HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140727 Ver 1_1972 Mining Pmt App_20150218State of North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources Office of Earth Resources Mining Division 1. Name of Mine Crabtree Quarry 2. Name of Company Nello L. Teer Company 3. Home Office Address County Wake 4. Permanent address for receipt of official mail Same as Above Telephone _2j_qjLBZ-Lj_qj_ 5. Mine Office Address 5001 Duraleigh Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Telephone -, 919/787-0613 ........ . ............ 6. Mine Manager j_[uLrb,_B. Hoo,k..s - . ....... ...... Date June 15, 1972 *Signature of company officer required. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A. General Characteristics of Mine. 1. Total acreage at site for which permit is requested: 4 Present depth of mine .1.50 .... . ....... . ... . ...... 5. Expected maximum depth of mine 2004- 6. Area of previous activity: (Identify these areas on your mine map.) a. Area of previously affected land at present site that is inactive as of July 1, 1972: one b. Acres previously reclaimed at present site B, Determination of Affected Acreage and Bond, I. Number of years for which permit is requested 10 (10 years maximum). 2. Total affected acreage: a. Area used for tailing ponds 3 acres b. Area used for stockpiles acres c. Area used for waste piles 4 acres d. Area used for processing plants 10 acres e. Area of active mine excavation as of July 1, 1972 60 acres f, Estimate annual acreage of new land disturbed by mining 0 g. Estimate total land disturbed by mining that is subject to reclamation by multiplying Item 2f by 3= 0 acres TOTAL OF 2a through 2g 89 acres APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 3. Check acreage to be bonded: Total affected acreage figure from B, 2 equals acreage to be bonded. 0 - 4.99 acres ($ 2,500.bond) 5 - 9.99 acres ($ 5,000 bond) 10 - 24.99 acres ($12,500 bond) 25+ acres ($25,000 bond) 4. Will your company file a blanket bond covering all of its mining opera- tions in North Carolina? Yes No Check the amount of blanket bond: $2,500 $12;500 $5,000 $25,000 C. 1. What aspect of your mining operation may have significant effect on wild- life, or freshwater, estuarine or marine fisheries? lz# - 2. Is there a waste water discharge from your plant or mine? Yes L1 No 11 If yes, indicate the approval document number issued by the Office of Water and Air Resources, Department of Natural and Economic Resources. Perni.it No. 1922 Eyn3iration Date June 30 197.5 b. Is there an air contaminant emission from your mine or plant? Yes 1:1 No 2 If yes, indicate the approval document number issued by the Office of Water and Air Resources, Department of Natural and Economic Resources, . ......... 3. If your mining excavation will come within 300 feet of any neighboring K APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT dwelling house,. school, church, hospital, commercial or industria building, public building or public road, describe methods to prevent ithysical hazard to such features. The mining excavation is within approximately 300 feet of Duraleigh Road. No other buildings or institutions are involved. A barrier berm has been constructed between the excavated area and Duraleigh Road. . Modern de- lay techniques and maximum charges are used to control blasting to eliminate any noise or vibration hazards to adjacent areas. Blasting I is only performed during specified times on each day. Blasting is not performed when weather conditions are unfavorable. Weather conditions considered are: wind direc- tion and velocity, inversions, humidity and other pertinent factors that would effect noise and vibrdtion during blasting. 4. Describe measures to. be taken to insure against (1) substantial deposits of sediment in stream beds or lakes, (2) landslides, (3) acid water pollution. To eliminate erosion and siltation, erodible areas will be or have been pro- tected in accordance with the revegetation plan detailed with this Application. The water used for washing aggregates is processed through a series of settling basins with a controlled discharge. The settling basins are so constructed that any accumulation of silt can be excavated by dragline methods and.,disposed of in waste area; all in accordance with the wastewater 'collection and treatment facilities as approved by the North Carolina Board of Water and Air Resources under Permit No. 1922. The quality of the wash water is periodically analyzed for turbidity, suspended solids and pH. The washing, of the crushed granite does not effect the chem- istry of the wash water in any way. To prevent land slides, erodible slopes in disposal areas and adjacent to the excavation will be at a gradient no steeper than 11:1, and will be protected in accordance with the revegetation plans included herein. Reclamation Plan 1. Describe your intended plan for the reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and, indicate the general methods to be used in re- claiming this land. The reclamation plan is to return the site to a natural state when operations are terminated. A master plan has been developed and systematically as quarrying continues it is directed towards this plan. In general, the lower portion of the pit area will be permitted to fill with water; the settling basins will be cleaned of silt and made into ponds. The pit area pond and settling basins will be stocked with fish and other aquatic life. All disturbed areas will be developed 'and restored as set forth in the revegetation plan. It is envisioned that the restored quarry site will be of an open space concept; picnicking,'. hiking, sightseeing, fishing and swimming are a few of the activities that could go can in this area. 2. Indicate what practices you will take to protect adjacent surface resources. Adjacent resources will be protected by the stabilization of erodible slopes as set forth in the revegetation plan. Wash water will be treated in settling basins as hereinbefore described. 3. State the method of prevention or elimination of conditions that will be hazardous to animal or fish life in or adjacent to the affected areas: Fish life in the Crabtree. Creek will be protected by the above described methods. To insure adequate, protective cover and food for animal life, only the necessary area required to economically operate the quarry are being disturbed. When possible, the existing trees and vegetation are allowed to remain. In disturbed erodible areas, the revegetation plan prescribes the planting of sericea lespedeza and in some locations pine trees. These will provide food and protective cover for animal life in the general area. 4. Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all excavations in rock. All excavation in rock is in excess of 300 feet from any adjacent property. Protection of the nearest property is detailed in paragraph 3 of the Applica- tion for A Mining Permit. The entrance roads to the quarry are protected by a substantial metal gate which is locked at all times when the quarry is not operating. To provide safety to persons the periphery of the excavation area will be protected by massive .boulders. To insure stability of the rock slopes the excavation is being performed in approximately 30 foot benches with an appropriate safety ledge between each bench. Reclamation Plan 5. Describe plans, if any, for screening operations from public view. Parallel to the east limits of the quarry excavation, a barrier berm has been planted in pines and lespedeza and s'creens, the quarry operation from public view along Duraleigh Road. 6. State the -method of rehabilitation of settling ponds if to be reclaimed during the life of the permit. It is not intended that the settling basins. will be reclaimed during the life of this permit. Should for any unforeseen reasons it,would be necessary to abandon this quarry prior to the ten year tenure of this permit, the settling basins will be cleaned out and developed into useable ponds as described above. 