HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150042 Ver 1_Theresa Vick DEMLR Mining Permit Comments_20150516Burdette, Jennifer a From: Therese Vick <therese.vick @gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:54 PM To: Higgins, Karen Subject: Fwd:: 5306 -STRUC -2015, Colon Mine Site Structural Fill in conjunction with NCDENR DEMLR Mine Permit 53 -05 and 1910 -STRU Attachments: Compliance and Financial Assurance.zip_renamed; Air Quality.zip_renamed; Postclosure_Cost_Issues.pdf Dear Ms. Higgins: Please accept these attachments to comments on the draft permits listed above on behalf of Chatham Citizens Against Coal Ash Dump, EnvironmentaLEE, NC WARN, and Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League. This is the third of (3) emails. Thank You, Therese Vick Therese Vick North Carolina Healthy Sustainable Communities Campaign Coordinator Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League therese.vickggmail.com 919- 345 -3673 @tvickBREDL Twitter https:// www. facebook. com/ BlueRidgeEnvironmentalDefenseLeague ?ref =hl From Where I Sit: Reports From The North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission Meetings BPEDL 19184..20114,: 1 "F/ebra it�g Thiry tears q Grassroots letio Be kind to all you ineet, each of us carries a burden that others cannot see Therese Vick North Carolina Healthy Sustainable Communities Campaign Coordinator Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League therese.vickggmail.com 919- 345 -3673 @tvickBREDL Twitter https:// www. facebook. com/ BlueRidgeEnvironmentalDefenseLeague ?ref =hl From Where I Sit: Reports From The North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission Meetings BREDL 1934 ..201141: 1 "FIebra it�g Thir )1 Years q Grassroots Action Be kind to all you ineet, each of us carries a burden that others cannot see Review of Potential Impacts of Landfills & Associated Postclosure Cost Issues G Fred Lee, PhD, PE, BCEE, F.ASCE and Anne Jones -Lee, PhD G. Fred Lee & Associates El Macero, California Ph 530 753 -9630 gfredlee33 @gmail.com www.gfredlee.com April 2012 US EPA RCRA Subtitle D establishes the regulatory framework and minimum prescriptive standards for the landfilling of municipal solid waste (MSW) and what are classified as "non- hazardous" solid wastes with the intent of protecting public health and environmental quality from adverse impacts of the wastes. The approach to landfilling outlined in Subtitle D can be described as creating a "dry- tomb" for the wastes — with engineered containment systems including a liner and leachate removal system, a cover to keep moisture out, and a groundwater monitoring program to detect liner failure before offsite groundwater pollution occurs. The objective for the design is to keep the buried wastes dry after landfill closure to prevent future formation of landfill gas and leachate so as to protect groundwater from pollution with landfill- derived chemicals. Many permitted landfills in the US and some other countries are designed to just meet minimum US EPA Subtitle D prescriptive regulatory requirements for liners and covers. It has, however, been recognized in the technical literature and by US EPA staff for decades that the provisions of Subtitle D are inadequate at all locations to protect groundwater resources and public health from pollution by landfills for as long as the wastes will be a threat. Among other deficiencies, inadequate attention is given to the inevitable deterioration of the engineered systems, the inability to thoroughly and reliably inspect and repair system components, fundamental flaws in the monitoring systems allowed, the truly hazardous and otherwise deleterious nature of landfill gas and leachate, and the fact that as long as the wastes are kept dry, gas and leachate will not be generated. Subtitle D "dry- tomb" landfilling does not render buried wastes innocuous; at best, it only postpones groundwater pollution. Thus, meeting the minimal requirements of Subtitle D cannot be relied upon to prevent pollution for as long as the wastes represent a threat. Compounding deficiencies in the allowed design of "dry- tomb" landfills is the fact that current US EPA Subtitle D regulatory provisions only require that a landfill owner /developer provide assured postclosure funding for 30 years. The states /counties and other political jurisdictions in which landfills are located are, or should be, justifiably concerned that private landfill companies that develop landfills will not provide reliable protection of the area water resources for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat to generate leachate that can pollute groundwater —which can be expected to be hundreds of years or more. Under some regulations, if a private landfill company fails to provide adequate postclosure monitoring, maintenance and groundwater remediation when the landfill liner system fails, the responsibility for postclosure care becomes the responsibility of the people of the state, county, or local community. Even if the landfill owner meets its obligations for 30 -year postclosure care, the hazards of a dry -tomb landfill continue long after that period. While a local political jurisdiction, such as a county/ municipality, receives permit fees and fees for hosting the landfill during the active life of the landfill, the amount of funds received can readily be far -less than amounts that will be required the after the postclosure period funds needed to properly monitor and maintain the landfill and remediate polluted groundwater. That responsibility can pose a significant long -term financial burden to the state /county and or local political jurisdiction. Local /regional /state jurisdictions that will bear the impacts of landfill failures and to which responsibility for ad infinitum landfill care will eventually fall often do not have full understanding of the truly long -term nature of the hazards posed by Subtitle D- permitted "dry- tomb" landfills. This report highlights technical issues associated with the ability of the minimum design and near minimum Subtitle D landfill to provide protection of public health and environmental quality for as long as the wastes in the landfills will be a threat to generate leachate that can pollute groundwater, and release landfill gas. It also provides an overview discussion of issues that need to be evaluated to assess the potential post - postclosure care costs for monitoring and maintaining such landfills after the postclosure period, and long -term threats to public health /welfare and environmental quality posed by these landfills that could require remedial corrective and reparative action by the jurisdiction at some time in the future. In this discussion the term "post - postclosure" is used to identify the period of time beyond the required "postclosure" period during which a landfill owner is responsible for implementing and funding maintenance, monitoring, and other activities that are needed to control releases of hazardous and deleterious chemicals from the landfill to the environment. These comments are based on Dr. Lee's expertise and 50 years of experience reviewing the impacts of about 85 existing and proposed landfills in various areas of the US and Canada. Additional information on the authors' qualifications and experience on the matters addressed in these comments is provided on their website, www.gfredlee.com, in the "About G. Fred Lee & Associates" section at http : / /www.gfredlee.com /gflinfo.html. Overall Issues of Protection Provided by "Dry- Tomb" -Type Subtitle D Landfills Following the approach set forth by the US EPA, many state landfill regulatory agencies allows the development of "dry- tomb" -type solid waste landfills that, while giving the appearance of being protective, actually pose predictable threats to the health, welfare, and interests of those who own /use property in the sphere of influence of the landfills, as well as to groundwater resources and other aspects of environmental quality in the sphere of influence of the landfills. The sphere of influence can extend for several miles from a landfill. The superficiality of the protection provisions enables the disposal of wastes for costs to waste generators including the public far at less than those which would be required to provide for true long -term protection of public health and environmental quality for as long as the wastes in the landfill represent a threat. While the current approach leads to cheaper- than - real -cost initial solid waste management for the waste generators, in the long term it will be very costly to future generations who will have to pay the balance in monetary resources, public health and environmental compromise, lost resources, and "Superfund- like" cleanup of polluted groundwater. Today's "dry- tomb" -type landfills typically incorporate plastic sheeting and clay liners, and low - permeability covers at closure in an effort to keep the buried wastes dry. The principle of the design approach is that if the wastes are kept dry, bacterial decomposition of organic matter and solubilization /leaching of waste components will not occur, and thus leachate and landfill gas should not be generated. However, as moisture enters the wastes, these processes will occur, and gas and leachate will be generated. Well- designed, installed, and maintained engineered 0 containment features of "dry- tomb" -type landfills — the cover, liners, and leachate collection and removal systems — can be anticipated to initially provide for isolation of the wastes. However, such systems are not generally amenable to rigorous and effective inspection and repair; they are buried beneath surficial coverings or beneath the wastes, themselves. Even with rigorous visual and other achievable inspection, as those systems age and deteriorate, moisture can be expected to enter the wastes; leachate containment and management systems can be expected to fail; and leachate can be expected to pass out of the landfill into the surrounding strata initially at many locations as finger - like plumes. Groundwater monitoring systems that are typically incorporated into post - closure care requirements are inadequate to detect incipient leakage from the landfill before pollution of area groundwater. Furthermore, chemical parameters analyzed in such monitoring programs include only a few of the myriad hazardous and otherwise deleterious chemicals that are reasonably expected to be present in solid wastes, in addition to those that are not yet known or not yet recognized or regulated. Groundwater contaminated with waste components could be judged "not contaminated" by virtue of the results of the typical monitoring program yet be unhealthful or unusable for domestic, agricultural, or other purposes. It may be expected that in the short -term, permitted landfill "containment" systems that are well - designed and placed may forestall leachate and gas generation for tens of years and give the appearance of protecting public health and environmental quality, over time they will deteriorate and diminish in their effectiveness. As moisture enters the wastes, leachate will be generated and will eventually begin to escape the containment systems. Leachate can be expected to be generated as long as there are leachable components buried in the landfill, for hundreds to thousands of years — effectively forever. A technical discussion of these and related issues, with references to the professional literature, is provided in our "Flawed Technology" review: Lee, G. F., and Jones -Lee, A., "Flawed Technology of Subtitle D Landfilling of Municipal Solid Waste," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, December (2004). Updated July (2011). http: / /www.gfredlee.com/ Landfills /SubtitleDFlawedTechnPap.pdf We periodically update our "Flawed Technology" review with new and emerging information and commentary; the page and section references that are given in this report refer to the July 2011 update of the review, which is the version that presently appears on our website. When our review is updated in the future, the page references that appear in this paper may no longer be accurate, but they should be close to the proper pages in the updated reviews. Some state landfill regulatory agencies require that private developers of certain types of landfills (ash, C &D and industrial) provide post - closure monitoring and maintenance for only 20 years. As noted above, a well- designed, constructed, and maintained landfill may well be able to prevent leakage of leachate and gas collection for 20 or more years, and evidence of leakage that does occur may be obscured for decades owing to inadequacies in allowed groundwater monitoring programs. Even if leachate and gas generation were to be prevented during the post - closure period, two decades is a very small part of the period during which landfilled wastes are a threat to cause environmental pollution through the release of waste - derived constituents in leachate and landfill gas. Limiting the responsibility of a private landfill developer for post - closure monitoring, maintenance, and remediation to 20 -30 years virtually ensures that the real problems caused by landfilling of wastes and the associated costs, in addition to perpetual routine maintenance and monitoring, will be passed on to parties who did not share in the profits of the landfilling operation. Likewise, if the fees charged to those who deposit wastes in a landfill are not sufficient to provide reliable and adequate funding for perpetual care of the landfill and remediation of public health /welfare and environmental quality impacts of the landfill ad infinitum, the waste generators are benefitting from less expensive waste disposal and are also passing the balance of the costs on to the state /county and local political jurisdiction. For some types of landfills, state /county could require that the host county assume very large financial obligations for perpetual post - post - closure landfill care (monitoring, maintenance and groundwater remediation) should the private landfill developer fail to provide this care without their being a reliable enforced mechanism for collecting adequate funds from the landfill owner and waste generators during the active life of the landfill to cover the post - post - closure funding needs; after closure, there is no income stream from the landfill. That approach could in effect relieve the private landfill developer /owner from long -term financial responsibility for protection of public health and the environment and places the real financial responsibility for the landfill and its consequences onto the state /host county /community. The growing understanding of the inability of today's "dry- tomb" -type landfills to provide reliable, ad infinitum protection of public health /welfare and environmental quality from adverse impacts from landfilled wastes, and the transfer of the long -term financial consequences of landfills to the public lead to justified NIMBY ( "not in my backyard ") attitudes by nearby property owners /users; virtually everyone becomes a NIMBY when faced with the prospect of having a landfill sited nearby. A discussions of issues associated with justified NIMBY begin on page 65 of our "Flawed Technology" review; a summary of key concerns with today's "dry- tomb" -type landfills, including those that contribute to justified NIMBY attitudes, is presented below. Summary of Key Dry -Tomb Landfill Technology Flaws Landfill Location (Siting) Current federal and state landfilling regulations do not restrict the siting of landfills based on the degree of "natural protection" provided by the underlying geological strata or on the presence or utility of waters down - groundwater gradient from the landfill. Landfills located in hydrogeological areas that are sandy and will thus allow fairly rapid transport of liquid downgradient from the landfill (a foot or so per day). Such areas and many other less permeable strata provide essentially no natural protection of groundwater quality from leachate that penetrates through the landfill liner. Thus, when the liner in a dry tomb type landfill fails to collect all leachate that is generated in the landfill, off -site groundwaters will be polluted by chemicals derived from the wastes in the landfill. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 64 for further discussion of this issue.) Landfill Design Subtitle D type landfills are designed as "dry- tomb" -type landfills. The "dry- tomb" -type landfilling approach was first adopted in the early 1980s by the federal congress at the suggestion of environmental groups. Because bacterial decomposition of organic matter with production of gas, and the leaching of waste components both require moisture, "dry tomb" landfills were conceived as a way to keep wastes "dry;" the belief was that if the wastes were kept dry, no leachate or landfill gas would be generated. However, it was recognized in the technical community at the time the regulations requiring "dry- tomb" -type landfills were promulgated by the US EPA in the early il 1980s, and is now widely recognized, that in practice the approach has serious flaws; it only serves to postpone release of waste - derived constituents to the environment. A "dry- tomb" -type landfill relies on a cover to keep moisture out of the landfill, and a liner system to contain leachate that is generated and allow it to be removed so it does not migrate to groundwater. Also incorporated is a groundwater monitoring system intended to ensure that leachate has not migrated to offsite groundwater downgradient from the landfill. Liners. The liners in minimum design landfills allowed in Subtitle D landfills are single- composite liners comprised of a layer of plastic sheeting (high density polyethylene — HDPE) and either a clay layer or a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). With high quality construction and adequate waste placement to protect the liners, these landfills can be expected to initially provide for collection of leachate generated in the landfill to protect groundwater quality. However, there are numerous factors that preclude this protection's extending for the duration of time that the wastes in the landfills will be a threat. For example, over time the plastic sheeting layer in the liner will deteriorate and fail to prevent leachate from entering the groundwater underlying the landfill. Intrinsic in the clay liner is a finite rate of transport of leachate through it; the rate depends on a number of factors. (See "Flawed Technology" review pages 9 and 10 for further discussion of this issue.) The initial leakage of the landfill liner will be through holes, rips, and points of deterioration that can lead to finger -like plumes that can pass by the monitoring wells undetected. Of particular concern is liner failure near the down - groundwater - gradient edge of the liner where the lateral spread of the plume would be the least. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 27 for further discussion of this issue.) Landfill Cover. Once a "dry- tomb" -type landfill is closed and no longer accepts wastes, the key to keeping the wastes dry is the integrity of the landfill cover. The typical Subtitle D landfills have standard US EPA Subtitle D landfill covers consisting of a soil base that covers the wastes, overlain by a thin plastic sheeting layer of low density polyethylene, overlain by a soil layer and a top soil layer. In principle, water that penetrates the top soil layer of the cover will be conveyed to the edge of the landfill on the plastic sheeting layer and therefore not enter the wastes. As discussed in the "Flawed Technology" review, if this type of landfill cover is constructed properly it should have the ability to prevent water that falls on the landfill surface as rain or snow melt from entering the wastes when the cover is new. However, over time the plastic sheeting layer will deteriorate in its ability to prevent water from penetrating the cover; as that water contacts the landfilled wastes, leachate and landfill gas will be generated. A variety of factors can cause compromises in the ability of the plastic sheeting layer in the cover to prevent entrance of water into the wastes. Differential settling of the waste will put additional stress on the plastic sheeting layer, which would tend to increase the rate of deterioration. Ultimately, the plastic sheeting layer will succumb to free radical attack. Such attack can be much more pronounced and significant in the cover layer than in the bottom liner because of the proximity of the surface plastic sheeting layer to the atmosphere where oxygen, the source of the free radicals, is present. Landfill permits carry requirements for visual cover inspection and repair of defects. However, breaches of the low permeability layer of the cover can occur in many ways that are not readily visible. Further, deterioration of the integrity of the plastic sheeting layer is not visible from the surface of the landfill since it is buried under the top soil and other soil /drainage layers above the plastic sheeting. The presence of leachate in the leachate collection system after the landfill has been closed is evidence that the landfill cover has not been properly installed. The appearance of leachate in the leachate collection system after a period of there being none, is evidence that the integrity of the plastic sheeting layer of the cover has deteriorated and needs to be repaired. Even if it is found that the cover is allowing moisture to enter the landfill, identification of the areas of breach in the plastic sheeting layer of the cover, and the repair of those areas will not be easily accomplished because the plastic sheeting layer is not visible from the surface of the landfill. Further, since many landfills have a single sump for collection of all leachate generated in the landfill, it will not be possible to even isolate a part of the landfill cover that has deteriorated to the point at which it is allowing sufficient water to enter into the landfill waste to generate leachate. Considerable exploratory work will have to be done by the landfill owner during the post - closure, and by the state /county during the post - post - closure period to find all areas of the cover that have deteriorated to the point of allowing sufficient water to enter waste and generate leachate. This could make the cost of repairing the cover considerably greater than the cost of replacing the plastic sheeting layer that has deteriorated. Landfill developers such as Waste Management, Inc. have made assertions that a landfill owner's obligation to provide post - closure care should terminate once the cover is installed and leachate generation that occurred before covering has ceased. Such an assertion ignores the fact that over time the integrity of the plastic sheeting layer will deteriorate and allow water that reaches the plastic sheeting layer to enter the wastes. While the rate of deterioration of the integrity of the plastic sheeting layer in a landfill cover depends on a variety of factors, as with the landfill liner the plastic sheeting layer will ultimately fail to prevent water from penetrating through the plastic sheeting layer. