HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140727 Ver 1_Settlement Agreement_20150218SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ( "Settlement Agreement ") is made this day of re6n-Ae v , 2014, ( "the Effective Date ") by HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LLC, a we alai are limited liability company, and the CITY OF RALEIGH, a North Carolina municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City." Hanson and the City are referred to throughout as Party and/or Parties. WHEREAS, Hanson owns certain real property situated in the vicinity of Crabtree and Richland Creeks, adjacent to Duraleigh Road in Raleigh, NC more particularly described as PIN 0786349208, 0786308569, 0786512559, 0786620033, and 0786554037 (the "Property "); WHEREAS, specifically, Hanson, or its predecessors in interest, has extracted subsurface granite from portions of the Property since the 1940s and has done so continually and with the City's knowledge since before the Property became subject to the City's planning jurisdiction; WHEREAS, the portion of the Property located to the east of Duraleigh Road is within the City's corporate limits. The portion of the Property located to the west of Duraleigh Road is within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction ( "ETJ "). Hanson and the City agree that the City's zoning ordinances apply to all of the Property. However, Hanson and the City dispute the specific dates on which various portions of the Property became subject to the City's zoning ordinances and also dispute the requirements that the City's zoning regulations impose on the Property. Hanson and the City also dispute the requirements, if any, that were imposed on the Property by Wake County zoning restrictions prior to the Property's becoming subject to City zoning restrictions; WHEREAS, Hanson contends that all portions of the Property purchased or leased by Hanson or its predecessors in interest, were specifically purchased or leased in order to acquire and secure subsurface mineral rights and reserves for future quarrying on the Property; and that Hanson, or its predecessors in interest, at all relevant times has intended to quarry and extract granite from the Property by contiguous extensions of the existing pit to the extent allowed by its North Carolina mining permit; WHEREAS, the City contends that the portions of the Property to the east of Duraleigh Road cannot be used in quarry operations. The City also contends that the portion of the Property assigned PIN 0786308569 can be used only in accordance with current zoning regulations and that no rights associated with a non - conforming use apply to this portion of the Property. As for the portion of the Property located to the south of Crabtree Creek and included in PIN 0786349208, the City contends that zoning regulations allow Hanson only to use and maintain its existing settling ponds, to clean those ponds, temporarily to store materials removed from the ponds, and to remove materials taken from those ponds off the Property; 1 WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( "NCDOT —) owns land abutting Crabtree Creek, which land is surrounded by the Property. NCDOT's land has been used for quarry operations since at least the 1940s. NCDOT leases mineral rights in its land to Hanson under a lease with an effective date of December 11, 2007 (the " NCDOT Mineral Lease "); WHEREAS, on April 23, 2002, the City's Zoning Enforcement Administrator issued an Order for Compliance regarding Hanson's use of the Property to the south of Crabtree Creek; WHEREAS, Hanson initiated a proceeding before the Raleigh Board of Adjustment to appeal said Order for Compliance; WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment proceeding is currently pending and neither party has requested that the proceeding be set for hearing; WHEREAS, Hanson and the City have conferred together and have settled their disputes under the terms described in this Settlement Agreement; WHEREAS, the City has agreed to accept the easements and other interests described in this Settlement Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Settlement Agreement, unless any part hereof is determined to be null and void by judicial decision, settles, compromises and resolves forever the disputed claims over Hanson's rights to use the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Settlement Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Hanson and the City agree as follows: /•� in Aggregate – means sand, stone, gravel, topsoil and overburden extracted from the mineral deposits on the Property. Business Activities – means activities that are not residential in character, except that activities directly and solely related to remediation and reclamation of the Property after the Excavation Period are not Business Activities. Crabtree Quarry means the quarry operated on portions of the Property and under the NCDOT Mineral Lease. Effective Date – means February 4, 2014. Excavation Period – means the time period beginning on the Effective Date and ending on the earlier of: 1) thirty -eight (38) years from the Effective Date; or 2) the date on which thirty (30) million tons of Aggregate has been removed from the Excavation Pit. FA Excavation Pit — that area of Northern Property from which Aggregate has, is and will during the Excavation Period be excavated from below the surface, including the contiguous extension of the open pit as existing on the Effective Date as depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto. Mining Permit — that certain permit for the operation of a crushed stone quarry issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Wake County - Permit No. 92- 03. NCDOT land means the land located north of Crabtree Creek and west of Duraleigh Road that is owned by the North Carolina Department of Transportation and leased by Hanson under the