HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071787 Ver 1_Application_20071022Owe Use Unly_ Fns vas~m M~ a5 UsA£;E Act ID Nu. ~~ ~ ~; 7 1 7 8 7 (ifaz-y ~r i~ is ~t~ to ~~ t ~'tdot Ate" r~-ruA~_) I» deg ~. c all afthe appsovai(s} re~tod this _ `~~~ ^ Secti~ 4Q4 Permit Rtpat~ or ~~ Buffer Ruhr ~ Secticm I t3 ~xmi# ~alated Rieiha~l P~amit from D~Q ~Qt R~at;er Qa~Y £~tiian ~ F 4QI ~a~ QTY C~~an 2. I+Iatiaawicie, Itl ar I P~nit Ns~ = 3. If this ~ solely a y ec~pry b~pse ~ f~ #~ 4t)1 C'cartif~at~nn is nc~t rem, ehec~c 4. If ~ym~ intQ the North £ar~ina. F,oasysteoa inhanc Pmn {AtCF~ is prnpc~sed for mitigation of impacts, attach #hc ~ frc~ N(;EEP, comps VIII, and check hens: S. If yow pra~Ct is Io~ad in aay of North Mina's tvvesrty coastal s (fisted an page 4}, and the ~- is a Narth ~~ Divisian of Coate i4tanage Ares of Ectvrrcmmec~l C (seethe t~ of page Z far f~er ~~ bene~ (~., ~ ~ ~ ~~ u. App~sat ~ Lc" OCT 2 2 2007 I. OW~ApQll~Cant Infortuatian DENR -WATER QuAUTY Name: ~t<~ ~o+P~ ~ J~~oPri-~~J-r c~RPwEru~u, ~1d~8i~iTig Addo»ss: ~, ~o OCo 3Gi TER BRANCH ~A~-F~6 C (o ~ Ted N 3~- Faa bcr. ~ 3- 5 E mad Armes: 2. Ag+~tl~sait~t Information (A sagneci ant! dated espy of ~ Rge€tt Au~an fetter must be ~ i€the Agent has signattTry ~ far #~ ownerlapplicant.) Name: Y A,~Uation: Mailing Adds: Tetephane Ncrtnt~er: Fag Ntmtbea: E-mail Address: F~Sof12 III. Pru~ct I~tarm~ti,~ Attach a vi~arty clearly meowing ~ of ~ ~ whh ~ m tcxal l~ ~ as ~v~, nvcrs, amd roads,. Also proves a ~ aaie ~ ~owB~g ~raP'~jt3' boundaries aril ~~ plaas in ~ ~ per. l3c~h the vicinity map and site plan must iaclucie a safe aml north atrcaw The specific f~ of all buildings, impervious surfacers, cyr rather facilities must be ~~. If possible, the mks and Plans should %nclude ~ apple DSCS Topvgr~altic Qeracf ~ MRCS Sox! ~ with the property hotmdaries attuned. Platt drawmgs, or othc~ ~ mny be included at ~ epglictmt's discretion, so ~ as the prey is clearly defined. For eve and panpases, the USA+CE re~~ mftnma~can to be s€od txi sheds ~ latg~ than 11 ~ 1~-inch formats however, DtVQ ntiay accept pvvorlc of any size. D1~VQ prE~s fi=ll-see anon drawings ~ the a tial s~ ~ <af the foil-see punts. If ftillll-tee plans arse redtu~ed to a small stale such that tlm fiaaf vetsxon ~ ~c`b~, the a~li~ we`ll be infcxmed that the project has been P can hold until d~~ ace provided. 1. Nameof~ CaF~Rft~ (Zta6~' Syt3~tJiSiar~ 2. T.I.P. PYo I'~umlaer cx State Prnjeet I+Inmber {NCDtIT ~Y): 3. l~raperty Number ~'ratt PiN~: 17 ~ ~ 3~ aS`~'~S 4. Loc~ticm c, J~ K h 't~A ~ l+ ~ c la Subm d v~' "ott name ~mchtde phasellat ttvmbe~~ tLR`[ A.1a6E a '~'~1ASF I ~ ~ I)iiectit}nsto ~ (ittch~ uu~tnltetsttt8tnes, ~y ~tIC. ' SouTN $At) DE! STtlEE3 Tb W&ST c*1 CAtLcitnlA ~t~F.S AIiE~~1'. SIT~_1S 0~3 So,3'rf 5)t~ DF CARo~t~lA Qta~S A1/~av8 OP*oSiTte ~Tts~t. $TtiEi-T S. Site ~ (l;cs- i:nr~ pnajeets, sett as a car ~ilxt~r ~, at~clt a that separately