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 20 for further discussion of this issue.) Landfill permit applications mention that the HELP model was used to estimate the rate of leachate generation in the closed landfill. While that model can provide useful information when applied to a landfill with a new, well- designed and well - constructed cover, its reliability diminishes for assessing leachate generation over time. It does not reliably account for the deterioration of the integrity of the plastic sheeting layer and the much greater amounts of water that will be allowed to enter the wastes and generate leachate as well as landfill gas. While this deficiency is readily recognized by examining the components of the HELP model, it is routinely ignored by landfill consultants and the regulatory agency staff that review landfill permit applications. State landfill regulatory agencies' staff allowed the landfill owners to develop post - closure funding estimates without adequate provision for funds for repair of the plastic sheeting layer in the cover. Leachate Collection System. Leachate collection systems included in Subtitle D landfills rely on an intact liner along which leachate would flow to a sump. Leachate collects at the sump to a point at which it gets pumped from the landfill. Over time, however, areas in the leachate collection system will become increasingly plugged with accumulations of chemical precipitates and physical blockages within the collection system, which will impede or halt the flow of leachate to the sump. These blockages will create areas of pooling of leachate on the upgradient side of the blockage, which will increase the head (depth of leachate) on the liner, which, in turn, can diminish the expected efficacy of the liner. Leachate leakage through areas of deterioration or holes in the liner will be enhanced by the increased head. Because the leachate collection system is located beneath the buried wastes, it is not subject to thorough routine inspection and repair. As the leachate no collection system deteriorates, increased leakage of leachate from the landfill can be anticipated and will have to be addressed as increased pollution of groundwater. Lysimeter Liner Leak Detection. Some landfills include a "lysimeter" liner leak detection system. This system consists of a small HDPE /clay liner under the leachate sump where the leachate collects before being pumped to the surface, and is intended to enable early detection of a failure of the landfill liner at that location. Locating the Lysimeter under the sump is somewhat justified because, with an intact liner, the sump area is the site of the greatest depth (head) of leachate, and the rate of leachate passage through a hole in the liner is proportional to the depth of leachate above the hole. However, it will not identify and warn of leachate build -up and leakage at sites of blockage in other areas of the liner system. The very limited number of specific areas known to be vulnerable to liner failure at which lysimeters may be incorporated can be expected to comprise a small portion of the areas at which, over time, the landfill liner will deteriorate and allow leachate to pass through it into underlying clay liner system. A far more reliable approach for detecting the deterioration and failure of the composite liner would be to incorporate a second composite liner with a leak detection system between the two liners throughout the bottom of the landfill. Such a double- composite liner system is already being used in several states, including Michigan. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 33 for further discussion of this issue.) Landfill Gas Management MSW landfills and some other types of landfills contain organic wastes that through bacterial action produce landfill gas. This gas is primarily methane and carbon dioxide. Methane is a gas that can explode and cause fires. MSW landfill gas contains highly obnoxious odorous chemicals that at times without adequate control can be detected by smell at several miles from the landfill. MSW landfill gas also contains VOCs that are a threat to human and animal health through causing cancer. MSW landfills should be constructed with landfill gas collection systems that are effective in collecting and treating the landfill gas to destroy the methane and VOCs. A landfill gas collection piping system should be constructed in the area of the leachate collection system to collect all landfill gas that is present in this area to prevent it from migrating through the landfill liner. This migration can occur through intact liners without holes by diffusion. A landfill gas management system needs to be operated and maintained for as long as the wastes in the landfill can generate landfill gas when contacted by water. MSW has a very large potential to pollute groundwater with a variety of hazardous and otherwise deleterious chemicals. Our "Flawed Technology" review contains an extensive discussion of the pollution of groundwater by MSW landfill gas and information on managing landfill gas to protect public health and the environment beginning on page 39. End of Postclosure Care Neither the states nor the US EPA provides guidance on how to determine when postclosure care can be ended without compromise of public health /welfare or environmental quality. While a 30- year postclosure care period is typically incorporated into landfill permits, landfills will continue to pose a threat to public health /welfare and environmental quality until such time that the wastes in the landfill can no longer generate leachate that could cause groundwater pollution and /or release landfill gas. As suggested in our "Flawed Technology" review a reasonable approach to determining an appropriate endpoint for postclosure care could be to collect representative samples 7 of the wastes from throughout the landfill and properly expose them to water; if the wastes do not produce gas or leachate that could impair the use of groundwater or surface water for domestic or other purposes, including animal water supply, a compelling argument could be made for cessation of postclosure care. However, protocols for collecting an adequate number of truly representative samples of the landfilled wastes for this purpose and for reliable evaluation of gas /leachate production potential do not exist; existing protocols used for assessing leaching potential of wastes are known to be unreliable. Furthermore, commonly used "indicators" of the "quality" of groundwater, e.g., comparison with MCL levels for a limited list of "pollutants" is not reliable for assessing the impairment of groundwater quality. States and /or the US EPA need to develop a protocol to make reliable, objective evaluations of when postclosure care can be terminated without compromising long -term protection of public health /welfare and environmental quality. The postclosure period during which the wastes continue to present a threat to public health /welfare and environmental quality can be very long (decades to hundreds of years or more) depending on how well the wastes are kept dry. Because dry -tomb landfilling does not render the buried wastes innocuous, the longer the wastes are kept dry, the longer the postclosure care period needs to be. On page 57 of the "Flawed Technology" review, the potential for construction and demolition (C &D) wastes to generate leachate that can pollute groundwater with chemicals that are hazardous and /or otherwise detrimental to the use of the groundwater is discussed. As with MSW, burying C &D wastes in a dry -tomb landfill does not render them innocuous; the longer they are kept dry, the longer groundwater pollution may be postponed. Unless demonstrated otherwise by site - specific studies the C &D landfills of interest should be considered to represent very long -term threats to pollute groundwater. Overall, in time, all minimum design landfills of the type allowed by US EPA Subtitle D regulations, that are located in areas where the underlying geology /hydrology does not provide natural protection, will pollute groundwater under the landfill. It is not known when that pollution of groundwater will occur; it could occur within a few years of waste deposition at the landfill or may be delayed for many years, decades, to hundreds of years or more depending on the quality of liner construction and other site - specific factors. From the perspective of post - post - closure care funding, it should recognized that evidence of groundwater pollution may well be delayed past the period during which the landfill owner has financial responsibility, and if possible prepare to fund the post - post - closure care and groundwater remediation. Groundwater Monitoring The groundwater monitoring programs that states typically permit for landfills involve vertical monitoring wells spaced hundreds of feet apart near the edge of the landfill liner, with each well capable of sampling water within only about one foot of the well. Since initial leakage of the landfill liner will be through the holes, rips, and points of deterioration that can lead to finger -like leachate plumes, the monitoring regimen will leave hundreds of feet between each down - groundwater- gradient well through which leachate- polluted groundwater can pass without being detected by the monitoring wells. While as discussed in the "Flawed Technology" review this fundamental deficiency in conventional groundwater monitoring programs at landfills has been well -known for decades, the states and US EPA are still allowing such monitoring programs that have little likelihood of detecting groundwater pollution when it first occurs as required in Subtitle D regulations. Of particular concern is liner failure near the down - groundwater - gradient edge of the liner from which there would be the least lateral spread of the leachate plume. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 27 for further discussion of this issue.) The reliability of the groundwater monitoring program that is developed as part of the permitting of a landfill is a key issue in determining the magnitude of the cost of groundwater remediation.. Inadequate Buffer Land Adequate landfill- owner -owned buffer land between waste deposition areas and adjacent properties is essential in order to provide a reasonable opportunity for dissipation of gaseous emissions /odors and attenuation /dilution of polluted groundwater before either trespasses onto adjacent and nearby properties. The greater the amount of such buffer land the greater the attenuation /dilution of waste - derived pollutants that can occur in groundwater beneath landfill- owner -owned property before the polluted groundwater trespasses to adjacent properties. In a sandy aquifer system pollutants released from an MSW landfill may be attenuated /diluted to levels below those of water quality and environmental quality consequence within a mile or two of the landfill. However, many landfills are developed with only few tens of feet between waste deposition areas and adjacent properties. This provides very limited opportunity for dilution /attenuation of polluted groundwater under the landfill before it trespasses onto adjacent properties. The very limited buffer lands at Subtitle D landfills means that the state, county, and /or local political jurisdictions face having to address significant off -site groundwater pollution on nearby properties. The minimal buffer lands at landfills also provide minimal opportunity for dissipation of landfill gas before it trespasses onto adjacent properties. MSW landfill odors have been found to travel a mile or more from the landfill. As discussed in the "Flawed Technology" review, hazardous chemicals in MSW landfill gas pose a significant public health threat. It has also been well - established that MSW landfill odors cause illness in some individuals. Gas released from landfills sited without adequate buffer lands can be expected to trespass onto adjacent and nearby properties and threaten public health and welfare because of hazardous chemicals in the gas and the odors of the gas. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 66 for further discussion of this issue.) The amount of buffer land between waste deposition areas and adjacent properties, especially those down - groundwater - gradient, affects the cost of remediation of leachate- polluted groundwater. Plastic- Bagged Wastes MSW landfills accept MSW that is bagged in plastic. Plastic bags that are only crushed by compaction equipment during disposal tend to hide associated wastes from moisture that is present early in the landfilling process. This shielding of pockets of waste throughout the landfill from moisture can be expected to delay the fermentation of organics and leaching of those waste residues and associated formation of gas and leachate from them beyond the time that landfill gas and leachate generated could be managed by the new or well- maintained liner and gas management system. This delay can also contribute to the misleading appearance of cessation of gas and leachate production in the landfill when, in fact, gas and leachate production can be expected to resume as the plastic bags eventually deteriorates sufficiently over decades or centuries, well after the state /county has assumed responsibility for funding maintenance and remediation. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 39 for further discussion of this issue.) I Key Issues Not Adequately Addressed in Subtitle D Stormwater Runoff Water Quality Impacts It has been our experience that stormwater runoff from landfill areas is often inadequately monitored for occurrence, and especially impacts on water quality. Attention to the occurrence of stormwater runoff is especially important at landfills at which leachate has been used for dust control. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 43 for further discussion of this issue.) Surface Water Impacts Groundwaters beneath some landfills enter surface waters indirectly via spring discharges, or by direct discharge. Leachates from MSW and other types of landfills contain chemicals that can adversely affect aquatic life; in fact, aquatic life can be much more sensitive to adverse impact from some chemical than are humans who drink the water. Even if landfill- derived pollutants transported via groundwater to a large river of other waterbody, and the pollutants in the polluted groundwater are sufficiently diluted by the waterbody to prevent them from causing water quality problems in the waterbody overall, they could adversely impact nearshore aquatic life in areas where the leachate- polluted groundwater enters the waterbody. Concentrations of landfill- derived pollutants and conservative components should be monitored along the flow path of leachate- pollution plume to determine if they are diluted /attenuated to inconsequential levels prior to the groundwater's reaching a surface waterbody. Full Range of Domestic Water Supply Pollutants The very limited extent of buffer land between waste deposition areas and adjacent property lines for most MSW landfills makes it highly unlikely that there will be significant dilution /attenuation of landfill- derived pollutants in the groundwaters beneath the landfills of interest to the state /county or other local jurisdiction. This means that off -site groundwater pollution can be expected. The current groundwater monitoring required by states for the landfills focus on chemicals with regulatory limits for primarily chemicals of human health concern in drinking water. In addition to those chemicals there is a wide variety of other hazardous and otherwise deleterious and obnoxious chemicals in MSW, C &D wastes, and ash, and leachates from those landfilled wastes that can pollute groundwater to impair its use for domestic and other purposes. There can be expected to be chemicals that are currently unknown, unrecognized, unmeasured, or unregulated but that can be reasonably expected to adversely affect human health and welfare. In addition, other chemicals of concern include those that cause taste and odors, salts, and others, which while not necessarily considered to be "hazardous," can render groundwater unusable for domestic and some other purposes. Even if the groundwater monitoring program were adequate for characterizing leachate migration, it would be inappropriate for a regulatory agency to determine that a landfill leachate is not polluting groundwater on the basis of the finding that none of the measured constituents MCLs are exceeded in samples of groundwater. Groundwater monitoring for the landfills of interest to the state /county should be expanded to include all parameters that can impair the use of groundwater for domestic and other purposes. Isolating the Landfill from Flood Waters If dikes are used to try to prevent flood waters from entering the area of the landfill, postclosure care should include thorough, independent, yearly inspection of the dikes to check on the adequacy 10 of maintenance by the landfill owner to repair cracks, and other defects caused by burrowing animals, plant roots, etc. Deed Restrictions and Future Land Use Each closed MSW landfill should have a deed restriction on future land use and activities to prevent uses /activities that would disrupt or interfere with the functioning or integrity of the landfill cover and monitoring system. Typically landfill developers claim that once the landfill is closed the landfill cover area can be put into a beneficial use such as a golf course, park, farm land, wildlife area etc. For example Waste Management, Inc. has made claims on national TV ads that its closed landfills make ideal wildlife habitat, and sites for golf courses and public recreation areas including dirt bike trails. Such claims appear in its "Think Green" campaign at http: / /www.thinkgreen.com/ in its discussion of `Beneficial Land Reuse," as well as in a number of television advertisements. It cites locations at which such reuse has been made of landfill cover areas. The unmistakable implication is that the public should not be concerned about the potential long term threats to public health, groundwater and surface water quality, or to wildlife, at a closed landfill. However, as discussed by Lee and Jones -Lee paper entitled, "Closed Landfill Cover Space Reuse: Park, Golf Course, or a Tomb ?" many of the touted reuse activities atop closed landfills are ill- advised at best, and such implications are highly misleading. One reason for this is that many of the land "enhancements" and activities being promoted stand to damage the integrity of the landfill cover upon which the integrity of the landfill containment system depends. As discussed elsewhere herein, in order to prevent formation of landfill gas and leachate that will eventually escape the landfill containment, the wastes must be kept dry. Placing water features such as ponds, wetlands, idyllic streams, or water hazards on a golf course, or deep- rooted vegetation such as trees and shrubs, atop or in close association with landfill covers promotes entrance of moisture into the cover. A plan for effective ad infinitum implementation of the deed restrictions needs to be in place to ensure that future agencies responsible for implementation of the deed restriction adequately implement its requirements. At no time in the future should uses be permitted on the area of the landfill cover that include addition of irrigation water to the surface of the landfill. Severe land use restrictions should be enforced for as long as the wastes in the landfill when contacted by water can generate leachate /landfill gas. Post - Closure and Post - Post - Closure Care Funding The landfill permit applications and some operations reports provide a "standard" listing of post - closure care (monitoring and maintenance) activities and associated projected costs over the post - closure care period. The annual post - closure funding over the 30 years appears to be established based on prior years' estimates, multipliers, and adjustments for estimated rates of inflation. A rudimentary estimate of amount of money that the state /county will need to spend for post -post- closure care in year -31 and beyond after landfill closure can be made based on the estimates of year -30 post - closure funding provisions. To the estimate based on the minimal monitoring and maintenance of the landfill covered by the year -30 -based estimate must be added costs of addressing readily anticipated problems such as the repair of the landfill cover as the landfill starts, or continues, to generate leachate. Typically the landfill owners are not required to provide assured funding for repair of the cover should that be required during the 30 -year post - closure period; the 11 cover will unquestionably need repair /replacement during the post - post - closure period. Landfill cover repair will be required periodically over the time that the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. Another major issue that can be anticipated, but is not typically included in post - closure care cost estimates, is remediation of polluted groundwater. Funding for remediation of polluted groundwater and dealing with consequences of polluted aquifers can be expected to be needed during post - post - closure. Again, over the very long period of time during which the wastes in the landfills will be a threat to generate leachate that have been required to post contingency funding in the form of a Surety Bond, Performance Bond, or other source of funding for unexpected expenditures. There is need to understand how regulatory agencies establish the contingency funding levels for the landfills. It is often not clear how these funds can be used, if at all, by county or other agency or whether they are reserved for use by the state in the event the landfill owner fails to meet its obligations during the operating and monitored 30 year post - closure period. Such contingency funding should be required for the period of time that the wastes in a landfill can generate leachate when contacted by water which will be well beyond the 30 year period of funded postclosure care. County Host Fee. Landfill owners provide the county /local jurisdiction with permit and host fees of a specified amount per ton of waste deposited. These fees are only paid during the active life of the landfill, while wastes are being deposited. The landfill owners pay for post - closure care from funds they have generated during the active life of the landfill. The state /county /local political jurisdiction may need to fund post - post - closure care from the host fees it accumulated during the active life of the landfill, and