NCDOT mineral lease. Northern Property — means the portion of the Property located north of Crabtree Creek and west of Duraleigh Road. Reclamation Bond — means the security posted by Hanson, as required by section 74 -54 of the North Carolina General Statutes, in favor of the State of North Carolina, liability under which is maintained until Hanson completes the reclamation required by North Carolina law and regulation. Reclamation Period that period of time during which Hanson shall complete its reclamation obligations in accordance with the reclamation conditions on the Mining Permit and shall complete other reclamation or remediation described in this Settlement Agreement. The Reclamation Period shall begin at the expiration of the Excavation Period and shall end two years thereafter. Temporary Stockpile Area — means that area shown on Exhibit 1 hereto and used to store materials removed from the settling ponds located on the Property south of Crabtree Creek. B. a s 's Use of the PropE!jj 1. Hanson shall have the right to use the Property in accordance with the zoning memorandum of opinion dated February B, 2014 from the City of Raleigh Zoning Enforcement Administrator, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 2. Hanson shall not extract Aggregate on any portion of the Property other than the portion of the Northern Property detailed in the survey provided in accordance with paragraph C(2) hereof. Further Hanson shall not remove overburden or topsoil on any portion of the Property other than the portion of the Northern Property detailed in the survey provided in accordance with paragraph C(2) hereof or the Settling Pond area south of Crabtree Creek in accordance with paragraph C(7)(d) hereof. 3. Hanson shall use the Property and the NCDOT land, and conduct operations thereon, only as expressly set forth herein. 3 C. Operational .. Terms 1. End of Business Activities. Hanson shall cease all Business Activities at the Property and the NCDOT land on the earlier of thirty eight (38) years from the Effective Date or when, subsequent to the Effective Date, 30 million tons of Aggregate has been removed from the Northern Property. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, during the Reclamation Period, any remaining Aggregate that was extracted during the Excavation Period and any materials stockpiled in the Temporary Stockpile Area may be removed and /or sold from the Property. 2. Delineation of Excavation Pit. Within ninety (90) days of the Effective Date, Hanson shall provide the City with a survey delineating the maximum extent of the Excavation Pit. The survey shall provide the precise boundaries of the Excavation Pit, which are generally depicted in Exhibit 1 hereto and shall conform to that which is depicted in Exhibit 1. If the City determines that the survey does not substantially conform, the City shall notify Hanson within thirty (30) days after receiving the survey and Hanson shall allow the City to perform its own survey at the City's expense. The parties shall confer in good faith after the completion of the City's survey and use their best efforts to resolve all discrepancies concerning the boundaries. 3. Sale of Portion of Northern Property of Crabtree Creek to the City. Within ninety (90) days of the release of the Reclamation Bond, upon request of the City, Hanson shall convey to the City title to that portion of the Northern Property, depicted in Exhibit 3 hereto, to the City for the nominal value of Ten U.S. Dollars ($10.00). The parties shall record the option agreement attached as Exhibit 3 or another instrument with the Wake County Register of Deeds documenting the interest described in this section within sixty (60) days from the Effective Date. The NCDOT Mineral Lease states that it expires ten (10) years after its December 11, 2007 effective date unless Hanson exercises its right to a five (5) year renewal. After the expiration of the NCDOT Mineral Lease and its five (5) year renewal, Hanson shall use all reasonable efforts to enter into a lease with NCDOT sufficient to allow it to continue operations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Hanson is unable to negotiate a lease for NCDOT land throughout the Excavation Period through no fault of Hanson and, as a result, Hanson is prevented from conducting operations for the entire Excavation Period, Hanson is under no obligation to convey the portion of the Northern Property to the City. Hanson shall in good faith use its best efforts to diligently seek the issuance or renewal of NCDOT leases necessary for conducting operations as contemplated in Sections B and C hereof. 4 4. Noise and Vibration Mitigation. a. Berm. Within six months of commencement of mining operations in an area north of the existing quarry Hanson shall begin construction of a landscaped earthen berm along the northern boundary of the Property, in accordance with the plan attached hereto as Exhibit 4. The construction of the earthen berm shall be completed before excavation of the overburden is any closer than 750 feet from the northern property boundary and no later than eight (8) years from the Effective Date. Hanson shall maintain the berm and shall replace any element of the landscaping that dies or becomes diseased or as otherwise required by law or regulation at the time of the berm construction. b. Blasting Techniques Required. Hanson shall design each blast using the latest available techniques to minimize impacts from blasting. Techniques to be employed include laser profiling of the face and orientation of the blasts away from the adjacent properties to the north of the quarry to reduce impacts from both ground vibrations and air blasts. In addition, Hanson shall be sensitive to weather events that might increase air blast impacts on neighbors and shall postpone blasting during such events. C. Blasting Limits. During all blasting operations implemented