lists the ~ for each tx+osshtg of a dist~t watery ) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimumJ~ '7 a6, ~ 7 ~ ~ a, I 0 ~~~ t 3 gliv 7. l'•tame of nearest n~ body of water. V I ? -n! A L N J~'' L,RlF.I~ K ~. River Basin. ~1 ~ ~ s r (Dote -this must be cane of North C.srolitut"s seventeen ~ ~~ river basins. T'he River Basin map is avaxlab~ at http3/h2o em-.s~.uc.usladcn~lm~as:=) 9. Describe t#~ existing S can the sic and ! lei uqe ffi the vibinlty of the project at the time of this application: trJDO ~1Y~ S1 Tfe W S~t~11Ei~, rr gSl%M~~T tsori~ 10. Inscribe the Qv~ ~ h~ ttet~, ~ die tppe of to be used:: 3JL~D~z~~Z.S1_ °Pa~S . ETC-. _ _ _ __- - ------- Iv. v. I I. ~ the ~rpc~e of the ~pnsed S?~~S'i C(Zy SS ~ ~J~ f o ~, l~&S t af: t37 t p ~,. S UQa 1111 S 1 O -~. If jur~dictii d~~oc~s snd!>~ have been ~ ~ ob~aitted for this Pm.~r ~u~ ~I Pricx' phases of the sae~~e ~} ~ the 1~ please e~aar~. inchxie the USAGE Att ID I~kuabe~, T~WQ Pcr1 Nlmmbe~, applit tom, t~ tie pexmrts ~n~ c~ertif~ia~ were issued a~ with awn. Pevvicie pho~ocepies of p~eviuust~ issued permits, GtrfttfiCB~onS i1T othea' It4e~ ioformatiat~. Dr~e p~iousty ~ ~, stream artd buffer impa~, a~g wrth a~socs m (where appiicable~. Ifthis is $ IdCDOT project, list ~ ~ perntits ~ pax' s of ~ s TJ.P. ~ with cc~nst;uatian ~. S t: ff A~'T to CN g.~ Are aqy future permit requests a~ipsted ~ this projecx? If sa, descrilye the a~ticid world and provi~ juslifx~tia~ for exchtsit~n of from the cxi~t >i. P}~,~c~ ~" 'Tout o M1~.S . N D At3Di?lo ~ A~. l+Mf FACTS A~17 tC IQf~TffJJ, VI. l3rnpoaed Iaap~a ttt ~Vttlms of#ie Unified S`i~atealWt~ers oidK Std I . Ptovitie a ~ ip of the posed P~7ofi2 ~. Individually list ~ impacts. Types ©f impa~ ~ but ~ not limited tv mechanized clearing, ~, fill, excavation, flood Cdr, etc. For darns, list ~ ~e ~ botb ~ ar~d Wettand Impac# Tjpe oi'~-ethad Lori ~a Arica of site N~ber Type of Imp~t (~, ~+~, r tom' Nit Impact (indic~me an msp) ~ ~,} ~ sty Eel hrx lA T~1 wcsl~IZ (ate) 3. list the teal {~ c:fall ~ opt the pnaperty: 4. Individually List all i~t and pal s impact. 13e ~u+e to itiFy temporary intpact~. Stream impacts incl~e, but are not Kited to placent~t of fill or c~rl'tr~, dam con,~ruetion, flooding, re.icm, stabilizaticm activities (eg., t walls, rilr-rap, crib wails, , e~.~, excavation, ~strB ' :~Q etc. ff stream r+e~c~n is proposed, plans acrd praf~s mowing the lire forte for both the origirad aAd relocated streams mast be mclerded. Tu cakttlane X width, then diride 43,350. s N 59iraml~ Typcof ~ 9heam ~itxifh Irc~ ~ indi on I3e~ tint a~ '~ Tata3 st,~ Ian {by a~ ) 5. Individually lis# all ~ water impacts (mchiding lakes, poads~ estuarii~s, ~, Atlantic C)cc~n and any other water of the II,S )- Open water impacts iralude~ b~ at+e n~ limited to fill, eaccavat~n, ~ 8c~adin~ b~ et+c. 4r o~S'~te Nmnbcx~ Nance of V[t~xxly ~ of f Pv~, ~ ~: (indite an rasa) ~'~~~ oee~a, enc.) 3 Taut opm ~v~ tnrpact (acres) _ ; t~ s ~r r2 6. List t 7. Isolated Waters D-a any isolates waters cm the P~ ~ ~'~ ~ f~ Descr~e all impacts to isolated waters, and include #~ type o {w+etland tir stream) and the size of the peapased impact {aces ~ lines feet). t'~e tx~ tbst this section only applies to ways that have spe~fxalty bees inecl tv be isolaletl by the iISACE. 