other unspecified sources as necessary. This approach will greatly increase the amount of host fees that need to be paid to the local community /county to cover post postclosure funding needs. Post- Postclosure Funding. An issue that will need to be addressed is whether or not the state /county administration has an understanding of long -term funding issues. From a public health /environmental quality perspective, the period during which post - post - closure care will be required for the landfills in may be indefinite; the issues that will inevitably need to be addressed during the post - post - closure period at the closed landfills are enormous. The state /county /local community should collect sufficient host fees during the landfill active life of the landfill to establish a trust fund of sufficient magnitude to generate adequate annual interest during the post- closure and post - post - closure period to enable the state /county to pay for post - post - closure care and contingencies that will likely occur. This will place the financial responsibility for waste management more on those who generate and deposit the wastes in the landfill and potentially less on those who happen to reside in the county and area of the landfill for decades or centuries into the future. A number of years ago, the Barons financial newsletter carried an article about the long -term liability associated with post - closure care of landfills developed by private companies under US EPA Subtitle D regulations. While those regulations obligate private landfill companies to provide assured funding for 30 years after closure of the landfill, they also contain a provision by which the US EPA Regional Administrator may determine that post - closure care must continue for as long as the waste in the landfill are a threat. For example, the California landfilling regulations, in theory, 12 obligate the landfill owner to provide post - closure care for as long as the waste in the landfill are a threat to pollute groundwater, i.e., impair its use for domestic or other purposes. California has recently adopted regulations that require landfill owners to provide post closure care funding for 100 years which can be extended. Characteristics of the Pollution Potential of Solid Wastes Landfills MSW Landfills MSW has a very large potential to pollute groundwater with a variety of hazardous and otherwise deleterious chemicals. Our "Flawed Technology" review contains an extensive discussion of the pollution of groundwater by MSW. Electric Generation Ash Landfills Some landfills receive that electric generating station combustion wastes (ash) that arise from burning coal. Considerable attention was paid to potential environmental pollution by coal ash residues following the failure of a large TVA coal ash pond several years ago near Kingston, TN. "Earth Justice" published a report entitled, "Coal Ash Pollution Contaminates Groundwater, Increases Cancer Risks," on September 4, 2007 that is available at: [http://earthjustice.org / news /press/ 2007 /coal- ash - pollution- contaminates - groundwater- increases- cancer- risks]. It summarizes the results of a report issued by the US EPA entitled, "Human and Ecological Risk Assessment of Coal Combustion Wastes," Draft report prepared by RTI for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, Research Triangle Park, NC August 2007 [http://earthjustice.org / sites /default /files /library/ reports /epa- coal - combustion- waste -risk- assessment.pdf] That incident was also addressed in a report to Congress: Luther, L., "Managing Coal Combustion Waste (CCW): Issues with Disposal and Use," Congressional Research Service report for Congress, January 12 (2010). [http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R40544.pdfl that provides a summary of potential impacts of coal combustion wastes. That report states, "...the primary concern regarding the management of CCW usually relates to the potential for hazardous constituents to leach into surface or groundwater, and hence contaminate drinking water, surface water, or living organisms. The presence of hazardous constituents in the waste does not, by itself, mean that they will contaminate the surrounding air, ground, groundwater, or surface water. There are many complex physical and b iogeochem icalfactors that influence the degree to which heavy metals can dissolve and migrate offsite such as the mass of toxins in the waste and the degree to which water is able to flow through it. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that arsenic and lead and other carcinogens have leached into groundwater and exceeded safe limits when CCW is disposed of in unlined disposal units." That report also states that the concerns about CCW management generally center around a number of issues including: • The waste likely contains certain hazardous constituents that EPA has determined pose a risk to human health and the environment. Those constituents include heavy metals such as arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury, and certain toxic organic materials such as dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. 13 • Under certain conditions, hazardous constituents in CCW migrate and can contaminate groundwater or surface water, and hence living organisms. For example, EPA determined that the potential risk of human exposure to arsenic and other metals in CCW (via the groundwater - to- drinking -water pathway) increased significantly when CCW was disposed of in unlined landfills. That risk criterion was slightly higher for unlined surface impoundments. " US EPA minimum- design, single- composite liner and conventional groundwater monitoring wells spaced hundreds of feet apart, in time the leachate generated in that landfill can be expected to pollute groundwater with hazardous and otherwise deleterious chemicals. Refuse- Derived Fuel (RDF) Ash Landfills Some landfills receive refuse - derived fuel (RDF) ash from the combustion of MSW. Characteristics of such wastes were described by Hasselriis and Aleshin: F. Hasselriis, and E. Aleshin "How Residues from Waste to Energy Plants Can Be Used Safely," Presented at the ASTSWMO Conference, Los Angeles, CA, September (1986). [http://www.seas.columbia.edu/ earth /wtert/sofos /hasselriis /Abstracts %20 - %20Hasselriis%20Presentations.pdf] They stated in the abstract of that paper: "As the use of combustion as a means of reduction of municipal solid waste increases, methods for safe disposal of increasing amounts the flyash and bottom ash residues must be provided. Incinerator ash has been used beneficially for landfill cover, construction fill, highway construction, and as aggregate for concrete. However, while these residues contain mainly benign materials similar to natural earth, they also contain heavy metals which, depending upon the disposal method, might be leached out and result in contamination of the groundwater. Whether or not these metals could be leached out under the conditions of disposal depends on the chemical form of the metals. Ash residues appear to have sufficient alkalinity, or buffering ability, to resist acid rain when stored in ashfills, while the metals are slowly leached out producing leachates with low metals concentrations. " C &D Waste Landfills Our "Flawed Technology" review (beginning on page 57) discusses the potential for C &D wastes to cause groundwater pollution. There it is stated, "Potentially significant concentrations, compared to drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MM), were found of], 2- dichloroethane, methylene chloride, cadmium, iron, lead, manganese and total dissolved solids (TDS) " have been found in C & D waste leachate." They report that "Constituents causing groundwaters to exceed the drinking water MCL were iron, manganese, TDS and lead." "An issue of increasing concern about waste wood is the potential for treated wood to leach arsenic, copper and chromium. Townsend and his associates at the University of Florida have conducted a number of studies on the leaching of these chemicals from treated wood. " It has also been recently found that some C &D wastes contain PCBs from caulking that was once used in buildings and other structures. Studies have shown that the demolition debris from old buildings can contain PCBs that can be released to the environment. 14 While the composition of C &D waste leachate can be somewhat variable depending on the type and source of C &D wastes deposited in the landfill, in general that type of waste can contain a variety of potential pollutants that are a threat to pollute groundwater with a hazardous and otherwise deleterious chemicals. Industrial "Non Hazardous" Wastes Some landfills receive "non- hazardous "industrial wastes." The potential for these wastes to cause groundwater pollution is unknown at this time and requires site specific studies. Leachate Recycle and Fermentation /Leaching Approaches Our "Flawed Technology" review includes a summary of the use of leachate recycle and leaching to enhance the fermentation and leaching of MSW to shorten the period during which the buried wastes are a threat. As discussed in the paper cited below, MSW that has been shredded and exposed to leachate can be converted to a residue that no longer will produce landfill gas. This should be able to be accomplished in about 5 to 10 years provided that the leachate is evenly distributed and is adequate to ferment the wastes. At the end of landfill gas generation, clean water (e.g., local groundwater) should be added to the landfilled wastes to leach the readily leachable components of the remaining residues in the wastes. Leaching should be repeated until the leachate is of such a character that it would not represent a threat to groundwater. The leaching water should not be recycled through the waste but rather properly treated before discharge to the environment. (See "Flawed Technology" review page 78 for further discussion of this issue.) Lee, G. F. and Jones -Lee, A., "Landfills and Groundwater Pollution Issues: 'Dry Tomb' vs F/L Wet -Cell Landfills," Proc. Sardinia'93 IV International Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy, pp. 1787 -1796, October (1993). http: / /www.gfredlee.com /Landfills/ Fermentation - Leaching- Sardinia.pdf It is important to understand that the fermentation /leaching approach discussed above differs significantly from today's "leachate recycle." For example, the fermentation /leaching approach stipulates that the wastes be shredded to reduce the "hiding" of MSW in plastic bags (which are only crushed in conventional landfilling) so that wastes are more fully and reliably exposed and subjected to fermentation and leaching. The fermentation /leaching approach also subjects the fermented wastes to sequential leaching with clean water, such as a local groundwater; that step is a key to removing residual potential pollutants that could otherwise leach from the fermented wastes and escape the landfill to pollute groundwater. The practice of fermentation /leaching of wastes should be restricted to properly designed and constructed double- composite -lined landfills that incorporate leachate detection systems between the two composite liners. That arrangement better enables the detection of compromises in the integrity of the upper composite liner to the point at which it no longer collects all the leachate generated in the landfill, at a time when the bottom liner still protects groundwater quality. Early detection of compromise of the upper liner provides the opportunity for termination of leachate recycle and early repair of the cover for better groundwater protection. Conducting leachate recycle in a single- composite -lined landfill, as is allowed today, can lead to increased groundwater pollution because of the increased amount of liquid in the landfill that has the potential to penetrate the liner and move to the groundwater without being detected by the groundwater monitoring wells that are typically used in today's subtitle D landfills. Increased 15 depth of leachate (head) on the liner will also increase the rate of leachate migration through the liner (See "Flawed Technology" review page 28 for further discussion of this issue.) For ash and C &D landfills that do not include fermentable waste components and thus do not generate landfill gas, leaching of the wastes with clean water should be practiced to remove the leachable components that are a threat to pollute groundwaters. Of particular concern is the high salt content of ash landfill leachate. C &D waste landfills that receive tree stumps and other vegetative debris will produce not only landfill gas but also hydrogen sulfide gas through interaction with calcium sulfate in wallboard. At this time it is unclear how long wastes in ash landfills as well as some other types of landfills, such as industrial solid "non- hazardous" waste landfills, would leach chemicals that have the potential to pollute groundwater, impairing its use for domestic and other purposes. This will need to be evaluated on a site specific basis to understand the long -term threat posed by the ash residuals and potential benefits to be derived from leaching of ash with this process. Need for Independent Third -Party Monitoring /Surveillance For a variety of reasons including inadequate funding, regulatory agencies do not provide sufficiently diligent postclosure and post - postclosure monitoring, inspection, and /or supervision to ensure, with a high degree of certainty, that public health /welfare and environmental quality are protected from adverse impacts from landfills. As a supplement to the regulatory agency inspection, the landfill owner should provide funds to those in the sphere of influence of the landfill to hire an independent consultant to conduct an independent oversight review and to report findings to the nearby property owners /users and the regulatory agencies. One of the components of the ongoing postclosure oversight should be a review of the literature of recent findings of new, previously unrecognized, and unregulated potential pollutants to determine if the water quality and air quality monitoring programs need to be expanded to include additional chemicals that are not included in the current monitoring program. For example, as discussed in our "Flawed Technology" review, there are numerous examples of what had been previously unrecognized pollutants in MSW — such as PPCPs, flame retardants, pesticides /herbicides used around the home /commercial establishments and industry — being found in MSW leachate. Such chemicals, not included in the typical groundwater monitoring program for MSW landfills, would need to be added to the monitoring regimen. There is need to have an ongoing review of the adequacy of the groundwater monitoring program parameters, as well as analytical detection limits relative to concentrations of concern, to keep it up -to -date with the current knowledge about chemicals that are a threat to cause water pollution. As part of postclosure care landfill owners should fund independent, periodic (at least semiannual) monitoring of all offsite groundwater wells, including those used in agriculture and for animals) located within several miles of the landfill to determine if landfill leachate components have reached the well water. This distance may need to be extended in fractured rock aquifer and cavernous limestone systems to consider that leachate polluted groundwater can travel very long distances in fractures. The results of the monitoring should be reported to the property owner /user and the regulatory agency. If MSW leachate has entered the well an alternate water supply source should be provided, even if the pollutant concentrations are below MCLs, since there could be unrecognized or unmonitored hazardous chemicals in the well water. 16 Overview of MSW Landfill Development Issues as Related to Costs of Post - Postclosure Care Costs to Public Agencies The need for funding provisions for care and remediation of MSW and other types of landfills during the post - postclosure period, i.e., after the statutory minimum postclosure funding period expires, has been sorely neglected. Postclosure funding periods are typically established at a given number of years — e.g., 30 yrs — following formal closure of the landfill in an effort to hold the landfill owner responsible for aftereffects of the landfilling operation. However, such a postclosure duration designation has essentially no relationship to the period during which the wastes in the landfill will pose a threat to public health /welfare or environmental quality. As discussed herein there are numerous MSW landfill siting, design, operation, closure, and postclosure issues that state /county and other jurisdictions and public agencies need to evaluate and address to more reliably define the financial requirements and structure that will be needed to ensure that the owners of new, privately developed MSW landfills are held responsible for the totality of landfill monitoring and maintenance, and groundwater remediation for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat to public health /welfare and environmental quality. The present practice of cessation of assured postclosure care after a given number of years, irrespective of the continued threat posed by the landfill ensures that the truly long -term post - postclosure care costs will be borne not by the waste generators or the landfill owner, but by the public in the vicinity of the landfill, in money and adverse impacts. The fundamental problem is that the US EPA Subtitle D MSW landfilling regulations are inadequate, unreliable, and misleading for the development of MSW landfills that have the ability to protect public health/welfare, groundwater and surface water resources, and air quality within the sphere of influence of the landfill (typically a several -mile radius about the landfill) for as long as the wastes pose a threat. Public landfill developers also face the same long -term impact concerns, and postclosure and post- postclosure funding needs as private landfill developers. The public entities that develop landfills (e.g., cities and counties) however, cannot walk away from the responsibility for funding landfill monitoring, maintenance, and groundwater remediation as easily as private landfill developers. Many of the deficiencies in federal and state landfilling regulations have been well- understood in the technical and regulatory communities since the late 1980s. Political considerations and administrative expedience have caused the US EPA and states to ignore, dismiss, or evade addressing these issues largely because it would cause the public that generates the garbage to pay significantly more for disposal / "management" of their wastes. Further, the overriding waste management strategy is to remove wastes from the densely populated urban areas and dispose of it in "remote" or "sparsely populated" areas — where there are fewer people to adversely impact — for as little money as possible. Thus, by and large, the bulk of the people who generate most of the waste are not faced with the public health/welfare and environmental quality consequences of the "disposal" of their waste. Those impacts are disproportionately inflicted upon the "fewer people" in rural environments in the vicinity of the landfills. This reality continues to lead to justified NIMBY ( "not in my backyard ") attitudes and actions by those in the vicinities of proposed MSW landfills. If MSW landfills were located in urban areas where the wastes are primarily generated, 17 the waste - generating public would become much more cognizant of and less complacent about the deficiencies in today's US EPA and state landfilling regulations in the near -term while the landfill is receiving wastes as well as in the long -term. As long as urban dwellers who generate the garbage can have their solid wastes "disappear" from their homes, businesses, and industry at relatively low cost (a few tens of cents per person per day), and not have to experience any of the adverse short -term or long -term impacts of MSW landfills, there will be little motivation to increase the costs of garbage disposal sufficiently to enable proper management of MSW in landfills that are fully protective of public health /welfare, and water /environmental resources in the sphere of influence of the landfill. Because of the grossly inadequate provisions for post - postclosure funding for MSW landfill care for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat to generate leachate and landfill gas when contacted by water, the public in both urban and rural areas will have to pay for post - postclosure care and Superfund -like groundwater remediation costs, which are likely to be several tens of millions of dollars. The current landfilling approach will not only be a major financial burden to all the people in the area of the landfill /county /state and disproportionately those of rural areas, but also result in adverse health impacts and loss of water resources in the area of the landfill. An approach for addressing this situation could be for local agencies such as municipal, county and state agencies that face long -term post - postclosure funding liabilities to require improvements in landfill regulations over the minimum required by the US EPA Subtitle D regulations to provide for technically valid and reliable landfill development and funding. Several states or parts of states have understood this situation and have adopted improved landfilling regulations, such as requiring a double- composite liner system with a leak detection system between the liners to better enable the early detection of the inevitable failures of the upper composite liner to collect the leachate generated in the landfill. As discussed herein and in our "Flawed Technology" review, the detection of leachate in such a leak detection layer would signal the need to locate and repair the areas of degradation or failure in the cover to stop the entrance of water into the landfill that generates leachate. The currently allowed landfilling approach for MSW and so- called "non- hazardous" waste does not provide the funding to make implement such an approach. Instead, as noted above and discussed in our "Flawed Technology" review, under the current approach there will inevitably be widespread groundwater pollution by landfills before deterioration and failure of landfill containment systems are recognized and addressed, consequences that may well be delayed until after the required postclosure care period has concluded. This leaves the public agencies in the area of the landfill with the responsibility for addressing the landfill and environmental consequences and the public with the public health /welfare and environmental quality impacts, as well as the financial burden of increased taxes to pay for the remediation. In our writings (see "Flawed Technology" review), we suggest that those who generate solid waste be required to pay for the full costs of proper, reliable, and protective management of that waste as part of their garbage disposal fees. Sufficient funds need to be collected and placed in a dedicated trust fund that could be used only for post - postclosure plausible worst case care needs for as long as the wastes posed a threat. It is estimated that that approach could double to triple the cost of garbage disposal for those who generate the wastes, but it would more likely result in people's paying the true costs for the disposal of the wastes they generate. IN Questions or comments on these issues should be directed to Dr. G. Fred Lee gfredlee33 @gmail.com. Announcement of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Election of Dr. G. Fred Lee as ASCE Fellow In December 2009 Dr. G. Fred Lee was elected as an ASCE Fellow. This election recognizes Dr. Lee five decade career as a national/international leader university graduate level educator and environmental consultant. The ASCE announcement of this election is presented below. G. FRED LEE, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, F.ASCE, earned his Master of Science in Public Health from the University of North Carolina in 1957 and his PhD degree in environmental engineering from Harvard University in 1960. For 30 years he served on the graduate civil and environmental engineering /science faculty of several major US universities where he taught, conducted research, mentored the Masters and PhD work of 90 students, published extensively in professional journals, and actively undertook public service for the regulatory, professional, and lay communities. In 1989 Dr. Lee retired from his academic career to focus on private consulting and public service; he is president of G. Fred Lee & Associates. Areas of emphasis include domestic water supply water quality focusing on how land use in a water supply watershed impacts water supply water quality; investigation and management of surface and groundwater quality, stormwater runoff, contaminated sediments, land surface activities that impact groundwater quality, and use of reclaimed wastewater; and investigation and management of impacts of solid and hazardous chemicals including MSW and hazardous waste landfills, Superfund, and other hazardous chemical sites. Dr. Lee has served on the editorial boards for several professional publications, and currently serves on the editorial board for the Journals Stormwater and Remediation. Dr. Lee has long served on the American Academy of Environmental Engineers' (AAEE) examination board for AAEE professional engineer certification; until 2009 he served as Chief Examiner for Northern California in Water Supply and Wastewater and in the Hazardous Waste areas for 20 years. Dr. Lee has published more than 1100 professional papers and reports many of which are posted on his website [www.gfredlee.com]. In addition, out of the need for greater influence of science and engineering in water quality regulation and management, he created and authors an email -based Stormwater Runoff Water Quality Newsletter which he has distributed about monthly for the past 12 years, at no -cost, to about 8,000 subscribers. 19 Exh. Bat 00001 An Evaluation of Particulate Matter, Hydrogen Sulfide, and TNon- Methane Organic Compounds From the Arrowhead Landfill Introduction A project was undertaken to conduct an air dispersion modeling study of the atmospheric emissions of certain pollutants from the Arrowhead Landfill (LF) located a few miles southeast of Uniontown, Alabama. The purpose of the project was to quantify the impact of two particular air pollutants generated by LF waste disposal activity on the area surrounding the site. The air pollutants .ofpAnary interest were hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and total suspended particulate natter (TSP)1. Non - Methane Organic Coinpound (NMOC) air emissions were briefly addressed in qualitative terms, The year of interest was 2010. The purpose of this report is to present the results of an air dispersion modeling study related to H28 and TSP air emissions from specified portions of the LF. The report describes the key elements of the methodology used to complete the modeling work, it presents the results obtained, and it concludes with a rendition of engineering opinions primarily based on those air dispersion modeling results. The report is organized in terms of explaining the project outputs; that is, isopleth snaps depicting the annual average and maximum 1 -hr. average ambient air concentrations of 112S; the annual average, maximum 24 -hr. average, and maximum 1 -11r. average concentrations of TSP; and a drawing depicting the number of times (at many different locations) that the odor threshold of H2S was likely exceeded when compared with the calculated I -hr. average ambient air concentrations of H2S that resulted from Arrowhead LF waste disposal activities during the year 2010. Methodology Emission Inventory: In order to conduct an air dispersion modeling project, an emission inventory had to be derived. For this project, H2S air emission rates from the LF surface were calculated. TSP air emission rates from the haul road that runs between the rail spur track, located on the north side of the LF, and the active disposal area of the 1 For purposes of this work, TSP means particulate natter with an aerodynanhic diameter of 30 microns or less. Exh. B at 00002 LF, located at the southeast corner of the LF were calculated. Additionally, TSP air emission rates from the active disposal area "working face" were quantified. The calculated air emission rates from each of those sources are: 1.42S = 10.8 lbs. /hr. TSP from haul road 189 Ibs. /h . TSP from "working face" = 3.15 lbs. /hr. The emission inventory calculations are included in the Appendix. Source Parameters: In order to conduct the air dispersion modeling study, certain physical dimensions and operating characteristics of each air emission source had to be specified. Source locations and dimensions were obtained primarily from two aerial photographs of the LF sites. Hours of operation of the haul road and "working face" were specified in a letter to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management from the LF operator's technical consultant dated March 7, 2008. Additional physical dimensions assumed for the LF surface (related to H2S emissions) and each air emission volume source (related to the haul road) are detailed in the AERMOD modeling files contained in the Appendix. The height of the LF waste pile was approximated based on a USEPA document¢, Note that air emission rates for additional sources of H2S and TSP, lulown to exist on the LF, were not included in the air emission inventory or the related air dispersion model runs. That choice was primarily dictated by the lack of technical details about H2S emissions from the leachate storage tank (as those air emissions existed prior to installation of an air pollution abatement device) as well as TSP air emissions from cover storage piles and coal ash handling activity at the rail spur track unloading point and the LF "working face ". "Aerial View of the Arrowhead Landfill — Uniontown, AL ", TVA, undated; "PCA Arrowhead Landfill 12110109 ", Defendant's Exhibit Hohnes 1. ' See ennission inventory reference 11. 4 "Inhalation of Fugitive Dust; A screening Assessment of the Risks Posed by Coal Combustion Waste Landfills" (a draft), USEPA, 2009, page D -1. Exh. B at 00003 Base Map: In order to create an expositive depiction of the H2S and TSP modeling results, it was necessary to first create a base neap. The base map encompassed the L , the nearby neighborhood, and the southeast portion of Uniontown. The base map was primarily based on the USGS topographical snap of the Uniontown East Quadrangle and a 1 meter color ortbo- recitifted digital aerial photograph of Perry County, Alabama. The base ]nap covered an area within approximately two miles of the center of the LF property. Drafting of the base neap was done with the computer program Corel Draw Graphics Suite 1I. Receptor Grid: In order to carry out the air dispersion modeling calculations, it was necessary to create a receptor grid, The purpose of the receptor grid was to designate those points on the base neap at which ambient air concentrations of H2S and.TSP were calculated. Receptors were given a "flagpole" height of five feet. In total, ambient air concentrations were calculated at a total of 5,045 individual receptors, Almost all of the receptor locations are illustrated in a drawing in the Appendix. The location of three additional receptors were just off of the base snap. Those three receptor locations were specified in the AERMOD output files included in the Appendix. Meteorology: For the modeling study, surface meteorological observations from the Montgomery Dannelly field Airport for the year 2010 was used as input. Upper air data for 2010 collected at Birmingham Municipal Airport was also used. In addition, weather data was used to create a windrose diagram for 2010. That graphic depiction of wind speed, direction, and frequency is included in the Appendix. Computer Models: The air dispersion model used to calculate pollutant ambient air concentrations was the American Meteorological Society /Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model ( AERMOD, version 12060). AERMOD was developed by the USEPA. It is generally accepted, and used in applications related to the evaluation of air emissions from a wide variety of industrial sources. AERMOD is capable of handling multiple point, area, and voluine sources. Calculations may be made to determine air pollutant impacts for a particular model run for relatively short averaging times as well as annual average tinges. For this project, AERMOD calculated annual average and 1 -hr average H2S concentrations as well as ainrual Bxh. B at 00004 average, niaxiinum 24 -hr average and maximum I -hr average TSP concentrations over the entire receptor grid for 2010. A computer model brown as Surfer, Version 8 was used to create concentration isopleth maps with the output from AERMOD. Project Outputs; Number Array: The primary output from AERMOD is a number array that depicts the air pollutant concentration for the averaging time of interest at each point on the receptor grid. To create that output, the model calculated a concentration for the first hour during the timeframe of interest. For this case, that meant the first hour during 2010. The calculated value was then saved in a temporary file. The calculation was then repeated for the second hour in 2010, for each and every point on the receptor grid, The model then compared the results found for the first hour with the results found for the second hour. The highest value at each receptor was saved in the temporary file. The calculation process continued in life fashion, and arrived at the maximum concentration for each hour in the year at each receptor (note that may have meant a different value at different hours of the year at different receptors). The maximum twenty -four hr, average concentrations were based on deriving 24 -hour average concentrations for each day during the year in a similar fashion. The annual average concentration was simply the average of each and every hourly concentration value calculated for the year at each receptor. The AERMOD output files containing information related to the modeling of H2S (maximum 1 -lu•. average, annual average) and TSP (maximum 1 -hr. average, maximum24 -hr, average, and annual average) are contained in the Appendix. Separate AERMOD output files related to the number of times that the 1 -lit. average H2S concentrations exceeded the odor threshold are also included in the Appendix. Isopleth Map: Isopleth maps depicting the results of each model run for H2S and TSP are included in the Appendix. A map indicating the number of times that the H2S odor threshold was exceeded, when compared with all one -hour average 112S concentrations that were calculated, is also included in the AppendixS. Other LF Air Emissions: NMOCs: Gas in generated in landfills primarily as a result of the microbial decay of the waste placed in the landfill by the operator. When oxygen becomes depleted in the landfill waste mass, the decay continues primarily th u the action of anaerobic 5 To better understand the results displayed on that map, compare the number at a given location to 8,76D which is the total number of hours in a year (except a leap year). 4 Exh. B at 00005 microorganisms. That decay generally produces a landfill gas composed primarily of carbon dioxide and methane. That gas mixture typically also contains a wide range of NMOCs. Generally, those NMOCs consist of a mixture of numerous individual toxic chemical compounds including human carcinogens (benzene and vinyl chloride for example), developmental toxins (ethylene dibromide and toluene for example), very dangerous poisons (carbon monoxide and carbon disulfide for example), and odorous compounds other than 1i12S6. NMOCs were not modeled in this project because of a lack of definitive technical information concerning those air emissions from the Arrowhead LF It should not be assumed however that NMOC air emissions from the LF did not have a significant negative impact on the nearby conmiunity. Organic Sulfides: The odor that is often associated with landfills has been described as "rotten ". A class of organic chemical compounds known as organic sulfides are a significant contributor to that signature smell (in addition to H2S wI.ich, strictly spearing, is not an organic sulfide). Some of the organic sulfides frequently found in landfill gas areg; - methanethiol - dimethyl sulfide carbonyl sulfide - methyl mercaptan ethyl nlercaptan Organic sulfides were not modeled in this project because of a lack of definitive information concerning those air emissions from the Arrowhead LF. It should not be assumed however that organic sulfide air emissions from the LF did not have a significant negative impact on the nearby community. Opinions: 1. During 2010, and the previous year, the Arrowhead LF generated a substantial amount of 142S and TSP air emissions during normal operation. (' See emission inventory reference I., page Inventory 1. 7 "Landfill Gas Primer -An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals ", Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, November 2001, page 2. S "Origin and Control of Landfill Odors ", P.J. Young and A, Parker, Chemistry and Industry, No. 9, May 7, 1984, pages 329 -333; and calcrilation reference 1, page Inventory 1. Exh. B at 00006 2, Those H2S and TSP air emissions resulted in a significant negative impact on the neighborhoods near the LF boundaries. 3. The odor threshold of H2S was exceeded during more than one - thousand hours at locations immediately adjacent to the LF during 2010; the odor threshold of 1125 was exceeded more than forty hours at every location illustrated on the base neap during 2010 (see drawing number Uniontown -7). 4. The original primary ambient air quality standard for TSP (150 micrograms /M3) was exceeded during 2010 at places just south of the LF boundary (see drawing number Uniontown -5). 5. The apparent widespread neighborhood impact of TSP air emissions from the Arrowhead LF defined by this air dispersion modeling project i's further supported by analytical results of five house dust samples collected near the LF during February 201.2 (see "Certificate of Analysis ", Stone Lions Environmental Job No: 137937, Exova Laboratory, March 14, 2012). Had the Arrowhead LF operator chosen to employ best available control teclulology on the haul road and at the LF coal ash disposal area, the toxic chemical impact on the nearby community would have been less detrimental to the health, well being, and property of those who lived nearby. The more obvious impacts included TSP dust problems and frequent noxious odors at many locations around the Arrowhead LF. OF 5 JAMES t1. T�FiR 4� Ooq beWisLr11i(3Umle*49W F•1928 6 LA. Brat 0007 i� 1 �II Ii i o��....,f L -,•fie �m.r,_ ... _._ 1 _- L__.._..._.__- .y......f.... -.. i i Lxh. B'af 0004 i 3 i ' �h.B. @t000qp 402V Alt Alt Exh. B' at 000 OIAI ,)Y'l I [EI ! i' I it 3i I� I! I 1 ....... - ' .... IE oer l -------- - - - - -- f{ ✓ Exh. B at 0001 i �I i ._...- -• - - -. le r-7-7 --- ---.�„ =-dos— __- - - - - -- -- ). �1-5' Exh. Bat 0001 ---- --'--- - 7--------'------'- -- 1.171 7 /_/_ /4�_�' ^ Ala '- /| /� ` /�~. � �.A, 1444 , --'-- - -- -- ' ----`-- Exh. B at 000)b I I i J I Exh. B at 000 1"elf - ------ - - ----- 4A Bxh. Bat 00015 RESULTS Landfill flame or Identifier: CASE 2: k = 0.7; Lo = 96 The 80 -year waste acceptance limit of the model has been exceeded before the Waste Design Capacity was reached. The model will assume the 80th year of waste acceptance as the final year to estimate emissions. See 2009 = 91,000 Mgm ,section 2.6 of the User's Manual. Closure Year (with 80 -year limit) = 2087 2010 = 75,500 Mgm Methane = 50 % by volume Year Waste Accepted Waste -In -Place Total landfill gas (Mgl ear (Mg/year) (short tonslyear) (Mg) (short tons) Mglyear) m 31 ear) (av ft "3 1min) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 110,158 91,000 75,500 - 38,983 38,983 38,983 38,983 38,983 121,174 _ 100,100 83,050 42 881 � 42,881 42,881 0 110,158 V 201,158 _ 0 - 121,174 0 1 377E *04 1.821E +04 - - - - - -- 1,848E +04 1 405E +04...... 1.165E +04 0 1,102E +07 '1 '!58,._+07 - 1.480E+07 - 1 12 r.1 07 .� 2'1 fl 0�i 8. 6 13 E, x-06 8.178E +06 0 7.407E +02 9,797E +02 - - 9,942E +02 221,274 _ 27_6,658 315,641 304,324 347,205 390,086 432,968 475,849 7.558E +02 -- 6.375E +02 354,624 42,881 421881 393,607 432,590 1. 076E +04 1.021E +04 - 5,787E +02 J 5.495E +02.. Year Waste Accepted Waste-in-Place Methane Year (Mgl ear short tans/ ear (Mg) (short tons) (Mglyear) (m 3I oar) av ft "3 /min 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 2015 110,158 91,000 75,500 38,9 83 38,983 38,983 38,983 38,9831 121,174 100,100 83,050 42,881 42,881 42,881 _T 42,8$1 42,881 0 110,158 201,158 0 121,174 221,274 - 304,324 0 0 5.512E +06 7,291E +06 7.398E +06 5.625E +06 4.744E +06 4.306-E+06 4.089E +06 0 3.7Q4E +02 4.899E +02 4 971E. +02 3.779E +02 3.187E +02 2.8-93 E+02- 2,747E +02 3,677E +03 4.864E +03 276,658 --315,64-1- 354,624 393,607 432,5901 4.936E +03 3.7521= +03 347,205 390,086 4321968 475,849 3.165E +03 2.873E +03 2.728E +03 Year Waste Accepted Waste -In -Place Carbon dioxide (M 1 ear { 09/1110 "'O (s'hor" "'NmAlmj. (Mq) (short tons) (Mglyear (m /year) av ft"31min) 2008 i -10, •1 r)8 121,174 0 0 0 0 0 2009 t�1,Ot)o 9C11.1,'Ic)Ci 110,158 121,174 1.009E +04 5.512E +06 3.704E+ . 02 2010- 75,500 113,050 201,158 221r274 1.335E +04 7.291E +06 4.899E +02 2011 "Iruti;3 1 2, 81 276,658 304x324 1 354E +04 7.398E +06 4.971 E +02 n12 38,983 42,881 _. 315,641 _ 347,205 ,.......1.030E +04 5.625E +06 .... 3.779E +02 35 4,624 2013 38,983 42,881 390,086 8.663E +03 4.744E +06 3,187E +02 2014 381983 42,881 393,607 432,968 _7.883E +03 4,306E +06 2.893E +02 432,590 475,849 2015 38,983 - 42,881 7.485E +03 4.089E+06 2.747E +02 Year Waste Accepted Waste -In -Place IVMOC (M 1 ear short tons/ ear M short tons M /year) (m 3 /year) _ (qv ft -3 /min 2008 110,158 121,174 0 0 0 0 0 2009 91,000 100,100 1'10,15U 121,174 1.581E +02 4.410E +04 2.963E +00 2.091E +02 2010 75,500 83,050 2Ut'I5b 221,274 5,833E +04 3.919E +00 2011 38,983 42,881 276,658 304,324 2.122E +02 5.919E +04 3.977E +00 2012 38,983 - - - 42,881 i'i 5 641'1 - 347,205 - 1.613E +02 4.500E +04 - 3.023E +00 2013 38,983 42,881 354,624: 390,086 1.360E +02 3.795E +04 2.550E +00 2014 38,983 42,881 393,607 _ 432,968 1.235E +02 3.445E +04 2,315E +00 2015 38,983 -42,881 432,590 - 475,849 - 1.173E +02 3.271E +04 2.198E +00 ``1_ "-' r Exh. B at 00076 'I �a a� _.. -., _ _fir .. _.� ..« .. .. � .._ .�. ..' -_• .. � -. � _ � _. I. ly _ ..... ... _ -- - - - - -- - -- - 1 i . ♦ 2" 1 h. 1-1 e -Exh. Bat 0001 it IJ 7ewil IL (fO.. - ----- A4. 41 . ......... 