from top -of -rock to a depth of 250 feet below top -of -rock, the maximum peak particle velocity ( "PPV ") of any component of ground motion shall not exceed 75% of the current legally allowable limit applicable to Crabtree Quarry. During all blasting operations implemented below a depth of 250 feet below top -of -rock, the PPV of any component of ground motion shall not exceed 50% of current legally allowable limit applicable to Crabtree Quarry. A table depicting the maximum limits allowed hereunder is attached hereto as Exhibit 5. d. Enforcement of Blasting Limits. All records maintained by Hanson concerning blasting, including those documenting the PPV associated with blasting operations, shall be available to the City upon request, within 24- hours. Hanson shall self -report to the City any violation of the blasting limits set forth herein. If a violation occurs, Hanson shall cease all blasting at the depth at which the violation occurred until the violation has been investigated and a corrective action plan implemented. Any corrective action plan shall contain sufficient remedial measures so that no future violation is likely to occur. R The parties acknowledge that failure to comply with Blasting Limits may result in damages due to public disturbance and inconvenience, and increased inspection and administrative costs. In view of the uncertainty and difficulty of making a precise determination of any such damages, the parties agree that the City shall be entitled to recover liquidated damages in addition to actual costs /damages recoverable by the City for matters other than public disturbance and inconvenience, and increased inspection and administrative costs. This sum is a reasonable pre - estimate of the probable damages to be incurred due to any potential public disturbance and inconvenience, and increased inspection and administrative costs. The parties intend such monies to provide for payment of such damages and not a penalty. If a second violation occurs at that same depth within six months of the first violation, Hanson shall remit to the City liquidated damages in the amount of $2,500 for the second violation. In addition, if a second violation occurs, Hanson shall cease ail blasting at the depth at which the violation occurred until the violation has been investigated and corrective action plan implemented. If a third (and subsequent) violation occurs within six months of the first violation, Hanson shall remit to the City liquidated damages in the amount of $5,000 for the third (and each subsequent) violation. In addition, if a third (or subsequent) violation occurs, Hanson shall cease all blasting at the depth at which the violation occurred until the violation has been investigated and corrective action plan implemented. e. Hours of Blasting. Unless otherwise necessitated as a result of events or causes beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God or the public enemy, acts and omissions of any governmental authority, declared or undeclared wars, riots, terrorism, strikes, floods, earthquakes, storms, epidemics, fires or other natural calamities, Hanson shall limit blasting events to the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and shall not conduct blasting events on Saturday or on Sunday. A "blasting event" means any use of a substance in a manner intended to cause an explosion. E Hours of Operation of Crushing Equipment. Hanson shall limit the operation of all crushing equipment to the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday and 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday. g. Low - Frequency Alarms. Hanson shall install low- frequency back -up alarms on all machinery and equipment for which back -up alarms are required by law or regulation. 5. Renovation of Primary Crusher and Maintenance of Processing Plant. During the Excavation Period, as soon as practicable, Hanson shall renovate the primary crusher at a location that is away from Crabtree Creek and that is, at a minimum, 0 fifty (50) feet below the current grade surface level and at which the wall of the Excavation Pit will function as a noise baffle_ 6. Relocation of Access Point. Hanson may relocate its access point to Crabtree Quarry as depicted in Exhibit 6. No later than one hundred and twenty (120) days following the receipt of any and all federal, state and local approvals necessary to re- locate the point of ingress /egress to Crabtree Quarry from Duraleigh Road, Hanson shall install landscaping at the location of the current point of ingress /egress and future point of ingress /egress to the Property from Duraleigh Road in accordance with the plan attached hereto as Exhibit 6. 7. Activities and Limits on Use of Property South of Crabtree Creek; Waiver and/or Relinquishment of Claims or Rights to Use Property South of Crabtree Creek. a. Hanson shall not use the portion of the Property south of Crabtree Creek except as specifically set forth herein. b. Hanson waives and relinquishes any claim or rights of any sort that it might possess that the portion of the Property south of Crabtree Creek constitutes a pre- existing non - conforming use except to the extent set out in this Settlement Agreement. C. Settling Ponds and Temporary Stockpile Area. During the Excavation Period, Hanson may continue to use, operate and maintain the existing settling ponds as part of its on -going operations and consistent with past practice, but shall not expand the existing settling ponds. Sediment removed from the settling ponds may continue to be stockpiled temporarily in the Temporary Stockpile Area. Hanson shall restrict the height of stockpiles to comply with current and future City ordinances governing stockpile height. Stockpiling shall occur only in the Temporary Stockpile Area. The parties specifically acknowledge that nothing in this Settlement Agreement prevents stockpiled materials taken from the settling