �' of A U m N w m N o C E ^]V1 G •� N d r, OD V aR C 4m: ` d a E .N.•i F> O Q u '`; r •" 7 O ctl y L 1�. D. d p Ci C d C G u 4 C C C L y O p R d >r 2. u w > N cc Q v 7 3 A m 0 i. p= E cam.. 'D C a U 0 yy� 'a H Fca a o v �bo Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee /facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, JUly 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a24-hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility). Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Form Approved Commission (FERC) OMB No. 1902 -0106 FERC Form 60 Recreation Report Expires: 09/30/2016 Burden 3.0 hours General Information: This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 7919- 825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For Initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall rile an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See htlo: / /www.ferc.aov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426. The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail Data Cie are nceaferc.nov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira submissionnomb.eoo.aov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902 -0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)). Instructions: a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary. b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3. c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate. d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project. Schedule 1. General Data 1. Licensee Name: DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, INC. Complete the following for each development If more then one. 2. Project Name: MARKLAND 8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): _0.36 3. Project Number: 2211 9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: 0.11 4. Development Name: MARKLAND L&D 10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: 0.00 States Development/Project Traverses (List stale with largest area 11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; within the development/project boundary first): total must equal 100%): 5. State #1: IN traffic count/trail count 6. State #2: attendance records staff observation 7. Type of Project License: Major 70.00 visitor counts or surveys (check one) Minor; _ in no estimate (explain) For 2014, enter only the licensee's annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. Licensee's Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) Item Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year 12. Dollar Values $11,250.00 $0.00 13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM /DD) 4/1 To 9 /30 Winter: From (MM /DD) 10/1 To 3131 Period Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) Annual Total Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) 14. Daytime 4,801 111 15. Nighttime 0 0 Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and to the best of hislherkrowledge, all data provided heroin are true, complete, and accurate. Christy L. Churchill, RLA LEED GA L VXIAIZ�_ 5lgnalure Project Manager Title 23,15- ,S` Date Signed (980) 373 -4183 Area Code /Phone No. 2014 Reporting Year Ending Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United Slates any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction. C a ° c 'fl o LWs A v C 0�0 L tam O N G° u P N s y w° y a u ^ C m a •5 v to Co N N waA.� 00 T w l V � . C L O �m m C m y y o ll C y ° v O N /wW u, p y ca V U C a1 O •O 'o u u ^° L C v ycu m Y1 -A° 4-J p C o .y y C via 3 ayoa°E a O v v wo Qu {r C w° o U �r �n p L o ce O >m�o> N a n y O r. u ° Y Q" v ❑+ V wC. v —1 � C v o j va/ ❑ C v0. ww'' �vyN Q) cu 7 u v y A O �'v' C ,u• L � > O -w sy >1 —>W m N x •� ^I ^�' A V) �gY B, r. .� v v E uctl L ro H 1011 " u O LC s 0-- o as v AL' -,-g mu v RJ m u x m F y m 'a v CU N api aC1 � A .m P E E > °V O PO V G � to y r� v a u E ❑ " `� a c� x a0i ,9.§ N s V Y O y N y L v M V L Y Y N g°� [r1 v O N O lu w A Y y O y 0 o q m ° 3 v E a. v v u p � o i x n U N ;p F a v " a x x z x a` a a x z' to U 'd 7 w 0 C o m„ a� u w .� � L u a h" O O d L v N d v L_ O y ti O y T v L O C C O 0 a cu L bb co A C O a E y W Y M C.tn ^' °' b a v y m a L 0 L v _� 0 o c cu ° a w v b .