8. Pori Creat~n ~' ~ If ~ of a pond ~ pFOposed~ ~ ~ and stream itnp slifwld tie included above m the wetland and strr~n imparx Also, the pro¢asect band shoutd be descn'bed lire and illustrated cm arty n included with this ~. Point #o be m (~~ sit ticat appty~: [~ ~ strran ^ vrettands Descn'be the metiuad of ~ (eg.., damfemi>:~m~e~ ~cavatian,snstallation of dray-c~wn valve cir spitlway, erc.): Proposed use ar puiptise of point (e-g.~ ~ w iniga~cm, ~ t~ p~ Iocal stormwat~ requitement, erc.): Curry ~ use is the vicittrty crf tl~c pond: Size ofaratershed tc- pond: E~ pots surface area: vII. l~~ a~ (Ae ~ ~' ) Specit~aity dt~crr'tfe ~ ~ ~ a the pt~npo®ed impec~. It may be useful m wide iasformstiotr relayed tQ sitie ~ sash as why, bui~ing ~, ~ility, and fznanciat viability of the ~. 'ire apptir~ may att~ drawings of alterr~ativeY lower im}~ct site layouts; aaa explain why these wee not fea~~. Also rhsc~rss how imp Wei minimi~i owe tt~e aesir~d site plan wa$ deYe~~ed. If apps ~ ~~~ tecttn' to be followed ~ m r+edttioe impacts,. A L~TT6{l;, FRAM TN ~c C 1T Y aF ~61C1~ 1S ~TTflC Ea- rS L1[TTr' i~1CATFS "Tt~ ~Ea.r~ aRTN~S 'r~t5 k'''!' CtL'OSSt a G 'fHt~ STfiRA n~ , ~+{l~ 51T&' tA`r0 V T t~ AS C~~a[' ({I~111SiW To _LOcg35 TN6 CIZDSSiaG pT ptCQOt~fiST QoRT-o df ?N1F STRrEAM I~~ nn~rJ,w?r-L 6RapF ?'DSS14~E'?o A$A'~6 TN1E fJ[.t S~.oPIcS. VIII. IIIi#i~tioa flWQ - Irr ac~ordan+ce with t5A I~TCA~ 2H .OSflU, mitigation may be tequir~ct by ~e NC Division. of Water Quality for prate iavolving r than or equal to one acxe of impacts tv freshwater wetlands ~ gmster than ~ equal to i5fl liriear feet of total ir~iac~ Lca perennial streams. F~9ofi2 L, SALE - ~ aeca~Oe with the Final Aiotice of Lssuance and ikodifx~ion of Nationwide Pcrmits, gubl} in the Federal R on 3anr~y 15, 2t1 mrti~on wall be required when nece #~ en.~u~e a e$eds ~ the aquatic ~viro~t are rnirtirt~aL Firs including size and type of poked and ret~aRive value of the irnpad~ aquatic resource will be ~ in determining act;epthbiiity of appropriate ~ predicable mitigation as prapo®vd. Ex~aIItpks of min the may be gppe snd predicable ~clude, lout are not limited tai reducing the sip of the prate estab and mainxeining wetland and/or uplarxt vegetated buffers m open was such as ~ and replacing losses of aquatic resaur+ce functions and values by tx+effiin~ ~ or pr+e~ving similar functicxrs acrd valt~ pref+e~able in the same wl. If mitigat~n is r~uinad for this prate a copy ttf the sue. phet merst be ~ in oar for USACE cn DWQ m consider the ~ complete for lmo