ponds from being used as fill material as a part of the reclamation process when a settling pond is removed or when the Reclamation Plan is implemented at the end of the Excavation Period. Hanson may maintain the existing pipe from the slurry pump to the settling pond in the location that is shown on Exhibit 1, but may not expand it or relocate it to any other place within the Buffer Zone described below. If Hanson's activities concerning the pipe require disturbing topsoil, then Hanson shall complete those activities as promptly as possible and shall restore the area as nearly as possible to the condition that existed prior to commencing its work. If Hanson installs a settling pond for use in mining operations on the Northern Property or on the NCDOT land, Hanson shall reduce the 7 footprint of its operations south of Crabtree Creek by an equivalent square footage. However, to the extent that Hanson is required, by federal, North Carolina, or local law or regulation to install a stormwater control or management device on the Northern Property or the NCDOT land, Hanson shall not be required to reduce the footprint of its operations south of Crabtree Creek by an equivalent square footage. d. Excavation Limited. No excavation of Aggregate shall occur from the surface of the Property located south of Crabtree Creek except for: i) removal of materials taken from the settling ponds located south of Crabtree Creek and stockpiled in the Temporary Stockpile Area; or ii) removal of materials necessary to maintain the existing settling ponds within the area specifically designated for the settling ponds on Exhibit 1 and as previously allowed by the City. e. Hanson agrees that no non - conforming use status applies to the portion of the Property assigned PIN number 0786308569. V . Mining Permit Restrictions; i ree Preservation South of Crabtree Creek. Hanson shall modify the Mining Permit, and specifically the mining plan, to classify the portion of the Property south of Crabtree Creek, except for that area in which the settling ponds, Temporary Stockpile Area, and existing one -lane driveways are located, as Buffer Zone in which no blasting, excavation, tree removal, or activity inconsistent with applicable zoning regulations shall occur, except as set forth herein ( "Buffer Zone "). Such modification will conform to the area identified as Buffer Zone on Exhibit 1 hereto. Hanson shall maintain the undisturbed vegetated buffer a minimum of 100 feet in width, as shown on Exhibit 1, existing as of the Effective Date, around the perimeter of the portion of Property located south of Crabtree Creek throughout the Excavation Period, except at such locations where the City may remove vegetation for the construction and maintenance of a greenway pursuant to rights granted in Section D of this Agreement. It is the parties' intent that the undisturbed vegetated buffer continue to provide visual screening of the settling ponds and the Temporary Stockpile Area. Hanson shall preserve the 100' vegetated buffer until the Reclamation Period ends and shall remove trees or vegetation only when the material is diseased or dead, or when the City's Chief Arborist determines that it is necessary to preserve the health of the 100' vegetated buffer or areas surrounding it. Except as allowed for greenway construction and maintenance by the City, any tree removal conducted within the Buffer Zone shall be in compliance with the Mining Permit and shall comply with applicable City regulations in place at the time of removal, and any removal of trees within the Buffer Area prior to the end of the Reclamation Period shall be in conformance 8 with a written Forestry Management Plan approved by the City's Chief Arborist. The Forestry Management Plan shall allow thinning and other forestry activities that protect the health of the trees within the Buffer Zone and if required in order to use the one -lane driveways effectively or safely, may also allow trimming or removal of trees that abut or overhang those driveways. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Hanson desires to sell any portion of the Property classified as Buffer Zone to an unaffiliated entity for a purpose, other than for forestry or timbering, that is consistent with the underlying zoning or with the City of Raleigh Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time of the sale, such sale shall not violate the terms of this Settlement Agreement. g. Use of Southernmost Driveway. Hanson shall limit ingress and egress from its southernmost driveway to the period 7:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except as necessary to address emergencies or events or causes beyond its reasonable control. The parties also specifically acknowledge that dust suppression requirements described herein apply to vehicles entering or exiting the southernmost driveway. S. Reclamation and Remediation. At the end of the Excavation Period, Hanson shall immediately begin work to implement the Reclamation Plan. Hanson's reclamation and remediation shall at minimum comply with the requirements of Mining Permit, the N.C. Mining Act, and federal and State environmental laws and regulations applicable at the time of reclamation and remediation. To this end, Hanson shall remediate all known environmental conditions that have resulted from the use of the Property by Hanson or its predecessors in interest for mining operations in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements prior to the conveyance of the Northern Property contemplated by paragraph C(3) hereof. In addition, Hanson shall reclaim the portion of the Property south of Crabtree Creek so that it is suitable for use compatible with the underlying zoning classification in place at the time of reclamation. Under this Settlement Agreement and in accordance with the City's prior zoning interpretations, Hanson is permitted to stockpile materials removed from the settling ponds temporarily in the Temporary Stockpile Area. Any stockpiled material remaining at the end of the Excavation Period and not used as fill as a part of reclamation shall be removed from the Property by Hanson. Hanson shall complete all reclamation and remediation of the Property within a reasonable time after work begins, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and no later than the termination of the Reclamation Period. 