= v y C ° y A y P L Y Y W X y N w U v V y L' S c0 v E L ° C W O j y U rL co v U O 7 C v u C C y v e b Y V b a o r ° 10 bo y 'O b C y L ° y u N L a [a .0 L y w N L •p C O N N bb �_ v V '0 u O O 0 y p. E C V V ca C C tGGO 00 y '°^ a0 y L1. N A Ot7 ,u; ° L N d to H C UD O p C w 'b '� y bb C v y :�1 i y u v vi v °j ,o to v L o iy Q p ,1: Y O' E '� Y y ftl y v> '° h L A Fy. y 4' W v ba Y (a 0 Y 1d V v L v W O C v V 'o E .L' L" C �" O V v n m Y w o +� 1 i. E a, a a. a o C) v aj A. 'nn C iLn R °� G a av>i �° C ayi H °u Y d w y h m. W N a E v cz v y b > It v 4 b v v o a E b0 Y y m o .0, E 013 0 to w �0 C C O 0 i co ' tU 10 y =�' ttl ❑ 0 3 u y to 3 p v U C .0 E o b v d w[ a F u A 0 L C v bb : 41 d w0 a L � . w° C: C v E N m v G a� C a��-° >� ° O fa O y cu .o 3❑ v A A _ oy v v' lU 'd b 'O m E L 7 aLV V ° o EE Y 0' p Q y 3 R7 av ro❑ h m vP u'. > axi \ Y u V 7 1 L to y Ei y 5 p v y > � o a o o v O C O o u A b ti o y W bb ° �+ w y a Y a y cow v O. C b yi C w CL S 0.u' a 7 u o 'b ti a>i v a 'O %flH C u u O C C° u aO+ 'O u 0 A to v� E m v w d 0 O v T A b 0 d � v E? b'° � v b A W v k E m v m E y �' c 3 7 ° c1 E °L° is U w �a�i b .O y u o° to �i N L ar C bD v H 0 y y" to W aCi L '_' o '1 L E 0 i' L O C P. u,. v C O °° > y bO (U m O v y o u,1 o p —°' a E o y p ` 0 E v .v " w ` C D. .-. O O td �.' Q' L v ^� b O L y 'C r., :2 E o E L 7 a� 5 a b A C y N L ay 7 o ro ca ba b v v >+ to bb C ° 0 7 0 'O O C 5 a°+ O V P' v A a v L v C O Cw 0. C 7 o u v L u A 0.: O O 'A S y y O O E u u y A u O N v C p N° C a O - yv� H "aJ 7 U to O Ob � 1x1 FO. O U N 5 A y, cCy E X .A A _ to E bo v v Y C H y N W am i U ap A Y C b - -0 ° 0 v v y `a cl O C a a i O w ° R. d E tYtl a 'b Y%' '�° 'C •5 y X tya y y cu p U a O d W v 0 0 N O A L v CC .� O 0 u to tU ca'. C O v y to v L y is >` y 'd C O •A y .O E Y C ca v y C Q en Q t%1 y y p ca 7 v v to m ca A Y p v1 y C u y o O p N o y u v �- ca 00. C m t0 u L o N u x A 6" w E v fa o v C d C_ .a C fa O. y U ,i a, d> w to 'b N u N a0+ N b A A a a0i m L Q U 0 i° y Y 0. 0 y N u .r~ ca v 0. 0.1 d tAn fi. H ° �Cy 6 M y, FO. ' 0 Y. i 9 4 y 11 L C p V1 � C�+S' � a7 U d tO' y p tg � C vl 'a v a+ d 'aC7 L y •O Y futl Z A a, ai Id. Q Y. O d C V u p 0 Q G p N. y in y m 'G U d to w to y O° 4 y E Q N C y d 00 U v !Q 3 v E y C> d L y to L Oi L P C 'L y a+ U CL t; to 0, by to m� d W C' u f°o 45 a0i °u c`0. v x Ea Ei m o v �° a V E L1 u C r v'Fars C b O OC1 $ t°a a F PG H F A. -It G ., 0 v v .. Federal Energy Regulatory Licensed Hydropower Development Page 4 of 4 Commission (FERC) FERC Form 80 Recreation Report Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) — If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name) Development. The portion of a project which includes: (a) a reservoir; or (b) a generating station and its specifically - related waterways. Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c). General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water - privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges. Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where: (a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or (b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1. Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity. Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity. Non -Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season. Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man -made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories: User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public; User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee/facility operator charges a fee; FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) — Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non - project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities. Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4`h & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1. Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24 -hour period. Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area. Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) — Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided. Trails. Narrow tracks used for non - automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility).