HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurry_Well Abandonment_20230428 •
APR2S2023 .
Iniorffr;:; Cf r'r�
WELL AB .�c" 1 1 Ir C D.' -g t,�:-
. Fortreenmt>rls i ets'
This form can be used for single or multiple wells -
1.WellContr actar Inifonmatlon: WELL ABA DONNtUSEN`T MAILS�arntt✓ fe.A.A_ 'ru-r-
7a.Number evens being abandoned:
wenCenuecr (orticcllamierpeaoaattyyabzzmioaiag�vcttonLislherpivpem) Tyr multiple infection er r-uanr supp!}'wells ONLY -with fhe MM.dray ^'1 U�� `—r emulmrnar,SBwrdarrmejg you ratrrsuhutilmtejorm
NC MU Contactor Ceriifioui,onNumbec 7b App�q'senate volume of water remaining is nvcld(s): `(gel.)
Company Name
�// 4jL ��f /It 7c.Typeof disinfectant used:
2.Well Construction Permit 1� '2 b
List all applicable we1I permits(i.e.Couni}:Slate,Variance,lnjapfan.eie)fr;•nmrn 7d Amount or disinfectant Used:
3.Well use(cheek nail use):
Water Supply Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apply):
°Agricultural ,- OMtoricipai/pubGc O Neat Cement Gaut U BentoniteChip sorPellets
DGeathermal(iicatin/Caoling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) a Sand Cement Grout 0 D:y Clay
Qindustriat/Commercial GResidentiat Water Supply(altered) 14 Concrete Grout II Drill Cuttings
. [irrigation Cl Specialty Grout Cl Gravel
Non-Water Supply Welk Cl Bentonite Slurry Cl Other(avian under 7g)
[Monitoring. fRecovery
- Injection Well: if.For each material selected above,provide amount of materials used:
0AquiferRecharge GGmnndwaterRwnediation :°' C
°Aquifer Storage and Recovery . t7SalinityBenier sf
DAquiferTest GStormwmterDrainage
DExperimentat Technology GSahsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment
pro�da re:CGeothermul(Closed Loop) Mawr d( lIif' pp ���OGeothermal(HeatingCoolingRetum) ClOther(erplainunder7g) /
rd0e +
d:Datewdi(s)abanlonad: it 2 Lit— 2 V
JA5on &d2k,ifr
Facili /OwncrMune Facility(DM(ifapplicahle) o.Certitaeatioa: �+
33 L. J 1 11 Oi 1- A of-oi i#65,-/e .� �E--97G y "7� �3
phystca ddress,City,andEp r of cm W4CentrouororWellOwner Dare
.)(((C y By signing Ibis fore,I hereby cerii.9 Drat the wells)was(ware)abandoned in
County Purest identification No.(PIN) accordance with ISA NC.1C 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards
and that a copy ofthis record has been provided to thetvell owner.
Sb.Lafitude and Ion trade in dcga eesf mnutcslseeonds or decimal degrees:
(ifvfx11 field,an;tatllcu saffeicm) 9 Site diagram or additionaltvel details
317 dtitle y►1/I N �f f �s You
u imay
m use
the backba of this page to provide additional well site details or well
!� I6 (f ! 4° i'F may also attach additional pages if necessay.
Attach well eonntrnefan records)if mailable. For rmttipie hyrax or non-water soppy
wells ONLY with tbe suateconstnottowhbantionntent,you=submit malaria. l0a,For All Wells: Submit this from'within 30 days of completion of well
• abandonment ho the following:
_ 6a.Wdi113O: -
Division ofWater Resources,InformationProcessing Unit,
fib.Total well depth: 4�✓`� (ft) 1617 NIail Service Center,Raleigb,IVC27699-1617
10b.•For Trajection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a
above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well
• 6e.Borehole diameter i Gam) abandonment to thefolla►vir
Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Proge-ram,
6d.@Vatet-revel betotvgrotnadsnrface: (R.) - 1G36 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27693-1636
14/ lOe.For Water Stroud,&injection!Welts: in addition to sending the form to
ba Outer casing length(i.brown): / (ft.) the'address(es)above,also submit lane copy of this form within 30 days of
completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county
whale abandoned.
aInner cnsiugltnbiag length(if known): (It)
- APR 2 8
i 41 an
.V V ELL ABANDONMENT RLCORA 8m•Gnerrat UseONLY:' 4'1° 't')1,•1 URl ' -
This form canbe nsed for single or multiple wells
1.Welt Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS
.geetilerrifiteraM011 iAe d / l?i 7n.Number ofwelis being abandoned: l" .