9. Environmental Permit Renewals and Modifications. If Hanson requests a 9 renewal of or modification to any of its environmental permits, Hanson shall not request a permit condition that would impose a more lenient standard relating to dust or noise than any such standard set forth in this Settlement Agreement or otherwise in effect at the time of the request. 10. Community Outreach. As of the Effective Date, Hanson shall implement the following community outreach activities: a. Hanson shall maintain a call list / e -mail list by which to notify any property owners within 2,500 feet of the Property, who request notification, prior to blasting events. b. Hanson shall establish and maintain a website, accessible to the public, on which seismographic information and data shall be posted. C. Hanson shall establish a Neighborhood Advisory Group consisting of residents from the surrounding neighborhoods and shall meet with such group two times per year at the request of the group, or fewer if no such meeting is requested. Hanson shall give careful consideration to concerns and suggestions from the Neighborhood Advisory Group. d. Hanson shall implement and maintain a Protocol for Investigating Blasting Complaints and Binding Arbitration Program similar to that outlined in Exhibit 7 to address complaints arising from damages allegedly caused by operations at the Property. These community outreach activities shall continue throughout both the Excavation Period and the Reclamation Period. 11. Dust Mitigation. a. Dust Control Guidance Plan. Upon the Effective Date, Hanson shall implement the Crabtree Quarry Dust Control Guidance Plan, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 8. b. Opacity Standards. Hanson shall comply with applicable opacity standards set forth in federal regulations regardless of any exception that might otherwise apply. C. Load Covers. For all trucks entering Crabtree Quarry, Hanson shall ensure that any trucks leaving the Property have a working, functioning load cover. Any such truck that does not have a functioning load cover shall not be loaded by Hanson. Hanson shall use best efforts to ensure that the loads of all trucks exiting Crabtree Quarry are covered. Hanson shall also install signs on the Property stating that all loads must be covered and that all violations related to load covers will be reported to 10 N. C. D.M.V. Enforcement. Hanson shall instruct employees to report all violations related to load covers to site management who will, in turn, report such violations to N.C. D.M.V. or another State agency that regulates motor vehicles. C. Mining Permit Limitation. Hanson shall not request any modification to the Mining Permit, or any raining permit hereinafter issued to Hanson, that reduces or relaxes any standard applicable to dust control or mitigation. i° i 1. Dedication and Conveyance of Permanent Greenway Easement East and West of Duraleigh Road On the Effective Date, Hanson shall execute the easement agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 9, conveying to the City a permanent greenway easement along the south bank of Crabtree Creek, east of Duraleigh Road and, in addition, a permanent greenway easement providing trail access to the multipurpose pathway along Duraleigh Road. These easements are more particularly identified as "NEW CITY OF RALEIGH GREENWAY EASEMENT ", comprising 22,585 sq.ft. (0.519 acres); 157,968 sq. ft. (3.626 acres); and 46,296 sq.ft. (1.063 acres) as shown and described on that exhibit plat entitled, "EASEMENT ACQUISITION MAP FOR CRABTREE CREEK GREENWAY ", sheets 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3, respectively, prepared by Stewart Engineering Company, and attached hereto as a part of Exhibit 9. The minimum width of the Permanent Greenway Easement shall be 100 feet from the top of the bank of Crabtree Creek. 2. Dedication of Conservation Easement (Preservation of Catawba Rhododendron). On the Effective Date, Hanson shall execute the easement agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 10, conveying to the City a conservation easement to protect an approximately 0.96 acre tract along the southern bank of Crabtree Creek. This conservation easement is more particularly identified Being the easement area identified as "NEW CITY OF RALEIGH CONSERVATION EASEMENT ", comprising 41,716 sq. ft. (0.958 acre) as shown and described on that exhibit plat entitled, "EASEMENT ACQUISITION MAP FOR CRABTREE CREEK GREENWAY ", sheet 1 of 2 and 2 of 2, respectively, prepared by Stewart Engineering Company, and attached hereto as a part of Exhibit 10. 