Any applicaticxi tacking a retlttirt~d mitigation pt~ yr NCF•EP shaIl be placed. on hold as ina~glete. .A.n a~licant nay also to n~view the cmr~ t~ ~- sty ran ~ D4YQ's Draft Technical Guide for Str~earn Work in Ncxth Carolina, available at http:Jltr,2ge~av.s~atcncns~i~-w+e~iands~shm.I~mI. t . PtoYli~e S ixlef ~ ctf the ~ min lam- ~~ ~ ~ ~tTOYtde as ntu~t uifOrmation as passr'ble, mCludmg, tart net iEmrted ~~ srte luck f directions and/or rn8p, if d~, Sffeded S a~ rrva ~8S' ~, ty~1e 8~ {aefe~e~lrt~Ar fG~} of mrt proposed (~, ®~, cxeatlvn, to ~~, S ~ v'eer' preS~'Yatioll meachanisaa {eg., deed rte, c;o~vation etC.~, artd ~ description of die curretrt site conditi~s a~ pragos~ecl method of cxm~. Pt~se attach a separate sheet ifrnor+e space is needed. a F iA T t e i PflT~n 2. i1~ii~ rosy slscr be made by p i~ Aiorrh ~ F.eosysteffi Fervent Prc~ram {NGEEP}. Please note it is the aPlrlic~nYs nesapons~~ility m ccmtad the NCEEP at (914) 715-Q47b to dine avs%lalrility, mat vvrit~en a~roval f~ the Aif`.EEP g that they are will m accept gaymerrt for the mitig~ion must be aoac~ed to this foam For additio~l infornration reg~rdi~ the ~ process for the NCB, cl~iC the NCEEP website at http:~ll~2c~.enrststeac_unJmc~.hto-. If use of the NCF~ i~ proposed, please check the riate box oa P~ f ve ~ pravic~ the fc~liowing infer: Arncautt of nd~ ~ ° feet): ~ ~ ~ Amount of buffer mitig~irm ~ (square f~eetj= 'q An~unt of R~ ~ mitsg~On n~ {awes}: r4 Ainouret of ATE-riper wetland ~ quested {aer+es): !~ ~ Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation r+oquest+ed {a+~):, 1~ --.- u-ort2 IX. Eavirarme~tal D~t~ (~9 b'Y ~~'Q3 1 _ Does the pm~ect iavvive an ~~~ of publie ( )fins or the use of public (€edeialle} is~d? Yes ^ No 2. if yes, does the project require p ctf ~ wvirvnni~t ~ tci the n~u t~$ the N ~ North Carob ~inaameetal ~ Ad (I~pA,fSEpA~~ Nth: If ~ ate not see ~rhethcr a NEPAISEPA doatment is required, cell ~ SEFA cc~ardina~ar at {9I9) ?33-31183 ~ ~ ~ for mental doe~u~ticm, Yes ^ No ~. If }-~ has the ~ rcvr been hnslir~ed ~ The C:u~? If ~ phase attach a ~Y of the 1VFPA ar SETA fiflal a~pprovai I Yes ~ No X. Fri ~pa~a mt R~rrian aas3 ~~ >~ffiers (~fl~ h!' Dhi~tt) It is the a~plicam~s {ar amt's} nesponsibi~y m denamm~ c and m$p all icts tc3 required state and. bcal buffers associated with the pru~ect. The apgli~ must alstr provide ~ustific~ticm far these impacts iu Section YII ~ AII pr+~ased impacts must be lister! herein, and must be ckarty i~tifab~ cm the ayiag site per. AI! ~ mtcst be s~ vn a map, wh~ex or sot impaesEs ~ posed to the ~ Correspondence from ~ DWQ Regional Office aaey be incle as ~_ Phatograp~ ~ ahA tae iuelr~e3cl at the applicaat's divn. 1. #~ Project P~ bsffe€s ~d w~ ISA IriCAC 28 .fY133 (i~evse~, ISA I~iCA.C 213 Q259 (Tar~nlico}, ISA NCAC i}2B 0243 (C~} ISA i~CAC 2B .!