Welt Con,�erorNema(emeltawnerp r o abandani nt r.lionhhIlterpmpc"`) For midge injection or nen•;rarer supp(r urns ONLY vier the saute
cott:<mcGan aLmrrlarrnttmt,YOU txrrsuhrnitmtoJoir;t.
71r.Approximate volume of water retraining in went*1 ) (gal.) .
NC WeHantrdetarCcrtifcmionNumber
Comp:myna= 7e.Typeo€disinf'ectantused: t J A
2.Well ConstructionFerodei: 1161/L 2 2.` 4e e��LW ell applied*soli posits P.m Calmly.Stole,Variance,hp:non,cm.)ifkuanvl 7d.,ionnt of disinfectant used: 1 fJ/e 3.Well use(check well Use): •
Water Supply Well: 7e.5ealiug materials used(elmcit`ah thatapp►y):
DAgriculturai cMunicipallPablic Cl NeatCement Grout ❑Bentonite Chips orPeltets
QG�Ihermal(HeatinelCoolingSuppj}) QResidauiaiV.aterSupply(sinale) CI Sand Cement Grout , 0 Drr Clay
Concrete Grove Q Drill Cuttings
QIndushiallGammercial C]Residetttiat Water Supply(shared) �Specialty Grout i]Gravel
NLntW ter Q BentoniteSliiny ' Q Other(etplainunder%)
l3Monitoriiig 011ecov ` 7E For eaefl raatcrial s acted above,proeideatrwuat of materials used:
• Injection Well:
['Aquifer Recharge cGroundwaterRetnediation 3 v
UAquifer Storage and Recovery- QSalinitpBarrier 7
ClAquiferTest QStomnraterDtairtd_e
C1Reperimental Technology DSnbsidencs Control • 7g.rvide a brief description of the abandonment re t
DGcothermal(Closed Loop) ClTmcer �al�T M � �� l�y �/
OGeothenna((FIcawig1CoolingRettuu)" QUther(esplainunder?g) 4,4 /,J tom_ 4. r /F
tt - l ti tin? / ,c/' 4i , lc,/ - - >/e.
4:DatewclI(s)aoaadoacd: �� � I � / •
5a.Welllocation: 1 -lei feve c•,,,7 t C
r r
Fgcinty/Q m.Homo i' ity is5 feApl cahic)
.51 (e,e9.1(feiritSi' �eni• •Wel1Conhaet; . �ner t cPhy" Address. aad.4) .
7 By signing this form,I , :, that the wilts)ions(vere)abandoned in
County�t accordance with 15A NC QI00 or IC.0200 Well Construction Standards
County facet idenu6catianito.(PIN)
and that a copy oflhisrecord has beenprovPded to tlremelt owner.
51a.Latitude and longitude in dv ecsfsninutcsfseconds or de and degrees: 9 Site diagram or additiomtl+reell details:
Orwell field,asr:latlioosit su0•ieicta) Yon maguse the back of this page to provide add tional nrcil-site details or well
/6"11115.7 N fa,7 (/1 / f " "W abandanmeatdetails.Yonmaynlsoattach additional paw ifusite ty:
Attach well coonnectint+rncord(s}d•mailable. For multiple injection or non-water supply p
nelts ONLY leliltMrsantecmutnaaiewbbondatmtentyan con sllboln far+n• i�.d TQtun All tWensthe: Suimit this form within 3D of com letion of well
6a.Well IiY`: DivisionafWater Resources,Information Processing Unit,
1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
lOb,•For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in l0a
above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well
Sc.Borehole diamelet: Cm•) J abandonment-to the following
�j Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program,
6d.Water level below groundsurface: ✓ (f) • 106 Nan Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699^1636
/ t0e.For Water Supply ea Injection Wats: In addition to sending the farm to
" de.Outer easing length(ii€loomu): fj (ft) the addtess(es)above,also submit one copy of this fano within 30 days of
• completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county
whets abandoned.
6E Inner casiogtmbinglength(if imatvn):,___....—.«) •