HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140454 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20150520Ac�ion �D I'�un�aber,SAW 2�14 C}a7�6 P`ermittee: I�C p+�►T, attn: Amy ��liss Br 239 �R 165(� T��te Verifica�ic�n �ss�eda A�rx130, 2014 Prc�,�e�t I'4lanager: Jc►hr� 'Thtarnas �au�niy.�av�� �pan cormp��efac�n of the ac��vi�y �utha�rized b;y thms perrnit a�ad any mitig�tian required b� �he p�rmit, sign th�s �erti�cati�nn and r�te�arn it to the io���aw�ng addrress. LT� ARM''!d' C�OR�� ��' ElV�IN��RS "�v'�'�L�irTTNG'�CIN �T�TR�CT Ra���gh REG�:iI�A'�`�R�.' FIEI.,ll CD�"FIC� ��31 Heri��g� 'I'rade Drive, Suite 1t�� Wa4ce �arest, ��DI�TT� +CARC►LYNA 275�7 1''��ase note th�t yc�ur �ermi�ted �ctivity is subject ta a cmmpliatuce inspec�ian by a U. S. Arm�y C�r�-�s a�' Engine€�rs r�preser�tative. �£y�u f�il ta cc�r��ly with t�a�s pe�aar�aae� yau are srabjeci to pernait s�aspensia�, madificatian, a�r re�acatio�. � hereb�r certify th�t the w�°,�r� authari��d by the a�av� r+e%�e�ced per�nit i�as b�en cornp�e�ed i� a�cc�rc�anc� v�vi�h the kcrnns and condi�i�on of th� said p�et-n�ui�, at�d requxred rni�i�atfc�n was cornp�e�e� in accordar�ce wi�l� the permit conditia�ns. gna re ai e�m �e ���� ���� �►a�� �..� 4me N�r�� �arali�w� C��p�rku�ent �f �nviranr��n# �nd Natural f��sc�+�rc�� �nvisi�n c�f'JV�t�r Re�+aur�s '�Vat�r 4�uality Pragrar�s ��t C�cCrnry �homas A. F��edec John �. Skvarla, IIl ��v�rnQr fl�irector Sec��iaey �TCDW�t P'rajeck 9�a,: �`� Applieant: Frojeck TVame: Cauntyc ���%9� ° �.:� , � , �� rt � � � ,, �" I�ate �f �ssuanc� �f 4(�l Water Quality �Certi�ea#ion: %`�+'� , �C>, �C� ��. � G�rtviic�te [�f Cumpletipn Upon co�ptetian af all work �pprcrwed wi���a� th� 4'[� l W�ter Quality C�ertifi�cati�n or a�p�ica1aie �uffer Ru�es, and atay sti�kaseqaent rttiodifca�ians, ihe app�fca�t is requi�ed tc� return #E�is ceatifzcat� tcr the 401 Trartspc�rt�tian Perrnitting t.Init, Nc�rfh Car�lina �ivisian crf Water Resceurces, 16SQ IIullaal Servace C�mt�r, �ale�gh,1�1C, 2769q�1554, '1'his fr�rm anay be returned k� �Ct�WR �y tkae ap��icant, �hs applrcan�'s autt�arized a��nt, or the pro�eet engar�eer. It is nat necessary t� send certafrcates iratr� all of these. Appficrrrtf's �'erfifaentinr: [, ���- ��� �""t� ��.:� „ h�re�}r stat� that, ¢o the �est of m�r abiliti�s, due care and di[igeace was us�d rr� the abs�rvatic�n aitt�e �anstructian such that th� ccanstructia� was observed ta be b�ilt within s�6stantial compl�a�n�� a�d irrtenk of the 4�1 W�ter Quality �Certi�ca�io� ��d ��flFear �ules, the �ppraved p��ans a�d speci�catio�as, d cr r su p rting ma�erials. � ... ��1��"�1��� S��rrature: �ata: Ag¢rtt's Certifrc �rt �, , h�r�by sta�e that, ta the 6�est af`my a�iliti�s, du� care and dilig�nce was used in th� obs�rva�eor� +af tl�e c�r�structimn such that the cca��truc4io� was observed tm be built within substa�rtia➢ ctarnp6iance �nd rnte�a� of th� 4Q 1 Water QuaIity C�rti�cai�c�n a�nd Bwffer Rutes, the a}apraved �lans and speci�cati�z�s, and cather support�rag r�aterials. Signature: D�te: a"s`rrgi�re�r's C'erti�catio�r Partia� Finat I, , a� a du[y registered Pccafessianat En�ineer in the State afNorth Carolina, havi�� been aukhoriz�d to �bserve �periodi�ally, weekly, fult tirt�e) th� canstructian ofthe prnject far the 1�errnifitee hereb�w state rhat, �c� the best a�'my �biVit��s, due eare aaad di�igen�e was used "an the abs�rvatcan ofthe eonstrucCian such tha� �he cc�rastr�ctian was abs�rved �o �e bui�t wdthrn subsiantial cntmpli�t�ce and int�nt of th� 4p1 Water Quafity Certificatian and Buff�r I�u�es, th� apprav�d plans and spe�ificafio�s, ar�d a�her snpport"tn�; t�ate�-sals. Si�nat�re Re�istration Na. I�ate iranspprtatior� and Per�°�it&irug �Unit 165p PA�i1 Senaice Cerrteu�„ Fi�leigda, IW�� Carc���roa 27699•�'G5f[➢ Lp�GWm: 5�2 N. Salisbury'Sk. �a�egh, �l��h Ca�pli�a 2J�4 Phvp1�: 91'�-�OP-63iki 1 F,4�: 919-733-129� i��ern�t: a�n�w�ncwraterauality.�rq Art Equaa �lppor�unity � A�f�rrra��Me Ac�prn �:�ployer �• . r