}25t} t~dlens Mules at~d 't~tater Sapgly Buffer Requireateats~ or otter {please identify ~ N ~~SF }? Yes ~ ~ II 2. If "yes", ic~tify the scp~e feet sad cif imp~t zu eat ~e of the rip~ian buffers. If buffer ~ is ~ ~ the res~irerl t of nait;~fi€tn by applying the buffer multipliers. t ~_ ~ f- ~ ~-9 0 /, ~ (~ Ica} 2 3 o'I.39 r.3 'Ccrtsi G'2 n4 . r12 2Q feet T~ ibe aide of7a~ 2. 3. if buff mid is regtrir~ed, please discuss wlart type of midn is ~poeed (i.e., D Qf Property, Riparian Buffer Resttuatioa / EII~ tx Payment into the Ripa~ritaa Buffer Restoration Fund}. Phase atT~h all appropriate ~ as identified within i SA AiCAC 2B Q242 or .tt244, or .fl26t}. f ~ `~ M ~ rlT 1 t~'o F~ nla - ~rr+~u I~ 5`~nr~ier (r~cgt~+oii tijr Dwt~j De,'be ~e~s ~ (~ ~ p~roga~ad} can see. Discuss startnwater e~h+ols p~o®ed im order Lo waters amd wttla~ d~ fram Pte- l~'~ ~ t~ita2tations ~~~~ yC1~5 ~Srr~~is ~ ALr.*~ ta?o03~~.D Awlb Uw~ JI[L~i'~A 1'~' tlA'Pos~-D SITU S '~ !~'i~~ ~IOUS SF~ p'1'TAC}11n1>F-~'T, STtiR~+~JA~'~tC ~ic'?'ff ?lo W~~.i. g~ p~to~~tatt~ S/T~ Fc(Z ~~ p*1L1 G~~o $TOR~ To ~tZta"Dgdtl:LOPm~aT Go,J~p~Ttoa. Clemiy demit the ultim~e and disposition { ar dise~'ge} of ~ oar available c~pac~r of tfi~e from the ~~ OF (Z~L3LTr 16 x~ v~>~ t~~ ~ nwQ) is this site in violation of U'WQ Wetla~l Rules ~1SA NCAC ~) ar any Bomar Rotes? Yes ^ x~ l~ tl~iis ~ ~r-~-f~t pe~c ~~ Yes [~ 1~c~ xtv, e~ E~~ ~ n~ Will this gfo,~t {based Qn past and masonably anticipated futiue impacts) msutt u~ additional development, which could neaii~y ~ wat+er t~ality? Yes ^ No if yes, please submit a gtt~ditative or a rmnu~2ive impact analysis in accordance with the most rent Nortb Carolina Ihvrsinn of Water Quality policy pasted on our ~rebsite at :~lh2aenr.state,uc_u~lnc~e#.ta~. Ifs pk~e provide a- shuart nave ~: XV. der C~a~a~ ((~tioa~: It is the appiicxait's 'b~ ~ submit the ~ ~~ m ~ of desic+ed aonstncdion dates tD allow ptueessiug time lbr these permits. t3uv-ever, an appticant may ct~oc-se to list c~ associa~e+d with a~ a~ ~ tl~ rosy i~ca~e lhnits on work seheclules (eg., draw-c~ws~ sche~it~les for lades, dates ~ w~ F.aalangered and Threat~ed Species, accessibility problems, or otter ism arc cif ~e ~s cont~t+~l}. 5~~ ia~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~: ~~', coRP .Appl~cutfAgeaYs >~ (Agern's sigh is valid cxily if ea ~ ~' from ~ is provided-} Pale 12 of 12 ~i~~ ~` ~~~~~ .worth ~~~at~ January 29, 2004 Mr. Danny Smith Environmental Specialist NCDENR Division o€ Water Quality 2321 Crabtree 81vd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NG 27604 Dear Mc Smith: This letter is in response to a request by Mr. Pender Gamer of New Hope Development Corporation concerning a proposed creek crossirx~ adj~ent to Carolina Pines Drive in Raleigh. Plans for the proposed Chenyridge Subdivision (S-12t}-2003) have been submibed to the City of Raleigh for review and approval. As parE of our review process, we have identified the need for an additional street connection between the iieagnes