3. Dedication and Conveyance of Temporary and Provisional Easement for Greenway Purpose On the Effective Date, Hanson shall execute (and the City shall join in execution thereof for purposes of affirming its consent thereto) the easement agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 11, conveying a Temporary and Provisional Greenway Easement extending generally westward across the southern portions of the Property from Duraleigh Road to Richland Creek and generally northward along Richland Creek ( "Temporary and Provisional Greenway Easement "). These easements are more particularly identified as 11 Being those easement areas identified as "NEW CITY OF RALEIGH GREENWAY EASEMENT ", comprising 46,921 sq.ft. (1.007 acres); 4,809 sq. ft. (.110 acre); 88,130 sq.ft. (2.032 acres); and 86,643 sq. ft. (1.989 acres), as shown and described on that exhibit plat entitled, "EASEMENT ACQUISITION MAP FOR CRABTREE CREEK GREENWAY", sheets 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, and 4 or 4, respectively, prepared by Stewart Engineering Company, and attached hereto as a part of Exhibit 11. In accordance with express provisions of the Temporary and Provisional Greenway Easement, the Temporary and Provisional Greenway Easement shall expire at the earlier of. i) the opening to the public of the Permanent Greenway Easement contemplated by paragraph D(4); or ii) eighteen months after the expiration of the Reclamation Period. The City shall construct and fence the greenway trails within the Temporary and Provisional Greenway Easement at its own risk, such that, in the event this Settlement Agreement fails as contemplated by paragraph E(12), the City shall be solely responsible for the removal of any greenway trails then installed on the Property and any necessary restoration of the Property within nine (9) months of the failure of the Settlement Agreement. 4. Dedication and Conveyance of Permanent and Provisional Greenway Easement South of Crabtree Creek On the Effective Date, Hanson shall execute the easement agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 12, conveying to the City a permanent greenway easement along the south bank of Crabtree Creek, more particularly identified as "NEW CITY OF RALEIGH GREENWAY EASEMENT," comprising 329,204 sq. ft. (7.558 acres) as shown and described on that exhibit plat entitled, "EASEMENT ACQUISITION MAP FOR CRABTREE CREEK GREENWAY", sheet 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3, respectively, prepared by Stewart Engineering Company, and attached hereto as a part of Exhibit 12. The minimum width of the Permanent Greenway Easement shall be 100 feet from the top of the bank of Crabtree Creek. In accordance with express provisions of the permanent greenway easement, the City agrees that it will have limited access to and will not operate a greenway on this easement until the expiration of the Reclamation Period. 5. Nature Preserve Area On the Effective Date, Hanson shall execute the instrument attached hereto as Exhibit 13, conveying by Special Warranty Deed a fee simple interest to the City the approximate 7.46 acre portion of the Property located near the confluence of Crabtree and Richland Creeks ( "Nature Preserve Area "), more particularly identified Being that parcel identified as "NEW CITY OF RALEIGH NATURE PRESERVE AREA" as shown and described on that exhibit plat entitled, "EASEMENT ACQUISITION MAP FOR CRABTREE CREEK GREENWAY", sheet 1 of 2 and 2 of 2, respectively, prepared by Stewart Engineering Company, and attached hereto as a part of Exhibit 13, to be used solely for purposes of a nature preserve and conservation and as part of the Crabtree Creek Greenway project. 12 6. Use and Maintenance of Temporary and Permanent Greenway Easements Except as otherwise set forth herein, City shall be solely responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of Greenway trails, and other rights and interests under its Greenway easement within the Temporary or Provisional Easements and Permanent Easements located on property of Hanson. City shall secure all temporary and permanent easements with fencing acceptable to Hanson to discourage and prevent users of the Temporary or Provisional Easements from trespassing on those portions of the Property in which Hanson conducts business operations. The parties acknowledge that a six (6) foot high chain link fence is generally acceptable to Hanson. 7. Noise, Dust and Vibration Easement. The City agrees to the inclusion of the following language of reservation in those instruments conveying the interests described in paragraphs D(1), (2), (3), and (S) of this Agreement: "The Grantor expressly excepts from the provisions of the (insert instrument name] and, for its successors and assigns, reserves the right to cause vibrations, noise, dust, particulates, debris, and other similar materials and odors to be in the air above, descend upon, go across, or go through the [insert name] Area, and in general to subject the [insert name] Area to all similar consequences arising from the location and operation in the vicinity of the [insert name] Area of the Crabtree Quarry and any related activities, including without limitation equipment operation and truck traffic at, to and from Crabtree Quarry. By accepting this grant of [insert instrument name], the City hereby subordinates its rights under the [insert instrument name] to those of the Grantor relating to noise, dust, and vibration as enumerated above ( "Noise, Dust, and Vibration Exception "). Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall be construed to allow Grantor's vehicles, equipment, employees or customers to physically enter the `insert name] Area or to conduct mining operations thereon. This Noise, Dust and Vibration Exception shall terminate upon the expiration of the Reclamation Period, as defined in that agreement between Grantor and the City dated ................ (ref: DB PG , WCR)." E. Miscellaneous 1. Covenant as to Ownership of the Property, Hanson covenants that it owns all portions of the Property in fee simple absolute. . City's Right to Verify Reserves and Audit Excavation. The City and Hanson acknowledge that the City is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act, NCGS 132 -1 et seq., and specifically, those provisions of the Act concerning the definition of public records, and requirements for disclosure thereof. The 13 City and Hanson further acknowledge that statutory penalties for violation of the Public Records Act would be imposed against the City and its officers, and may be substantial. With respect to any information, reports, calculations, data, inspection reports, or other documentation provided by Hanson to the City or its representatives, and specifically to any independent expert under provisions hereof ( "Provided Information "), it shall be the responsibility of Hanson to indicate (prior to submission and in the form required by law) that such Provided Information is claimed by Hanson to constitute a "trade secret" under NCGS 66- 152(3), and is consequently exempted and protected from the disclosure requirement of the law. Hanson acknowledges and agrees that, upon receiving Provided Information which is claimed to constitute a Trade Secret, the City shall take any and all actions necessary to comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws concerning public records. If a third party challenges any trade secret protection claimed by Hanson in association with a discovery request or public records request, City will promptly notify Hanson of the challenge. Before disclosing the information City: (a) must allow Hanson an opportunity to support its trade secret assertion by seeking injunctive relief to prevent City's disclosure of such information within forty -eight (48) hours of receiving notification from City of the challenge; or (b) allow Hanson to affirmatively respond in writing that it no longer makes a trade secret assertion for the information. If Hanson does not respond in the manner set forth above within forty -eight (48) hours of receiving notice from City of the challenge to the trade secrets assertion, the City may release the material without penalty. If, following notice of the challenge, Hanson maintains that the information described above remains a trade secret, Hanson shall provide the City with a detailed legal justification of the trade secrets assertion under North Carolina law. Hanson agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City from any costs associated with the City's withholding of information indicated by the Hanson as a trade secret (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees borne by the City and any penalties or costs borne by the City in the matter, including, but not limited to, any award of attorney's fees against the City in favor of the party making the request for public information). No later than February 1 of each year, Hanson shall prepare a report documenting the total amount of Aggregate removed from the Property during the prior calendar year. This report, which shall remain on premises at Hanson's office location in Wake County, shall be made available for the City's inspection upon twenty -four (24) hour advance notice. The report, and supporting documentation, shall constitute Provided Information and may be designated and indicated by Hanson as a trade secret on the terms and conditions described above. The City may employ an independent expert to verify that 30,000,000 tons of Aggregate remains within Excavation Pit. Should the City employ an independent expert, the parties acknowledge that any supporting documentation provided to such expert by Hanson, shall constitute Provided Information and may be designated and indicated by Hanson as a trade secret on the terms and conditions described above. 14 The City may employ an independent expert to audit Hanson's records concerning the amount of Aggregate removed from the Property. The City shall provide Hanson with thirty (30) days written notice of the audit. The expert shall produce a report to the City showing the period audited, containing the total amount of Aggregate removed during that period, and describing in detail any discrepancies or exceptions that the audit revealed. Discrepancies involving less than 25,000 tons of Aggregate shall be considered de minimis. Such discrepancies shall be added to or subtracted from, as the case may be, the total aggregate removed from Crabtree Quarry so that no more than 30 million tons shall be removed. The audit report (and supporting documentation) shall constitute Provided Information and may be designated and indicated by Hanson as a trade secret on the terms and conditions described above. The parties acknowledge that Hanson has indicated an intent to designate these materials as a trade secret. Hanson shall cooperate with any expert employed by the City to carry out activities described in this section. Hanson shall make available all relevant business records requested by the expert within a reasonable time after the request. If the parties dispute the amount of Aggregate removed during any audit period, the parties and any experts employed by them shall confer in good faith and use their best efforts to resolve any disputes. 3. No Admission. Hanson and the City agree and understand that this Settlement Agreement, subject to North Carolina General Statute § 1C -1, Rule 408, and the settlement terms set out above are solely for purposes of settlement and are a compromise of the dispute between the City and Hanson. Hanson and the City agree to the entry of this Settlement Agreement, but this Settlement Agreement shall be not be deemed an admission of any fact or position at law except and solely as necessary for enforcement of this Settlement Agreement. The Parties have entered into this Settlement Agreement solely to avoid the expense, uncertainty and inconvenience of litigation. 4. Injunctive Relief. Hanson and the City agree and understand that the terms of this Settlement Agreement may be enforced by either Party by action for specific performance, injunctive relief, or other remedy as by law provided or as set forth herein. 