9 ------------ ;l- - - - - -- - Exh. B at 000 i i 1I Exh'. � at 0001'9 :I it I- JI - _ ...... ._ F li 11 I€ iI I� Exh. B at 00020 STONE IONS in ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Stone Lions Environmental Corporation JIM TARR 655 Deep Valley Drive #303 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 President Phone (310) 377 -6677 Fax (310) 377 -1172 www.stonelions.com More than thirty -nine years experience as an Environmental Engineer in the areas of air pollution evaluation and control; hazardous waste evaluation, management, and remediation; past and current toxic chemical and air pollution exposure assessment; and environmental sampling and analysis. Several decades of experience conducting technical work in the legal field. PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENTS: Stone Lions Environmental Corporation, (1993- Present) - President Simon Hydro - Search, (1990 -1992) - Vice President Toxcon Engineering Company, Inc., (1978 -1990) - President Texas Air Control Board, (1972 -1978) - Engineer Monsanto Company, (1969 -1972) - Process Engineer EDUCATION: Master of Chemical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX - 1976 B,S., Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX - 1969 LICENSE: Professional Engineer, Texas CERTIFICATIONS: Diplomate, American Academy of Environmental Engineers Certified Hazardous Material Manager at the Masters Level (inactive) PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Performed technical evaluations of the community exposure to lead air emissions associated with the Doe Run primary lead smelter in the small town of Herculaneum, Missouri, which ended in a $358.5 million jury award subsequent to a three -month trial. Performed a critical investigation of certain air emission regulatory issues and violations related to the Isomerization unit in the BP Refinery in Texas City, Texas, after an explosion and fire killed 15 people and injured at least 170 more on March 23, 2005. The work culminated in court testimony in Galveston, Texas, in the summer of 2008. Exh. B at 00021 Stone Lions Environmental Corporation TONE JIM TARR 655 Deep Valley Drive #303 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 President Phone (310) 377 -6677 IONS Fax (340) 377 -1172 ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION www.stonelions.com Conducted an evaluation of toxic chemical exposure problems in a community that was built in the 1960s on a former Shell ail Company tank farm. The project included ambient air, indoor and outdoor air sampling, and data analysis. Conducted a wind tunnel study and an air dispersion modeling analysis of several toxic chemical air emission sources on and near Beverly Hills High School. Designed and implemented an ambient air - monitoring project in a community located adjacent to a.major oil field in Hobbs, New Mexico. Evaluated elevated levels of mercury in the ambient air linked to an estirn?ted 7,100 metric ton mercury release into the Carson River basin near Fallon, Nevada, The work included ambient air, indoor air, soil and dust collection, and data analysis. Developed an analysis of the toxic chemical issues associated with a warehouse fire. The work culminated in an air dispersion modeling analysis that quantified neighborhood toxic chemical exposure in the City of Phoenix as well as a qualitative determination of the neighborhoods most impacted. The fire was one of the largest in the history of the City of Phoenix. Performed technical evaluations of proposed commercial Incinerator facilities for the cities of Corpus Christi, Texas City, La Porte, and Houston, Texas, Conducted air quality evaluations for proposed municipal landfills in Garland, College Station, and Houston, Texas; Pindall, Arkansas; and Santa Clarita, California. Conducted a complete environmental engineering evaluation of a commercial industrial waste Incineration facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Conducted air emission evaluations of commercial municipal landfills in Rolling Hills Estates, West Covina and Granada Hills, California; New Orleans, Louisiana; Sinton, Texas; and Danbury, Connecticut. Conducted environmental audits at industrial sites in Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, California, Illinois, New Mexico, and North Dakota, Designed and implemented PCB and hazardous waste site remediation projects in Texas, California, Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado, and North Dakota. Developed an air emission inventory for approximately fifty maquiladora facilities in Matamoros, Mexico. Performed an evaluation of a proposed multi - facility coal fired power plant project in Texas on behalf of a forty -city consortium. Conducted air dispersion modeling studies for refining operations; chemical manufacturing plants; wood treatment facilities; industrial waste disposal sites; crude oil production, processing and storage; a rocket engine test facility; an electric coil facility; a drum reconditioning plant; storage and shiploading operations; lead and zinc smelters. Exh. B at 00022 Stone lions Environmental Corporatlon TONE JIM TARR 655 Deep Valley Drive #303 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 President Phone (390) 377 -6677 IONS r3a Fax (310) 377 -9972 ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION www.stonelions.com Worked on behalf of citizens' groups in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, Michigan, Hawaii, California, and Alabama. ITEMS OF NOTE: Volunteer on Pediatrics Floor at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, Texas. Named as a person "who makes a difference" in the environmental field by Citizens League for Environmental Action Now (CLEAN), an environmental advocacy group (n Houston, Texas. Recipient of the 1977 Ecology Award presented by the San Jacinto Lung Association for "Outstanding Leadership in the Field of Environmental Health "., Taught environmental courses at Rice University, Sam Houston State University, and George Washington University. Member of the Advisory Council of the New Mexico Environmental Law Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico (2001 - 2005). Member of the Palos Verdes Landfill Citizens Advisory Board, California Department of Toxic Substances Control (2004 - 2011). PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS: James Dahlgren, Harpreet Takhar, Pamela Anderson - Mahoney, Jenny Kotlerman, Raphael Warshaw, and Jim Tarr, "Cluster of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Associated with an Oil Field Waste Site: A Cross Sectional Study," Environmental Health, 6:15, May 17, 2007. Jim Tarr, "Coal Fired Power Plants —The Air Pollution Problem," University of Houston, Houston, Texas, February 27, 2007. Jim Tarr, 'The Toxic Chemical Cioud Over East Harris County, Texas ", University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas, April 2000, Jim Tarr, "Ethics, Threshold Limit Values, and Community Air Pollution Exposures," in Sacrificing Science for Canyenlence: A Technical and Ethical Evaluation of Texas` Risk Assessment Process, Downwinders at Risk Education Fund, Cedar Hill, Texas, October 1996, Jim Tarr, 'The Practical Aspects of Assessing Community Air Pollution Exposures with Air Dispersion Modeling Techniques," National Bar Association, 69th Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington, August 1994. Exh. B at 00023 Stone Lions Environmental Corporation TON E J JIM TARR 656 Deep Valley Drive #303 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 President Phone (310) 377 -6677 IONS Fax (310) 377 -9172 ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION www.stoneiions.com Jim Tarr, "Siting Criteria for Industrial Waste Incinerators - An Air Pollution Perspective," The 1989 Incineration Conference sponsored by the University of California, Irvine, CA, at Knoxville, Tennessee, 1989. Jim Tarr and J.R. McMurry, "The Control of Vinyl Chloride Emissions in Texas," 71 st Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, Houston, Texas, 1978. Jim Tarr and Catherine Damme, "Toxicology, Toxic Substances, and the Chemical Engineer: The Special Relevance of Cancer," Chemical Engineering, p. 86, April 24, 1978. December 1, 2011 Exh, B at 00024 Stone Lions Environmental Corporation Rate Schedule - 2012 Principal engineer: $300.00 per hour Senior engineer: $200.00 per hour Engineer: $150.00 per hour Senior technical assistant - 1: $150.00 per hour Senior technical assistant - 2: $100.00 per hour Administrative assistant: $60.00 per hour Isopleth map printer cost: $25.00 per full -scale map Color printer cost: $10.00 per 8 112" by I I" drawing Dispersion model runs: $100.00 per execution run. Animation software run: $5,000.00 per execution run Travel time: billed at normal rates, portal to portal First class airfare is booked for all trips of 500 miles or greater Out of pocket expenses: at cost Terms: net thirty days Exh. Bat 00025 Project Name; Doe Run Continuation ALEXANDER/PEDERSEN, Plaintiffs VS. FLUOR CORPORATION, et al., Defendants Cause No. 052 -09567 In the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis State of Missouri Deposition: 5114110 T L 2012 2, Project Name: Ensey CRAIG ENSEY AND CRYSTAL ENSEY, INDIVIDUALLY, AND AS PARENTS AND NEXT FRIENDS OF AUSTIN ENSEY, AARON ENSEY AND FAITH ENSEY, MINOR CHILDREN, Plaintiffs Vs. RANKEN ENERGY CORPORATION, AN OKLAHOMA CORPORATION, AND DOES 1 -20, Defendants Case No. CJ- 2007 -514 In the District Court of Garvin County State of Oklahoma Deposition: 5119110 3. Project Name: Oak Grove THOMAS B, WHITE, et al, Plaintiffs VS. OAK GROVE RESOURCES, LLP, et al, Defendants Cause No. CV -97 -626 In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Bessemer Division State of Alabama. Deposition: 8/26110 Court testimony: 1219110 1 Exh. B at 00026 4. Project Name. Port Neches SHARON E. BROWN, ET UX., Plaintiffs vs. HUNTSMAN PETROCHEMICAL CORPORATION, et al, Defendants Cause No, E177408 In the 172"d Judicial District Court of Jefferson County State of Texas Deposition: 10/8/10,11/23/10 5. Pro'ectName: Blackwell BOB COFFEY, LORETTA CORN, AND LARRY AND MARY ELLEN JONES, INDIVIDUALLY AND ON BEHALF OF ALL OTHER SIMILARLY SITUATED, Plaintiffs vs. 1, FREEPORT- McMORAN COPPER & GOLD INC.; 2. PHELPS DODGE CORPORATION; 3. CYPRUS AMAX MINERALS COMPANY; 4. AMAX, INC, Fk/a AMERICAN METAL CLIMAX, INC. f/k/a TER AMERICAN METAL COMPANY; 5. BLACKWELL ZINC COMPANY, INC.; 6. BLACKWELL INDUSTRIAL AUTHORITY; and 7. BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY Mc/a BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. f/k/a BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY f/k/a THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN and SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY Defendants Cause No. CJ- 2008 -68 In the District Court of Kay County State of Oklahoma Deposition: 11/9/10 2 Exh. B at 00027 6. Project Name: OK-HF MARGIE L. SOUTHERN, Plaintiff VS. COFFEYVILLE RESOURCES REFINING & MARKETING, LLC, a KANSAS C ORP ORATION, And STEVESON L.P. GAS COMPANY, AN OKLAHOMA CORPORATION, Defendants Cause No. CJ -07 -275 In the District Court of Sequoyah County State of Oklahoma Deposition: 3116111 7. Project Name: Doe Run Continuation PRESTON ALEXANDER, et al., Plaintiffs VS. FLUOR CORPORATION, et al., Defendants Cause No, 052 -9567 In the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis State of Missouri Court Testimony: 5/27/11 8, Project Name: Caride CARIDE, et al., Plaintiffs vs. CHESAPEAKE OPERATING, INC., et al., Defendants Case No. CJ- 2005 -143 In the District Court of Garvin State of Oklahoma Deposition: 7/29111, 8/4/11 9. ProiectNaame: KBR MARK McMANAWAY, et al., Plaintiffs Vs. KBR, INC., et al., Defendants Civil Action No. 4:10 -cv -01044 In the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division Videotaped Deposition: 3/29/12 Court Testimony: 6/20/12 3 Exh. B at 00028 10. Pro'ect Name: Tafolla Miguell Tafolla, et al. Plaintiffs vs. Stan and Joyce Volk Trust, et al., Defendants Case No. NC053385 In the Superior Court State of California, City of Los Angeles, Southern District Deposition,: 4119112 11. Prof ect, Name: MeadWestvaco BALTAZAR ORTIZ, et al., Plaintiffs vs. MEADWESTVACO CORPRATION, et al., Defendants Docket No, 2009 -0278 In the 36tn Judicial District Court of Beauregard Parish State of Louisiana Via Telephone Deposition: 4/20/12 (court reporter became ill; deposition halted) Via Telephone Deposition: 5/4/12 4 Exh. B at 00029 �+ + + + + . + {r r ' a + + ♦ .r ♦ r + y 'w+^' + + i pNIY ,_i w+.'g #� --i -+ + + ^k + -Y + 4^•# • - + F _# F _ + * � + 7 r +� +r _ + • + . + . -+ + + + r a r + + 4 + + + + + # + + + + e •Y + a • ••+ + a ,� •++ r t + }+ + + 4 + + + + + } , 4 4 i e 1 a k [" s . + = t Saul aclficRallr dtl + ♦ ;";-+ 4 4 1 t + 1 4 + 1 4 J i n + 4 / ++ + 4 + 4+ + + + + + r j a + :rr•i: - !'a.9r + + + ♦ i'1 'q� "Yy Y a 4 i a # a 4 • + + # a i a. 4'.1 L + # + + = 1 { -} 1 1 4 4 +'.R +.4 F 4 •:+ I1 +..+ + « +:. } # 4 + / 4 4 { 1 _; 4 n q ti j +' h 4 -# + i f4 p + + q d � it �l1pYli1i���1 , {�4,��•.'1`�' + + 4' + + +_ 1 4 + # + i i• 4 . 3569000 f + i + + ,.d # • 4 4 a 4 4 4 + + F r a k + _ + a 1 4 + k :a 1 + + 1 4 ;• 1WET +' F'} + ♦ 4 } } ♦ 4 +s ♦ ++ _S.Y 1 {.,i.. a a+ 1+ a+ i •.# a a i #4 • 1 a. -+ t r'rt 1. r r+ A i 4.4 + . 4 a 1 4 i +••t + i +4 + 11,Fl•+ + 4 + 4 i .+ 4'k # • 3 ; - ; x Y i + 3 4 i = { i w # 't {.! -i F,• # +,} ye-i •yl + +.ji•a,+ll + +.1 + a + + i�+,t •.; 1 + 4 4 + + + +4 + + + {+ + 1 # f + 4 _ • a # • z { a e 4 { + Y +# ' 1 F4 }. 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B at 00030 3590600 3689000 3588000 3697060 3586000 3586000 3684000 3583000 k-- 452000 453000 454000 455000 466000 457000 458900 454000 OIM COORDWAiES tMEWg5G W083. TONE 16 N W E 5 0A 0.6 f.0 1.6 2.0 moldommmilmd SO&V IN MILES Exh. B at 00031 WIND ROSE PLOT: DISPLAY: Station #13895 - MONTGOMERYIWSO ARPT, AL Wind Speed Direction (blowing from) i� II IWE. COMMENTS: NORTH I i 10% WRPLOT View- Lakes Environmental Software SOUTH 'I -�� - -- EAST i i f 1 WIND SPEED (Knots) >=22 17-21 11 -17 7- 11 Cj 4 -7 1-4 Calms: 27.33% DATA PERIOD: COMPANY NAME: Start Date: 11112010 - 00:00 Stone Lions Environmental Corporation End Date. 12131/2010 - 23:00 MODELER Diane Doty TOTAL COUNT; CALM WINDS: 27.33% 8423 hrs. AVG. WIND SPEED: DATE: PROJECT NO.: 5.08 Knots 811312012 Uniontown 4 ng gm tinII MOM 1 161 11 rMil ake a deep breath. But if you live near t a coal -burning power plant that dumps �6? coal ash into a nearby landfill or lagoon, don't inhale too deeply because you're probably breathing fugitive dust made up of airborne coal ash filled with dangerous and toxic pollutants. Whether blown from an uncovered dump site or from the back of an open truck, toxic dust con- taminates hundreds of fence line communities across the country. Acrid dust stings residents' eyes and throats, and asthmatics, young and old, are forced to reach for inhalers. Breathing this toxic dust can be deadly, and yet no federal standards exist to protect affected communities. This report describes the health impacts of the pollution found in coal ash dust. It also points to the imminent need for federal controls to limit exposure and protect the health of millions of Americans who live near coal ash dumps. Coal combustion waste (or coal ash'), par- ticularly fly ash, a major component of coal ash waste, poses significant health threats because of' the toxic metals present in the ash, such as arse- nic, mercury, chromium (including the highly toxic and carcinogenic chromium VI), lead, uranium, selenium, molybdenum, antimony, nickel, boron, cadmium, thallium, cobalt, copper, manganese, strontium, thorium, vanadium and others. Ironically, as coal plant pollution controls like electrostatic precipitators and baghouse filters become more effective at trapping fly ash and decreasing coal plant air pollution, the waste being dumped into coal ash waste streams is becoming more toxic. Coal ash is best known for polluting our drinking water, lakes, rivers and streams, and the threat it poses when dumped into large earthen dams that can and do break, caus- ing catastrophic spills and leaks. In February 2014, just days after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a deadline for finalizing federal coal ash regulations, an underground pipe beneath a coal ash pond in North Carolina ruptured, sending 82,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River. In December Zoo8, a massive coal ash pond at the Tennessee HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH 1 Toxic coal ash dust at the Making Money Having Fun Landfill in Bokoshe, Old. t Coal ash spilled from the TVA Kingston bower Plant covered 30o acres and damaged 4o nearby homes. CATEGORIES OF COAL COMBUSTION WASTE FLY ASH 50% BOTTOM ASH 10% BOILER SLAG 2% FLUE GAS DESULPHURIZATION 38% (FGD] SLUDGE Valley Authority's Kingston Fossil Plant in Harriman, Tennessee, burst, sending more than i billion gallons of coal ash sludge across 30o acres, destroying and damaging 4o nearby homes and polluting miles of two nearby rivers. These are two examples of more than 20o docu- mented instances of coal ash contaminating nearby waters across the country., Large-scale catastrophes are dangerous, well documented and publicized; but less visible dangers of coal ash pose another threat. When suspended in the air as dust, coal ash is a serious health hazard. The inhalation of toxic dust from dis- posal, transport and plant operations can cause serious injuries to workers and communities residing near coal ash dumps. The huge volume of ash produced by the nation's 495 coal -burning power plants amplifies the risk.; In 2oo7, these plants together generated more than 140 million tons of coal ash, enough to fill train cars stretching from the North Pole to the South P01e.4 This ash was disposed of in approximately 1,070 wet impoundments (or ponds), 435 landfills, hundreds of mines and uncounted numbers of gravel pits, piles and other sites., When disposed, coal ash dust is emitted into the air by loading and unload- ing, transport and wind. Once in the air, it can migrate off-site as fugitive dust. As a result, work- ers and nearby residents could be exposed to significant amounts of coarse particulate matter (PM,,) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Protective practices to control toxic dust, such as moistening dry ash or covering it daily in a landfill, can minimize the dangers to public health. Yet there are currently no federal require- ments to control fugitive toxic dust. At most coal ash dumps state regulations do not mandate daily cover, and adequate cover may only be required monthly or even yearly. The EPA found that such infrequent dust suppression has "the potential to lead to significant risks."' WHY INHALING COAL ASH ISHARMFUL EXPOSURE TO SMA(...(._. PARTICLE PG(....I....UTIO Coal ash dust is small particles; the smaller the particle, the greater the health risks. The very smallest particles are inhaled into the deepest part of the lungs where they trigger inflammation and immunological reactions. Some particles gain access to the systemic circulation and travel to distant organs where they produce heart or lung disease, while others may enter the brain directly via the nerves in the nose. The disease - causing potential of small particles, particularly those less than 2.5 micrometers in their aero- dynamic diameter (PM2.5), has led the EPA to include them among the six criteria pollutants under the Clean Air Act, which requires national HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH Coal ash is comprised of four categories of combustion waste. Fly ash makes up the largest percentage (about half) by weight. Fly ash is the tightest of the four wastes and the most likely to become airborne. It is carried up with hot flue gases and trapped by stack filters. ;DORSI WW`."J FF A.COw FAD ATI ON/T NORM/ COALA NUCOALASH.H TML air quality standards for certain pollutants that cause adverse health impacts, including PMz.s.7 As epidemiological research becomes more sophisticated due to improved techniques for monitoring air quality and advances in statisti- cal and population sampling methods, it seems likely that there is no level at which PM, S is assuredly free from causing adverse health effects. This principle became clear in a study of 51 metropolitan areas published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the world's leading peer-reviewed medical journal. The investigators who wrote this paper retrieved PM2.5 and mor- tality data from the late 1970s and early 198os and compared it to data obtained about two decades later. Uniformly, these analyses showed important increases in health benefits as the PM2,.5 concentrations fell. For example, in the Buffalo, New York, metropolitan area, a reduc- tion of 13 micrograms per cubic meter of air was associated with a three- to four-year increase in life expectancy. Many other studies published in leading peer-reviewed medical journals have shown similar results—higher particulate concentra- tions are associated with higher mortality rates. These studies link coal -derived particulates, including those from fly ash, to the four lead- ing causes of death in the U.S.; heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and stroke. In addition, preliminary data may lead to adding Alzheimer's disease and Type II diabetes mel- litus to this list. One study from the Women's Health Initiative is particularly instructive and important for several reasons. For one, it is big: more than 64,000 post -menopausal women par- ticipated_ It was also done prospectively, i.e., at the time the women entered the study they were judged to be free from cardiovascular disease and were then followed for an average of about seven years. Thus, the occurrence of endpoints, including stroke, heart attack and the need for coronary artery bypass surgery, could be deter- mined with great accuracy. The study showed that for a ten microgram per cubic meter increase in the concentration of PMzs, there was a 24 percent increase in the incidence of the aforementioned diseases. Whereas initial studies examined long -tern exposures to particulates, advances in statistical methods have made it possible to relate even brief increases in the concentration of PM,.S to transient increases in the risk for stroke, fatal heart rhythms and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. This is made possible because increas- ing numbers of patients with heart disease have implanted cardiac defibrillators that can detect a potentially fatal heart rhythm and deliver a strong shock to the heart to restore a lifesav- ing normal rhythm. The painful shock causes patients to go to the hospital emergency room, where technicians are able to "talk" to the defi- brillator using radio signals and retrieve the exact heart rhythm and the time at which the device went off. Investigators then compare this time and rhythm data to additional data from air pol- lution monitoring sites near the patient in order to relate the two seemingly separate data sets, J oined by a common time. Times and pollutant levels chosen when the device did not fire off serve as controls. Although burning coal is not the biggest source of PM�,_y improvements in analytical techniques have made it possible to point the finger at coal with increasing confidence. Initially it was only possible to measure and identify the source of relatively large particulates. Subsequent improvements then made it possible to segregate particles in terms of size. Recently, investiga- tors have applied statistical techniques coupled with advances in analytical chemistry to clearly identify the source of particles. Those with large amounts of silicon dioxide, the principle com- ponent of sand, arise from the earth's crust; par- ticles with lead come from motor vehicles; and particles marked with selenium result from burn- ing coal. Source -specific analytical techniques then showed that the selenium -containing par- ticles were the most damaging to health—that is, the particles that arose from coal. 4 ASH IN LUNGS While inhalation of coal ash fine particle pol- lution poses the greatest threat to human health from fugitive coal ash dust, the composition of the coal ash dust poses additional inhalation effects as well. HARMFUL L EFFECTS OF SILICA EXPOSURE VIA INHALATION F COAL ASH The composition of fly ash dust can vary consid- erably depending on the coal that was burned, but all fly ash contains significant amounts of silica, in both crystalline and amorphous form.' Respirable crystalline silica in coal ash can lodge in the lungs and cause silicosis, or scarring of the lung tissue, which can result in a disabling and sometimes fatal lung disease. Chronic silicosis can occur after many years of mild overexposure to silica. While the damage may at first go undetected, irreversible damage can occur to the lungs from chronic exposure. Such exposure can result in fever, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and cyanosis (blue skin). In addition, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that silica causes lung cancer in humans, and the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have also classified silica as a human carcinogen. HARMFUL EXPOSURE Thi EXCESSIVE RADIOACTIVITY Fugitive coal ash dust also contains radioactive metals.