Drive/Gherry Circle area and Carolina Pines Drive. This is an area with very poor connectivity due to large swampy areas, a railway tine, and existing development patterns. The Iteagnes Drive/Cherry Circle area currently has exclusive access to South Saunders Street (US 70-401), which is a highly-traveled congested thoroughfare (2001 ADT - 50,000 vpd). By providing a connection to Carolina Pines Drirre, access should be greatly improved for this neighbortrood. Carolina Pines Drive is classified as a coAector street in the City of Raleigh's Comprehensive Plan and has substantially lower volumes, which makes is a more appropriate access point for residential neighborhood traffic. There is also a fire station located off of Carolina Pines Drive across South Saunders Street; this proposed connection will greatly enhance emergency response for the Ileagnes DrivelCherry Circle neighborhood in the event of an emergency. The City of Raleigh has worked coopera6~ly wig NCDWQ over the past several years #o minimize the number of crossings on our Neuse River stream system. Your office should be noticing a net reduction in the number of requests you are receiving as we are actively working with the development community to be more sensitive-th our environmental needs. As such, we are only requiring stream crossings like this one where we feel there is a demonstrated need. We request that a creek crossing be n'tained within the proposed Chenyndge subdivision plan. We will defer to your office as to the orientation and bcation of the crossing and can work with you and Mr. Gamer on this matter, We will not approve the subdivision until concurrence from your office has been received. Chenyridge Subdivision Stream Crossing January 29, 2004 -Page 2 As always, we appreciate your consideration of this matter. !f you need any other information or you have any questions, please give me a call at (919) 890-3430 or email me at eric.lambr~ci.raleigh.nc.us. Sincerely, ~q.e,~ Eric J. Lamb, PE Manager, Transportation Services Division Cc: . Mr. Pender Gamer -New Hope Development Corp. Ms. JenniferBurdette - US Army Corps of Engineers Ms. Jacque Baker - RalekJh Planning Department Mr. Mark T. Senior, PE -City of Raleigh Stormwater Engineer Cherry Ridge Subdivisi+~ 10/17jt)r77 tmpervious Surface Surrrmary Norfo~c & Woodsgpe Pt I'arverrrertt Z035i Gutter 3810 Sidewalk 3153 Houses and f}r'ires 1743() Townbomes Pavement 44693 Sidewvalks 5279 Buildings 92732 Murdiison and Cherry Crcie travemerrt 26134 Curb 4099 Sldewatk 3834 Total 171,543 ~ Overall Site Area 11.25 ac (490,050 sfl Impervious Percentage =171,543/490,050 =35.00% fi ~ i~agpy`uar~i~ine xx wn~ewi• ,••~..•• •~•, 111MYp1U'Api R~NEii• Nli,p UMlip COAf<IIV~TpI WOIi{i.~.,..r~ i.a r + w r • r rr S S~~\ ~~ '~ •J' ffi ~~ ~~~ ~ro i 1 ~. ~b I _._ i ~ s ` „_..- G ~~ ~~ G~ F • O Z ~ ' n i ~.. 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