5. Remedies Cumulative. The remedies contained herein shall be cumulative and asserting a particular remedy shall not preclude a party from asserting any other rights or seeking any other remedies against any other party as provided herein or by applicable law. 6. Cooperation. Hanson and the City agree that should this Settlement Agreement be challenged or appealed in a court of law or otherwise, Hanson and the City shall cooperate in the defense of the Settlement Agreement. Hanson and the City will vigorously defend this Settlement Agreement. Hanson further agrees that it shall provide competent attorneys to defend the Settlement Agreement and that it shall pursue all appeals and petitions available to it or to the City to challenge any adverse decision. In addition, Hanson and the City agree that the City shall cooperate and shall not interfere 15 with Hanson's efforts to renew its lease with the N.C. Department of Transportation during the Excavation Period, so long as such renewal or modification is consistent with the terms hereof. Hanson and the City agree to execute any supplementary documents necessary to put the terms of this Settlement Agreement into effect. 7. Release of All Claims Against City. Hanson, for itself and for its representatives, agents, successors and assigns, unconditionally and forever releases the City, its employees, its officers, and its elected officials of and from any and all actions, compensation, claims, including claims for attorneys' fees, interest, costs, damages, debts, expenses, suits at law or in equity, and demands of any description, whether known or unknown, now existing or which may hereafter accrue, arising out of any matter or thing done, omitted, or suffered to be done by any of the persons, firms, or corporations herein released before, up to, and including the date of this Settlement Agreement on account of any violations of right, injuries, losses, breaches of contract, or damage of any kind, related in any way to the use of the Property, zoning restrictions on the Property, the City's enforcement actions concerning the Property, or public records requests made by or on behalf of Hanson, all occurring at any time prior to the Effective Date. However, nothing in this release relinquishes Hanson's rights under this Settlement Agreement. 8. Attorney's Fees. This Settlement Agreement resolves any claim for attorney's fees or costs as between Hanson and the City, its employees, its officers, and its elected officials related to the matters described in the Release of All Claims Against City and those described in this Settlement Agreement. Each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs. 9. Waiver of Rights. Hanson waives any rights it may have to use the Property as a non- conforming use except as provided in this Settlement Agreement and the attachments to it. Hanson specifically relinquishes and abandons any claim to use the portion of the Property to the south of Crabtree Creek as a non - conforming use except for the use of the settling ponds and Temporary Storage Area as set forth in this Settlement Agreement. Hanson agrees that no non - conforming use status applies to the portion of the Property assigned PIN numbers 0786308569, 0786512559, and 0786620033. Hanson further agrees that the permissible scope of the non - conforming use of the Property is only as set out in this Settlement Agreement and its attachments. 10. Full and Final Resolution. It is the intent of the parties that this Settlement Agreement fully, finally, and forever ends all disputes about the non - conforming status of all portions of the Crabtree Quarry, including the Property. Neither this Settlement Agreement, nor any provision hereof, may be waived, modified, amended, discharged or terminated except by written instrument signed by the City and Hanson. 11. Withdrawal of BOA Appeal. Within 45 days after the Effective Date, Hanson shall withdraw its pending Board of Adjustment appeal so long as no appeal is taken from 16 Exhibit 2. If any appeal is taken from Exhibit 2, then Hanson shall withdraw its pending Board of Adjustment appeal within 45 days after a final resolution of all of the challenges to Exhibit 2 that substantially upholds the terms contained in Exhibit 2. 12. Non- severability. If any part of this Settlement Agreement is determined is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under any current law or regulation, then the entire Settlement Agreement shall be null and void and shall have no force and effect. 13. Bind and Benefit. The terms and conditions contained in this Settlement Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective representatives, successors and assigns, including, but not limited to any and all future owners of the Property. 14. No Waiver. The failure of the City or Hanson or their successors or assigns to enforce any covenant, condition, or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver by the City or Hanson or their successors or assigns of their rights to thereafter enforce the same nor shall any liability attach to the City or to Hanson for failure to enforce any provision of this Settlement Agreement. 15. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Hanson and the City shall cause to be recorded with the Wake County Register of Deeds the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions attached as Exhibit 14 setting forth the terms and conditions hereof that run with the land and that will bind future owners of the Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Hanson and the City have executed the foregoing, under seal, by the signatures of their respective, duly authorized officers, the day and year first above written. 17 The City of Raleigh C Atte, m "WWII -j", lolpmw; IA .Mall 18 Exhibits Exhibit 1: Operation Plan Exhibit 2: Memorandum of Opinion Exhibit 3: Option Agreement - Property to be Conveyed to City Exhibit 4: Berm, Northern Boundary Exhibit 5: Blasting Limits Exhibit 6: Entrance Relocation and Landscaping Exhibit 7: Arbitration Protocol Exhibit 8: Dust Control Guidance Plan Exhibit 9: Crabtree Creek East of Duraleigh Greenway Easement Exhibit 10: Conservation Easement Exhibit 11: Temporary and Provisional Greenway Easement Exhibit 12: Permanent Greenway Easement South of Crabtree Creek Exhibit 13: Nature Preserve Area Exhibit 14: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions 19