° While each coal seam will have differ- ent levels of radioactive metals attached to the carbon, all coals have at least some level of natu- rally occurring radioactive materials, including uranium, thorium, potassium and their radioac- tive decay products including radium." Burning coal concentrates the radionuclides approxi- mately three to ten times the levels found in the initial coal seams. The radioactive metals stay with the coal ash when the carbon is burned off.' If these dusts are inhaled, they can transport radioactive metals into a person's lungs. The CHRIS JORDAN-BLOCH, CARTHIiiSTICC radioactive metals will undergo radioactive decay and the resulting water-soluble radium can be transported to a person's bones where it will replace calcium. It will also undergo further decay to radon gas, the second leading cause of lung cancer after tobacco smoke in the United States. Radon gas is generated from the decay of radium. Being heavier than air, it tends to lay in pockets in low-lying areas unless mixed with air and carried away by wind. In addition, the dust does not have to be inhaled to be dangerous. Dust can contaminate surface water supplies HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH 5 where the soluble radium can contaminate drinking water and be ingested by humans or other species. HARMFUL FUL EXPOS RE TO MERCURY VIA COAL ASF Mercury is of particular concern due to its high toxicity and its accumulation in fly ash and eventually into the coal ash waste stream. Implementation of the federal Clean Air Mercury Rule will significantly increase the mercury content in fly ash because the mercury capture required by the rule will result in more mercury ending up in the solid waste created by coal burning. According to EPA testing of fly ash at plants that had mercury controls, the mer- cury in ash increased by a median factor of 8.5, and in one case, by a factor of 70.12 At the same time, other contaminants in fly ash such as arse- nic and selenium also increased, concurrently elevating the risk to human health via inhala- tion of fugitive dust. HARMFUL EXPOSI RE TO HYDROGEN SULFIDE E VIA COAL. ASH Hydrogen sulfide is a flammable, colorless gas with the characteristic odor of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide is released primarily as a gas and spreads in the air. Because of the high sulfur level in coal ash, hydrogen sulfide is often released at coal ash landfills and impoundments. Communities near dumps or coal plants and workers at these facilities may be exposed to hydrogen sulfide by breathing contaminated air. Exposure to low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide may cause nausea and irritation to the eyes, nose or throat. 13 It may also cause difficulty in breathing for some asthmatics. Children are sometimes exposed to more hydrogen sulfide than adults because hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air and children are shorter than adults. The sulfurous stench from coal ash dumps can also significantly degrade the quality of life of com- munities near disposal sites. DANGERS TO WORKERS FROM INHALATION OF COAL ASH The primary workplace health risks are associ- ated with inhaling airborne fly ash. Depending on conditions in the plant, regulations may require employees to use respirators, wear dis- posable clothing or both when performing spe- cific tasks. These employees may be the safest while performing those tasks since they are wearing protective gear. However, it is likely that many employees are exposed to and inhale sub- stantial concentrations of fly ash in power plants while they are not wearing respirators or other protections. In a published study, the Electric Power Research Institute found that silica expo- sure in U.S. coal-fired power plants frequently exceeded NIOSH health standards in areas where fly ash was handled, particularly during activities involving the maintenance of air pollu- tion devices (e.g., maintenance of baghouses or electrostatic precipitators). 14 Landfill employees and workers handling coal ash in "beneficial use" operations (e.g., at structural fills and minefills) may also experi- ence harmful exposure to airborne ash. Workers at the Arrowhead Landfill in Uniontown, Alabama,' which received 4 million tons of coal ash from the cleanup of the TVA, Kingston spill in aoog—nolo, reported significant injuries to health. 16 A construction manager overseeing the use of coal ash in the construction of a golf course has also claimed serious injury due to inhalation of fly ash.17 L ASH IN LUNGS DANGER M Egli Vuilgl � IllCOMMUNITIES NEAR COAL -BURNING PLANTS Utility companies have three ways to dispose of toxic coal ash. An estimated 36 percent of coal ash is disposed of in dry landfills, usually at the power plant site where it was generated. Approximately twenty-one percent of coal ash is stored in wet impoundments or "ponds"—some as large as i,000 acres." The remaining 43-46 percent is reused in industrial applications, including many that involve large-scale disposal, such as large structural fill projects and fill- ing mines with coal ash. More than 6o percent of all coal -burning plants have some type of onsite coal ash disposal, frequently consisting of at least one landfill, pond or silo."- Most have multiple disposal areas. Thus communities near power plants are frequently at risk of exposure to toxic dust. All forms of coal ash disposal can generate dangerous quantities of airborne ash due to mismanagement of ponds, landfills and reuse projects. Ponds in and environments may be allowed to dry, resulting in wind dispersion of CHRS JORDAN -F11 OCH / EARTHJUS! ICE dried ash. Landfills may not be covered daily or capped, also resulting in unsafe levels of ash blowing from dumps. Also, where coal ash is used for fill in construction or on agricultural fields as a "soil amendment," the ash can readily blow or erode. Windblown particulates called "fugitive dust" also arise when ash is loaded, unloaded and transported. REUSE SE E ASH Reuse can cause harinfut levels of toxic dust and water pollution so iCE. AMER _ AN COAL A'HASSOCIATION. H12 CO I. OMBUSTI0N PRODUCT [CL � PRODUCT ON - 'JRVEV RF PORT_. HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH Much like other residents of Uniontown, AL, William Gibbs started seeing the paint peeling off his truck a few months after coal ash from the spill in Tennessee arrived at a nearby landfill. "If that's what it's doing to my truck, imagine what it's doing to me," said Gibbs. LUAL ANN F'ULLU[AN t In 2009, the EPA documented the health threat from toxic dust near coal ash landfills in its draft screening risk assessment, inhalation of Fugitive Dust: A Screening Assessment of the Risks Posed by Coal Combustion Waste Landfzlls.11 The purpose of this screening assessment was to determine whether the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) could be violated through dry handling of coal ash, and if so, what management options might be needed to reduce the health risk. Indeed, the EPA found that "there is not only a possibility, but a strong likelihood that dry -handling would lead to the NAAQS being exceeded absent fugitive dust controls."2' The EPA concluded that only daily controls carchovascular # # asthrm wheezing lun can r (daily cover) can definitively prevent unhealthy releases of particulates. However, a critique of the EPA's screening assessment found that it considerably under- estimated the risk to human health from toxic dust. The EPA considered only one source of fugitive dust emissions from coal ash—wind ero- sion—and failed to assess the substantial emis- sions that occur during unloading and grading of the ash, as well as from trucks traveling on the deposited waste at the landfill.22 In addition to toxic dust from coal ash, communities near waste disposal operations are exposed to carci- nogenic diesel particulate emissions from trucks, on-site landfill equipment and diesel -powered 8 ASH IN LUNGS pumps and generators. To compound the prob- lem, high background levels of particulate matter from nearby equipment may increase the poten- tial for fugitive dust from coal ash to cause sig- nificant human health problems. If the EPA had taken all of these factors into account, it would have found even greater risks to communities living near coal ash dumps. CHALLENGES TC CONTROLLING HUMAN EXPOSURE Controlling respirable fugitive ash particles is a daunting task, principally because of two physical properties of coal ash. First, fly ash is inherently water repellant and tends to shed water droplets rather than absorb them. Thus simply wetting the material may not be effective in controlling the ash. Second, the small size of the particles (similar to talcum powder) adds to the difficulty of suppressing airborne dust. Unfortunately the most hazardous dust particles are the ones too small to see.21 STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS ARE INADEQUATE AT TO PROTECT COMMUNITIES No federal standards exist for reducing toxic durst There are currently no federal regulations addressing the threat of toxic dust from coal ash disposal or placement operations. In addition, most state laws do not protect communities from fugitive dust. While coal ash is regulated as a solid waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the general standards applying to fugitive dust at industrial waste landfills do not address the risks to human health posed by coal ash.,, Further, while coal ash is classi- fied as a hazardous substance under the federal Superfund law, no regulations address its safe disposal.'> In 2oio, the EPA proposed regulations under RCRA to address the threat from toxic coal ash dust, but these regulations have not yet been finahzed.z, Protective practices to control toxic dust, such as moistening dry ash and covering it daily in a landfill, can minimize the dangers to public health. Yet at most coal ash dumps, state regula- tions do not mandate daily cover, and adequate cover may be required only monthly or annually. The EPA found such infrequent dust suppres- sion has "the potential to lead to significant risks," adding that "yearly management leads to a PM,o concentration almost an order of mag- nitude above the [National Ambient Air Quality Standard]." The EPA concluded that most states do not require daily cover to control fugitive dust from landfills, and most states do not require caps on coal ash ponds to control dust. - In fact, our survey of 37 of the top coal ash generating states in the U.S. found that less than half of the states mandate dust (e.g. moistening) controls at coal ash landfills, and only a single state requires dust controls at coal ash ponds_" In addition, only seven of the 37 states require daily cover at coal ash landfills." Of the states that require dust controls, none -require specific measures for the control of dust on a daily basis; significant discretion is left in the hands of state permitting authorities and facility operators. No state currently requires the specific limit on toxic dust from landfills and ponds proposed by the EPA in its 2 -oro proposed coal ash rule (a level not to exceed 35 micrograms per cubic meter). Table i indicates the controls currently appli- cable in 37 of the top coal ash -generating states. HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH TABLE 1: STATE COAL ASHI FUG71"TIVE DUST CONTROLS MANDATORY MANDATORY MANDATORY DUST CONTROLS AT DUST CONTROLS AT DAILY COVER AT STATES COAL ASH LANDFILLS COAL ASH PONDS COAL ASH LANDFILLS AL NO NO NO AZ NO NO NO co NO NO N030 FL NO NO NO GA NO NO N031 IL YES NO YES IN YES NO NO [A YES NO NO KS NO NO NO KY NO NO NO LA NO NO YES MD NO NO NO M[ YES NO NO IVIN N 032 NO N033 MS NO NO N034 MO YES NO N035 MT NO NO NO NV YES NO YES NH NO NO NO NJ YES NO YES NM NO NO NO NY N036 NO N037 NC YES NO YES NO N039 NO NO3' OH NO NO NO OK N040 NO N04' PA YES YES YES sc YES NO NO SD N047 NO N043 TN N044 NO N045 TX NO NO NO LIT NO NO NO VA N046 NO NO WA N047 NO NO wl YES NO N048 WV YES NO YES WY N049 NO N050 10 ASH IN LUNGS HOW COMMUNITIES ARE IMPACTED BY OXIC DUSTFROM iAI-..A The following six communities are among hun- dreds of American communities that are injured by toxic air emissions from coal ash. Ice Arrowhead Landfill. Toxic Dust and Odors Lague an AlabamaTown After the catastrophic collapse of the coal ash dam at TVAs Kingston plant in Harriman, Tennessee, in 2008, the nation's worst coal ash spill was dumped across state lines into the lives of residents in Uniontown, Alabama (population 1,775)'' With the approval of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, the TVA chose to move the 4 million cubic yards of poison- ous ash to the town's Arrowhead Landfill. But instead of using protective management tech- niques, the coal ash was dumped in uncovered mounds stacked six stories high, just loo feet from nearby residents. Dust and odors from the landfill caused residents of Uniontown to experi- ence health problems, including respiratory ill- ness, headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Dust blanketed their homes, cars and gardens, and choking wafts of the "rotten egg" stench of hydrogen sulfide permeated their houses making life nearly unbearable. The dumping was a blatant act of environmen- tal injustice.=1 While the Harriman, Tennessee, community where the Kingston spill occurred is almost entirely white (91 percent) and middle class (median income $36,031), Uniontown is 90 percent African American, and 45.2 percent of its citizens live below the poverty line (median income $17,473). The transfer of the TVA coal ash to a community where the negative effects were disproportionately borne by African _Americans sparked residents to file a lawsuit in 2012 under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.5 Under Title VI, government agencies that receive fed- eral funds must assess whether their permitting decisions result, even unintentionally, in racial inequality. In fall 201-, Earthjustice assumed rep- resentation of those impacted by the dumping. The railcars loaded with toxic waste from Tennessee have ceased. But since the Arrowhead Landfill's permit allows the dump to continue to accept coal ash from more than two dozen states, there is no guarantee that the danger to the Uniontown residents has passed. CHRIS _ORDAIN SLOCH / EARTHJUST,CE HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH 11 "I wanted to move away from the noise and the hardness of the city. So I came here for some peace and quiet in the country. I wanted to hunt and fish and enjoy the weather in this beautiful place and now they've pushed this thing right on tap of us. iVow, I'm too old to move and no one would want to buy this place anyways,' said William Gibbs. Toxic. coal ash blows like a sandstorm straight at the homes on the Moapa River Reservation. m An M WindMows Across a Native American Community It starts with a warning. Next it is only a matter of which way the wind blows. In the evening, someone will go from house to house and tell the neighborhood that tomorrow will be a windy day and, perhaps, a bad air day. The next afternoon if the conditions are just wrong, coal ash dust blows from the nearby dump sites of Nevada Energy's Reid Gardner Power Station and moves like a sandstorm across the dry desert of the Moapa River Indian Reservation. The reser- vation is the ancestral home to a band of Paiute Indians whose homes sit only 300 yards from the plant.' Living in the shadow of Reid Gardner, the tribe has paid dearly with its health, and reaped little economic benefit. The Reid Gardner "sandstorm" is made up of coal ash, and members of the tribe tell of health M MOAPA BAND OF PAIIJTES ASN IN LUNGS problems resulting from the blowing ash, includ- ing burning skin, sore throats, hyperthyroidism, heart problems and asthma. On bad days, resi- dents stay inside. The toxic dust prevents use of the tribal lands for traditional activities, and members are concerned that their soil and water are poisoned with toxic pollutants from the ash. 3. Louisvi[Le Gas & ' s Cane Run Generating Station. Years of B[owing Ash The LG&E Cane Run Generating Station near Louisville, Kentucky, stores huge mountains of coal ash on site. For years, toxic dust clouds and odors have blown from the power plant's waste dumps onto the nearby community. Every day a continuous line of trucks haul ash from the power plant to the disposal site near a commu- nity of nearly 40o residents, many of whom live in rented trailers and mobile homes. A screen was erected between the ash pile and an adjacent cemetery in order to minimize the amount of wind-blown dust that escapes from the property. However, it seems to be purely cosmetic. In fact, videos of ash blowing over the top of the screen are regularly posted online ss The Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control. District has repeatedly responded to the toxic dust with notices of violations and fines.s' In 2013, LG&E agreed to pay $113,25o and comply with a pollution control plan after ash and odors blowing from the plant's landfill affected resi- dents living near the plant s- Two years earlier, LG&E paid $22,500 for repeatedly disregarding city regulations and allowing coal ash to blow into residential neighborhoods se Environmental samples obtained from three homes near the plant all showed clear evidence of deposits of fly ash and bottom ash, as confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and spectral analysis.59 4. BaffiefieLd GoLf Course® "BeneficiaL Between 2002 and 2007, Dominion Virginia Power opted for a cheap way to dispose of sour+ asrcoaLAsH ORe 1.5 million tons of coal ash. They built an 18 -hole golf course with the toxic ash in Chesapeake, Virginia. Ever since, Battlefield Golf Course has been ground zero in the fight over handful "ben- eficial uses" of coal ash. During construction of the golf course, neighbors and workers reported clouds of black dust migrating from the construction site to the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Homeowners abutting the course reported that their homes, yards, cars, picnic tables and play equipment were covered with ash. They were told it was harmless. According to a former construction manager of the golf course, Dominion directed the build- ing of the course with fly ash to disguise the proj- ect's true purpose—a coal ash dump_ In a sworn. statement, Derrick Howell, a former employee of the builder of the golf course, said, "It was clear that a golf course wasn't being built," stated Howell. "It was a coal ash dump. All Dominion ever cared about was tonnage and how much more they could dump. 116° As a result of the toxic dust and water con- tamination, the golf course has been the subject of several lawsuits, including a $2 billion lawsuit brought by nearby residents for damages. In addition, in 2012, a contractor filed a $lo million lawsuit against Dominion alleging that his inhala- tion of fly ash while building the course over five years contributed to his kidney cancer."' HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH 13 The "mountain" rising behind the fence is coal ash generated by the power plant. The screen at the Gane Run Generating Station cannot stop the toxic dust from reaching neighbors. Coal ash ponds from APS' Four Corner's Power Plant rise more than ioo feet above the and Navajo Reservation. g Dust and Disease from Mine Dumping in La BeRe, PA In the small rural community of La Belle, Pennsylvania, an immense mine dump covers Soo acres and contains a mountain of 40 million tons of waste. Because of its conical shape and a pond at the top, resembling a crater, local resi- dents refer to the dump as a "volcano" of mine waste and coal ash. First Energy—the operator of a power plant 75 miles north—plans to dump more than 3 million tons of additional coal ash here every year starting in 2016, when its 1,3oo- acre Little Blue Run coal ash impoundment in Beaver County closes. This is very bad news for the residents of La Belle. In addition to water contamination, toxic dust blows from the dump and from uncovered trucks hauling coal ash. The waste blankets nearby homes, offices, yards and cars. Residents have documented large clouds of dust drifting from the dump. Analyses of the particles on residential properties reveal the presence of coal ash, including toxic metals such as antimony, arsenic, chromium, lead and fine particles.', The residents of La Belle have turned to the court for relief. Represented by attorneys from Public .Justice and the Environmental Integrity Project, a complaint alleging violations of numer- ous federal and state environmental statutes was filed against the dump operator in 2013.' 6. Toxic Ash from Coal Ash Ponds Threatens the Navajo Nation In the Four Corners region, the Navajo Nation hosts one of the biggest coal-fired power plants in the West—the Arizona Public Service (APS) Four Corners Power Plant in Fruitland, New Mexico. Despite the plant's size, 25 percent of the reservation—an estimated 16,000 Navajo families—are without access to electricity.14The Navajo population is instead burdened by the enormous pollution created by the coal plant, including clouds of toxic dust from its half- dozen coal ash ponds and a landfill that rises no feet above the floor of the high desert. Since 1962, APS has dumped approximately 30 million tons of coal ash in six immense wet dumpsites near the power plant. Fugitive dust from the coal ash ponds is a severe problem_ Ash dries rapidly in the arid climate and is largely uncontained. Coal ash blown from the waste impoundments covers hundreds of acres 14 ASH IN LUNGS of the surrounding desert. On windy days, the air is literally filled with ash. Health problems, including asthma, are common among members of the Navajo Nation. Additionally, Navajo people use their local environment to gather medicines for ceremony and wellness. According to the group Dine' Citizens Against Ruining the Environment, con- tamination from coal ash jeopardizes the Navajo people's ability to practice traditional healings, which is embedded in their culture. CONCLUSION Despite the obvious health risks to communi- ties living near coal ash dump sites, no federal regulation regarding the storage and disposal of this toxic waste exists. The EPA proposed coal ash regulations in 2oro, but has not finalized the rules. Earthjustice, on behalf of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Appalachian Voices, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Environmental Integrity Project, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Moapa Band of Paiutes, Montana Environmental Information Center, Prairie Rivers Network, Sierra Club, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Western North Carolina Alliance, sued the EPA in federal court for its failure to follow the law and propose coal ash regulations in a timely manner. As a result of that lawsuit, the EPA will finalize the nation's first federal coal ash regulation by December r9, 22014. But federal regulations for coal ash cannot come soon enough. An increasingly large number of studies show clear links between inhaled coal ash and adverse health outcomes. The huge volume of coal ash generated in the United States and the many dangerous ways it is dumped create a variety of pathways for harm- ful levels of human exposure. Communities across the nation are hurt by toxic dust because adequate controls are not in place to protect public health. Often those harmed are com- munities of color or low-income communities living along the fence lines of these coal ash dumps whose economic hardships make them even more vulnerable to injury. Requiring con- trol of toxic dust through federally enforceable standards that protect all Americans nation- wide, and switching from coal to cleaner, renew- able energy sources, are well-documented and essential paths to better health. HOW BREATHING COAL ASH IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH 15 i. Coal ash is comprised off our categories of combustion waste. Fly ash makes up the largest percentage (about half) by weight. Fly ash is the lightest of the four wastes and the most Iikelyto become airborne. It is carried up with hot flue gases and trapped by stack filters. 