7. State the method of control of contaminants and disposal of mining refuse: All of the crushing and processing equipment uses electricity for a source of power. The only fuel used is in the excavating and hauling equipment. This is principally diesel fuel which is stored in underground tanks and dis- pensed directly into the equipment. Lubricating oils removed from equip- ment at oil change periods is utilized for dust control on quarry travel ways. There are no chemicals involved in this operation. Metallic scrapes and similar wastes are transported off the quarry site for disposal through other commercial agencies. The debris that may result from clearing operations is buried in disposal areas. All strippings are placed in protective berms or in disposal areas in accordance with the master reclamation plan. 8. Indicate the method of restoration or establishment of stream channels and stream beds to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution: Slopes of banks of Crabtree Creek adjacent to the Plant are protected with dumped rock rip rap. Any accumulations of silt in the Creek are periodically cleaned out. Reclamation Plan 9. Describe provisions for prevention of noxious, odious or foul water collect - ing or remaining in mined areas. During the active life of the quarry, the pit area is continuously dewatered by using pumps. Settling ponds are kept fresh by the continual intake and discharge of wash water from the process operation. Ultimate reclamation of the settling basins and pit area was hereinbefore described. 10. Describe how the surface gradient in unconsolidated materials will be re- stored to a condition suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land after reclamation is completed and proposed method of accomplishment; In general, no unconsolidated materials will exist on the site. As strip - pings are placed in the disposal areas it is compacted by the hauling and spreading equipment. In these areas as well as other erodible areas, the slopes and gradients will be compatible to the revegetation plan herein described. Reclamation Plan 11. Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. Note requirement of ReRulation Number 1. See-Attach,�-d Sheet Revegetation and/or reforestation plan approved by: Signature Title Agency' Date. 1 1 � "" OUR SOIL 0WR EE 31 . The District Board encourages the company to apply the measures planned as quickly as possible and as.scede., Technical assistance is available through the District Program and we hope that you will contact us if problems arise or changes in.t e plan are needed. Sincerely, J r Roy zm e , Chairman NC-CONS-2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 12-70 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Name Crabtree Qqarry Address Duraleigh Rd. , Raleigh, N.C. zjQ SOILS ON THIS UNIT OF LAND ARE MAP SYMBOL MAPPING UNIT AgB2 Applying gravelly sandy loam 2 to 6-perc.ent slopes, erodec' ApD Applying sandy loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes CeD Cecil sandy loam, 10 Lo 15,percent slopes CeF Cecil sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes Cg B2 Cecil gravelly sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded CC'C andy Cecil gravelly sandy` loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes Cg C2 Cecil gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded Cm Chewacla soils Co Congaree fine sandy loam Ma Made land Me Mantachie soils WKE Wake soils, 10 to 25 percent slopes INTERPRETATIVE INTERPRETATIONS OF SOILS GROUPINGS Area to be treated are principally mixed overburden from many of the above, soils. The general. condition will . make establishment of vegetation difficult and .should be.treated as infertile, low. organic, low water holding capacity and unstable soils. USDA-$CS-FORT WORTH. TM 1970 Nia-CONS- 1. 12 =76 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE FIELD ACRES LAND USE NO, 0 P-, 'poss/myt/ exfd;'P�' 1600-afpo-de 67 1/5- Iia—'ral Iml RIERM Farm Boundary ............. I . . Field Boundary... .... .. CONSERVATWN PLAN MAP LEGENK) Land Use Boundary Within Field N am e —4, .... ... . ...... ....... . .......... . . V.— ...... . ..... Add ir es p .. . . . ............. z i p FIELD ACRES LAND USE NO, 0 P-, 'poss/myt/ exfd;'P�' 1600-afpo-de 67 1/5- Iia—'ral Iml RIERM Farm Boundary ............. I . . Field Boundary... .... .. Land Use Boundary Within Field Field Number .............. Private Road ........... ..... w—M Public Road ............ Buildings.... ...... HOUSE CHURCH SCHOOL Perennial Stream. Intermittent Stream .......... Vegetative Waterway ... EXISTING PLANNED Fence —X—X- Terrace . . . . . . • . . . —T -- Divers ion . . . . . . Open Drain . . . . . . . . Tile Drain . . . . . . Pond . . . . . . . . . . ... Excavated Pond Field Border. .......... . 0 — Firebreak ......... F F F_— F....- NC-CONS-13 2 -71 COOPERATOR Cr tree ua �r ASSISTED By E, pm Waller., Jr. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DATE J ne 33 R SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE •--- • -- -•-- -w RECORD OF COOPERATOR'S DECISIONS AND PROGRESS IN APPLICATION FIELD NUMBER PLANNED APPLIED LAND USE AND TREATMENT MONTH AMOUNT YEAR AMOUNT AND YEAR P riodic lly 2 25 1972-78 Place overburden to form slopes along creek 2: or flatter. Where not practical to shape to this slope, treat with rip -rap rather than vegetation. Also shape with diversions to direct runoff into stabilized outlets. Prior to seeding, broadcast 4000 Tbs. of agricultural limestone and 1000 Tbs. of 10 -1-07 - fertilizer per acre. Work into top 3-to 4 ". For permanent_ seeding, use the following mixtu of materials per acre: I. From March 15 to June 30 a. 40 lbs. of scarified sericea b. 5 Tbs. hulled bermuda c. 5 lbs.. of weeping lovegrass` 2.: From September 15 to January 7 a. 60. lbs. of unscarified sericea b.- 5 lbs. of unhulled bermuda c.. 20 lbs. of tall fescue grass Cover and firm following seeding. Mulch. with straw or old hay using 2500 lbs. per acre. Where temporary seeding is needed to provide cover for any area to be exposed as much as 90 days, or due to season, apply lime and fertili Z as recommended for permanent seeding. Use the following seed mixtures per acre for temporary vegetation: 1. Late winter and spring a. 2 bu.. of rye b. 30 lbs . of ryegrass 2. Summer a. 45 lbs. of sudan grass b. 4 lbs. of weeping lovegrass USDA -SCS FORT WORTH. TEX. 1671 10 re e NC- CONS -8 COOPERATOR Crabtree Quarry 2-71 ASSISTED BY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DATE .,�®.:.... SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE " " " " " RECORD OF COOPERATOR'S DECISIONS AND PROGRESS IN APPLICATION FIELD NUMBER PLANNED APPLIED LAND USE AND TREATMENT AMOUNT YEAR AMOUNT MONTH AND YEAR 3. Late summer - early winter 1. 1 bu. of rye 2. 20 lbs. of ryegrass 1972 Stabilize outlets to divert surface water down slopes along road with rip-rap. 2 2400 Ft. 1973 Following seeding of slopes, plant loblolly pi seedlings at 4 x 4' spacing, at least 3 rows. 5 35 Ac. 1973 Continue berm along state.road edge,,stabilizi and planting slope to at least 2:1 or use rip - rap if necessary to have steep slopes. 5 1800 Ft. 1973--j4 Install diversions to divert surface runoff into old pit at such time operations move to Field No..4 or sooner, if possible. 5 2 No. In tallec Maintain settling basins, removing deposits as 1 No. 1973 necessary to provide adequate storage area. Install third basin and maintain accordingly. Maintain vegetation along southern borders of this area on slopes of Crabtree Creek.. 3 & 4 55 Ac. Borrow pits and.areas of operation. 6 7 Ac. 1972 Site of asphalt plant, presently under lease 1 second party. Stabilize abandoned settling basin on bank of Crabtree Creek in manner described for Field No. 2. 1 & 7 109 Ac. To remain in woods for next ten years. This pl n is to be reviewed at least annually to determi e adequacy and need for revision.in order to reduce ediment leaving the site. USDR-SCS FORT WORTH. TEX, I971 USDA-SCS-FONT WORTH. TEX. 1971 NC-CONS-4 1-71 SOIL MAP N A pprox. Scale I CgC2 Prepared By cl( USDA, SOIL CONSERVATMN SERVICE COOPER-ATING WITH 'THE N. C. AGRICULTURAL EX PEFUMEN'r STA'TION AND THE - /', 0 " f-,— . ....S IL & WATER CONSERVATMN DISTMc"r Owner (,::z rI Iv' , ?4A 1P Operator . ...... — — - ---------------- - — - ------- - -- - Date P h-12L5IP M County - rzi . ..... State ........ . ..... . ...... . .......... — Sheet & Code No. . .......... ......... . . .... . . ............. USDA-SCS-FONT WORTH. TEX. 1971 CgC2 cl( d CgC2 cl( c r� QUARRY AFALEICAJ, 0 6 `l e A tae 12. Provide a time schedule that meets the requirements of Section 8 of this Acm The dikes and slopes of the settling basins have previously been seeded in fescue grass. This has developed a reasonable stand of revegetation. Main- tenance reseeding will be performed in the Fall of 1972. Other erodible areas designated on the revegetation plan will be planted in the Fall of 1972. The purpose of planting all of these areas as soon as possible is to minimizt4o and/or eliminate erosion and siltation to Crabtree Creek and adjacent areas. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT *Signature should be the same as the officer who signed the application for a permit®