2. http://carthjusticc.org/features/coal-ash- contaminatcd-sites 3. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Form EIA -923, Power Plant Operations Report, Schedule 8. Part A. Annual Byproduct Disposition (20zz Final Release). 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System Identification and Listing of Special Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities. Proposed rule. Page 344 http://www.epa.gov/wastes/nonhaz/industrial/special/ fossil/cer-rule/ccr-rule-prop.pdf. 5. See data subm itted pursuant to U. S. Envtl. Prot, Agency. Environmental Protection Agency: 2oio Questionnai re for the Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines. OMB Control No. 2040-0281. Approved May 20, 2010. See also U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category; Proposed Rule, 78 Fed. Reg. 34,432 34516 (June 7, 2013). 6. U.S. Environmental Protecrion Agency. Inhalation of Fug tive Dust: A ScreeningAssessmentof the Risks Posed by Coal Combustion Waste Landfills (draft), September 2009. 7. The Clean Air Act established six criteria pollutants and required the EPA to develop and periodically review National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for each ofthem. These standards are designed to help the Agency achieve its mission "to protect human health and the environment." As time has passed, the NAAQS have become more stringent, as the extent of their health impacts has become more and more evident. S. Valencic,Aaron. "Dust Suppression in Coal Ash Applications," 2or3 World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference, Lexington, KY, avadableathttp://www. flyash. info/2013/098-Valencic-2or3.pdf. 9. According to EPA, fly ash has atypical radiation level between a low of 2 pCi/g and a high of 9.7 pCi/g. See http:// vjww.ep,,i.gov/r,idiation/tenorm/coalandcoalash.hrml 10. Id. 11. See Figure 1. Graph from Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash: Abundance, Forms, and Environmental Significance_ U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS -163-97- October, 1997. 12. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry, Federal Register, Vol 71, No. 244, December 20, 2006. 13. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology and Env rcnmental Medicine 'I'oxFAQs, Hydrogen Sulfide, CAS #7783-06-4, July 2006. 14. Edison Electric Institute, Silica Exposure at Electric Utilities, EEI Safety and Health Webinar, July 22, 2009, 8, availableathttp://www3.eci.org/meetings/ Meeting 12oDocurnents/2oo9-07-22-IHIssuesWeb- Silica_Hatcher.pcif. r5. See http://carthjustice.org/slideshow/photo-essay-a- toxic-inheritance. 16. Holly Haworth, Oxford American, Something Inside ofUs, Issue 82, Nov. 11, 2013, available athttp://www. ox_fordamerican.org/articles/2or3/nov/n/something- inside-us/. 17. See Marj on Rostamf, Norfolk Virginian -Pilot, "Chesapeake fly ash suit against Dominion refiled," February 22, 2012, available at http://hampton roads. com/2012/o2/chesapeake-fly-ash-suit-against- dominion-refiled, describing lawsuit by construction manager at the Battlefield Golf Course who alleges his cancer is attributable to arsenic exposure. 18. Barry Breen, ActingAssistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, US EPA. Testimony delivered to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment, U.S. House of Representatives, April 301, 2009. 19. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Regulatory Impact Analysis For EPA's Proposed RCRA Regulation Of Coal Combustion Residues (CCR) Generated by the Electric Utility Industry, April 30, 2oio at 33. 20. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Inhalation of Fugitive Dust: A Screening Assessment of the Risks Posed by Coal Combustion WasteLandjzlls (draft), September 2oo9. 21. Id. 22. Comments of Environmental Integrity Project, Sierra Club, Earthjustice et al., Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards forthe Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category; Proposed Rule, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2oo9-o819,Appendix G, Petra Press, "Refinement of EPA's 2oo9 Screening Assessment of Risks Posed by Inhalation of Fugitive Dust from Coal Combustion Waste Landfills Based on New Data for Landfill Size," September 20, 2013. 23, Peterson, Edwin. "An Aid to Fugitive Material Control in Coal Ash Application," 2011 World of Coal Ash, Denver, Co. availableathttp://www.flyash. info/2oi1/001-felde2on.pdf 24. See Comments, Earthjustice or al., Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System; Identification and ListingofSpecial Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Proposed Rule, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-RCRA-2oo9-0640, June 21, 2010,34-35. 25. See Eagle-Piclterindustricsv U.S. EPA, 7J9 R2d922 (D -C. Cir. 1985). 26. EPA, Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System; Identification and Listing ofSpecial Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Proposed Rule, 75 Fed, Reg. 35,128, 35,182 (proposed June 21, 2010). 27- U.S. EPA_ "Estimation of Costs for Regulating Fossil Fuel Combustion Ash Management at Large Electric Utilities Under Pan 258." Prepared by DPRA Incorporated. November 30, 2005. 28. See note 24, supra. 29. Id. 30. Allows variance for daily cover requirement - 31. Allows variance for daily cover requirement. 32. Dust controls can be waived by variance. 33. Allows variance for daily cover requirement. 34. Cover requirement is not daily. 35. Cover requirement is not daily. 36- Dust controls can he waived by variance. 37. Allows variance for daily cover requirement. 38. Dust controls can be waived by variance. 39. Cover requirement is not daily. 40. Dust controls can be waived by variance. 41. Cover requirement is not daily. 42- Dust controls can be waived by variance. 43- Allows variance for daily cover requirement. 44 Dustcontrols can bewaived byvariance. 45. Cover requirement is not daily. 46. Dust controls can be waived by vari ance. 47. Dust controls can be waived byvariance. 48. Cover requirement is not daily. 49. Dust controls can be waived byvariance- 50- Cover requirement is not daily. Si. Shaila Dewain, New York Times, "Clash in Alabama Over Tennessee Coal Ash," August 29, 2oo9, available athttp:Hwww.nytimes.com/2oo9/08/3o/us/3oash. html%_r=o. 52. Emily Enderle, Earthjusticc, "Tr -ash Talk: Dumping is a Civil Rights Issue," February 12, 2012, available at http://earEhjustice.org/blog/2 ol -) -february/ty-ash-talk- du mping- a- civil-rights -issue. 53- Sue Sturgis, The Institute for Southern Studies, "Alabama faces civil rights complaint over landfill taking waste from TVA coal ash disaster," available at http:// www. southernstudies-org/2o 1.2/o1/alabama-faces-civil- i ghts-complaint-over-landfill-taking-waste-from-tva- coal-ash-disaster.h. S4. http://eart4lustice.org/features/campaigns/an-ill- wind-blows. 55. Seehttp://www,youtuDe.com/ watch?v=BPgQCYsErGY. 36. Erica Petersen, WFPL, "LG&E Fined $65,00o for Odor Problems at Cane Run Power Plant," August 5, 2013, civailableathttp://wfpl.org/post/ige-fined-65oo0- odor-problems-cane-rur� power -plant. 57. James Bruggers, Louisville Courier -Journal, "LG&E to pay $113,250 fine over alleged coal ash violations," Nov. 14,2013, availableat http://www.eourier-journal. com/article/20131113/NEWSo1/3n13o111/. 58. J. Sonka, Leo Weekly, "LG&E is on notice: Air Pollution Control District uncovers violations at coal ash landfill," Nov. 9, 2011, available at http://leoweekly. com/news/Ige-notice. Thev olations included: (1) six incidents throughout June, July and August 2oi1, in which clouds of fly ash rose from its sludge processing plant, causing "nuisance and annoyance to the residents;" (2) three incidents in July 2o1r where LG&E "failed to take precautions to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne beyond the work site;" and (3) four incidents in August 2011 in which they failed to report "excess particulate emissions" from the plant. 59. See RJ Lee Group, Surface Dust Study, July 8, 2011, available athttp://archives.wfpl.org/wp-content/ upload s/2o11/o7/TL,H1o4154-Nuisance-dust-report-7- 8-1i-FINAL,.pdf and RJ Lee Group, Update on Passive Deposition Sampling Study, July 13, 2oi1, available at htEp://archi,,Tes,wfpl.org/wp-content/i-iploadS/201 I/ 07/TLH104154-Passive-Sampling-Report_FINAL_ July-i3.pdf. 60. Louis Hansen, The Virginian -Pilot, "Lawsuit claims Dominion saw golfcourse as `coal ash dump,"' August 27, 2oo9, availableat http://hamptonroads.com/ 2oo9/o8/lawsuit-claims-dominion-saw-golf-course- coal-ash-dump. 61. Marjon Rostami, TheVirginian-Pilot, "Chesapeake fly ash suit against Dominion refilled," February 22, 2012, availableat littp://hamptonroads.eom/2012/02/ chesapeakc-fly-ash- suit- again st-dominion-refiled. 62. Environmental Integrity Project, "Citizens Coal Council Sues Matt Canestrale Contracting for Dumping Toxic Coal Ash," June 26,2n i S, available at http:// www.enk ironmentalintegritv...org/news_reports/ d oclurlents/o62613%2oLaBelle%a01awsuit%20 release%2oFINALi.pdf. See also, EIP complaint at http://wvw7-environmentaliniegrity-org/news_ reports/documents/2oi3_o6_26-FINAL-CCC%2o Canestrale%2oComplaintpdf 63. Id. 64. http://wwiv.ntua.com/. Environ. Sci, Technol. 2009, 43, 6326-6333 Survey o the Potential Environmental .l Health in the Immediate 'Aftermath of thi �,oal Ash Spill in Kingston, LAURA RUHL,t AVNER VENGOSH,* t GARY S. DWYER,'t HEILF.EN HSU-KIM,* AMRIKA DEONARINE,t MIKE BERGIN,' AND JULIA KRAVCHENICO" Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, 205 Old Chemistry Building, Box 90227, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 27708, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 12.1 Hudson Hall, Box 90287, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 311 Ferst Drive, Georgina Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, and Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duke School of Medicine, 2424 Erwin Road, Hock- Plaza, Suite 601, Durham, North Carolina 27705 Received March 6, 2009. Revised manuscript received April 15, 2009. Accepted April 17, 2009. An investigation of the potential environmental and health impacts in the immediate aftermath of one of the largest coal ash spills in U.S. history at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston coal -burning power plant has revealed three major findings. First, the surface release of coal ash with high levels of toxic elements (As = 75 mg/kg; Hg = 150 ug/kg) and radioactivity (11611a + "Ra = 8 pCi/g) to the environment has the potential to generate resuspended ambientfine particles (<10 um) containing these toxics into the atmosphere that may pose a health risk to local communities. Second, leaching of contaminants from the coal ash caused contamination of surface waters in areas of restricted water exchange, but only trace levels were found in the downstream Emory and Clinch Rivers due to river dilution. Third, the accumulation of Hg- and As -rich coal ash in river sediments has the potential to have an impact on the ecological system in the downstream rivers byfish poisoning and methylmercuryformation in anaerobic river sediments. 1r_ 1) On Monday, December 22, 2008, the containment structure surrounding the storage of coal ash at the Kingston coal - burning power plant of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) collapsed, which resulted in massive release of coal combus- tion products (CCP) ash to the environment near Harriman, Tennessee. The CCP material, consisting of fly ash and bottom ash, spilled into tributaries of the Emory River and directly * Corresponding author phone: (919) 681-8050; fax (919) 684-5833; e-mail: vengosh@duke.edu. r Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University. Georgia Institute of Technology. Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duke School of Medicine. 6326 ■ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 into the Emory River (Figure 1), which joins the Clinch River that flows to the Tennessee River, a major drinking water source for downstream users. The Kingston coal ash spill released over 4.1 million cubic meters of ash, which is one of the largest spills in U.S. history. Some previous coal ash spills in the United States include the 2000 Martin County spill in Kentucky, which released over 1.1 million cubic meters of coal slurry into abandoned mines and nearby creeks (1), and the 1972 Buffalo Creek incident in West Virginia, which released almost a half million cubic meters of coal mining residue slurry into a nearby town (2). Numerous studies have shown that coal ash contains high levels of toxic metals that can harm the environment (3-14) and some of these elements are soluble in water and easily leached in aquatic systems (13-16). This paper aims to provide an initial assessment of the potential environmental impacts and health risks associated with the Kingston TVA coal ash spill. In particular, the paper examines the reactivity of trace metals known to be enriched in CCP ash (9,13) in surface water and the potential ecological effects associated with the accumulation of CCP ash in river sediments. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the relatively high content of radionuclides in CCP ash and the potential health impact of their resuspension in the atmosphere. While most studies have investigated the potential for radon emanation from cement and fly ash used as building materials (17-20), here we examine possible health risks associated with elevated radium activity in CCP ash. The study includes measurements of trace metals in solid ash, sediments from the river, and water samples that were collected in the vicinity of the coal ash spill. Given the limited data collection since the accident, this paper provides only an initial evaluation, and does not provide a comprehensive assessment of the overall environmental impacts of the TVA coal ash spill. Analytical Methods and Materials Coal ash, sediments from the rivers, and water samples from tributaries, the Emory and Clinch Rivers, and springs near the spill area in Kingston and Harriman,TN (Table Sl; Figure 1) were collected in three fieldtrips on January 9-10, February 6-7, and March 27-28, 2009. The surface water samples were collected near the river shoreline from sites located upstream and downstream (at different distances) of the spill. Each location was determined by availability of public access and/or allowance by property owners. Water sampling strictly followed USGS protocol (21); trace metal and cation samples were filtered in the field (0.45 um syringe filters) into new and acid -washed polyethylene bottles containing high -purity HNO3. Trace metals in water were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP -MS); mercury in sediments and coal ash was measured by thermal decom- position, amalgamation, atomic absorption spectroscopy (Milestone DMA -80) (22); and radium isotopes were mea- sured by y -spectrometry (see supporting text Sl). Results and Discussion Coal Ash and Sediments. A comparison of the chemical cornposition of the TVA coal ash and local soil in Kingston, Tennessee (Table 1) shows marginal enrichments of major elements of calcium (by a factor of 2), magnesium (1.3), and aluminum (1.5), and large enrichments of trace elements such as strontium (30), arsenic (21), barium (5), nickel (5), lithium (5), vanadium (4), copper (3), and chromium (2). The high arsenic concentration in the TVA coal ash (mean = 75 mg/kg) is consistent with previously reported As in ash 10.1021/es900714p CCC: $40.75 �, 2009 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/04/2009 FIGURE 1. Map of the sampling sites of the TVA coal ash spill in Kingston, Tennessee. Site descriptions are reported in Supporting Information (Google maps provided the base map). TABLE 1. Average Metals Concentrations (mg/kg) in TVA Coal Ash and Background Soil in Kingston, TN' material n Al As Ba Be Cd Ca Cr Co Cu Fe Ph Li Mg Mn Mo Ni Se Sr V 2n coal ash average (mg/kg) 12 14109 74.6 354.2 3.1 0.03 3325 24.8 13.5 46.2 13333 19.0 24.6 1616 102 2.1 23.0 0.2 201.0 76.7 40.4 STD 7264 20.4 248.8 1.8 0.08 1142 7.6 6.0 16.6 2807 6.6 6.8 1531 54 2.0 8.0 0.6 39.3 30.6 12.5 background soil average (mg/kg) 12 9367 3.5 73.8 0.3 0.01 1418 11.9 7.3 15.9 15200 16.5 5.3 1211 1056 0.2 4.4 0.9 6.8 20.9 29.7 STD 3485 2.3 51.9 0.3 0.21 933 5.3 7.8 35.2 6729 8.4 1.9 5580 1007 0.4 4.7 1.8 4.3 4.4 11.7 ash/soil ratio 1.5 21.4 4.8 9.4 3.0 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.9 0.9 1.1 4.6 1.3 0.1 13.4 5.2 0.2 29.8 3.7 1.4 a Samples were collected and analyzed by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the Tennessee Department of Health. residue of both hard coal (anthracites, bituminous, and subbituminous A and B; As = 50 mg/kg) and brown coal (lignites and subbiturninous C; As = 49 mg/kg) (7). In addition, the mercury level of the TVA coal ash (an average of 151.3 f 15.9 yg/kg; Table 2) is higher than background soil in Tennessee (45 ,ug/kg) (23). These concentrations are consistent with the range of values reported in fly ash (100--1500 pg/kg) (24). Likewise, the 226Ra (a mean of 4.4 ± 1.0 pCi/g) and 22811a (3.1 ± 0.4 pCi/g) activities of the coal ash are higher than those in local soil in Kingston (L1 f 0.2 and 1.4 ± 0.4 pCi/g, respectively; Table 3). The Ra activity of the TVA coal ash is similar to the levels reported previously for fly and bottom ash from a Kentucky utility (Table 3) with a consistent activity 228Ra/226Ra ratio of ^-0.7 (25). The potential impact of Ra on the environment and human health is an important consideration in remediation of the spill and is discussed below. The Hg concentration increases from 16-54 ag/kg in upstream sediments, collected at the shoreline of the Emory and Clinch Rivers, to a level of 53 pg/kg directly across from the spill site (Site 8; Figure 1), and up to 92-130 eglkg in sediments from the downstream Clinch River at Sites 9 and 10 (Tables 2 and S1). The Hg concentrations of the upstream sediments are consistent with previously reported Hg data for the overall Tennessee River (Table 2) (23). A historical massive release of Hg from the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant into East Fork Poplar Creek has resulted in accumulation of Hg in the sediments from the downstream Clinch River (26, 27), which could have provided a I -Ig legacy source for the Clinch River sediments. Our direct sampling of two sites in the upstream Clinch River (relative to the coal ash spill; Table 2) and downstream of the Y-12 source in Oak Ridge resulted, however, in low Hg contents of the river sediments (16 t 5 upstream and 54 ± 11 Pglkg downstream of Poplar Creek), which are similar to background values we report for the Emory River (Table 2). In contrast, sediments from the downstream Clinch River (sites 9 and 10) have higher Hg content (>100pg/kg), which suggests a significant contribution of Hg from the coal ash to the river sediments. We therefore conclude VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 /ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 6327 TABLE 2. Ng Results (,ug/kg) in Coal Ash and River Sediments Associated with the Spill Area in Kingston, TN' total Hg, ,ug/kg average ± SD In - 3) sample ID site no. in Figure 1 description 210 -Ph total Ra 22BRa/221Ra the cove Feb 7 March 28 RC8S1 coal ash 4.9 upstream 3.57 8.1 0.65 LR2 site 2 upstream Emory River 43 ± 0.5 10 (n = 1) LR1 1 upstream of site 3 upstream Clinch River NA 1615 TDEC data (just downstream of Oak Ridge) LR10 site 3 upstream Clinch River NA 54 ± 11 LR1 site 7 close to the spill on Emory River 29.7 ± 3 22 ± 0.2 Kentucky coal ash coal ash RC8S1 site 6 spilled ash pile 139 ± 5 NA RC8S2 site 6 spilled ash pile 145 ± 12 NA 'TDEC data are from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation downstream Department of Health. Kentucky coal ash data are from ref 25. RC3 site 8 across from spill on Emory River 53+3 NA LR9 site 9 convergence of Clinch and Emory Rivers 130 ± 5 104 ± 12 LR8 site 10 downstream Clinch River (1-40) 115 ± 9 92 ± 32 LR6 site 11 downstream Clinch River NA 81 ± 38 LR7 downstream of downstream Clinch River site 11 (before convergence with TN river) NA 51 ± 10 Background soil, Tennessee Lower Clinch River (n = 9) 45 ± 12 Upper Tennessee hydrological unit (n - 73) 47 ± 27 Roane County 56 ± 23 ' Background data of Hg in Tennessee soil from ref 23. that ash transport and deposition in the Clinch River has increased the Hg content in the river sediments. Water Contamination. Results show that the tributary that was dammed by the coal ash spill and turned into a standing pond ("the Cove" in the area of Swan Pond Circle Road; Figure 1) has relatively high levels of leachable coal ash contaminants (LCAC), including arsenic, calcium, mag- nesium, aluminum, strontium, manganese, lithium, and boron (Table 4; Figure 2). Some of these elements are highly enriched in coal ash (6, 8) (Table 1), and are known to be highly soluble in aquatic systems (8). Among the LCACs, arsenic stands out with concentrations of up to 86 pg/L in the Cove area. Groundwater data from the other tributary (Figure 1) show negligible LCAC levels, thus indicating that the shallow groundwater is not contaminated. In this hydrological setting, noncontaminated groundwater dis- charges into the dammed tributary and causes leachingb of LCAC from the coal ash. Under restricted water exchange, the formation of standing water in the Cove resulted in contaminated surface water. In contrast, surface waters from the Emory River and Emory- Clinch River downstream from the breached dam show only slight LCAC levels, and all river inorganic dissolved constituents concentrations are below the EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) and EPA 6328 ® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) for aquatic life (Table 4) (28, 29). The upstream Clinch River has a distinct chemical composition (higher Na', Ca `, Mg", Sr2', and SO4'-) relative to the upstream Emory (Table 4), and thus the major inorganic constituents show mixing relationships between these two water sources (Line MI in Figure 2) downstream from the confluence of the Emory and Clinch rivers (Figure 1). The concentrations of arsenic, strontium, and boron in the downstream river samples deviate toward higher values, however, relative to these river mixing relationships (Figure 2). These geochemical shifts reflect a small but traceable indication of leaching of contaminants from coal ash that was spilled into the river and further mixing with the uncontaminated river water (Line M2 in Figure 2). The data show that the river flow is effective in reducing the LCAC's contents by an order of magnitude relative to directly contaminated water measured in the Cove. The water samples were collected near the shoreline of the river, which may be an underestimate of the concentration of dissolved elements throughout the river vertical profile. The spatial distribution of contaminants (dissolved and suspended particulate fractions) in a river water column depends on a number of factors including particulate size, TABLE 3. Radioactivity Data (pCi/g Unit) and Activity Ratios of Coal Ash and Background Data from the Spill Area TN8 in Kingston, samplelsite material 226Ra 22BRa 210 -Ph total Ra 22BRa/221Ra the cove RC8S1 coal ash 4.9 3.2 3.57 8.1 0.65 RC5S coal ash 2.6 2.1 154 4.6 0.79 RC8S2 coal ash 4.9 3.1 5.01 7.9 0.63 TDEC data average for coal ash (n = 12) coal ash 4.4 ± 1.0 3.1 ± 0.4 7.5 ± 1.4 0.70 ± 0.07 average background soil (n = 15) soil 1.1 ± 0.2 1.4 ± 0.6 2.6 ± 0.7 1.21 ± 0.28 Kentucky coal ash fly ash (average, n = 17) fly ash 4.4 ± 0.6 3.4 ± 0.6 6.5 ± 1.9 7.8 ± 0.9 0.77 ± 0.15 bottom ash (average, n -- 6) bottom ash 4.0 ± 1.2 2.9 ± 0.9 2.2 ± 2.9 7.3 ± 1.3 0.71 ± 0.21 'TDEC data are from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the Tennessee Department of Health. Kentucky coal ash data are from ref 25. that ash transport and deposition in the Clinch River has increased the Hg content in the river sediments. Water Contamination. Results show that the tributary that was dammed by the coal ash spill and turned into a standing pond ("the Cove" in the area of Swan Pond Circle Road; Figure 1) has relatively high levels of leachable coal ash contaminants (LCAC), including arsenic, calcium, mag- nesium, aluminum, strontium, manganese, lithium, and boron (Table 4; Figure 2). Some of these elements are highly enriched in coal ash (6, 8) (Table 1), and are known to be highly soluble in aquatic systems (8). Among the LCACs, arsenic stands out with concentrations of up to 86 pg/L in the Cove area. Groundwater data from the other tributary (Figure 1) show negligible LCAC levels, thus indicating that the shallow groundwater is not contaminated. In this hydrological setting, noncontaminated groundwater dis- charges into the dammed tributary and causes leachingb of LCAC from the coal ash. Under restricted water exchange, the formation of standing water in the Cove resulted in contaminated surface water. In contrast, surface waters from the Emory River and Emory- Clinch River downstream from the breached dam show only slight LCAC levels, and all river inorganic dissolved constituents concentrations are below the EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) and EPA 6328 ® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) for aquatic life (Table 4) (28, 29). The upstream Clinch River has a distinct chemical composition (higher Na', Ca `, Mg", Sr2', and SO4'-) relative to the upstream Emory (Table 4), and thus the major inorganic constituents show mixing relationships between these two water sources (Line MI in Figure 2) downstream from the confluence of the Emory and Clinch rivers (Figure 1). The concentrations of arsenic, strontium, and boron in the downstream river samples deviate toward higher values, however, relative to these river mixing relationships (Figure 2). These geochemical shifts reflect a small but traceable indication of leaching of contaminants from coal ash that was spilled into the river and further mixing with the uncontaminated river water (Line M2 in Figure 2). The data show that the river flow is effective in reducing the LCAC's contents by an order of magnitude relative to directly contaminated water measured in the Cove. The water samples were collected near the shoreline of the river, which may be an underestimate of the concentration of dissolved elements throughout the river vertical profile. The spatial distribution of contaminants (dissolved and suspended particulate fractions) in a river water column depends on a number of factors including particulate size, 7 zi' 7 7 6 6 Iq Ili - N' 7 -9' N ---t m, 7 V N N 16 1 1 0 c) o I - o C) o I I o f 1 6000001 0000 0 1 1 1 0 0 E u- Z_ . ch is 0)07 (R LD j: M ­j: LD 1 3: 0 C, C) Cl (o 00 0 CD C) C) Cl 0 CD C3 0 0 0 Cl 6 C9 o? Ln d' Qq Lo r! 07 O m cl 501.() 7 In LO CV lzt q M d' C? (o MO Lq 1067 Co M �; T co N �l 00 a Lo m m r, (D m r- �t 0 m cli F- m C� CIJ N M r- M 1* CD CN LO Ln CJ CN CN m et mmm m m 70 Ln Ln co co c� c� I-R 7 cq c� 11 q q 0� C, c� 0 7 m q Ll� C, cq 0� rl� r- r-� Lo r- m Ln co CO - - - - - - - -.-.-•-.-.-- CD000Cl cu 61 V m 7 V lzt lZJ: 00 LD cl 00 CO M " Lq N Ln Lq LD CO O) N 1-J: 0 cn CD 0 CD CD CJ CD CO 0 CD - 0 0 0 CD C) 0 C, 0 (2) CD cl 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Cl C) 0 0 0 Lo u r Ln m d CO cl, CO cl) CO h (D m 7 07 M - co 10 h N h cq M LD 0 CD I c) 6 m m Lo m N CD 0 Cl M 0 0 6 0 0 C> 0 0 0 O- 0 c, c) CD I O 0 O= 0) (D m 00 -CN m c:1= C 0 LnV� a� 6 c� Z' 7 LD Mq 7 W C� Lq 7 7 I-q m M 1'1� ci ci O0 L) (D cn Ln oo ct a) CO cli r, CN It, (o M X M - M (o N N M M (D (.0 cl) t Lo Lo ;t zt � - NM O 0 In Lo (D (D 00 Lo 00 LO T M 0 W W M (O M M 007 - -N - j- 0 . 0 0 . CD r L -, C5 M N cli 0 0 6 't 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 06 o . 0 m • cn U.� 17 17 0 CD CD cl) r-, o? 07 C'� O7 In 10 n YC z - - c� 1 0 1 c� cli cc Ln Ua lzt N N 0 0 CD 0 N co h 0 cli CD 0 0 0 UJ M C14 r-, Q0 CO 00 0 L2 Ln Lo �2 0 �-O Oh 0700000 CN rl lzt rl m Cl) Lo cn (o 'T c� cli 00 m C) C14 Cl) Lo x O co a) () w CD M I 1,T CN M r-- CD 00 0•(Z M et CO CO M C� N CO N 00 LD m Lo d' (N Ln V(D N CO V) M CO (n co > M (n co M M 1�0 r, el � M I, CO r cn " 00 r, 1�r cq M r� �; C? -q E 0 -,ici4,�ai 'o . m .6 r� cS �6 6 ci 4 4 4 M ai c; m Lo �2 u cj r� co N cN co --r - - - - - c: 'E UD Lo o �o (D L cl CN n r-, -;t NW co m m - co d.Lo 't E :m 0 ci 6 cli cli ai cli h 0 6 6 6 6 -, N C6 6 6 6 w > 0� r-: LD 7 �t hcq q a� h h m Lo 0 (D c ,2 C) 00 C) 0) M M r W m �� l, clJ co O)(D N r, N N 04 CN c1l r ZS cc O h0 co co m 0 Lo r, r- LO M M (D LD f- CN 00 1- m w Es N M (.6 c6 N Ln ui C-i C6 cli oi L6 cD r_: 4 6 tri -c m (q CO LD CO " h q W lz' (P LO cq Iq (q r-: LO h IR 1p Iq O Z - cli m cli M - co N- C11 cT OD CD U) 00 Ln r, cli O 0 u E m M NQ0 " b h7 Ln et x 7 q 7 m 0� m m ,� LO M W07 m LO (Dq Ln z r, oo ��j cy) -4 (o T NN " - 4 r- r, r-, r, co co oo r- oo E c O cq Lq (�q c7 Ll� " q a) cl, m - m m MLq m 67 Met r,� 07 (o CO r•Lq r,� t m Lb Lo Ln r, CO Nc,) �2 ,i Lo co co m r� r, t-. (o r-, r-, r, co t m t Lo m t t zt Ln m Met m m - M co M N NM N N M co - - - a) -.--M 't Ln Ln In N cli N r" 11 r, MM M M O CD C) �2 �2 �2 Ln -j .2 L) m L r6 .0 �E E 7< 7 -L �� a. -c: 0-0-0 110 m -6 c: W-Fo 0. > > > > > C- CL 0 0 0 0 0 > CU -0 0 0 -L- :t -t uuuuu L) "i c c c W.c O L cn zm 0- 0- a a) 0 a) a) -a E0` > > >sCLr E m CL > 0 o m m 2 .2 2 2 2 c - M M CL c:: -c 0 C, - - - (D (D (D 0 3: 3: 3: 3: E 70 0U) c c c c 0 0 0 0 0 ceR o 0 0 0 m m co 0 0 0 in c: E E E W W LU U wo D-) -m cm 0 0 0 > > > > > > > E im L) M c E E E E 0 0 0 0 m m m m > > > > > > zm zm,- cc CY 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0-0-0 15 Q,, .� F.' � - -6 E. 2 2 UUUUUL)0 6 0 So > > > Q 0 0 c c c c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c: c c c cm a > > > C) C) = --- CL CL 1-- 1-- F- 1-- O Z: E UJ W W W v v 0 U U U u 0 L; 0 U U = n CD :3 d° asD D :3 �E u D .21 o cli 'D t 00 co r- < < Z" z u z u z Z, u zZ"uzz,uuzzuzzQzzu zzzzu a_ a_ a) ge m cr 1-1-a: F-- I-- cr 1-- X 1-- 1-- 0-- 0-- F- F- CC h F- CC 1-- 0: w LU 0 VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY- 6329 10 8 r� M�1 6 O2J E d„s i- 4 2 0 IN 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Cl_ (mg/L) 10, 10' rda bA 1 0.1 0.01 lo, 10' r� 0.1 jj dl _ 'r® A ®fir r ' I C 10 Ca 2+ (m /L) 100 1 1 1 1 0.01 10 1002+ 1000 10 100 1000 Sr (}Lg/L) Sr 2+(gg/L) FIGURE 2. Variations of Na- and Cl- (A), Cat- and As (B), Sr 2' and B (D), and Sr'- and As (D) in water samples from the Cove (triangles), Emory River upstream (open circles) and downstream (closed circles), and Emory—Clinch upstream (open squares) and downstream (closed squares). Mixing of Emory and Clinch Rivers (Line 1) is identified by the major ion composition (A). Elements that are enriched in coal ash, as reflected by the high concentrations in the Cove area (dashed line), show higher concentrations in the downstream Emory—Clinch river samples relative to the expected Emory—Clinch river mixing composition (Line M1). Line M2 reflects possible mixing of contaminants derived from coal ash leaching near the spill area (dashed line) and the uncontaminated Clinch River composition (Line Mi►. turbulent flow conditions, seasonal flow changes, and channel morphology (30). The dissolved phase, which was measured in this study, is typically homogeneously distrib- uted in a river, but can vary with the proximity to a point source of pollution (30). Assuming that metal mobilization in the river derives from both suspended ash and bottom sediments, the distribution of dissolved constituents in the water column would depend on numerous factors such as differential river velocity, rate of mobilization, and water depth (31). Further investigation is therefore required to determine the vertical distribution of metals in the river water, and whether sampling of the upper river section represents the most diluted segment of the river flow. Potential Environmental Impacts. While the downstream river water shows only trace levels of LCACs (at the surface), the downstream river sediments show high Hg concentrations similar to the coal ash levels (115-130 pg/kg; Table 2). The ecological effects of Hg in the coal ash and sediments depend on the chemical lability of Hg in the solids and the potential for mercury methylation in the impacted area. While previous studies have demonstrated that Hg in CCP ash is not readily soluble through acid -leaching protocols (32), Hg has a high 6330 ■ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 affinity for natural organic matter (33, 34), which can promote desorption if the Hg is associated with weaker binding sites on metal -oxide minerals in the ash material (35). Further- more, the transformation of Hg to methylmercury by anaerobic bacteria in river sediments is a concern because of bioaccumulation of methylmercury in food webs. Previous studies have shown that sulfate addition can promote methylation in freshwater ecosystems by stimulating sulfate - reducing bacteria (36), the primary organisms responsible for producing methylmercury in the environment (377. In coal -ash -containing waters, a 10- to 20-foldincrease in SO4'_ concentrationswas observed in the Cove area relative to unaffected upstream sites (Table 4). Therefore, the meth- ylation potential of mercury from this material could be high because the coal ash also provides an essential nutrient (SO42-) that encourages microbial methylation. In addition, accumulation of arsenic -rich fly ash in bottom sediment in an aquatic system could cause fish poisoning via both food chains and decrease Of benthic fauna that is a vital food source (7, 38). Potential Health Impacts. Of particular concern to human health is the wind-blown resuspension of fly ash into the r D r' r ®r r r r M2 C M 1 `5 E 1 1 1 1 0.01 10 1002+ 1000 10 100 1000 Sr (}Lg/L) Sr 2+(gg/L) FIGURE 2. Variations of Na- and Cl- (A), Cat- and As (B), Sr 2' and B (D), and Sr'- and As (D) in water samples from the Cove (triangles), Emory River upstream (open circles) and downstream (closed circles), and Emory—Clinch upstream (open squares) and downstream (closed squares). Mixing of Emory and Clinch Rivers (Line 1) is identified by the major ion composition (A). Elements that are enriched in coal ash, as reflected by the high concentrations in the Cove area (dashed line), show higher concentrations in the downstream Emory—Clinch river samples relative to the expected Emory—Clinch river mixing composition (Line M1). Line M2 reflects possible mixing of contaminants derived from coal ash leaching near the spill area (dashed line) and the uncontaminated Clinch River composition (Line Mi►. turbulent flow conditions, seasonal flow changes, and channel morphology (30). The dissolved phase, which was measured in this study, is typically homogeneously distrib- uted in a river, but can vary with the proximity to a point source of pollution (30). Assuming that metal mobilization in the river derives from both suspended ash and bottom sediments, the distribution of dissolved constituents in the water column would depend on numerous factors such as differential river velocity, rate of mobilization, and water depth (31). Further investigation is therefore required to determine the vertical distribution of metals in the river water, and whether sampling of the upper river section represents the most diluted segment of the river flow. Potential Environmental Impacts. While the downstream river water shows only trace levels of LCACs (at the surface), the downstream river sediments show high Hg concentrations similar to the coal ash levels (115-130 pg/kg; Table 2). The ecological effects of Hg in the coal ash and sediments depend on the chemical lability of Hg in the solids and the potential for mercury methylation in the impacted area. While previous studies have demonstrated that Hg in CCP ash is not readily soluble through acid -leaching protocols (32), Hg has a high 6330 ■ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 affinity for natural organic matter (33, 34), which can promote desorption if the Hg is associated with weaker binding sites on metal -oxide minerals in the ash material (35). Further- more, the transformation of Hg to methylmercury by anaerobic bacteria in river sediments is a concern because of bioaccumulation of methylmercury in food webs. Previous studies have shown that sulfate addition can promote methylation in freshwater ecosystems by stimulating sulfate - reducing bacteria (36), the primary organisms responsible for producing methylmercury in the environment (377. In coal -ash -containing waters, a 10- to 20-foldincrease in SO4'_ concentrationswas observed in the Cove area relative to unaffected upstream sites (Table 4). Therefore, the meth- ylation potential of mercury from this material could be high because the coal ash also provides an essential nutrient (SO42-) that encourages microbial methylation. In addition, accumulation of arsenic -rich fly ash in bottom sediment in an aquatic system could cause fish poisoning via both food chains and decrease Of benthic fauna that is a vital food source (7, 38). Potential Health Impacts. Of particular concern to human health is the wind-blown resuspension of fly ash into the atmosphere. It is well-known that wind-blown dust can travel long distances, as exemplified byAsian dust storms that result in transport to locations as far away as the U.S (39). It is possible that coal ash exposed to the atmosphere can be resuspended and transported to populated areas where human exposure may occur. Fly ash -airborne particles with diameters less thanl0 pm (PM10) are regarded as respirable and may affect the human lung and bronchus (40-42). The process of particulate resuspension will depend on a variety of factors, including the fly ash particulate size and related chemical and physical properties, wind speed and atmo- spheric turbulence, and likely the relative humidity and surface moisture (43, 44). The particles that are of most importance for human health are in the fine particulate (PM2.5) mode, which readily deposit deep in the lung (45). Past work has shown that CCP ash has particulate sizes ranging from less than 1 /gym to 100s of micrometers in size (46, 47). In addition, there is a compositional relationship as a function of fly ash particle size (46). Several studies have also measured ambient fine particulate matter associated with elevated concentrations of toxic metals in the vicinity of coal-fired power plants (42, 48-50). In some cases, fly ash -airborne particles were also found in remote areas (up to 30 km from power stations) (42, 51). Overall, past work indicates that coal ash contains inhalable particulate matter, and that fly ash emitted from the burning of coal is readily transported in the atmosphere. The high concentrations of trace metals (Tables 1 and 2) and radioactivity (Table 3) reported in this study for the bulk TVA coal ash are expected to magnify, as fine fractions of fly ash (which maybe resuspended and deposited in the human respiratory system) are typically 4-10 times enriched in metals relative to the bulk ash and the coarse size fraction (7, 461. The toxic metal content in coal ash, the sizes of fly ash particulates, and the ionizing radiation (IR) exposure (both incorporated and external) may act synergistically or, less frequent, antagonistically, affecting human health directly (predominantly through inhalation of contaminated air) and indirectly through the food chains (consuming contaminated agricultural products) (14). Coal ash was recognized as a Group I human carcinogen (based on occupational exposure studies) associated with increased risks of skin, lung, and bladder cancers (52). Arsenic and radium exposures in humans are associated with increased risks of skin, lung, liver, leukemia, breast, bladder, and bone cancers (53) for exposure predominantly due to chronic ingestion or chronic inhalation, with the dose—response curve dependent on location, sources, and population susceptibility and/or tolerance. Health impacts of CCP ash have been predominantly studied on animal models and human cell lines, with few short-term epidemiological follow-ups. CCP ash particulates affect lung epithelia] and red blood cells in animal studies and human in vitro models, causing inflammation, changing the sensitivity of epithelia, altering immunological mecha- nisms and lymphocyte blastogenesis, and increasing the risk of cardiopulmonary disease (e.g., pulmonary vasculitis/ hypertention) (54-57). Individuals with pre-existing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung infection, or asthma are more susceptible to the coal ash affliction (58). Several epidemiological studies have proved the significant health hazards (such as enhanced risk for adverse cardiovascular events) of fine -particulate air pollution for individuals with type II diabetes mellitus and people with genetic and/or disease -related susceptibility to vascular dysfunction, who are a large part of the population (59). Radium -226 and 22111a, which are the main sources of low-dose IR exposure in coal ash, can remain in the human lung for several months after their inhalation, gradually entering the blood circulation and depositing in bones and teeth with this portion remaining for the lifetime of the individual. When inhaled, the radionuclides can affect the respiratory system even without the presence of the other coal ash components. Thus, the airborne particles containing radioactive elements inhaled by cleanup workers of the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant caused bronchial mucosa lesions, in some cases preneoplastic, with an increased susceptibility to the invasion of microorganisms in bronchial mucosa (60, 61). Consequently, the combined radioactivity of coal ash at the TVA spill, together with other enriched trace metals such as Ni, Pb, and As, may increase the overall health impact in exposed populations, depending on duration of exposure, and particularly for susceptible groups of the population. It is important to underscore the fact that at this time it is not possible to estimate the health impacts of CCP ash resuspended particulates due to a lack of information on the rate at which they are entrained into the atmosphere, as well as their chemical, physical, and synergistic properties linked to morbidity and mortality. Clearly future studies are needed linking ambient element and radionuclide concentrations with ground level CCP ash characteristics, ambient meteorological characteristics, and human population exposure. This study has provided an initial assessment of the environmental impacts and potential health effects associated with the TVA coal ash spill in Kingston, Tennessee. The study shows that the high metals contents of coal ash and their high solubility resulted in contamination (e.g_, As) of surface water associated with the coal ash spill in areas of restricted water exchange. In the downstream Emory and Clinch Rivers the leaching of trace metals is significantly diluted by the river flows. While the levels of contaminants in the down- stream Emory and Clinch Rivers are below the MCL levels, high concentrations of Hg found in the river sediments pose a serious long-term threat for the ecological system of these rivers. This study also highlights the high probability of atmospheric resuspension of fine fly ash particulates, which are enriched in toxic metals and radioactivity, and could have a severe health impact on local communities and workers. Based on these initial results, this study provides a framework for future and long-term monitoring of the TVA coal ash spill and remediation efforts. Future studies should focus on evaluating the ecological ramifications, such as methylmercury formation in the sediments in the down- stream Emory and Clinch Rivers, and the composition of particulate matter in the air in the vicinity of the spill area. Finally, future prognoses of the health impacts of residents exposed to coal ash requires long-term follow-ups of various population groups, including children and adolescents, pregnant women, persons exposed in utero, and individuals with pre-existing broncho -pulmonary diseases and diabetes mellitus. All these factors must be included in remediation efforts for the TVA Kingston coal ash spill. We thank Bill Chameides, the Dean of the Nicholas School of Environment, for his support and for initiating this study. We also thank two anonymous reviewers and Jim Hower for their informative, valuable, and timely comments that improved the quality of this article. We acknowledge the generous gift of Fred and Alice Stanback, which partly supported this work. Supporting Information Available Supplementary description of the analytical techniques and sample location. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. VOL. 43, NO. 16, 2009 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 6331 (1) WV Division of Culture and History. Buffalo Creek Disaster, http://www.wvctilttire.org/history/buffc,reek/bctitle.litml; ac- cessed 2110/2009. (2) Smith, S., Ed. MSHA Assesses Maximum Fines for Martin County Sludge Spill; ETIS Today, htip://elistoday.com/news/ehs- imp_35432/;accessed 2/11/2009. (3) Swaine, D. J. Trace Elements in Coals; Butterworths: London, UK, 1990. (4) Swaine, D. J.; Goodarzi, F. Environmental Aspects of Trace Elements in Coal; Kluwer Academic. Pub: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1995. (5) Meij, R. Trace element behavior in coal-fired power plants. Fuel Proc. Technol. 1994,. 39, 199-217. 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